Zprmrnot 22868079 21565386
Zprmrnot 22868079 21565386
Zprmrnot 22868079 21565386
Date of Maturity Loan Amount Loan Interest Loan interest Due From Date
31/03/2053 - - -
Customer GSTIN No Taxable Value Invoice Value
Code Code Supply @18% @9% @ 9%
UP 997132 UP 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Please Note :
Please consult your tax advisor for applicable tax benefits.
Only Policy Owner of the Policy can avail Tax exemption of Premium paid either fully or partly , under Sec. 80C of Income Tax Act 1961 & Premium paid towards Critical Illness Rider,
Waiver of Premium Rider and Disability Benefit Rider are eligible for deduction under 80D subject to the conditions as contained therein.
Premium shall be adjusted on the due date even if it has been received in advance, Premium payment received is subject to realization.
Any excess payment received would be refunded without interest.
GST and relevant cess are charged at rates applicable from time to time and are to be borne by the policy holder.
For applicable customers who have not furnished the form 60\61 along with renewal premium. PNB MetLife presumes that the reason, furnished at the time of applying for the policy, for
the customer to not have a PAN continues to remain the same.
All amount is in Indian Rupees (`) unless otherwise specified.
The marks “PNB” and “MetLife” are the registered trademarks of Punjab National Bank and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, respectively. PNB MetLife India Insurance
Company Limited is a licensed user of these marks”.
Beware of Spurious phone calls and fictitious/ fraudulent offers. (1) IRDA clarifies to the public that the IRDAI and its officials are not involved in
activities like the sale of any kind of insurance or financial products, nor do they invest premiums. (2)The IRDAI does not announce any bonus and
members of the public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint, along with the call details and the phone number.