Coov Tools
Coov Tools
Coov Tools
Revit software structure allows cove.tool to
become integrated with your project as a unique
view in the Project Browser. As you move
further in the building design, you can easily
export geometry making running a cove.tool
model the easiest energy modeling software
you have ever used.
project through Rhino and into cove.tool.
SketchUp is supported by cove.tool, but does
not have a plug-in. Instead we export a .dwg to
Rhino to connect to the cove.tool web app.
Our tool saves time by allowing one to export building inputting your building geometry values which will be the basis Cove.tool is the automated building consultant that parametrically optimizes design options for energy and
geometry to existing cove.tool projects in the cloud. The for the calculations. Most other tools require custom models cost performance in the early stages of the design process. Cove.tool is a unique automated energy modeling
software that integrates design, cost and performance. Its validated results, unique features, and robust web
plug-ins were created to work with the existing workflow to be created taking several hours depending on the extent of app interface give every project team the edge to make the best decisions sooner and more often. Try cove.
of architects, engineers, contractors, and owners, not how the analysis and complexity of building geometry. What cove. tool to save energy, time, money, and the environment.
energy modelers have made it work in the past. tool has done differently is create a tool which easily collects
Knowing what an energy model is doing helps to demystify building geometry data straight from your working 3D Model
the process. Energy models are simply a series of equations and exports the values into the cloud.
that calculate heat flow in and heat flow out of a building. Our cloud-based process without having to remodel makes
Cove.tool automates the process of setting up the model and
running optimizations to find the highest performance options
for least cost. The first step of setting up the equations is
this tool the easiest and fastest geometry export tool in the
industry. We have not found a project big enough, a file too
messy, or a building unresolved enough to break cove.tool.
Hours Saved
of Bundles Created
LEED Points Earned
of Dollars Saved covetool
Step1: Duplicate four 3D Views in your Revit’s Project
Browser. Name each view after four of the eight cove.
tool categories (Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Windows).
These views will remain your standard cove.tool
selection windows. As you update your project, these
viewports will follow suit and throughout the project’s
life, you will be able to go back and forth from Revit and
cove.tool to learn about your building’s current energy
want Cove.tool to import. Ex: A “WALL” import only
needs the objects from the “Walls visibility category,” as
would ROOFS need from Roofs, FLOORS from Floors,
and so on. For categories left checked, deselect the
subcategories as they are not relevant to cove.tool and
can slow down the geometry export.
manually select the objects and Hide the Elements. Use
from objects which directly affect a project’s energy
Left Click option like Select Similar Objects-In Viewport,
performance (i.e. walls, roof, skylights, floors, and
to make this step faster. Once complete, Apply Hide/
windows) and cuts out miscellaneous objects, it cuts
Isolate View and complete steps for the other windows.
the need for geometry oriented model prep.
Step 4: Now that all your viewports are complete, begin
the geometry export process. Log in to your cove.tool
account to connect your project to our cloud network. If
you haven’t already, start a new project in our web-app
so that there is a project to link to when you “Switch
The Revit plug-in uses 3D views for its selection and Projects” in Revit. Go through each tab/category and
data export process. These steps will not impact the select the geometry.
building geometry at all, instead, the Revit plug-in will One category that may be tricky is the WINDOWS
require edits in viewport settings to make seamless import. Depending on the window type property, a
data collections. This process has yet to meet a building window object may be located in multiple visibility
large or complex enough it couldn’t handle, but here are categories. Also, note that the cove.tool WALLS import
4 steps you can take to make sure a geometry import in does not require interior walls, only exterior walls which
Revit, from beginning to end, takes 5 minutes or less. have an impact on thermal transfer.
1 A
From SketchUp, export your model to a .DWG format.
With cove.tool’s current process, you only need
your building for the plugin process so context and
Use the command “Grasshopper” to launch the app,
open the file you should have downloaded
earlier from Food4Rhino. Be careful navigating the file.
2 B
populating blocks (people, furniture, vegetation, etc.) Cove.tool’s grasshopper file was custom engineered
are unnecessary for the Rhino portion and slow down to get the exact values from your project model. The
the exporting process. entire process is modelled and several tips are placed
around the file to keep you on track.
3 C
facing project north (top of the screen). This is imported Step 2: Once logged-in, the project list will update to
as data collected from the plug-in will be inserted into show your cove.tool project history. Using the number
the correct equation by its cardinal positioning. that identifies the project you wish to link to the project
in cove.tool, correct the project selector to connect.
Repeat the same steps in roof surfaces for floor
surfaces with a new Brep. However you modelled the
floors (with thickness, or not) throughout your project,
the only surfaces you should select are planes which
best illustrate the combined floor surface area or your
entire project. Be wary of selecting multiple surfaces on
the same plane, as they may double-log surface areas
and will result in unrealistic calculations and results in
your cove.tool report.
Now you are ready to begin the geometry import. plane and typing “Brep” (aka Boundary Representation).
To begin exporting geometry create Breps for the Each export is unique and the following will explore tips
following pills, “roof surfaces, floor surfaces, skylight and challenges for each category. Once all Breps are
surfaces, opaque wall surfaces, and window surfaces.”
Create Breps by double-clicking the grasshopper
completed and lines connected, disable the LockSolver
and jump to the cove.tool web app to see your results. SURFACES
Repeat the same steps in roof surfaces for skylight
surfaces with a new Brep. Not all projects have
skylights, so it is ok to leave this category empty by not
creating/connecting a Brep. This may give you an error
prompt in the Grasshopper code, but will not affect the
rest of the data exports, so there is no need to worry.
Go into the cove.tool web app and manually enter zero
in this category.
2 6
not need to be exported as they have their own page in
the cove.tool app that are manually recorded.
Using a new Brep pill, right-click the Brep and select the Repeat the same steps in roof surfaces for window
“Set Multiple Breps” prompt. Back in Rhino, select the surfaces with a new Brep. Similar to Opaque wall
single surface objects that best illustrate the combined surfaces, the window surface selection only pertains to
surface area that entails your projects entire roof areas on the exterior face of the project. Also, mullions
surface area. This includes all areas that are exterior and would, in theory, be included in the window selection
seal the areas below them, do not include cantilevers process and not in the wall surface category, however
as they have no energy impact on a building. Once because of their general size they tend to be minimal
selected, back in grasshopper connect the Brep pill to blips in the energy simulation results especially for an
the roof surface pill with a wire to complete the import. early-stage energy modeling software, therefore are
not necessary to export to cove.tool.
The world is experiencing dramatic climate change as the levels of carbon rise in the atmosphere. As the temperature PROCESS. EARN LEED POINTS
Get the integrative process credit
Use the interactive results tab to
Optimization is made on demand
differences between the poles and equator even out, more extreme weather events can take place and dependable weather
with Energy-Related Systems aid in decision making and share via internet connectivity, so your
patterns shift. Buildings account for 40% of those carbon emissions and 76% of electricity use in the United States. If we analysis during schematic design. with your clients. project can be larger and run
reduce building energy usage, we join the fight against climate change. faster all in the cloud.
experts is always there ready to validated using the ASHRAE 140 monthly webinars can get the
answer questions and add new methodology. entire team mastering energy
features. models.