Mass Variation

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CONE RVA TION OF MOMENTUM IN CASE OF MASE VaRATIOw Wee wo wee Discure TR WHEY THE AAs OF THE ORDEcT CHANGES DUE 70 writy MO TOn Or + Ropy 1S ABPRCPED THE Momirerum 1S Conse x ng ExTeANM Feace (5 ANP LIED. IN CAre EK Pea Fence SAT PLEO, Fo, A Tue AE, THE ympucre CRPAPAD wie Be FAE (TIA Moment I MPULIE = FINAL Momanruny => Exam pee — A CAR of MAGS M 1S AT RESe AT Emo, A Force F stars Aerie ON Cae AT THE Same re OO Time ir STARTS Rina AT A RA S)e The RMN IS FALLIA VEATICACLy Dawa FitD VEtoary 3F Chm At A FUNC PIed OF Ting Sovu tien Ny — Vee Shy AT Ay time ot, SPeep = V ™m Ar vime t+ dt Scanned with CamScanner @® New - at oeime € | MoMiwzum = mV Sprite pro Time bd Momeeruat = in tcten) Cvtdy) eo Fern THs CHANGE tts Haprevep NS Femte Fhe dl. Crow t te tae AerED Fem TIM snft Fadt = Cmadm) Cvtdy) — ChEFER THe Atk > tone: ocr » CN Ut prac) = MV Vl pd heme dy “> o = Fdt= Vam4 wmdv we ee ts Ma Ma oF Rurry tke, Rare OF RA 5 /, New wner 45 m= Me ot ot 42 Tmo j ( am 2 att Fdi = edt mature ty dy = (mart ay = (FH ve dae > wt Fave Maat weed t=o, Veo. Clmrisery) tot, ve Vv (Fad t / w [# ~{/~ s-@ eae Mee i a om Lay Mit = Inte) F = ye £t Mart Scanned with CamScanner 9.5 ROCKET PROPULSION In a rocket, the fuel burns and produces gases at high temperatures. These gases are ejected out of the rocket from a nozzle at the backside of the rocket. The ejecting gas exerts a forward force on the rocket which helps it in accelerating. Suppose, a rocket together with its fuel has a mass M, at t=0. Let the gas be ejected at a constant rate r=- a - Also suppose, the gas is ejected at a constant velocity u with respect to the rocket, At time ¢, the mass of the rocket together with the remaining fuel is M=M,-rt. If the velocity of the rocket at time ¢ is v, the linear momemtum of this mass M is P=Mov = (M,-rt)v. @ Consider a small time interval di. A mass AM =rAt of the gas is ejected in this time and the Scanned with CamScanner velocity of the rocket becomes v + Av, The velocity of the gas with respect to ground is > > > Ugas, ground = Ugas, rocket + Urocket, ground =-utv in the forward direction. The linear momentum of the mass M at ¢ + At is, (M - AM) (v + Av) + AM(v - u). ve (ii) Assuming no external force on the rocket-fuel system, from (i) and (ii), (M — AM) (v + Av) + AM(u — u) = Mo or, (M - AM) (Av) = (AM) u or, iy = he , M-AM Av Amu _ ru “ Mt At M-Am_ M-rat Taking the limit as At — 0, dv _ru__mu_. dt M M,-rt This gives the acceleration of the rocket. We see that the acceleration keeps on increasing as time passes. If the rocket starts at ¢=0 and we neglect any external force such as gravity, u t dt Jao=ru lair 1 M,- rt or, vere|—7 [Ina =uln o—. or, vauln ayn Scanned with CamScanner

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