Visual Basic Tutorial-1
Visual Basic Tutorial-1
Visual Basic Tutorial-1
Visual programming language is a programming language that uses graphical elements and
software program in two or more dimensions, and includes graphical elements, text, symbols and
icons within its programming context. Visual programming language is also known as
software programs by eliminating textual software code with a series of visual graphics elements.
VPL incorporates these graphical elements as the primary context of the language arranged in a
systematic order. The graphics or icons included within a visual program serve as input,
activities, connections and/or output of the program. Visual language has a few types, such as
should not be confused with GUI-based programming language as they only provide graphical
Visual Programming
Traditionally, a program is a sequence of text statements used to achieve a certain result or solve
some problem. Programming languages often have particular ways of representing the work to
be done thus leading to complexity. Visual programming attempts to make the creation of
programs simpler.
i. The structure of the visual programming is very simple, particularly as to the executable
ii. Visual programming is not only a language but primarily an integrated, interactive
development environment
iii. The Visual programming IDE supports rapid application development. It is particularly
easy to develop graphical user interfaces and to connect them to handler functions
ivThe graphical user interface of the Visual programming IDE provides a naturally appealing
views for the management of the program structure in the large and the various types of
Allows you to quickly and easily develop a bank of visual controls with sliders, switches
Visual programming is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) language. This means that a
Visual programming program will always show something on the screen that the user can
interact with.
Instead of thinking of a computer program as a single large collection of code, the good
programmer writes code so that you never need to look at more code than fits on the
Visual basic
Visual C++
Ease of Learning
Clearly, the easier that the programming language is to learn, the quicker that programmers
become productive. Java is a lot easier to learn than C++; C is probably even easier. But you
learn once and program for a long time, so that ease of learning is of only limited value.
Ease of Understanding
Most code is written once and read many times usually, to focus on a particular point. Thus, it is
important that the reader quickly grasp the essence of what’s happening.
Speed of Development
If you look at speed of development in the round, you must consider not only how long it takes
you to write code, but also how long it takes you to find a solution to the problem at hand and
The ideal programming language should turn logic errors into syntax errors. A powerful means
to this end is type checking. Most standard languages, such as Java and COBOL, have good type
By platform environment, I mean not only the operating-system facilities, but also the
User friendly
functions and commands with visual controls. Visual Basic provides a graphical user interface
(GUI) that allows the developer to drag and drop objects into the program as well as manually
Visual Basic is an event driven programming language. This simply means that the applications
that are developed using Visual Basic, much like any other windows applications, will act upon
the users actions (event procedures) such as Click, DoubleClick, DragDrop, MouseDown.
Whenever you want the control in your application to respond to an event, you put the
instructions in the appropriate event procedure. Of course the user does not initiate all the events.
Sometimes events are consequence of other events. For example as you start an application the
main Form is loaded in the memory and shows up on the screen. This is a Form_Load event,
which simply means that the Load event procedure is activated on the Form control.
IDE is a term commonly used in the programming world to describe the interface and
environment that we use to create our applications. It is called integrated because we can access
virtually all of the development tools that we need from one screen called an interface. The IDE
is also commonly referred to as the design environment, or the program. Programs written in
visual basic are done in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE allows a
programmer to:
The Visual Basic integrated development environment (IDE) consists of the following elements.
Menu Bar
Displays the commands you use to work with Visual Basic. Besides the standard File, Edit,
View, Window, and Help menus, menus are provided to access functions specific to
Context Menus
Contain shortcuts to frequently performed actions. To open a context menu, click the right mouse
button on the object you're using. The specific list of shortcuts available from context menus
depends on the part of the environment where you click the right mouse button.
Provide quick access to commonly used commands in the programming environment. You click
a button on the toolbar once to carry out the action represented by that button.
Provides a set of tools that you use at design time to place controls on a form.
Controls in toolbox
Lists the forms and modules in your current project. A project is the collection of files you use to
build an application.
Properties Window
Lists the property settings for the selected form or control. A property is a characteristic of an
The Form Layout window allows you to position the forms in your application using a small
Object Browser
Lists objects available for use in your project and gives you a quick way to navigate through
your code. You can use the Object Browser to explore objects in Visual Basic and other
applications, see what methods and properties are available for those objects, and paste code
Form Designer
Serves as a window that you customize to design the interface of your application. You add
controls, graphics, and pictures to a form to create the look you want. Each form in your
Serves as an editor for entering application code. A separate code editor window is created for
Immediate window
The Immediate window is a special window in which you can directly type Visual Basic
commands and view and change variables and control values during a program's execution.
Locals window
The Locals window displays the values and types of all variables that are within the scope of the
currently executing procedure. This window allows you to learn about the lifetime of a variable
as you step through your application because you can see when it is initialized, when it changes,
and when it is destroyed. When a variable comes into scope it will be shown in the window.
Watch Window
The Watch Window is similar to the Locals Window, but you specify the variables you want to
track. You can track variables across modules and procedures and keep them in your Watch
Window to see their value no matter where the current line is.
Debug window
The debug window in visual basic is a utility that helps in debugging code. Whenever error
occurs in a project, visual basic compiler displays an error message, pauses the project execution
Edit window
Form editor
Textbox - txt
Label – lbl
Picturebox – pic
Frame – fra
Checkbox – chk
Listbox – lst
Combobox – cbo
Data – dat
OLE – ole
Shape – shp
Visual basic is a Microsoft windows programming language. Programs written in visual basic are
done in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE allows a programmer to:
Program Writin`g
Global variables
Option Explicit statement at the top of a code module forces the programmer to declare all
variables that you have used in that module, using Dim or similar.
Option implicit statement at the top of a code module does not force the programmer to declare
all variables that you have used in that module, using Dim or similar.
Global variables are variables that are accessible through the program when it executes.
Local variables are variables that are accessible within the function or procedures in which they
are declared.
Variables are memory locations that hold values to be used by the program at execution time. It
is a valid identifier.
Variables categories
Static variables
They are those variables that don’t change when the program executes.
Dynamic variables
They are those variables that change when the program executes.
Types of variables
Global variables
These are variables that are accessible through the program when it executes.
Local variables
They are variables that are accessible within the function or procedures in which they are
The keyword Dim is used to declare dynamic variables in visual basic. The keyword const is
Data Types
A data type shows the kind information or data a certain variable stores.
Byte 1 0 to 255
In visual basic an operator is an object that is capable of manipulating a value or operator. For
example, in "1 + 2", the "1" and "2" are the operands and the plus symbol is the operator.
Arithmetical Operators
+ Add 5+5 10
- Substract 10-5 5
/ Divide 25/5 5
* Multiply 5*4 20
& String concatenation "George Bush"
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Operators Description
AND Operation will be true only if both the operands are true
Keywords are the reserved words used in programming. Each keyword has fixed meaning and
An expression is a series of value elements combined with operators, which yields a new value.
The operators act on the value elements by performing calculations, comparisons, or other
Order of precedence
These are visual basic arithmetic rules that determine the sequence of evaluating values in a
Use the operators in order of precedence. For operators on the same precedence, evaluate from
Example 1
Example 2
Number= (8-5)*3^2
Example 3
X= (8-5*3) ^2
X= (-7) ^2
Example 4
Number= ((8-5)*3) ^2
Number= (3*3) ^2
Program Writing
A set of coded instructions that a computer can understand to solve a problem or produce a
desired result. Programs are written either in one of high-level programming languages (such as
visual basic, C, Java) which are easier but execute relatively slowly, or in one of low-level
languages (assembly language or machine language) which are very complex but execute very
A property procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements that manipulate a custom property on
a module, class, or structure. Property procedures are also known as property accessors.
An object is a combination of code and data that can be treated as a unit. An object can be a
piece of an application, like a control or a form. An entire application can also be an object.
In visual basic is a procedure that is executed when an object receives a message. A method is
In computing, an event is an action or occurrence detected by the program that may be handled
by the program. Typically events are handled synchronously with the program flow, that is, the
program has one or more dedicated places where events are handled, frequently an event loop.
Program coding
Program compiling
In computer science compiling a program means to decode instructions written in a higher order
Program debugging
Program debugging is the routine process of locating and removing computer program bugs,
tools. Debugging checks, detects and corrects errors or bugs to allow proper program operation
Program testing
Program testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the
quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective,
independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of
software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to the process of executing
Program execution
Program execution in computer science and software engineering is the process by which a
computer performs the instructions of a computer program. The instructions in the program
trigger sequences of simple actions on the executing machine. Those actions produce effects
according to the semantics of the instructions in the program. Programs for a computer may
execute in a batch process without human interaction, or a user may type commands in an
Program deployment
Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The
general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions
between them. These activities can occur at the producer side or at the consumer side or both.
Because every software system is unique, the precise processes or procedures within each
activity can hardly be defined. Therefore, deployment should be interpreted as a general process
This is a process of running (executing) programs to find errors (bugs). The process of finding
bugs is called debugging as mentioned above. Program testing is part of the procedure which
ensures that the program corresponds with original program specification and that it works in the
intended environment.
Test Plan
These are the stages involved in testing the programs. They include the following.
Desk checking
After writing the program the programmer goes through the program on a paper to eliminate any
After coding the program is checked using the compiler or translator to detect any syntax error.
The programmer corrects these errors and then resubmits the program to the compiler until the
These are trial runs done with test data that includes all variations and extremes data including
data with errors to ensure that program does not grind to an halt if incorrect data is used.
Diagnostic procedures
For complex programs diagnostic procedures are used to find logical errors. A trace routine
prints the results at each stage to enable errors detected quickly. If the trace routine is not
available, the programmer can insert instructions in the program to print out intermediate results
at key points.
Usually new systems are run parallel with existing system for a short period so that the results
Test Data
This is the information that is used to test the new system or program. The program tried and
executed at least once every routine through the program and the accuracy of the program is
Dummy data
This is the data input into a system for trial purposes. Used to test the system for correctness.
This includes the general data for which the system was designed.
Exceptional data(Extreem)
Programs are designed to accept certain range of data. If illegal data is input it should be able to
detect and reject it rather than try to process it to avoid getting wrong results.
Example 1
Produce results
num1 = Val(txtnum1.Text)
num2 = Val(txtnum2.Text)
End Sub
Error Handling enables programmers to write clearer, more robust, more fault-tolerant programs.
Error handling enables the programmer to attempt to recover (i.e., continue executing) from
infrequent fatal errors rather than letting them occur and suffering the consequences (such as loss
of application data).
Error handling is designed for dealing with synchronous errors such as an attempt to divide by 0
(that occurs as the program executes the divide instruction). Other common examples of
synchronous errors are memory exhaustion, an out-of-bound array index, and arithmetic
overflow. Error handling provides the programmer with a disciplined set of capabilities for
Error-handling code is interspersed throughout a program's code. Errors are dealt with the places
in the code where errors are likely to occur. The advantage of this approach is that a programmer
reading the code can see the error handling in the immediate vicinity of the code and determine if
• No matter how hard we try, errors do creep into our programs. These errors can be grouped into
three categories:
1. Syntax errors
2. Run-time errors
3. Logic errors
• Syntax errors occur when you mistype a command or leave out an expected phrase or
argument. Visual Basic detects these errors as they occur and even provides help in correcting
them. You cannot run a Visual Basic program until all syntax errors have been corrected.
• Run-time errors are usually beyond your program's control. Examples include: when a variable
takes on an unexpected value (divide by zero), when a drive door is left open, or when a file is
not found. Visual Basic allows you to trap such errors and make attempts to correct them.
Logic errors are the most difficult to find. With logic errors, the program will usually run,
but will produce incorrect or unexpected results. The Visual Basic debugger is an aid in
Logical errors
This is a human error. A programming mistake that makes a program code to output
Syntax error
These are errors that violate rules and regulations or the syntax of a language.
Runtime error
Design your application carefully. More design time means less debugging time.
Use comments where applicable to help you remember what you were trying to do.
Use consistent and meaningful naming conventions for your variables, objects, and
Run-time errors are trappable. That is, Visual Basic recognizes an error has occurred and enables
you to trap it and take corrective action. If an error occurs and is not trapped, your program will
usually end in a rather unceremonious manner. Error trapping is enabled with the On Error
This uses the GoTo statement. Any time a run-time error occurs following this line, program
control is transferred to the line labeled errlabel. Recall a labeled line is simply a line with the
The best way to explain how to use error trapping is to look at an outline of an example
Declare variables……………………..
Procedure code
Exit Sub
End Sub
Once you have set up the variable declarations, constant definitions, and any other procedure
preliminaries, the On Error statement is executed to enable error trapping. Your normal
procedure code follows this statement. The error handling code goes at the end of the procedure,
following the HandleErrors statement label. This is the code that is executed if an error is
encountered anywhere in the Sub procedure. Note you must exit (with Exit Sub) from the code
before reaching the HandleErrors line to avoid execution of the error handling code.
Since the error handling code is in the same procedure where an error occurs, all variables in that
procedure are available for possible corrective action. If at some time in your procedure, you
want to turn off error trapping that is done with the following statement:
On Error GoTo 0
Once a run-time error occurs, we would like to know what the error is and attempt to fix it. This
Visual Basic offers help in identifying run-time errors. The Err object returns, in its Number
property (Err.Number), the number associated with the current error condition. (The Err function
has other useful properties that we won’t cover here - consult on-line help for further
information.) The Error() function takes this error number as its argument and returns a string
description of the error. Consult on-line help for Visual Basic run-time error numbers and their
Once an error has been trapped and some action taken, control must be returned to your
application. That control is returned via the Resume statement. There are three options:
Resume lets you retry the operation that caused the error. That is, control is returned to the line
where the error occurred. This could be dangerous in that, if the error has not been corrected (via
code or by the user), an infinite loop between the error handler and the procedure code may
Resume Next Program control is returned to the line immediately following the line where the
error occurred. Resume label Program control is returned to the line labeled label.
When executing the error handling portion of the code and the end of the procedure is
These are errors that don’t prevent an application from running, but cause incorrect or
unexpected results. Visual Basic provides an excellent set of debugging tools to aid in this
search. There are no prescribed processes that you can follow to eliminate all logic errors in your
These windows can be accessed from the View menu (the Immediate Window can be accessed
by pressing Ctrl+G). Or, they can be selected from the Debug Toolbar (accessed using the
All debugging using the debug windows is done when your application is in break mode. You
can enter break mode by setting breakpoints, pressing Ctrl+Break, or the program will go into
Once in break mode, the debug windows and other tools can be used to:
Set breakpoints
Unlike other examples, we’ll do this one as a group. It will be used to demonstrate use of
The example simply has a form with a single command button. The button is used to
execute some code. We won’t be real careful about proper naming conventions and such
in this example.
The code attached to this button’s Click event is a simple loop that evaluates a function at
several values.
Y = Fcn(X)
End Sub
This code begins with an X value of 0 and computes the Y value using the general integer
function Fcn. It then increments X by 1 and repeats the Loop. It continues looping While X is
Fcn = CInt(0.1 * X ^ 2)
End Function
This code doesn’t do much, especially without any output, but it makes a good example for
looking at debugger use. Set up the application and get ready to try debugging.
• There are several debugging tools available for use in Visual Basic. Access to these tools is
provided with both menu options and buttons on the Debug toolbar. These tools include
breakpoints, watch points, calls, step into, step over, and step out.
The simplest tool is the use of direct prints to the immediate window.
You can print directly to the immediate window while an application is running. Sometimes, this
is all the debugging you may need. A few carefully placed print statements can sometimes clear
Debug.Print Example:
Place the following statement in the Command1_Click procedure after the line calling the
Examine the immediate window. Note how, at each iteration of the loop, the program
prints the value of X and Y. You could use this information to make sure X is
In the above examples, the program ran to completion before we could look at the debug
window. In many applications, we want to stop the application while it is running, examine
variables and then continue running. This can be done with breakpoints.
A breakpoint is a line in the code where you want to stop (temporarily) the execution of the
program that is force the program into break mode. To set a breakpoint, put the cursor in the line
of code you want to break on. Then, press <F9> or click the Breakpoint button on the toolbar or
select Toggle Breakpoint from the Debug menu. The line will be highlighted.
When you run your program, Visual Basic will stop when it reaches lines with breakpoints and
allow you to use the immediate window to check variables and expressions. To continue
program operation after a breakpoint, press <F5>, click the Run button on the toolbar, or choose
You can also change variable values using the immediate window. Simply type a valid Basic
expression. This can sometimes be dangerous, though, as it may change program operation
Breakpoint Example:
Set a breakpoint on the X = X + 1 line in the sample program. Run the program.
When the program stops, display the immediate window and type the following line:
Print X;Y
The values of these two variables will appear in the debug window. You can use a
question mark (?) as shorthand for the command Print, if you’d like. Restart the
Try other breakpoints if you have time. Once done, all breakpoints can be cleared by
Ctrl+Shift+<F9> or by choosing Clear All Breakpoints from the Debug menu. Individual
breakpoints can be toggled using <F9> or the Breakpoint button on the toolbar.
The locals window shows the value of any variables within the scope of the current procedure.
As execution switches from procedure to procedure, the contents of this window changes to
reflect only the variables applicable to the current procedure. Repeat the above example and
Watch Expressions:
The Add Watch option on the Debug menu allows you to establish watch expressions for your
application. Watch expressions can be variable values or logical expressions you want to view or
In break mode, you can use the Quick Watch button on the toolbar to add watch expressions you
need. Simply put the cursor on the variable or expression you want to add to the watch list and
Watch expressions can be edited using the Edit Watch option on the Debug menu.
Set a watch expression for the variable X. Run the application. Notice X appears in the
watch window. Every time you re-start the application, the value of X changes.
At some point in the debug procedure, add a quick watch on Y. Notice it is now in the
watch window.
Clear the breakpoint. Add a watch on the expression: X = Y. Set Watch Type to ‘Break
When Value Is True.’ Run the application. Notice it goes into break mode and displays
Call Stack:
Selecting the Call Stack button from the toolbar (or pressing Ctrl+L or selecting Call Stack from
the View menu) will display all active procedures, that is those that have not been exited.
Call Stack helps you unravel situations with nested procedure calls to give you some idea of
Set a breakpoint on the Fcn = Cint() line in the general function procedure. Run the
Press the Call Stack button. It will indicate you are currently in the Fcn procedure which
While at a breakpoint, you may execute your program one line at a time by pressing <F8>,
choosing the Step Into option in the Debug menu, or by clicking the Step Into button on the
This process is single stepping. It allows you to watch how variables change (in the locals
You may step through several lines at a time by using Run To Cursor option. With this option,
click on a line below your current point of execution. Then press Ctrl+<F8> (or choose Run To
Cursor in the Debug menu). the program will run through every line up to the cursor location,
then stop.
When the program breaks, use the Step Into button to single step through the program.
At some point, put the cursor on the Loop While line. Try the Run To Cursor option
(press Ctrl+<F8>).
While single stepping your program, if you come to a procedure call you know functions
properly, you can perform procedure stepping. This simply executes the entire procedure at once,
To move through a procedure in this manner, press Shift+<F8>, choose Step Over from the
One time through, when you are at the line calling the Fcn function, press the Step over
button. Notice how the program did not single step through the function as it did
While stepping through your program, if you wish to complete the execution of a function you
are in, without stepping through it line-by-line, choose the Step Out option. The function will be
completed and you will be returned to the procedure accessing that function.
To perform this step out, press Ctrl+Shift+<F8>, choose Step Out from the Debug menu, or
press the Step Out button on the toolbar. Try this on the previous example.
These are those data types that will store numbers or numeric values. They are computed
Stores Boolean data types. Boolean is represented by either the keyword true or false or non-zero
or zero value. Boolean are stored in two bytes and have no type declaration character.
Visual basic lets the user create his own data type. This is done when you work with mixed data
When creating user defined data types use the key word “Type” statement in declaration section
of the form. Declare variables associated with the new data types.
Example 1
Name as string
Dateofbirth as date
Hiredate as date
Salary as currency
Gender as string
End type
A control structure regulates the flow of a visual basic program, given a condition. Determine the
output depending on the conditions used in the program. It performs an indicated action only
In its simplest sense, it is a block of code. More specifically, control structures are blocks of code
that dictate the flow of control. In other words, a control structure is a container for a series of
i. Are very useful in writing code that gives flexibility to the programmer.
ii. Can be used to manipulate data by using logic to specify what should be done when a
iii. Gives power to the programmer because the programmer can specify when a situation
The selection control structure allows one set of statements to be executed if a condition is true
These are control structures that repeat statements until a given condition turns true of false for
A control structure that executes statements in a program procedurally; one after another.
This is a control structure that is used to choose among alternative action to take.
Example 1
Pseudo code/Algorithms
End if
If txtage.text>=18 then
End if
End sub
The above flowchart represents if/then selection control structure. It illustrates a single selection
control structure. It performs the indicated action only if the condition is true otherwise it is
The if/then/else control structure allows a programmer to specify that a different action can be
performed when the condition is true. It tsts for true statements in a program.
Example 1
SAD= 70
PI= 60
PII= 80
Maths= 40
Create a visual basic program that calculates the average mark. Use the average mark and assign
A = 80 to 100
B =70 to 79
C =60 to 69
D =50 to 59
E =40 to 49
F =0 to 39
Pseudo code/algorithms
Declare variables
Display “A”
Display “B”
Display “C”
Display “D”
Display “E”
Display “F”
Compute average
Display average
Display “A”
Display B”
Display C”
Display “D”
Visual Basic 6.0 Prepared By: Hemphstone
Display :”E”
Display “F”
Code Stop
if txtaverage.text>=80 then
End if
End sub
This is a control structure that allows programmers to enter multiple information in a program. It
Case value 1
Block of statements
Case value 2
Block of statements
Case else
Block of statements
End select
Example 1
Declare the variable marks and grade
Case is 80 to 100
Display “Distinction”
Case is 70 to 79
Display “Credit”
Case is 60 to 69
Display “Pass”
Case is 50 to 59
Display “Referred”
Case is 40 to 49
Display “Fail”
Case else
End select
Case is 80 to 100
Case is 70 to 79
Case is 60 to 69
Case is 50 to 59
Case is 40 to 49
Case is 8 to 39
End select
End sub
Note: the data type specified in the expression must match that of case values
A Case A action
This ia s control structure that is related to if/then/else control structure. Each argument passed to
switch control structure is either a condition or a value. If a condition is true the value associated
Example 1
SAD= 70
PI= 60
PII= 80
Maths= 40
Create a visual basic program that calculates the average mark. Use the average mark and assign
A = 80 to 100
B =70 to 79
C =60 to 69
D =50 to 59
E =40 to 49
F =0 to 39
Visual Basic 6.0 Prepared By: Hemphstone
This is a repetition control structure that allows programmer to specify that an action is to be
repeated based on a true or false condition. The condition given may be true or false. If the
condition is false the action stops being executed, but if the condition is true the statements will
Example 1
Visual Basic 6.0 Prepared By: Hemphstone
Dim x as integer
While x<=1000
Print x
End sub
The Do until loop repetition control structure repeats until a condition turns false. The statements
in the body of a loop are repeatedly executed as long as the loop continuation evaluates to false.
Example 1
Dim x as integer
Do until x<=10
Print x
End sub
x<=10 x=x+1
It handles the details of counter controlled repetition. When a program starts executing counter
The keywords to is used specify the range of values to be printed. The keyword step is also used
to specify the increment operator (value). That is how much will be added to variable counter
If the keywords Step and to are omitted, the increment value defaults to 1. Always initialize the
Example 1
Dim x as integer
Print x
Next x
End sub
For x= 2 to 10 step 2
2= initial value
For d= 99 to 0 step 11
Example 1
Dim x as integer
For x=1 to 1
Print x
Next x
End sub
This is similar to do while/loop control structure. The condition is tested at the beginning of the
loop before the body of the loop is performed.
Do/loop while control structure tests the condition after the loop body is performed. When the
loop terminates, execution continues with the statement after the loop while clause.
Flow chart
Example 1
Dim x as integer
Print x
End sub
tested at the beginning of the loop. In do/loop until the body of the loop is performed first before
Flow chart
Dim x as integer
Print x
End sub
The exit Do and For statements alter the flow of the control structure. The exit Do when used in
do/until loop, do/while loop, do loop/while and do until/loop loops causes an immediate exit
Example 1
Dim x as integer
If x=50 then
Exit do
End if
Print x
End sub
Refers to any set of statements forming part of the program used to perform a specific action.
The are procedures, modules or parts within the program that are used to carry out a specific task
A properly constructed subprogram should be self contained perform defined operation on a well
defined data and have an internal structure independent of the program in which it’s contained.
A function is any normal procedure but it is used to accept certain inputs and pass them to main
program to finish execution. It is used to pass or return a value which will be used to do a certain
Built-in functions
Built–in functions
Msgbox() functions
The objective of the Msgbox function is to produce a pop-up message box and prompts
the user to enter or click on a command button before he/she can continue.
Style value – determine the type of command button will appear on the message box.
0 VbOk Ok only
Abort, Retry and Ignore
4 VbYesNo Yes, No
Example 1
if txtaverage.text>=80 then
message=Msgbox(“DISTINCTION”,2,”Startup Menu”)
message=Msgbox(“CREDIT”,2,”Startup Menu”)
message=Msgbox(“PASS”,2,”Startup Menu”)
message=Msgbox(“REFERRED”,2,”Startup Menu”)
message=Msgbox(“DISTINCTION”,2,”Startup Menu”)
message=Msgbox(“REPEAT”,2,”Startup Menu”)
End if
End sub
16 Stop sign
32 Question mark
Exclamation point
64 Information icon
The input box function is used to display a message box where the user can enter a value or
Default text – a text that appears in the inputbox field where the users can use it as his or her
Example 1
Dim x, y as integer
End sub
These are those functions that user/programmer creates to perform a certain operation.
Public indicates that the function is applicable is to the whole program and private indicates that
the function applicable to certain modules, statement or procedures only. User defined function
can be created with add procedure dialog box. They can also be created in the code window by
Example 1
Write a visual basic program using a function to calculate the grade of student based on average
Case 80 To 100
txtgrade.Text = "DISTINCTION"
Case 70 To 79
txtgrade.Text = "CREDIT"
Case 60 To 69
txtgrade.Text = "PASS"
Case 50 To 59
txtgrade.Text = "REFFERED"
Case 40 To 49
txtgrade.Text = "FAIL"
Case 0 To 39
txtgrade.Text = "REPEAT"
End Select
End Function
mark = Val(txtmark.Text)
remarks = grade(marks)
End Sub
Example 2
Const pi = 3.142
Area = pi * r * r
End Function
Radius = Val(txtradius.Text)
Areas = area(radius)
End Sub
Example 3
Write a visual basic function that will calculate and display interest in textbox given:
Period = 2 years
Interest = p * r * y / 100
End Function
Principle = Val(txtprinciple.Text)
Rate = Val(txtrate.Text)
Years = Val(txtyears.Text)
End Sub
Assignment to he students
Using a function write a program that prints numbers from 10 to 0 but when it goes
Write a visual basic program that accepts any three integers and then determines the
Write a visual basic program that accepts any three integers. Let the program divide the
Event procedures
These are procedures used to design programs that respond to events. For example
Block of statements
End Sub
General procedures
These are procedures that are used to access any statement in a program. For example
Const pi=3.142
Sub procedures
These are sub-routines which are logically accessed by programs in projects. They are
Block of statements
End Sub
Block of statements
End sub
Function procedures
Block of statements
End Function
A function or procedure is called tom perform a certain operation. It then returns a value to the
A function return value is specified in the body of the program by assigning a value to the
With call-by-reference the caller gives the called procedure or function the ability to directly
When an argument is called by value a copy of the of arguments’ value is passed to the calling
procedure. Arguments passed by value use keyword Byval or by enclosing the arguments in
parenthesis (). The arguments passed by references use the keyword Byref. For example:
Parameter passing
Parameters are those variables that are used to hold data to be passed to the calling statement or
procedure. The process of transferring these parameters is called parameter passing. Arguments
Types of parameters
Formal parameters
These are labeled memory blank areas that are to be used to store values to be used
Actual parameters
These are variables that replace the formal parameters when the procedure or function is
called. They are given the actual parameter list of procedure call.
Classes of parameters
Value parameters
Used to supply information to the procedure but they cannot be used to get information
out of a procedure. Value parameters are declared by including their names and the
Variable parameter
the procedure and procedure reference. When the procedure containing a variable
parameter is accessed the actual parameter in the procedure reference is substituted by the
Recursive Functions
A recursive function/procedure calls itself either directly or indirectly through another call.
Functions call other functions or procedures to return values. It is equally possible for a function
to call itself.
procedure problem solving approaches have a number of elements in common. The procedure
only knows how to solve the simplest case(s) so called base case(s). If called with base case, the
procedure stops recursively calling itself and simply returns to its caller.
If called with a more complex problem, the procedure divides the problem into two conceptual
pieces; a piece that knows what to do and a piece that doesn’t know how to do it. The latter piece
must resemble the original problem, but with a slightly simpler or smaller version of original
problem. Because this new problem looks like the original the procedure launches a fresh copy (a
call) of itself to go to and work on smaller problem. THIS IS CALLED RECURSIVE CALL.
Example 1
Factorials are written using the! Symbol, and are defined as follows:
0!=1(by definition)
5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
To get factorial quickly we multiply the number by the previous factorial, i.e. 5! = 5 x 4!
Similarly, 9! = 9 x 8! And 103! = 103 x 102! This means that if you know a factorial you can
If y <= 1 Then
End If
End Function
Dim x, n As Integer
Call lstvalues.Clear
n = txtinput.Text
For x = 0 To n
Next x
End Sub
Both recursion and iteration are based on control structure. Iteration uses repetition control
Both recursion and iteration involve recursion. Iteration explicitly uses repletion control structure
Iteration and recursion each involve termination test. Iteration terminates when the loop
continuation condition fails, while recursion terminates when the base case is recognized.
Iteration keeps modifying a counter until the counter assumes a value that makes loop
continuation condition fail, recursion keeps producing smaller or simpler version of the original
Both iteration and recursion can occur infinitely. An infinite loop loop occurs with iteration if
loop continuation test becomes false, infinite recursion occurs if the recursion step (call) does not
reduce the problem each time in a manner that converges on a base case.
Scope of variables
The scope of variables refers to the coverage or extent of variable reference in a program. In
Local scope
These are variables declared in a procedure’s body. Local variables are only referenced
from where they are declared through end sub or end function.
Module scope
These are variables declared in general declaration with dim keyword. By default,
module variables can only be referenced in module in which they are declared. They are
Public scope
Refers to variables that are declared public. They are accessible to all modules.
Data structures
These are variable that are used hold data that contain two or more elements together instead of
single element. A tool for handling logically related data items. They are user defined and
They are data structures that don’t change during program execution.
They are data structure that changes when the program executes.
This is a consecutive group memory of locations that all have the same name and
datatype. This is a list of variables all with the same name and data type. When we work
with single item, we only we only need to use one variable. However, if we have a list of
item which are similar in type we need to declare an array of variables instead of using a
To refer to a particular location or element in the array, we specify the array name and an
Fixed-size array
array1(0) = "Kisii"
array1(1) = "Kisumu"
array1(2) = 1234
array13) = 342
array1(4) = 234
array1(5) = 9804
End Sub
Dynamic array
array1(0) = "Kisii"
array1(1) = "Kisumu"
array1(2) = 1234
array13) = 342
array1(4) = 234
array1(5) = 9804
End Sub
Declaring arrays
Arrays can be declared as public in the code module, local. Module array are declared at
general declarations using dim or private keywords. Local arrays are declared I the
Public declared arrays declare arrays that are used throughout the program or application. The
dim declaration arrays declare arrays that are only used in the procedure. The name of the arrays
states the name to be used to be used to store arrays. The value or position number defines the
upper bound (highest value) of the numbers and the lower bound(lowest value is zero(0).
Name(1) Name(2) Name(3) Name(4) Name(5) Name(6) Name(7) Name(8) Name(9) Name(10)
Example 1
For num = 1 To 10
studentName(num) = InputBox("Enter the student name", "Student names", "", 1500, 4500)
Form1.Print studentName(num)
End If
End Sub
Example 2
For num = 1 To 10
List1.AddItem studentName(num)
End Sub
End Sub
Example 3
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 10
Next x
For x = 1 To 10
Print numbers(x)
Next x
End Sub
Multidimensional arrays
These are those arrays that contain two or more indexes. Arrays that require two or more indexes
Like one dimensional array, multidimensional arrays can have public and local module scope.
Function Lbound and Ubound can also used with multidimensional arrays. When calling the
Example 1
Write a visual basic that produces the data shown below on a form.
sales(1, 0) = "WEEK"
sales(1, 1) = "SUN"
sales(1, 2) = "MON"
sales(1, 3) = "TUE"
sales(1, 4) = "WED"
sales(1, 5) = "THUR"
sales(1, 6) = "FRI"
sales(2, 0) = 1
sales(2, 1) = 300
sales(2, 2) = 200
sales(2, 3) = 400
sales(2, 4) = 90
sales(2, 5) = 240
sales(2, 6) = 700
sales(3, 0) = 2
sales(3, 1) = 345
sales(3, 2) = 120
sales(3, 3) = 504
sales(3, 4) = 100
sales(3, 5) = 300
sales(3, 6) = 500
sales(4, 0) = 3
sales(4, 1) = 500
sales(4, 2) = 530
sales(4, 3) = 560
sales(4, 4) = 300
sales(4, 5) = 565
sales(4, 6) = 600
sales(5, 0) = 4
sales(5, 1) = 440
sales(5, 2) = 452
sales(5, 3) = 432
sales(5, 4) = 323
sales(5, 5) = 300
sales(5, 6) = 500
End Sub
Print sales(1, 0), sales(1, 1), sales(1, 2), sales(1, 3), sales(1, 4), sales(1, 5), sales(1, 6)
Print sales(2, 0), sales(2, 1), sales(2, 2), sales(2, 3), sales(2, 4), sales(2, 5), sales(2, 6)
Print sales(3, 0), sales(3, 1), sales(3, 2), sales(3, 3), sales(3, 4), sales(3, 5), sales(3, 6)
Print sales(3, 0), sales(3, 1), sales(3, 2), sales(3, 3), sales(3, 4), sales(3, 5), sales(3, 6)
Print sales(4, 0), sales(4, 1), sales(4, 2), sales(4, 3), sales(4, 4), sales(4, 5), sales(4, 6)
Print sales(5, 0), sales(5, 1), sales(5, 2), sales(5, 3), sales(5, 4), sales(5, 5), sales(5, 6)
End Sub
Control array
Control arrays group together controls that provide same name and functionality. Each control
array element maintains its own properties but shares its event procedure code with other control
array element. Control arrays can be created in several ways, either by giving a control same
name as another or by copying the forms and pasting the copy on a form.
Function arrays
These are arrays that return a variant array at execution time. The values passed to arrays specify
element values in returned array. The returned array element Lbound I either 1 or 0 depending on
option base.
Searching arrays
Linear search
The computer compares each element of an array with the search key. Search key Index
Binary search
In binary search the algorithm removes from consideration on behalf of the element in the
array searched for after each comparison. The algorithm locates the middle element of the
array and compares it with search key. If they are equal the search key is found and the
Example 1
Vb code
lblresult.Caption = ""
searchkey = txtkey.Text
End If
End Sub
Dim x As Integer
Call Randomize
Call lstdata.Clear
lblresult.Caption = ""
Call lstdata.AddItem(array3(x))
Next x
End Sub
Dim x As Integer
linearsearch = x
Exit Function
End If
Next x
linearsearch = -1
End Function
Call lstdata_click
End Sub
This a chain of of data items in the computer memory awaiting execution. Queues use FIFO, first
Characteristics of queues
The term FIFO is used to describe queues because first datum in is the first datum out.
Each data stays in the storage location until its turn comes thereby reducing time spent in
data movement.
Underflow occurs when an attempt is made to remove data from an empty queue. Overflow
occurs when an attempt is made to add data to a queue when all available memory space are
Linked lists
Lists are flexible ways of handling data items in order. For example:
Each word in the sentence is a data item, which is linked to the next data item by a pointer.
Datum plus a pointer make a node or element of a list. The last item in the list is a terminator.
This may be stored in an array of records. Each row of an array is one element in the list. A start
pointer saying where the first datum is stored and a free storage pointer saying where the next
Free storage pointer
The element of the record has two pointers, one pointer for giving the address of the
following record another for giving the address of the proceeding record.
The pointer of the last record gives the address first record thus this form a circular or
ring of records.
Trees these are hierarchal data structure constructed using rule of precedence for data items using
alphabetical or numerical sequence. The elements of a tree are called nodes and each element
56 42 89 65 48
56 is the first datum placed I the tree. Its node is therefore called parent node or root node. We
add 42 to the tree next using rule of precedence; lower number to the left and higher number to
the right.
42 89
-1 48 -1 -1 65 -1
They are used to temporarily store information or data. Related to queues but data is removed
and added differently. Data is added at the top and removed from top using LIFO.
Location of address 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Contents 20 4 19 12 16
Order of arrival 1 2 3 4 5
Order of removal 5 4 3 2 1
A file is a collection of data on a given subject, stored in a storage memory. We have executable
files with .EXE extensions, library files with .DLL extensions, word files with .DOC extensions
Stands for input output. This is a means of writing and reading from a file.
Sequential files
This is a method where the files are written in order from beginning to the end.
Random files / .
A file where all records are accessible individually. They are scattered in a storage media.
Binary file
The data is stored in byte level and you can read and write individually to the file.
Serial file
Indexed files
These are files that are stored and accessed using indexes. The files are accessed using
The OPEN command is used to open files. Open command assigns the files to a numbered file
Example 1
Lock read means that only persons reading the records can have access to it at any time.
Access modes
It is open for sequential files input; the file will be read sequentially starting with the
It is open for sequential files output; the file will be read sequentially starting with the
Sequential output to the end of existing files; does not overwrite the file.
Closing files
There are two commands that allow reading and writing to a file sequentially.
Print – reading
Write – writing
They work almost the same only that print does not separate the fields in the file which makes
Output list is one or more variables you want write to the file.
Example 1
Create a simple address book file to store the student’s records (contacts).
File design
Determine the fields to have on the address book for example seven textboxes.
Determine where to store the file for example “C:\”. We must know the location for the
Determine the mod of access for the file when we output it for example input, output,
Set the tab order; use the tab index property at properties window for each control on the
For controls that don’t have focus such as labels set their tabstop property to false.
In setting properties for textboxes we will use control arrays technique. This is where we name
one textbox and copy the same name to other six textboxes; txtfield (0) to txtfield (6). This
Vb code
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To 6
txfield(x).Text = ""
Next x
End Sub
Unload Form1
End Sub
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
For x = 0 To 6
Next x
For y = 0 To 6
txtfield(y).Text = ""
Next y
End Sub
Dim x as Integer
For x = 0 To 6
txtfield(x).Text = ""
Next x
End Sub
Since the file format for random file is different from the sequential file we will create a new
output file called “phonebook.txt”. We will add a field for Personid at the beginning of each
We will user defined data types to simplify input-output operations since the Get and Put
commands only insert one field at a time. We will create a new variable that contains a whole
record. The user defined data types must be declared in the module. Any information declared in
Personalid as integer
Fname as string * 15
Lname as string * 15
Address as string * 15
Province as string * 10
Town as string * 10
Code as string * 10
End type
The type statement creates a new data called phonerecord. The remaining type can be like any
other string or integer. The individual fields in the structured variable can be accessed using dot
Variables are written in the next record position after the last put or get statement if omitted.
If record number is omitted the next record is read from the file.
We will write a code using the user defined data types called “phonebook” that will obtain the
next record number from file, accepts input from user and write the record out of the file.
PersonalId As Integer
Fname As String * 15
Lname As String * 15
Address As String * 20
Province As String * 15
Town As String * 10
Code As String * 8
Phone As String * 15
End Type
Dim x As Integer
poistion = position + 1
txtfield(0).Text = position
outrecord.PersonalId = position
outrecord.Fname = txtfield(1).Text
outrecord.Lname = txtfield(2).Text
outrecord.Address = txtfield(3).Text
outrecord.Town = txtfield(4).Text
outrecord.Province = txtfield(5).Text
outrecord.Code = txtfield(6).Text
outrecord.Phone = txtfield(7).Text
For x = 0 To 7
txtfield(x).Text = ""
Next x
End Sub
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To 7
txtfield(x).Text = ""
Next x
position = lastrecord
lastrecord = Seek(1) - 1
End Sub