Make Peace - Lesson Plans

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Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution

Pre- unit lesson Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 recognize the theme of the unit.
 explore and use vocabulary related to the theme of the unit.
 suggest ways to resolve conflicts peacefully.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: EIF Framework (Encounter – Internalize- Fluency)
Materials: Whiteboard- Pictures- Worksheets

Timing Rationale
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She distributes Learners greet their teacher.
To raise learners ‘interest in the lesson/ To introduce key


worksheets and briefly announcing the objective of

Learners consider the pictures given and work with
vocabulary items related to the theme of the unit

the lesson which is introducing the theme of the

Interpretive/ Interactive

a partner listing some words/expressions which best

describe the pictures then they interact with their
The teacher, then, directs learners ‘attention to teacher and classmates for further discussion.
the two sets of pictures given and interacts with

Violence disagreement

them briefly about their topic. Then, she sets them

12 m
to work in pairs to generate words/ expressions
weapons Conflict war fight
related to the pictures’ topic.

Once the time allocated is up, the teacher interacts destruction

with learners encouraging them to suggest words
relevant to the pictures’ topic organizing them in a love growth

form of a word cloud on the board.

prosperity Peace happy

development hope
The teacher, then, directs learners’ attention to Students consider the words given and match them

vocabulary items related to the

the second activity. The teacher explains the

learners ‘understanding of key

To reinforce and consolidate
with their appropriate definitions then they interact

instruction and sets learners to work.

Interpretive/ Interactive
theme of the unit with their teacher and classmates to check their
20 m After that, the teacher directs learners’ attention
to the next activity. The teacher sets learners to answers.

complete the sentences with the list of words
1. Matching words with their definitions
S-S a→ 3 b→ 5 c→ 2 d→ 4 e→ 1
 Reinforce learners’ understanding of
key vocabulary items related to the theme of
Learners fill in the gaps with the appropriate word
the unit.
to get meaningful texts then they interact with their
teacher and classmates to check their answers.
2. Filling the gaps

Text “A”
war _ destruction _ homeless _ hunger.
Text “B”
opinions _ differences _ disputes _ non-violent.
Text “C’’
peace _ Mandela _ rights _ violence _ love.
To suggest ways to keep


peace in the world

Once all done, the teacher sets learners to work in

pairs to discuss and suggest some ways to spread Learners work in pairs to discuss and jot down some


peace and resolve conflicts. ideas about how to spread peace in the world then

At the end of the session, the teacher interacts they share their ideas with their teacher and

with learners encouraging them to guess and classmates for further elaboration.
propose a title for the unit. Learners suggest a title for the unit.
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 01: Discovering Language Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 read and respond to a text.
 recognize the role of international organizations namely the UN in maintaining peace.
 summarize the ideas of the text in a form of a diagram and represent them to the class.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PDP Framework (Pre – During – Post )
Materials: Whiteboard- Pictures- Worksheets

Timing Rationale
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She displays a picture Learners greet their teacher.
background knowledge
To activate learners’

and interacts with learners helping them guess

Learners consider the picture and interact with their

what it represents. To make it more fun, the teacher

teacher suggesting different letters which make the
can play hangman game with learners encouraging
them to suggest letters which make up the word.
Interpretive/ Interactive


Learners consider the sentences given and make best


12 m use of their background knowledge to choose the right

answer then they report their answers.
To make guesses / to introduce

1→ a 2→ b 3→ c 4→ personal opinions
the topic of reading

Next, the teacher directs learners’ attention to the Learners read the text given and check their answers
second task on the worksheets. She sets learners to to the previous task.

tick the right answer in the sentences given.

Once done, the teacher sets learners to read the

text given to check their answers.
The teacher, then, sets learners to read the text Students read the text and do the activities
again and do the activities suggested. suggested.

 Reading for gist. 1. Choosing the right answer

To read and respond to

  The text is about the United Nations.

Interpretive/ Interactive
Reading for specific information
20 m 2. True/ False Statements
a text

a→ True b→ False c→ True

3. Answering questions

a. The United Nations was founded for the sake of
preserving peace worldwide.

b. The UN has 15 agencies. They aim to achieve

While correcting the activities, the teacher cultural, economic and health development.
interacts with learners explaining any c. No, it didn’t.
4. Synonyms
ambiguities helping them form a better protecting (1§)= preserving
understanding of the text’s ideas and structures. disputes (1§)= conflicts
growth (2§)= development
cooperation (3§)= collaboration
To make an oral summary of


20 m Learners reorganize the information from the text

the text’s ideas

into a diagram then they use those ideas to make a


Once all done, the teacher sets learners to work in short oral presentation about the United Nations.
pairs to organize all they have learnt about the UN
Date of foundation goal

in a form of a diagram then make a short

presentation about the UN using those ideas. Secretary
General UN Agencies

Achievements Personal opinions

about the UN
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 01: Discovering Language Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 recognize the different forms and uses of modal “can”.
 use modal “can” in different tenses correctly.
 write sentences using the modal “can” to express ability and possibility.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PPP Framework ( Presentation –Practice – Production)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets
Interaction Target
Timing Rationale Pattern Competency
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She writes some Learners greet their teacher.
examples on the board.
To introduce the different forms

Learners consider the sentences given and interact

and uses of modal “can”

 Over the last years, the UN could resolve with their teacher and classmates.
many conflicts peacefully.
 The words in bold express ability.

Interpretive/ Interactive

The UN was able to end many disputes in  Sentences (1) and (2) are in the simple past.

Africa between 2004-2018.

 Sentence (3) is put in the simple future.


The UNICEF will be able to build more  The difference is that sentence (1) talks about a
20 m
schools in poor countries in the future.
general situation whereas sentence (2) is about a

The teacher interacts with learners asking them

specific situation.
some questions:
Later learners makes best use of the information
 What do the words in bold express?
 Can you identify the tenses the words are they got from the interaction to complete the tip box
conjugated in? given.
To help learners

 What‘s the difference between sentence (1)

deduce rules

and (2)?

The teacher goes through the sentences clarifying


any ambiguities helping learners deduce rules

related to the uses and forms of modal “can”. (The
teacher may use simpler examples if need be).
Next, the teacher sets learners to do more Learners consider the sentences given and fill in the
practice about the modal “can”. gaps with the correct form of modal “can”. Then, they

To practice and use modal “can “in

Task 01 share their answers with their teacher and
different tenses and situations

Interpretive/ Interactive
 Using modal “can“ in different tenses classmates for further error checking.
correctly. a. can
b. were able to

20 m
c. could not/ couldn’t
S-S d. have not been able to
e. will be able to

Learners consider the sentences and complete

them using the correct form of modal “can” and the
Task 02
ideas given. Then, they interact with their teacher
 Completing sentences using the different
and classmates to check their answers.
forms of modal “can”.
a→ couldn’t attend b→ can’t live a happy life
c→ will be able to provide education and shelter
d → can cooperate together e→ can’t establish
peace f→ was not able to end the Syrian civil war
To write sentences using

g → can’t impose your ideas

the modal “can”


15 m Once all done, the teacher directs learners’

attention to the last activity on the worksheets. Learners take few minutes to prepare their

She sets them to write some sentences about sentences then they share their examples with their
themselves using the modal “can” reinvesting the teacher and classmates.
information they‘ve seen throughout the lesson.
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 01: Discovering Language Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 recognize and use link words used in expressing concession.
 write sentences to express concession using different link words.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PPP Framework ( Presentation –Practice – Production)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets

Interaction Target
Timing Rationale Pattern Competency
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She distributes the Learners greet their teacher.
Learners go through the text to find a sentence
To introduce expressing

She writes on the board the sentence that follows similar in meaning to the one given. Then, they report
and asks learners to go through the text about the their answers.

UN to pick out a sentence similar in meaning to the

Interpretive/ Interactive

b. Though the UN has not been able to create a free

one given.
conflict world yet, it has led the foundations for

a. The UN didn’t succeed in creating a free conflict international communication.

20 m
world. However, it led the foundations for

international communication. Learners consider (a-b) sentences and discuss the

The teacher, then, sets learners to consider the questions given in pairs then they interact with their
two sentences and answer the questions teacher and classmates for further discussion.
 The two sentences express concession.

The teacher, then, interacts with learners  The link words used are: however, though.
To help learners

deduce rules

Although the UN didn’t succeed in .......... , it led

explaining any ambiguities helping them deduce
the foundations for international communication.
rules of form and use of concession link words.

Learners interact with their teacher drawing

After that, the teacher sets learners to read the tip
conclusions then they read the tip box given and
box given and do the activities suggested. make best use of those information to do the
activities suggested.
The teacher sets learners to do more practice Learners consider the pairs of sentences given and
about expressing concession. combine them using the link words provided. Then,

To use different concession link

Task 01 they share their answers with their teacher and

Interpretive/ Interactive
words correctly  Joining pairs of sentences. classmates for further error checking.
a. Although the UNESCO works hard to help kids
worldwide, millions still live in misery and poverty.

20 m

b. Though it seems hard to obtain, we can live in a

S-S peaceful world.

c. The two groups negotiated for many days;

however, they couldn’t reach an agreement.

Task 02
 Completing sentences using the Learners consider the sentences and complete them
appropriate ideas. using the appropriate idea from the list given. Then,
they interact with their teacher and classmates to
check their answers.
a. Although chemical weapons are very dangerous,
they are widely used in wars.
expressing concession

b. Though Anna and Bob don’t share the same

To write sentences

opinions, they are close friends.



c. All people agree on the importance of peace,

15 m
Once all done, the teacher directs learners’ however, Conflicts continue to arise here and there.
attention to the last activity on the worksheets. d. Although the UN made many attempts to resolve

the war in Syria, The conflict still goes on.

She sets them to write some sentences which
express concession using the link words they
have seen in the lesson. Learners take few minutes to prepare their
sentences then they share their examples with their
teacher and classmates.
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 01: Discovering Language Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 explore and use vocabulary related to peace and conflicts.
 write some slogans for peace integrating the different forms of modal “can”.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PPP Framework ( Presentation –Practice – Produce)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets- A picture

Interaction Target
Timing Rationale Pattern Competency
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She displays a cartoon Learners greet the teacher.
To raise learners ‘interest in

and interacts with learners about its topic. (The Learners look at the picture and interact with their

teacher can use any other cartoon). teacher and classmates talking about the message the
the lesson

cartoon conveys.

Learners consider the word puzzle to pick out words

related to peace and classify them under the two
Interpretive/ Interactive


15 m headings given. Then, they share their answers with


their teacher and classmates for further error

checking. smile dove
The teacher, then, distributes the worksheets and
directs learners’ attention to the word puzzle given. love
To explore basic vocabulary
related to “peace and war”

The teacher explains what learners are supposed to

do and sets them to work. oliveleaf

Once correcting the activity, the teacher interacts

with learners eliciting the meanings of any difficult refugee conflict fight

words using a variety of techniques such as

examples, definitions, synonyms….etc. destroy
weapons homeless
Next, the teacher directs learners ‘attention to Learners consider the sentences given and
the second task on the worksheet. The teacher complete them with the words from the previous

explains what students are supposed to do and task then they share their answers with their teacher

meaningful contexts

Interpretive/ Interactive
To use vocabulary in
sets them to work. and classmates for further error checking.

 Filling the gaps a→ olive leaf and the dove b→ peace
c→ refugees d → happy
20 m
e→ hope_ homeless
S-S Next, the teacher moves on to the next task. She
sets learners to reorder the words given to get
coherent slogans for peace. Learners consider the words given and reorder

 Formulating coherent sentences them to get coherent sentences then they share their
answers with teacher and classmates for further
error checking.
a. Let’s put hand in hand to have peace in the land.
b. We can obtain peace. Let’s restrain war.
c. Guns can’t make peace.
d. Love, respect and understanding can make a
To write slogans for peace

e. Violence is never a solution.
and anti-war



20 m Once all done, the teacher sets learners to work in

Learners work in pairs to write some slogans then
pairs and use their own ideas to write some they share them with their teacher and classmates

slogans for peace. for further discussion and correction.


 Writing slogans

Together, we can make Peace.

Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 01: Discovering Language Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 2 hours
 define the word prejudice and list some prejudiced ideas and beliefs.
 write a poem denouncing prejudices.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: Pre-writing _ Writing
Materials: Whiteboard- Pictures

Rationale Pattern
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She displays a picture Learners greet the teacher.
To raise learners’ interest in

and sets learners to discuss in pairs the questions Learners consider the picture and interact with their
suggested. partners discussing the questions suggested then they

report their answers.

the lesson

 The picture shows a mechanic woman.

 No, it’s not.

Interpretive/ Interactive

Learners express their opinions.


Learners interact with their teacher suggesting some


20 m
definitions to the word “prejudice” and listing some
prejudices associated with women in our society.
After that, the teacher guides learners to define
 Women are weak.
what prejudice is and to list other prejudices
 Women are talkative/ love money and shopping.
To brainstorm the topic


associated with women.  Women are not intelligent/ only cooks/ can’t be
of writing

Next the teacher shows more pictures of different Learners work in pairs to write some prejudices

groups of people and sets learners to jot down some about the groups of people shown in the pictures and
prejudices about the groups of people shown. share their ideas with their teacher and classmates.
The teacher listens to learners ideas and jots the Learners interact with their teacher suggesting
most relevant ones on the board. different ideas.
Once the brainstorming is done, the teacher  are strong.

Interpretive/ Interactive
40 m Men  don’t do house

mistakes and correct them interacts briefly with learners eliciting from them
hold chores.
To highlight common the characteristics of poetry writing. Then she
sets them to start drafting. Throughout the Preju Teens  Immature.

writing process, the teacher supports learners

-dices  Impolite/
providing help and feedback.


Muslims terrorists
At the end of the session, the teacher collects
 violent
learners final drafts to be corrected.
Learners interact with their teacher then they start
writing making use of the ideas generated previously

getting help and feedback from their teacher and
Learners hand in their final drafts to their teacher
for further error feedback.
During the second session, the teacher draws

50 m learners’ attention to the most common mistakes Learners consider their mistakes (the list prepared
denouncing prejudice
To write a model poem

they made in their writing and gives them a by the teacher written on the board or on handouts)

chance to self-correct them. and they interact with their teacher and classmates
to correct those mistakes.
After that, the class under the teacher’s guidance

works to produce a model poem. Learners interact with their teacher and classmates
suggesting ideas, formulating and combining
sentences to produce a coherent poem denouncing
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 02: Developing Skills Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 define the word conflict and list types of conflicts.
 discuss and identify sources of conflicts.
 act out short dialogues simulating real life situations.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: EIF Framework (Encounter – Internalize- Fluency)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets
Interaction Target
Timing Rationale Pattern Competency
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She distributes the Learners greet the teacher.
worksheets. She directs learners’ attention to the Learners consider the pictures and interact with
pictures shown and sets them to choose the best their partners choosing the right answer from the

options given. Then they report their answers.

answer in the sentences given.
To raise learners’ interest in the lesson and

Choosing the right answer

Interpretive/ Interactive

1→ a _ d
introduce the topic

2→ b
10 m

3→ c


After the teacher interacts orally with

learners asking them some questions: Learners interact with their teacher and classmates

talking about their personal experiences.

 Have you ever been involved in a
 With whom do you usually argue?
 How do you manage to resolve things?
The teacher, then, directs learners’ attention to Students work in pairs to discuss and list the

To discuss and identify

the second activity. The teacher explains the different reasons behind international, school and

sources of conflicts

instruction and sets learners to work. home conflicts then they interact with their teacher

Interpretive/ Interactive
25 m The teacher listens to learners’ ideas and and classmates for further discussion..
reorganizes the most relevant ones in a form of a Sources of conflicts

diagram on the board.

 Identifying sources of conflicts School Home

 Homeworks.  Doing chores.
After that, the teacher directs learners’ attention  Noise/ using  Personal items :
to the next activity. The teacher sets learners to mobiles in class. clothes_ mobiles ....

 
useful language

reorder the words given to get coherent Bullying and Interference in

To introduce

sentences. jealousy. one’s decisions.

 Formulating meaningful sentences

Learners reorder the words given constructing
meaningful expressions used while arguing. Then
they share their answers with their teacher and
classmates for further error checking.

 What’s the matter with you?

 I don’t care.


Don’t you trust me?

To act out short


20m Once all done, the teacher sets learners to work in That’s not fair!

pairs to choose one of the situations given to

prepare a short dialogue simulating the situation. Learners work in pairs to write the dialogue then

they act it in front of their classmates.

Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 02: Developing Skills Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 listen and respond to an interview.
 use the expression “should have+ PP” to apologize for and criticize wrong actions.
 write sentences using the expression “ should have+PP”.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PDP Framework ( Pre listening–Listening – Post listening)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets - An audio script
Interaction Target
Timing Rationale Pattern Competency
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. Learners greet their teacher.


She distributes the worksheets. She directs Learners consider the picture given and in pairs
learners’ attention to the picture shown and sets discuss the questions suggested. Then, they share their
To introduce the topic of the listening

them to discuss in pairs the questions given. answers with their teacher and classmates for further

Pre- listening

The picture shows two friends.



10 m  Anna is upset/ sad.

 Jessie is comforting her friend.

 Anna may be has a family problem/ She got a bad



After that, the teacher sets learners to listen to Learners listen to the conversation between Anna
the dialogue and check their answers to the first and Jessie and check their answers to the previous
task. task.
Next, the teacher sets learners to listen to the Students listen to the conversation again and
conversation again to do the activity suggested. answer the questions given then they interact with

To deduce rules of form and

 Listening for specific information their classmates and teacher to check their answers.
Answering questions

Interpretive/ Interactive
The teacher, then, picks out two examples from  Anna is upset because she had a fight with

her sister.

the dialogue and interacts with learners drawing

their attention to both the form and the use of the
 Jessie thinks that Anna’s reaction is unaccep-
25m table. She said: “ You shouldn’t have beaten
expression “should have +PP” helping them your sister”.
deduce rules. Then, she sets them to complete the  Yes, she did.

tip box given.  Personal answers.

 Deducing rules
Learners interact with their teacher deducing the
After that, the teacher directs learners’ attention rules and completing the tip box given.
to the next activity on the worksheets. She
explains what they are supposed to do and sets Learners consider the situations given and write
them to work. sentences using the expression “should/shouldn’t
have+PP” then they share their answers with their
teacher and classmates for further error checking.
To write sentences using the target

structure learnt in the lesson

I shouldn’t have shouted at you.

Post- listening

 You shouldn’t have read my diary.


 I shouldn’t have used your mobile.


Once all done, the teacher sets learners to play in  You shouldn’t have acted impolitely.
20 m pairs the wheel game given constructing
Learners take turns to choose certain situations
meaningful sentences about the different
from the wheel game and respond to them using the
situations given.

target structure seen in the lesson then they share

their ideas with their classmates for further
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 02: Developing Skills Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 recognize and use some useful language structures and expressions to express appreciation.
 act out short dialogues simulating real life situations.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: EIF Framework (Encounter – Internalize- Fluency)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets –Pictures

Rationale Pattern
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She displays a group Learners greet the teacher.
of pictures and interacts with learners about its Learners consider the pictures and interact with
topic. She asks some questions: their teacher and classmates interpreting the pictures
To raise learners’ interest in the lesson and

and sharing their ideas.

 The pictures show acts of kindness and love.

 People look very happy and excited.
Interpretive/ Interactive
introduce the topic

 Learners express their opinions.

15 m  We say “ Thank you” to show our appreciation

and gratitude.

Learners consider the heart shape and fill in the table

given with information from the form then they share
their answers with their teacher and classmates for

After that, the teacher distributes the worksheets further discussion.

and directs learners’ attention to the heart shape
 Arabic: ‫شكرا‬
given and sets them to do the task suggested.  French: Merci

 Turkish: Tesekkὓrler
 German: Danke
 Japanese: Arigatou
 Portuguese: Obrigado
 Spanish: Gracias
The teacher, then, directs learners’ attention to Students discuss in pairs the questions given then

To discuss the topic and

foster peer interaction
the second activity. The teacher explains the they share their ideas with their teacher and

instruction and sets learners to work. classmates for further discussion.

Interpretive/ Interactive
20 m  Discussing the topic  We use the word ‘’thank you” very often.

We use the word “thank you” to show our
After that, the teacher directs learners’ attention appreciation of acts of kindness and help.
to the next activity. The teacher sets learners to 
S-S We respond by saying “You are welcome”.
reorder the words given to get coherent
 Learners provide various answers.
sentences used instead of and in response to the
expression “thank you”.
Learners reorder the words given constructing
 Introducing useful expressions meaningful expressions. Then, they share their
To enrich learners’
linguistic register

answers with their teacher and classmates for

further error checking.

 I really appreciate it.

 I am so grateful.
 That’s so kind of you.
 Don’t mention it.
 It’s the least I can do.


My pleasure.

Once all done, the teacher sets learners to work in

To act out short

pairs to prepare a short dialogue simulating a real



Learners work in pairs to write the dialogues

life situation in which they express their
making best use of the expressions presented
appreciation of a given act or behavior.
earlier then they act the dialogues in front of their

Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 02: Developing Skills Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 use appropriate modals to express obligation, prohibition and absence of obligation.
 distinguish between rights and duties.
 write a class charter.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PPP Framework ( Presentation –Practice – Production)
Materials: Whiteboard- Worksheets
Interaction Target
Timing Rationale Pattern Competency
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She distributes the Learners greet their teacher.
To raise learners’ interest in


Learners consider the pictures and match them with
She directs learners’ attention to the pictures their headings then they interact with their teacher
the lesson

shown and sets them to match each one with its and classmates to check their answers.

corresponding label.
Interpretive/ Interactive

a → shout at each other b→ be violent

After that, the teacher moves on to the next task.
c → bully d→ tolerate differences

She interacts orally with learners about the three


20 m e → not have the same opinions

headings shown in the table (Obligation_
Learners write meaningful sentences using the ideas
Prohibition_Absence of obligation) eliciting from
from the previous task and the modals given. Then,
them any relevant information. Then, she sets them
they interact with their teacher and classmates for
to classify the ideas from the previous task under
To introduce the topic

further discussion.
the appropriate heading.
and draw rules


We mustn’t shout at each other.

The teacher interacts with learners clarifying any
 We mustn’t be violent.
ambiguities helping them recall their prior
 We must/ should tolerate differences.
knowledge and form a better understanding of  We needn’t have the same opinions.

expressing obligation, prohibition and absence of  We mustn’t bully others.

The teacher sets learners to do more practice Learners consider the sentences given and
about modals. complete them using the appropriate modal. Then,

To practice the use

Task 01 they share their answers with their teacher and

of modals

Interpretive/ Interactive
 Filling the gaps classmates for further error checking.
a. We must settle disputes peacefully.

20 m b. People mustn’t be .............. others.

c. Friends needn’t have the same interests.

d. We must cooperate to solve problems.

e. We mustn’t impose our ideas on others.

To distinguish between

The teacher, then, moves on to the next task. She

rights and duties

interacts with learners to clarify the difference Learners work in pairs to jot down a list of students’

between “rights” and “duties” and sets them to rights and duties then they share their ideas with
do the activity. teacher and classmates for further discussion.

Task 02 School life

 Listing ideas
Rights Duties

 

Express opinions. Respect all school


15 m  Good learning staff.

environment  Abide by rules.
To write a class

 Good treatment  Avoid violence.


Once all done, the teacher directs learners’

Learners work in pairs to complete the class charter
attention to the last activity on the worksheets.

making best use of the ideas generated previously

She sets them to use some of the ideas generated
and modals. Then, they interact with their teacher
in the previous task to complete the class charter
and classmates to write a proper class charter.
Unit n° 02: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Sequence n° 02: Developing Skills Level & Stream: Second year scientific stream
Objective(s): Students will be able to: Allocated Time: 1 hour
 discuss and talk about discrimination and abuse of human rights.
 read and respond to a speech.
 identify the characteristics of an oratorical style.
 write a speech.
Target Competencies: Interpretive- Interactive- Productive Procedure: PDP Framework (Pre – During – Post )
Materials: Whiteboard- Pictures- Worksheets

Timing Rationale
Phases Teacher’s Role Learners’ Role

The teacher greets learners. She displays a group Learners greet their teacher.
of pictures and interacts with learners briefly about
Learners consider the pictures given and work with a

their topic. Then, she sets them to work in pairs to

partner listing some words/expressions which best
generate words/ expressions related to the
describe the pictures then they interact with their
pictures’ topic.
To brainstorm the topic of

teacher and classmates for further discussion

Interpretive/ Interactive

Violence Black/ white



torture Racism hateslaves

The teacher interacts with learners organizing the religion

words in a form of a diagram on the board.
Learners listen to Martin Luther King’s speech and
After that, the teacher holds a brief discussion

complete it using the list of words given. Then, they

about Martin Luther King eliciting from learners
share their answers with their teacher and classmates
any information about the man then she sets them
for further error checking.
to listen to his address and fill in the gaps using the
words given. a dream _ nation_ equal _ brotherhood_ injustice_
oppression_ freedom _ justice_ color_ black_ white
The teacher, then, sets learners to read the Students read the speech and do the activities
speech again and do the activities suggested. suggested.

 Reading for gist. 1. Choosing the right answer

To read and respond to

  The text is a speech.

Interpretive/ Interactive
Reading for specific information
20 m
a speech

 The text is about racism in America.

 Martin Luther King called for equality.

S-M 2. Answering questions

a. Martin Luther king is an American man of

peace who stood against racism and injustice.

While correcting the activities, the teacher b. He was optimistic.
interacts with learners explaining any c. His hopes are: equality among blacks and
ambiguities helping them form a better Whites _ freedom and prosperity of his country.
understanding of the text’s ideas and structures. d. Choice of words _ repetition of some phrases _
rhyming words…
3. Synonyms
a→ equal b→ slave
c→ oppression d→ racist
To write a speech

20 m Learners interact with their teacher and classmates


setting a coherent speech plan by reordering the

Once all done, the teacher directs learners’
steps given. Then, they work in pairs to brainstorm
attention to the last activity on the worksheets.
and jot down any relevant ideas related to the

She interacts with learners explaining the task

speech’s topic and start drafting.
and sets them to decide about how to plan their
speech and start drafting in class and continue
the work at home.

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