Wais IV Report
Wais IV Report
Wais IV Report
Test Administered WAI S–I V (8/ 24/ 2009) Age at Testing 62 years 4 months Retest? No
WMS–I V (8/ 24/ 2009) 62 years 4 months No
Client is a 62-year-old married male who lives with spouse/partner and has been for the past 32 years.
He has 3 children.
Client has been diagnosed with hypertension and sleep disturbances. He is currently taking medication
and/or receiving treatment for hypertension.
Client is currently retired. Previously, for 26 years Client was employed full-time as a(n) Manager. It
is reported that his work performance was satisfactory.
Verbal Comprehension
Client’s verbal reasoning abilities as measured by the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) are in the
high average range and above those of approximately 75% of his peers (VCI = 110; 95% confidence
interval = 104-115). The VCI is designed to measure verbal reasoning and concept formation. Client’s
performance on the verbal subtests contributing to the VCI presents a diverse set of verbal abilities, as
he performed much better on some verbal tasks than others. The degree of variability is unusual and
may be noticeable to those who know him well. Examination of Client’s performance on individual
subtests provides additional information regarding his specific verbal abilities.
Client achieved his best performance among the verbal reasoning tasks on the Information subtest. His
strong performance on the Information subtest was better than that of most of his peers.
The Information subtest required Client to respond orally to questions about common events, objects,
places, and people. The subtest is primarily a measure of his fund of general knowledge. Performance
on this subtest also may be influenced by cultural experience and quality of education, as well as his
ability to retrieve information from long-term memory (Information scaled score = 13).
Perceptual Reasoning
Client’s nonverbal reasoning abilities as measured by the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) are in the
average range and above those of approximately 61% of his peers (PRI =104; 95% confidence interval
= 98-110). The PRI is designed to measure fluid reasoning in the perceptual domain with tasks that
assess nonverbal concept formation, visual perception and organization, visual-motor coordination,
learning, and the ability to separate figure and ground in visual stimuli. Client’s performance on the
perceptual reasoning subtests contributing to the PRI is somewhat variable, although the magnitude of
this difference in performance is not unusual among individuals his age. Examination of Client’s
performance on individual subtests provides additional information regarding his specific nonverbal
Client achieved his best performance among the nonverbal reasoning tasks on the Visual Puzzles
subtest and his lowest score on the Block Design subtest. His performance across these areas differs
significantly and suggest that these are the areas of most pronounced strength and weakness,
respectively, in Client’s profile of perceptual reasoning abilities.
The Block Design subtest required Client to use two-color cubes to construct replicas of two-
dimensional, geometric patterns. This subtest assesses nonverbal fluid reasoning and the ability to
mentally organize visual information. More specifically, this subtest assesses his ability to analyze
part-whole relationships when information is presented spatially. Performance on this task also may be
influenced by visual-spatial perception and visual perception-fine motor coordination, as well as
planning ability (Block Design scaled score = 9). The Visual Puzzles subtest required Client to view a
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completed puzzle and select three response options that, when combined, reconstruct the puzzle, and
do so within a specified time limit. This subtest is designed to measure nonverbal reasoning and the
ability to analyze and synthesize abstract visual stimuli. Performance on this task also may be
influenced by visual perception, broad visual intelligence, fluid intelligence, simultaneous processing,
spatial visualization and manipulation, and the ability to anticipate relationships among parts (Visual
Puzzles scaled score = 12).
Working Memory
Client’s ability to sustain attention, concentrate, and exert mental control is in the average range. He
performed better than approximately 63% of his peers in this area (Working Memory Index (WMI) =
105; 95% confidence interval 98-111).
Processing Speed
Client’s ability in processing simple or routine visual material without making errors is in the low
average range when compared to his peers. He performed better than approximately 18% of his peers
on the processing speed tasks (Processing Speed Index [PSI] = 86; 95% confidence interval 79-96).
Processing visual material quickly is an ability that Client performs poorly as compared to his verbal
and nonverbal reasoning ability. Processing speed is an indication of the rapidity with which Client
can mentally process simple or routine information without making errors. Because learning often
involves a combination of routine information processing (such as reading) and complex information
processing (such as reasoning), a weakness in the speed of processing routine information may make
the task of comprehending novel information more time-consuming and difficult for Client. Thus, this
weakness in simple visual scanning and tracking may leave him less time and mental energy for the
complex task of understanding new material.
Client was referred for an evaluation by Dr. G, his physician, secondary to Neurological difficulties.
Client is a 62-year-old male who completed the WAIS–IV. His general cognitive ability, as estimated
by the WAIS–IV, is in the average range (FSIQ = 103).Client’s general verbal comprehension abilities
were in the high average range (VCI = 110), and his general perceptual reasoning abilities were in the
average range (PRI = 104). Client’s ability to sustain attention, concentrate, and exert mental control is
in the average range (WMI = 105). Client’s ability in processing simple or routine visual material
without making errors is in the low average range when compared to his peers (PSI = 86).
Auditory Memory
The Auditory Memory Index (AMI) is a measure of Client’s ability to listen to oral information, repeat
it immediately, and then recall the information after a 20 to 30 minute delay. Compared to other
individuals his age, Client's auditory memory capacity is in the Low Average range (AMI = 87, 95%
Confidence Interval = 81-94) and exceeds that of approximately 19 percent of individuals in his age
However, it is important to note that the expressive language difficulties that Client appeared to
experience during the assessment are suspected of having had a minimal effect on his ability to fully
express his auditory memory capacity.
To determine if Client’s auditory memory capacity is consistent with his general intellectual ability, a
comparison between his GAI and AMI index scores is recommended. Client’s performance on the
GAI and AMI indicate that his ability to recall information presented orally is significantly lower than
expected when compared to his general intellectual ability (GAI = 107; AMI = 87). Such difference is
rare and may be noticeable to those close to him. Client’s ability to recall information presented orally
is in the Low Average range when compared others with similar general intellectual ability (9th
percentile). This result indicates that his auditory memory is lower than expected, given his level of
general intellectual functioning (GAI vs. AMI Contrast Scaled Score = 6).
Client’s ability to recall information presented orally is in the Low Average range when compared to
others with similar verbal comprehension (9th percentile). This result indicates that his auditory
memory is lower than expected, given his level of verbal comprehension (VCI vs. AMI Contrast
Scaled Score = 6).
Visual Memory
On the Visual Memory Index (VMI), a measure of memory for visual details and spatial location,
Client performed in the Low Average range (VMI = 86, 95% Confidence Interval = 81-92). Client's
visual memory capacity exceeds that of approximately 18 percent of individuals in his age group.
To determine if Client’s visual memory function is consistent with his general intellectual ability, a
comparison between his performance on the VMI and GAI is recommended. Client’s ability to recall
information presented visually is significantly lower than expected when compared to his general
intellectual ability (GAI = 107; VMI = 86). Furthermore, such difference is rare and may be noticeable
to those close to him. Client’s ability to recall orally presented information is in the Borderline range
when compared to others with similar general intellectual functioning (5th percentile). This result
indicates that his visual memory is much lower than expected, given his level of general intellectual
functioning (GAI vs. VMI Contrast Scaled Score = 5).
Client’s ability to recall information presented orally is in the Low Average range when compared to
others with similar perceptual reasoning ability (9th percentile). This result indicates that his visual
memory is lower than expected, given his level of perceptual reasoning ability (PRI vs. VMI Contrast
Scaled Score = 6).
To determine if Client’s working memory capacity for visual information is consistent with his general
intellectual ability, a comparison between his performance on the VWMI and GAI is recommended.
Client’s performance on the GAI and VWMI indicates that his working memory capacity for visual
information is consistent with his level of general intellectual ability (GAI = 107; VWMI = 97).
Client’s working memory capacity for visual information is in the Average range when compared to
others with similar general intellectual functioning (25th percentile). This result suggests there is no
significant difference between his visual working memory and general intellectual functioning (GAI
vs. VWMI Contrast Scaled Score = 8).
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Client’s working memory capacity for visual information is in the Average range when compared to
others of similar perceptual reasoning ability (37th percentile). This result indicates there is no
significant difference between his working memory capacity for visual information and perceptual
reasoning ability (PRI vs. VMI Contrast Scaled Score = 9).
To determine if Client’s auditor working memory function is consistent with his visual working
memory ability, a comparison between his WMI and VWMI index scores is recommended. Client’s
working memory capacity for visual information is in the Average range when compared to others
with similar auditory working memory capacity (25th percentile). This result suggests that there is no
significant difference between his working memory capacity for visually or orally presented
information (WMI vs. VWMI Contrast Scaled Score = 8).
To determine if Client’s immediate memory recall ability is consistent with his general intellectual
functioning, a comparison between his performance on the GAI and IMI is recommended. Client’s
ability to recall information immediately after its presentation is significantly lower than expected,
given his general intellectual ability (GAI = 107; IMI = 86). Furthermore, such difference is rare and
may be noticeable to those close to him. Client’s ability to recall information immediately after its
presentation is in the Borderline range when compared to others of similar general intellectual
functioning (5th percentile). This result suggests that his immediate memory recall is much lower than
expected given his level of general intellectual functioning (GAI vs. IMI Contrast Scaled Score = 5).
In order to determine if Client’s memory recall after a 20–30 minute delay is consistent with his
general intellectual ability, a comparison between his GAI and DMI index scores is recommended.
Client’s ability to recall information after a delay is significantly lower than expected, given his
general intellectual ability (GAI = 107; DMI = 82). In addition, such difference is rare and may be
Copyright © 2009 by NCS Pearson, Inc. Client A
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noticeable to those close to him. Client’s ability to recall information after a delay is in the Borderline
range when compared to others of similar general intellectual ability (5th percentile). This result
suggests that his delayed memory recall is much lower than expected, given his level of general
intellectual functioning (GAI vs. DMI Contrast Scaled Score = 5).
Retention of I nformation
Some individuals lose information between immediate and delayed recall, while others actually
improve their memory performance over time. The overall amount of forgetting and consolidation that
occurred between the immediate and delayed tasks is indicated by the level of Client’s delayed
memory performance given his immediate memory performance. Compared to individuals with a
similar level of immediate memory capacity, Client’s delayed memory performance is in the Low
Average range (16th percentile), indicating that his delayed memory is lower than expected, given his
level of initial encoding.
The degree to which Client forgot the word associations he learned during immediate recall of Verbal
Paired Associates I can be determined by comparing his delayed recall performance to that of others
with a similar level of immediate recall (VPA II Immediate Recall vs. Delayed Recall contrast scaled
score = 6). This comparison indicates that Client displayed a higher than expected rate of forgetting,
given his immediate memory performance.
The degree to which Client forgot the details and relative spatial relationship among elements of the
designs presented during the immediate recall of the Visual Reproduction subtest can be determined
by comparing his ability to recall and draw the designs after a delay to that of individuals with a
similar level of immediate ability (VR Immediate Recall vs. Delayed Recall contrast scaled score = 9).
Based on this comparison, Client is able to recall and draw this type of visual information after a delay
as well as expected, given his level of immediate recall.
Client was administered 10 subtests of the Adult battery of the WMS–IV. Client’s global cognitive
functioning as measured by the BCSE was in the Low Average range, compared to others ages 45 to
69 and of a similar educational background. Client's ability to listen to oral information and repeat it
immediately, and then recall the information after a 20 to 30 minute delay is in the Low Average
range. His memory for visual details and spatial location is in the Low Average range. His ability to
temporarily hold and manipulate spatial locations and visual details is in the Average range. The
influence of Client’s visual memory on his visual working memory should be noted. Compared to
individuals with similar visual working memory capacity, Client’s visual memory performance is in
the Low Average range, indicating that his visual memory is lower than expected, given his level of
visual working memory functioning. Client’s ability to recall verbal and visual information
immediately after the stimuli is presented is in the Low Average range. His ability to recall verbal and
visual information after a 20 to 30 minute delay is in the Low Average range. Client displayed a
notable amount of forgetting between the immediate and delayed tasks of the WMS–IV. Compared to
individuals with a similar level of immediate memory capacity, Client’s delayed memory performance
is in the Low Average range, indicating that his delayed memory is lower than expected given his
level of initial encoding.
A comparison of Client’s visual working memory (VWMI) to his results on WAIS–IV revealed that
he performed within the expected range when compared to his general intellectual functioning.
A comparison of Client’s immediate memory recall (IMI) to his results on the WAIS–IV revealed that
he performed significantly outside the expected range when compared to his general intellectual
functioning. A comparison of Client’s delayed memory recall results (DMI) to his results on WAIS–
IV revealed that he performed significantly outside the expected range when compared to his general
intellectual ability. The adjustment of Client’s IMI result by his general intellectual ability (GAI)
generated a contrast scale score in the Borderline range, indicating that his immediate memory
capacity is much lower than expected. The adjustment of Client’s DMI result by his general
intellectual ability (GAI) generated a contrast scale score in the Borderline range, indicating that his
delayed memory capacity is much lower than expected.
Score Score 1 Score 2 Contrast Scaled Score
DE I Spatial vs. Content 6 10 12
DE I I Spatial vs. Content 11 6 5
DE I mmediate Recall vs. Delayed Recall 7 8 10
Visual Reproduction
Score Score 1 Score 2 Contrast Scaled Score
VR I mmediate Recall vs. Delayed Recall 8 8 9