CF QB 2023

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Unit 1

1.Enumerate the guidelines for seizing digital evidence at the scene.(pg. 169-

174) Q. 20

2. State and Explain different tasks performed by Computer Forensic tools. (pg.

261-271) Q. 22

3.Explain different types of data acquisition formats along with its advantages and disadvantages (pg. 101,102) Q.

4.Explain procedures for Corporate High-tech Investigations with respect to an Email AbuseInvestigation. (pg. 37-
43)Q. 7

5.Explain procedures for Corporate High-tech Investigations with respect to an Employee TerminationCases (pg. 37-
43) Q. 7

6.Explain procedures for Corporate High-tech Investigations with respect to Internet Abuse Investigation (pg. 37-
43)q. 7

7.List standard systems analysis steps to be applied when preparing a for forensic investigation case. (pg. 30,31)Q.


8 .State and explain different types of digital networks.

9.What are the different acquisition tools in forensics? Explain (pg. 120-123) (pg. 138-139) Q. 16

10.What are the different ways to validate the acquired data? Explain. (pg. 126-129) Q. 17

11.What are the requirements to set up a workstation for computer forensics? (pg. 45,46) Q.


12.What in an evidence custody form? What information does it contain? (pg. 33-35) Q. 5

13.What is network forensics? Explain the 3 modes of protection in DiD Strategy.(pg.

428,429) Q. 28

14.What is the procedure for securing evidence?

15.What is the standard procedure used for network forensics? (pg. 432) Q. 30
16.Explain procedures for Corporate High-tech Investigations with respect to: (pg. 37-43) Q. 7
a. Employee Termination Cases
b. Internet Abuse Investigation
C. Email Abuse Investigation
d.Attorney-client Privilege investigations
e. Media Leak investigation
f. Industry Espionage investigations
Unit 2
1. Write the steps for examining email message.

2. What are the different categories of social media? Explain (pg. 10-12)


3. Describe client and server roles in e-mail? (pg453) Q. 2

4. Describe some available e-mail computer forensics tools Describe

some available Mobile forensics tools..

5. Describe tasks in investigating e-mail crimes and violations.

6. Explain different types of Personal information shared on social

media? (pg. 17-25) Q. 16

7.Explain PDA

8.Explain standard acquisition procedure for Cell phones or Mobile Devices

9. Explain standard procedures for performing a live acquisition.

10.Explain the role of e-mail in investigations. (pg452) Q. 1

11.Explain the use of e-mail server logs.

12.Explain various artifacts where one can have a look while doing forensics investigation on InternetExplorer

13.List some tools used for performing Browser Forensics

14.State and explain the different types of content posted on social media? (pg. 10) Q. 13

15.What are privacy controls? Explain its importance. (pg. 31-35)q. 17

16.what are the advantages/features of using email forensic tools What are

17.the different categories of social media? Explain

18.What are the different techniques for finding people on social media.

19. . What are the features of using email forensic tools.

20.What is browser forensic? Why it is important?

21.What is Messenger forensic? State the different types of evidence that can be collected from amessenger?
22.Where can such files be found on computer?

23.Write a note on Social Connections and Associates.

24.Write a short note on mobile Forensics.

25.Write a short note on Subscribers identity Module (SIM) cards

26. Write short note on Location data of social media. (47-50)Q.19

27.Write the steps for examining email HEADER.

28.Write the steps for examining email message.

29.explain how ACCESS DATA FTK can be used to recover email

30.Explain how to perform browser forensic for Internet Explore
Unit 3
1.List any five rules of evidence. (pg. 152)Q.6

2.Explain the tasks to be completed before searching for evidence. (pg. 163-

168) Q. 9

3.What are the steps to create image files of digital evidence? (pg. 174)q.10

4.What is digital evidence? State and explain general tasks that the investigators perform when
working with digital evidence. (pg. 150,151) q. 5
5. Write a short note on Corporate Investigations.(pg14) q. 2
6. Explain different types of reports. (pg. 518,519)q. 1
Explain Digital Signature and Electronic Signature (pg. 4,5) q. 25

Explain the legal process to conduct computer investigation for potential criminal violations of
law.(12,13) Unit-3 q.1

Explain the tasks to be completed before searching for evidence (163-169) unit-3 q. 9

Explain various ways in which data integrity can be verified?

(177,178) Unit – 3 q. 12
How is digital evidence stored? Explain.(174-177) Unit-3 q. 11

How to collect evidence in Private Sector Incident Scenes(157-160) q.7

List any five rules of evidence(pg. 152) q. 6

List various guidelines for writing reports(pg.522-527)q.14

What are the features of IT ACT 2000

What are the objectives of IT ACT 2000

What are the steps to create image files of digital evidence?(pg.174 ) q.10

What is authorized requestor? Why should companies appoint them for computer investigations?

(Pg.17) q.3

what is information technology Act 2000

What is IT Act 2000 ? Write the features of IT ACT 2000

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