LabVIEW TM Core 1 Participant Guide Cour-15-314

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. What is LabVIEW?
Objective: Recognize benefits of LabVIEW.

LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment you can used to develop sophisticated

measurement, test, and control systems.

Benefits of LabVIEW
• A platform-based approach for measurement and control
• Interfaces with wide variety of hardware
• Scales across different targets and operating systems
• Provides built-in analysis libraries

LabVIEW Language Characteristics

LabVIEW Core 1 Topics LabVIEW Core 2 and Later Topics

Graphical Multi-threaded
Uses icons and wires instead of with text. Enables your code to have automatic

Dataflow-oriented Object-oriented
Data-driven, or data-dependent. The flow of Allows a variety of similar, yet different
data between nodes in the G code items, to be represented as a class of objects
determines the execution order. in software.

Compiled Multi-target
Compiles G code directly to machine code. Targets multicore processors and other
parallel hardware such as field-programmable
gate arrays (FPGAs).

© National Instruments | 1-3

Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

LabVIEW Core 1 Topics LabVIEW Core 2 and Later Topics

Multi-platform Memory-managed
Is portable between LabVIEW on different Provides you with options for improving
operating systems. performance.


Allows the user's direct interaction with the
program without the need for polling.

Activity 1-1: Confidence Activity—Building a VI

Build an application to calculate the product of two numbers.

B. Project Explorer
Objective: Recognize the main components of the Project Explorer.

Project Explorer Projects in LabVIEW consist of VIs, files necessary for those VIs to run
properly, and supplemental files such as documentation or related
links. Use the Project Explorer window to manage projects in
LabVIEW. A LabVIEW project is denoted by a project file (.lvproj)

LabVIEW Files
Listed below are some of the characteristics of a LabVIEW project.
• Manages project files
• Deploys programs to remote embedded targets such as NI CompactRIO
• Creates stand-alone executables and installers for distribution
• Makes it possible to distribute code to developers and create shared libraries
• Can integrate LabVIEW programs with source code control software such as Perforce

Common LabVIEW File Extensions

LabVIEW Project — .lvproj

Virtual Instrument (VI) — .vi

Custom Control — .ctl

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Demonstration: Using the Project Explorer and Starting a VI

The Project Explorer window includes the following items by default:
• Project root—Contains all other items in the Project Explorer window. The label on the
project root includes the filename for the project.
• My Computer—Represents the local computer as a target in the project.
• Dependencies—Includes VIs and items that VIs under a target require.
• Build Specifications—Includes build configurations for source distributions and other types
of builds available in LabVIEW toolkits and modules. If you have the LabVIEW Professional
Development System or Application Builder installed, you can use Build Specifications to
configure stand-alone applications, shared libraries, installers, and zip files.

When you add another target to the project, LabVIEW creates an additional item in the Project
Explorer window to represent the target. Each target also includes Dependencies and Build
Specifications sections. You can add files under each target.

1 2 3 4

8 7 6 5

1 Standard Toolbar 5 Project Root

2 Project Toolbar 6 Target
3 Build Toolbar 7 Dependencies
4 Source Control Toolbar 8 Build Specifications

Tip The Source Control toolbar is only available if you have source control
configured in LabVIEW.

Adding Folders to a Project

Add folders to a project to create an organizational structure for project items.

Auto-Populated Folders Virtual Folders

Adds a directory on disk to the project Organizes project items and does not
represent files on disk

LabVIEW continuously monitors and updates Can convert a virtual folder to an

the folder according to changes made in the auto-populated folder.
project and on disk

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Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

1 Auto-populating folder 2 Virtual folder

C. Parts of a VI
Objective: Recognize and understand the difference between the front panel and block

Demonstration: Components of a VI
LabVIEW VIs contain three main components—the front panel window, the block diagram, and
the icon/connector pane.

Front Panel Block Diagram Icon/Connector Pane

Is the user interface. Contains the graphical Represents the VI and makes
source code. it possible to use the VI as a

Has controls (inputs) and Contains terminals for front Maps the inputs and outputs
indicators (outputs). panel controls and to the VI.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

D. Front Panel
Objective: Recognize the components and functionality of the Front Panel window and
select appropriate controls and indicators

Front Panel User interface for the VI. Contains controls and indicators, which are
the interactive input and output terminals of the VI, respectively.

Front Panel Window Toolbar

Use the front panel window toolbar buttons to run and edit the VI.

Controls and Indicators

Controls Indicators

Interactive input Interactive output

Knobs, push buttons, dials, and other inputs Graphs, LEDs, and other displays

Simulate instrument input devices and Simulate instrument output devices and
supply data to the block diagram display data the block diagram acquires or

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Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

String, Boolean, and Numeric Data Types

The following table shows controls and indicators of the string, Boolean, and numeric data

The string data type is a

sequence of ASCII
Use string controls to
receive text from the user
such as a password or user
name. Use string
indicators to display text
to the user.

The Boolean data type

represents data that only
has two possible states,
such as TRUE and FALSE
or ON and OFF.
Use Boolean controls and
indicators to enter and
display Boolean values.

The numeric data type can

represent numbers of
various types, such as
integer or real.
The two common numeric
objects are the numeric
control and the numeric

Activity 1-2: Select Front Panel Objects

For each scenario, determine the appropriate data type and whether the front panel object
should be a control or indicator.

Scenario Data Type Control/Indicator

Display the temperature of a Numeric Indicator


An Emergency stop button

to stop a process

Username and password to

login to your bank account

An LED to display error


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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Front Panel Object Styles

LabVIEW has different control palettes with objects for building user interfaces. These palettes
include the Modern, Silver, Classic, and Systems palettes.

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Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

E. Block Diagram
Objective: Recognize features of the Block Diagram and be able to select functions.

Block Diagram Block diagram objects include terminals, subVIs, functions, constants,
structures, and wires, which transfer data among other block diagram

Block Diagram Toolbar

When you run a VI, buttons appear on the block diagram toolbar that you can use to debug
the VI.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Demonstration: Components of a Block Diagram

Component Description

Terminals Terminals are the entry and exit ports that exchange information
between the front panel and block diagram. You can view terminals as
icon conserve space.

Nodes Nodes are objects on the block diagram that have inputs and/or outputs
and perform operations when a VI runs. Nodes are analogous to
statements, operators, functions, and subroutines in text-based
programming languages. Nodes can be functions, subVIs, or structures.

Function Nodes Functions are fundamental operating elements of LabVIEW and do not
(Functions) have front panels or block diagrams. Function icons have pale yellow

SubVIs SubVIs are VIs that run on the block diagram of another VI. They have
front panels and block diagrams. Any VI has the potential to be used as
a subVI. When you double-click a subVI, the front panel and block
diagram open.

Icon Icons are the graphical representations of VIs.

Use the icon from the upper-right corner of the front panel as the icon
that appears when you place the subVI on a block diagram.

Connector Pane The connector pane is the map of inputs and outputs of a VI

The connector pane terminals correspond to the controls and indicators

on the front panel of the VI. You cannot access the connector pane from
the block diagram window.

Express VIs
Express VIs are a type of subVI that you configure with dialog boxes. Icons for Express VIs
appear on the block diagram as icons surrounded by a blue field.

© National Instruments | 1-11

Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

Nodes Appearance
You can display VIs and Express VIs as either icons or expandable nodes. Use icons if you want
to conserve space on the block diagram. By default, subVIs appear as icons on the block
diagram, and Express VIs appear as expandable nodes.

To display a subVI or Express VI as an expandable node, right-click the subVI or Express VI and
remove the checkmark next to the View As Icon shortcut menu item.

1 Icon 2 Expandable Node 3 Expanded Node

Wires transfer data between block diagram objects. A broken wire appears as a dashed black
line with a red X in the middle. You cannot run a VI that contains a broken wire.

Broken wires occur for a variety of reasons, such as when you try to wire two objects with
incompatible data types.

Common Wire Types

Wire Type Scalar 1D Array 2D Array Color

Numeric Orange (floating-point),

Blue (integer)

Boolean Green

String Pink

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Demonstration: Context Help and LabVIEW Help

Use the Context Help window and the LabVIEW Help to help you create and edit VIs.

Context Help Window

The Context Help window displays basic information about LabVIEW objects when you move
the cursor over each object.

To toggle display of the Context Help window select Help»Show Context Help, press the
<Ctrl-H> keys, or click the Show Context Help Window button on the toolbar.

LabVIEW Help
You can access the LabVIEW Help by clicking the More Help button in the Context Help
window, selecting Help»LabVIEW Help, or clicking the blue Detailed Help link in the Context
Help window. You also can right-click an object and select Help from the shortcut menu.

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Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

Use the NI Example Finder to browse or search examples installed on your computer or on the
NI Developer Zone at These examples demonstrate how to use LabVIEW to
perform a wide variety of test, measurement, control, and design tasks. Select Help»Find
Examples to launch the NI Example Finder.

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Exercise 1-1 Concept: Exploring a VI
As a class, identify the parts of an existing VI.

You received a VI from an employee that takes the seconds until a plane arrives at an airport and converts the time into a combination of
hours/minutes/seconds. You must evaluate this VI to see if it works as expected and can display the remaining time until the plane arrives.

1. Open Flight Delays.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Exploring A VI directory.

2. Open Seconds from the Project Explorer window.

3. On the front panel, identify the following items. How many can you find of each item?

 Controls

 Indicators

 Free labels

 Run button

 Icon

 Connector pane

4. Press <Ctrl-T> to view the front panel and block diagram at the same time or select Window»Tile Up and Down or Window»Tile Left and Right.

Tip To switch between the front panel window and the block diagram without tiling the windows, press <Ctrl-E>.

5. On the block diagram, identify the following items. How many can you find of each item?

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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 Indicators

 Constants

 Free labels
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6. Use the Context Help to learn more about the items on the block diagram.

Lesson 1
 Press <Ctrl-H> to open the Context Help window or select Help»Show Context Help.


Move the Context Help window to a convenient area where the window does not hide part of the block diagram.

Navigating LabVIEW
Place your cursor over each of the different color wires to see which data type they represent.

 The Context Help window content changes to show information about the object that your mouse is over.

7. Get detailed help for the Quotient & Remainder function.

 Place your cursor over the Quotient & Remainder function. Read the Context Help window and click the Detailed Help link to launch the LabVIEW
Help and learn more about this function.
8. Refer to Figures 1-1 and 1-2 to verify that you identified all items correctly.

Figure 1-1. Front Panel Items

3 4 5

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

1 Indicators 2 Control 3 Run Button 4 Connector Pane 5 Icon

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Lesson 1
Figure 1-2. Block Diagram Items


Navigating LabVIEW


1 Free Labels 2 Control 3 Indicators 4 String Constants 5 Numeric Constants

9. Test the Seconds Breakdown VI using the values given in Table 1-1.

 Enter an input value in the Total Time in Seconds control.

 Click the Run button.

 For each input, compare the given outputs to the outputs listed in Table 1-1. If the VI works correctly, they should match.

Table 1-1. Testing Values for Seconds

Input Numeric Indicators LED Indicator String Indicator

0 seconds 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds Off Delay less than 1 hour

60 seconds 0 hours, 1 minute, 0 seconds Off Delay less than 1 hour

3600 seconds 1 hour, 0 minutes, 0 seconds On Delay 1 hour or longer

3665 seconds 1 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds On Delay 1 hour or longer

10. Save and close the VI and the LabVIEW Project.

End of Exercise 1-1

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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Lesson 1 Navigating LabVIEW

F. Searching for Controls, VIs, and Functions

Objective: Find the controls, indicators, and functions you need.

Demonstration: Searching For Controls, VIs, and Functions

Controls Palette
The Controls palette contains the controls and indicators you use to create the front panel.
Select View»Controls Palette to display it.

Navigate the subpalettes or use the Search button to search the Controls palette.

Figure 1-3. Controls Palette

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Functions Palette
The Functions palette contains the VIs, functions and constants you use to create the block
diagram. Select View»Functions Palette to display it.

Navigate the subpalettes or use the Search button to search the Functions palette.

Figure 1-4. Functions Palette

Quick Drop
The Quick Drop dialog box lets you quickly find controls, functions, VIs, and other items by
name. Press the <Ctrl-Space> keys to display the Quick Drop dialog box.

Global Search
Use the Search bar in the top right of the front panel and block diagram windows to search
palettes, LabVIEW Help, and

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Exercise 1-2 Concept: Locating Controls, Functions, and VIs

Lesson 1

Learn to use the palettes and search for controls, functions, and VIs.

Navigating LabVIEW
1. Open a blank LabVIEW project.

 Click the Create Project button in the LabVIEW Getting Started window and then click Blank Project.

 Click Finish.

2. Create a blank VI and add it to the project.

 Right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer window and select New»VI from the shortcut menu.

3. Select View»Controls Palette from the menu of the VI front panel window.

4. Customize the Controls palette.

 Click the Customize button and select Change Visible Palettes.

 Select the following palettes to add them to the Controls palette and click the OK button. Do not deselect any palettes.

– Silver

– Control & Simulation

– Signal Processing

 Notice that the three palettes you just selected now appear in the Controls window.

5. Explore the Controls palette.

Use palettes to locate controls and functions when you want to explore the options available to you or when you are not sure of the name of the control
or function you need.

 Click the Search button.

 Type string control in the search text box.

 Click String Control (Silver) in the search results and drag it to the front panel window to place the object.
6. Open the block diagram and right-click anywhere on the block diagram to display the Functions palette.

 Click the pin in the upper left-hand corner to keep the palette open.

Tip You can customize the Functions palette just like you customized the Controls palette.

7. Explore the Functions palette.

 Locate trigonometric functions.

– Click the Search button.

– Search for the term cosine.

– In the search results, double-click Cosine <<Trigonometric Functions>> to display the function on the palette.

 Locate file I/O functions.

– Search for the term file i/o.

– Double-click File I/O in the search results to display the File I/O palette.

– Drag the Write To Text File function from the palette to the block diagram.

8. Practice using the Quick Drop feature.

Use the Quick Drop feature when you know the name of the function or VI you want to use.

 Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick Drop dialog box.

 Type Bundle By Name and double-click Bundle By Name in the search results. The cursor changes to a hand with the Bundle By Name function.

 Click on the block diagram to place the Bundle By Name function.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Open the Quick Drop dialog box again.

© National Instruments

Search for the Wait Until Next ms Multiple.

 Double-click the function in the search results and place the function on the block diagram.

9. Practice using the global search feature.

 Type Random in the Search bar in the upper right hand corner of the block diagram.
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Note As you type, the global search automatically looks for matches in the LabVIEW Help and LabVIEW palettes. It also searches for online
material related to your query.
 Hover the mouse over the first result in the Palette section, Random Number (0-1). You now see the following three options:

Lesson 1
– Drop—Allows you to place this function immediately on the block diagram

– Find—Locates the function on the Functions palette

Navigating LabVIEW
– Help—Brings up the help topic for this function.

 Click each of these options to observe the different behaviors.

10. Practice accessing similar functions.

 Place an Add function on the block diagram.

 Right-click the Add function and notice that Numeric palette is available from the shortcut menu.

 Practice placing functions from the Numeric palette on the block diagram.

11. Close the VI and LabVIEW project. You do not need save the files.

End of Exercise 1-2

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic

Project Explorer Creating a Project

Managing a Project in LabVIEW

Front Panel Building the Front Panel

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 1-3: Lesson Review

Answer the following questions and then discuss your answers with the class.
1. What are the three parts of a VI?
a. Front panel
b. Block diagram
c. Project
d. Icon/Connector pane

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 1-3: Lesson Review - Answers

1. What are the three parts of a VI?
a. Front panel
b. Block diagram
c. Project
d. Icon/Connector pane

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2 Creating Your
First Application

In this lesson you will learn to use Express VIs to produce

a project and create a simple VI that acquires and analyzes
data and then displays the results.

+ Dataflow
+ LabVIEW Data Types
+ Tools for Programming, Cleaning and Organizing Your VI
+ Building a Basic VI

Exercise 2-1 Selecting a Tool
Exercise 2-2 Simple AAV VI
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Dataflow
Objective: Recognize characteristics of dataflow on the block diagram.

Dataflow Dataflow is the movement of data through the nodes of a block diagram.

Key Points of Dataflow

LabVIEW follows a dataflow model for running VIs.

1 Node executed only when all the input data are available.
2 Node supplies data to the output terminals only when it is finished executing.

Activity 2-1: Exploring Dataflow

Goal: Understand how dataflow determines the execution order in a VI.

Description: Work through this exercise on your own first, and then as a class, we will discuss
how data flow determines execution order. You can find answers to these questions following
this section.

Note Nodes are objects on the block diagram that have inputs and/or outputs and
perform operations when a VI runs.

Using Figure 2-1, answer questions 1 through 5.

1. Which node executes first? Is there any dependency between the File Dialog function and
the Simulate Signal Express VI?

2. Which node executes last?

3. Because a wire connects the File Dialog function to the TDMS File Viewer VI, can the TDMS
File Viewer VI execute before the TDMS Close function?

4. How many nodes must execute before the TDMS Write function can execute?

© National Instruments | 2-3

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

5. Should a well-designed block diagram flow in a particular direction?

Figure 2-1. Dataflow: Example A

6. In Figure 2-2, which Express VI executes last?

Figure 2-2. Dataflow: Example B

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

7. In Figure 2-3 an error wire connects the Express VIs. Which Express VI executes last?

Figure 2-3. Dataflow: Example C

8. In Figure 2-4, which Tone Measurements Express VI executes last?

Figure 2-4. Dataflow: Example D

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Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Activity 2-1: Exploring Dataflow - Answers

1. Which node executes first? Is there any dependency between the File Dialog function and
the Simulate Signal Express VI?
Either the File Dialog function or the Simulate Signal Express VI can execute first. There is
no data dependency between the two nodes so either of them can execute first or they can
execute simultaneously.
2. Which node executes last?
The last node to execute is the Simple Error Handler VI.

Note Terminals are not considered nodes.

3. Because a wire connects the File Dialog function to the TDMS File Viewer VI, can the TDMS
File Viewer VI execute before the TDMS Close function?
No. The TDMS File Viewer VI cannot execute before the TDMS Close function because the
yellow error wire connecting the TDMS Close function and the TDMS File Viewer VI forces
data dependency. Remember, the data to all inputs of a node must be available before a
node can execute. Therefore, the TDMS File Viewer VI must receive data from both the
green Boolean wire and the yellow error wire before the VI can execute.
4. How many nodes must execute before the TDMS Write function can execute?
Three nodes must execute before the TDMS Write function can execute: File Dialog, TDMS
Open, and Simulate Signal. The TDMS Write function also depends on the Simulated Signal
string constant, but that input is instantaneous.
5. Should a well-designed block diagram flow in a particular direction?
Yes. A well-designed block diagram typically flows from left to right. This makes it easier
to see the flow of data on the block diagram. However, do not assume left-to-right or
top-to-bottom execution when no data dependency exists.
6. In Figure 2-2, which Express VI executes last?
Either the Statistics Express VI or the Write to Measurement File Express VI executes last
or they execute in parallel. The DAQ Assistant Express VI cannot execute last because both
the Statistics Express VI and the Write to Measurement File Express VI are dependent on
the data signal from the output of the DAQ Assistant Express VI.

Note In LabVIEW, the flow of data, rather than the sequential order of commands,
determines the execution order of block diagram elements. Therefore, it is possible
to have simultaneous operations.

7. In Figure 2-3 an error wire connects the Express VIs. Which Express VI executes last?
The Write to Measurement File Express VI executes last. It has a data dependency on both
the DAQ Assistant Express VI and the Statistics Express VI.
8. In Figure 2-4, which Tone Measurements Express VI executes last?
Either one of the Tone Measurement Express VIs can execute last. Even though the Tone
Measurements 2 Express VI has an extra dependency on the Filter Express VI, the Filter
Express VI might execute before the Tone Measurements 1 Express VI allowing the Tone
Measurements 2 Express VI to execute before the Tone Measurements 1 Express VI.
Although it seems as if the Tone Measurements 1 Express VI would execute first, without
an explicit data dependency there is no way to know definitely it would execute first.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

B. LabVIEW Data Types

Objective: Recognize the different data types and how they relate to front panel objects.

Terminals and LabVIEW Data Types

Block diagram terminals visually communicate information about the data type represented.
Terminal colors, text, arrow direction, and border thickness all provide visual information about
the terminal.

Demonstration: Accessing Object Properties

Shortcut Menus
• Use shortcut menu items to change the appearance or behavior of objects.
• To access the shortcut menu, right-click the object.

Property Dialog Boxes

• To access properties, right-click the object and select Properties.
• Select multiple objects to simultaneously configure shared properties.

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Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Boolean Data
Use Boolean controls and indicators to enter and display Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) values.
LabVIEW stores Boolean data as 8-bit values. If the 8-bit value is zero, the Boolean value is
FALSE. Any nonzero value represents TRUE.

Multimedia: Mechanical Actions of Boolean Controls

Boolean controls have six types of mechanical action that allow you to customize Boolean
objects to create front panel windows that more closely resemble the behavior of physical

Complete the multimedia module, Mechanical Actions of Boolean Controls, available in the
<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder.

Multimedia: Numeric Data Representations

LabVIEW represents numeric data types as floating-point numbers, fixed-point numbers,
integers, unsigned integers, and complex numbers. The difference among the numeric data
types is the number of bits they use to store data and the data values they represent.

Complete the multimedia module, Numeric Data Representations, available in the

<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A string is a sequence of displayable or non-displayable ASCII characters. Strings provide a
platform-independent format for information and data. Some of the more common applications
of strings include the following:
• Creating simple text messages.
• Controlling instruments with text commands
• Storing numeric data to disk. To store numeric data in an ASCII file, first convert data to
• Instructing or prompting with dialog boxes.

• Right-click a string control or indicator on the front panel to select from the display type.

Display Type Description Message

Normal Display Displays printable There are four display types. \

characters using the font is a backslash.
of the control.
Non-displayable characters
generally appear as boxes.

‘\’ Codes Display Displays backslash codes There\sare\sfour\sdisplay\stypes

for all non-displayable .\n\\\sis\sa\
characters. sbackslash.

Password Display Displays an asterisk (*) for ********************************

each character including *************

Hex Display Displays the ASCII value of 5468 6572 6520 6172 6520 666F
each character in hex 7572 2064 6973 706C 6179 2074
instead of the character 7970 6573 2E0A 5C20 6973 2061
itself. 2062 6163 6B73 6C61 7368 2E

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Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Demonstration: Enums
Enums give users a list of items from which to select. Enums are useful because they make
strings equivalent to numbers, which are easy to manipulate on the block diagram. Each item
represents a pair of values: a string value and a 16-bit integer.

Other Data Types

Type Terminal Description

Dynamic Stores the information generated or acquired by an

Express VI

Path Stores the location of a file or directory using the

standard syntax for the platform you are using

Waveform Carries the data, start time, and dt of a waveform

How might a Path data type differ from a String data type?

Although it is easy to convert a Path to a String, it is best to use a Path data type when working
with a location of a file or directory because LabVIEW can handle the folder specifiers for the
specific operating system, such as using a backslash on Windows OS.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

C. Tools for Programming, Cleaning and

Organizing Your VI
Objective: Recognize tools for making clean, readable front panels and block diagrams, and
for documenting VIs.

Demonstration: Programming Tools

You can create, modify and debug VIs using the tools provided by LabVIEW. LabVIEW chooses
which tool to select based on the current location of the mouse. If you need more control, use
the Tools palette to select a specific tool.

Tip You can manually choose the tool you need by selecting it on the Tools palette.
Select View»Tools Palette or press <Shift> and right-click to display the palette.

Tool Icon Description

Operating Use the Operating tool to change the values

of a control.

Positioning Use the Positioning tool to select or resize


Labeling Use the Labeling tool to enter text in a

control, to edit text, and to create free labels.

Wiring Use the Wiring tool to wire objects together

on the block diagram.

Automatic Tool When this is selected, LabVIEW automatically

Selection chooses a tool based on the location of your
cursor. You can turn off automatic tool
selection by deselecting the item, or by
selecting another item in the palette.

Object Shortcut Use the Object Shortcut Menu tool to access

Menu an object shortcut menu with the left mouse

Scrolling Use the Scrolling tool to scroll through

windows without using scrollbars.

Breakpoint Use the Breakpoint tool to set breakpoints on

VIs, functions, nodes, wires, and structures
to pause execution at that location.

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Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Tool Icon Description

Probe Use the Probe tool to create probes on wires

on the block diagram. Use the Probe tool to
check intermediate values in a VI that
produces questionable or unexpected results.

Color Copy Use the Color Copy tool to copy colors for
pasting with the Coloring tool.

Coloring Use the Coloring tool and the color picker to

color an object. The Coloring tool displays the
current foreground and background color
settings. Select the Coloring tool and
right-click an object or workspace to display
the color picker.

Demonstration: Wiring Tips

• Press <Ctrl-B> to delete all broken wires.
• To clean up one wire, right-click the wire and select Clean Up Wire.

• To reroute multiple wires and objects, select a section of your block diagram then click the
Clean Up Diagram button.

• To clone an object, select the object with the Positioning tool and hold the <CTRL> key
down while dragging the object to a new location.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Exercise 2-1 Selecting a Tool

Become familiar with automatic tool selection and the Tools palette in LabVIEW.

During this exercise, you complete tasks in a partially built front panel and block diagram. These
tasks give you experience using the automatic tool selection.

1. Open Using Temperature.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Using

Temperature directory.

2. Open Using from the Project Explorer window.

3. Select View»Tools Palette from the menu to display the Tools window.

Tip Press <Shift> and right-click the front panel to open the Tools palette

Figure 2-5 shows an example of the front panel as it appears after your modifications. In steps 4
through 9 you increase the size of the waveform chart, rename the numeric control, change the
value of the numeric control, and move the knob.

Figure 2-5. Using Temperature VI Front Panel

© National Instruments | 2-13

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

4. Expand the waveform chart horizontally using the Positioning tool.

 Move the cursor to the right edge of the Chart waveform chart until you see the resizing
nodes appear around the chart.

 Move the cursor to the middle right resizing node until the cursor changes to a double
arrow, as shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6. Resize Waveform Chart

 Drag the repositioning node until the waveform chart is the size you want.

5. Rename the waveform chart using the Labeling tool.

 Double-click the word Chart. LabVIEW highlights the word and automatically selects
the Labeling tool in the Tools window.

 Enter the text Temperature Chart.

 Complete the entry by clicking outside the control label or clicking the Enter Text button
on the toolbar.

 Notice that LabVIEW automatically returns to the Positioning tool in the Tools window.
The Positioning tool is the default tool. If LabVIEW does not switch back to the
Positioning tool, click the Automatic Tool Selection button in the Tools window to
enable automatic tool selection.

6. Rename the Numeric control to Number of Measurements using the Labeling tool.

 Double click the word Numeric.

 Enter the text Number of Measurements.

 Complete the entry by clicking outside the control or clicking the Enter Text button on
the toolbar.

7. Change the value of the Number of Measurements control to 100 using the Labeling tool.

 Move the cursor to the interior of the Number of Measurements control.

 When the cursor changes to the Labeling tool icon, click the mouse button.

 Enter the text 100.

2-14 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

 Complete the entry by clicking outside the control, clicking the Enter Text button on
the toolbar, or pressing the <Enter> key on the numeric keypad,

 Change the value of the Delay Multiplier knob using the Operating tool.

 Move the cursor to the knob.

 When the cursor changes to the Operating tool icon, press the mouse button and drag
to the value you want.

 Set the value to 1.

8. Change the color of the Delay Multiplier knob using the Coloring tool.

 Click the background square in the Coloring button and select a color from the color

 When the cursor changes to a paintbrush, click the Delay Multiplier knob.

 Click the Automatic Tool Selection button again to turn on automatic tool selection.

9. Try changing the value of objects, resizing objects, and renaming objects until you are
comfortable with using these tools.

10. Open the block diagram of the VI.

Figure 2-7 shows an example of the block diagram as it appears after your modifications.
Steps 11 through 12 instruct you on how to update the block diagram to move the Number
of Measurements terminal and wire the terminal to the count terminal of the For Loop.

Figure 2-7. Using Temperature VI Block Diagram

11. Move the Number of Measurements terminal using the Positioning tool.

 Move the cursor to the Number of Measurements terminal.

 Move the cursor over the terminal until the cursor changes to an arrow.

 Click and drag the terminal to the new location as shown in Figure 2-7.

© National Instruments | 2-15

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

12. Wire the Number of Measurements terminal to the count terminal of the For Loop using the
Wiring tool.

 Move the cursor to the Number of Measurements terminal.

 Move the cursor to the right of the terminal, stopping when the cursor changes to a
wiring spool.

 Click to start the wire.

 Move the cursor to the count (N) terminal of the For Loop.

 Click the count terminal to end the wire.

13. Try moving other objects, deleting wires and rewiring them, and wiring objects and wires
together until you are comfortable with using these tools.

14. Automatically clean up the entire block diagram.

 Click the Clean Up Diagram button on the LabVIEW toolbar.

 Press <Ctrl-Z> to undo the clean-up.

Tip You can also select specific objects to clean up, such as wires or individual
nodes. <Shift>-click to select multiple objects and then click the Clean Up Diagram
button. LabVIEW cleans up only the objects that you select and not the entire block
diagram. Configure how LabVIEW cleans up objects by selecting Tools»Options from
the menu, clicking the Block Diagram category, and changing the options in the
Block Diagram Cleanup section.

15. Change the Boolean text of the Stop button.

Note Boolean controls and indicators have Boolean text labels in addition to their
control labels. Boolean text labels change depending on the value of the control or
indicator. The label for the control or indicator does not change depending on the
value of the control or indicator.

2-16 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

 Right-click the Stop Button terminal and select Properties from the shortcut menu. Set
the properties as shown in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8. Changing the Boolean Text for the Stop Control

1 Control label—This text identifies the terminal of the Boolean control for programming
purposes. This text does not appear on the front panel unless you select Visible.
2 Boolean text—This text appears only on the front panel, and by default, appears in the
center of the Boolean control.

 Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

 Right-click the Stop Button terminal and select Find Control from the shortcut menu.
Notice the control label is Stop Button and the button text is End.

Tip You can also double-click the Stop Button terminal to find the button control
on the front panel.

16. Click the Run button to run the VI.

The time required to execute this VI is equivalent to Number of Measurements times Delay
Multiplier. When the VI is finished executing, the Temperature Chart displays the data.

17. Close the VI and click the Don’t Save - All button. You do not need to save the VI.

End of Exercise 2-1

© National Instruments | 2-17

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Demonstration: Making Code Readable

Block diagram comments can describe the function or operation of algorithms and explain the
purpose of data that passes through wires.

Owned Labels Free Labels

Explain data contents of wires and objects. Describe algorithms.

Move with object. Have fixed location.

Have transparent backgrounds. Have pale yellow backgrounds.

Created by selecting Visible Items»Label Created by double-clicking in any open

from the shortcut menu. space.

Label Guidelines
• Use free labels to document algorithms and add reference information.
• Label structures to specify the main functionality.
• Label long wires to identify their use/contents.
• Label constants to specify the nature of the constant.
• To avoid clutter, document the Context Help window of subVIs or functions instead of

Default Values
Setting a default value on a control or indicator can aid in future development and
troubleshooting by giving the programmer an idea of the expected data for that object.
Configure default values for controls and indicators by right-clicking on the object and selecting
Data Operations»Make Current Value Default from the short-cut menu.

2-18 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

D. Building a Basic VI
Objective: Recognize Express VIs and be able to apply them appropriately.

Building a Basic VI
Express VIs are designed specifically for completing common, frequently used operations.

On the Functions palette, the Express VIs are grouped together in the Express category. Express
VIs use the dynamic data type to pass data between Express VIs.

VI Icon Description

Acquire DAQ Assistant Acquires data through a data acquisition

device.You must use this Express VI
frequently throughout this course.

Instrument I/O Acquires instrument control data, usually

Assistant from a GPIB or serial interface.

Simulate Signal Generates simulated data such as a sine


Read from Reads a file that was created using the Write
Measurement To Measurement File Express VI. It
File specifically reads LVM or TDM file formats.
This Express VI does not read ASCII files.

© National Instruments | 2-19

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

VI Icon Description

Analyze Amplitude and Performs voltage measurements on a signal.

Level These include DC, rms, maximum peak,
Measurements minimum peak, peak to peak, cycle average,
and cycle rms measurements.

Statistics Calculates statistical data from a waveform.

This includes mean, sum, standard deviation,
and extreme values.

Tone Searches for a single tone with the highest

Measurements frequency or highest amplitude. It also finds
the frequency and amplitude of a single tone.

Spectral Performs spectral measurement on a

Measurements waveform, such as magnitude and power
spectral density.

Filter Processes a signal through filters and

windows. Filters used include the following:
Highpass, Lowpass, Bandpass, Bandstop,
and Smoothing. Windows used include
Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev,
Elliptical, and Bessel.

Visualize Write to Writes a file in LVM or TDMS file format.


Build Text Creates text, usually for displaying on the

front panel window or exporting to a file or

Front panel — Examples include Waveform Chart,

indicators Waveform Graph, and XY Graph.

2-20 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 2-2: Program Architecture for Simple AAV VI

1. Acquire: Circle the Express VI that is best suited to acquire a sine wave from a data
acquisition device.

DAQ Assistant The DAQ Assistant acquires data through a

data acquisition device.

Instrument I/O Assistant The Instrument I/O Assistant acquires

instrument control data, usually from a GPIB
or serial interface.

Simulate Signal The Simulate Signal Express VI generates

simulated data, such as a sine wave.

2. Analyze: Circle the Express VI that is best suited to determining the average value of the
acquired data.

Tone Measurements The Tone Measurements Express VI

finds the frequency and amplitude of
a single tone.

Statistics The Statistics Express VI calculates

statistical data from a waveform.

Amplitude and Level Measurements The Amplitude and Level

Measurements Express VI performs
voltage measurements on a signal.

Filter The Filter Express VI processes a

signal through filters and windows.

3. Visualize: Circle the Express VIs and/or indicators that are best suited to displaying the data
on a graph and logging the data to file.

DAQ Assistant The DAQ Assistant acquires data through a

data acquisition device.

Write to Measurement File The Write to Measurement File Express VI

writes a file in LVM or TDM file format.

Build Text The Build Text Express VI creates text, usually

for displaying on the front panel window or
exporting to a file or instrument.

Waveform Graph The waveform graph displays one or more plots

of evenly sampled measurements.

Refer to the next page for answers to this quiz.

© National Instruments | 2-21

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Activity 2-2: Program Architecture for Simple AAV VI -

1. Acquire: Use the DAQ Assistant to acquire the sine wave from the data acquisition device.

2. Analyze: Use the Statistics Express VI to determine the average value of the sine wave.
Because this signal is cyclical, you could also use the Cycle Average option in the Amplitude
and Level Measurements Express VI to determine the average value of the sine wave.

3. Visualize: Use the Write to Measurement File Express VI to log the data and use the
Waveform Graph to display the data on the front panel window.

2-22 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Exercise 2-2 Simple AAV VI

Create a simple VI that acquires, analyzes, and displays data.

You need to acquire a sine wave for 0.1 seconds, determine and display the average value, log
the data, and display the sine wave on a graph.

The input for this problem is an analog channel of sine wave data. The outputs include a graph
of the sine data, a file that logs the data, and an indicator that displays the average data value.

The flowchart in Figure 2-9 illustrates the data flow for this design.

Figure 2-9. Simple AAV VI Flowchart


Acquire Data Display Data

Log Data

Determine Display Average

Average Value Value

1. Prepare your hardware to generate a sine wave. If you are not using hardware, skip to
step 2.

 Find the BNC-2120 and visually confirm that it is connected to the DAQ device in your

 Using a BNC cable, connect the Analog In Channel 1 to the Sine Function Generator,
as shown in Figure 2-10.

 Set the Frequency Selection switch and the Frequency Adjust knob to their lowest

© National Instruments | 2-23

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

Figure 2-10. Connections for the BNC-2120


_ Floating
Source (FS)
Ground Ref.
Source (GS)
! BNC-2120

PFI 0 / P1.0

1. RES+
4. RES-

Temp. Thermo Quadrature

BNC Ref.
BNC couple Encoder
96 Pulses /Rev


AI 0 AI 1
PFI 1 / P1.1
PFI 2 / P1.2

PFI 3 / P1.3

PFI 4 / P1.4

PFI 5 / P1.5

AI 2 AI 3
PFI 6 / P1.6
PFI 7 / P1.7

PFI 8 / P2.0

PFI 9 / P2.1

PFI 12 / P2.4

AI 4 AI 5 PFI 13 / P2.5

PFI 14 / P2.6

+5 V






AO 0 AO 1

FUNCTION GENERATOR *For BNC connections, wire

anyTiming I/O or Digital I/O
Frequency Selection screw terminals here.


0.1-10 kHz 1-100 kHz 13-1000 kHz P0.7




Sine /Triangle TTL Square Wave




Amplitude Adjust Frequency Adjust

2. Open LabVIEW.

3. Create a blank project. Save the project as Simple AAV.lvproj in the

<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Simple AAV directory.

4. Add a new VI to the project from the Project Explorer window and save the VI as Simple in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Simple AAV directory.

2-24 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

In steps 5 through 6 you will build a front panel similar to the one in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11. Simple AAV VI Front Panel Window

5. Add a waveform graph to the front panel window to display the acquired data.

 Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick Drop dialog box.

 Type Waveform in the text box and double-click Waveform Graph (Silver) in the search
results list.

 Place the graph in the front panel window.

6. Add a numeric indicator to the front panel window to display the average value.

 Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick Drop dialog box.

 Type Numeric Indicator in the text box and double-click Numeric Indicator (Silver)
in the search results list.

 Place the indicator in the front panel window.

 Change the numeric indicator label to Average Value.

© National Instruments | 2-25

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

In the steps 7 through 14 you build a block diagram similar to the one in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12. Simple AAV VI Block Diagram

7. Open the block diagram of the VI by selecting Window»Show Block Diagram.

Note The terminals corresponding to the front panel window objects appear on the
block diagram.

8. Acquire a sine wave for 0.1 seconds by following the instructions in Table 2-1. If you have
hardware installed, follow the instructions in the Hardware Installed column to acquire the
data using the DAQ Assistant. If you do not have hardware installed, follow the instructions
in the No Hardware Installed column to simulate the acquisition using the Simulate Signal
Express VI.

Table 2-1. Instructions for Acquiring or Simulating Data

Hardware Installed No Hardware Installed

1. Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick 1. Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick
Drop dialog box. Drop dialog box.

2. Type DAQ Assist in the text box and 2. Type Simulate Signal in the text
double-click DAQ Assistant in the box and double-click Simulate Signal in
search results list. the search results list.

3. Place the DAQ Assistant on the block 3. Place the Simulate Signal Express VI on
diagram. the block diagram.

4. Wait for the DAQ Assistant dialog box 4. Wait for the Simulate Signal dialog box
to open. to open.

5. Select Acquire Signals»Analog Input» 5. Select Sine for the signal type.
Voltage for the measurement type.

6. Select ai1 (analog input channel 1) for 6. Set the signal frequency to 100.
the physical channel.

7. Click the Finish button. 7. In the Timing section, set the Samples
per second (Hz) to 1000.

2-26 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Table 2-1. Instructions for Acquiring or Simulating Data (Continued)

Hardware Installed No Hardware Installed

8. In the Timing Settings section, select 8. In the Timing section, deselect

N Samples as the Acquisition Mode. Automatic for the Number of samples.

9. In the Timing Settings section enter 9. In the Timing section, set the Number
100 in Samples To Read. of samples to 100.

10. Enter 1000 in Rate (Hz). 10. In the Timing section, select the
Simulate acquisition timing option.

11. Click the OK button. 11. Click the OK button.

Tip Reading 100 samples at a rate of 1,000 Hz retrieves 0.1 seconds worth of

9. Use the Statistic Express VI to determine the average value of the data acquired.

 Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick Drop dialog box.

 Type statistics in the text box and double-click Statistics [NI_ExpressFull.lvlib] in

the search results list.

 Place the Statistics Express VI on the block diagram to the right of the DAQ Assistant
(or Simulate Signal Express VI).

 Wait for the Statistics Express VI dialog box to open.

 Place a checkmark in the Arithmetic mean checkbox.

 Click the OK button.

10. Log the generated sine data to a LabVIEW Measurement File.

 Press <Ctrl-Space> to open the Quick Drop dialog box.

 Type write to measurement in the text box and double-click Write to Measurement
File in the search results list.

 Place the Write to Measurement File Express VI on the block diagram below the
Statistics Express VI.

 Wait for the Write to Measurement File Express VI dialog box to open.

 Leave all configuration settings in the Write to Measurement File dialog box as default.

 Click the OK button.

Note Future exercises do not detail the directions for finding specific functions or
controls in the palettes. Use Quick Drop, the palette search feature, or the global
search to locate functions and controls.

11. Wire the data from the DAQ Assistant (or Simulate Signal Express VI) to the Statistics
Express VI.

 Place the mouse cursor over the data output of the DAQ Assistant (or the Sine output
of the Simulate Signal Express VI) at the location where the cursor changes to the
Wiring tool.

 Click the mouse button to start the wire.

© National Instruments | 2-27

Lesson 2 Creating Your First Application

 Place the mouse cursor over the Signals input of the Statistics Express VI and click the
mouse button to end the wire.

12. Wire the data to the graph indicator.

 Place the mouse cursor over the data output wire of the DAQ Assistant (or the Sine
output of the Simulate Signal Express VI) at the location where the cursor changes to
the Wiring tool.

 Click the mouse button to start the wire.

 Place the mouse cursor over the Waveform Graph indicator and click the mouse button
to end the wire.

13. Wire the Arithmetic Mean output of the Statistics Express VI to the Average Value numeric

 Place the mouse cursor over the Arithmetic Mean output of the Statistics Express VI
at the location where the cursor changes to the Wiring tool.

 Click the mouse button to start the wire.

 Place the mouse cursor over the Average Value numeric indicator and click the mouse
button to end the wire.

14. Wire the data output to the Signals input of the Write Measurement File Express VI.

 Place the mouse cursor over the data output wire of the DAQ Assistant (or the Sine
output of the Simulate Signal Express VI) at the location where the cursor changes to
the Wiring tool.

 Click the mouse button to start the wire.

 Place the mouse cursor over the Signals input of the Write Measurement File Express
VI and click the mouse button to end the wire.

Note Future exercises do not detail the directions for wiring between objects.

15. Save the VI.

1. Switch to the front panel window of the VI.

2. Set the graph properties to be able to view the sine wave.

 Right-click the waveform graph and select X Scale»Autoscale X to remove the

checkmark and disable autoscaling.

 Use the labeling tool to change the last number on the Time scale of the waveform
graph to .1.

3. Save the VI.

4. Click the Run button on the front panel toolbar to run the VI. The graph indicator should
display a sine wave and the Average Value indicator should display a number around zero.
If the VI does not run as expected, review the implementation steps.

5. Close the VI.

End of Exercise 2-2

2-28 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic

Terminal symbols for controls and Numeric Data Types Table


Using Express VIs Express VIs

Working with Express VIs
Acquiring or Simulating a Signal

Visualizing data Types of Graphs and Charts

© National Instruments | 2-29

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 2-3: Lesson Review

Refer to the figure below to answer the following quiz questions.

1. Which function executes first: Add or Subtract?

a. Add
b. Subtract
c. Unknown

2. Which function executes first: Sine or Divide?

a. Sine
b. Divide
c. Unknown

3. Which function executes first: Random Number, Divide or Add?

a. Random Number
b. Divide
c. Add
d. Unknown

4. Which function executes last: Random Number, Subtract or Add?

a. Random Number
b. Subtract
c. Add
d. Unknown

5. If an input to a function is marked with a red dot (known as coercion dot), what does the
dot indicate?
a. Data was transferred into a structure.
b. That input has not been wired
c. The wire is broken
d. The value passed into a node was converted to a different representation.

6. Which mechanical action causes a Boolean control in the FALSE state to change to TRUE
when you click it and stay TRUE until LabVIEW has read the value?
a. Switch Until Released
b. Switch When Released
c. Latch When Pressed
d. Latch When Released

© National Instruments | 2-31

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 2-3: Lesson Review - Answers

Refer to the figure below to answer the following quiz questions.

1. Which function executes first: Add or Subtract?

a. Add
b. Subtract
c. Unknown

2. Which function executes first: Sine or Divide?

a. Sine
b. Divide
c. Unknown

3. Which function executes first: Random Number, Divide or Add?

a. Random Number
b. Divide
c. Add
d. Unknown

4. Which function executes last: Random Number, Subtract or Add?

a. Random Number
b. Subtract
c. Add
d. Unknown

5. If an input to a function is marked with a red dot (known as coercion dot), what does the
dot indicate?
a. Data was transferred into a structure.
b. That input has not been wired
c. The wire is broken
d. The value passed into a node was converted to a different representation.

6. Which mechanical action causes a Boolean control in the FALSE state to change to TRUE
when you click it and stay TRUE until LabVIEW has read the value?
a. Switch Until Released
b. Switch When Released
c. Latch When Pressed
d. Latch When Released

© National Instruments | 2-33

3 Troubleshooting
and Debugging

In this lesson you will learn how to use LabVIEW tools to

debug and troubleshoot VIs and how to implement basic
error handling techniques.

+ Correcting Broken VIs
+ Debugging Techniques
+ Error Handling

Exercise 3-1 Debugging
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Correcting Broken VIs

Objective: Recognize an unexecutable VI and restate common problems.

If the Run button appears broken when you finish wiring the block diagram, the VI is broken and
cannot run.

Common Causes of Broken VIs

Example Cause

Broken wire due to

mismatch of data

Required terminal is

Control wired to
another control.

Broken subVI due to

unwired required

© National Instruments | 3-3

Lesson 3 Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Identify Problems and Fix Broken VIs

Use the Error list dialog box to locate the source of errors and warnings, and get more detailed
information about the problem.

B. Debugging Techniques
Objective: Identify the LabVIEW tools for debugging and select the tool appropriate to the

Debugging Tips
The following table includes a few common problems to look for when debugging your VIs.

Is the numeric representation correct for your


Do nodes execute in the correct order?

3-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Does the VI pass undefined data?

Are there any hidden or unwired subVIs?

Job Aid
If a VI is not broken, but you get unexpected data, you can use the following checklist to identify
and correct problems with the VI or the block diagram data flow:

 Wire the error in and error out parameters at the bottom of most built-in VIs and functions.

 Select View»Error List and place a checkmark in the Show Warnings checkbox to see all
warnings for the VI.

 Triple-click a wire to highlight its entire path and to ensure that the wires connect to the
proper terminals.

 Use the Context Help window to check the default values for each function and subVI on
the block diagram.

 Use the Find dialog box to search for subVIs, text, and other objects to correct throughout
the VI.

 Select View»VI Hierarchy to find unwired subVIs.

 Use execution highlighting to watch the data move through the block diagram.

 Single-step through the VI to view each action of the VI on the block diagram.

 Use the Probe tool to observe intermediate data values and to check the error output of VIs
and functions, especially those performing I/O.

 Click the Retain Wire Values button on the block diagram toolbar to retain wire values for
use with probes.

 Use breakpoints to pause execution, so you can single-step or insert probes.

 Suspend the execution of a subVI to edit values of controls and indicators, to control the
number of times it runs, or to go back to the beginning of the execution of the subVI.

 Determine if the data that one function or subVI passes is undefined.

 If the VI runs more slowly than expected, confirm that you turned off execution highlighting
in subVIs.

 Check the representation of controls and indicators to see if you are receiving overflow
because you converted a floating-point number to an integer or an integer to a smaller

 Determine if any For Loops inadvertently execute zero iterations and produce empty arrays.

 Verify you initialized shift registers properly unless you intend them to save data from one
execution of the loop to another.

© National Instruments | 3-5

Lesson 3 Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

 Check the cluster element order at the source and destination points.

 Check the node execution order.

 Check that the VI does not contain hidden subVIs.

 Check the inventory of subVIs the VI uses against the results of View»Browse
Relationships»This VI’s SubVIs and View»Browse Relationships»Unopened SubVIs to
determine if any extra subVIs exist. Also open the VI Hierarchy window to see the subVIs
for a VI. To help avoid incorrect results caused by hidden VIs, specify that inputs to VIs are

Activity 3-1: Review Debugging Tools

Select the LabVIEW debugging tool you would use for each of the following situations.

Execution Highlighting Single Stepping Probe

Situation Debugging Tool

Your VI is returning unexpected data and you Probe

want to see intermediate values on the wires
to find out where the problem initiates.

You want to see how data moves from one

node to the next on the block diagram.

You want to view each action of the VI on

the block diagram.

This tool slows down how fast the VI runs so

you can see the data flow through the block

Your block diagram is complicated and you

need to see the intermediate data values and
check the error output of VIs and functions,
especially those performing I/O.

Suspend the execution of a subVI to edit

values of controls and indicators, to control
the number of times it runs, or to go back to
the beginning of the execution of the subVI.

3-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Use the Breakpoint tool to place a breakpoint on a VI, node, or wire and pause execution at that

When you reach a breakpoint during execution, the VI pauses and the Pause button appears red.
You can take the following actions:
• Single-step through execution using the single-stepping buttons

• Probe wires to check intermediate values

• Change the values of front panel controls.

• Click the Pause button to continue running to the next breakpoint or until the VI finishes

Retain Wire Values

Retain Wire Values enables you to probe wire values after execution completes. This option uses
more memory because LabVIEW is storing data for each wire as it runs.

Tip Always remember to turn this feature off when you are done debugging to free

© National Instruments | 3-7

Lesson 3 Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Undefined or Unexpected Data

Floating-point operations return the following two symbolic values that indicate faulty
computations or meaningless results.

NaN (not a number) a floating-point value that

invalid operations produce,
such as taking the square
root of a negative number

Inf (infinity) a floating-point value that

valid operations produce,
such as dividing a number
by zero

3-8 |
Exercise 3-1 Debugging
Use the debugging tools built into LabVIEW.

The VIs in this exercise check the validity of a triangle and then calculate the area. For a triangle to be valid, all three sides must have a length that is greater
than zero. The subVI in this exercise uses Heron’s formula to calculate the area of a triangle. You can use this method when you know the lengths of all
three sides of a triangle.

Heron’s formula

A = s( s – a)( s – b)(s – c )

s = ----------------------
The default values, which you will use to debug and test this VI, are Side A = 6, Side B = 8, Side C = 10. Therefore the correct values are as follows:

6 + 8 + 10
s = ------------------------ = 12

A = 12 × 6 × 4 × 2 = 24
You might want to refer to this calculation as you debug the VI.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Complete the following sections to identify and fix edit-time and run-time issues. Use single-stepping and execution highlighting to step through the VI. Use
© National Instruments

breakpoints and probes to determine if the calculations are correct and figure out where an error originates.
| 3-9
Edit-Time Errors

Lesson 3
Locate and correct errors that prevent the VI from running.

1. Open and examine the area and validity of a triangle VI.

Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Open Debug.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Debugging directory.

 Open Area and Validity of a Triangle VI from the Project Explorer window.

Figure 3-1. Area and Validity of a Triangle VI Front Panel

 Notice the Run button on the toolbar appears broken, indicating that the VI is broken and cannot run.
2. Display and examine the block diagram of Area and Validity of a Triangle VI shown in Figure 3-2.
This VI takes input values for each of the three sides of a triangle, passes the values into a subVI that determines the area, and checks that the values
entered are valid for a triangle.

Figure 3-2. Area and Validity of a Triangle VI Block Diagram

3. Find and fix each error.

 Click the broken Run button to display the Error list window, which lists all the errors.

 Select an error description in the Error list window. The Details section describes the error and in some cases recommends how to correct the error.

 Click the Help button to display a topic in the LabVIEW Help that describes the error in detail and includes step-by-step instructions for correcting
the error.

 Click the Show Error button or double-click the error description to highlight the area on the block diagram that contains the error.

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Use the Error list window to fix each error.

Tip For errors in the Area of a Triangle subVI, double-click to open it. In the Area of Triangle VI, notice that the formula for calculating the area
of a triangle requires the sum of the sides be divided by 2. Right-click the y input of the Divide function and select Create»Constant and enter a
value of 2.

4. Save both VIs.

| 3-11
Run-Time Errors

Lesson 3
Identify and correct errors that cause the VI to behave unexpectedly and return incorrect responses.

1. Test the VI.

Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Display the front panel by clicking it or by selecting Window»Show Front Panel.

 Use the default values for each side. These values are valid measurements for a triangle.

 Run the VI.

 Notice that although the numbers you entered are valid, the LED is not illuminated and the Area of a Triangle indicator displays NaN.

2. Animate the flow of data through the block diagram.

 Display the block diagram.

 Click the Highlight Execution button on the toolbar to enable execution highlighting.

 Click the Retain Wire Values button on the toolbar so you can see the last value passed on a wire.

 Run the VI.

Notice that you can see how data flows through the wires. At the output of each node, you can see the data value displays momentarily. Because
you have enabled the Retain Wire Values button, you can probe the last value in the wire.
3. Probe the wire values.

 Right-click each of the input wires to the Compound Arithmetic Function and select Probe. This displays the Probe Watch Window.

 Notice that one of the wire values is False as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3. Probe Wires

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 Because you are checking to see that all three sides of the triangle have positive lengths, either the input value is invalid or the logic is incorrect.
The input values were all positive numbers, so that means the logic is incorrect.

Notice that the node returning a value of False is a Less than Zero? function, but this section of code should be checking to see if the value is
greater than zero.

 Right-click the Less than Zero? function and select Replace»Comparison Palette»Greater than Zero?.
| 3-13
4. Test the VI.

Lesson 3
 Run the VI.


Notice that all the probe values are all True.

Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Display the front panel. Notice that the Valid Triangle? LED is illuminated, but the Area of Triangle indicator is still returning NaN.

 The area of the triangle is calculated in the subVI, so you must continue debugging in the Area of a Triangle subVI.

5. Continue debugging the subVI.

 Display the block diagram of the Area and Validity of a Triangle VI.

 Click the Step Into button to start single-stepping through the VI. Execution highlighting shows the flow of data on the block diagram from one node
to another. Nodes blink to indicate they are ready to execute.

 Click the Step Over button after each node to step through the entire block diagram until you get to the subVI. Each time you click the Step Over
button, the current node executes and pauses at the next node.

 When you get to the subVI, click the Step Into button to open the block diagram of the Area of Triangle subVI. The subVI is paused.

 Turn on Execution Highlighting and Retain Wire Values in the subVI.

 Right-click the output of the Square Root function and select Breakpoint»Set Breakpoint as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Set Breakpoint

1 The breakpoint stops the VI after the Square Root node executes and before the value is output to the Area of Triangle indicator.

6. Click the red pause button to resume the execution of the VI.

 The VI continues executing until the breakpoint and then pauses again.

7. Examine the values on the wires

 Move the cursor to hover over the input wire of the Square Root function. You should see a tip strip with a value of -576. You cannot take the
square root of a negative number, which is why the Area of Triangle indicator returns NaN.

Tip If you cannot see the tip strip, you can click the wire to open the Probe Watch window to see the value.

 Hover over other wires or use the Probe Watch window to examine other intermediate values.

 Notice that the value on the (S-B) wire is also a negative number. If you look more closely, you notice that the inputs for the subtract function are

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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Click the Abort button to stop the VI.

 Switch the inputs for the (S-B) Subtract function.

Tip Press <Ctrl> and click one of the inputs to switch them. When you press <Ctrl> and hover over an input, you see the cursor change.

8. Save the VI.

| 3-15
9. Test the Area of Triangle VI.

Lesson 3
 Run the VI again.


Check the intermediate values as the VI runs or hover over the wires after it pauses at the breakpoint and verify that the values returned are correct.

Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

The square root function should return a value of 24.

 Right-click the breakpoint and select Breakpoint»Clear Breakpoint.

 Turn off execution highlighting in the Area of Triangle VI and the Area and Validity of a Triangle VI.

 Save both VIs.

1. Test the Area and Validity of a Triangle VI using the values for Side A, Side B, and Side C in Table 3-1. For each set of test values, record the area you
get when you run the VI.

Table 3-1. Area and Validity of a Triangle Test Values

Side A Side B Side C Area

24 30 18

12 12 12

15 20 25

Table 3-2. Area and Validity of a Triangle Test Values - Area Answers

Side A Side B Side C Area

24 30 18 216

12 12 12 62.35

15 20 25 150

2. Save and close the VI when you are finished testing.

End of Exercise 3-1

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

C. Error Handling
Objective: Describe the difference between automatic and manual error handling.

Error Handling Review

Error Handling Anticipation, detection, and resolution of warnings and errors
Automatic At run time, LabVIEW suspends execution, highlights node where error
Error Handling occurred, and displays Error dialog box
Manual You control when dialog boxes appear, propagate errors through error
Error Handling in/error out clusters, terminate error chain with Simple Error Handler

Demonstration: Automatic vs. Manual Error Handling

• Manual error handling—Use Simple Error Handler to display errors
• Automatic error handling—Highlights the node that caused the error

Enabling automatic error handling does not override manual error handling. If the error cluster is
wired and the VI uses the Simple Error Handler, then LabVIEW defaults to manual error handling.

Disable Automatic Error Handling

To ensure that LabVIEW doesn’t implement automatic error handling by default, disable it for
all new VIs. Change the configuration settings in the Tools»Options dialog box.

© National Instruments | 3-17

Lesson 3 Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Error Clusters
VIs and functions return errors in one of two ways—with numeric error codes or with an error
cluster. Typically, functions use numeric error codes, and VIs use an error cluster, usually with
error inputs and outputs. Use the error cluster controls and indicators to create error inputs and
outputs in subVIs.

1 status—a Boolean value that reports TRUE if an error occurs

2 code—a 32-bit signed integer that identifies the error numerically. A non-zero error code
is coupled with a status of FALSE signals a warning rather than an error
3 source—a string that identifies where the error occurred

Errors and Warnings

When an error occurs, open the Explain Error dialog box to see more information about the error.

Errors Warnings

Status = TRUE Status = FALSE

Code = Non-zero Code = Non-zero

More severe Less severe

Passed to the next node without executing Node executes normally, but it is important
that part of the code to monitor warnings during development to
ensure proper behavior of your application

3-18 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Merge Errors
The Merge Errors Function:
• Returns the first error found. If no error is found, it returns the first warning.
• Does not concatenate errors.

Use Merge Errors to

• Propagate errors along wires.
• Merge errors from different wire paths.

At the end of your application after all error sources are merged into one error cluster, you must
report errors to the user using the Simple Error Handler VI or another error reporting mechanism.

Errors and Warnings Recommendations

By default, the Simple Error Handler VI displays a dialog with a description of any errors that
occurred and does not report warnings. However, the Simple Error Handler VI can be configured
for other error handling behavior.

© National Instruments | 3-19

Lesson 3 Troubleshooting and Debugging VIs

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic

Correcting Broken VIs Error List Window

Correcting Broken VIs

Using Wires to Link Block Diagram Objects

Debugging Debugging Techniques

Execution Highlighting

Single-Stepping through a VI

Using the Probe Tool

Probe Watch Window

Managing Breakpoints

Breakpoint Manager Window

Preventing Undefined Data

Error Handling Disabling Debugging Tools

Using Error Clusters

Error Codes and Messages

Merge Error Function

Displaying Warnings

Simple Error Handler VI

Handling Errors

3-20 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 3-2: Lesson Review

Answer the following questions and then discuss your answers with the class.

1. Which of the following will result in a broken run arrow?

a. A subVI is broken
b. The diagram includes a divide by zero
c. A required subVI input is unwired
d. A Boolean terminal is wired to a numeric indicator

2. Which of the following are components and data types of the error cluster?
a. Status: Boolean
b. Error: String
c. Code: 32-bit integer
d. Source: String

3. All errors have negative error codes and all warnings have positive error codes.
a. True
b. False

4. Merge Errors function concatenates error information from multiple sources.

a. True
b. False

© National Instruments | 3-21

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 3-2: Lesson Review - Answers

1. Which of the following will result in a broken run arrow?
a. A subVI is broken
b. The diagram includes a divide by zero
c. A required subVI input is unwired
d. A Boolean terminal is wired to a numeric indicator

2. Which of the following are components and data types of the error cluster?
a. Status: Boolean
b. Error: String
c. Code: 32-bit integer
d. Source: String

3. All errors have negative error codes and all warnings have positive error codes.
a. True
b. False

4. Merge Errors function concatenates error information from multiple sources.

a. True
b. False

© National Instruments | 3-23

4 Using Loops

In this lesson you will learn to recognize the different

components of a LabVIEW loop structure and how to apply
a For Loop or a While Loop appropriately.

+ Loops Review
+ While Loops
+ For Loops
+ Timing a VI
+ Data Feedback in Loops
+ Plotting Data

Exercise 4-1 Pass Data Through Tunnels
Exercise 4-2 Calculating Average Temperature
Exercise 4-3 Temperature Monitor VI—Plot Multiple Temperatures
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Loops Review
Objective: Recognize loop structures and explain how to use them.

While Loops—Review
• Similar to Do Loop or a Repeat-Until Loop
• Repeats code segment until a condition is met
• Always execute at least once
• Iteration terminal—output that contains the number of complete iterations

• Iteration terminal always starts at zero

• Conditional terminal sets the condition for stopping the loop


No Repeat (code);
Condition Until Condition met;


1 2 3

1 LabVIEW While Loop 2 Flowchart 3 Pseudo Code

For Loops—Review
• Repeats code a certain number of times
• The value in the count terminal (an input terminal) indicates how many times to repeat the
subdiagram in the For Loop.

• Can execute zero times

• Iteration terminal—output that contains the number of complete iterations

© National Instruments | 4-3

Lesson 4 Using Loops

• Iteration terminal always starts at zero


No Until i=N:
i=N? Code
Repeat (code; i=i+1);

1 2 3

1 LabVIEW For Loop 2 Flowchart 3 Pseudo Code

While Loop/For Loop Comparison

While Loop For Loop

Stops executing only if the value at the Executes a set number of times
conditional terminal meets the condition

Must execute at least once Can execute zero times

Tunnels automatically output the last value Tunnels automatically output an array of

Activity 4-1: While Loops vs. For Loops

Determine when to use a While Loop and when to use a For Loop.

For the following scenarios, decide whether to use a While Loop or a For Loop.

4-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Scenario 1
Acquire pressure data in a loop that executes once per second for one minute.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

Scenario 2
Acquire pressure data until the pressure is greater than or equal to 1400 psi.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

Scenario 3
Acquire pressure and temperature data until both values are stable for two minutes.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

Scenario 4
Output a voltage ramp starting at zero, increasing incrementally by 0.5 V every second, until
the output voltage is equal to 5 V.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

© National Instruments | 4-5

Lesson 4 Using Loops

Activity 4-1: While Loops vs. For Loops - Answers

Scenario 1
Acquire pressure data in a loop that executes once per second for one minute.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?
While Loop: Time = 1 minute

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?
For Loop: 60 iterations

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

Both are possible

Scenario 2
Acquire pressure data until the pressure is greater than or equal to 1400 psi.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?
While Loop: Pressure = 1400 psi

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?
For Loop: unknown

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

A While Loop. Although you can add a conditional terminal to a For Loop, you still need to
wire a value to the count terminal. Without more information, you do not know the
appropriate value to wire to the count terminal.

Scenario 3
Acquire pressure and temperature data until both values are stable for two minutes.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?
While Loop: [(Last Temperature = Previous Temperature) for 2 minutes or more] and [(Last
Pressure = Previous Pressure) for 2 minutes or more]

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?
For Loop: unknown

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

A While Loop. Although you can add a conditional terminal to a For Loop, you still need to
wire a value to the count terminal. Without more information, you do not know the
appropriate value to wire to the count terminal.

Scenario 4
Output a voltage ramp starting at zero, increasing incrementally by 0.5 V every second, until
the output voltage is equal to 5 V.

1. If you use a While Loop, what is the condition that you need to stop the loop?
While Loop: Voltage = 5 V

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

2. If you use a For Loop, how many iterations does the loop need to run?
For Loop: 11 iterations (Including the two end points, count the iteration for each value -
0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ... 4.5, 5.0.)

3. Is it easier to implement a For Loop or a While Loop?

Both are possible.

B. While Loops
Objective: Recognize tunnels and explain their purpose on a loop structure and demonstrate
how to use error checking and error handling inside a loop.

Tunnels transfer data into and out of structures. Data pass out of a loop after the loop

1 The loop executes only after data arrive at the tunnel.

Error Checking and Error Handling

You can wire an error cluster to the conditional terminal to stop the iteration of the loop. If you
wire the error cluster to the conditional terminal, only the TRUE or FALSE value of the status
parameter of the error cluster passes to the terminal. If an error occurs, the loop stops.

1 Use the error cluster and a stop button to determine when to stop the loop.

© National Instruments | 4-7

Exercise 4-1 Pass Data Through Tunnels

Lesson 4


Use a While Loop and an iteration terminal and pass data through a tunnel.

Using Loops
Create a VI that continuously generates random numbers between 0 and 1000 until it generates a number that matches a number selected by the user.
Determine how many random numbers the VI generated before generating the matching number.

Use the following flowchart and input/output list to create the VI for this exercise. The flowchart in Figure 4-1 illustrates the data flow for this design.
Figure 4-1. Auto Match Flowchart

Generate a
Random Number No
Between 0 and 1

Multiply by 1000

Add 1 to
Round to Nearest Display Value = Number
Yes Iteration
Integer Value to User to Match?

Display Number
of Iterations

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| 4-9
Inputs and Outputs

Lesson 4
The following table describes the inputs and outputs for this exercise.

Table 4-1. Auto Match VI Inputs and Outputs

Using Loops
Type Name Properties

Numeric control Number to Match Double-precision, floating-point between 0 and 1000, coerce to nearest whole
number, default value = 50

Numeric indicator Current Number Double-precision, floating-point

Numeric indicator Number of Iterations Integer

1. Create a blank project and save it as Auto Match.lvproj in the <Exercises>LabVIEW Core 1\Auto Match directory.

2. Create a new VI in the project and save it as Auto in the same directory as the project.

3. Build the front panel shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. Auto Match VI Front Panel

1 Set the default value of the Number to Match control to 50—Enter 50 in the Number to Match control and then right-click the control and select Data
Operations»Make Current Value Default.
2 Set Number of Iterations indicator to output a signed, long integer—Right-click the indicator and select Representation»I32.
4. Set the properties for the Number to Match control so that the data type is a 32-bit unsigned integer, the data range is from 0 to 1000, the increment
value is 1, and the digits of precision is 0.

 Right-click the Number to Match control and select Representation»U32 from the shortcut menu.

 Right-click the Number to Match control and select Data Entry from the shortcut menu. Set the properties on the Data Entry and Display Format
tabs as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3. Number to Match Numeric Properties

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1 2

1 Number to Match—Data Entry Properties 2 Number to Match—Display Format Properties

| 4-11
5. Set the representation of the Current Number indicator to an unsigned, 32-bit integer and set the digits of precision for the Current Number output to 0.

Lesson 4
 Right-click the Current Number indicator and select Representation»U32 from the shortcut menu.


Right-click the Current Number indicator and select Display Format. Set the properties as shown in Figure 4-4.

Using Loops
Figure 4-4. Current Number Indicator Display Format Properties
6. Create the block diagram shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5. Auto Match VI Block Diagram

1 2 9

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Random Number (0–1)—Generates a random number between 0 and 1.

2 Multiply—Multiplies the random number by the y input to produce a random number between 0 and y.
3 Numeric Constant—Right-click the y input of the Multiply function and select Create»Constant. Enter a value of 1000. Because the Random Number
(0-1) function generates a double-precision, floating point number between 0 and 1, multiplying the number by 1000 produces a range of numbers
between 0 and 1000.
4 Round To Nearest—Rounds the random number to the nearest integer.
5 Equal?—Compares the random number with Number to Match and returns FALSE if the numbers are not equal. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
6 While Loop—Repeats the algorithm until the Equal? function returns TRUE because the Equal? function is wired to the conditional terminal, which is
set to Stop if True.
7 Iteration terminal—Each time the loop executes, the iteration terminal increments by one.
8 Increment—Adds 1 to the While Loop count because the iteration starts at 0.
9 Coercion dots—Red coercion dots appear on block diagram nodes when you connect a wire of one numeric type to a terminal of a different numeric
type. In this case, the output from Round To Nearest is a double-precision, floating point but Current Number is an integer.

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Tip Coercion dots can cause a VI to use more memory and increase its run time, so try to keep data types consistent in the VIs you create.
| 4-13
7. Update the VI to remove the coercion dots.

Lesson 4
 Right-click the wire coming from the Round To Nearest function and select Insert»Numeric Palette»Conversion»To Unsigned Long Integer as shown

in Figure 4-6. This inserts the To Unsigned Long Integer function on the wire.

Using Loops
Figure 4-6. Inserting the To Unsigned Long Integer Function on a Wire

1 Right-click the wire to display the shortcut menu.

8. Notice that converting the output from the Round To Nearest function removes all the coercion dots on the block diagram, as shown in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7. Completed Auto Match VI

9. Display the front panel.

10. Right-click the Current Number indicator and select Advanced»Synchronous Display.

Note If synchronous display is enabled, then every time the block diagram sends a value to the Current Number indicator, the block diagram
stops executing until the front panel has updated the value of the indicator. In this exercise, you enable the synchronous display, so you can see
the Current Number indicator get updated repeatedly on the front panel. Typically, the synchronous display is disabled to increase execution
speed since you usually do not need to see every single updated value of an indicator on the front panel.

11. Save the VI.

1. Change the number in the Number to Match control to a number that is in the data range, which is 0 to 1000 with an increment of 1.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

2. Run the VI.
© National Instruments

3. Change the Number to Match value and run the VI again. Current Number updates at every iteration of the loop because it is inside the loop.
Number of Iterations updates upon completion because it is outside the loop.

4. To see how the VI updates the indicators, enable execution highlighting.

 On the block diagram toolbar, click the Highlight Execution button to enable execution highlighting.
| 4-15
5. Run the VI and observe the data flow.

Lesson 4
6. Turn off execution highlighting to quickly finish executing the VI.

7. Try to match a number that is outside the data range.

Using Loops
Change the Number to Match value to a number that is out of the data range, 0 - 1000.

 Run the VI.

 Notice LabVIEW coerces the out-of-range value to the nearest value in the data range you specified in step 4 of the Implementation section.

8. Close the VI.

End of Exercise 4-1

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

C. For Loops
Objective: Demonstrate how to add a conditional terminal to a For Loop and describe how
numeric conversion occurs on the For Loop count terminal.

Conditional Terminal
You can add a conditional terminal to configure a For Loop to stop when a Boolean condition or
an error occurs. A For Loop with a conditional terminal executes until the condition occurs or
until all iterations are complete, whichever happens first.

The following For Loop generates a random number every second until 100 seconds has passed
or until the user clicks the stop button.

1 Right-click the loop border and select Conditional Terminal from the shortcut menu.
2 Red glyph appears in the count terminal and a conditional terminal in the lower right corner.

Count Terminal Numeric Conversion

If you wire a double-precision, floating-point numeric value to the count terminal, LabVIEW
converts the numeric value to a 32-bit signed integer.

1 Coercion Dot

For better performance, avoid coercion by using matching data types or programmatically
converting to matching data types.

© National Instruments | 4-17

Lesson 4 Using Loops

D. Timing a VI
Objective: Identify scenarios that require loop timing and apply the appropriate function

Why Do You Need Timing in a VI?

When a loop finishes executing an iteration, it immediately begins executing the next iteration,
unless it reaches a stop condition. If you are acquiring data, and you want to acquire the data
once every 10 seconds, you need a way to time the loop iterations so they occur once every
10 seconds. You also want to time a loop to provide the processor with time to complete other
tasks, such as processing the user interface.

Wait Functions Inside a Loop

Use a wait function inside a loop to accomplish the following actions:

Wait Function Behavior

Wait Until Next ms Multiple Monitors a millisecond counter and waits until the millisecond
counter reaches a multiple of the amount you specify. This
function is synced to the system clock.

Wait (ms) Waits until the millisecond counter counts to an amount equal
to the input you specify

Time Delay Express VI Similar to the Wait (ms) function with the addition of built-in
error clusters.

4-18 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Wait Function Timing

The following illustration compares the differences between two common timing functions:
Wait Until Next ms Multiple and Wait (ms). This timing diagram assumes that the wait functions
begin running immediately for each loop iteration and that the loop is ready to iterate as soon
as the wait function finishes.

Elapsed Time Express VI

Determines how much time elapses after some point in your VI and keeps track of time while
the VI continues to execute.

Demonstration: Wait Chart VI

Compare and contrast using a Wait function and the Elapsed Time Express VI for software

E. Data Feedback in Loops

Objective: Apply shift registers when appropriate and predict the correct value at different
iterations of the loop.

Introduction to Shift Registers

Shift registers store data values from previous iterations of a loop in LabVIEW.

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Lesson 4 Using Loops

Shift registers are similar to static variables in text-based programming languages.

1 2

1 Stores data at beginning of iteration 2 Stores data on completion of iteration

Multimedia: Using Shift Registers

When you create a shift register, the shift register reflects the data type you wire to the
terminals. If you do not initialize the register, the loop uses the value written to the register when
the loop last executed or it uses the default value for the data type if the loop has never
executed. You can add more than one shift register to a loop for applications such as averaging
data points.

Complete the multimedia module, Using Shift Registers, available in the

<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder.

Demonstration: Creating Shift Registers

Replace tunnels with shift registers when you need to transfer values from one loop iteration to
the next. If you convert a tunnel with auto-indexing enabled to a shift register on a While Loop,
the wire to any node outside the loop breaks because shift registers cannot auto-index

4-20 |
Exercise 4-2 Calculating Average Temperature
Use a While Loop and shift registers to average data.

The Temperature Monitor VI acquires and displays temperature. Modify the VI to average the last five temperature measurements and display the running
average on the waveform chart.

Figure 4-8 shows the Temperature Monitor VI front panel and block diagram.

Figure 4-8. Temperature Monitor VI Front Panel and Block Diagram

To modify this VI, you need to retain the temperature values from the previous four iterations of the While Loop and average the values. To accomplish this,
you modify this VI as follows:

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

• Use a shift register with additional elements to retain data from the previous four iterations.
© National Instruments

• Initialize the shift register with a reading from the simulated thermometer.
• Calculate and chart only the average temperature.
| 4-21

Lesson 4
1. Test the VI.


Open Temperature Monitor.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Temperature Monitor directory.

Using Loops
Open Temperature Monitor VI from the Project Explorer window.

 Run the VI. Notice the variation in the simulated temperature reading.

2. Stop the VI by clicking the Stop button on the front panel.

3. Modify the VI to reduce the number of temperature spikes.

 Display the block diagram.

 Modify the block diagram as shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9. Temperature Monitor VI Block Diagram—Average Temperature

1 3 4

1 Shift Registers—Stacked shift registers collect multiple temperature readings. Right-click the border of the While Loop and select Add Shift Register.
Drag the lower resizing handle of the shift register to display four shift registers.
2 Create a copy of the Thermometer (Demo) VI—Press <Ctrl> while dragging the subVI outside the While Loop to create a copy. The Thermometer
(Demo) VI returns one temperature measurement and initializes the left shift registers before the loop starts.
3 Compound Arithmetic—Returns the sum of the current temperature and the four previous temperature readings. Resize the function to have five
4 Divide—Returns the average of the last five temperature readings.
Note You can create stacked shift register terminals on the left side of a loop to remember multiple previous iterations and carry those values
to the next iterations. This technique is useful for averaging data points. Stacked shift registers can occur only on the left side of the loop because
the right terminal transfers the data generated from only the current iteration to the next iteration.

4. Save the VI.

1. Run the VI.

During each iteration of the While Loop, the Thermometer (Demo) VI takes one temperature measurement. The VI adds this value to the last
four measurements stored in the left terminals of the shift register. The VI divides the result by five to find the average of the five measurements—the
current measurement plus the previous four. The VI displays the average on the waveform chart. Notice that the VI initializes the shift register with a
temperature measurement.

2. Stop the VI by clicking the Stop button on the front panel.

3. Save and close the VI and the project.

End of Exercise 4-2

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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| 4-23
Lesson 4 Using Loops

F. Plotting Data
Objective: Use data feedback in a loop to plot waveform charts.

Waveform Chart
The waveform chart is a special type of numeric indicator that displays one or more plots of
data typically acquired at a constant rate. Waveform charts can display single or multiple plots.



1 Label 3 X-scale 5 Graph Palette

2 Y-scale 4 Scale Legend 6 Plot Legend

Waveform Chart Properties

Waveform charts include options that you can use to customize appearance, convey more
information, or highlight data.

4-24 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

You can configure how the chart updates to display new data. The chart uses the following
modes to display data:
• Strip Chart—Shows running data continuously scrolling from left to right across the chart
with old data on the left and new data on the right.
• Scope Chart—Shows one item of data, such as a pulse or wave, scrolling partway across
the chart from left to right.
• Sweep Chart—Works similarly to a scope chart except it shows the old data on the right
and the new data on the left separated by a vertical line.

© National Instruments | 4-25

Exercise 4-3 Temperature Monitor VI—Plot Multiple Temperatures

Lesson 4


Plot multiple data sets on a single waveform chart and customize the chart view.

Using Loops
Modify the VI from Exercise 4-2 to plot both the current temperature and the running average on the same chart. In addition, allow the user to examine a
portion of the plot while the data is being acquired.

Figure 4-10 shows the front panel for the existing Temperature Monitor VI and Figure 4-11 shows the block diagram.

Figure 4-10. Temperature Monitor VI Front Panel

To allow the user to examine a portion of the plot while the data is being acquired, display the scale legend and the graph palette for the waveform chart.
Also, expand the legend to show additional plots.

To modify the block diagram in Figure 4-11, you must modify the chart terminal to accept multiple pieces of data. Use a Bundle function to combine the
average temperature and the current temperature into a cluster to pass to the Temperature History terminal.

Figure 4-11. Original Temperature Monitor VI Block Diagram

1. Open the Temperature Monitor VI you created in Exercise 4-2.

 Open Temperature Monitor.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Temperature Monitor directory.

 Open Temperature from the Project Explorer window.

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| 4-27
2. Modify the block diagram so that it resembles Figure 4-12.

Lesson 4
Figure 4-12. Temperature Monitor VI Block Diagram—Plotting Multiple Temperatures

Using Loops
1 Bundle—Passes the current temperature and average temperature to the Temperature History chart.
3. Modify the front panel so that it resembles Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13. Temperature Monitor VI Front Panel—Plotting Multiple Temperatures

1 Show both plots in the plot legend—Use the positioning tool to resize the plot legend to show two objects. Double-click the label to edit the plot names.
The order of the plots listed in the plot legend is the same as the order of the items wired to the Bundle function on the block diagram.
2 Change the plot type of Current Temperature—Use the Operating tool to select the plot in the plot legend. Click the plot icon, select Common Plots
from the menu, and choose the plot you want.
3 Display Graph Palette—Right-click the Temperature History chart and select Visible Items»Graph Palette.
4 Display Scale Legend—Right-click the Temperature History chart and select Visible items»Scale Legend.

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4. Save the VI.

1. Run the VI. Use the tools in the scale legend and the graph palette to examine the data as it generates.

2. Close the VI and project when you are finished.

| 4-29

End of Exercise 4-3

Lesson 4 Using Loops

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic

Using shift registers Shift Registers: Passing Values between Loop

Passing Multiple Values to the Next Loop Iteration

4-30 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 4-2: Lesson Review

1. Which structure must run at least one time?
a. While Loop
b. For Loop

© National Instruments | 4-31

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 4-2: Lesson Review - Answers

1. Which structure must run at least one time?
a. While Loop
b. For Loop

© National Instruments | 4-33

5 Creating and
Leveraging Data

In this lesson you will learn about arrays, clusters, and type
definitions and be able to identify applications where using
these data structures can be beneficial.

+ Arrays
+ Common Array Functions
+ Polymorphism
+ Auto-Indexing
+ Clusters
+ Type Definitions

Exercise 5-1 Manipulating Arrays
Exercise 5-2 Temperature Warnings VI—Clusters
Exercise 5-3 Temperature Warnings VI—Type Definition
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Arrays
Objective: Identify when to use arrays and learn how to create and initialize arrays.


Array Collection of data elements that are of the same type.

Elements The data that make up the array. Elements can be numeric, Boolean, path, string,
waveform, and cluster data types.
Dimension Length, height, or depth of the array. Arrays can have one or more dimensions and
as many as (231)-1 dimensions.

Note Array indexes in LabVIEW are zero-based. The index of the first element in
the array, regardless of its dimension, is zero.

1D and 2D Examples
Arrays can have multiple dimensions.
• 1D array:

For example, LabVIEW represents a text array that lists the twelve months of the year as a
1D array of strings with twelve elements. Index is zero-based, which means the range is 0
to n - 1, where n is the number of elements in the array. For example, n = 12 for the twelve
months of the year, so the index ranges from 0 to 11. March is the third month, so it has
an index of 2.
• 2D array:

Column Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Row Index


For example, LabVIEW represents a table of data with rows and columns as a 2D array.

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Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

2D Arrays
A 2D array stores elements in a grid. It requires a column index and a row index to locate an
element, both of which are zero-based.

Initializing Arrays
An uninitialized array contains a fixed number of dimensions but no elements. An initialized
defines the number of elements in each dimension and the contents of each element.

1 2

1 Uninitialized array 2 Initialized array

Demonstration: Viewing Arrays

Create an array control or indicator on the front panel by adding an array shell to the front panel,
as shown in the following front panel, and dragging a data object or element, which can be a
numeric, Boolean, string, path, refnum, or cluster control or indicator, into the array shell.

To create an array constant on the block diagram, select an array constant on the Functions
palette, place the array shell on the block diagram, and place a string constant, numeric
constant, a Boolean constant, or cluster constant in the array shell.

You cannot create arrays of arrays. However, you can use a multidimensional array or create an
array of clusters where each cluster contains one or more arrays. Also, you cannot create an
array of subpanel controls, tab controls, .NET controls, ActiveX controls, charts, or multi-plot
XY graphs.

5-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

B. Common Array Functions

Objective: Create and manipulate arrays using built-in array functions.

Multimedia: Common Array Functions

Functions you can use to manipulate arrays are located on the Array palette.

Complete the multimedia module, Common Array Functions, available in the

<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder.

Initialize Array
Creates an n-dimensional array in which every element is initialized to the value of element.

Insert Into Array

Inserts an element or subarray at the point you specify in index.

© National Instruments | 5-5

Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Delete From Array

Deletes an element or subarray from n-dim array of length elements starting at index. Returns
the edited array in array w/ subset deleted and the deleted element or subarray in deleted

Array Max & Min

Returns the maximum and minimum values in array, along with the indexes for each value.

Search 1D Array
Searches for an element in a 1D array starting at start index. Because the search is linear, you
need not sort the array before calling this function. LabVIEW stops searching as soon as the
element is found.

5-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 5-1: Using Array Functions

Goal: Complete the highlighted portion in each VI

Each of the VIs shown has missing information. Determine what belongs in the highlighted

Block Diagram Result

© National Instruments | 5-7

Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

C. Polymorphism
Objective: Understand the ability of various VIs to accept input data of different data types.


Polymorphism The ability of VIs and functions to automatically adapt to accept input data of
different data types.

Functions are polymorphic to varying degrees—none, some, or all of their

inputs can be polymorphic.

Arithmetic Functions Are Polymorphic

LabVIEW arithmetic functions are polymorphic.

5-8 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

D. Auto-Indexing
Objective: Use auto-indexed inputs and outputs to create graphs and arrays.

Auto-indexing The ability to automatically process every element in an array.

If you wire an array to or from a For Loop or While Loop, you can link each iteration of the loop
to an element in that array by enabling auto-indexing. The tunnel image changes from a solid
square to the image to indicate auto-indexing.

1 3

1 Right-click the tunnel and select Enable Indexing or Disable Indexing to toggle the state of
the tunnel.
2 Auto-indexed output arrays are always equal in size to the number of iterations.
3 Only one value (the last iteration) is passed out of the loop when auto-indexing is disabled.

Waveform Graphs
A waveform graph collects the data in an array and then plots the data to the graph.

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Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Charts vs. Graphs—Single-Plot

Charts are generally used inside the While Loop and graphs are generally outside the While Loop.

Auto-Indexing with a Conditional Tunnel

You can determine what values LabVIEW writes to the loop output tunnel based on a condition
you specify.

For example, consider the following block diagram. The array Input Array contains the following
elements: 7, 2, 0, 3, 1, 9, 5, and 7. Because of the conditional tunnel, the Values less than 5
array contains only the elements 2, 0, 3, and 1 after this loop completes all iterations.

1 Right-click the loop output tunnel and selecting Tunnel Mode»Conditional from the
shortcut menu.

Creating Two-Dimensional Arrays

Use two For Loops, nested one inside the other, to create a 2D array.

1 The inner loop creates the column elements and the outer loop creates the row elements.

5-10 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Auto-Indexing Input
Use an auto-indexing input array to perform calculations on each element in an array. If you wire
an array to an auto-indexing tunnel on a For Loop, you do not need to wire the count (N)

1 2

1 The For Loop executes the number of times equal to the number of elements in the array.
2 If the iteration count terminal is wired and arrays of different sizes are wired to
auto-indexed tunnels, the actual number of iterations becomes the smallest of the choices.

Auto-Indexing Input—Different Array Sizes

If the iteration count terminal is wired and arrays of different sizes are wired to auto-indexed
tunnels, the actual number of iterations becomes the smallest of the choices.

1 The For Loop iterates 5 times and because the iterations are zero-based, the output is 4.

© National Instruments | 5-11

Exercise 5-1 Manipulating Arrays

Lesson 5


Manipulate arrays using various LabVIEW functions.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

You are given a VI and asked to enhance it for a variety of purposes. The front panel of this VI is built. You complete the block diagram to practice several
different techniques to manipulate arrays.

1. Open Manipulating Arrays.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Manipulating Arrays directory.

2. Open Array Manipulation VI from the Project Explorer window. The front panel, shown in Figure 5-1, is already built for you.

Figure 5-1. Array Manipulation VI Front Panel

3. Open the block diagram and complete each of the cases that correspond to the tabs on the front panel as shown in Figures 5-2 through 5-8.

Figure 5-2. Array Manipulation VI—Concatenate Channels Case

2 1

1 Build Array—Expand this node to accept two inputs, and then right-click and select Concatenate inputs from the shortcut menu.
2 Wire the sine wave and square wave outputs to the Build Array function to create a 1D array with both waveforms.

4. Switch to the front panel and test the Concatenate Channels case.

 On the front panel, click the Concatenate Channels tab.

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Run the VI and notice that the sine wave is concatenated with a square wave.

5. Stop the VI.

6. Switch to the block diagram and select the Add/Subtract Channels case.
| 5-13
7. Complete the Add/Subtract Channels case as shown in Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4.

Lesson 5
Figure 5-3. Array Manipulation VI—Add/Subtract Channels True Case

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

1 2

1 Subtract?—Wire this to the case selector terminal so that the correct case executes when you click the Subtract? button on the front panel.
2 Case Structure—Place a Subtract function in the True case, so that the VI subtracts the elements of the array when the Subtract? button on the front
panel is pressed.

Figure 5-4. Array Manipulation VI—Add/Subtract Channels False Case

1 When the value of the Subtract? Boolean control is False, the array elements are added.
Note This case demonstrates polymorphic functionality by adding and subtracting elements of the array.

8. Switch to the front panel and test the Add/Subtract Channels case.

 On the front panel, click the Add/Subtract Channels tab.

 Run the VI.

 Click the Subtract? button and observe the behavior of subtracting the square wave from the sine wave.

9. Stop the VI.

10. Switch to the block diagram and select the Select a Channel case.

11. Complete the Select a Channel case as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5. Array Manipulation VI—Select a Channel

1 2

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1 Build Array—Combines the sine and square waves into one 2D array.
2 Index Array—Extracts row 0 or 1 from the 2D array. The output from this function is a 1D array and is the waveform you select with the Select Channel
control. The waveform is displayed on the Single Channel of Data Waveform Graph and the Single Channel of Data Array indicator.
3 Select Channel—Wire to the row input of the Index Array function.
4 Array Size—Because you are using a 1D array, this function outputs a scalar value.
| 5-15
Note The Select a Channel case uses a property node to change the color of the graph plot. You learn about Property Nodes LabVIEW Core 2.

Lesson 5
12. Switch to the front panel and test the Select a Channel case.


On the front panel, click the Select a Channel tab.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Run the VI.

 Switch between Channel 0 and Channel 1 and notice the different values shown in the Single Channel of Data Array indicator.

13. Stop the VI.

14. Switch to the block diagram and select the Waveform Data case.

15. Complete the Waveform Data case block diagram as shown in Figure 5-6.

The waveform datatype is a special kind of cluster that contains additional timing information about the waveform.

Figure 5-6. Array Manipulation VI—Waveform Data

1 Add—Uses the value from the Offset control to modify the value of the waveform in the waveform datatype. Notice the value from the Offset control
must be coerced to be used with the waveform datatype.

Note Polymorphism is the ability of VIs and functions to automatically adapt to accept input data of different data types, including arrays,
scalars, and waveforms. VIs and functions are polymoprhic to varying degrees.
16. Switch to the front panel and test the Waveform Data case.

 On the front panel, click the Waveform Data tab.

 Run the VI.

 Change the value of the Offset control and notice the square wave move on the Waveform Data chart.

17. Stop the VI.

18. Switch to the block diagram and select the All Data Channel case.

19. Complete the All Data Channel case as shown in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7. Array Manipulation VI—All Data

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2 3 4

1 Add—Modify the same data in one array by adding the value of the Channel 1 Offset to each element of the array.
2 For Loop—Extracts each element of the array using auto indexing so that the Add function in the For Loop can add the scalar value.
3 Build Array—Takes the two 1D arrays and builds a 2D array. Each 1D array becomes a row in the 2D array.
4 Array Size—Outputs a 1D array where each element shows the size of each dimension. In this exercise, you have 2 elements of data for the number
| 5-17

of rows and columns.

5 All Data Channel and Data Channel Array indicators display the same data.
Note The polymorphic functionality of LabVIEW functions allows you to perform the same operation on each element without extracting the

Lesson 5
array elements, as you do with the two Add functions in the All Data Channel case.

20. Switch to the front panel and test the All Data Channel case.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

On the front panel, click the All Data Channel tab.

 Run the VI.

 Change the value of the Channel 1 Offset control and observe the behavior.

21. Stop the VI.

22. Switch to the block diagram and select the Waveform Subset case.

23. Complete the Waveform Subset case as shown in Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-8. Array Manipulation VI—Waveform Subset

2 1

1 Array Subset—Extracts a subset of an existing array. In this exercise, you use this function to zoom in on a subset of the waveform you generated.
2 Numeric Constant—These constants specify that the function extract the first two rows starting at element 0.
3 Start Value—Sets the start index. The default value is set to start at element 0.
4 Length—Sets the number of elements to extract. The default value is set to output 1000 elements.
24. Switch to the front panel and test the Waveform Subset case.

 On the front panel, click the Waveform Subset tab.

 Run the VI.

 Change value of the Start Value and Length sliders and notice that the Subset Data waveform graph x-axis starts at zero and finishes at the number
of elements in the new array. The x-axis starts at zero because the VI creates a brand new array and the graph does not know where the data was
located in the original array.

25. Stop the VI.

Using the NI Example Finder to Learn More about Arrays

Use the NI Example Finder to browse or search examples installed on your computer or on the NI Developer Zone at Example VIs can show
you how to use specific functions and programming concepts such as arrays and polymorphism.

Complete the following steps to use the NI Example finder to locate example VIs that demonstrate different ways to use the Array function.

1. Select Help»Find Examples to start the NI Example Finder.

2. Click the Search tab and enter the keyword array.

3. Click the Search button to find VIs using that keyword.

4. Click one of the example VIs in the search results list and read the description.

5. Double-click an example VI to open it.

6. Read through the comments on the front panel and block diagram to learn more about what this example VI demonstrates.

7. Run the example, examine the different cases, and click the Stop button to exit.

8. Close the VIs and the NI Example Finder when you are finished.

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End of Exercise 5-1

| 5-19
Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

E. Clusters
Objective: Identify when to use clusters and be able to create them.


Clusters Clusters group data elements of mixed types

A cluster is similar to a record or a struct in text-based programming languages.An example of

a cluster is the LabVIEW error cluster, which combines a Boolean value, a numeric value, and a

Clusters vs. Arrays

Cluster Array

• Mixed data types • Vary in size

• Fixed size • Contain only one data type

Demonstration: Create a Cluster Control

Create a cluster control or indicator on the front panel by adding a cluster shell to the front panel
and dragging a data object or element into the shell. The element can be a numeric, Boolean,
string, path, refnum, array, or cluster control or indicator.

5-20 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Resize the cluster shell by dragging the cursor while you place the cluster shell.

Cluster Order
Cluster elements have a logical order unrelated to their position in the shell. The cluster order
determines the order in which the elements appear as terminals on the Bundle and Unbundle
functions on the block diagram.

You can view and modify the cluster order by right-clicking the cluster border and selecting
Reorder Controls In Cluster from the shortcut menu.

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Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Autosizing Clusters
Autosizing helps you arrange elements in clusters.NI recommends the following:
• Arrange cluster elements vertically.
• Arrange elements compactly.
• Arrange elements in their preferred order.

Disassembling Clusters
Use the Unbundle and Unbundle By Name functions to return individual cluster elements.

1 2

1 Unbundle By Name—Returns the cluster elements whose names you specify. The number
of output terminals does not depend on the number of elements in the input cluster.
2 Unbundle—Splits a cluster into its individual elements

Modifying a Cluster
Use Bundle By Name whenever possible to access elements in a cluster. Use Bundle when some
or all cluster elements are unnamed.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Demonstration: Creating a Cluster on the Block Diagram

Use the Bundle function to programmatically create a cluster on a block diagram. If the elements
that are bundled have labels, you can access them using the Unbundle By Name function.
Otherwise use the Unbundle function.

Multi-plot Graphs/Charts and XY Graph

The Bundle function is often used to create multi-chart plot charts and XY plots. The Build Array
function is used to create multi-plot waveform graphs.

Plotting Data
Use the Context Help window to determine how to wire multi-plot data to Waveform Graphs,
Charts and XY Graphs.

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Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Error Clusters
LabVIEW contains a custom cluster called the error cluster. LabVIEW uses error clusters to pass
error information.

5-24 |
Exercise 5-2 Temperature Warnings VI—Clusters
Create a cluster datatype containing the data to be passed around an application and, in the process, create scalable, readable code.

Another developer has created a VI that displays temperature warnings. This VI is part of the temperature weather station project studied throughout this
course. Your task is to update this VI to use clusters instead of individual terminals for inputs and outputs.

The flowchart in Figure 5-9 illustrates the data flow for the design of the Temperature Warnings VI.

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| 5-25
Figure 5-9. Temperature Warnings VI Flowchart

Lesson 5

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Current Temp
>= Max Temp? No


Warning Text =
Warning Text =
No Warning

Current Temp
<= Min Temp?


Warning Text = Pass current value

Freeze Warning of Warning Text

Text = No No


Warning ? = False Warning ? = True

Create a cluster which contains the data used by the Temperature Warnings VI. You modify the Temperature Warnings VI to receive and return data in the
form of that same cluster as shown in Figure 5-10. The modified VI works in a more modular fashion with other subVIs in the overall application.

Figure 5-10. Temperature Warnings VI with Clusters Front Panel

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| 5-27

Lesson 5
1. Open Weather Warnings.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings directory.

2. Open Temperature Warnings VI from the Project Explorer window.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

3. Place existing controls and indicators in a cluster named Weather Data as shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11. Create Cluster

1 3

1 Cluster—Use the Cluster control from the Silver palette and change the label to Weather Data.
2 Select controls and indicators to include in the cluster. <Shift>-click to select multiple objects.
3 Drag the controls and indicators into the Weather Data cluster.
4. Resize the cluster so that all the elements are visible and arranged vertically as shown in Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12. Resize Cluster Control

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

1 Autosize cluster—LabVIEW can rearrange and resize the cluster for you. Right-click the border of the Weather Data cluster and select AutoSizing»
© National Instruments

Arrange Vertically.
| 5-29
5. Reorder the items in the cluster as shown in Figure 5-13.

Lesson 5
Figure 5-13. Reorder Cluster

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures


1 Right-click the edge of the cluster and select Reorder Controls in Cluster.
2 Click the controls to toggle the order of the items in the cluster.
3 Click the Confirm button to save the changes.
6. Modify the VI to receive and return cluster data.

Figure 5-14. Temperature Warnings—Weather Data In and Weather Data Out Clusters


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1 Weather Data—<Ctrl>-click the Weather Data cluster and drag it to create a copy. Rename the copy Weather Data In.
2 Weather Data—Right-click the original cluster and select Change to Indicator. Rename the indicator Weather Data Out.
| 5-31
7. Modify the block diagram as shown in Figure 5-15 to extract data from the input cluster.

Lesson 5
Figure 5-15. Temperature Warnings with Clusters Block Diagram

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures


1 Unbundle By Name—Wire the Weather Data In control and expand the Unbundle By Name function to display three items. Wire the outputs of the
Unbundle By Name function to the broken wires in the order shown. Because you moved individual controls and indicators into a single cluster, you
must use the Unbundle By Name function to wire the internal controls and indicators independently of each other.
2 Bundle By Name—Wire the Weather Data In cluster around the analysis code to the input cluster of the Bundle by Name function. Display two elements
and use the Operating tool to select Warning? and Warning Text elements. Connect the broken wires to the Unbundle By Name inputs as shown.

Note If the order of the elements in the Unbundle By Name and the Bundle By Name functions is different than what you want, you can use
the Operating tool to change the order.
8. Save and close the Temperature Warnings VI.

1. Enter values in the Current Temperature, Max Temperature and Min Temperature controls in the Weather Data In cluster.
2. Run the VI and verify that the Weather Data indicator displays correct values.
3. Save and close the VI

End of Exercise 5-2

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

F. Type Definitions
Objective: Identify and determine when to use a type definition, strict type definition, or

Control Options
Use custom controls and indicators to extend the available set of front panel objects and to
make them available on other front panels.

Three types of custom controls—Control, Type Definition, Strict Type Definition.

Demonstration: Difference between Control, Type Def and

Strict Type Def
• Custom controls are templates and used as starting points for other similar controls.
Changes made to one control does not reflect in other controls.
• Type definitions and strict type definitions link to all the instances of a custom control or
indicator to a saved custom control or indicator file. You can make changes to all instances
of the custom control or indicator by editing only the saved custom control or indicator file
• Strict type defs apply cosmetic changes too, whereas type defs do not.

© National Instruments | 5-33

Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Demonstration: Creating and Identifying Type Definitions

5-34 |
Exercise 5-3 Temperature Warnings VI—Type Definition
To improve the scalability of your application by using type definitions made from custom cluster controls, indicators, and constants of a particular data type.

As a LabVIEW developer, you can encounter situations where you need to define your own custom data types in the form of clusters and enums. A challenge
associated with using custom data types is that you may need to change them later in development. In addition, you may need to change them after they
have already been used in VIs. For example, you create copies of a custom data type and use them as controls, indicators, or constants in one or more VIs.
Then you realize that the custom data type needs to change. You need to add, remove, or change items in the cluster data type or the enum.

As a developer you must ask yourself the following questions:

• What should happen to the copies of the custom data types used in VIs that are already saved?
• Should the copies remain unchanged or should they update themselves to reflect changes to the original?

Usually, you want all the copies of the custom data type to update if you update the original custom data type. To achieve this you need copies of the
custom data types to be tied to a type definition, which is defined as follows:

Type definition—A master copy of a custom data type that multiple VIs can use.

In this exercise, you modify the Temperature Warnings VI that you revised in Exercise 5-2 in such a way that the changes to the Weather Data custom data
type propagate through the application.

When complete, the Weather Station application monitors temperature and wind information. This exercise modifies the Temperature Warnings VI. In the
Challenge exercise, you modify the Windspeed Warnings VI.

1. Open Weather Warnings.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings directory.

2. Open Temperature Warnings VI from the Project Explorer window.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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3. Experiment with changing an existing cluster.

 Place a File Path Control (Silver) in the Weather Data In cluster control.

 Notice that the Temperature Warnings VI is broken. This is because the Weather Data In and Weather Data Out clusters are no longer the same
data type.

 Open the block diagram and notice the broken wire connected to the Weather Data Out terminal.

| 5-35

Press <Ctrl-Z> to undo the addition of the File Path Control.

4. Make a type definition.

Lesson 5
 Right-click the border of the Weather Data In control and select Make Type Def.


On the block diagram, the Weather Data In terminal now has a black triangle on the corner indicating that it is connected to a type definition.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Right-click the border of the Weather Data In control and select Open Type Def to display the Custom Control Editor window as shown in
Figure 5-16.
The window looks like the front panel of a VI but it does not have a block diagram.

Figure 5-16. Custom Control Editor Window

1 The control type is Type Def, which maintains the link between this file and the custom control copies used in VIs.

 Save the custom control as Weather Data.ctl in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings directory and close the control editor

 On the block diagram of the Temperature Warnings VI, notice the coercion dot on the Weather Data Out indicator terminal. This indicates that the
indicator is not tied to the type definition.
5. Tie the Weather Data Out indicator to the type definition.

 Right-click the border of the Weather Data Out indicator on the front panel and select Replace»Select a Control from the shortcut menu.

 Browse to and select the Weather Data.ctl file you just created.

Note You can no longer add or remove elements to or from the cluster control and indicator on the front panel. You must open the type
definition and add or remove the element from the control editor window.

 Save the Temperature Warnings VI.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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| 5-37
6. Edit the Weather Data type definition to include unit information.

Lesson 5
 Right-click the border of the Weather Data In control and select Open Type Def from the shortcut menu.


Modify the front panel as shown in Figure 5-17.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Figure 5-17. Weather Data Type Definition with Temperature Units

1 Enum (Silver)—Place an enum in the cluster and rename it Units. Right-click the enum and select Edit items. Create an item for Celsius and

 Save the Weather Data type definition and close the control editor window.

 Notice that the Weather Data In control and Weather Data Out indicator on the Temperature Warnings VI have been updated with the changes you
made to the Weather Data type definition. Arrange the front panel of the VI as shown in Figure 5-18.
Figure 5-18. Temperature Warnings VI with Type Def Controls and Indicators

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7. Run and Save the Temperature Warnings VI.

In this challenge exercise, you modify the Windspeed Warnings VI to augment the Weather Station application.

1. Add the Windspeed Warnings VI to the Weather Warnings project.

 In the Project Explorer window, right click My Computer and select Add»File from the shortcut menu.

| 5-39

Navigate to <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings\Support VIs and select Windspeed
2. Open the Windspeed Warnings VI.

Lesson 5
3. Copy the Weather Data In cluster from the Temperature Warnings VI to the Windspeed Warnings VI.

4. Right-click the Weather Data In cluster and select Open Type Def from the shortcut menu.

Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

5. Modify the Weather Data type definition with windspeed controls as shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19. Windspeed Warnings VI Type Definition Controls and Indicators

6. Modify the block diagram of the Windspeed Warnings VI to use the new Weather Data type definition instead of individual controls and indicators, as
shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20. Windspeed Warnings VI Using Type Definitions

7. Open Temperature Warnings VI and notice that the Weather Data In control and Weather Data Out indicator is updated to include the Windspeed data.

8. Save and close the VI and the project.

End of Exercise 5-3

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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| 5-41
Lesson 5 Creating and Leveraging Data Structures

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic

Arrays Adding Elements to Arrays

Changing Array Default Values
Creating Array Controls and Indicators
Default Sizes and Values of Arrays
Determining the Size of Arrays

Clusters Creating Cluster Controls and Indicators

Modifying Cluster Element Order
Moving Arrays and Clusters
Setting Cluster Default Values
Tabbing through Elements of an Array or Cluster

Type Definitions Creating Type Definitions and Strict Type Definitions

5-42 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 5-2: Lesson Review

1. You can create an array of arrays.
a. True
b. False

2. You have two input arrays wired to a For Loop. Auto-indexing is enabled on both tunnels.
One array has 10 elements, the second array has five elements. A value of 7 is wired to the
Count terminal, as shown in the following figure. What is the value of the Iterations
indicator after running this VI?

3. Which of the following custom control settings defines the data type of all instances of a
control but allows for different colors and font styles?
a. Control
b. Type Definition
c. Strict Type Definition
d. Cluster control

4. You have input data representing a circle: X Position (I16), Y Position (I16), and Radius
(I16). In the future, you might need to modify your data to include the color of the circle
What data structure should you use to represent the circle in your application?
a. Three separate controls for the two positions and the radius.
b. A cluster containing all of the data.
c. A custom control containing a cluster.
d. A type definition containing a cluster.
e. An array with three elements.

© National Instruments | 5-43

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 5-2: Lesson Review - Answers

1. You can create an array of arrays.
a. True
b. False
You cannot drag an array data type into an array shell. However, you can create
two-dimensional arrays.

2. You have two input arrays wired to a For Loop. Auto-indexing is enabled on both tunnels.
One array has 10 elements, the second array has five elements. A value of 7 is wired to the
Count terminal, as shown in the following figure. What is the value of the Iterations
indicator after running this VI?

Value of Iterations = 4
LabVIEW does not exceed the array size. This helps to protect against programming error.
LabVIEW mathematical functions work the same way—if you wire a 10 element array to
the x input of the Add function, and a 5 element array to the y input of the Add function,
the output is a 5 element array.
Although the for loop runs 5 times, the iterations are zero based, therefore the value of the
Iterations indicators is 4.

3. Which of the following custom control settings defines the data type of all instances of a
control but allows for different colors and font styles?
a. Control
b. Type Definition
c. Strict Type Definition
d. Cluster control

4. You have input data representing a circle: X Position (I16), Y Position (I16), and Radius
(I16). In the future, you might need to modify your data to include the color of the circle
What data structure should you use to represent the circle in your application?
a. Three separate controls for the two positions and the radius.
b. A cluster containing all of the data.
c. A custom control containing a cluster.
d. A type definition containing a cluster.
e. An array with three elements.

© National Instruments | 5-45

6 Using

In this lesson you will learn to create different

decision-making structures and be able to identify
applications where using these structures can be

+ Case Structures
+ Event-Driven Programming

Exercise 6-1 Temperature Warnings With Error Handling
Exercise 6-2 Converting a Polling Design to an Event Structure Design
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Case Structures
Objective: Recognize and use the basic features and functionality of Case Structures.

Activity 6-1: Case Structures Review

Figure 6-1. Case Structures Review

1 Case Selector Label

2 Selector Terminal

1. What is the purpose of the Case Structure?

a. Execute one of its subdiagrams based on an input value
b. Repeat a section of code until a condition occurs
c. Execute a subdiagram a set number of times

2. How many of its cases does a Case Structure execute at a time?

a. All of them
b. One

3. What is the purpose of the Case Selector Label?

a. Lets you wire an input value to determine which case executes
b. Show the name of the current state and enable you to navigate through different cases

4. What is the purpose of the Selector Terminal?

a. Lets you wire an input value to determine which case executes
b. Show the name of the current state and enable you to navigate through different cases

© National Instruments | 6-3

Lesson 6 Using Decision-Making Structures

Activity 6-1: Case Structures Review - Answers

Figure 6-2. Case Structures Review: Answers

1 Case Selector Label 2 Selector Terminal

1. What is the purpose of the Case Structure?

a. Execute one of its subdiagrams based on an input value
b. Repeat a section of code until a condition occurs
c. Execute a subdiagram a set number of times
2. How many of its cases does a Case Structure execute at a time?
a. All of them
b. One
3. What is the purpose of the Case Selector Label?
a. Lets you wire an input value to determine which case executes
b. Show the name of the current state and enable you to navigate through different cases
4. What is the purpose of the Selector Terminal?
a. Lets you wire an input value to determine which case executes
b. Show the name of the current state and enable you to navigate through different cases

Demonstration: Case Structures

Right-click the Case structure to display the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu gives you
options for configuring a Case structure.

6-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Selector Terminal Data Types

You can wire a variety of data types to the Selector Terminal. The Case structure configuration
changes based on the type of data that you connect.

Data Type Example

A newly-created Case structure defaults to a
Boolean input.
The Case Structure includes a True case and
a False Case.

Case Structure has any number of cases.
Specify a Default case.
The numeric representation of the integer
input will determine the range of possible
values for the Case Selector Label.
You can specify ranges of values for the
Case Selector Label.
Use Radix option in shortcut menu to specify
whether the Case Selector Label displays
values in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or

Case Structure has any number of cases.
Specify a Default case.
By default, string values are case sensitive.
Shortcut menu includes option for Case
Insensitive Match for the string text.

© National Instruments | 6-5

Lesson 6 Using Decision-Making Structures

Data Type Example

Possible to ensure that the Case Structure
includes a case for every item in the enum.
Right-click the border of the Case Structure
and select Add Case for Every Value to
create a case for every item.

Error Cluster
Case Structure includes an Error Case and a
No Error Case.
Wire an error cluster to the terminal to
execute code if there is no error and skip
code if there is an error.

Input and Output Tunnels

As with other types of structures, you can create multiple input and output tunnels.
• Input tunnels are available to all cases if needed.
• Output tunnels require that you define a value for each case.
• Be cautious using the Use Default If Unwired option.
– Adds a level of complexity to the code.
– Can complicate debugging your code.
– The default value may not be the value that you expect.

1 A tunnel that has been wired for all cases.

2 A tunnel that has not been wired.
3 A tunnel that is marked as Use Default If Unwired. Right-click on the tunnel and select Use
Default if Unwired.

6-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Data Type Wired to Tunnel Default Value

Numeric 0

Boolean FALSE

String empty ("")

Demonstration: Selector Terminal Types and Tunnels

• Create Case structures using different data type selectors.
• Create different types of output tunnels.

© National Instruments | 6-7

Exercise 6-1 Temperature Warnings With Error Handling

Lesson 6


Modify a VI to use a Case structure to make a software decision.

Using Decision-Making Structures

You created a VI where a user inputs a temperature, a maximum temperature, and a minimum temperature. A warning string generates depending on the
relationship of the given inputs. However, a situation could occur that causes the VI to work incorrectly. For example, the user could enter a maximum
temperature that is less than the minimum temperature. Modify the VI to generate a different string to alert the user to the error: Upper Limit < Lower
Limit. Set the Warning? indicator to TRUE to indicate the error.

Modify the flowchart created for the original Temperature Warnings VI as shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3. Modified Temperature Warnings Flowchart

Min Temp>= No Current
Min TempTemp
>= No Current Temp No No Warning
Max Temp MaxTemp
Max Temp Min Temp and

Yes Yes Yes

Output Output
Heatstroke Freeze Warning
Create Error
Warning and and

Upper Limit
< Lower Limit
and TRUE

You must add a Case structure to the Temperature Warnings VI to execute the code if the maximum temperature is less than or equal to the minimum
temperature. Otherwise, the VI does not execute the code. Instead, the VI generates a new string and the Warning? indicator is set to TRUE.
Figure 6-4. Original Temperature Warnings VI Block Diagram

1. Open Weather Warnings.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings directory.

2. Open Temperature from the Project Explorer window.

3. Open the block diagram and create space to add the Case structure.

 Select the Weather Data In type-defined cluster terminal, the Unbundle by Name function, and the Error In terminal.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

Tip To select more than one item press the <Shift> key while you select the items.

 While the objects are still selected, use the left arrow key on the keyboard to move the controls to the left.

Tip Press and hold the <Shift> key to move the objects in five pixel increments.

Tip Press the <Ctrl> key and use the Positioning tool to drag out a region of the size you want to insert.

 Select the Weather Data Out type-define cluster terminal, the Bundle by Name function, and the Error Out terminal.
| 6-9
 While the terminals are still selected, use the right arrow key on the keyboard to move the indicators to the right.

Lesson 6
 Select the wire connecting the Weather Data In terminal and the Bundle by Name function.


While the wire is still selected, use the up arrow key on the keyboard to move the wire upward.

Using Decision-Making Structures

4. Modify the block diagram similar to that shown in Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6, and Figure 6-7. This VI is part of the temperature weather station project.

Figure 6-5. Temperature Warnings VI Block Diagram—No Error, False Case

1 Less?—Compares the Max Temperature and Min Temperature. Make sure the Less? function is outside the Case structure.
2 Case Structure—Do not include the Weather Data In, Error In, Weather Data Out, or Error Out terminals in the Case structure because these controls
and indicators are used by both cases.
3 Set True and False cases—With the True case visible, right-click the border of the Case structure and select Make this Case False.
4 Case Structure—Wire the Error In terminal to the selector terminal to create No Error and Error cases. By default, the Case structure has True and False
cases. These cases change to Error and No Error cases only after you wire Error In to the selector terminal.
Figure 6-6. Temperature Warnings VI—No Error, True Case

1 True case—If the Max Temperature is set lower than the Min Temperature, the True case executes. Click the case selector label to choose the True
2 True Constant—When the True case executes, the Temperature Warning? LED illuminates in the Weather Data Out cluster.
3 String Constant—If the Max Temperature is set lower than the Min Temperature, the warning Upper Limit < Lower Limit displays on the front
panel. Enter the text in the String Constant.

5. Predict the values for Temperature Warning Text and Temperature Warning? given each set of inputs.

Table 6-1. Predict Values for Temperature Warnings VI

Current Temperature Max Temperature Min Temperature Temperature Warning Text Temperature Warning?

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© National Instruments

30 30 10

25 30 10

10 30 10

25 20 30
| 6-11
6. Create the Error case in the outer Case structure so this VI can be used as a subVI.

Lesson 6
Figure 6-7. Temperature Warnings VI—Error Case

Using Decision-Making Structures

7. Save the VI.

1. Switch to the front panel of the VI.

2. Test the VI by entering values from Table 6-2 in the Current Temperature, Max Temperature, and Min Temperature controls and running the VI for each
set of data.
Table 6-2 shows the expected Temperature Warning Text and Temperature Warning? Boolean value for each set of data.

Table 6-2. Testing Values for Temperature Warnings VI

Current Temperature Max Temperature Min Temperature Temperature Warning Text Temperature Warning?

30 30 10 Heatstroke Warning True

25 30 10 No Warning False

10 30 10 Freeze Warning True

25 20 30 Upper Limit < Lower Limit True

 Do these values match the values that you predicted?

 What happens if you set the value for all three inputs to 10?

 How could you address this problem?

3. Test the Error case. To use this VI as a subVI, the VI must be able to handle an error coming into the VI. Test the Error case to make sure that this VI
can output the error information it receives.

 On the front panel, use the Operating tool to click the status Boolean indicator inside the Error In cluster so that the indicator turns red and enter 7
in the code control.

 Run the VI. The error information you entered passes through the Error case in the VI and is output in the Error Out cluster.

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Display the block diagram, select the No Error case, highlight execution, and then run the VI again to see the error pass through the Error case.

 On the front panel, right-click the border of the Error Out cluster and select Explain Error to display information about the error that was returned.

4. Save and close the VI.

End of Exercise 6-1

| 6-13
Lesson 6 Using Decision-Making Structures

B. Event-Driven Programming
Objective: Recognize basic features and functionality of event structures.

Demonstration: Event-Driven Scenario

Event-driven Method of programming where the program waits on an event to occur before
programming executing the code written to handle that event.
Event An asynchronous notification that something has occurred. Events can
originate from the user interface, external I/O, or other parts of the program. In
this course, you will only learn about user interface events, which include
mouse clicks, key presses, and value changes of a control.

Polling Versus Events

Polling Event

6-14 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Multimedia: Event-Driven Programming

Complete the multimedia module, Event-Driven Programming, available in the <Exercises>\
LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder to learn about programming with events.

Configuring the Event Structure

You can select which events the Event structure implements by right-clicking the border and
selecting Edit Events Handled by This Case from the shortcut menu

© National Instruments | 6-15

Lesson 6 Using Decision-Making Structures

Edit Events Dialog Box

1 2 3

1 Configured events 2 Event sources 3 Events

Notify and Filter Events

LabVIEW categorizes user interface events into two different types of events:
• Notify—(Green arrow) Notify events inform you that a user action occurred. LabVIEW has
already performed the default action associated with that event.
• Filter—(Red arrow) Filter events allow you to validate or change the event data before
LabVIEW performs the default action associated with that event. You also can discard the
event entirely to prevent the change from affecting the VI.

Note A single case in the Event structure cannot handle both notify and filter
events. A case can handle multiple notify events but can handle multiple filter events
only if the event data items are identical for all events.

6-16 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Demonstration: Configure and Use Events

Configure and use an Event structure to create a VI that responds to user interface events using
event-driven programming.

© National Instruments | 6-17

Exercise 6-2 Converting a Polling Design to an Event Structure Design

Lesson 6


To convert a polling-based application to an event-based application and compare the different in performance.

Using Decision-Making Structures

First you observe the behavior of a polling VI.

Next, you modify the polling VI to create a more efficient, event-driven VI and observe the changes in behavior.

Finally, you add different types of events to the VI.

Table 6-3 lists the events you will implement in the UI Event Handler VI you create.

Table 6-3. User Interface Events

Event Event Description

“Stop”: Value Change Stops the While Loop.

“Time Check”: Value Change Displays a time stamp when you click the Time Check button.

“Pane”: Mouse Down Displays the coordinates of the front panel point you click.

Panel Close? Handles the event in which the user tries to close the running VI by clicking the window close button.

“Stop”: Mouse Enter Produces a beep when the mouse cursor moves over the Stop button.

Observing the Polling VI Behavior

1. Open and run

 Open the Events.lvproj file in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Events directory and open the Polling VI from the project.

2. Examine the performance of a polling VI using the Windows Task Manager.

 Press the <Ctrl-Alt-Delete> keys and select Start Task Manager from the menu.

 Click the Performance tab in the Windows Task Manager window.

 Run the VI.

 Notice how high the CPU usage is.

 Stop the VI and notice how the CPU usage drops.

3. Open the block diagram, turn on execution highlighting, and run the VI again.

4. Notice how often the Time Check terminal sends data to the Case structure and how often the While Loop iterates.

5. Stop the VI and turn off execution highlighting.

Modifying the Polling VI to Use Events Instead of Polling

1. Save Polling VI as UI Event so you can modify it.

 Select Open additional copy and add the copy to the project.

2. Close

3. Open the block diagram of UI Event and move the Stop terminal and the Time Check terminal outside the While Loop. You move these
terminals into the appropriate event cases later in this exercise.

4. Delete the Case structure and clean up any broken wires.

5. Place an Event structure inside the While Loop between the iteration terminal and the conditional terminal.

6. Right-click the Event structure and select Edit Events Handled by This Case from the shortcut menu.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

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| 6-19
7. Configure the event as shown in Figure 6-8.

Lesson 6
Figure 6-8. Configuring the "Stop": Value Change Event

Using Decision-Making Structures


1 Click Stop in the Event Sources panel.

2 Click Value Change in the Events panel.

8. Click OK to close the dialog box.

9. Place a True constant inside the new "Stop": Value Change event and wire it to the conditional terminal of the While Loop as shown in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9. Event Structure with "Stop": Value Change Event

1 NewVal event data—Resize the event data items list so that only one item displays. Click the item and select NewVal.

Observing the Behavior of the Event-Driven VI

1. Run the VI.

2. Notice that the Iteration indicator does not increment.

3. Switch to the block diagram and enable execution highlighting.

4. Notice that the While Loop is executing the first iteration. The Event structure is waiting for an event.

5. Disable execution highlighting and switch back to the front panel.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

6. Click the Stop button to stop the VI.

7. Notice that the VI stops running even though the Stop button is disconnected.

8. Notice that the Stop button stays depressed even though the mechanical action is set to Latch When Released. The reason the button stays depressed
is because the VI stopped running after you clicked the button.

9. Reset the Stop button by clicking it again.

| 6-21
10. Drag the terminal of the Stop button into the "Stop": Value Change event as shown in Figure 6-10.

Lesson 6
Figure 6-10. “Stop”: Value Change Event with Stop Button Terminal

Using Decision-Making Structures

11. Run the VI and click the Stop button again.

12. Notice this time the VI stops and the button resets.
Programming the "Time Check": Value Change Event
1. Add a new event case and create a “Time Check”: Value Change event as shown in Figure 6-11.

 Right-click the event structure and select Add Event Case.

Figure 6-11. Event Structure with "Time Check": Value Change Event

1 In the Edit Events window, select Time Check in the Event Sources panel and Value Change in the Events panel.
2 Move the Time Check terminal from outside the While Loop into the "Time Check": Value Change event case.
3 Get Date/Time In Seconds—Creates a time stamp in memory.
4 Indicator—Displays the current time output of the Get Date/Time In Seconds function.

2. Run the VI.

3. Click the Time Check button to see the current time display in the current time indicator.

4. Display the Task Manager window and notice that CPU usage has decreased when you use events instead of polling.

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5. Stop the VI.

| 6-23
Adding More Notify Events to the VI

Lesson 6
1. Add a new event case and create a Mouse Down event as shown in Figure 6-12.

Figure 6-12. Event Structure with "Pane": Mouse Down Event

Using Decision-Making Structures


1 In the Edit Events window, select Panes»Pane in the Event Sources panel and Mouse»Mouse Down in the Events panel.
2 Coords event data—Click the event data node and select Coords»All Elements.
3 Coords indicator—Right-click the output of the Coords event data item and select Create»Indicator from the shortcut menu.

2. Run the VI.

3. Click on different parts of the front panel.

 Notice that the Coords indicator displays the coordinates for each point you click.

 Notice that the other events continue to behave as before.

4. Stop the VI.

Adding Filter Events to the VI
1. Add a new event case and create a Panel Close? event as shown in Figure 6-13.

Figure 6-13. Event Structure with Panel Close? Event



1 After you add the event, in the Edit Events window, select <This VI> in the Event Sources panel and Panel Close? in the Events panel.
2 Event data node—Click the Event Data Node and select Source from the menu.
3 Two Button Dialog function and Not function—Wire the T button? output to the Not function and wire the Not function to the Discard? event filter node.
4 String constant—Wire Are you sure you want to close the window? to the message input.
5 Yes and No string constants—Wire Yes to the T button name ("OK") input and wire No to the F button name ("Cancel") input.

2. Save and run the VI.

3. Click the “X” at the top-right of the window of the front panel.

4. Notice that clicking the No button cancels the event and returns to the VI.

5. Clicking the Yes button stops and closes the VI.

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6. Stop the VI if necessary.

1. If you have a sound card, add an event that produces a sound when the cursor is over the Stop button.

Tip Use Quick Drop to find the Beep VI.

| 6-25

End of Exercise 6-2

Lesson 6 Using Decision-Making Structures

Caveats and Recommendations

The following list describes some of the caveats and recommendations to consider when
incorporating events into LabVIEW applications.
• Place only one Event structure in a loop.
• Use a Value Change event to detect value changes.
• Keep event handling code short and quick.
• Place Boolean control terminals inside an event case for latched operations to work
• Avoid using an Event structure outside of a loop.
• Avoid configuring two Event structures for the same event.

Think about the VIs that you will need to develop at your job.
Will you use event-based programming to implement any of your VIs? Why or why not?

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic or

Event-driven programming Locking Front Panels

Choosing How the Event Structure Monitors For
Viewing Enqueued Events at Run Time
Event-Driven Programming
Events in LabVIEW

Deciding whether to use events Caveats and Recommendations when Using Events in

Part of the Event structure Event Structure

Configuring Events Handled by the Event Structure

Determining which notifier to use Determining Which Type of User Interface Events to

6-26 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 6-2: Lesson Review

1. Which of the following can NOT be used as the case selector input to a Case structure?
a. Error cluster
b. Array
c. Enum
d. String

2. How many events can an Event structure handle each time it executes?
a. As many as have occurred since the last time the event structure executed
b. One per configured event case
c. One

3. Which statements about event-driven programming versus polling are true?

a. Events execute on demand.
b. Event-driven programming is less CPU-intensive.
c. Event structures handle all events in the order the occur.
d. Polling may fail to detect a change.

© National Instruments | 6-27

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 6-2: Lesson Review - Answers

1. Which of the following can NOT be used as the case selector input to a Case structure?
a. Error cluster
b. Array
c. Enum
d. String

2. How many events can an Event structure handle each time it executes?
a. As many as have occurred since the last time the event structure executed
b. One per configured event case
c. One

3. Which statements about event-driven programming versus polling are true?

a. Events execute on demand.
b. Event-driven programming is less CPU-intensive.
c. Event structures handle all events in the order the occur.
d. Polling may fail to detect a change.

© National Instruments | 6-29

7 Modularity

In this lesson you will learn to recognize the benefits of

reusing code and will be able to create a subVI with a
properly configured connector pane, meaningful icon,
documentation, and error handling.

+ Understanding Modularity
+ Icon
+ Connector Pane
+ Documentation
+ Using SubVIs

Exercise 7-1 Temperature Warnings VI—As SubVI
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Understanding Modularity
Objective: Recognize the benefit of using modular code and identify sections of code that
could be reused.

Modularity and SubVIs

Modularity The degree to which a program is composed of discrete modules such that a
change tonne module has minimal impact on other modules. Modules in LabVIEW
are called subVIs.
SubVI A VI used within another VI.The degree to which a program is composed of
discrete modules such that a change tonne module has minimal impact on other
modules. Modules in LabVIEW are called subVIs.

SubVIs—Reusing Code
SubVIs are similar to a subroutine in text-based programming languages. Use subVIs when you
have code that performs identical operations on different parts of your block diagram or in
another VI.

© National Instruments | 7-3

Lesson 7 Modularity

The following pseudo-code and block diagrams demonstrate the analogy between subVIs and

Function Code Calling Program Code

function average (in1, in2, out) main

{ {
out = (in1 + in2)/2.0; average (point1, point2, pointavg)
} }

SubVI Block Diagram Calling VI Block Diagram

B. Icon
Objective: Recognize characteristics of a good icon and use the LabVIEW Icon Editor to
create a custom icon.

Icon A VI icon is a graphical representation of a VI. It can contain text, images, or a

combination of both. If you use a VI as a subVI, the icon identifies the subVI on the
block diagram of the VI.

Purpose of Icon
This icon displayed in the upper right corner of the front panel is the same as the icon that
appears when you place the VI on the block diagram.

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LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Characteristics of a Good Icon

A good icon conveys the functionality of the VI by using relevant graphics and text. You can
also uses banners to identify related VIs.

Creating Icons—Icon Editor

Use the Icon Editor dialog box to edit a VI icon. You can customize your icon with text, graphics
from the glyphs library, and banners. Additionally, you can create and save custom templates.

Demonstration: Creating an Icon

Using the LabVIEW Icon Editor, the instructor will demonstrate how to use the templates, icon
text, glyphs, and layers to create an icon.

© National Instruments | 7-5

Lesson 7 Modularity

C. Connector Pane
Objective: Select and configure a connector pane for a subVI.

Connector Pane A set of terminals that correspond to the controls and indicators of that VI,
similar to the parameter list of a function call in text-based programming
languages. The connector pane defines the inputs and outputs you can wire
to the VI so you can use it as a subVI.

A connector pane receives data at its input terminals and passes the data to the block diagram
code through the front panel controls and receives the results at its output terminals from the
front panel indicators. The connector pane is displayed next to the icon on the front panel
window. You can select from many different patterns depending on how many inputs and
outputs are required.

7-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Assigning Terminals
Click the connector pane terminal and then click the front panel control or indicator to assign
the terminal.

1 5


4 7

1 Current Temperature 4 Error In 6 Warning Text

2 Max Temperature 5 Warning? 7 Error Out
3 Min Temperature

The standard connector pane, shown in the following figure is 4 x 2 x 2 x 4.

Use the following guidelines when assigning connector pane terminals:

• References on the top
• Error clusters on the bottom
• Inputs on the left
• Outputs on the right
• Unused terminals can be assigned later if you modify the VI

© National Instruments | 7-7

Lesson 7 Modularity

D. Documentation
Objective: Explain how to document code in LabVIEW using descriptions and tip strips, and
describe four methods for documenting code on the block diagram.

Creating Descriptions and Tip Strips

Create descriptions and tip strips for front panel objects in the properties dialog box for the
object. Create descriptions for VIs on the Documentation page of the in the VI Properties dialog

1 Descriptions appear in the Context Help window.

2 Tip strips display when the cursor is over an object while the VI runs

1 Descriptions appear in the Context Help window.

7-8 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Documenting Block Diagram Code

1 Free label
2 Owned label

E. Using SubVIs
Objective: Demonstrate how to place subVIs on the block diagram, explain terminal settings
and error handling, and create subVIs from a section of existing code.

Placing SubVIs on the Block Diagram

Place a SubVI on the block diagram in one of the following ways:
• Click Select a VI on the Functions palette.
• Drag the VI from the Project Explorer Window.
• Drag the Icon from an open VI.
• Use Quick Drop to search for the VI by name.

© National Instruments | 7-9

Lesson 7 Modularity

Terminal Settings
You can designate which inputs and outputs are required, recommended, and optional to
prevent users from forgetting to wire subVI terminals. LabVIEW sets inputs and outputs of VIs
you create to Recommended by default. Set a terminal to required only if the VI must have the
input to run properly.

In the Context Help window, terminal labels appear differently depending on their setting.

Appearance Meaning Description

Bold Required The block diagram containing the subVI will be broken
if you do not wire the required inputs.

Plain Recommended The block diagram containing the subVI can execute
if you do not wire the recommended or optional
Dimmed Optional terminals. If you do not wire the terminals, the VI
does not generate any warnings.

Handling Errors
Use a Case structure to handle errors passed into the subVI.

7-10 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Avoid using LabVIEW error handler VIs inside subVIs.

Convert a Section of a VI to a SubVI

Simplify your block diagram by converting sections of the block diagram into subVIs.
1. Select the section of the block diagram to convert.
2. Select Edit»Create SubVI.
3. Double-click the icon to open the subVI and edit the icon and connector pane.

© National Instruments | 7-11

Exercise 7-1 Temperature Warnings VI—As SubVI

Lesson 7


Create the icon and connector pane for a VI so that you can use the VI as a subVI.

You have created a VI that determines a warning string based on the inputs given. Create an icon and a connector pane so that you can use this VI as a subVI.

The Temperature Warnings VI contains the following inputs and outputs:

Table 7-1. Temperature Warnings VI Inputs and Outputs

Inputs Outputs

Weather Data In Weather Data Out

Error In Error Out

Use the standard connector pane terminal pattern to assure room for future expansion.

1. Open Weather Warnings.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings directory.

2. Open Temperature Warnings VI from the Project Explorer window.

3. Connect the inputs and outputs to the connector pane as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1. Connector Pane Connections for Temperature Warnings VI

1 2

1 Connector Pane—Located in the upper right corner of the VI window, the connector pane displays potential terminals for the VI. The connector pane
shown here displays the standard pattern of terminals. You can right-click the connector pane and select Patterns to choose different terminal designs.
2 Connections—The Context Help window displays the connections for the VI.
 Using the Wiring tool, click the upper-left terminal of the connector pane.

 Click the corresponding front panel control, Weather Data In.

 Notice that the connector pane terminal fills in with a color to match the data type of the control connected to it.

 Click the bottom-left terminal of the connector pane.

 Click the corresponding front panel control, Error In.

 Continue wiring the connector pane until all controls and indicators are wired, and the Context Help window matches that shown in Figure 7-1.

4. Create an icon.

 Right-click the icon and select Edit Icon.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 7-13
 Use the tools in the Icon Editor dialog box to create an icon. Make the icon as simple or as complex as you want, however, it should be representative

Lesson 7
of the function of the VI. Figure 7-2 shows a simple example of an icon for this VI.

Figure 7-2. Sample Warning Icon

Tip Double-click the Selection tool to select the existing graphic. Press the <Delete> key to delete the graphic. Then, double-click the rectangle
tool to automatically create a border for the icon.

Tip Double-click the Text tool to modify fonts. You can select Small Fonts to choose fonts smaller than 9 points in size.

Tip Select the Glyphs tab and filter the glyphs by the keyword temperature, then drag a thermometer glyph onto your icon. And then filter
by the keyword warning and drag a warning glyph onto your icon.

5. Click OK when you are finished to close the Icon Editor dialog box.

6. Save and close the VI.

Test the Temperature Warnings VI as a SubVI.

1. Add files to the Weather Warnings LabVIEW project as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3. Weather Warnings Project

 Add an auto-populating folder to the Weather Warnings LabVIEW project. LabVIEW continuously monitors auto-populating folders and updates the
folder in the Project Explorer window according to changes made in the project and on disk.

– Right-click My Computer in the Weather Warnings project and select Add»Folder (Auto-populating) from the shortcut menu.

– Navigate to <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Shared Files and click the Select Folder button.
The Shared Files folder contains shared files that you use in this and future exercises.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

Add SubVI to the project.

– Right-click My Computer and select Add»File from the shortcut menu.

– Navigate to <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Warnings\Test VIs\SubVI and click Add File.
| 7-15
2. Open the SubVI Tester VI and complete the block diagram as shown in Figure 7-4.

Lesson 7
Figure 7-4. Test SubVI Block Diagram

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Initialize shift register—Right-click the left shift register and select Create»Constant to initialize the shift register. Right-click the cluster and select View
Cluster as Icon.
2 Enum Constant—Right-click the Units (0:Celsius) input of the Thermometer (Demo) VI and select Create»Constant. Creating the enum constant from
the Thermometer (Demo) VI automatically populates the enum with the appropriate choices. Use the Operating tool to select Celsius.
3 Thermometer (Demo)—Locate this VI in the Shared Files folder in the Project Explorer window, drag it to the block diagram and wire it as shown. This
VI generates sample temperature values.
4 Wire the Units (0:Celsius) constant to the Units element of the Bundle By Name function.
5 Bundle By Name—Expand the node to display four elements. Use the Operating tool to select Units.
6 Temperature Warnings—Because of the modifications you made to Temperature Warnings VI, you can use it as a subVI. Wire the Temperature Warnings
VI using the connections you just created.
3. Arrange the front panel as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5. SubVI Tester Front Panel

4. On the front panel of the SubVI Tester VI, enter test values for the Max Temperature and Min Temperature controls.

5. Run the VI.

The Thermometer (Demo) VI generates sample temperatures, which the SubVI Tester VI displays on the Current Temperature indicator.

6. Notice how Temperature Warning Text indicator changes as the temperature rises and falls.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

7. After you have finished testing, save and close the VI.

End of Exercise 7-1

| 7-17
Lesson 7 Modularity

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic or

SubVIs Creating SubVIs

Customizing VIs
Placing SubVIs on Block Diagrams

Icons Using Icons

Creating Icons

Documentation Creating Object Descriptions and Tip Strips

Creating Documentation
Creating and Editing VI Descriptions

7-18 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 7-1: Lesson Review

1. On a subVI, which terminal setting causes a broken VI if the terminal is not wired?
a. Required
b. Recommended
c. Optional

2. You must create a custom icon to use a VI as a subVI.

a. True
b. False

© National Instruments | 7-19

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 7-1: Lesson Review - Answers

1. On a subVI, which terminal setting causes a broken VI if the terminal is not wired?
a. Required
b. Recommended
c. Optional

2. You must create a custom icon to use a VI as a subVI.

a. True
b. False
You do not need to create a custom icon to use a VI as a subVI, but it is highly
recommended to increase the readability of your code.

© National Instruments | 7-21

8 Acquiring
from Hardware

In this lesson you will learn about the differences between

NI DAQ systems and instrument control and how LabVIEW
connects to hardware to get real-world measurements.

+ Measurement Fundamentals with NI DAQ Hardware
+ Automating Non-NI Instruments

Exercise 8-1 Using NI MAX to Examine a DAQ Device
Exercise 8-2 Programming with the DAQmx API
Exercise 8-3 Instrument Configuration with NI MAX
Exercise 8-4 Exploring Instrument Drivers
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Measurement Fundamentals with NI DAQ

Objective: Recognize the components of a DAQ system and practice connecting to

DAQ—Measuring Physical Phenomenon with a Computer

By using NI DAQ systems and LabVIEW, you can customize all aspects of data collection.

Data acquisition The process of measuring an electrical or physical phenomenon with a

computer. A DAQ system consist of a sensor, NI DAQ device, and a
computer running LabVIEW.

Sensor DAQ Device Computer


Signal Analog-to-Digital Driver Application

Conditioning Converter Software Software

Multimedia: Measurement Fundamentals with NI DAQ

Complete the multimedia module, Measurement Fundamentals with NI DAQ, available in the
<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder to learn how to acquire different types
of measurements using LabVIEW and an NI DAQ device.


© National Instruments | 8-3

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

The following table lists common sensors and the phenomenon they measure.

Sensor Phenomenon

Thermocouple, RTD, thermistor Temperature

Photo sensor Light

Microphone Sound

Strain gage, piezoelectric transducer Force and Pressure

Potentiometer, LVDT, optical encoder Position and Displacement

Accelerometer Acceleration

pH probe pH

You can group real-world signals as analog, digital or counters.

Signal Type Description Examples

Analog Signals that vary continuously Temperature, current

Digital Electrical signals that transfer binary data, LEDs, switches

such as on/off or true/false.

Counter Digital timing signal that includes Event counting, period

characteristics of a digital signal that can be measurement, position
counted or measured, such as rising edges, measurement
frequency of edges occurring, and

8-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Exercise 8-1 Using NI MAX to Examine a DAQ

Use MAX to examine, configure, and test a device.

Complete the following steps to examine the configuration for the DAQ device in the computer
using MAX. Use the test routines in MAX to confirm operation of the device. If you do not have
a DAQ device, you can simulate a device using the instructions in step 3.

Note Portions of this exercise can only be completed with the use of a real device
and a BNC-2120, shown in Figure 8-1. Some of these steps have alternative
instructions for simulated devices.

1. Launch MAX by selecting Start»Programs»NI MAX or by double-clicking the NI MAX icon

on your desktop. MAX searches the computer for installed National Instruments hardware
and displays the information.

2. If you have a DAQ device installed, skip step 3 and go to the Examining the DAQ Device
Settings section.

3. Create an NI-DAQmx simulated device to allow you to complete the exercises without

 Right-click Devices and Interfaces and select Create New from the shortcut menu.

 In the Create New dialog box, select Simulated NI-DAQmx Device or Modular

 Click the Finish button.

 In the Create Simulated NI-DAQmx Device dialog box, select M Series DAQ»
NI PCI 6225.

 Click the OK button.

© National Instruments | 8-5

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

BNC-2120 Terminal Block

A terminal block consists of screw or spring terminals for connecting signals or other sensors.
A cable transports the signal from the terminal block to the DAQ device.

Figure 8-1. BNC-2120

_ Floating
Source (FS)
Ground Ref.
Source (GS)
AI 3
! BNC-2120 PWR
2 3
PFI 0 / P1.0
4 23
3 1. RES+
4 4. RES-

Temp. Thermo Quadrature

Ref. couple Encoder
5 96 Pulses /Rev


AI 0 AI 1
PFI 1 / P1.1
PFI 2 / P1.2

PFI 3 / P1.3

PFI 4 / P1.4

PFI 5 / P1.5

AI 2 AI 3
PFI 6 / P1.6
7 PFI 7 / P1.7

PFI 8 / P2.0
8 PFI 9 / P2.1

PFI 12 / P2.4

AI 4 AI 5 PFI 13 / P2.5

PFI 14 / P2.6

+5 V



9 AO

AO 0 AO 1

FUNCTION GENERATOR *For BNC connections, wire

anyTiming I/O or Digital I/O
Frequency Selection screw terminals here.

0.1-10 kHz 1-100 kHz 13-1000 kHz P0.7

11 P0.5

Sine /Triangle TTL Square Wave

14 P0.0

Amplitude Adjust Frequency Adjust

1 RES/BNC Switch (AI 3) 13 Sine/Triangle Waveform Switch

2 Resistor Measurement Screw Terminals 14 Frequency Adjust Knob
3 Thermocouple Input Connector 15 Amplitude Adjust Knob
4 Temperature Reference 16 Digital I/O Screw Terminals
5 BNC/Temp. Ref. Switch (AI 0) 17 Digital I/O LEDs
6 BNC/Thermocouple Switch (AI 1) 18 User-Defined Screw Terminals
7 Analog Input BNC Connectors 19 User-Defined BNC Connectors
8 FS/GS Switches 20 Timing I/O Screw Terminals
9 Analog Output BNC Connector 21 Quadrature Encoder Screw Terminals
10 Frequency Range Selection Switch 22 Quadrature Encoder Knob
11 Sine/Triangle BNC Connector 23 Timing I/O BNC Connector
12 TTL Square Wave BNC Connector 24 Power Indicator LED

8-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Examining the DAQ Device Settings

1. Expand the Devices and Interfaces section.

2. Select the device that is connected to your machine. Green icons represent real devices and
yellow icons represent simulated devices. You might have a different device installed, and
some of the options shown might be different.

MAX displays National Instruments hardware and software in the computer. The device
alias appears in quotes following the device type. The Data Acquisition VIs use this device
alias to determine which device performs DAQ operations. MAX also displays the attributes
of the device such as the system resources that the device uses. Figure 8-2 shows the
simulated PCI-6225 device.

Make sure the device you use is named Dev 1. To rename a device, right-click the device
and select Rename from the shortcut menu.

Figure 8-2. MAX with Device and Interfaces Expanded

Tip The Show Help/Hide Help button in the top right corner of MAX is available for
certain items. Click the Show Help/Hide Help button to hide online help or show the
DAQ device information.

3. Select the Device Routes tab at the bottom of MAX to see detailed information about the
internal signals that can be routed to other destinations on the device, as shown in
Figure 8-3. This is a powerful resource that gives you a visual representation of the signals

© National Instruments | 8-7

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

that are available to provide timing and synchronization with components that are on the
device and other external devices.

Figure 8-3. Device Routes

4. Select the Settings tab, as shown in Figure 8-4, to see information about the last time the
device was calibrated both internally and externally. Not all devices contain calibration

Figure 8-4. Calibration

5. If you are using a physical device, right-click the NI-DAQmx device in the configuration tree
and select Self-Calibrate to update the built-in calibration constants and calibrate the DAQ
device using a precision voltage reference source. When the device has been calibrated,

8-8 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

information in the Self-Calibration section updates. Skip this step if you are using a
simulated device.

Testing the DAQ Device Components

1. Click the Self-Test button in MAX to test the device. The device should pass the test
because it is already configured.

2. Click the Test Panels button to test the individual functions of the DAQ device, such as
analog input and output. The Test Panels dialog box appears.

 Use the Analog Input tab to test the various analog input channels on the DAQ device.
Click the Analog Input tab. Click the Start button to acquire data from analog input
channel 0 and click the Stop button when you finish.

– If you are using the BNC-2120, make sure the switch over the AI 0 connector is
in the Temp. Ref. position to connect the temperature sensor to ai0. Place your
finger on the sensor to see the voltage rise.

– If you are using a simulated device, a sine wave is shown on all input channels.

 Use the Analog Output tab to set up a single voltage or sine wave on one of the DAQ
device analog output channels. Click the Analog Output tab.

– Select Sinewave Generation in the Mode drop-down menu and click the Start
button. MAX generates a continuous sine wave on analog output channel 0.

– If you have hardware installed, you can read the sine wave that channel 0 outputs.
On the BNC-2120, wire Analog Out Ch0 to Analog In Ch1. Click the Analog Input
tab in the Test Panels dialog box and select Dev1/ai1 from the Channel Name
drop-down menu. Click the Start button to acquire data from analog input channel
1. MAX displays the sine wave from analog output channel 0.

 Use the Digital I/O tab to test the digital lines on the DAQ device. Click the Digital I/O

– In the Select Direction section, set lines 0 through 3 as output as shown in

Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-5. Digital I/O Line Direction

– Click Start to begin the digital output test, then toggle the switches in the Select
State section shown in Figure 8-6. If you have a BNC-2120, toggling the switches
turns the LEDs on or off. Notice that the LEDs use negative logic.

Figure 8-6. Digital I/O Switches

– Click Stop to stop the digital output test.

 Use the Counter I/O tab to determine if the DAQ device counter/timers are functioning
properly. Click the Counter I/O tab.

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Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

– If you have hardware installed, you can verify counter/timer operations by selecting
Edge Counting from the Mode drop-down menu and clicking the Start button. The
Counter Value indicator increments rapidly. Click Stop to stop the counter test.

 Click the Close button to close the Test Panel dialog box and return to MAX.

End of Exercise 8-1

8-10 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Three Ways to Connect with a DAQ Device

NI MAX DAQ Assistant DAQmx API

Connecting to a DAQ Device Using MAX

MAX lets you quickly test the connection to your DAQ device and configure the hardware, if
necessary. With it you can also create simulated DAQ devices to create and test your
application even if you don't have hardware available.

Access MAX by double-clicking the NI MAX desktop icon or selecting Tools»Measurement &
Automation Explorer in LabVIEW.

1: AT-MIO-64E-3

© National Instruments | 8-11

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

Connecting Using LabVIEW DAQmx VIs

The LabVIEW DAQmx VIs let you control your hardware with finer options then the DAQ
Assistant Express VI. The DAQmx VIs also let you make the measurement or generation you
want to perform globally accessible from any application.

A basic DAQmx application involves the following process.

• Create task
• Configure task
• Start task
• Acquire or generate data
• Clear task
• Check for errors

8-12 |
The following diagram shows how this process might be implemented.

1 Create task—The DAQmx Create Virtual Channel VI creates a channel and adds it to a task.
2 Configure task—The DAQmx Timing VI configures the starting and stopping of a task or the triggering of an application.
3 Start task—The DAQmx Start Task VI starts the task.
4 Acquire or generate data—The DAQmx Read VI or DAQmx Write VI acquires or generates data. You must select a compatible instance from the
pull-down menu.
5 Clear task—The DAQmx Clear Task VI stops the task and releases resources.
6 Check for errors—Use the Simple Error Handler VI or other manual error handling techniques to check for and respond to errors in your data acquisition

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 8-13
Exercise 8-2 Programming with the DAQmx API

Lesson 8


Explore a DAQmx example program that continuously acquires data, and modify it to wait on a digital trigger.

Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

Explore a DAQmx example program that continuously acquires a voltage signal on channel analog input 1 (AI1) of a DAQ device. Modify the VI to use a
digital trigger. The VI begins measuring when the user sends a digital trigger to the device. In this exercise, the user sends a trigger by turning the Quadrature
Encoder knob on the BNC-2120. The VI stops measuring when the user clicks the Stop button on the front panel of the VI.

Implementation—External Connections
1. If you are using the BNC-2120, connect the Sine/Triangle output on the function generator to channel AI 1 with a BNC cable, and make sure the switch
on the function generator is set to the sine wave. Also, ensure that there is a wire connecting the UP/DN screw terminal to the PFI 1 screw terminal in
the Timing I/O section.

Note The UP/DN terminal on the BNC-2120 outputs a high or a low signal indicating the rotation direction of the Quadrature Encoder knob.
When you rotate the Quadrature Encoder knob clockwise, the UP/DN terminal outputs a high signal. When you rotate the Quadrature Encoder
knob counterclockwise, the UP/DN terminal outputs a low signal. In this exercise, this signal triggers the VI to start acquiring data.

Open and Run a DAQmx Example

1. Open Voltage - Continuous in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Using DAQmx directory. This VI demonstrates how to acquire a
continuous amount of data from a DAQ device.

2. Select File»Save As to save the VI as <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Triggered Analog Input\Trigger AI When prompted,
select Copy - Substitute copy for original.
3. Open and explore the block diagram as shown in Figure 8-7.

Figure 8-7. Block Diagram of Original Voltage - Continuous Input VI

1 DAQmx Create Virtual Channel VI—Click the pull-down menu and notice it is set to Analog Input»Voltage.
2 Press <Ctrl-H> to open the Context Help window. Hover over each of the DAQmx functions to learn about each function.
3 Property Node—Gets or sets properties for a reference. You can learn more about Property Nodes in LabVIEW Core 2 or refer to the LabVIEW Help.

4. Set the default values and settings on the front panel.

 Select Dev1\ai1 from the Physical Channel control.

 Set Max Voltage to 1.

 Set Min Voltage to -1.

5. Run the VI. The VI should begin acquiring data continuously.

 Use the Frequency Selection switch and the Frequency Adjust knob on the BNC-2120 to change the frequency of the generated and acquired signal.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

6. Click the Stop button to stop the VI.

| 8-15
Add Triggering to the Example Program

Lesson 8
1. Modify the block diagram as shown in Figure 8-8 to add trigger functionality. After you modify this VI, the VI waits for a trigger before acquiring data.

Figure 8-8. Trigger AI Acquisition VI Block Diagram

Acquiring Measurements from Hardware


2 1

1 DAQmx Trigger VI—Place to the right of the DAQmx Configure Logging VI. Delete the task out and error out wires from the DAQmx Configure Logging
VI and then wire them through the DAQmx Trigger VI to the DAQmx Start Task VI.
2 Configure the trigger—Click the DAQmx Trigger VI pull-down menu and select Start»Digital Edge.
3 Create controls—Right-click the source input and the edge input of the DAQmx Trigger VI and select Create»Control.
4 Free label—Create a label and enter Trigger Settings.
2. Modify the front panel and set the default settings as shown in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9. Trigger AI Acquisition VI Front Panel

2 3 4 1

1 Move the Acquired Data group—Select all the items in the Acquired Data group and shift them to the right. <Shift>-click to select multiple items and
press <Shift-arrow key> to move them.
2 Create Trigger Settings group—Copy a container from another group, label the copy Trigger Settings, and place the edge and source controls in it.
3 Select Rising in the edge control.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

4 Select Dev1/PFI1 in the source control.
© National Instruments

3. Save the VI.

4. Run the VI. Turn the Quadrature Encoder knob on the BNC-2120 counterclockwise then clockwise to begin the acquisition.

5. Stop and close the VI.

End of Exercise 8-2

| 8-17
Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

B. Automating Non-NI Instruments

Objective: Recognize the components of an instrument control system and practice
connecting to hardware.

LabVIEW controls instruments through different buses.

LabVIEW can control stand-alone instruments, such as third-party oscilloscopes or analyzers, so
you can automate instrument-based processes and consolidate multiple instrument tasks into
one development environment.

Hardware connectivity The physical cable connecting the instrument. Also, the
communication protocol, or bus.

A basic instrument control system consists of an instrument,

hardware connectivity, and a computer running LabVIEW.

8-18 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Multimedia: Automating Non-NI Instruments

Common bus types include GPIB, serial, USB, and Ethernet. Different buses have different
capabilities when it comes to latency and bandwidth. Instruments often have multiple ports for
hardware connectivity.

Complete the multimedia module, Automating Non-NI Instruments, available in the

<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder to learn about the relationship between
LabVIEW and instrument control and how to use VISA to communicate with third-party

Configuring Instrument Control in NI MAX

Before creating your instrument control application, you should test communication with the
instrument using NI MAX.

© National Instruments | 8-19

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

Exercise 8-3 Instrument Configuration with NI

Learn to use MAX to examine and communicate with an instrument using GPIB interface

Set Up
This exercise uses the NI Instrument Simulator to simulate an instrument. Before MAX can
recognize the NI Instrument Simulator as a device with a GPIB interface, you must configure the
NI Instrument Simulator using the Instrument Simulator Wizard.

Complete the following steps to configure the NI Instrument Simulator to have a GPIB interface.

1. Configure the NI Instrument Simulator.

 Power off the NI Instrument Simulator.

 Set the configuration switch on the rear panel to CFG, as shown in Figure 8-10.

Figure 8-10. NI Instrument Simulator

 Power on the NI Instrument Simulator using the power switch on the front of the unit.

 Verify that the PWR LED is lit and the RDY LED is flashing.

 Launch the NI Instrument Simulator Wizard from Start»All Programs»National

Instruments»Instrument Simulator»Instrument Simulator Wizard.

Note This wizard is installed with the NI Instrument Simulator Software, available
for download at

 Click Next.

 Click Next.

 On the Select Interface page, select GPIB Interface and click Next.

 Select Change GPIB Settings and click Next.

 Select Single Instrument Mode and click Next.

 Set GPIB Primary Address to 1.

 Set GPIB Secondary Address to 0(disabled).

 Click Next.

 Click Update.

 Click OK when you get the message that the update was successful.

8-20 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

 Power off the NI Instrument Simulator using the power switch on the front of the unit.

 Set the configuration switch on the rear panel to NORM.

 Power on the NI Instrument Simulator using the power switch on the front of the unit.

 Verify that both the PWR and RDY LEDs are lit.

1. Launch MAX by either double-clicking the icon on the desktop or by selecting Tools»
Measurement & Automation Explorer in LabVIEW.

2. View the settings for the GPIB interface.

 Expand the Devices and Interfaces section to display the installed interfaces. If a GPIB
interface is listed, the NI-488.2 software is correctly loaded on the computer.

 Select the GPIB interface.

 Examine but do not change the settings for the GPIB interface.

3. Communicate with the GPIB instrument.

 Make sure the GPIB interface is still selected in the Devices and Interfaces section.

 Click the Scan for Instruments button on the toolbar.

 Expand the GPIB interface selected in the Devices and Interfaces section. An
instrument named Instrument Simulator appears.

 Click Instrument Simulator to display information about it in the right pane

of MAX. Click the Attributes tab. Notice the NI Instrument Simulator has a GPIB
primary address.

 Click the Communicate with Instrument button on the toolbar. An interactive window
appears. You can use it to query, write to, and read from that instrument.

 Enter *IDN? in the Send String text box and click the Query button. The instrument
returns its make and model number in the String Received indicator as shown in
Figure 8-11. You can use this communicator window to debug instrument problems or
to verify that specific commands work as described in the instrument documentation.

Figure 8-11. Communication with the GPIB instrument

 Enter MEASURE:VOLTAGE:DC? in the Send String text box and click the Query button.
The NI Instrument Simulator returns a simulated voltage measurement.

© National Instruments | 8-21

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

 Click the Query button again to return a different value.

 Click the Exit button when done.

4. Set a VISA alias of devsim for the NI Instrument Simulator so you can use the alias instead
of having to remember the primary address.

 While Instrument Simulator is selected in MAX, click the VISA Properties tab.

 Enter devsim in the VISA Alias on My System field. You use this alias later in the

 Click Save.

5. Select File»Exit to exit MAX.

6. Click Yes if prompted to save the instrument.

End of Exercise 8-3

8-22 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Simplify Instrument Control

Controlling your benchtop instrument using LabVIEW helps you save time by automating
processes using the instrument such as testing and data logging. Instrument control in LabVIEW
also lets you consolidate multiple instrument tasks into one development environment.

LabVIEW instrument drivers, available on the Instrument Driver Network at,

provide the following additional benefits:
• Provide a high-level API, meaning that VIs perform multiple instructions, thereby simplifying
the code.
• Do not require knowledge of different bus protocols, such as GPIB or serial, that you might
use to connect with the instrument.
• Do not require learning low-level programming commands for each instrument.

Instrument Driver VIs for an Agilent Digital Multimeter

Every application that uses an instrument driver has a similar sequence of events: Initialize,
Configure, Read Data, and Close.The block diagram initializes the Agilent 34401 digital
multimeter (DMM), uses a configuration VI to choose the resolution and range, select the
function, and enable or disable auto range, uses a data VI to read a single measurement, closes
the instrument, and checks the error status.

© National Instruments | 8-23

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

The VIs in an instrument driver are organized into six categories. These categories are
summarized in the following table.

Category Description

Initialize The Initialize VI establishes communication with the instrument and

is the first instrument driver VI called.

Configure Configure VIs are software routines that configure the instrument to
perform specific operations. After calling these VIs, the instrument
is ready to take measurements or stimulate a system.

Action/Status Action/Status VIs command the instrument to carry out an action

(for example, arming a trigger) or obtain the current status of the
instrument or pending operations.

Data The data VIs transfer data to or from the instrument.

Utility Utility VIs perform a variety of auxiliary operations, such as reset and

Close The close VI terminates the software connection to the instrument.

This is the last instrument driver VI called.

8-24 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Exercise 8-4 Exploring Instrument Drivers

Install an instrument driver and explore the example programs that accompany it.

Install the instrument driver for the NI Instrument Simulator. After installation, explore the VIs
that the instrument driver provides and the example programs that are added to the NI Example

Figure 8-12. NI Instrument Simulator

Install Instrument Driver and Open Project—Download from Internet

If you have internet access and have, or want to create, a user profile on, complete the
following steps. Otherwise, install the driver from the course CD following the instructions in
the Install Instrument Driver and Open Project—Extract from Disk section.

1. Select Help»Find Instrument Drivers.

2. Click the Login button.

3. If you have an profile, log in with your ID.

4. If you do not have an profile, follow the onscreen instructions to create one at this
time. Be sure to make a note of the user ID and password you create.

5. After you log in, click the Scan for Instruments button. If you have an instrument
connected, clicking this button detects the instrument and finds the correct driver. In this
case, it detects the Instrument Simulator.

6. Double-click Instrument Simulator in the list and click the Search button.

7. Select Version 2.0 of the instrument driver from the Driver list.

8. Click the Install button.

9. Click the Start using this driver button.

10. Click the Open Project button.

11. Expand the Examples folder in the Project Explorer window.

12. Close the NI Instrument Driver Finder window and go to the Explore Instrument Driver
section to continue this exercise.

© National Instruments | 8-25

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

Install Instrument Driver and Open Project—Extract from Disk

If you do not have Internet access or do not want to create a user profile, complete the following
steps to install the instrument driver.

1. If you have it open, close LabVIEW and then navigate to the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core
1\Instrument Driver directory. This folder contains a zip file with the LabVIEW Plug and
Play instrument drivers for the Instrument Simulator.

2. Right-click the zip file and follow the wizard to extract all files to the <Program
Files>\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\instr.lib directory.

3. Open National Instruments Instrument Simulator.lvproj in the <Program

Files>\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\
instr.lib\National Instruments Instrument Simulator directory.

4. Expand the Examples folder in the Project Explorer window.

5. Go to the Explore Instrument Driver section to continue this exercise.

Explore Instrument Driver

1. Open National Instruments Instrument Simulator Acquire Single Measurement(DMM).vi
from the Examples folder in the Project Explorer window of the National Instruments
Instrument Simulator project.
This VI reads a single measurement from the Instrument Simulator.

2. Verify that the PWR and RDY LEDs are lit on the Instrument Simulator.

3. Select devsim from the VISA Resource Name control on the front panel. You specified the
VISA alias for this GPIB instrument as devsim in step 4 of Exercise 8-3, Instrument
Configuration with NI MAX.

4. Run the VI.

5. Open the block diagram of the VI.

6. Open the Functions palette and navigate to the Instrument I/O»Instrument Drivers»National
Instruments Instrument Simulator palette.

7. Explore the palette and subpalettes using the Context Help window to familiarize yourself
with the functionality of functions on the palette.

8. Stop and close the VI. Do not save changes.

9. Open National Instruments Instrument Simulator Acquire Waveform(Scope).vi from the

project. This VI reads a single waveform from the Instrument Simulator.

10. Select the same VISA resource name you selected in step 3.

11. Run the VI.

12. Select a different function from the Waveform Function control.

13. Run the VI again.

14. Explore the block diagram of the VI.

 To familiarize yourself with the VI’s functionality, explore the block diagram using the
Context Help window.

 Double-click the Read Waveform VI to open it.

8-26 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

 Open to the block diagram of the Read Waveform VI. Notice that it uses VISA functions
to communicate with the instrument.

15. Close the VIs and project when you are finished. Do not save changes.

End of Exercise 8-4

© National Instruments | 8-27

Lesson 8 Acquiring Measurements from Hardware

Additional Resources
Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic or

Creating a DAQ system

General-Purpose DAQ
Creating a Typical DAQ Application

Signal types and other Taking Measurements

measurement fundamentals Displaying a Signal

Setting up and automating

instrument control system
Using Instrument Drivers
Creating a Typical VISA Application

NI MAX Configuring DAQ Devices, Instruments, and Other

LabVIEW Tools for DAQ Configuration (Windows)

8-28 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 8-1: Lesson Review

1. What is NI MAX? (multiple answers)
a. A tool to configure and test DAQ devices
b. A tool to test instrument communication
c. A configurable Express VI
d. A window to view LabVIEW project files

2. Which of the following are benefits of instrument control? (multiple answers)

a. Automate processes
b. Improve productivity and repeatability
c. One platform for multiple tasks
d. Limited to only one type of instrument

3. VISA is a high-level API that calls low-level drivers.

a. True
b. False

© National Instruments | 8-29

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 8-1: Lesson Review - Answers

1. What is NI MAX? (multiple answers)
a. A tool to configure and test DAQ devices
b. A tool to test instrument communication
c. A configurable Express VI
d. A window to view LabVIEW project files

2. Which of the following are benefits of instrument control? (multiple answers)

a. Automate processes
b. Improve productivity and repeatability
c. One platform for multiple tasks
d. Limited to only one type of instrument

3. VISA is a high-level API that calls low-level drivers.

a. True
b. False

© National Instruments | 8-31

9 Accessing Files
in LabVIEW

In this lesson you will learn to describe the basic concept

of file I/O and apply the appropriate File I/O functions to a
given scenario.

+ Accessing Files from LabVIEW
+ High-Level and Low-Level File I/O Functions
+ Comparing File Formats

Exercise 9-1 Exploring High-Level File I/O
Exercise 9-2 Temperature Monitor VI—Logging Data
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Accessing Files from LabVIEW

Objective: Identify the steps for writing and reading files from a LabVIEW application.

Typical File I/O Operations

File I/O operations pass data to and from files.

1 2 3 4

1 Open File 3 Close File

2 Read/Write File 4 Check for Errors

File I/O Palette for File Operation Functions

The File I/O palette includes functions to create or open a file, read data from or write data to
the file, and close the file. You can also use the functions to create directories; move, copy, or
delete files; list directory contents; change file characteristics; or manipulate paths.

B. High-Level and Low-Level File I/O Functions

Objective: Identify when to use high-level and low-level File I/O functions.

High-Level File I/O Functions Low-Level File I/O Functions

Perform three steps of the file I/O process. Perform one step of the file I/O process.

Simplify block diagram. Provide finer control of file access.

Create unnecessary resource overhead when used Save memory resources when used in
in loops. loops.

Are good to use when writing to a file in a single Are good to use when streaming data to
operation. disk.

© National Instruments | 9-3

Lesson 9 Accessing Files in LabVIEW

High-Level File I/O

High-level File I/O functions combine three steps (open, read/write, close) for common file I/O
operations. High-level file I/O functions simplify the block diagram but might not provide the
control or configuration you need for your application.

The following table compares the high-level file I/O functions.

Function Type of Data File Formats

Write To Spreadsheet File 1D or 2D arrays Text

Read From Spreadsheet File

Write To Measurement File Signals (dynamic data .lvm (text)

Read From Measurement File types) .tdms (binary)

Write Waveforms to File Waveform data Text

Read Waveforms from File

9-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Exercise 9-1 Exploring High-Level File I/O

Observe how a high-level file I/O VI writes to a spreadsheet-readable file.

The Spreadsheet Example VI does the following:
• Generates sine, noise, and cosine data for 128 points
• Stores this data in a 2D array that is 128 rows × 3 columns.
• Displays the 2D array in a Table indicator with three columns (Sine, Noise, and Cosine) for
the first 14 rows of the array.
• Plots each column in a Waveform Graph indicator.
• Uses the Write To Spreadsheet File VI to save the numeric 2D array in a text file so a
spreadsheet application can access the file.

Complete the following steps to examine how the Spreadsheet Example VI performs the tasks
described in the Scenario section.
1. Open Spreadsheet Example.lvproj in the
<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Spreadsheet Example directory.
2. Open Spreadsheet from the Project Explorer window.

Figure 9-1. Spreadsheet Example VI Front Panel

3. Run the VI.

4. Save the file, when prompted, as wave.txt in the
<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Spreadsheet Example directory and click the OK
button. You examine this file later.
5. Display and examine the block diagram for this VI.

© National Instruments | 9-5

Lesson 9 Accessing Files in LabVIEW

Figure 9-2. Spreadsheet Example VI Block Diagram

• Sine Pattern VI—Returns a numeric array of 128 elements containing a sine pattern.
The constant 90.0, in the second instance of the Sine Pattern VI, specifies the phase
of the sine pattern which generates the cosine pattern.
• Uniform White Noise VI—Returns a numeric array of 128 elements containing a noise
• Build Array function—Builds the following 2D array from the sine array, noise array, and
cosine array.

Sine Array …

Noise Array …

Cosine Array …

• Transpose 2D Array function—Rearranges the elements of the 2D array so element

[i,j] becomes element [j,i], as follows.


… … …

• Write To Spreadsheet File VI—Formats the 2D array into a spreadsheet string and
writes the string to a file. The string has the following format, where an arrow (→)
indicates a tab, and a paragraph symbol (¶) indicates an end of line character.


® ® ¶

® ® ¶

® ® ¶

… … …

® ® ¶

• Number To Fractional String function—Converts an array of numeric values to an array

of strings that the table displays.
6. Close the VI. Do not save changes.

9-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Note This example stores only three arrays in the file. To include more arrays,
increase the number of inputs to the Build Array function.

7. Open the wave.txt file using a word processor, spreadsheet application, or text editor and
view its contents.

 Open a word processor, spreadsheet application, or text editor, such as Notepad or


 Open wave.txt. The sine waveform data appear in the first column, the random
(noise) waveform data appear in the second column, and the cosine waveform data
appear in the third column.
8. Exit the word processor or spreadsheet application and return to LabVIEW.

End of Exercise 9-1

© National Instruments | 9-7

Lesson 9 Accessing Files in LabVIEW

Low-Level File I/O

Low-level File I/O functions provide individual functions for each step in file I/O operations. For
example, one function opens an ASCII file, one function reads an ASCII file, and one function
closes an ASCII file.

1 2 3 4

1 Open, Initialize or create file resource—LabVIEW creates a reference number (refnum) as

a unique identifier for the resource.
2 Read/Write to file
3 Close file resource—The refnum becomes obsolete
4 Check for errors—Display any errors from the file resource.

File Refnums
File refnums identify unique file I/O sessions.

Streaming Data to Disk

Disk streaming is a technique for keeping files open while you perform multiple write operations.
Use low-level functions when file I/O is occurring within a loop to save memory resources.

9-8 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

String Functions
To write data to a text file, you must first convert the data into a string data type. Use the items
from the String palette to convert numerics and other data types to text.

Tip Refer to the LabVIEW Help for details about formatting a string using the
Format Into String function.

© National Instruments | 9-9

Exercise 9-2 Temperature Monitor VI—Logging Data

Lesson 9


Accessing Files in LabVIEW

Modify a VI to create an ASCII file using disk streaming.

You have been given a VI that plots the current temperature and the average of the last three temperatures. Modify the VI to log the current temperature
to an ASCII file.

1. Open Temperature Monitor.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Temperature Monitor directory.

2. Open Temperature from the Project Explorer window.

3. Modify the block diagram as shown in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3. Temperature Monitor VI with Logging Block Diagram

1 3 2 4 5 6 7

1 Open/Create/Replace File—Creates or replaces an existing file for the data log. Right-click the operation input and select Create»Constant.
Set the constant to replace or create.
2 Format Into String—Formats temperature data into a string. Expand the node to accept two inputs.
3 End of Line Constant—Adds an end-of-line constant after each piece of data so that data values are separated by line breaks.
4 Write to Text File—Writes the data to a file.
5 Or—Stops the VI when an error occurs or when the Stop Button is clicked.
6 Close File—Closes the data log file created or replaced when the VI started running.
7 Simple Error Handler—Indicates whether an error occurred. If an error occurred, this VI returns a description of the error and optionally displays a dialog

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 9-11
4. Configure the Format Into String function as shown in Figure 9-4.

Lesson 9
Figure 9-4. Configuring the Format Into String Function

Accessing Files in LabVIEW


1 Format Into String—Double-click the Format Into String function to open the Edit Format String dialog box.
2 Use specified precision—Place a checkmark in this checkbox and enter 3 in the text box to specify that data have a floating point precision of three
3 Corresponding format string—This text box automatically updates based on the configuration you specify. After you click the OK button in the dialog
box, the block diagram updates to display the format string.
4 Help button—Click the Help button for more information about format specifier elements, such as %3f, and configuration options for the Format Into
String function.

5. Test the VI.

 Run the VI.

 Give the text file a name and a location.

 Click the Stop button after the VI has been running for a few samples.

 Navigate to the text file created and explore it.

6. Close the VI and text file when you have finished.

Objective: Create Log File with Single Header

To improve the usability of the log file, you are asked to include a header at the top of the log file as shown in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5. Temperature Monitor VI Log File with Header

Modify the Temperature Monitor VI to include the header Current Temperature.

• Because you write the header to the text file only once, you should write to the header outside the While Loop.

• Use the functions on the Strings palette to manipulate and format a string for use in a word processing or spreadsheet application.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 9-13

Lesson 9
Objective: Create Log File with Two Columns and Headers

Modify the VI to write both the current temperature and the average temperature to the log file. Separate the columns of data with a tab character and place

Accessing Files in LabVIEW

a header at the top of each column as shown in Figure 9-6.

Figure 9-6. Temperature Monitor VI Log File with Two Columns and Headers

1 2

1 Tabbed columns in a text editor. 2 Tabbed columns in a spreadsheet application.

Hint: Use the Format Into String function and expand it to convert and format the data into a string.

End of Exercise 9-2

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

C. Comparing File Formats

Objective: Recognize different options for logging data to disk.

Common Log File Formats

LabVIEW can use or create the following file formats: Binary, ASCII, LVM, and TDMS.
• ASCII—An ASCII file is a specific type of binary file that is a standard used by most
programs. It consists of a series of ASCII codes. ASCII files are also called text files.
• LVM—The LabVIEW measurement data file (.lvm) is a tab-delimited text file you can open
with a spreadsheet application or a text-editing application. The .lvm file includes
information about the data, such as the date and time the data was generated. This file
format is a specific type of ASCII file created for LabVIEW.
• Binary—Binary files are the underlying file format of all other file formats.
• TDMS—This file format is a specific type of binary file created for National Instruments
products. It actually consists of two separate files—a binary file that contains data and
stores properties about the data, and a binary index file that provides consolidated
information on all the attributes and pointers in the binary file.

Comparing File Formats

Use text files when you want to access the file from another application, if disk space and file
I/O speed are not crucial, if you do not need to perform random access read or writes, and if
numeric precision is not important.


Easily Exchangeable X X X

Small disk footprint X X

Random read/write access X X X

Inherent attributes X X

High-speed streaming X

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic

File I/O File I/O

Streaming data to disk Saving Memory using Disk Streaming

Streaming External Data to a TDMS File (Windows)

File Formats for file I/O Determining Which File Format to Use

Converting Numbers into Strings

© National Instruments | 9-15

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 9-1: Lesson Review

1. After opening a file, which output does the Open/Create/Replace File I/O function return?
a. File path
b. File name
c. Refnum out
d. Task out

2. Which file format is best in an application that requires high-speed streaming?

b. Binary
d. LVM

© National Instruments | 9-17

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 9-1: Lesson Review - Answers

1. After opening a file, which output does the Open/Create/Replace File I/O function return?
a. File path
b. File name
c. Refnum out
d. Task out

2. Which file format is best in an application that requires high-speed streaming?

b. Binary
d. LVM

© National Instruments | 9-19

10 Using
Sequential and
State Machine

In this lesson you will learn how to identify sequential and

state programming and explore the State Machine design

+ Using Sequential Programming
+ Using State Programming
+ State Machines

Exercise 10-1 Weather Station Project
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. Using Sequential Programming

Objective: Use dataflow to ensure sequential execution of nodes.

Why Use Sequential Programming?

Sequential programming ensures the execution order of tasks. In the following block diagram
there is no mechanism to force the execution order of these events. Any one of these events
could happen first.

Flow-Through Parameters
To enforce sequential programming in LabVIEW, you can complete sequential tasks by placing
each task in a separate subVI, and wiring the subVIs in the order you want them to execute
using the error cluster wires.

However, in this example, only two of the tasks have a error cluster. Using the error clusters,
you can force the execution order of the two DAQ Assistants, but not the One Button Dialog
functions, as shown in the following figure.

© National Instruments | 10-3

Lesson 10 Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

Sequence Structures
A Sequence structure contains one or more subdiagrams, or frames, that execute in sequential
order; a frame cannot begin execution until everything in the previous frame has completed

Avoid Overuse of Sequence Structures

To take advantage of the inherent parallelism in LabVIEW, avoid overusing Sequence structures.
Below are some caveats while using Sequence structures:
• Sequence structures guarantee the order of execution, but prohibit parallel operations.
• You cannot stop the execution part way through the sequence.
• Use Sequence structures sparingly because they do not enforce error checking and will
continue to go through a sequence even after errors are detected.

Error Case Structure

Error Case structures rely on data flow rather than sequence structures to control the order of

10-4 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

B. Using State Programming

Objective: Describe the functionality represented by a state transition diagram.

Why Use State Programming?

• Change the order of a sequence
• Repeat an item in sequence more often than others
• Execute only if certain conditions are met
• Stop the program immediately

State Transition Diagram

A state transition diagram is a type of flowchart that indicates the states of a program and
transitions between states

State Part of a program that satisfies a condition, performs an action or waits for an
Transition Condition, action, or event that causes the program to move to the next state.



Time Elapsed = TRUE

Stop = FALSE

Warning = TRUE

Data log

Time Elapsed = FALSE

Stop = FALSE
Warning = FALSE

Stop = TRUE

© National Instruments | 10-5

Lesson 10 Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

C. State Machines
Objective: Determine when to use a state machine.

What is a State Machine?

A state machine is a common and useful design pattern in LabVIEW that usually has a start-up
and shut-down state, but also contains other states. State machines can implement any
algorithm that can be explicitly described by a state diagram or flowchart.

10-6 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

When to Use a State Machine

Use a state machine for the following applications:
• Sequential process
• UI-Driven process

Sequential Process
• A state represents each segment of the process.
• Depending on the result of each state’s test, a different state might be called.
• Can happen continually, resulting in an in-depth analysis of the process you are testing

UI-Driven Process
• Different user actions process different code and act as a state in the state machine.
• Each segment can lead to another segment for further processing or wait for another user
• The state machine constantly monitors the user for the next action to take.
• Applications require an initialization state, followed by a default state, where many different
actions can be performed. The actions performed can depend on previous and current
inputs and states. A shutdown state commonly performs clean up actions.

© National Instruments | 10-7

Lesson 10 Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

Multimedia: Building State Machines

Complete the multimedia module, Building State Machines, available in the
<Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Multimedia\ folder to learn about the following topics.
• State Machine Infrastructure
• State Machine Transitions
– Single Default
– Select Function
– Case Structure
– Transition Array

Course Project Transition Diagram

Consider the following example. An application acquires a temperature every half second,
analyzes each temperature to determine if the temperature is too high or too low, and alerts the
user if there is a danger of heatstroke or freeze. The application logs the data if a warning
occurs. If the user has not clicked the stop button, the entire process repeats. The following
figure shows the state transition diagram for this temperature warning application.



Time Elapsed = TRUE

Stop = FALSE

Warning = TRUE

Data log

Time Elapsed = FALSE

Stop = FALSE
Warning = FALSE

Stop = TRUE

10-8 |
Exercise 10-1 Weather Station Project
Create a VI that implements a state machine using a type-defined enum.

You must design a VI for a user interface state machine. The VI acquires a temperature every half second, analyzes each temperature to determine if the
temperature is too high or too low, and alerts the user if there is a danger of heatstroke or freeze. The program logs the data if a warning occurs. If the user
has not clicked the stop button, the entire process repeats. The state machine must also allow for expansion, because processes may be added in the future.

Use a flowchart and states list to create the VI in this exercise. The flowchart in Figure 10-1 illustrates the data flow for this design.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 10-9

Lesson 10
Figure 10-1. Temperature Warnings VI Flowchart

Using Sequential and State Machine Programming



Time Elapsed = TRUE

Stop = FALSE

Warning = TRUE

Data log

Time Elapsed = FALSE

Stop = FALSE
Warning = FALSE

Stop = TRUE
The following table describes the states in this state machine.

State Description Next State

Acquisition Set time to zero, acquire data from the temperature sensor Analysis

Analysis Read front panel controls and determine warning level Data Log if a warning occurs
Time Check if no warning occurs

Data Log Log the data in a tab-delimited ASCII file Time Check

Time Check Check whether time is greater than or equal to .5 seconds Acquisition if time has elapsed
Time Check if time has not elapsed

1. Open Weather Station.lvproj in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Station directory.

2. Open Weather Station from the Project Explorer window.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 10-11
Figure 10-2 shows the front panel of the Weather Station UI VI that has been provided for you. You modify the block diagram to create a state machine

Lesson 10
for the Weather Station.

Figure 10-2. Weather Station UI VI Front Panel Window


Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

Figure 10-3 shows the starting point of the block diagram for the Weather Station UI VI. You edit this block diagram to implement a state machine for
the Weather Station application.

Figure 10-3. Weather Station UI VI Block Diagram Starting

1 You use these controls and indicators to program different cases.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments
| 10-13
3. Create a new type definition to control the Weather Station application.

Lesson 10
 Open the block diagram and create an Enum constant to the left of the While Loop.


Type Acquisition in the constant.

Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

Right-click the constant and select Edit Items from the shortcut menu.

 Add the items shown in Figure 10-4 and click OK.

Figure 10-4. Weather Station States Type Def

 Right-click the enum constant on the block diagram and select Make Type Def.
4. Modify the new type definition and add it to the Weather Station project.

 Right-click the enum constant and select Open Type Def.

 Change the label on the Enum control to States.

 Save the type definition as Weather Station States.ctl in the <Exercises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Weather Station\Supporting Files

 Close the control editor window.

 In the Project Explorer window, notice that Weather Station States.ctl has been added to your Supporting Files folder because that folder is an
auto-populating folder.

5. Control the state machine with the type-defined enum and update the framework as shown in Figure 10-5.

Figure 10-5. Weather Station UI VI Block Diagram

1 3

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

1 Shift Register—Right-click the While Loop and select Add Shift Register.
2 Enum type definition constant—Right-click and select Visible Items»Label. Change the label to Beginning State. Wire the Beginning State constant
to the shift register to initialize the shift register to the Acquisition state. Wire the shift register to the case selector of the Case Structure.
3 Add more cases—Right-click the Case structure and select Add Case For Every Value to create different cases for each value in the enum.
4 Weather Data In—Drag Weather Data.ctl from the Project Explorer window to the block diagram to create a type definition cluster constant. Right-click
the cluster and select View Cluster As Icon.
5 Shift Register—Place a shift register on the While Loop and wire the Weather Data In constant to it.
| 10-15

Note After you finish wiring the Acquisition case in step 6, some tunnels are empty because not all cases are wired yet.
6. Complete the Acquisition state shown in Figure 10-6.

Lesson 10
Figure 10-6. Weather Station UI VI Acquisition State

1 2 3 4

Using Sequential and State Machine Programming


1 Thermometer or Thermometer (Demo)—Drag one of these VIs from the Shared Files folder in the Project Explorer window to the block diagram. Drag
the Thermometer VI if you have hardware and drag the Thermometer (Demo) VI if you do not have hardware.
2 Temperature History—Move this indicator into the Acquisition state of the Case structure.
3 Bundle By Name—Wire the Temperature Value output of the Thermometer VI to the Current Temperature input.
4 Next State enum—<Ctrl>-click the Beginning State enum and drag a copy into the Acquisition case. Rename this copy of the Weather Station States
type definition Next State. Set the enum to Analysis and wire it through a tunnel on the Case structure to the shift register on the While Loop.
5 True Constant—Create a True constant and wire it through the Case structure to the Elapsed Time shift register. The True constant resets the Elapsed
Time counter every time the VI executes the Acquisition case.
7. Complete the Analysis case as shown in Figure 10-7.

Figure 10-7. Weather Station UI VI—Analysis Case

1 2 3 4 7 5

1 Upper Limit and Lower Limit—Move these controls from outside the While Loop.
2 Bundle By Name—Replaces the Max Temperature and Min Temperature items with the values from the Upper Limit and Lower Limit controls. The
Bundle By Name function makes it possible to wire the Upper Limit and Lower Limit values to the Weather Data In input of the Temperature Warnings VI.
3 Temperature Warnings—Drag the Temperature Warnings VI from the Supporting Files folder in the Project Explorer window.

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

4 Unbundle By Name—Returns the value of specific items from the cluster.

5 Select—Determines which state to execute next depending on whether or not a warning occurs.
6 Weather Station States—Wire two copies of the Weather Station States type definition to the Select function. You can create these copies from the
Beginning State enum.
7 Warning—Move this indicator from outside the While Loop.
| 10-17
8. Complete the Data Log case as shown in Figure 10-8.

Lesson 10
Figure 10-8. Weather Station UI VI—Data Log Case

1 2 3 4

Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

5 6

1 Unbundle By Name—Returns the value of specific items from the cluster.

2 Tab Constant—Inserts a tab in the string. The log file you create contains tabs between values.
3 End of Line Constant—Inserts a platform-specific end-of-line value at the end of the string. The log file you create uses the End of Line constant to
insert line breaks between data.
4 Format Into String—Expand the node to accept eight inputs.
5 Write to Text File—Writes the text that you formatted into a log file.
6 Next State—Create a copy of the Weather Station States enum, label it Next State, and set the next state to Time Check.
9. Complete the Time Check case as shown in Figure 10-9.

Figure 10-9. Weather Station UI VI—Time Check Case

1 2 4

3 5

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

© National Instruments

1 Next State—Wire two copies of the Weather Station States type definition to the Select function.
2 Select—Determines which state to execute next depending on whether or not time has elapsed.
3 Stop Button—Move the Stop Button terminal from outside the While Loop. Wire the Stop Button terminal to the Or function outside of the Case
4 Next State wire—Wire the tunnel for the Next State wire to the shift register.
5 Use default if unwired—Right-click these tunnels and select Use Default If Unwired.

10. Save and test the VI.

| 10-19

Lesson 10
1. Run the VI.


Name the log file when prompted.

Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

Enter values for the Upper Limit and Lower Limit controls and observe the behavior of the VI. Does it behave as expected?

2. Stop the VI.

3. Navigate to the Weather Warning Log.txt file and open it.

4. Notice the changes in the upper and lower limit values and the placement of tabs and line breaks.

5. Close the log file.

6. Save and close the VI and the project.

End of Exercise 10-1

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Event-Based State Machine

Event-based state machines combine a user interface event handler with the transition ability of
the state machine. Event-based state machines include a “Wait on Event” case to process
user-interface events.

Demonstration: Simple State Machine Project Template

LabVIEW provides the Simple State Machine project template to simplify the process of creating
an application that uses the event-based state machine design pattern.
• The Simple State Machine template is a customizable application which is in the form of
a .lvproj file with supporting VIs and type definition controls.
• The application is based on the event-based state machine design pattern.


Wait for Stop

State 1

State 2

© National Instruments | 10-21

Lesson 10 Using Sequential and State Machine Programming

Additional Resources

Learn More About LabVIEW Help Topic or

Sequential Design Sequence Structures: Executing Sections of Code


State Machines Creating VIs from Templates and Sample Projects

Examples, VI Templates, Project Templates, and
Sample Projects

Events Events in LabVIEW

Event Structure
Caveats and Recommendations when Using Events in

10-22 |
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 10-1: Lesson Review

1. When using a Sequence structure, you can stop the execution in the middle of a sequence.
a. True
b. False

2. Which of the following are benefits of using a state machine instead of a sequential
a. You can change the order of the sequence.
b. You can repeat individual items in the sequence.
c. You can set conditions to determine when an item in the sequence should execute.
d. You can stop the program at any point in the sequence.

© National Instruments | 10-23

LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

Activity 10-1: Lesson Review - Answers

1. When using a Sequence structure, you can stop the execution in the middle of a sequence.
a. True
b. False
You cannot stop the execution in the middle of a sequence.

2. Which of the following are benefits of using a state machine instead of a sequential
a. You can change the order of the sequence.
b. You can repeat individual items in the sequence.
c. You can set conditions to determine when an item in the sequence should execute.
d. You can stop the program at any point in the sequence.

© National Instruments | 10-25

A Additional
Information and

National Instruments provides global services and support

as part of our commitment to your success. Take
advantage of product services in addition to training and
certification programs that meet your needs during each
phase of the application life cycle; from planning and
development through deployment and ongoing
LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide

A. NI Services
To get started, register your product at

As a registered NI product user, you are entitled to the following benefits:

• Access to applicable product services.
• Easier product management with an online account.
• Receive critical part notifications, software updates, and service expirations.

Log in to your National Instruments User Profile to get personalized access to your

B. Services and Resources

• Maintenance and Hardware Services—NI helps you identify your systems’ accuracy and
reliability requirements and provides warranty, sparing, and calibration services to help you
maintain accuracy and minimize downtime over the life of your system. Visit
services for more information.
– Warranty and Repair—All NI hardware features a one-year standard warranty that is
extendable up to five years. NI offers repair services performed in a timely manner by
highly trained factory technicians using only original parts at a National Instruments
service center.
– Calibration—Through regular calibration, you can quantify and improve the
measurement performance of an instrument. NI provides state-of-the-art calibration
services. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate
for your product at
• System Integration—If you have time constraints, limited in-house technical resources, or
other project challenges, National Instruments Alliance Partner members can help. To learn
more, call your local NI office or visit
• Training and Certification—The NI training and certification program is the most effective
way to increase application development proficiency and productivity. Visit for more information.
– The Skills Guide assists you in identifying the proficiency requirements of your current
application and gives you options for obtaining those skills consistent with your time
and budget constraints and personal learning preferences. Visit
skills-guide to see these custom paths.
– NI offers courses in several languages and formats including instructor-led classes at
facilities worldwide, courses onsite at your facility, and online courses to serve your
individual needs.
• Technical Support—Support at includes the following resources:
– Self-Help Technical Resources—Visit for software drivers and
updates, product manuals, step-by-step troubleshooting wizards, thousands of
example programs, tutorials, application notes, and instrument drivers. Registered
users also receive access to the NI Discussion Forums at NI
Applications Engineers make sure every question submitted online receives an answer.
– Software Support Service Membership—The Standard Service Program (SSP) is a
renewable one-year subscription included with almost every NI software product,
including NI Developer Suite. This program entitles members to direct access to
NI Applications Engineers through phone and email for one-to-one technical support, as
well as exclusive access to online training modules at
self-paced-training. NI also offers flexible extended contract options that
guarantee your SSP benefits are available without interruption for as long as you need
them. Visit for more information.

© National Instruments | A-3

Appendix A Additional Information and Resources

• Declaration of Conformity (DoC)—A DoC is our claim of compliance with the Council of the
European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system
affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You
can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting

For information about other technical support options in your area, visit, or
contact your local office at

You also can visit the Worldwide Offices section of to access the branch
office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email
addresses, and current events.

C. Other National Instruments Training Courses

National Instruments offers several training courses for LabVIEW users. These courses continue
the training you received here and expand it to other areas. Visit to purchase
course materials or sign up for instructor-led, hands-on courses at locations around the world.

D. National Instruments Certification

Earning an NI certification acknowledges your expertise in working with NI products and
technologies. The measurement and automation industry, your employer, clients, and peers
recognize your NI certification credential as a symbol of the skills and knowledge you have
gained through experience. Visit for more information about the
NI certification program.

A-4 |

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