Air Cooler Design and Principle EIEPD 1696073698
Air Cooler Design and Principle EIEPD 1696073698
Air Cooler Design and Principle EIEPD 1696073698
1.Process Specification
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One or more tube bundles, serviced by two or more fans, including the structure, plenum and
For electric motor drivers, the minimum required driver rated shaft power (Pdr) shall be
calculated as follows:
Once installed in the bundle, the tubes must be supported to prohibit intermeshing of the fins, and
“bunching” of the tubes, which allows for openings in the tube that allow channeling of the airflow.
Several means of tube support are utilized dependent on manufacture.
The most common tube support is provided by a “wiggle strip” that is place between each row,
and runs between each tube. This method allow for support of the tube from the fin tip and is
susceptible to movement in the bundle during transportation.
Another common method, utilized by some manufacturers, is to wrap aluminum strips around the
perimeter of the tube at designated spots along the length. These strips are stapled to prohibit
them from loosening. Again, this provides support from the tip of the fin.
A third method is the scalloped channel. This method provides a strip, normally fabricated from
aluminum that cradles each tube and runs the entire width of the bundle.
The scalloped channel is formed to provide both supports from the fin tip, and to the tube
wall. Based on the configuration, it is not able to move after inserted, and also provides a means
of keeping the tubes spaced properly.
Tube support can also be provided by cast zinc collars. This method requires a zinc collar to be
poured at each support spot on the tube. This method, while providing excellent support, is
normally cost prohibitive.
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Since 1 bay was selected, which is very low for such high flow, the software failed to run. Thus,
the number of bays is increased to 2 and the program is run again. The summery of the actions
are provided below.
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12 533855 69821215
15 10797 28983
18 3163 4138
21 1661.5 1508
24 939 616
27 590 296
30 430 180
33 318 111
36 259 80
39 205 55
40 192 49
41 179 44.46
42 165 38 (44)
Education Institute for
Now we stop here and try to change some parameters to optimise the required driver power.
cone 30
Now one of the parameters that should be taken into account is the flow regime. To find out how
it looks like graph tab is clicked and then Flow regime map is selected.
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How it is interpreted
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Only the last tube-pass in a multipass condenser should be in gravity-controlled flow.
Remember that in gravity-controlled flow, the vapor-phase heat transfer coefficient can become
very low especially when non-condensible are present.
The effect of tube inclination contributes to an approximate avarage increase of only 20 percent
in the tube-side heat transfer coefficient on the avarage tube side heat transfer. HTRI therefore
recommends inclining tubeside condensers in gravity-flow about 3 degrees towards the draining
condensate end to prevent condensate back flow.
So, in order to adjust the flow regime, map we perform the following actions:
Now Let’s choose another path and start with 39 bays, aiming to design air-cooler with
maximum driver fan of 45 kw.
The following actions are taken which is summarized below:
Parameter Me Vendor
Temprature 48 50
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Education Institute for