SOP - Highrise Other Buildings

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: General: 0471- 2312910, 2318153, 2318154, 2318155 Chairman: 2318150 Member Secretary: 2318151
E-mail: FAX: 0471 – 2318134, 2318152 web:
tIcf kwØm\ aen-\o-I-cW \nb-{´W t_mÀUv
Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004
]«w ]n.-H., Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw þ 695 004
PCB/HO/SEE-3/MISCELLANEOUS/65/2019 Dated: 15/03/2023

SOP for High Rise & Other Buildings

1. This SOP is applicable for high-rise buildings, commercial buildings,
shopping malls, public buildings housing govt offices & court complexes
and residential apartment projects. High rise buildings are buildings with
four storeys or more. As per the norms of the Board, buildings (whether
high-rise, low-rise or villa) with built-up area of 2000 sq.m or more comes
under the consent purview of the Board. Also, buildings with proposed
waste water discharge of 20,000 litres per day (including sewage & sullage)
or more comes under the consent purview of the Board irrespective of the
built-up area. In the case of villa projects, if the total built-up area of all the
villas taken together is 2000 sq.m or more and/or the total waste water
generation (including sewage & sullage) is 20,000 l/day or more, such
projects come under the consent purview of the Board. If the total discharge
is ≤ 20,000 l/day it is in green category; >20,000 l/day to ≤ 100KLD is in
orange category and > 100KLD is in red category. However, projects
comprising of residential apartments only (with no commercial space) up to
50,000 l/day, may be taken in green category. In this case also the distance
criteria for STP, DG sets and other pollution control measures are
applicable. Such projects are categorized as green in order to grant them the
benefits of fee relaxation as there is no regular commercial activities
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2. It may be noted that hotels, restaurants and other units in

commercial/residential apartments/shopping malls which already come
under the consent purview of the Board have to apply and obtain the consent
of the Board separately in cases where the building in which the unit is
located is exempted from consent purview based on item 1 above. Also,
buildings which are exempted from the consent purview based on item 1
shall be brought under the consent purview in case of complaints of
pollution from such units. It may also be noted that the exemption from the
consent purview granted vide paragraph 1 is to enable ease of doing business
for units complying with pollution control acts & rules.
3. 90% reduction in annual consent fee may be provided for non-
industrial/non-commercial government buildings coming under consent
purview. The annual fee from the time of consent renewal is only 10% of the
usual annual consent fee consent (that paid for ICE & first ICO) for
residential apartment complexes.
4. In many cases, applications are received by the Board in the name of
commercial buildings (with less than 2000 sq.m built-up area and less than
20,000 l/day of total waste water generation (including sewage & sullage)
for the consent of the Board for DG sets. Such units are exempted from the
consent of the Board based on item 1 & above. However, for issuing consent
for DG set alone, the total capital investment of the project need not be
taken. Instead the capital investment may be taken as the cost of DG set/sets,
cost of foundation for DG sets, installation, electrical connections, room in
which DG set is installed and the cost of land equivalent to the area of the
room in which the DG set is installed/area occupied by DG set if it is
installed in open. However, all buildings, irrespective of whether it comes
under the consent purview or not are required to provide adequate pollution
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control. In the case of DG set attached to godown/ware house falling in

white category, separate application may be submitted for DG set, so that the
ware house continues in white category itself and DG set in the category in
which it falls.
5. Minimum size of septic tank required is 0.04- 0.05m3 per capita. Septic tank
size becomes large when serving more than 100 persons. Taking total water
consumption as 150 litres per capita per day of which 30l/per capita/day is
used for flushing of toilets, 100 persons will discharge 3000 l/day into the
septic tank and the balance 9,000 litres as sullage (kitchen + wash water)
(assuming 80% of the water consumed is discharged as waste water).
Considering all these factors sewage treatment plant may be insisted if the
total discharge (sewage + sullage) is greater than 5,000 l/day.
6. While processing Consent to establish/operate applications pertaining to
high rise and other buildings and also after issue of consent, it is observed
that the Board officials are experiencing the following difficulties
concerning the Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) attached to the said projects:
(i) Occupancy certificate will be obtained only after the builder produces valid
ICO of the Board. Hence, the Board is forced to issue ICO without
ascertaining the adequacy of the STP.
(ii) At the time of inspection for Integrated Consent to Operate (ICO), the
occupancy in the building will be zero and hence the sewage in the STP is
negligible and hence not possible to ascertain the adequacy of the STP and
the quality of the treatment.
(iii) Satisfactory functioning of the STP is possible only on generation of
sewage quantity of at least 50% of the design capacity and it may take a
while to attain 50% occupancy in the building. And in some case it may
take much longer time to attain adequate occupancy.
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(iv) Once sufficient quantity of sewage is generated, the STP requires

additional time to stabilize.
(v) Once adequate occupancy is attained, the occupiers usually form Residents
Associations (RA) or Residents Welfare Association (RWA). It cannot be
ensured that the RA/RWA‟s have adequate information about the STP and
other pollution control measures.
(vi) Skilled man power is required to ensure correct operation of the STP.
Correct and timely rectification of the defects of the STP and its timely
maintenance are essential. The STP fails in many cases because of the lack
of skilled operators for STP and due to inadequate maintenance schedule.
(vii) Often the occupiers become the scapegoat of inoperative/defective STP‟s
and are required to face the consequence of not getting the consent
renewed on time.
(viii) Usually, the consent is issued with the condition that treated sewage shall
be reused to the maximum possible by way of toilet flushing and the rest
used for gardening. Balance, if any, is to be discharged into soak pits.
However, in actual practise, the treated sewage (and in many cases,
untreated sewage) gets discharged into the nearby drains/water bodies.
(ix) The builder/residents association neglect the annual maintenance contract
(AMC) for STP. There is no correct schedule for preventive maintenance.
Because of the above reasons it has become imperative to fix the
responsibilities as far as the consent management is concerned.
The following are the responsibilities of the builder (the person or agency
which designs, and constructs the building) and the occupier (RA/RWA) from the
Board‟s perspective. These matters may be incorporated as consent conditions.

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(i) It is the responsibility of the builder to apply for and obtain the Integrated
Consent to Establish (ICE) of the Board before starting any civil works and
to apply for and obtain the Integrated Consent to Operate of the Board at the
time of commissioning of the project in full compliance with all the
conditions prescribed in the ICE. The builder shall also be responsible for
bringing to the notice of the Board any variation from the original proposal
from that submitted along with ICE by way of applying for consent
variation. All these applications are to be submitted along with the
prescribed consent fee online though Board‟s website The builder will be responsible for ensuring
the correct distance criteria of the Board. The mode of treatment and
disposal of sewage shall be in compliance with the guidelines/SOP of the
Board. Before any civil works is done, the builder shall check the distance
criteria and conditions with the help desk in the Board‟s offices or in the
website. It is the responsibility of the builder to install STP and other
pollution control measures as per the distance criteria and other conditions
stipulated by the Board. The STP shall preferably be a combination of
anaerobic and aerobic treatment. The aerobic treatment shall preferably be
based on any of the following technologies: MBR (membrane bioreactor),
MBBR (moving bed bio film reactor), Packaged/capsule/cylinder type
treatment plants involving combination of anaerobic, aerobic (Moving bed
bio-reactor-MBBR) and activated sludge treatment process (for small
plants), MBR (membrane bio-reactor), SBR (sequence batch reactor) or
SBBR (sequence batch bioreactor). De-nitrification facilities shall be
mandated for the STP. Air blowers shall be provided with vibration dampers

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and acoustic system to mitigate the effect of vibration and noise. Modular
type STP shall be encouraged where much variation in sewage load is
(ii) It is often noted that after obtaining consent of the Board, the STP part is
often neglected and untreated or partially treated sewage is discharged into
the nearby drains or water bodies. Hence, a combination of anaerobic
digestion system with filtration and phyto/phytorid treatment using specific
plants (eg: Elephant Grass) in a constructed wetland (filled with crushed
bricks, gravel & stone) is a suitable option for small projects with adequate
land available for the purpose. The benefits include minimal electricity and
minimal operation & maintenance expense. The land area required for
constructed wet land for phytorid treatment is approximately 35 sq m per
20m3 per day (as per NEERI specifications). It requires to be desludged
periodically (depending on the quantity of sewage treated). The hydraulics
needs to be maintained in such a manner that wastewater does not rise to the
surface retaining a free board at the top of the filled media. Facilities for
collection of treated water (using under drains) with sampling facilities shall
be provided (for both phyto & phytorid treatment) & before final discharge
in to soak pit/gardening. The technology involved in constructed wetland
methodology is sedimentation, absorption & adsorption. Photosynthesis,
fermentation, microbial removal, ammonification, nitrification, de-
nitrification also occur in constructed wetland. However, such methods
become obstructive in the case of hydraulic and organic shock loads. There
are both horizontal & vertical constructed wetlands of which horizontal
wetland require large land area.
Print version of constructed wetland technology is available from the
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Phyto treatment is also gaining popularity because of low maintenance cost
& minimal electricity.
(iii) The Board do not have empanelled consultants. However, the builder can
obtain details of good performing STP‟s in the State from the official
website of the Board and also in the new module in Phoenix software (to be
introduced shortly).
(iv) Common Sewage Treatment Plants (CSTP) (having valid consent of the
Board) are the most preferred treatment system in areas where such system
prevails. In such case, the builder is required to provide facilities for the
transfer of the waste water to the sewer lines provided for this purpose and
in compliance to the norms laid down by the operator of the CSTP. Such
buildings also require consent based on the conditions in paragraph 1 to 4 of
this SOP. However, such common treatment facilities are to be provided
with online monitoring facilities for treated water quality. In such cases it
has to be ensured that bye-pass of sewage into public drains from man holes
and pumping stations do not occur.
(v) The builder shall upload the copy of building plan/ submitted for local body
approval/fire NOC along with ICE application. The building permit also
helps the Board officers to cross check the built up area.
(vi) It is expected that the builder complies with all the rules (CRZ, Prior
Environmental Clearance for buildings > 20,000m2 etc) as the case may be.
(vii) The builder shall intimate the Board regarding transfer of the building to
resident association.
(viii) The builder shall enter into operation and maintenance contract with the
consultant (the person or agency which designs, installs, operates and
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maintains STP) for operation and maintenance of the STP for a minimum
period of 5 years. The builder shall ensure that training is provided to the
STP operator by the consultant regarding the operation of the STP, its
defects & rectification measures, schedule of maintenance etc. This shall be
displayed in the control room of the STP. Performance Guarantee shall also
be provided by the consultant. These matters shall also be incorporated as a
condition in both the ICE & ICO.
(ix) After obtaining ICE, any further changes in the building area, if any, shall be
intimated to the Board and variation order obtained accordingly before
submission of application for ICO. Failure to comply with this shall result in
penalty of 5.5 times the revised annual consent fee based on the capital
investment of the revised project. This is in addition to the usual consent fee
(x) The builder shall also apply for the first ICO of the Board. First ICO is for a
period of not less than 5 years.
(xi) The builder & the Resident Association/Resident Welfare Association or the
buyer of the apartments shall enter into a mutual agreement regarding the
operation & maintenance of the STP and solid waste management facilities.
The builder shall produce the copy of this agreement to the Board. Once, all
the apartments are legally handed over and copy of this agreement submitted
to the Board, the builder will not have any responsibility for the STP & other
pollution control measures. This shall be incorporated as a condition in both
the ICE & ICO. However, if all the apartments are not transferred at the time
of expiry of ICO, then the Board will fix as to who is responsible for consent
renewal and maintenance and operation of pollution control measures based
on the agreement submitted to the Board. All these details shall be
incorporated in the agreement. However, if no agreement exists, then the
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entire responsibility will be with the builder until full transfer of the entire
building is legally completed.
(xii) The builder shall take care to ensure that disputes between residents
associations regarding pollution control measures do not occur. All matters
shall be made clear in the agreement. For example, in Eranakulam, there is a
case where three buildings were constructed as three different projects with a
common STP for the three. However, once the buildings were handed over
to the concerned residents associations, the building plot in which the STP is
located refused to treat the waste water from the other buildings. Hence, it is
always advisable to have separate STP for each building.
(xiii) The builder shall provide all the details regarding the STP (including its
design details, standard operating procedures, performance guarantee,
annual maintenance contract and maintenance schedule) & other pollution
control measures to the Resident Association/Resident Welfare Association
or the buyer of the apartments. This matter shall also be incorporated in the
mutual agreement between the builder and the occupants. This shall be
incorporated as a condition in both the ICE & ICO.
(xiv) The following facilities shall be provided in the construction/demolition
sites: 1. Construction & demolition waste need to be segregated into
concrete, soil, steel, wood, plastic, brick & mortar, paper (eg:paper sack
cement bags), glass, ceramic, electrical items and metallic items. 2. Separate
storage area need to be earmarked in the construction site for segregation &
storage of each type of construction/demolition waste. 3. Construction waste
shall not mix with domestic waste. 4. Enclosure of the construction site
using garden nets/GI sheets shall be done to prevent spreading of dust to the
nearby areas. 5. Water storage facilities with adequate number of waste
sprinklers shall be provided for containing the dust generated. 6. Only DG
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sets having acoustic enclosure shall be used in the site. 7. Facilities for
treatment of sewage generated from the workers quarters shall be provided.
Domestic solid waste generated from the workers quarters shall be
segregated and bio-degradable solid waste shall be treated using bio-gas
plant, compost. 8. Curing water shall be disposed in separate pits and if the
quantity of concrete in the wash water is high, it shall be discharged into pits
lined with HDPE lining and once dry, it shall be transferred into authorized
land fill site.
(i) The occupier is responsible for all the matters pertaining to the Board, once
the legal transfer of the entire building to the occupier is complete. The
Board will assess this based on the agreement between the builder and the
(ii) The occupier shall ensure that the distance criteria of the Board are not
violated after the builder transfers the responsibility of operation &
maintenance of the STP to the RA/RWA.
(iii) The occupier shall install all additional pollution control measures or shall
augment the treatment system whenever needed to achieve the prescribed
standards at that time.
(iv) The occupier shall ensure the smooth functioning and operation of the STP
and ensure that sufficient skilled operators are posted for the operation of the
(v) The occupier shall ensure that the maintenance of the STP is done as per
schedule suggested by the consultant.
(vi) The occupier shall apply and get the consent renewed on time.

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The following matters may be looked into by the Board officers while
processing consent applications pertaining to such projects:
(i) The water consumption details are mentioned in the National Building code
2016, BIS are tabulated below:

Sl Type of Building Domestic Flushing (litres Total (litres

no (litres per per head per per head per
head per day) day) day)
1 Hostels 90 45 135
2 Hotels (up to 3 star) 120 60 180
excluding laundry,
kitchen and staff
3 Hotels (4 star & 260 60 320
above) excluding
laundry, kitchen and
4 Restaurant 55 per seat 15 per seat 70 per seat
5 Food Courts 25 per seat 10 per seat 35 per seat
6 Club House 25 20 45
7 Cinemas, concert 5 per seat 15 per seat 20 per seat
halls and theatres
and multiplex
8 Schools/Educational 25 20 45
Without boarding

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9 Schools/Educational 90 45 135
institutions: With
boarding facilities

10 Shopping Malls 25 20 45
11 Shopping Malls 5 10 15

As per the National Building code 2016, BIS, the population in residential
dwellings are as follows:
No of bed rooms Population
1 4
2 5
3 6
4 & above 7
For communities with population 20,000 to one lakhs, the per capita water
consumption per day is 100 to 135l/day & for population above 1 lakh is 150
to 200 litres per capita per day.
For design purpose, water consumption may be taken as 150 litres per capita
per day. Considering on an average basis and based on the experience in
Kerala, number of persons may be taken as 2 persons in one BHK, 4 persons
in two BHK, 6 persons in three BHK and so on. However, in many of the
flats in Corporation areas, usually this number will be much more. Hence, in
such areas water consumption may be taken as 300 litres per day for one

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BHK, 600 litres per day for two BHK & 900 litres per day for three BHK.
Waste water discharge is usually taken as 80% of water consumption.
However, in thickly populated corporation areas it may be taken as 90% of
water consumption. For usual commercial buildings, water consumption
may be taken using the thumb rule: 100 sq feet→ 1 person→50litres.
(ii) The STP shall be constructed above ground level (exemption in this regard
mentioned in item (iii) below). Preliminary treatment units (collection tank,
screening, oil & grease trap, and grit chamber) need not be insisted to be
above ground level, but needs to be ensured that there is no bypass lines or
seepage in these units. The other units from equalization onwards are to be
constructed above ground level. Cellar type STP with lighting & facilities
for inspection is also admissible. However, if there are space constraints, the
STP may be constructed below ground level. However, such STP‟s shall be
provided with sensors which automatically stop the working of the plant and
cuts off the inflow into the STP in the event of possibility of overflow, leaks,
improper functioning or malfunctioning of aeration system or other electro-
mechanical parts and alerts the operator and occupier through messages in
the mobile phone and is such that the plant can be restarted only after the
defects are rectified. Such STP‟s shall be provided with lighting facilities so
that the inside becomes visible when manholes are removed. STP on roof
tops also can be permitted in areas where there are space constraints.
Distance criteria & setback is not applicable to such plants (roof top).
However, it shall be installed with sensor facilities mentioned above to
ensure that it is operated correctly & regularly.

(iii) The STP‟s complying fully with the following 3 conditions may be permitted
below ground level and also relaxation in distance criteria allowed:
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a. Sewage Treatment Plants provided with sensors which automatically

stop the working of the plant and cuts off the inflow into the STP in
the event of possibility of overflow, leaks, improper functioning or
malfunctioning of aeration system or other electro-mechanical parts
and alerts the operator and occupier through messages in the mobile
phone and is such that the plant can be restarted only after the defects
are rectified.
b. Separate electric and water meters are provided to measure the
electricity consumed by the STP and the quantity of waste water
treated in the unit. A facility or link is provided to the Board officers
to get the real time reading of the electric and water meter.
c. Adequate odour control measures are provided. This becomes
essential during maintenance/failure of STP. Providing mere vent pipe
is not adequate. Control measures like bio-filter or other scientific
odour control measures are to be provided.
(iv) No consent (ICE/ICO/ICO-R) shall be issued with validity less than 5 years.
(v) Violation of distance criteria for STP, DG sets and other pollution control
measures attracts heavy environmental compensation (EC). EC equivalent to
10.5 times the annual consent fee should be levied in such cases. The EC shall
be paid as DD in favour of the Board and it goes into the Environment
Protection Fund of the Board and is to be utilized as per CPCB norms. The EC
details are as follows: Name of the account holder: Chairman, KSPCB,
account number: 67366954329, Bank: SBI, IFSC code: SBIN0070212. This
fund shall be utilized for protection of water bodies in the State.
(vi)The adequacy of disposal of treated sewage needs to be thoroughly checked.
In many cases, the project proponents claim that major portion of the treated
effluent is used for gardening/toilet flushing and the rest disposed through soak
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pit. In this regard, the project proponent is required to submit a water balance
showing the total quantity of treated effluent generation and its total utilization
through toilet flushing, gardening and soak pit. It has to be ensured that the soak
pit is capable of absorbing the said quantity. For this, the project proponent
(with any consultant in this field) shall conduct and produce a copy of
percolation test done as per IS-2470-2 (1985) and report the standard
percolation rate of the soil in the site. The spots where percolation test is done
shall be informed to the Board (with photographs of the conduction of the test).
The applicant is also directed to submit sectional drawing of the soak pit/soak
pits. The allowable rate of application of treated effluent in the pit shall be
assessed using the table below:
Percolation rate (in minutes) Maximum rate of treated effluent
application (in litres per metre square
of absorption area per day)
1 or less 204
2 143
3 118
4 102
5 90
10 65
15 52
30 37
45 33
60 27

The absorption area for soak pit is the side wall area and the effective depth
being measured from 150mm below the invert level of the inlet pipe to the
bottom of the pit. The quantity of treated effluent absorbed in the soak pit can
be calculated from the absorption areas using above table.

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(vii) The water requirement for gardening has to be reported correctly by the
applicant. It may be noted that no lawn or landscape plants require daily
watering. The project proponent shall report the hose diameter, number of
sprinklers installed (N), capacity (C ) of each sprinkler in litres per minute and
time of applying sprinklers each day (T ) in minutes in a day. Then total flow
from the sprinklers in litres = NCT in a day. Please note that the time of
application of water in a day depends on several parameters like type of lawn
plant, water table, ground slope, type of soil, conveyance loss etc. The area of
lawn (in sq.m) irrigated, type of plant used in the lawn, capacity of tank used
for storing the treated water etc may also be informed. Water meter may be
installed in the gardening/toilet flushing lines for the purpose of verification of
the quantity used for gardening and that discharged into soak pit.
(viii) The capacity of tanks for recycling of water shall be checked.
(ix) ToD (time of day) type energy meters & water meter shall be installed to
check the quantity of water treated in the STP.
(x) The occupiers shall conduct quality check of the treated sewage using
consultants and submit analysis report to the Board once in six months.
They shall also ensure that the log books pertaining to the operation and
maintenance of the plant is correctly kept.
(xi) For rain water harvesting, the runoff (volume of rain water that can be
harvested) is calculate using the formula, Q= CIA
→Q is the rain water that can be harvested in m3/h (cubic metre
per hour), C is the runoff coefficient, I is the rainfall intensity in mm/h
(millimeters per hour) and A is the surface area of the harvesting area in m2
(square metre). Surface area that can be utilized for harvesting includes
roof/terrace area, paved & unpaved surfaces. Rainwater thus harvested shall
be discharged into recharge pits if the site is not a water logged area. The
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number of recharge pits required have to be correctly assessed based on the

maximum quantity of water likely to be harvested. However in cases where
there are space constraints, rain water collection tanks may be provided.
(xii) Storm water drains have to be designed in such a way that no waste water
enter the storm water drain.
(xiii) The distance criteria of the Board for STP to residence (10 log Q for ≤
100KLD & 25 log Q for > 100KLD →Q is the maximum discharge in m3
per day and KLD means kilo litres per day and 1 KLD= 1 m3) and for DG
set to residence (√KVA)/2 may be strictly followed (KVA is power rating in
kilo volt ampere). The STP shall be provided with a setback of minimum
3m. The distance to water bodies shall not be less than 10 log Q from the
discharge point of treated sewage to water bodies. In the case of DG sets,
„distance‟ means the shortest distance from the body of the DG set to the
nearest residence. In the case of STP, „distance‟ means the shortest distance
from the outer point of any unit of the STP (both underground & above
ground level) to the nearest residence. The distance to water body shall be
the shortest distance from the water body to the soak pit or to the outlet
discharge point of the STP, as fixed at the time of inspection. In the case of
multiple DG sets KVA in the above formula is the biggest value of the KVA
rating of individual DG sets. For example, if there are 3 DG sets of capacity
120KVA, 150KVA & 210 KVA, then the distance from each DG set to the
nearest residence shall not be less (√210)/2 metres.
(xiv) The stack height of DG sets (of capacity less than 800KW) in metres shall
not be less than h + 0.2(√KVA), where h is the height of the building in
metres in which the DG set is installed. The DG sets shall be provided with
acoustic enclosures. The existing DG sets shall be retrofitted with pollution

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control measures as per the circular pertaining to retro fitment of DG sets.

The maximum permissible sound pressure level for new diesel
generator (DG) sets with rated capacity up to 1000 KVA, manufactured on
or after the 2{1st January, 2005} shall be 75 dB(A) at 1 metre from the
enclosure surface. For DG sets ≥1000 KVA, the noise shall not exceed the
standards of noise for that area. Such DG sets shall comply with the

01 The manufacturer shall offer to the user a standard acoustic enclosure of

25 dB(A) insertion loss and also a suitable exhaust muffler with insertion
loss of 25 dB(A).
02 The user shall make efforts to bring down the noise levels due to the DG
set, outside his premises, within the ambient noise requirement by proper
siting and control measures.
03 Installation of a DG set must be strictly in compliance with the
recommendations of the DG set manufacturer.
04 A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for the DG set
should be set and followed in consultation with the DG set manufacturer
which would help prevent noise levels of the Dg set from deteriorating with
Emission Limits for DG sets up to 800KW

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Emission Limits for DG sets of 800KW or more

It may be noted that DG sets greater than 800KW are major power houses
and such units shall be enclosed in building provided with acoustic
treatment. The emission generated shall be dispersed through stack of height
as mentioned in the table above. The stack shall also be provided with real
time monitoring of emission for PM, NOX and CO.

Table showing emission limits for DG sets of 800KW or more (NMHC is

Non-methane hydro carbon).

For DG sets working on dedicated Natural Gas (NG) or Liquid Petroleum

Gas (LPG); DG sets working on Petro & Natural Gas & Petrol and LPG; DG
sets working on Diesel & Natural Gas & Diesel and LPG, the maximum

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permissible sound pressure level for genset, with rated capacity upto 800 kW
shall be 75 dB(A) at 1 metre from the enclosure surface. Gensets should be
provided with integral acoustic enclosure at the manufacturing stage itself.
All such type of DG sets shall have type approval certificates from any of
the five CPCB approved agencies. For such DG sets, the emission standards
prescribed in EP Rules shall be followed. The distance to nearby residence is
(√ KVA/2) itself in such cases. DG sets working on NG or LPG or dual fuel
needs to be promoted in place of the usual petrol/diesel DG sets. DG sets
working on petrol/diesel needs to be replaced with NG in a phased manner.
(xv) First ICO is to be issued for a period not less than 5 years. The applicant
may be informed well in advance of the date of inspection. At the time of
inspection the operator shall demonstrate a trial run of the plant (in case
adequate sewage is not available). Consent can be issued based on that trial
run. In case of STP provided with sensors, the operator shall demonstrate the
working and effectiveness of sensors. The applicant shall inform the Board
of the commissioning of the STP through industry communication module in
Phoenix software of the Board. Renewal shall be considered at 90% discount
in the annual consent fee.
(xvi) The inlet parameters (for design of STP) are as follows (generally):

Parameter unit Value

pH - 5.5-8.5
BOD(5 day) mg/l 250-300
COD mg/l 500-550
TSS mg/l 200
Oil & grease mg/l 50

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The standards for treated discharge shall be as follows:

parameter unit Tolerance limits

For irrigation Gardening/ Into

/soak pit flushing/car public
washing drain
B.O.D (5 day) mg/l < 10 <3 <3
pH - 6.5-9.0 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5
C.O.D mg/l < 50 < 25 < 25
TSS mg/l < 10 < 10 < 10
Ammoniacal mg/l <5 <5 <5
Oil & grease mg/l < 10 <1 <1
Fecal MPN/ < 230 < 230 < 100
Coliform 100ml

Total mg/l <2 <2 <2

Total mg/l < 10 < 10 < 10

(xvii) Discharge into storm water drain can be permitted if the standards prescribed
in the table above are met and conditions suggested in item iii of this SOP
under the heading “matters to be looked into by the Board” above are
complied with.

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(xviii)Facilities for solid waste management need to be provided. Minimum 3 type

of segregation should be practised, namely, wet waste (green container), dry
waste (white container) & domestic hazardous waste (black containers).
Sanitary waste should be stored separately. The wet fraction should
preferably used for composting; the dry fraction for recycling. Domestic
hazardous waste including bio-medical waste, battery waste, e waste, paint,
pesticide/insecticides, cleaning chemicals etc should not enter the municipal
solid waste stream. Domestic hazardous waste is to be deposited at the
designated collection centres. The applicant at the time of ICO shall specify
the methodology for treatment and disposal of each type of waste and the
facilities provided for the same. Bio-bins, Bio-digester, bio-gas plant,
manual & automatic composting systems etc are the usual solid waste
management system. If the quantity of wet waste is ≥100 kg/day or have a
built-up area of 20,000 sq m or more for a building, it shall be insisted to
provide own facilities for onsite composting (manual or automatic). Such
units shall not be permitted to dispose the wet waste though the municipal
solid waste management system. Segregated non-bio-degradable waste can
be given to authorized collectors like Haritha Karma Sena.
(xix) There are many areas in Kerala where there are chances of flooding. Hence,
the category of land may be checked before issuing the consent for high rise
or other buildings. Or else, maximum rate of application of treated sewage
may be fixed with the results of percolation tests and check whether it is
(xx) Continuous violations without consent should be viewed seriously. EC
(environment compensation charges) should be charged based on the
EC= PI x N x R x S x LF
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PI = Pollution Index of Industrial Sector

N = No. of days of violation
R= A factor for Rupee for EC
S= Factor for scale of operation
LF = Location Factor

(xxi) It is noted that some builders are submitting separate applications in same
land. The land owner will be same and applications submitted as different
projects each below 20,000Sqm. If the total project area is considered, they
will be coming under the purview of EC (requiring Environmental
Clearance). As this seems to be aimed at getting EC exemption, the Board
officer may check the projects carefully and call for explanation from the
concerned applicants and also collect undertaking from the applicants that
the projects are entirely different and that it is not an attempt to evade EC.

(xxii) Many apartment buildings, commissioned before 2007 have now applied for
the consent of the Board. As the apartment buildings were brought in the
consent purview in 2007 only, such applicants may be permitted to submit
application with consent fee of 6.5 times the annual consent fee. Also, they
may be granted sufficient time for installing the STP. In some cases, such
buildings may not have sufficient space for construction of STP. Hence, they
have to make alternate arrangements for transfer of sewage to common
treatment plants having valid consent of the Board, while facilities for
coagulation and settling of sullage in the area available in the plot.
Also, distance criteria may be relaxed for buildings constructed before the
date of the 10 log Q circular, ie, before the year 2010.

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This circular is valid from the date of issue and it supersedes all previous
circulars in this regard.


Forwarded by order

ALEXANDER Digitally signed by ALEXANDER

GEORGE Date: 2023.03.15 15:47:08 +05'30'

Senior Environmental Engineer-3

This document contains 24 pages

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