Seed Technology 312
Seed Technology 312
Seed Technology 312
Course code: - A14212
Course title: - Principles of seed technology.
Theory Notes As per syllabus with previous year question
papers and objectives
G. Shiva Kumar Asst prof.
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
Lecture -1
Seed and seed technology: introduction, definition, and importance
Introduction The history of agricultural progress from the early days of man has been the
history of seeds of new crops and crop varieties brought under cultivation. In the early days it
was achieved through the cultivation of indigenous but useful plants and those taken through
introductions. Later through the well-known techniques of selection, hybridization, mutation,
polyploidization and plant biotechnology the scientists made available many new and better
varieties. However, to the farmer all this scientific research would be of little value unless he
gets seeds, which are genetically pure, high germination percentage and vigour, high purity,
sound health etc., When the farmers do not get seeds possessing these qualities the yields they
obtain may not be as expected. The pace of progress in production, therefore, will largely
depend upon the speed with which we are able to multiply and market good quality seeds of
high yielding varieties.
Definitions of Seed Technology
Cowan (1973) identified seed technology as “that discipline of study having to do with seed
production, maintenance, quality and preservation”.
Feistritzer (1975) defined seed technology as the methods through which the genetic and
physical characteristics of seeds could be improved. It involves such activities as variety
development, evaluation and release, seed production, processing, storage and certification.
Thus, seed technology is essentially an inter disciplinary science which encompasses broad
range of subjects. In its broadest sense,” seed technology includes the development of superior
crop plant varieties, their evaluation and release, seed production, seed processing, seed
storage, seed testing, seed certification, seed quality control, seed marketing and distribution
and research on seed physiology, seed production and seed handling based upon modern
botanical and agricultural sciences”.
In a narrow sense “seed technology comprises techniques of seed production, seed processing,
seed storage, seed testing and certification, seed marketing and distribution and the related
research on these aspects”.
Concept of seed technology the distinction between seed and grain is vital, being of seminal
importance to agriculture. A seed, strictly speaking, is an “embryo” a living organism
embedded in the supporting or the food storage tissue. The seed pertains to material (seed, fruit
or vegetatively propagating material) meant for saving for planting purposes, the essential
function being the reproduction. The seed when scientifically produced (such as under seed
certification) is distinctly superior in terms of seed quality, namely, the improved variety,
varietal purity, freedom from admixtures of weeds and other crop seeds, seed health, high
germination and vigour, seed treatment and safe moisture content etc. A grain on the other hand,
includes cereals and pulses meant for human consumption.
Role of seed technology:
Feistritzer (1975) outlined the following roles of improved seed.
1. Improved seed – a carrier of new technologies the introduction of quality seeds of new
varieties wisely combined with other inputs significantly increase yield levels. In India, the
cultivation of high yielding varieties has helped to increase food production from 52 million
tonnes to nearly 180 million tonnes over a period of 40 years.
2. Improved seed – a basic tool for secured food supply. The successful implementation of the
high yielding varieties programme in India has led to a remarkable increase in production and
food imports from other counters have been brought down in spite of rapid increase in
3. Improved seed – the principal means to secure crop yields in less favourable areas of
production. The supply of good quality seeds of improved varieties suitable to these areas is
one of the important contributions to secure higher crop yields. 4. Improved seed – a medium
for rapid rehabilitation of agriculture in cases of natural disaster. In case of floods and drought
affected areas the Govt. will provide the improved seeds from national seed stocks to
rehabilitee the agricultural production of foods grains in the country
The main aim of seed production is to produce genetically pure and good quality seed. But
why/how the genetic purity of a variety is lost or deteriorated during seed multiplication. The
several factors that are responsible for loss of genetic purity during seed production as listed by
kadam (1942) are:
1. Developmental Variation
2. Mechanical Mixtures
3. Mutations
4. Natural Crossing
5. Genetic drift
2. Mechanical Mixtures: This is the major source of contamination of the variety during seed
production. Mechanical mixtures may take place right from sowing to harvesting and processing
in different ways such as;
e. Threshing floor
f. Combine or threshers
To avoid this sort of mechanical contamination it would be necessary to rogue the seed fields at
different stages of crop growth and to take utmost during seed production, harvesting, threshing,
processing etc.
b. In case of seed and soil borne diseases like downy mildew and ergot of Jowar, smut of
bajra and bunt of wheat, it is dangerous to use seeds for commercial purpose once the crop
gets infected.
c. New crop varieties may often become susceptible to new races of diseases are out of
seed production programms. Eg. Surekha and Phalguna became susceptible to gall midge
biotype 3.
7. Techniques of the Breeder : Instability may occur in a variety due to genetic
irregulaeities if it is not properly assessed at the time of release. Premature release of a variety,
which has been breed for particular disease, leads to the production of resistant and susceptible
plants which may be an important cause of deterioration. When sonalika and kalyansona wheat
varieties were released in India for commercial cultivation the genetic variability in both the
varieties was still in flowing stage and several secondary selections were made by the breeders.
Seed of notified varieties are multiplied in four tier system by the involvement of ICAR
Institutes / State Agricultural Universities, State / National Seed Corporation and Seed
Certification Agencies.
1. Nucleus seed: Nucleus seed: This is cent per cent genetic pure seed with physical purity
produced under the direct supervision of the concerned plant breeder.
2. Breeder’s seed: This is the progeny of the nucleus seed multiplied in large area under
the supervision of plant breeder and monitored by a committee. It provides cent per
cent physical and genetic pure seed for production of foundation class. Golden yellow
coloured certificate is issued for this category by the producting agency.
Foundation seed: Progeny of breeder’s seed in handled by recognized seed producing
agencies in public and private sector under the supervision of Seed Certification
Agency in such a way that its quality is maintained according to the prescribed
standard. Seed Certification agency issues a white colour certification for foundation
class seed. Foundation seed is purchased by Seed Corporation from seed growers.
Foundation seed can again be multiplied by Seed Corporation in the events of its
shortage with similar seed certification standard.
3. Certified seed: Progeny of foundation seed produced by registered seed growers under the
supervision of Seed Certification Agency by maintaining the seed quality as per minimum seed
certification standards. Seed Certification Agency issues a bleucolour (Shade ISI No. 104,
azure blue) certificate.
4. Nucleus seed: is the handful of original seed obtained from selected individual plants of a
particular variety for maintenance and purification by the originating breeder. It is further
multiplied and maintained under the supervision of qualified plant breeder to provide breeder
seed. This forms the basis for all further seed production. It has the highest genetic purity and
physical purity.
Seed Quality
Thompson (1979) defined seed quality as a multiple concept comprising several components
and their relative importance in different circumstances and laid much emphasis on
1. Analytical purity / physical purity
2. Species purity / Genetic purity
3. Freedom from weeds
4. Germination percentage
5. Seed vigour and health
6. Seed Moisture content
7. Seed size, weight and specific gravity Seed quality characters: A good seed should have
the following quality characters.
1. Improved variety: It should be superior to the existing variety i.e. the yield should be
higher by 20-25% than the existing variety or it should have some desirable attributes like
disease resistance, drought resistance, salt tolerance etc., with good yield potential.
2. Genetic Purity: The seed should be true to type. The seed should possess all the genetic
qualities / characters, which the breeder has placed in the variety, genetic purity has direct
effect on the yields. If there is nay deterioration, there would be proportionate decrease in
the yield or performance.
3. Physical Purity: Physical purity of a seed lot refers to the physical composition of the seed
lots. A seed lot is composed of pure seed, inert mater, broken seeds, undersized
seeds, soil and dust particles weed seeds, OCS etc.Higher the content of pure seed better
would be the seed quality. Pure seed together with germination gives the planting value of
the seed lot.
4. Seed germination and vigour: Seed germination refers to the ability of a seed when planted
under normal sowing conditions to give rise to a normal seedling. Seed vigour refers to the
sum total of all seed attributes that give effective plant stand in the field. Higher germination
percentage and vigour gives adequate plant population and uniform growth, which have
profound effect on, yield and determine the planting value of the seed.
5. Freedom from weeds and other crop seeds: This is an extension of physical purity
described earlier. There are certain weed species, which are very harmful to the crop and
once established they are difficult to eradicate. An absolute freedom from seed of such
species is highly desirable and is one of the important criteria for determining the planning
quality of seeds.
6. Seed health: Seed health refers to the presence or absence of disease organisms or insect
pests on the seed. The quality of a seed lot depends on its health, hence the seed should be
free from seed borne disease and insect pests.
7. Seed moisture: The seed moisture is the most important factor in determining the seed
germination and viability during storage. At high seed moisture content there is high
incidence of pest attack and at moisture content above 16% seed get heated and the viability
is lost. Hence the seed should be stored at safe moisture levels of 11-13%
8. Seed size, weight and specific gravity: Seed size, weight and specific gravity has been
found to have positive correlation with seed germination and vigour in many crops.
Therefore the seed should be bold with high specific gravity.
8. Seed Colour: The colour of the seed often reflects the condition during seed maturation.
The farmers from ancient times have regarded good normal shine as invariable quality
guides. The colour and shine deteriorates only when the weather conditions are adverse
during maturation or when insects infest the crop or when it is handled badly. The seed lots
having high genetic purity, high germination and with a minimum amount of inert matter,
weed seeds and other crop seeds and are free from diseases is said to be of high quality and
if it is lacking of these it is said to be of low quality.
Maintenance of Nucleus seed and Breeder seed in self and cross pollinated crops
Nucleus Seed: is the handful of original seed obtained from selected individual plants of
a particular variety for maintenance and purification by the originating breeder. It is
further multiplied and maintained under the supervision of qualified pant breeder to
provide breeder seed. This forms the basis for all further seed production. It has the highest
genetic purity and physical purity.
1. Sampling of a variety to obtain nucleus seed: In any crop not more than 15 new varieties should
be sampled in any research station. Select approximately 200 plants from one of the yield trials.
Discard poor diseased and inferior plants. The selected plants should be harvested 4 to 5 days
before harvest to avoid shattering. All the 200 plants should be tied individually and wrapped in a
cloth bag and stored till the yield results are obtained. The bundles of high yielding varieties are
taken for further examination and the inferior varieties are discarded.
2. Table examination of samples: The bundles are threshed separately and the seed should be
examined in piles on the purity work board. Piles with undesirable characters (diseased, offtypes
etc.) should be discarded. The remaining pure seed of individual plants is sown in a variety
purification nursery called as nucleus seed.
3. Location and seeding of nucleus seed: Select clean fertile and in the experimental station in
which the same crop was not grown in previous one season. The land should be free from volunteer
plants and it should be properly isolated. The 200 or less progenies should be sown in 200 double
rows in 4 series of 50 double rows in each plot. Sufficient spacing should be there between and
within the rows to facilitate examination of each row during the crop growth.
4. Inspection of nucleus double row plots and removal of offtypes: the double row plots should be
critically examined from the seedling stage until maturity. If any plot differ distinctly from that of
the nucleus seed variety it should be removed before flowing stage. After flowering and during
maturity plots should be examined critically for other characters like flower colour, ear head shape,
seed colour etc. and the offtypes should be removed before harvest. When a plant is removed after
flowering all the plants or plots within 3 meters should be removed as they may contaminate the
surrounding plants.
5. Harvesting and threshing: The remaining plots (between 180-200) should be harvested
individually and tied into a bundle. The individual plots are threshed cleaned and dried separately.
The seed of each plot should be placed on the purity work board in piles and examined for
uniformity of seed characters. If any pile appears to be of off type or diseased it should be
discarded. All the remaining plot seed should be mixed together into one lot treated with fungicide
and insecticide bagged, labeled and stored as breeder stock seed for next year.
Maintenance of breeder seed of inbred lines: for increasing B/s the breeder stock seed obtained
from nucleus seed is planted in an isolated field. During increase of B/s adequate attention must
be paid to
1. Land requirement
2. Isolation
3. Roughing
4. Field inspection
6. Sorting of the ears. Care should be taken on the above points so as to produce breeder seed of
maximum genetic purity
Lecture 4:- Seed Certification
Objectives: Upon completion of this exercise the student should know about
4. Should know the procedure to conduct field inspection in important crops Seed
certification is a legally sanctioned system for the quality control of seed during seed
multiplication and production. As per Indian Seed Act seed certification is voluntary and
it is not compulsory. The seed that is sold in the market is of two types certified seed or
truthfully labeled seed. The seed, which is being certified by seed certification agency, is
called as certified seed. The certification agency is a separate organization meant for
certifying the quality of the seed and it has nothing to do with seed production. The seed
certification agency maintains certain strict standards before issuing the certification tag
or label. Where as truthfully labeled seed is one which is being produced and marketed by
the producing company by maintaining the labeling standards. The farmer or theuser of
the seed does not know the pedigree of the truthfully labeled seed and he has to relay on
the seed producing company. Where as the certified seed has to maintain both field andseed
standards and if the seed lot meets both the field and seed standards then only the
certification tag or label is issued.
5. Seed sampling and testing to confirm that the seeds are up to the prescribed seed
1. Receipt and scrutiny of the application: All those persons who are interested in seed
certification should submit an application in Form No 1 to the concerned seed certification
officer with the prescribed fees of Rs 25/-. The fee is for one season for a single variety
and for an area up to 25 acres (10 ha.) If the area is more than 25 acres orif more than one
variety is planted separate applications should be made for each variety. If the area is less
than 25 acres under one variety but if the fields are scattered and separated by morethan 50
meters separate applications should be made. On receiving the applications the seed
certification agency verifies for the following conditions:
1. Eligibility of the variety: Only those varieties that are notified by the central govt. are
eligible for certification.
2. Establishing the seed source: The seed producer should submit the tag, invoice, and a
copy of Form No2.)
3. There should not be any difficulty in reaching the field for carrying out timely field
6. Whether the applicant has paid the requisite registration fee or not. If all the six
conditions are fulfilled then the seed producer has to pay the field inspection fees as given
5. Seed Testing
8. Cost of Application form for registration / :Rs 5.00 renewal of processing plant
9. Processing / Ginning Plant
a. Registration fee :Rs 1000.00
11. Cost of seed certification tags per 1000 nos :Rs 60.00
12. cost of cotton seed tags (with hologram) per 1000 :Rs 80.00
2. Verification of seed source, class and other requirements. The seed should be from
authentic source and from appropriate class and should be in accordance with Indian
Minimum Seed Certification Standards.
3. Inspection of Seed Fields. The certified seed producers should grow and harvest the
crop as per the guidelines issued by the seed certification agency. They must carefully and
faithfully carry out the roguing and other operations as per the directive of the certification
agency. The certification staff conducts field inspections at appropriate stages of crop
growth to ensure that minimum standards of isolation, preceding crop requirement,
roguing and other special operations are maintained at all times. Theinspection of seed
crop is done at different stages of crop growth such as at the time of sowing (when new
crop is introduced), vegetative stage or preflowering stage, floweringstage, post flowering
or preharvest stages and at the time of harvest. The contaminants tobe observed during
field inspections are offtypes, pollen shedders, shedding tassels, inseperable other crop
plants, objectionable weed plants and diseased plants. The field inspections are designated
to ensure that the crop is up to the prescribed field standards. All the seed fields, which do
not meet the required field standards, are eventually rejected.
Method of taking field counts
1. Determine the number of field counts. For all crops a minimum of five counts are to
be taken for an area up to two hectares, and an additional count is to be taken for each
additional two hectares or part thereof as given below.
Area of the field in Minimum number of
hectares counts to be taken
Up to 2 5
2-4 6
4-6 7
6-8 8
8-10 9
In any inspection, if the first set of counts show that the seed crop does not confirm
to the prescribed standards for any factor, a second set of counts should be taken for
that factor, if the percentage of first set of count for that factor is not more than twice
the maxmimum permissible level. Two sets of counts are called as double counts. In
hybrid seed production plots the number of counts must be taken separately for both
the parents.
2. Number of plants to be observed for completing one count. The number of plants
to be observed for completing a single count varies from crop to crop. The number of
plants/heads to be observed for completing a single count is given below.
3. Taking of Filed Counts: The procedure for taking filed counts differs for different
crops. 4. Rejection of seed fields: All the seed fields, which do not confirm to the required
standards for any of the factors should be rejected. The rejection letter shouldbe
immediately communicated to the seed grower stating the reasons for the rejection. As far
as possible the seed growers should be convinced for rejecting the seed fields by showing
the contaminants.
5. Post Harvest Inspection: The personnel from the seed certification agency should
inspect the fields during harvesting or post harvesting, so that there are no mechanical
mixtures and the seed is not handled badly during threshing or afterwards. Then the seed
is sent to seed processing plant with a threshing certificate. The personnel from the seed
certification agency will be inspecting the seed processing plant to avoid mechanical
mixtures and damage caused to the seed during processing.
6. Seed Sampling and Testing: The representative from seed certification agency draws
a representative sample from the seed lot at the time of processing or after processing and
sends the sample to official seed testing laboratory for evaluation. In the seed testing
laboratory the samples will be evaluated for seed standards such as pure seed, inert matter,
other crop seed, weed seeds, germination percentage and moisture percentage etc.
7. Grant of certificate, tagging and sealing. After receiving a satisfactory report from the
seed testing laboratory, tagging and sealing of bags will be done under the supervision of
seed certification agency. Under special circumstances, advance tags will also be issued
to the extent of 75 per cent of the seed lot. Tags and seals should be in accordancewith
general seed certification requirements. Affixing of tags and seals on the containers
completes the process of certification of seeds.
8. Control Plot testing. The seed certification agency should arrange for a postseason
grow-out test for all hybrids as prescribed in the standards. Randomly samples should be
drawn from certified seed lots and sent to grow-out test to check the efficiency and
accuracy of the work done.
9. Validity period. The seed is initially valid for a period of nine months from the date of
testing the samples. If the seed is not sold within the stipulated period, it can berevalidated
for a period of six months if the seed lot meets the required seed standards. The seed can
be revalidated as long as it meets the prescribed seed standards and foreach revalidation
the validity period will be extended for six months.
10. Revocation of certificate. If the certification agency is satisfied that the certificate
granted by it has been obtained by misrepresentation of essential facts, or the holder of
the certificate has failed to comply with the conditions subject to which the certificate has
been issued, can revoke the certificate. The certificate can be revoked only after giving a
show cause notice to the holder of the certificate.
11. Appeal against seed certification agency: If any certified seed grower is not satisfied
by the decision taken by the seed certification agency (in rejecting the seed plot), he can
make an appeal to the appellate authority specified by the state government. The appeal
should be made within 30 days from receiving the rejection letter. The appeal should be
made in written along with a copy of the rejection letter and a treasury fee of Rs 100/-
(Rupees one hundred only). The application should be submitted personally or it should
be sent through registered post. The decision of the appellate authority will be final and
it is binding on the seed certification agency and the seed grower. The appellate authority
for Andhra Pradesh is Additional Director of Agriculture (inputs).
Maize is common millet of India with wider industrial and household utility. It
is used a feed, food and raw material in soft drink industry. Botanically it is known as
Zea mays and belongs to the family poaceae.
Floral biology
Husk Silk
Types and Methods of seed production in maize
In maize, open pollinated varieties, synthetics, composites and hybrids are
a. Open pollinated varieties
Raise the varieties under isolation of 400 m in foundation seed stage and 200 m
in certified seed stage and allow the plants to openly pollinate among themselves
and set seed.
b. Synthetics
In cross pollinated species, a variety obtained by in mating in all possible
combinations, a number of lines (>5) that combine well with each other. COBC 1
(Baby corn).
c. Composite varieties
These are produced by open pollination among a number of outstanding strains
usually not selected for combining ability with each other e.g. K1, Jawahar,
Vikram, Sona, Amber, CO 1 and Kisan.
d. Inbreds
It is relatively true breeding strain resulting from repeated selfing (5 times.)
Popular varieties
In Tamil Nadu, CO1, K1, COH3, COH4, are the popular varieties for grain
purpose, while African tall is a fodder maize.COBC1 is a variety identified for salad
The best season for production is June - July, November- December and
January – February and the flowering should not coincide either with rain or high
RH and the maturation should coincide with dry weather. The temperature of 37°C is
favourable for better seed setting.
Land requirement
The land required for open pollinated variety, composites and synthetics should
be fertile and problem soils will lead to low pollen fertility and will adversely affect
the quality and the seed set will be poor. The previous crop should not be the same
crop to avoid the occurrence of volunteer plants and if to be the same crop it has to
be the same variety and should be certified and has to be accepted for certification.
The field should not have any volunteer plants.
Isolation distance and Modification of isolation distance
Composite, Synthetics and OPV = (FS:CS 400 : 200 m)
Differential blooming dates are permitted for modifying isolation distance provided
5.0% or more of the plants in the seed parent do not have receptive silks when more
than 0.50% of plants in the adjacent field (s) within the isolation distance are
shedding pollen.
Distances less than 200 meters may be modified by planting border rows of
male parent, if the kernel colour and the texture of the contaminant are the same
as that of seed parent. The number of border rows shall be determined by the size of
the field and isolation distance from the contaminant.
Selection of Seed
For production of foundation seed, breeder seed is used as the base material,
while for certified seed, foundation seed should be used as the base material. The
seed used should be from authenticated source with tag and bill. The required seed
rate will be 20kg /ha or 8kg/ acre.
The seeds are given with any one of the seed treatment or in combination.
Seeds are soaked in 2% KH2PO4 for 16h with a seed to solution ratio of 1:0.06
and are dried back to their original moisture content of 8-9% .This management
could be used both for dryland agriculture as well as gardenland.
Seeds are also treated with 5% carbofuran 3G to protect the seed from shoofly
infection. Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos @4 ml /kg is alsorecommended against
the attack by shootfly.
Seeds are dry dressed with bavistin @2g/kg of seed to protect against seed
borne pathogens and soil borne pathogen.
Seeds are also treated with azospirillum @50g/kg of seed to fix atmospheric
N. Any one of these treatment or combination of treatment is adopted for better
Seeds are also treated with polycoat @ 3g/kg of seed diluted in 5ml of water
to invigourate the seed towards better marketability and production. Pink coloured
polycoat performed better than other colour polymers. On adoption of sequence of
treatment physiological should be followed with physical seed treatment.
Nutrient application
Fertilizers(varieties) 150:75:75
✓ Basal 40:75:40 NPK kg/ha
✓ 1st top 20 DAS 50:0 :0 kg/ha
✓ 2nd top 40 DAS 60:0:35 kg/ha.
2% DAP is sprayed at 50% flowering stage to enhance uniform flowering and
increased seed set
If Zn deficiency is found apply 20 kg of zinc sulphate / ha.
If Fe deficiency is found apply 12.5 kg /ha micronutrient mixture
The crop should be irrigated once in 10-15days for enhanced seed set and
formation of bolder grains. The critical stages of irrigation are primordial initiation
stage, vegetative stage , flowering, milky and maturation stage. If the irrigation is
withheld in these stages seed set will be poor and seed size will be reduced.
Pest and disease management
Cob borer Apply carbaryl 10% dust @ 25kg/ha. At milky stage repeat it
15 days thereafter.(50 lts. Spray fluid per ha)
It is specific to seed crop and is done from seedling stage to harvesting stage
based on the phenotypic characters. Off types can be identified through stem
colour,plant structure, number of leaves ,auricles, nodal colour, tassel colour,sheath
colour ,grain colour etc. The field standard for seed crop is as follows
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
Field Standards
Factor Maximum
permitted (%)
Off types plants that have shed are or shedding pollen at anyone 1.0 1.0
of the inspections during flowering when 5%or more of the plants
in the seed field have receptive silks .
Seed maturation
The crop attains physiological maturity 30-35 days after 50% flowering and
the seed moisture at this stage will be around 25-30%. The crop is harvested as
cob harvesting when the sheath of cob dries and attains straw yellow color. The crop
is harvested as once over harvest for seed purpose.
After harvest manually the sheath are removed, which is known as dehusking.
Cob sorting
The cobs are dried under sun and threshed with fliable stick for extraction of
seeds the moisture content of seed at the time of threshing will be 15-18%.On large
scale production cob shellers are used, but care should be given to avoid mechanical
damage, which in turn will reduce the seed quality and storability.
The seeds are dried to 8 to10 % moisture content either under sun or adopting
mechanical driers for long term storage as the seeds is orthodox in nature.
Mechanical grading can be done with cleaner cum grader, which will remove
the undersized immature and chaffy seeds .The middle screen size should be 18/64”
round perforated sieves. The size can vary depending on the variety from 14/64 to
20/64 inch round perforated sieves.
Seed treatment
The seeds are infested with several storage pests, to protect against these
pests the seeds are given protective treatment with bavistin @2g/kg of seed with
carbaryl @200mg/kg of seed as slurry treatment. Bifenthrin @5mg /kg of seed or
diflubenzuran @ 200 ppm per kg of seed or imidachlopride @ 3 ml per kg of seed is
also recommended for better seeds storage .
Seed packing
Seeds are packed in gunny bag for short term storage while in HDPE and
polylined gunny bag for long term storage.
The treated seed can be stored up to 12 months provided the seeds are not
infected with storage pests. Seed can be stored up to 3 years if the seeds are packed
in moisture containers and are stored at low temperature .The godown should be
kept clean as the possibility of secondary infestation with Trifolium (red
flour weevil ) is much in these crop. The major problem in storage is incidence of
grain weevil which will powder the seed material in a short period.
Seed standard
The processed seed should have the following seed quality characters both
for certification and labeling.
A. Seed ears inspected after harvest shall not contains in excess of 1.0% of offtype
ears including the ears with off-coloured kernels.
B. Shelling
Shelling of the seed ears is to be done after obtaining approval from the
Certification Agency
Time for detasseling : The time taken for shedding of pollen from the
tassel in 1-2 days after emergence. Hence the
tassel should be removed before the shedding of
Detasseling is the removal of tassel from female parent. Detasseling is done
when the tassel emerged out of the boot leaf, but before anthesis have shed pollen.
Anthers take 2-4 days to dehisce after complete emergence. Only in few cases, the
anthers start dehisce before its complete emergence. In such case detasseling should
be done earlier. Detasseling is done every day from the emergence of tassel upto 14
➢ Hold the stem below the boot leaf in left hand and
the base of the basal in right hand and pull it out
in a single pull.
➢ Detassel only after the entire tassel has come out and immature detasseling may
lead to reduced yield and contamination.
➢ After pulling out the tassel drop it there itself and bury in soil. Otherwise late
emerging pollen from detasseled tassel may cause contamination.
➢ Do not carry the tassel through the field as any fall of pollen may lead to
System of Hybrid seed production
Double cross
Double top crosses : The first generation resulting from the controlled
crossing of a certified single cross and a certified
open pollinated variety.
: (A x B) x variety
: (Ax B) will be detasseled and crossed with a variety
Season - November- December, Mid July, Jan. Feb and Sep. Oct
Isolation distance
Foundation seed (m) Certified seed (m)
1. Inbreds 400 -
2. Single cross hybrid 400 -
Field standards for isolation (modification based on situation)
For (foundation single crosses and hybrid of certified class)
❖ Differential blooming dates are permitted for modifying isolation distance provided
5.0% or more of the plants in the seed parent do not have receptive silk when
more than 0.20% of the plants in the adjacent field within theprescribed
isolation distance are having shedding pollen.
❖ In hybrid seed production (certified seed stage) alone the isolation distance (less
than 200 meter) can be modified by increasing the border rows of male parent,
if the kernal colour and texture of the contaminant are the same as that of the
seed parent.
The number of border rows to be planted all around the seed field to modify
isolation distance less than 200 m shell also be determined by the size of the field
and its distance from the contaminant as shown below.
Area in ha. Isolation distance Border rows
< 4 ha 200 1
< 4 ha 150 5
< 4 ha 100 9
< 4 ha 50 13
10-12 ha 180 1
10-12 ha 130 5
10-12 ha 80 9
10-12 ha 30 13
> 16 ha 165 1
> 16 ha 115 5
> 16 ha 65 9
> 16 ha 15 13
: Male : 3 -4 kg ha-1
Male :45 x 30 cm
Planting ratio
Single cross 4:2
Double cross 6:2
3 way cross 6:2
Border rows a. Inbreds & single cross - 4 rows
b. Others - 3 rows
Should be done periodically based on position of cob, colour of silk,
arrangements of seeds in cob, leaves etc. Shedding tassels are to be removed in
roguing . It refers to the tassels in female parents rows, shedding pollen or that has
shed pollen in hybrid maize plots. During field inspection a tassel whose main spike
or any side branch or both have shed pollen or shedding pollen in more than 5 cm
of branch length is counted as a shedding tassel during inspection the shedding
tassels are taken into count for acceptance or rejection of production plot.
✓ Harvest male first and remove from the field and then harvest female
a. Dehusking - The husks are removed manually.
b. Cob sorting - Remove ill filled, diseased cobs and cobs having
kernel colour variation.
The direct/visible effects of pollen on endosperm and related tissues in the
formation of a seed colour. e.g. seed colour. In maize, the gene present in sperm
cell contributes in the expression of colour of hybrid seeds.
Is the effect of pollen on the maternal tissues of fruit.
Cob sorting should be the first operation it is a post harvest, evaluation for genetic
purity. The sheath is removed and check for kernel colour, shank colour, diseased
cobs, kernel arrangement. The cobs are shelled either mechanically or manually at
15-18% moisture content. Improper shelling leads to48% damage to kenel Growth
of storage fungal Pericarp damage. Crack on pericarp can be identified by FeCl3 or Tz
test. Shelling is done mechanically using cob sheller and manually by rubbing with
Seeds are dried to 12% moisture content.
Grade the seeds using 18/64" (7.28 mm) sieve.
Seed treatment
Slurry treat the seeds with 8% moisture content either with captan or thiram
75% W.P. @ 70 g/100 kg with 0.5 litre of water. Treated seeds can be stored for 1
year in cloth bag.
Others: As in varietal seed production
Parameters Inbreds FS CS
Botanical Name : Oryza sativa
Chromosome number [2n] : 24
Family : Poaceae
Inflorescence : Panicle
Pollination : Self-Pollination
Panicle Emergence : 4 –5 days after boot leaf
Flower Opening Pattern : Tip of primary & secondary
branches and proceeds
Duration of Flowering : 6-8 days
Time of Anthesis : 7.00 –10.00 A.M
Speciality with flowering : Flower remain open for 10
minutes and afterwards it
Anther dehiscence : Either before or after flower
opening [independent of
spikelet opening]
Temperature favorable for flowering : 24 -280C
Favourable RH for flowering : 70-80%
Difference between day and
Night temperature : 8-100c
Stigma receptivity : 3 days
Pollen viability : 10 minutes
Land requirement
The land should be free of volunteer plants (crop of previous season occur
in this season) and the same crop or the other varieties of the same crop should
not have been grown for the previous season, if it is the same crop it (previous)
should be the same variety that has been certified. This selection is highly
important for maintenance of genetic purity. They should have adequate irrigation
and drainage facilities and the problem soils are not suitable for seed production.
The crop should have 3meters of isolation at all sides of the seed
production plot for maintenance of genetic purity.
Selection of seed
Seed should be from an authenticated source (SAU, NSC, State
Department).For production of certified seed, foundation seed (FS) should be used
as source seed which should be purchased with bill and tag (white for FS seed)
Selection of season
Season should be selected based on duration of the variety and the water
Seed Rate
It varies with varieties and type of cultivation.
A bucket of potable water has to be taken and in that water o fresh egg
which sinks to the bottom has to be taken. To the potable water with egg outside
slowly the common salt was added to a level at which the egg floats at top
exposing 2.5 cm of its shell outside (check the egg floatation now and then on
addition of salt to the solution). The egg is removed and the paddy seed are
dropped into the solution which separates as sinker and floater .the sinkers are
good seeds while the floaters are less vigorous and dead seeds. The floaters are
removed and used as feed and sinkers are used for further multiplication.
➢ Egg is only for measurement of specific gravity and has no work to do
with separation.
➢ If the density of water is more, more portion of egg will float if less egg
will be inside the solution.
➢ If the density of water is more loss of quality seed may occur ,lesser
density the separation will not be perfect
Nursery Management
For raising one hectare of paddy, 20 cent (800m2) nursery is needed. The
area should be prepared by floating the area one or two days before ploughing
and allowed the water to soak in. The soil should be kept at shallow sub
emergence. Before ploughing the water should be allowed to a depth of 2.5cm
.Then the land is ploughed and brought to a puddling condition. The optimum size
of the nursery bed will be 2.5 meters broad and with channels of 30cmwidth
in between. In paddy, on raising more varieties in a same place separate
irrigation channels are to be prepared for each variety to avoid the admixture
of seeds and to maintain the genetic purity.
Nutrient Management
Before the last puddling apply 40kg of DAP and if not readily available apply
straight fertilizers@16 kg of urea and 120kg of super phosphate.
Basal application is required (DAP) if the seedlings are to be pulled out at
20 to 25 days after sowing. If the seedling are to be pulled out after 25 days
application of DAP is done 10 days prior to pulling out of the seedling.
Basal application of phosphorus to the nursery enables the seedling to store
phosphorus and utilize it even in later stages of growth and application of DAP to
the nursery is highly economical.
A thin film of water should be maintained in the nursery, and the sprouted
seeds of paddy should be sown uniformly on the seed bed.
Water Management
➢ Drain the water 18 to 24 hours after sowing and if there are pockets where
water is stagnating, drain it into the channel as germination will beaffected
in the places where the water is being stagnated
➢ Allow the water to saturate the soil from the third to fifth day
➢ From the fifth day onwards increase the quantity of water to a depth of
1.5 cm depending on the height of the seedling
➢ Afterwards, maintain the water level to a depth of 2.5 cm
Weed Management
Apply any one of the pre emergence herbicides viz. butachlor 2l per
ha,thiobencarb@2l/ ha, pendimithalin @ 2.5l/ha on 8th day after sowing to
control weeds in the low land nursery. Keep a thin film of water and allow it to
disappear. Avoid drainage of water. This will control germinating weeds.
Green leaf hopper As above or maintain 2.5 cm of water in the nursery and
broadcastanyone of the following
Carbofuran3g3.5kg or Phorate 10G1.0kg or Quinalphos 5g
Case worm Mix kerosene in standing water and remove the cases and
destroy and spray Monocrotophos 36 WSC 40ml (or)
Quinalphos 25 EC 80 ml
White tip nematode Sun drying of seeds for two days at 6h interval
Rice root nematode Carbofuran3g at 3.5kg / 20cents
Blast Spray with insecticide Copper oxy chloride100g or
Mancozeb 80 g
Brown spot Carbendazim 40 g
Tungro disease Aplly carbofuran 3g at the rate of 3.5 kg ten days after
sowing or spray two rounds of Monocrotophos 36 WSC
40ml or Phosphamidon 85 WSC 25 ml
Age of transplanting
The age of transplanting vary with varieties as follows
Short duration varieties 18-22days
Medium duration varieties 25-30days
Long duration varieties 35-40days
Fertilizer Requirement
➢ Dip the root in phosphamidon 0.02 % against rice root nematode 20
minutes prior to planting
➢ Plant the seedling at optimum spacing and optimum depth
➢ Transplant the seedling at 4-5 leaf stage
Details on transplanting
- Adjust the sowing in such a way that harvesting does not coincide with rain
Weed Management
Pre emergence herbicide
Gap Filling
It is to be taken up between 7-10days after transplanting
Top Dressing
Apply 25% of N and k as basal and remaining 75 % in 3 split doses at active
tillering, panicle initiation, and at heading stage in equal proportion of 1:1.
Foliar Spray
➢ Spray FeSO4 0.5% to prevent yellowing of plants in calcarious soils.
➢ Spray DAP 2% to enhance seed set in paddy cultivars (BEST).
➢ Spray GA3 three times at panicle initiation stage for complete exertion
of panicle (hybrids).
➢ Spray panchakavya 1% for organic seed production to enhance seed set.
➢ Spray 0.5 % zinc sulphate thrice during crop growth on 20th 30th and
40th day of planting for short duration varieties or 30th 40th and 50th day
for medium and long duration varieties in case of zinc deficient soils.
➢ Is important to maintain for maintenance of genetic purity.
➢ Remove all off types (deviant of the variety) and rouges (variant of the
➢ Remove when suspected is the thumb rule of roughing.
➢ Rouging should be done from the sowing up to harvest and remove the
as and when it come across.
Physiological maturity
✓ Seeds attain maturity with the visual symptom of turning of ear heads
to golden yellow color and when the ear heads exhibit drooping
symptomsi.e 28 days after 50% flowering in short and 31 days in medium
and 35 in long duration.
✓ When 80% of the plants are exhibiting the symptom the crop is ready
for harvest
✓ The moisture content of the seed will be 18-20-%.
➢ Lodged plants should not be selected for seed purpose.
➢ Withhold irrigation one week before harvest.
➢ Delayed harvest may lead to heavy shattering
➢ Bundled plants should be stacked as ear heads facing outside to avoid
heat damage.
➢ Threshed produce should be clean and free of admixture in cracks and
➢ Birds scaring are also practiced in places of requirement.
➢ Thresh the seed by beating the plants on a hard surface ,but take care
that the seeds are not mechanically damaged.
➢ In tractor and machine threshing avoid mechanical damage by proper
adjustment of speed/machine setting.
➢ Thresh at proper moisture content to avoid crushing / cracking (16-17 per
➢ Clean the floor, equipment, containers to avoid genetic and physical
The bulk seeds are normally processed through seed cleaner cum
grader and the seeds of middle sieve are selected for seed purpose.
Seed Treatment
Normally paddy seeds are not treated with chemicals owing to their
economic utility. But for long term storage, treat it with captan or thiram or
bavistin @ 2-4g / kg of seed, Halogen mixture treatment (Chlorine basedhalogen
mixture @3 g /kg of seed) is a eco-friendly treatment. As a prophylactic
measure seed can be fumigated with celphos @ 3-6g/m3. But the moisture content
of the seed should not be above 10-12% which may interfere with the seed quality
in terms of germination.
Seed Yield
The yield of crop varies from 3000 to 7000 kg /ha depending on genotypes,
location, season management practices and pest infestation.
Paddy is a good storer. Generally paddy seeds store well up to 12-36
months depending on the genotypes but heavy infestation of storage pests reduce
the storability of seed even to a month or two. For prolonged storage HDPE and
polylined gunny bags are used, while for normal storage jute canvas bags are
used. However the bags should not be stirred for more than 8 bags height to avoid
pressure on seeds of lost bag which may cause damage to the seed. Polythene
bags of 700 gauge is not highly preferable for paddy as the sharp edge may pierce
the bag and convert moisture vapor proof container as moisture pervious
Seed Certification
Land Requirement
The previous crop should not be the same crop and if to be the same crop
it has to be the same variety and should be certified and has to be accepted for
certification. The field should not have any volunteer plants.
Number of Inspections
A minimum of two inspections is needed, one at the time of flowering
and another at the time of or before harvest.
Field Standards
General: Paddy field should be isolated from contaminants as follows
Contaminants Minimum distance(meters)
Foundation stage Certified stage
Fields of other varieties 3 3
Fields of same variety not 3 3
confirming to varietal purity
requirements for certification
Seed Standard
Factor Standards for each class
Pure seed ( maximum) 98.0% 98.0%
Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%
Huskless seed (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%
Other crop seed (maximum) 10/kg 10/kg
Other distinguishable varieties (maximum) 10/kg 10/kg
Total weed seed (maximum) 10/kg 10/kg
Objectionable weed seed (maximum ) 2/kg 2/kg
Seeds infected with paddy bunt 0.10% (By 0.50% (By number)
(Neovossia horrida (Tak.) ( maximum) number)
Germination ( Minimum) 80% 80%
Moisture (maximum) 13.0% 13.0%
For vapour proof containers (maximum) 8.0% 8.05%
Paddy Bunt
Popular hybrids
CORH1 : (IR 62829A x IR 10198- 66–2R)
CORH2 : IR 58025A x C 20R
CORH3 : TNAU CMS 2A X CB 87 R (110-115 days)
ADTRH1 : IR 58025A x IR 66R
Genes involved in EGMS
❖ One or two pairs of recessive nuclear genes (cytoplasm
Space isolation : Foundation seed stage : 20
Certified seed stage : 100 m
Time isolation : 20 days either earlier or later for other
varieties compared with MS line.
Barrier isolation : • 30m of wood lot / tall crops
• plastic sheets of 2m height
Kharif (May- June sowing)
Rabi (December- January sowing)
Rabi is more suitable than kharif.
Seed selection: Purchase from authenticated source with tag and Bill
For Foundation stage - (A & B lines)
For Certified stage - (A & R lines)
Nursery Management
✓ Keep irrigation channels separately for the parental line
✓ For Dec-Jan sowing take up staggered sowing for male twice or thrice
with the interval of 10-15 days (3,10,15daysfor effective seed setting)
✓ Keep the nursery area free of weeds.
✓ Apply DAP @ 2 kg / cent as basal to get vigorous seedlings.
✓ For April-May sowing sow the male 5 and 10 days after female line
✓ Even split application of fertilizer N is favourable for production of
vigorous seedlings.
Main field Transplanting
Between A line - (15 x 15cm)
Between A and R line - (20 x15cm)
Between R line - (30 x 15cm)
Age of transplanting
A line : 25 days
R line : 14,18,20 days
Hybrids : 150:60:60
N & K applied in 3 splits
(1) during basal (2) active tillering (3) Panicle initiation.
Row ratio, row direction, spacing and planting pattern for hybrid rice
seed production.
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
• • x x x x x x x x • •
Foliar spray
Foliar spray of 2% DAP increases yield and qualities of seed
✓ Short duration: Ist Spray on 60 DAS
II nd " 80 "
✓ Medium duration: Ist Spray on 80 DAS
II nd " 100 "
Remove the undesirable plants either in A or R line rows that differ from
plants that are true to type. The pollen shedders and off types are removed.
The undesirable plants come from many sources. They may be volunteer
plants from the previous cropping.
The most important stages for roguing are at maximum tillering, at
flowering and just before harvesting.
Roguing in hybrids
In A line remove pollen shedders. In A line only 40-50% of seed set is
possible. If > 60-70% seed is noticed and the panicle is drooping it would be
R line (or) other varieties.
Parental lines R line & B line A line & B line R line & A line
Seed treatment
Seeds are treated with thiram / captan @ 4 g/kg. or with 5 gm
halogen mixture. The halogen mixture is prepared by mixing CaOCl2 +CaCO3
for 1 week in air tight container.
✓ Fort short term storage use gunny bag or cloth bag.
✓ For long term storage use polythene bag of > 700 gauge and dry the
seeds to 8% moisture content.
✓ When compared with varieties, the hybrids and parental lines A & B
lines are poor in storability.
✓ The order of the storage potential is R > F1 > B > A.
Others - As in variety
Seed Yield
Hybrid yield (F1) : 800-1200 kg ha-1
General Tips
➢ Nursery period, spacing, seed rate, fertilizer dose and days to maturation
vary with short, medium and long duration varieties.
➢ Grain of paddy could be (visual) graded as long slender, short, medium
bold based on shape but could not be separated on mechanical grading
➢ Textures variation though not permanent exists in paddy seeds.
➢ Seeds of paddy have carbohydrate as the main storage reserve in the
form of amylase and amylopectin which differentiates the japonica and
indica varieties.
➢ SPLIT HUSK: Problem of split husk occur in hybrid rice seed production
where the lemma and palia are not closed properly at tip portion.
Occurrence is claimed to nutrient deficiency synchronization defects and
genetic factors, as it
➢ Occurs more in female line than male line. Split husk reduces the
germination due to heavier load of fungal colonies. Seed multiplication ratio
➢ Seed renewal period : three times
Sorghum is common millet of India with wider utility. It is used a feed, food
and raw material for agri based industry. Botanically it is known as Sorghum bicolor
L. and belongs to the family poaceae. It is an often cross pollinated crop, insects
and wind are the pollinating agents.
Floral biology
Open pollination under isolation and selfing by bagging are the common methods
of varietal seed production.
Popular varieties
The best season for production is November- December and the floweringshould
not coincide either with rain or high RH as it will wash out the pollen and the maturation
should coincide with dry weather. The temperature of 37oC is favourablefor better
seed setting.
Land requirement
The land should be fertile and problem soils will lead to low pollen fertility and will
adversely affect the quality and the seed set will be poor. The previous crop shouldnot
be the same crop to avoid the occurrence of volunteer plants and if to be the samecrop
it has to be the same variety and should be certified and has to be accepted for
certification. The field should not have any volunteer plants.
Forage sorghum with high tillering and grassy panicle 400 400
In sorghum differential blooming dates for modifying the isolation distance is not
➢ For production of foundation seed, breeder seed is used as the base material,
while for certified seed, foundation seed should be used as the base material. The
seed used should be from authenticated source with tag and bill.
➢ The seed are sown at a spacing of 45 x15 cm at a depth of 2-4cm as the plant
has adventitious root system.
➢ In some places seeds are also raised in nursery and transplanted to the main
➢ In the main field seeds are sown either in ridges and furrows or under beds and
➢ In some places seeds are also raised in nursery and transplanted to the main
field at 27-30 days intervals.
➢ Rainfed - Direct sown 15.0 kg., Irrigated - Direct sown 10.0 kg / ha and
transplanted 7.5 kg/ha
The seeds are given with any one of the seed treatment or in combination.
➢ Seeds are soaked in 2% KH2PO4 for 16h with a seed to solution ratio of 1:0.06
and are dried back to their original moisture content of 8-9% .This management
could be used both for dry land agriculture as well as garden land.
➢ As an ecofriendly treatrment seeds are also fortified or hardened with 1% prosopis
and pungam leaf extract for 16h with a seed to solution ratio of 1:0.06 and are
dried back to their original moisture content of 8-9%.
➢ Seeds are also treated with 5% carbofuran 3G to protect the seed from shoofly
infection. Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos @4 ml /kg is also recommended
against the attack by shoot fly.
➢ Seeds are dry dressed with bavistin @2g/kg of seed to protect against seed borne
pathogens and soil borne pathogen.
➢ Seeds are also treated with azospirillum @50g/kg of seed to fix atmospheric N.
Any one of these treatment or combination of treatment is adopted for better
➢ Seed treatment with 10% prosopis leaf extract reduces the black mould attack,
which can even be given as foliar spray at the time of maturation.
Nutrient application
first weeding and the remaining 25 kg of N is applied after boot leaf stage.
➢ The seed crop is also sprayed with 2% DAP at primordial initiation stage and
➢ In calcarious soil and in problem soils FeSo4 0.5 % is sprayed thrice at 10days
➢ On organic production, 2 hand weeding at seedling stage and other at boot leaf
formation will keep the field weed free
➢ At 15-20 days after sowing furadon granules are placed at leaf whorls to avoid
shootfly infection.
The crop should be irrigated once in a week for enhanced seed set andformation
of bolder grains. The critical stages of irrigation are primordial initiation stage, vegetative
stage, milky and maturation stage. If the irrigation is withheld in these stages seed set
will be poor and seed size will be reduced.
Black mould and sugary disease Endosulphan 0.07% + Bavistin @10g /lit.
Kernal smut and head smut Endosulphan 0.07% + Bavistin @10g /lit.
Kernal smut and head smut are known as designated diseases of sorghum.
It is specific to seed crop and is done from seedling stage to harvesting stage
based on the phenotypic characters. Off types can be identified through stem colour,
plant structure, number of leaves, auricles, nodal colour, grain colour etc. The field
standard for seed crop is as follows
Specific standard: These are verified at the final inspection
Off types at any one inspection and after flowering 0.050 0.020
Seed fields can however be certified if diseased earheads are removed and burnt
and the fields show on reinspection not more than maximum permissible level. Only one
such re-inspection is permitted. Seed fields should be thoroughly roughed to remove
plants infected by sugary disease (Sphacelotheca sorghi (Link) Clinton)/ergot (Claviceps
spp.) so that the prescribed standards are met at seed stage. However, the seed fields
shall not be rejected on account of the apresence of sugary/ ergot infected heads.
Smut Ergot
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering on order to verify isolation,
volunteer plants, and other relevant factors,
2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check isolation, offtypes
and other relevant factors
3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to harvesting to verify true
nature of plant and other relevant factors
➢ The crop attains physiological maturity 40-45 days after 50% flowering and the
seed moisture at this stage will be around 25-30%.
➢ This stage can be easily be identified by the formation of dunken layer at the
place of attachment to the ear head.
➢ The crop is harvested as once over harvest as uniformity will be maintained with
earheads on maturity.
The earheads are dried under sun and threshed with fliable stick for extraction
of seeds. The moisture content of seed at the time of threshing will be 15-18%.
On large scale production LCT threshers are used, but care should be given to avoid
mechanical damage, which in turn will reduce the seed quality and storability.
The seeds are dried to 8-10 % moisture content either under sun or adopting
mechanical driers for long term storage as the seeds is orthodox in nature.
➢ Mechanical grading can be done with cleaner cum grader, which will remove the
undersized immature and chaffy seeds
➢ The middle screen size should be 9/64” round perforated sieves. The size can
vary depending on the type of seed
Seed treatment
The seeds are infested with several storage pests, to protect against these pests
the seeds are given protective treatment with bavistin @2g/kg of seed with carbaryl
@200mg/kg of seed as slurry treatment. Bifenthrin @5mg /kg of seed is also
recommended for fodder sorghum.
Seed packing
Seeds are packed in gunny bag for short term storage while in HDPE and polylined
gunny bag for long term storage.
✓ The treated seed can be stored up to 12 months provided the seeds are not
infected with storage pests.
✓ Seed can be stored up to 3 years if the seeds are packed in moisture containers
and are stored at low temperature .
✓ The godown should be kept clean as the possibility of secondary infestation with
Trifolium (red flour weevil ) is much in these crop.
Seed standard
The processed seed should have the following seed quality characters both for
certification and labeling.
Seed Standard
Foundation Certified
The seeds loose their quality during storage due to deterioration and pest
infestation, when the germination falls below 5-10 % of the required standard the
seeds are imposed with midstorage correction, where the seeds are soaked in double
the volume of 10-4 M solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate (3.6mg/lit ofwater)
for 6 hours and the seeds are dried back to original moisture content (8- 9%).
CSH1 CK 60 A x IS 84
CSH5 2077A x CS3541
CSH 9 MS 296 A x CS 3541
COH2 2219A x IS3541(Kovilpatti Tall)
COH3 2077A x CO21
COH4 296A x TNS30
CSH 13 R 296 A x RS 29
CSH 14 AKMS 14A x AKR 150
CSH 16 27 A x C 43
CSH 15 (R) 104 A x R 585
CSH 17 AKMS 14A x RS 673
Isolation distance
Normal 200 100
On presence of Johnson grass 400 400
On presence of forage sorghum 400 200
Hybrids 300 200
Johnson grass Forage sorghum
Compost : 12.5 t / ha
NPK : 100:50:50 kg ha-1
Basal : 50:50:5 kg ha-1
Top dressing : 25kg N after last ploughing
25kg N after boot leaf stage (45 days)
Synchronization technique
1. Staggered sowing: Sowing of male parent and female parents are adjusted in such
a way that both parents come to flowering at the same time.
✓ CSH-5, MS 2077 A must be sown 10-15 days earlier to the male CS 3541,
✓ CSH 6, the female parent MS 2219 A can be sown simultaneously with CS 3541
✓ CSH 9, the female parent MS 296 A must be sown 7-10 days earlier than male CS
3541 in November- December season.
Roguing: Do it in both
Off types
In female line remove : off types, wild types, pollen shedders,
rogues, partials, volunteer plants, diseased
plants, R line, mosaic plants, late / Early
flowering plant
In male line remove : Rogues, A line, Diseased plants, Late /
early flowering plants, Wild types
Types of contamination
Pollen shedders and off type cause physical contamination, whereas, rogue
cause physical and genetical contamination.
Pollen shedders
In certain A line plants, a part of the earhead-shed pollen due to the removal
of sterility due to parental impurity (or) developmental variation or temperature.
Field Standards
Isolation distance
Offtypes (max) Varieties 0.05 0.10
Designated disease
1. Kernel smut
2. Head smut
3. Sugary disease of sorghum
❖ It is specific to hybrid
❖ Occur due to low seed set
❖ Spray rogor 0.03% (or)
❖ Endosulfan 0.07%
Method of harvesting
Male and female lines should be harvested separately. The male rows are
harvested first and transported to separate threshing floor. Like that female rows are
harvested and threshed separately.
✓ At the time of threshing the seed moisture content should be reduced around
15-18%. Threshing can be done by beating the earheads with bamboo sticks.
Seed should be dried to 12% for short term storage and 8% for long term
The sorghum seeds can be processed in OSAW cleaner cum grader using
9/64" round perforated metal sieve.
✓ The seeds are treated with captan or thiram @ 2 g/kg of seed and pack it in
cloth bag at 12% moisture content for short term storage and 8% moisture
content in 700 gauge poly ethylene bag for long term storage (or)
✓ The seeds can also be treated with halogen mixture @ 3 g/kg of seeds. The
halogen mixture is prepared by mixing CaOCl2 and CaCO3 +Albizzia amara at
the rate of 5:4:1 and this mixture is kept in an air tight plastic container for
1 week. After one week the mixture is used for seed treatment.
✓ The treated seeds can be stored upto 12 months under open storage and
upto 18 months in moisture vapour proof containers, provided it is not infested
by the storage insects.
Seed standards
Foundation Certified seed
Physical purity (%) 98 98
Inert matter (%) 2 2
Other crop seed 5 kg-1 10 kg-1
Weed seed 10 kg-1 20 kg-1
Other distinguishable variety 10 kg-1 20 kg-1
Ergot disease by number 0.020% 0.040%
Moisture content
Moisture pervious container 12 12
Moisture vapour proof container 8 8
Others – as in varieties
Bajra is common minor millet of India with wider industrial and household
utility. It is used a feed, food and raw material in soft drink industry. Botanically it
is known as Pennisetum typhoides L. and belongs to the family poaceae.
Floral biology
Stigma Anther
Synthetics : If more than 5 parental lines are combined ,which are having general
Land requirement
Seed field offered for certification should not have been grown with bajra in
the previous season. However if it was grown, the field should be irrigated 3 weeks
before sowing to destroy the germinating seeds.
Foundation Certified
stage stage
In bajra differential blooming dates for modifying the isolation distance is not
Selection of Seed
✓ For production of foundation seed, breeder seed is used as the base material
while for certified seed, foundation seed should be used as the base material
✓ The seed used should be from authenticated source with tag and bill.
✓ The seeds are given with any one of the seed treatment or in combination.
✓ Seeds are soaked in 2% KH2PO4 or 0.5% brassinolide for 16h with a seed
to solution ratio of 1:0.06 and are dried back to their original moisture
content of 8-9% .This management could be used both for dryland agriculture
as well as garden land.
✓ Seeds are treated with metalaxyl @6g/kg of seed to prevent the infestation by
downy mildew.
✓ Seeds are also treated with 5% carbofuran 3G to protect the seed from shoofly
infection. Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos @4 ml /kg is alsorecommended
against the attack by shoofly.
✓ Seeds are dry dressed with bavistin @2g/kg of seed to protect against seed
borne pathogens and soil borne pathogen.
✓ Seeds are also treated with azospirillum @50g/kg of seed to fix atmospheric
N. Any one of these treatment or combination of treatment is adopted for
better productivity.
✓ In some places seeds are also raised in nursery and transplanted to the main
field at an age of 20 -25 days.
✓ In the main field seeds are sown either in ridges and furrows or under beds
and channels.
✓ The seedlings are thinned or transplanted at 20-25 days after sowing and
gapfilling should be done 10-15 days after sowing.
Nutrient application
✓ At last ploughing apply 12.5 tonnes of compost per hectare. The fertilizer
requirement of seed crop is 100:50:50 kg of NPK, in which 50:50:50 kg /ha of
NPK is applied as basal, while 50kg of N is applied after 30-35 days after sowing
at tillering phase .
✓ The seed crop is also sprayed with 2% DAP at primordial initiation stage and
twice thereafter at 10 days interval to enhance uniform flowering and
increased seed set.
✓ The crop should be irrigated once in a week for enhanced seed set and
formation of bolder grains .
It is specific to seed crop and is done from seedling stage to harvesting stage
based on the phenotypic characters. Off types can be identified through stemcolour,
plant structure, number of leaves, auricles, nodal colour, grain colour etc. The field
standard for seed crop is as follows
Off types at any one inspection and after flowering 0.050 0.10
** Even if the infection is within the limit seeds are graded with brine
solution to become eligible for certification.
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering preferably within 30 days after
planting in order to verify isolation, volunteer plants, off types, downy mildew
incidence and other relevant factors.
2. The second inspection shall be made during 50% flowering to check isolation, off
types, downy mildew incidence /green ear and other relevant factors
3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to harvesting and in order
to determine the incidence of downy mildew /green ear disease, ergot, grain smut
and to verify true nature of plant and other relevant factors
The crop attains physiological maturity 30-35 days after 50% flowering and
the seed moisture at this stage will be around 25-30%. This stage can be easily be
identified by the formation of dunken layer at the place of attachment to the ear
head. The ear heads are harvested when 80 % of the ear heads are physiologically
matured, where the moisture content will be around 20 %.The crop is commercially
harvested as once over harvest but harvesting of ear heads as 2or 3 picking will
preserve the seed quality as matured seeds are not over exposed to the changes in
environmental conditions.
Special techniques
Selection of first formed 5-6 tillers for seed purpose ensures seeds quality. Ear
heads also exhibit positional polymorphism where seeds of middle are better in seed
quality. This type of selection will be useful in long term storage of seeds
The ear heads are dried under sun and threshed with fliable stick for extraction
of seeds. The moisture content of seed at the time of threshing will be 15-18%.On
large scale production LCT threshers are used, but care should be given to avoid
mechanical damage, which in turn will reduce the seed quality andstorability.
The seeds are dried to 8 to10 % moisture content either under sun or adopting
mechanical driers for long term storage as the seeds is orthodox in nature.
Mechanical grading can be done with cleaner cum grader, which will remove
the undersized immature and chaffy seeds .The middle screen size should be 4/64”
round perforated sieves. The size can vary depending on the variety. (For WCC 75
5/64”sieve is used).
Seed yield: 3500- 4000 kg/ha
Seed treatment
The seeds are infested with several storage pests, to protect against these
pests the seeds are given protective treatment with bavistin @2g/kg of seed with
carbaryl @200mg/kg of seed as slurry treatment. Bifenthrin @5mg /kg of seed is also
recommended for better seeds storage
Seed packing
Seeds are packed in gunny bag for short term storage while in HDPE and
polylined gunny bag for long term storage.
The treated seed can be stored up to 12 months provided the seeds are not
infected with storage pests. Seed can be stored up to 3 years if the seeds are packed
in moisture containers and are stored at low temperature .The godown should be
kept clean as the possibility of secondary infestation with Trifolium (red flour weevil
) is much in these crop. The major problem in storage is incidence of grain weevil
which will powder the seed material in a short period.
Seed standard
The processed seed should have the following seed quality characters both
for certification and labeling.
Seed Standard
KM 1 MS 5141 A J 104
KM 2 MS 5141 A K 560 -D-230
X4 MS 5141 A PT 1921
X5 PB 111A PT 1921
X6 732 A PT 3095
X7 111A PT 1890
H B1 Tift 23A(USA) BIL -3B
HB 3 Tift 23A(USA) J 104
HB 5 Tift 23A(USA) K 559
UCH 11 732 A PT 3075 (TNAU)
COH(cu) 8 732 A PT 4450
❖ Withholding irrigation
❖ Application DAP 1%
❖ Staggered sowing
❖ Jerking
It is done 20-25 days after transplanting or 30-40 days after direct sowing.
The early formed earheads of the first tillers are pulled out or removed which will
result in uniform flowering of all the tillers.
Field standards
Seed standards
A-Line: The nucleus seed of the parental lines of the hybrids should be produced with the highest standards
of genetic purity. For multiplying nucleus seed, both A- and B-lines should be grown in adjacent plots, preferably
inside an insect-proof cage. Each and every plant of A and B-lines be examined for various genetic purity
parameters and off-types be rogued. The pair wise (single plants of A- and B-lines) crossing should be
continued until the desired number of pods is produced. The seed from each A- and B-plant be harvested
separately and examined for seed purity. The crossed seed of different plants be bulked only after the breeder is
satisfied about purity of the plants involved in hybridization. In case, the breeder is assured about the purity and
uniformity of A- and B-lines, the pollen from several plants of B-lines can be bulked and used for pollinationthe
number of plants in A-line.
B-line and R-line: The maintainer (B) and restorer (R) lines are male fertile in nature and thus can produce
quality selfed seed provided the plants maintain their genetic purity. For nucleus seed production of B- and R-
lines, about 100 plants should be harvested from the central portion of the breeders seed production plot and
their progenies should be grown in the subsequent generation. After the assessment of their purity aspects,
the selected progenies are bulked to serve as nucleus seed.
A-line: For the production of breeder’s seed of A-line, a field with appropriate isolation distance is selected
and A- and B-lines are grown with recommended agronomic package. A ratio of 4 A-lines: 1 B-line has been
found effective in producing seed of A-line In the shortduration CMS line, the mature pods on male-sterile and
fertile plants be harvested by pod picking or by cutting the top-bearing portion of the plants. The perennial
nature of species will force the plants to re-grow and produce a second fresh of flowers and pods.
B-line and R-line: The source seed for breeder seed production is nucleus seed. These male fertile lines can
be multiplied in separate isolations. It is also important to multiply seed in large quantities so that the
foundation seed production is feasible. In addition, the B-line seed can also be harvested from the A-line seed
production isolation (see above paragraph).
The source seed for the production of foundation seed is breeder seed supplied by the breeder of the
respective line. The package of practices followed in producing breeder seed is also followed in producing the
foundation seed of the parental lines. Always sufficient care should be taken to rogue the off-types as and
when they are identified in any seed production plot. Seeds of both A- and B-lines are planted at the same
time in the ratio of 1 male (B-line) to 4 female (A-line) rows. Soon after flowering the pod set on male-sterile
plants will be observed as a consequence of natural outcrossing. However, if for some reason the pod load on
the male-sterile plants is not full and the pollinator plants have also podded, then de-podding ofmale rows will
help in the emergence of second flush of flowers. In the short-duration group, more than one harvest of the
crossed pods is possible. The pods should be harvested when their color turns from green to grey. It is
advisable that threshing of pods should commence after three days of sun drying. The seed thus harvested be
again dried in sun and packed after treating with Malathion powder @ 1 g kg-1 seed. From the same seed
production block ‘B’- line seed can also be harvested. In case a large quantity of ‘B’-line seed is required, it
may be grown in isolation. In a similar way, the seed of R-line can be produced in isolation.
Certified hybrid (A × R) seed production
In a three-line hybrid seed production system, the hybrid seed produced by crossing A-line with R-
line, is commonly called certified seed production, and is grown in larger scale. In certain cases, the certified seed
may also be produced at community level. For the production of certified seed of hybrids, the A-line and its pollen
parents (R-line) are grown in 4:1 ratio in an isolated block. Some additional rows of pollen parent can also be
sown on each side of the plot. This will enhance pollen availability.
Land Requirements
Isolation requirements
The crop is generally self-pollinated. The dehiscence of anthers takes place in the bud itself some
time before the opening of flower, the next morning. Isolation distance of 10 m for foundation seed and 5 m for
certified seed from other lentil fields and of same variety fields not confirming to varietal purity.
Obtain appropriate class of seed from the source approved by seed certification agency. The most
suitable time for sowing lentil is middle of October. The seed rate required is 25 to 30 kg/ha for small seeded
varieties and 35 to 40 kg/ha for large seeded varieties and the spacing adopted is 25-30 x 1-2 cm. Other
cultural practices are similar to raising a commercial crop. Necessary prophylactic measures should be
taken so as to raise a good crop.
Rogue out the off type plants, diseased plants affected by blight and weed plants, particularly lathyrus
spp. and Vicia spp. should be rouged out from the seed field from time to time as required
A minimum of two field inspections are required i.e. first one before flowering and second inspection
during flowering and fruiting to determine isolation, volunteer plants, off types and diseased plants etc.
F/s C/s
The crop is harvested soon after the seed is mature when the plants become yellow. Threshing is
done by beating the plants with sticks. After threshing and cleaning the seed should be dried to 8 to 10
percent moisture before storage. Necessary precautions should be taken to avoid mechanical mixtures during
these operations.
Seed yield : The average seed yield varies from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare.
Lathyrus (Lathyrus sativus L.) commonly Known as grass pea belongs to family leguminosae is a
rich source of protein to the poor people and provides good quality fodder for animals. Though it is rich in
proteins but it is not safe if consumed in excess quantity for a longer time. Lathyrus seed contain free amino
acid i.e Beta – N-oxalyl-L-alpha beta diaminopropionic acid (BOAA) which is a neurotoxin causing disease
‘paralysis’ in human beings when consumed as the staple food for a long time.
Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Varieties
Land Requirements
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition, the land should be
well drained because lathyrus is very much sensitive to excess water. It may be cultivated on all types of soils
except acidic soils.
Isolation requirements
Lathyrus is a self-pollinated crop. Isolation distance of 10 m for foundation seed and 5m for certified seed
from other lathyrus fields and of same variety fields not conforming to varietal purity.
Brief cultural practices
Obtain appropriate class of seed from the source approved by seed certification agency. The most
suitable time for sowing lathyrus is October to mid November.The seed rate required is 40 to 60 kg/ha and the
spacing adopted is 30 x 10 cm. Other cultural practices are similar to raising a commercial crop. Necessary
prophylactic measures should be taken so as to raise a good crop.
Rogue out the off type plants, diseased plants affected by blight and weed plants, from time to time
as required.
Number of field inspections
A minimum of two field inspections are required i.e. first one before flowering and second inspection
during flowering and fruiting to determine isolation, volunteer plants, off types and diseased plants etc.
F/s C/s
After attaining physiological maturity, harvesting should be done. Threshing is done after sufficient
drying in the sunlight manually or by multi crop thresher. After threshing and cleaning the seed should be dried
to 8 to 10 percent moisture before storage. Necessary precautions should be taken to avoid mechanical
mixtures during these operations.
Seed yield : The average seed yield varies from 10 to 20 quintals per hectare.
Seed Production of Rajmash / French bean / Common bean (Vigna unguculata)
Rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.; Family: Fabaceae) also known as Kidney bean / French bean.
Land Requirements
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition, the land should be well
drained. It may be cultivated on all types of soils except acidic soils.
Isolation requirements
Rajmash is a self-pollinated crop. Isolation distance of 10 m for foundation seed and 5 m for certified
seed from other Rajmash fields and of same variety fields not conforming to varietal purity.
Brief cultural practices
Obtain appropriate class of seed from the source approved by seed certification agency. The most
suitable time for sowing Rajmash is October to mid November. The seed rate required is 40 to 60 kg/ha and
the spacing adopted is 30 x 10 cm. Other cultural practices are similar to raising a commercial crop. Necessary
prophylactic measures should be taken so as to raise a good crop.
Rogue the off type plants, diseased plants affected by blight and weed plants from time to time as
Number of field inspections
A minimum of two field inspections are required i.e. first one before flowering and second inspection
during flowering and fruiting to determine isolation, volunteer plants, off types and diseased plants etc.
F/s C/s
Off types (%) 0.1 % 0.2 %
Harvesting and threshing
After attaining the physical maturity, harvesting should be done. Threshing is done after sufficient
drying in the sunlight manually or by multi crop thresher. After threshing and cleaning the seed should be
dried to 8 to 10 percent moisture before storage. Necessary precautions should be taken to avoid mechanical
mixtures during these operations.
Seed yield: The average seed yield varies from 16 to 20 quintals per hectare.
Land Requirements
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition, the land should be well
drained because pea is very much sensitive to excess water. It may be cultivated on all types of soils.
However, loamy soil with good water retention capacity is best for pea cultivation.
Isolation requirements
Pea is largely a self-pollinated crop with little natural crossing. Isolation distance of 10 m for foundation
seed and 5 m for certified seed from other pea fields and of same variety fields not conforming to varietal purity.
Brief cultural practices
Obtain appropriate class of seed from the source approved by seed certification agency. The most
suitable time for sowing pea is October to mid November in the plains, October to mid November, February to
march in the hills.The seed rate required is 60 to 75 kg/ha and the spacing adopted is 45-60 x 5 cm. Other
cultural practices are similar to raising a commercial crop. Necessary prophylactic measures should be
taken so as to raise a good crop.
Rogue the off type plants, diseased plants affected by pea mosaic, foot rot and blight and weed
plants should be rouged out from the seed field from time to time as required.
Number of field inspections
A minimum of two field inspections are required i.e. first one before flowering and second inspection
during flowering and fruiting to determine isolation, volunteer plants, off types and diseased plants etc.
F/s C/s
Off types (%) 0.1 % 0.2 %
Harvesting and threshing
Harvesting may be done when ninety per cent of the pods turn brown. The plants may be uprooted ,
stacked in small heaps and allowed to dry in the field for a week or so. The thresing may be done by
stationery threshers, or by beating the pods with sticks. After threshing the seeds should be dried to nine
percent moisture before storage.
Seed yield : The average seed yield varies from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare.
Seed Production of Bengal Gram (Cicer arietinum)
Floral biology
Varieties: Under isolation, by open pollination, the varieties are multiplied. For
nucleus seed production, selfing of flowers is done with cotton (lint) dipped in clay
or red earth.
Interspecific Hybrid :
At the time of flower initiation in female line, the flowers that are going to open
next day are selected and the petals are removed between 3-6 pm. With the help of
nail or needle, the total staminal (pollen + anther + anther tube) column are
removed. Then the flowers are covered with a definite colour cover for easy
identification of the emasculated flowers. In the morning between 9 am -12 noon,
which is the anthesis time, the flowers of selected male parent are plugged and
dusted on the stigma of the emasculated flower on opening the cover. It is again
covered with different coloured cover to avoid pollination with other pollen and to
identify the emasculated and dusted flower from the rest. The pollen from a single
flower is enough to dust 4-5 female flowers. The pollen receptivity of the stigma is
for 46 hours.
For easy identification of selfed boll from emasculated and dusted boll the bract
can be removed while emasculating owing to the little contribution of bract to seed
set and seed yield.
Particulars of varieties/hybrids
✓ Emasculate and dust as far as possible buds appearing during the first six weeks
of reproduction phase to ensure good setting and development of bolls.
✓ Choose optimum size of bud and avoid young or too old buds for emasculation.
✓ Cover the male buds with paper bags, previous evening for their use next day.
✓ Do not forget to tie a thread to the pedicel of the bud immediately after pollination.
✓ Close your crossing programme after 9th week (from commencement of crossing)
and remove all buds and flowers appearing subsequently to facilitate the
development of crossed bolls.
✓ Nip the top and side shoots to stop further vertical and horizontal growth.
✓ Continue irrigation till last picking of the crossed bolls. Frequency of irrigation
depends on weather factors like rainfall, temperature and wind velocity.
✓ Pick up the ripe and completely opened bolls along with threads and collect in
baskets for second sorting. Bolls without threads may be bulk harvested as female
seed cotton.
✓ Crossed bolls collected in baskets may be sorted out for second time to verify that
they are crossed bolls. Then collect the crossed seed cotton and store in gunny
bags carefully marked as crossed bolls.
✓ Rain touch cotton or hard locks be picked and kept separately to avoid poor
germination of hybrid seeds.
✓ Store the crossed seed cotton in a cool dry place till it is handed over to processing
Hybrids are also produced by employing genetic male sterility system in cotton,
where the female parent will segregate into 50:50 ratio of male sterile and male
fertile plants. The male fertile plants are removed and the male sterile plants are
crossed with concerned male line.
Land requirement
The field should be fertile and formed into ridges and furrows. Black cotton
soils are highly preferable than other soils. Land should be free from volunteer plants
and designated diseases especially the wilt disease.
Seeds should be obtained from an authenticated source with tag and bill.
Pre-sowing management
The seeds can be hardened with 1% prosopis and pungam leaf extract for
rainfed/summer sowing to resist water stress problem.Use of delinted seed is better
than fuzzy seed to avoid diseased and injured seed.
Seed rate
8:2 but here it is block system where flowers of 2 parts of male is sufficient
to dust 8 parts of female parent.
Isolation (m)
Varieties 50 30
Hybrids 50 30
Foliar spray
Spray DAP 2% (for female parents, spray on 60,70,80 and 90th days after
sowing. (Soak 5 kg of DAP in 25 liters of water over night and supernatant liquid
should be taken and mixed with 475 liters of water for spraying 1 hectare).
Micronutrient application
Mix 12.5 kg of micronutrient mixture formulated by the Department of
Agriculture Tamil Nadu with enough sand to make a total quantity of 50 kg for one
NAA application
Topping arrests terminal growth by nipping the terminal 10-12th node for
controlling excessive vegetative growth.
The crop should be rouged for off types, selfed plants, from vegetative phase
to harvest phase depending on plant stature, leaf size, leaf colour, hairiness, stem
colour, flower colour, petal spot, pollen colour, number of sympodia, boll size, boll
shape, pittedness etc. to maintain genetic purity.
Field standards
Irrigation management
Once in 10 days. Critical periods are boll formation to boll maturation stages.
Specific problems
Boll shedding will occur either due to extreme dry climate or lesser
frequency of irrigation or physiological disorder.
✓ The seed attains physiological maturation 45 days after anthesis.
✓ The initiations of hair line cracks on the dried bolls are the physical symptoms
of physiological maturation.
✓ As and when the bolls burst with hairline cracks the bolls are collected and
✓ Harvest in the morning hours upto 10 to 11 a.m. only when there is moisture
so that dry leaves and bracts do not stick to the kapas and lower the market
✓ Remove only the kapas from the bolls and leave the bracts on the plants.
✓ As kapas is picked, sort out good puffy ones and keep separately.
Kapas sorting
Kapas is sorted manually to pick good quality seeds. Hard locks are to be
removed (Kapas without proper bursting and lint is light yellow in colour), since these
kapas mostly result in poor quality seeds, due to boll worm or other insect attack.
Skewed bolls or ill filled or nonviable seeds are formed if stigmatic lobes are
not pollinated.
✓ Gin the crossed kapas in separate gins erected in authorized seed processing
units or farm gins under the close supervision of the authorities concerned to
ensure purity and avoid seed damage.
✓ Sieve the seed in two types of mesh to remove small, shrivelled seeds, broken
seeds and clean perfectly from any dirt or dust.
✓ After ginning, the seeds should be dried well and cleaned by hand picking.
After cleaning, certification agency will take sample for testing germination and
genetic purity test. Minimum germination 65% and genetic purity 90% should
be maintained.
✓ Certified seeds would be bagged in one kg bag, sealed and details regarding
its origin, germination, physical purity per cent and genetical purity percent,
besides season of production are passed on to sale agencies or respective
producers for commercial sale.
The ginned seeds (or) the fuzzy seeds are graded by hand picking and by
pressing on wire-mesh sieves to remove the under sized seeds and dust.
Acid delinting
✓ Fuzzy seeds will clog with one another. So for easy handling the seeds are
delinted using H2SO4 @ 100 ml/kg of seed for 2-3 minutes.
✓ After acid treatment, the seed should be washed thoroughly for 3 to 4 times
with fresh water.
✓ From the floaters, mature seeds without any visible damage can be picked
and added to the sinkers.
Weighed quantity of fuzzy seeds is taken in a plastic container and required
quantity of the acid is added. Stir well with wooden rod till a shiny black colour
appears (Tar like) wash with more of water (5-6 times) and shade dry the seed to
reduce the moisture content to 12% before further handling.
The free flowing delinted seeds can be graded using 10/64" round perforated
metal sieve, which is recommended as standard sieve in OSAW cleaner cum grader
for cotton.
The seed can also be graded by specific gravity method by using floatation
technique using water. The seeds will separate into floaters and sinkers. Thesinkers
are good seeds. From floaters, reddish (immature) and damaged (seed with insect
hole) are removed. The brownish seeds which are good seeds are handpicked
and used for sowing.
Seed standards
a. Moisture pervious 10 10
Seed storage
The seeds can be stored upto 8-9 months in moisture pervious container and
upto 12-15 months in moisture vapour proof containers.
The seed treatment with thiram @ 2.5 kg-1 or chlorine based halogen mixture
@ 3g kg-1 will protect the seed from storage fungi Aspergillus spp and preserve the
✓ The fuzzy and delinted seeds can be soaked in double the volume of 10-4 molar
solution of Na2HPO4 for 2 and 1 hr respectively ( 3.59 g / 100 l of water.)
✓ Then the seeds are shade and sun dried to bring back to the moisture content
of 10-12%. The mid storage correction improves the planting value of old
✓ The seeds when put into potable water will separate into sinkers and floaters.
Dead seeds become buoyant and float.
GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea)
Groundnut (Arachishypogaea) is one of the important oilseed crops belonging to the family Fabaceae. The
optimum season for seed production is December – January for the irrigated crop and June – July for the
rainfed crop. The maturation and harvesting period should not coincide with the rainy season. If it coincides
with the rains in-situ germination of the pods, will take place.
Nucleus seed production
⚫ To start a nucleus seed production of a cultivar, single plantsfrom the base population (seed maintained
by the breeder or from nucleus seed/breeder’s seed) are a prerequisite.
⚫ The genetically pure individual plants selected and harvested separately will form the base population
for nucleus seed. Base population size will mostly depend on the amount of nucleus seed required.
⚫ The multiplication ratio in groundnut variesfrom 1:5 to 1:10. Single plantsshould be harvested separately.
A mature representative pod from each plant after proper drying should be shelled and the pod and seed
characteristics should be studied.
⚫ If the pods or seed of any plant are at variance with the diagnostic characters for the variety, the plant
should be immediately rejected.
⚫ Seed from the plants passing this screening should be used for nucleus seed production by progeny
row method.
⚫ The seed of the selected plants from the base population confirming to the cultivar are to be space
planted in single plant progeny rows of three metres each.
⚫ The nucleus seed plot of a cultivar is to be critically observed by the breeder. The observations are to be
made at different critical stages of the crop growth. Each and every plant in a row should be examined.
⚫ If anyone row or plant is found to be deviant at any stage for any character the whole line should be
uprooted and removed from the field.
⚫ Individual plants from the progeny are to be selected for the next cycle of nucleus seed. .
⚫ Individual progeny rows are harvested, dried and threshed separately and table examined for pod and
seed characteristics. The pods of true-to-type progenies are bulked as nucleus seed.
Breeder seed production
The seed obtained by multiplication of nucleus seed under the supervision of a competent breeder is
known as the breeder seed. Because of the low multiplication ratio, two stages of breeder’s seed are permissible
in groundnut. The nucleus seed is multiplied to obtain breeder’s seed stage I which in turn is multiplied to
obtain breeder’s seed stage II.
The source of seed for the breeder seed production should be the nucleus seed. If breeder’s seed
stage I has to be used for producing breeder’s seed stage II, it has to be ensured that the former is duly
monitored and meets all the purity standards for breeder seed.
Grow Out Tests: Grow out test should be conducted as per the standard procedure to check the genetic
purity of seed.
Production Practices: The package of practices for breeder seed production remains same as in case of
nucleus seed production.
Selection of seed plot: The plot selected for seed crop must have the following characteristics.
⚫ It would be ideal if the previous crop was not groundnut. If at all it has to be used then the cultivar grown
in the previous season has to be planned in the present season also.
⚫ The seed plot should be free from weed and any other crop plants.
⚫ The seed plot should be free from soil-borne diseases and insect pests.
⚫ In areas where bacterial wilt disease is prevalent groundnut seed crop should not follow a previous
groundnut crop or a Solanaceous crop such as tomato, potato or brinjal.
⚫ Well drained plots with sandy loam soil rich in humus content should be preferred.
⚫ Dibbling method of sowing should be strictly followed.
⚫ If breeder seed production is taken in the kharif season, facilities for protective irrigation is essential.
⚫ The seed plot must have an isolation of 3 m on all sides from any other groundnut plot.
Suitable areas and seasons: The groundnut crop is much sensitive to seasonal variations. Hence, the
nucleus seed/ breeder seed production should be carried out in the season for which a cultivar has been
recommended for release. However, the compulsion of meeting the breeder seed production targets make it
often necessary to produce breeder seed of a variety in kharif, rabi or summer season, irrespective of the
season for which the variety has been recommended. As such, it is necessary that the characters of varieties
relevant to the seed certification requirements should be appropriately defined for kharif, rabi and summer
seasons. The productivity of the seed produced in the rabi or the summer seasons is generally higher and the
quality is also superior than that produced in the kharif season. But the viability of the seed produced in the
rabi and the summer seasons is lost very fast unless stored in a cold storage. However, if the seed is dried at
a temperature below 40 °C and stored following the simple technology developed by the NRCG, the viability of
rabi/ summer seed can be retained adequately till the time of sowing for next rabi or summer seasons.
Roguing of seed plots: The presence of off-type plants or rogues i.e., plants differing in their characteristics
from those of the cultivar being grown is a potent source of genetic contamination. Roguing should be done at
regular intervals: i) at about 30 days after emergence when most of the morphological characteristics of the
cultivars have been expressed, ii) at the time of flowering when flower characters have been expressed, and iii)
ten days before harvest when most of the foliar disease resistance characteristics become obvious.
Precautions during harvesting and processing: The pod characteristics should be meticulously examined
at harvest. The plants with pods strictly conforming to the pod characteristics of the variety should be bulked
for breeder’s seed stock.
Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Varieties
Land Requirements
The land selected should not be cultivated with groundnut in the previous season. In addition the field
should be well drained and the soil preferably sandy loam, rich in humus content.
Isolation requirements
Groundnut is a self pollinated crop with 0 – 5% of cross pollination. The crop should be raised in
isolation and seeds should be produced by self pollination. The isolation distance maintained between the
varieties is 3 metres for both certified and foundation seed production.
Brief cultural practices
Field standards
Harvesting : When the crop matures, the older leaves will dry and fall off, top leaves will start yellowing and
the inner side of the pod will turn black and the seeds inside will move freely. Soil moisture level is very critical
during harvesting. The bunchy varieties are harvested by hand whereas the spreading varieties by digging,
ploughing or with the help of a bladeharrow. Groundnut should be harvested in bright sunshine.
Seed Production of Soybean (Glycine max)
Field standards
Harvesting: Time of harvest and method of threshing is most important for maintaining seed quality. Crop
harvested in the second week of October retained higher germination than crop harvested in the second week
of December. Therefore, to retain higher seed germination, harvest the crop as soon as it is ready for harvest
when moisture content is around 13 to 14 per cent. Harvesting may be done by hand or the crop can be
directly combined.
Seed yield: The average seed yield ranges from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare.
Seed Production of Rape seed (Brassica napus) and Mustard
(Brassica nigra)
Yellow sarson (Brassica campestris var. yellow sarson), brown sarson (Brassica campestris var.
brown sarson), toria (Brassica campestris var. toria) belong to Rape: while Rai (B. juncea), Benarasi rai
(B.Nigra) and pahadi rai (B.Juncea var rugosa) belong to mustard and cultivated for edible oilseed.
Nucleus and breeder seed production of open pollinated varieties
The procedure of nucleus/breeder seed production variesfrom crop to crop according to their breeding
behavior. The field should be selected where no Brassica species had been grown for last three years, unless
the crop was raised for nucleus seed production of the same variety. Field should be properly isolated from the
other field of any Brassica species.
An isolation distance of 200 m is recommended for production of nucleus and breeder seed of self-
incompatible (cross pollinated) crops, including B. rapa var. toria; B. rapa var. brown sarson and E. sativa
(taramira) and self compatible (self pollinated) crops, including B. juncea (Indian mustard), B. rapa var yellow
sarson and B. carinata (Karan rai). Approximately 500 true-to type plants are selected from the basic bulk or
multiplication plot for nucleus seed production of self pollinated crops while 2500 or more plants are selected
in cross pollinated crops to prevent the narrowing of genetic base of these crops. Five border rows of the same
variety (true to type) should be planted around the plot. Selected plants are harvested and threshed separately.
The seed lot from each selected plant should be examined critically for seed characters like shape, colour
etc. Off type seed lots (or plants) are discarded and only the true to type lots (plants) are maintained separately
for raising nucleus seed plot. Sowing for nucleus seed plot is done from the selected individual nucleus plants
in plant to progeny rows. Each progeny row is examined critically at different growth stages for diagnostic
characteristics. If any progeny row shows any variation the entire progeny row should be uprooted before
flowering. In case off-types are found after flowering, the surrounding rows should also be uprooted to avoid
contamination. Single plants (about 500 in self pollinated and about 2500 in cross pollinated crops) are
harvested and their seed is kept separately for raising the next cycle of nucleus progeny rows next year.
Remaining seed of progenies should be bulked to be used for production of breeder seed.
Roguing: The removal of off type plantsshould be carried out at 3 stages. First, the off-type plantsdistinguishable
on the basis of morphological characteristics should be removed before flowering. Second, the off-type plants,
which are identified at flowering, should be removed before pod-formation. Third, the off-type plants should be
removed on the basis of siliqua and seed characteristics and also on the basis of maturity duration. Disease
infected plants should also be removed. The field should be kept free from all kinds of weeds particularly from
Argemone mexicana (Satyanashi) which should be uprooted altogether before it flowers.
Nucleus and breeder seed production of parental lines
Hybrids developed in rapeseed-mustard are based upon Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility system.
Parental lines are multiplied in different plots. The seed parent (A line) is maintained by growing the rows of A
and B lines in a specific ratio. Normally, 3:1 ratio of seed parent (A line) and maintainer (B line) are followed.
The maintainer rows (B line) are harvested first. Later on, the remaining rows of seed (A line) parent are
harvested and bulked. Strict roguing is advised during flowering to rogue out the fertile plants from seed
parent. The seed production of B and R line is similar to any other varietal seed production. The commercial
F1 hybrid seed is produced by growing seed parent (A line) and restorer (R line) in 3: 1 ratio as followed in
case of maintenance of seed parent. The rows of restorer parent (R lines) are harvested first and bulked
followed by harvesting of seed parent. The seed from the seed parent is processed and packed as hybrid
seed. Honeybees play an important role in enhancing the transfer of pollen, hence 3-4-honeybee boxes/ha
may be kept to ensure proper pollination and good seed set.
Harvesting and threshing: Border row plants of 1 m area from all sides of the plot should first be harvested
separately. The seed plots should be harvested at the stage when 70-80% plants turn yellow. The harvested
crop is staked and dried before threshing. Staking of crop is important to obtain good lusture of seed. Threshing
may be done either manually or by thresher. Essential precautions should be taken to avoid mechanical
mixture during threshing.
Seed processing and packaging: After threshing, the seed should be dried either in sunshine or in mechanical
seed drier to bring the seed moisture down to 8%. The temperature of air in seed drier should not exceed
400C. A random sample from the dried seed is taken and analysed for quality characters and oil content before
the grading.
Seed testing: After processing, a sample of seed is taken to seed testing laboratory for the examination in
respect of seed standards. The seed purity, germination percentage and moisture content in seed is thoroughly
checked in seed testing laboratory Breeder seed is considered of high quality because it is used for further
seed multiplication chain.
Storage: Seed should be dried to bring the moisture content upto 8% before storage. Seed should be stored
preferably at less than 200C and at less than 30% Relative Humidity (RH). The godown should be properly
fumigated to avoid storage pests.
Land Requirements: The land selected should not be cultivated with Rape seed and mustard in the previous
season. In addition the field should be well drained and should be free of volunteer plants.
Isolation requirements: Rape seed and mustard is partially self and cross pollinated crop. The extent of
natural cross pollination variesfrom 30 % to 35 % according to insect activity. For foundation seed 400 m and
for certified seed 200 m is recommended from fields of other varieties of same species and fields of the same
variety not confirming to varietal purity.
Brief cultural practices: Obtain nucleus/breeder’s/foundation seed from a source approved by a seed
certification agency. First fortnight of October to mid November is the most appropiate time for sowing . Seed
rate is 5 to 8 kg/ ha. Spacing adopted is 45 cm row to row and plant to plant is 10-15 cm.
Roguing: All the off type plants, easily distinguishable plant characteristics, and other species plants must
be removed before flowering to ensure pure seed production. Remaining offtypes, if any, distinguishable on
the basis of siliqua characteristics should be removed before maturity. Argemone mexicana is the most
objectionable weed in Rape and mustard seed production. The weed should be removed altogether as required.
Field inspection: A minimum of three inspections will be done, one at the stage of 6-7 pairs of leaves on
plants, second at flowering and third at maturity stage prior to harvesting by the Seed Certification Officer.
Field standards
Harvesting: It is important to harvest the crop after plants start turning light yellow. At this stage most of thesiliqua
turns light yellow and the seed inside the siliqua will be light brown. Before storage, dry the seeds toreduce moisture
content to eight percent.
Seed yield: The average seed yield varies from 15 to 20 quintals per hectare.
Sunflower is a common oilseed of India with wider utility. It is used as a source
of edible oil, and as raw material for agri -based industry. Botanically it is known as
Helianthus annus and belongs to the family asteraceae. It is a cross pollinated crop,
insects (honey bees) are the pollinating agents. The crop has got two types of flowers
viz. ray and disc florets. Seeds set in disc florets which are bisexual but exhibit self
incompatibility due to protoandrous nature of the flower.
Botany of flower
The disc florets are protandrous. Flower opening starts from outer whorl and
proceeds towards centre of head. The head bloom within 5-10 days. The pollen grains
are viable for 12 hours. Anthesis take place at 5-8 a.m. Self incompatibility operates
leading to cross pollination.
Varietal seed production technique
a) Pollination
It is a cross pollinated crop, normally the insect activity is less. For increasing
the insect activity bee hives should be kept in the seed production plot inadequate
quantities. The insect activity depends on the pollution and insecticides application.
If insect activity is less that leads to poor seed setting and formation ofill filled seeds.
Normally the axillary flowering takes place during the summer because of the
high intensity of light. So these type of axillary buds receive the nutrients and
assimilate whereas the main head does not get the required quantity of assimilates
for seed set there by ill fillings occurs.
d) Self incompatibility
Presence of self incompatibility in sunflower also leads to poor seed set and ill
filled seeds.
Popular varieties
In Tamil Nadu, Morden, COI,CO2,CO3, K1, K2 , CO4 are the popular varieties for
commercial purpose .
April to May is highly suitable for irrigated seed crop. The flowering should not
coincide either with rain or high RH as it will wash out the pollen and the maturation
should coincide with dry weather.
Land requirement
The land should be fertile and problem soils will lead to low pollen fertility and will
adversely affect the quality and the seed set will be poor. The previous crop shouldnot
be the same crop to avoid the occurrence of volunteer plants and if to be the samecrop
it has to be the same variety and should be certified and has to be accepted for
certification. The field should not have any volunteer plants.
In sunflower differential blooming dates for modifying the isolation distance is not
✓ For production of foundation seed, breeder seed is used as the base material
,while for certified seed, foundation seed should be used as the base material
✓ The seed used should be from authenticated source with tag and bill.
✓ The required seed rate will be 8-10kg /ha or 3-4kg/ acre. (Morden 80kg/ha)
✓ The seeds are sown at a spacing of 30 x10 cm for the variety morden and at a
spacing of 60x20 cm for other varieties and are dibbled at a depth of 2-4cm.
✓ In the main field seeds are sown either in ridges and furrows or under beds and
✓ The seeds are given with any one of the seed treatment or in combination
✓ Seeds are soaked in 2% ZnSO4 for 12h with a seed to solution ratio of 1:0.06 and
are dried back to their original moisture content of 8-9% .This managementcould
be used both for dryland agriculture as well as gardenland.
✓ Seeds are dry dressed with bavistin @2g/kg of seed to protect against seed borne
pathogens and soil borne pathogen. Seeds are also treated with azospirillum
@50g/kg of seed to fix atmospheric N.
Nutrient application
At last ploughing apply 12.5 tonnes of compost per hectare. The fertilizer
requirement of seed crop is 80:40:40 kg of NPK, in which 40kg of N and full dose of
P and K is applied as basal, while 40kg of N is applied at the time of earthing up i.e.
40-45 days after crop growth..The seed crop is also sprayed with 2% DAP or
20ppm NAA at 30and 60 days after sowing. In case of deficient soils the crop is
sprayed with 0.5% Borax at button formation stage.
Micronutrients deficiency
Zn and Fe composition is very important for the proper seed set in sunflower
Zn is responsible for the production of IAA. Fe deficiency leads to sterility of the
Supplementary pollination
✓ Due to lack of honey bees, seed setting will be poor. Hence critical or additional
pollination is given to the crop for effective seed setting by
✓ It is done during mid flowering stage (i.e 58-60 days of planting for long
duration varieties and 45-48 days for short duration varieties) at alternate
days between 7-11 a.m for 2 weeks.
✓ Hand pollination: The heads are rubbed with palm or muslin cloth so that
pollination can be enahnced.
✓ In hybrids, the palm is first gently rubbed on the male parent flowers and then
on the female line to transfer the pollen.
✓ Keeping of bee hives 5 ha-1
Foliar application
At head opening stage 2 % D.A.P and 20 ppm N.A.A. sprayed 2 times on 30th
and 60th day after sowing for effective seed setting.
The crop should be irrigated once in a week for enhanced seed set andformation
of bolder grains. The critical stages of irrigation are primordial initiation stage, vegetative
stage, milky and maturation stage. If the irrigation is withheld in these stages seed set
will be poor and seed size will be reduced.
Field standards
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering on order to verify isolation,
volunteer plants, and other relevant factors,
2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check isolation, offtypes
and other relevant factors
3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to harvesting to verify true
nature of plant and other relevant factors
Bird scaring
At the time of maturation birds will create problem due to their feeding habit.
Hence, from the time of milky stage of the seed proper protection should be given
against birds as it will lead to reduction in seed yield upto 80 per cent.
Change of thalamus colour from green to yellow is the visual symptom of
physiological maturation. Heads are harvested as once over harvest.
The earheads are dried under sun and threshed with fliable stick for extraction
of seeds The moisture content of seed at the time of threshing will be 15-18%.On
large scale production sunflower threshers are used, but care should be given to avoid
mechanical damage, which in turn will reduce the seed quality and storability.
The seeds are dried to 8=10 % moisture content either under sun or adopting
mechanical driers for long term storage as the seeds is orthodox in nature.
Mechanical grading can be done with cleaner cum grader, which will remove the
undersized immature and chaffy seeds .The middle screen size should be 9/64” round
perforated sieves. The size can vary depending on the type of seed. In sunflower the
graded seeds also can be upgraded through specific gravity separator for improvement
in seed quality characters. Even the quality of seed lots having 5-10% lesser germination
than MSCS level can be upgraded through simple specific gravity separation
Seed treatment
The seeds are infested with several storage pests, to protect against these pests
the seeds are given protective treatment with bavistin @2g/kg of seed.
Seed packing
Seeds are packed in gunny bag for short term storage while in HDPE and
polylined gunny bag for long term storage.
The treated seed can be stored up to 10 months provided the seeds are not
infected with storage pests. Seed can be stored up to 2 years if the seeds are packed
in moisture containers and are stored at low temperature .The godown should be kept
clean as the possibility of secondary infestation with Trifolium (red flour weevil ) is much
in these crop.
Seed standard
The processed seed should have the following seed quality characters both for
certification and labeling.
Seed Standard
✓ The male sterile female and male parents are raised in BSH 3, 1:6, KBSH 1,
1:4 ratio under 400 m isolation.
✓ Seeds are produced by transferring the pollen of male parent to the female
parent with the help of honeybees reared at 5 hives / ha.
KBSH 1 = " x 6 DI
MSFH -17
Isolation distance
60 x 30 cm (hybrids)
Supplementary pollination
1. As in varieties
In hybrids, the palm is first gently rubbed on the male parent flowers and then
on the female line to transfer the pollen.
Plants are rogued based on plant height, head size and colour of seeds
during pre-flowering stage upto harvest.
Field standards
The change of head colour from green to lemon yellow is the indication of
physiological maturity. The heads are harvested separately first in male and then in
Seed standards
The graded seed should possess the following characters for certification and
sale as certified/ truthfully labelled seeds
Parameter FS CS
Germination (min)% 60 60
Botany of flower
The disc florets are protandrous. Flower opening starts from outer whorl and
proceeds towards centre of head. The head bloom within 5-10 days. The pollen grains
are viable for 12 hours. Anthesis take place at 5-8 a.m. Self incompatibility operates
leading to cross pollination.
Varietal seed production technique
a) Pollination
It is a cross pollinated crop, normally the insect activity is less. For increasing
the insect activity bee hives should be kept in the seed production plot inadequate
quantities. The insect activity depends on the pollution and insecticides application.
If insect activity is less that leads to poor seed setting and formation ofill filled seeds.
Normally the axillary flowering takes place during the summer because of the
high intensity of light. So these type of axillary buds receive the nutrients and
assimilate whereas the main head does not get the required quantity of assimilates
for seed set there by ill fillings occurs.
d) Self incompatibility
Presence of self incompatibility in sunflower also leads to poor seed set and ill
filled seeds.
Popular varieties
In Tamil Nadu, Morden, COI,CO2,CO3, K1, K2 , CO4 are the popular varieties for
commercial purpose .
April to May is highly suitable for irrigated seed crop. The flowering should not
coincide either with rain or high RH as it will wash out the pollen and the maturation
should coincide with dry weather.
Land requirement
The land should be fertile and problem soils will lead to low pollen fertility and will
adversely affect the quality and the seed set will be poor. The previous crop shouldnot
be the same crop to avoid the occurrence of volunteer plants and if to be the samecrop
it has to be the same variety and should be certified and has to be accepted for
certification. The field should not have any volunteer plants.
In sunflower differential blooming dates for modifying the isolation distance is not
✓ For production of foundation seed, breeder seed is used as the base material
,while for certified seed, foundation seed should be used as the base material
✓ The seed used should be from authenticated source with tag and bill.
✓ The required seed rate will be 8-10kg /ha or 3-4kg/ acre. (Morden 80kg/ha)
✓ The seeds are sown at a spacing of 30 x10 cm for the variety morden and at a
spacing of 60x20 cm for other varieties and are dibbled at a depth of 2-4cm.
✓ In the main field seeds are sown either in ridges and furrows or under beds and
✓ The seeds are given with any one of the seed treatment or in combination
✓ Seeds are soaked in 2% ZnSO4 for 12h with a seed to solution ratio of 1:0.06 and
are dried back to their original moisture content of 8-9% .This managementcould
be used both for dryland agriculture as well as gardenland.
✓ Seeds are dry dressed with bavistin @2g/kg of seed to protect against seed borne
pathogens and soil borne pathogen. Seeds are also treated with azospirillum
@50g/kg of seed to fix atmospheric N.
Nutrient application
At last ploughing apply 12.5 tonnes of compost per hectare. The fertilizer
requirement of seed crop is 80:40:40 kg of NPK, in which 40kg of N and full dose of
P and K is applied as basal, while 40kg of N is applied at the time of earthing up i.e.
40-45 days after crop growth..The seed crop is also sprayed with 2% DAP or
20ppm NAA at 30and 60 days after sowing. In case of deficient soils the crop is
sprayed with 0.5% Borax at button formation stage.
Micronutrients deficiency
Zn and Fe composition is very important for the proper seed set in sunflower
Zn is responsible for the production of IAA. Fe deficiency leads to sterility of the
Supplementary pollination
✓ Due to lack of honey bees, seed setting will be poor. Hence critical or additional
pollination is given to the crop for effective seed setting by
✓ It is done during mid flowering stage (i.e 58-60 days of planting for long
duration varieties and 45-48 days for short duration varieties) at alternate
days between 7-11 a.m for 2 weeks.
✓ Hand pollination: The heads are rubbed with palm or muslin cloth so that
pollination can be enahnced.
✓ In hybrids, the palm is first gently rubbed on the male parent flowers and then
on the female line to transfer the pollen.
✓ Keeping of bee hives 5 ha-1
Foliar application
At head opening stage 2 % D.A.P and 20 ppm N.A.A. sprayed 2 times on 30th
and 60th day after sowing for effective seed setting.
The crop should be irrigated once in a week for enhanced seed set andformation
of bolder grains. The critical stages of irrigation are primordial initiation stage, vegetative
stage, milky and maturation stage. If the irrigation is withheld in these stages seed set
will be poor and seed size will be reduced.
Field standards
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering on order to verify isolation,
volunteer plants, and other relevant factors,
2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check isolation, offtypes
and other relevant factors
3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to harvesting to verify true
nature of plant and other relevant factors
Bird scaring
At the time of maturation birds will create problem due to their feeding habit.
Hence, from the time of milky stage of the seed proper protection should be given
against birds as it will lead to reduction in seed yield upto 80 per cent.
Change of thalamus colour from green to yellow is the visual symptom of
physiological maturation. Heads are harvested as once over harvest.
The earheads are dried under sun and threshed with fliable stick for extraction
of seeds The moisture content of seed at the time of threshing will be 15-18%.On
large scale production sunflower threshers are used, but care should be given to avoid
mechanical damage, which in turn will reduce the seed quality and storability.
The seeds are dried to 8=10 % moisture content either under sun or adopting
mechanical driers for long term storage as the seeds is orthodox in nature.
Mechanical grading can be done with cleaner cum grader, which will remove the
undersized immature and chaffy seeds .The middle screen size should be 9/64” round
perforated sieves. The size can vary depending on the type of seed. In sunflower the
graded seeds also can be upgraded through specific gravity separator for improvement
in seed quality characters. Even the quality of seed lots having 5-10% lesser germination
than MSCS level can be upgraded through simple specific gravity separation
Seed treatment
The seeds are infested with several storage pests, to protect against these pests
the seeds are given protective treatment with bavistin @2g/kg of seed.
Seed packing
Seeds are packed in gunny bag for short term storage while in HDPE and
polylined gunny bag for long term storage.
The treated seed can be stored up to 10 months provided the seeds are not
infected with storage pests. Seed can be stored up to 2 years if the seeds are packed
in moisture containers and are stored at low temperature .The godown should be kept
clean as the possibility of secondary infestation with Trifolium (red flour weevil ) is much
in these crop.
Seed standard
The processed seed should have the following seed quality characters both for
certification and labeling.
Seed Standard
✓ The male sterile female and male parents are raised in BSH 3, 1:6, KBSH 1,
1:4 ratio under 400 m isolation.
✓ Seeds are produced by transferring the pollen of male parent to the female
parent with the help of honeybees reared at 5 hives / ha.
KBSH 1 = " x 6 DI
MSFH -17
Isolation distance
60 x 30 cm (hybrids)
Supplementary pollination
1. As in varieties
In hybrids, the palm is first gently rubbed on the male parent flowers and then
on the female line to transfer the pollen.
Plants are rogued based on plant height, head size and colour of seeds
during pre-flowering stage upto harvest.
Field standards
The change of head colour from green to lemon yellow is the indication of
physiological maturity. The heads are harvested separately first in male and then in
Seed standards
The graded seed should possess the following characters for certification and
sale as certified/ truthfully labelled seeds
Parameter FS CS
Germination (min)% 60 60
➢ The main stem ends in raceme, which is the first or primary raceme. After
the first raceme appears, 2 or 3 branches arise at the nodes immediately
below it.
➢ Branches arise from the nodes just beneath secondary racemes, ultimately
terminating in tertiary racemes. This sequence of development
(indeterminate growth habit) continues.
➢ The racemes of castor are monoecious with the pistillate flowers on the
upper 30-50% and staminate flowers on the lower part of theinflorescence.
➢ The proportion of pistillate and staminate flowers among the racemes varies
a great deal both within and among genotypes. It is influenced by the
environment of the plant, genotypes and nutrition.
➢ Also, the femaleness in young plants with high levels of nutrition is stronger
than in old plants with low levels of nutrition.
Castor raceme
Pistillate flower
Staminate flower
Pistillate mechanism
✓ Uneven emergence
It is derived from reversals, which start out as female and then revert to
normal monoecism any time after the first raceme. Use of this pistillate line is beset
with the problems of lack of stability of the expression of pistillate character as large
number of revertants as well as monoecious plants was observed in the population.
Eg. VP 1. This problem was successfully overcome with the exploitation of the NES
3. NES system
The seed setting in the selected totally pistillated lines is facilitated by the
production of interspersed male flowers under the influence of environment sensitive
India is the largest producer of castor in the world. In India, Gujarat is the
leading state followed by Andhra Pradesh.
✓ The development of N type pistillate line, N 145-4 has led to the exploitation
of hybrid vigour in USA in 1950.
✓ A 100% pistillate line TSP 10 R (Texas S- pistillate 10) was released in 1962
in USA.
✓ First hybrid in India was released in 1968 in Gujarat as GCH3 (Gujarat castor
hybrid) using TSP 10 R x JI 15.
GCH 3 TSP 10 R JI 15
GAUCH 1 VP 1 V 19
GCH 2 VP 1 JI 35
GCH 4 VP 1 48-1
Well drained fertile soil should be selected. The crop cannot tolerate alkalinity
and salinity. It performs well with medium to deep sandy loam and heavy loam
soils are highly suited for seed production.
Isolation distance
Rabi / Winter - Hybrid seed production. Summer and kharif provide ideal male
promoting environment for undertaking seed production of the variety, male and
female parents of hybrids. Kharif and summer encourages good expression of less
productive plant which could be easily eliminated through timely roguing.
Varieties : 90 x 20 to 90 x 60 cm
Hybrids : 90 x 40 to 90 x 60 cm
Planting ratio
3:1 or 4 - 6:1
4 types of bloom:
✓ No bloom
Stages of inspection
The seeds are size graded using round perforated metal sieve of 8/64".
Field standards
Seed storage
Seed standards
The graded seed should possess the following characters for certification and
sale as certified/ truthfully labelled seeds.
Germination (min)% 70 70
If the quantity of breeder seed required is more, then this bulked seed can be used for growing
nucleus seed stage – II under isolation and the required amount of nucleus seed stock can be produced. It is
desirable to conduct the grow out test in respect of nucleus seed also.
Breeder seed production
Various precautions required for production of breeder seed are given below:
⚫ The nucleus seed should be used for breeder seed production. The plot should not have been grown
with Lucerne in the last three years.
⚫ An isolation of 400 m should be maintained.
⚫ Seed rate of 5 kg/ha should be used. The agronomic management is similar to that of nucleus seed
⚫ The crop should be examined critically throughout the crop season. Three critical stages in Lucerne for
inspection are: at vegetative stage after second cut, at 50 percent flowering stage, and at maturity
stage. The seed crop must be rogued carefully at pre-flowering, flowering and maturity stages. All the
off-types, other crop plants and dodder (Cuscuta reflexa L.) plants must be removed as and when
⚫ The monitoring by a duly constituted team should be carried out at final stage of crop growth. The team
includes a member each from the National Seed Corporation, Seed Certification Agency, Crop breeder
concerned and Nodal scientist of the breeder seed production unit.
Safeguards for the genetic purity
⚫ The existence of off-type plants, i.e., plants differing in their characteristics from those of the seed
variety, is the potent source of contamination.
⚫ The seed crop can be harvested when 80 per cent pods have dried. The crop after harvesting should be
left in field for 5 to 6 days. The harvesting and collection of crop should be done early in the morning
when the dew drops are still on the plants whose presence prevents shredding of pods. Threshing of the
pods should be done when the seeds are fully dry. After threshing and cleaning, the seeds should be
further dried to 8-10 per cent moisture content before storage.
⚫ The grow-out test should be conducted to determine genetic purity of the seed lot.
⚫ The breeder seed should be packed in 4 kg cloth bags, sealed and labeled with golden colour tags
containing the required information.
The base population for the production of nucleus seed should be raised from the seed maintained by
the breeder. It should have about 5000 plants. The seed is planted in a well - maintained field which did not
have the Lucerne crop in the last two years.
Approximately 800-1000 individual plants should be selected preferably from the middle part of the
source population. Individual plants representing the true characters of the variety are selected. These selected
plants are individually harvested, threshed, labeled and stored in separate bags.
The physical examination of the seed is an important aspect. In this process the seed of individual
plant should be examined in piles on the table for uniformity in colour, shape, size, etc. Any plant showing
obvious variation for seed character should be discarded out rightly.
Nucleus seed stage I
⚫ True to type progenies should be sown in nucleus seed plot. Progeny of individual plant should be
sown in a double rowplot. The spacing between rows and plants should be uniform to avoid differential
expression of the characters.
⚫ The appropriate recommended agronomic practices should be followed for raising a successful crop.
⚫ During the crop growth period from the seedling stage until maturity, the nucleus seed plots should
be critically examined particularly for the characters mentioned above. The off-type progenies should
be removed preferably before flowering.
⚫ All the selected rows should be harvested and threshed individually and kept in separate paper bags.
⚫ The seed obtained from single plant/raceme progenies should be examined on table for seed
characters. The off types should be discarded out rightly. All the seeds from finally selected progenies
should be bulked together to make the nucleus seed stock. This bulk seed should be treated with
proper fungicide(s) and insecticide(s) before bagging.
⚫ The nucleus seed, thus, obtained should be dried to a suitable moisture content, packed in proper
containers fresh cloth bags and stored properly. The seed should be dried to 7-8 per cent moisture
content and packed in moisture proof polythene bag (approximately 700 gauge), to prolong the
storage life. The nucleus seed should be stored in isolation from the other seeds.
Nucleus seed stage - II
If the quantity of breeder seed required is more, then this bulked seed can be used for growing
nucleus seed stage – II under isolation and the required amount of nucleus seed stock can be produced. It is
desirable to conduct the grow out test in respect of nucleus seed also.
Breeder seed production
Various precautions required for production of breeder seed are given below:
⚫ The nucleus seed should be used for breeder seed production. The plot should not have Lucerne crop
in the previous three years at least.
⚫ An isolation of 400 m should be maintained.
⚫ Seed rate of 5 kg/ha should be used. The agronomic management is similar to that of nucleus seed
⚫ The crop should be examined critically throughout the crop season. Three critical stages in Lucerne
for inspection are: at vegetative stage after second cut, at 50 percent flowering stage, and at maturity
stage. The seed crop must be rogued carefully at pre-flowering, at flowering and maturity stages. All
the off-types, other crop plants and dodder (Cuscuta reflexa L.) plants must be removed as and when
⚫ The monitoring by a duly constituted team should be carried out at final stage of crop growth. The
team includes a member each from the National Seed Corporation, Seed Certification Agency, Crop
breeder concerned and Nodal scientist of the breeder seed production unit.
Safeguards for the genetic purity
Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops grown extensively in the
tropical and subtropical belts of the world. It is grown mainly fresh market and to a
little extent for processing. Increased attention is now being bestowed to breeding
and production of tomato. Production of tomato can further be increasedif improved
cultural practices are combined with good quality seeds. The quality seed production
techniques in tomato comprises of the following steps.
Indeterminate varieties
Pusa Ruby, Solan Gola, Yaswant (A-2), Sioux, Marglobe, Naveen, Ptom-9301,
Shalimar- 1, Shalimar-2. Angurlata, Solan Bajr, Solan Sagun, Arka Vikas. Arita
Determinate varieties
COTH-1, Pant Hybrid-2, Pant Hybrid-10, Kt-4. Pusa Hybrid-l-4, Arka Shreshta,
Arka Vardan, Arka Abhijit, Navell 1 &2 (Sandoz), Rupali, Sonali, MTH 6
Land requirement
Selection of suitable land for tomato seed production is important where the
previous crop should not be the same variety to avoid the contamination due to the
volunteer plants.
Isolation requirement
Seed rate
For i) Varieties - 300- 400 g/ha ii) For F1 hybrid - Male parent 25 g/ha; Female
parent 100 g/ha.
Transplanting should be done with the seedlings are 20-25 days old,
preferably at evening time. Spacing is 60 x 45 cm (90 x 60 cm for female parent
and 60 x 45 cm for male parent of hybrids).
After thorough preparation of a field to fine tilth, apply 25 tons of FYM per
ha. Apply 100 : 100: 100 Kg of NPK/ha of which, 50% of the N is applied as
Planting ratio
For hybrid seed production, the female and male parents are normally
planted in the ratio of 12:1 or 12:2.
The major pests attacking tomato crop are leaf eating caterpillars and fruit
borers, which can be controlled by spraying. The major diseases in tomato are early
blight and mosaic virus. The early blight rot can be controlled by sprayingBenlate
or Dithane M-45.
The fruits are harvested after full maturity of the fruit when turn in to red color
fruits from first and last one or two harvests should not be used for seed extraction.
Stages of maturation: Mature green, Breaker, Turning, Pink, Red, Dark red / over
The fruits from in between 6-7 harvest should be used for seed extraction. The
seed viability is depends on the method on which the seeds were extracted andhence,
it is more important to choose proper methods of seed extraction. Before seed
extraction, the fruits are to be graded for true to type and selection of medium to
large size fruits for getting higher recovery of quality seeds.
The acid method of seed extraction is the best method for tomato seed
extraction. In this method, the fruits are to be crushed into pulp and taken in a plastic
containers (or) cement tank. And then add 30 ml of commercial Hydrochloric acid
per kg of pulp, stir well and allow it for ½ hour. In between this duration the pulp
may be stirred well for one or two times. This facilitates the separation of seed and
pulp. After ½ hour, the seeds will settle down at the bottom and then the floating
fraction is to be removed. The collected seeds should be washed with water for three
or four times.
✓ While following acid method we must use only plastic or stainless steel
containers or cement tank.
✓ Care must be taken to avoid the usage of iron or zinc containers, which will
affect the viability potential of the seeds and as well damage to the containers
due to chemical reaction with acid.
✓ For large scale seed extraction we can use the tomato seed extractor
developed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
✓ The seeds extracted by this machine may again be treated with commercial
Hydrochloric acid @ 2-3 ml/kg seed with equal volume of water for 3-5
minutes with constant stirring. And then seed should be washed with water
for to four times.
✓ It is easy to dry the seeds extracted by acid method and also remove the
fungus growth over the seed coat, thus seeds possess golden yellow colour
and high vigour.
✓ The seed extracted by fermentation method posses poor vigour and off
colour due to fungal activity.
1. Emasculation is done before the anthers are mature and the stigma has
become receptive to minimize accidental self pollination.
Selection of flower
3. Emasculate the bud by hand with the help of needle and forceps. Remove
the calyx, corolla and staminal column or anthers, leaving gynoecium
i.e., stigma and style intact in the flower.
6. After dusting, the emasculated flowers are again covered with white or other
coloured paper cover for two to three days.
7. Pollen collected from one male flower can be used for dusting 5 to 7
emasculated flowers.
Pollen collection
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering on order to verify isolation,
volunteer plants, and other relevant factors,
2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check isolation, offtypes
and other relevant factors
3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to harvesting to verify true
nature of plant and other relevant factors
Specific requirements
Moisture (maxi) 8% 8%
For VP container 6% 6%
BRINJAL (Solanum melongena)
Brinjal is one of the most important vegetable crops grown extensively in the
tropical and subtropical belts of the world. It is grown mainly fresh market and to a
little extent for processing. Increased attention is now being bestowed to breeding
and production of Brinjal. Production of brinjal can further be increased if improved
cultural practices are combined with good quality seeds. The quality seed production
techniques of brinjal comprises of the following steps.
Brinjal is often cross pollinated crop. Brinjal flower opens mainly in morning.
A few flower open at 16 hr. Anther dehiscence occurs 15-20 minutes after flowers
have opened. The period of receptivity ranges from a day prior to flower opening to
4 days after opening. Brinjal produces 4 types of flowers with different style length.
(Long style, short style, medium style and pseudo short style). For seed production
and better yield, the long and medium style is desirable. To increase the production
of long and medium style application of more nitrogen or spraying of growth
regulators during pre-flowering and flowering stages may be followed.
Method of seed production : Seed to Seed.
Co.1, Co.2. MDU.1, PKM.1, KKM.1, PLR. 1. AU1, Pusa purple long, Arka
nidhi, Pant smart, Arka neelkanth, Arka shrish.
CoBH1,Arka Navneet (IIHR 22-1 x supreme), Pusa H-5, Pusa H-6, MHB 10,
MHB 39 (Mahyco), Azad Hybrid.
For varieties, 200 M or 100 M of isolation distance is required for foundation
and certified seed, respectively. For hybrid seed production minimum of 200 M
isolation distance should be maintained.
Seed rate
Sow the seeds in raised nursery bed of 20 cm height, in rows of 5 cm gap and
covered with sand. Eight and ten nursery beds will be sufficient to transplant one
acre. Apply 2 kg of OAP 10days before pulling out of seedling.
Seedlings are transplanted when they are 30-35 days old (12-15 cm height)
preferably in the evening time. Spacing of 75 x 60 cm (non spreading) and 90 x 60
cm (spreading) varieties, 90 x 60 cm for female parent and 60 x 45 cm for male
parent of hybrids.
The field should be thoroughly ploughed for fine filth and apply 25 tons of
FYM/ha. The other fertilizer requirement for brinjal variety and hybrid are same as
followed for tomato seed production.
The roguing should be done based on the plant characters, leaf, branching
and spreading characters and also based on fruit size, shape and color. The plants
affected by Phomopsis blight, leaf spot and little leaf virus disease should be
removed from the seed production field.
The pests like fruit borer, shoot borer, beetles, aphids, mealy bug and jassids
can be controlled by spraying Nuvacron or Methyl parathion. The red spidermite can
be controlled by spraying in Kelthane. The important diseases are
damping off and little leaf which can be controlled by spraying fungicide and
systemic insecticides, respectively. Powdery mildew, leaf spot and anthracnose
diseases can be controlled by spraying Benlate.
The planting ratio of female and male parents adopted for hybrid seed
production is normally 5:1 or 6:1.For production of hybrid seeds, crossing
programme is done using emasculation and dusting methods as followed in tomato.
Harvesting is done when fruits are fully ripe (when the fruits turn into yellow
colour) i.e., 405 days after flowering. The harvested fruits are to be graded for
true to type and off type and fruit borer infested fruits are discarded. The graded
fruits are cut in 2-3 pieces or whole fruits will be put in a cement tank with water
and crushed manually and then allow it for fermentation for 1-2 days. Then the
floating pulp portions are to be removed, the seeds settled at the bottom should
be collected and washed with water and then the seeds with equal volume of water
is treated with commercial Hydrochloric acid @ 3-5 ml/kg of seed. The mixture is
kept for 10-15 minutes with frequent stirring. Then the treated seeds are to be
washed with water for 3-4 times. Afterwards seeds are dried under shade for 2-3
days over a tarpaulin and followed by sun drying for 1-2 days to reduce the seed
moisture content to 8 per cent. Then the seeds are cleaned and graded with BSS 12
sieve. The processed seeds are treated with fungicides or Halogen mixture @ 5g/kg
of seed.
The seeds dried to safe moisture content after treating either with captan or
thiram @ 2 g/kg can be stored for 15 months in moisture vapour pervious containers,
while it can be stored in moisture vapour proof containers for 30 months.
Seed Certification
Number of Inspections
1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering on order to verify isolation,
volunteer plants, and other relevant factors,
2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check isolation, off types
and other relevant factors
3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to harvesting to verify true
nature of plant and other relevant factors
Specific standards
Moisture content 8%
For VP Container 6%
Genetic purity - tomato & brinjal hybrids is 90%
1. Tomato is self-pollinated crop. (True/False)
2. The isolation distance for tomato certified hybrid seed production is
a. 50m b. 100m
c. 200m d. 400m
3. For F1 hybrid seed production the male and female parent seed rate is
a. 5 and100 g/ha b. 100 and 200 g/ha
c. 50 and 25 g/ha d. 100 g each
4. For acid seed extraction of tomato the quantity of HCl required is
a. 50 ml/kg of pulp b. 10 ml/kg of pulp
c. 100 ml/kg of pulp d. 5 ml/kg of pulp
5. Tomato seeds can be graded using round perforated sieve.
a. 6/64’’ b. 10/64’’
c. 12/64’’ d. 15/64’’
6. In tomato the hybrid seed production is normally done by .
a. Cytoplasmic Male Sterility b. Genic male sterility
c. Emasculation and Hand Pollination d. Detasseling
7. In tomato is used as chemical hybridizing agents.
a. Gibberelic acid b. Colchisin
c. Etheral d. Malic hydraside
8. Minimum germination percentage for tomato is .
a. 90% b. 50%
c. 70% d. 90%
9. Brinjal is self pollinated crop. (True/False)
10. In Brinjal for seed production and better yield flower is
a. Long style b. pseudo short style
c. short style d. medium style
11. The planting ratio of female and male parents adopted for hybrid seed
production is normally
a. 5:1 b. 8:1
c. 12:1 d. 10:1
12. is the designated diseases in brinjal
a. Root rot b. Little leaf
c. Leaf spot d. None
13. Genetic purity of brinjal hybrid is
a. 90% b. 60%
c. 75% d.50%
14. Pure seed percentage of brinjal is
a. 68% b. 98%
c. 90% d. 50%
15. Designated disease allowed during certified seed production is
a. 1% b. 0.2%
c. 0.05% d. 0.5%
BHENDI (Abelmoschus esculentus)
Varieties : Co.1, MDU.1, Parbhani Kranti, Arka Anamika, Pusa A-4, Pusa Sawani
Land requirement : Select field on which bhendi crop was not grown in the previous
season, unless the crop was of the same variety and certified. Field shouldbe free
from wild bhendi (Abelmoschus sp.)
Isolation requirement: Seed field must be isolated from other varieties at least by
400 M for foundation and hybrid seed production and 200 M for certified seed
Planting ratio: For hybrid seed production, female and male parents are normally
planted in the ratio of 4:1.
Roguing: Minimum of three inspections for varieties and 4 inspections for hybrids,
one at vegetative, two at flowering and one at fruit maturity stages. The rouging
should be based on the plant characters, hairiness, fruit character like fruit colour,
number of ridges, fruit length etc., and the off type and mosaic attacked plants
should be removed from the seed field. Wild bhendi if present should be removed
before flowering.
Pest and disease management: The major pest attacking bhendi are jassids,
aphids and white fly, which can be controlled by spraying Rogar or Dimecron or
Endosulphon. The pod borer and red spider mites can be controlled by spraying
Endosulphon and Kelthane, respectively. The diseases such as yellow vein mosaic
and powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying systemic insecticides and
Karathane, respectively.
Hybrid seed production: In bhendi, since the flowers are large in size, hand
emasculation and pollination is the best suitable method for seed production. The
emasculation and dusting can be done as per the methods outlined in tomato. The
male and female parents are raised in blocks at the ratio of 9:1 (Female: Male).
Harvesting: Fruits should be harvested when they have dried (30-35 days after
crossing). The pods which expose hairline crack and turn to brown colour on drying
alone are cut using sickle manually.
The pods are dried and threshed using pliable sticks. Separated seeds are
winnowed to remove plant debris and dried over a tarpaulin to 10% moisture
content. Dried seeds are subject to water floatation in which, good seeds sink while
poor seeds float. The floaters are removed, while sinkers are dried under shade
followed by sun drying. Then the seed are cleaned, dried and treated with Captan/
A.moschatus A. manihot
Inert matter 1% 1%
For VP Container 8% 8%
1. Chilli is an often Cross pollinated vegetable. (True/False)
a. Protandry b. Terminal
c. Axillary d. Protogyny
3. arrests flower drop in chilli.
a. NAA b. GA3
c. MH d. Ethrel
4. Off type allowed during certified seed production in chilli is
a. 0.5% b. 0.02%
c. 0.2% d. 2%
5. Isolation requirement for foundation and certified seed production
in chilli is
a. 400 & 200 M b. 100 & 200 M
c. 600 & 200 M d. 600 & 400 M
6. Bhendi is an often cross pollinated crop. (True/False)
7. Cross pollination in bhendi is due to protogynous.
in Abelmoschus esculentus is
a. 600 & 100 M b. 200 & 100 M
c. 300 & 200 M d. 400 & 200 M
9. Planting ratio for hybrid seed production in Abelmoschus esculentus is
a. 8:1 b. 4:1
c. 12:1 d. 10:1
10. Seeds of bhendi is processed with wiremess sieve.
a. BSS 10 b. BSS 3
c. BSS 7 d. BSS 15
11. Objectionable weed in bhendi is
a. 5/kg b. 20/kg
c. 10/kg d. 40 %
ONION (Allium cepa)
Onion is the biennial crop and takes two full seasons to produce seeds. In the
first year bulbs are formed and in the second year stalks develop and seed are
produced. It is a long-day plant. The day length influences bulb onion, but has little
effect on induction of seeding. It appears to be day-neutral for seed production. It
requires cool conditions during early development of the bulb cropand again prior
to and during early growth of seed stalk. Varieties bolt readily at 10 to 15 degree C.
In the early stages of growth, a good supply of moisture is requiredand temperatures
should be fairly cool. During bulbing, harvesting and curing of seed, fairly high
temperatures and low humidity is desirable. Seed production is widely adapted to
temperate and sub-tropical regions.
Stages of seed production : BS – FS - CS
1. Punjab Selection PAU, Ludhiana
2. Pusa Ratna NBPGR, New Delhi
3. Pusa Red IARI, New Delhi
4. Pusa Madhavi IARI, New Delhi
5. N-2-4-1 MPAU, Rahuri
6. Arka Niketan IIHR, Bangalore
7. Arka Kalyan IIHR, Bangalore
8. Agrifound Dark Red NHRDF, Nasik
9. Agrifound Light Red NHRDF, Nasik
1. N-257-9-1 MPAU, Rahuri
2. Pusa White Round IARI, New Delhi
3. Pusa White Flat IARI, New Delhi
4. Punjab-48 PAU, Ludhiana
C. Aggregatum Onion
The optimum sowing season is middle of June to Middle of July in the plains.
Isolation Requirements
1. Seed to seed method: In this method, the first season bulb crop is left to over-
winter in the field so as to produce seed in the following season.
2. Bulb to seed method: The bulbs produced in the previous season are lifted,
selected, stored and replanted to produce seed in the second year.
Mostly the bulb to seed method is used for seed production because of the following
advantages over the seed to seed method.
a) It permits selections of "true-to-type" and healthy bulbs for seed production.
b) Seed yields are comparatively very high. The seed to seed method, however,
can be practiced for varieties having a poor keeping quality.
Bulb to seed method
A. Bulb Production stage
a) Climatic requirement
Though it is possible to produce bulbs in different climatic conditions, mild
climate is reported to be very good. For better bulb production a temperature of
15.5 to 210C and about 70% relative humidity required.
b) Land requirement
Fields in which onion was grown should be selected unless it was of the same
variety and was certified. The onion can be grown on various types but it grows
best in soils which are able to retain moisture for longer time. Heavy soils do not
permit proper bulb development and many times bulbs are misshapen. 6-8 pH
range are considered better for onion.
c) Isolation requirement
Onion is highly cross pollinated crop with upto 93% natural crossing. It is mostly
pollinated by honeybees. For pure seed production the seed fields must be isolated
from field of other varieties of onion of the dame colour at least by 1000
meters for foundation seed and 500 m for certified seed. The isolation distance
between colour particularly white and red colour must be much more which needs
to be decided.
d) Seed rate
8-10 Kg per hectare
In kharif 6-7 weeks old seedling and in rabi 8-9 weeks seedlings should be
transplanted. Over aged nursery should not be planted otherwise premature
bolting may be there.
g) Spacing
15 x 10 cm. More spacing between plants results in thick necked plants.
h) Irrigation
Irrigation should be given at fortnightly interval or weekly interval as the case
may be. Field should not be left dry for long otherwise splitting problem is more.
i) Weeding
2-3 weedings and hoeings are done. Stomp @ 3.51 / ha may be applied 3 days
after transplanting to manage the weeds economically. One weeding by hand is,
however, necessary.
j) Plant protection
Malathion @ 0.1% along with tritone against thrips. 4-5 spraying may be
necessary. Indofil M45 @ 0.25% along with tritone against purple blotch and
stemphylium blight, 5-6 sprayings may be done.
k) Roguing
Remove off type plants on difference in colour of leaves or plant type.
Remove resprouted plants or premature bolters.
l) Harvesting
Harvesting the crops one week after 50% of tops falling and keep in windrow
upto 3-5 days for field curing. After that bulbs are cured in shade to remove fields
heat before keeping in store. In kharif bulbs are ready for harvesting within 90-100
days after transplanting while tops are still erect. Bulbs are allowed for field curing
upto 3-5 days then again cured were in shade or in field depending upon the
temperature for 12-15 days. Tops are cut leaving 2.5 cm neck.
B. Seed Production Stage
a) Selection of bulb
True to type bulbs are selected based on colour, size and shape kept in
ventilated storage in rabi crop and in kharif crop bulbs are planted after curing for
15 days. 4-6 cm size bulbs are selected for getting good crop.
b) Climate
Conditioning of plants / bulbs is necessary for seed stalks formation.
Temperature of 4.50c to 140C are favourable for this conditioning. Longer this
prevails, more stalks each plant will produce and more flowers will be in each
umbel. Low humidity gives good seed development. While plants are in
flowering clear bright sunny days are necessary for good insect activity.
c) Bulb rate
25 quintal / ha
d) Spacing
45 x 30 cm
g) Rouging
Remove plants based on foliage, colour inflorescence and flower characters.
h) Plant protection
1) Spray Indofil M45 @ 0.25% against purple blotch and stemphylium blight.
2) Endosulfan @ 0.20% against thrips and head borer.
l) Seed yield
5-7 q / ha
Certification Standards
I. Field Standards
A. General requirements
1. Isolation
Onion seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in column 1
of the Table below by the distance specified in columns 2,3,4 and 5 of the said
Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)
Mother bulb Seed Production stage
production stage
Foundation Certified Foundation Certified
2 3 4 5
Fields of other varieties 5 5 1000 500
Fields of the same 5 5 1000 500
variety not conforming
to varietal purity
requirement for
B. Specific requirements
Factors Maximum permitted
Foundation Certified
* Bulbs not conforming to the 0.10% (by 0.20% (by
varietal characteristics number) number)
* Off types 0.10% 0.20%
e. Staff with certification agencies are neither adequate nor they have
proper knowledge about the crop.
Onion is highly cross-pollinated crop and it requires through inspection or
check at different stages. If one stage is left it becomes difficult to meet the
requirements. For example if inspection is not managed at the time of bulb selection,
Similarly if isolation is not checked at the time of bolting it becomes a frutile exercise
later as roughing has no meaning at the time of flowering. This is possible only when
sufficient staff having good knowledge about onion is provided.
f. Unawareness of farmers about pre harvest and post harvest practices of
onion seed production.
The extension agencies as also staff certification agencies are supposed to
properly guide for production and post harvest practices for certified seed production
initially. Certification staffs presently do not guide. Presently since staff themselves
are not aware about pre harvest practices as also post harvest practices,
programmes many times fail as such farmers hesitate in going for certified seed
production. It is, therefore, necessary for certification staff to guide the farmers
Land Requirements: There are no land requirements as to previous crop, but the
land should be free of volunteer plants. Generally the soil should be well drained and
Foundation 1000
Certified 500
Off-type in seed parent
0.01 0.05
Off-type in pollen parent
None 0.05
Cucumber mosaic virus ,** Cucumber mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus
Minimum permitted level (%)
Germination (minimum) 60 60
This technique is frequently used for melon seed production. In this species,
andromonoecious lines are common and they must be emasculated and hand
pollinated if used as the female parent for producing hybrid seed. This method has
also been used for some watermelon and cucumber hybrids. This technique is
applicable for limited scale production, since lot of trained labour are required in
pinching, pollen collection and hand pollination.
The male flowers from female lines are pinched off day before of anthesis
regularly, which honeybees and other insects (voluntary) uses as a pollinating agents.
The male and female are grown in alternate rows. The fruit set on female lines are
of hybrid and harvested for seed extraction. The planting ratio varieswithin the
crops e.g. summer squash 3:1 and 4:1 in muskmelon and cucumber but depend upon
the population of bees in plot. This technique is also used in bottle gourd, pumpkin,
muskmelon, cucumber, summer squash and bitter gourd forhybrid seed production.
Genetic male sterility system has been utilized for commercial hybrid
production in muskmelon. The genetic male sterility in muskmelon is controlled by
single recessive gene (msms). For hybrid seen production, the male sterile line is
used as female parent. Since genetic male sterile line is maintained in heterozygous
forms, 50% fertile plants are to be removed at flowering. The other 50% having non-
dehiscent empty anther are retained in female rows. The female and male are grown
in 4:1 ratio. However, to maintain the good plant population in female rowsit is
suggested that seed parent should be sown with double seed rate. It is also advised
that female line seedling should be raised in polythene bags and transplanted at
flower appearance in order to avoid the fertile plants in female rows. The
pollination is done by honey bees and 1 to 2 medium sizes hives aregood enough to
ensure the good pollination and fruit set at female row.
The gynoecious sex form has been commercially exploited in hybrid seed
production of cucumber. For hybrid seed production female and male rows are
planted in 4:1 ratio. The female (seed parent) bear only female flowers andpollination
in done by insect (honeybee). To ensure the good fruit and seed recovery, the
sufficient population of honeybee 1 to 1½ colony of medium size has to be kept at
the boundary of seed production plot to boost the amount of crossing. The parental
lines i.e. male parent maintained by selfing (mixed pollination) and rouge out
undesirable plants before contamination take place. The female lines i.e. gynoecious
lines maintained by inducing the staminate flower through the sprays ofsilver nitrate
200 ppm at two to four true leaf stage and then selfing is carried out. It was observed
that 10-11 male flowers appear per 100 nodes.
The other chemicals like GA3, (10-25 ppm) in cucumber, MH-(100 ppm),
ethephon (600 ppm) in squash induces female flowers.
Seed Drying
The process of elimination of moisture from the seed is called drying. Seed
drying should reduce the seed moisture content to safe moisture limits to maintain
its viability and vigour during storage, which may otherwise deteriorate quickly owing
to mold growth, heating and enhanced microbial activity. Seed drying also permits
early harvesting, long term storage of seeds, more efficient use of land and
manpower, the use of plant stalks as green fodder and production of high quality
Depending upon the climate and method of harvesting adopted the threshed
seed may or may not be dry enough for safe storage. Under less favorableconditions,
threshed seed needs further drying.
1. Surface moisture of the seed that initially removed by the drying air.
2. The removal of the moisture in the surface cause an imbalance in the moisture
potential in the surface of the seed and the inner portion of the seed which leads
to the migration of moisture from the inner organ to the surface.
The migration of moisture to the surface is slower than the evaporation and a
moisture gradient is developed in the kernal.
Elimination of moisture from the seed depends upon the relative humidity
and temperature of the environment surrounding the seed. When RH of the
atmosphere is less than the seed, moisture is eliminated from the seed. While drying,
care should be taken to minimize /prevent oxidation and decomposition and
volatilization. In this process there will be loss of dry weight of seed which is widened
when the processes take place at high temperature. Hence, high moisture seeds
should be dried at low temperature.
Equilibrium moisture content
A seed is in equilibrium with the environment when the rate of moisture loss
from the seed to the surrounding atmosphere is equal to the rate of moisture
gained by the seed from the atmosphere.
Drying temperature
Greater the seed moisture content lesser should be the drying temperature
and vice versa.
10-18 % MC 100 o
F (42.2 o C)
18-30 % MC 90 o
F (32.2 o
• Static pressure
• Drying temperature
Methods of drying
This is the common conventional method in which drying of the harvested crop
is carried out in the field or threshing floor by the radiant energy of the sun. This
does not involve any expenditure. To achieve uniform drying, the seed should be
spread in thin layer. High moisture content seed with a moisture content of more
than 17% should be dried first under shade / light to reduce the moisture content
less than 17% and then dried under heavy sun i.e. noon drying. Sun dried seeds
should not be allowed to remain open in the floor during night, since seed willabsorb
moisture from air. 2-4 days are needed to reduce the moisture content to 10-12%.
Direct sunlight also can adversely affect seed germinability owing to high temperature
and ultraviolet radiation, especially if the moisture content of the seed is high.
4. Involves extra labour for collecting and exposing during the day
5. Sun drying cause sun checks or hot spots due to variation in temperature from
time to time. This checks or spots induce high amount of breakage while processing
Generally ordinary seed godowns are provided with two types of ventilators for
free movement of air circulation. In modern godowns, provisions are to be made
for forcible circulation of air with the help of an electronic blower. The outside air
which is comparatively dry is circulated in the godown and thereby the seed get dried
up in this process. This is possible only in dry months.
Two types of driers are used: batch and continuous flow driers.
a) Batch dryers
In batch drier, relatively dry air is blown through a layer of seed until the
seed is dried completely, after which it is removed and replaced by another batch of
seed. The method is simple and well suited to small quantities of seed, allows easy
cleaning and is recommended for farm drying.
A vertical batch drier consists of two concentric perforated cylinders. The space
between the two cylinders is filled with seed and air is blown into the inner cylinder
from where it passes outward the seed. The size of the batch determines the drying
In horizontal batch drier, the seed at the bottom dries first, with the dry zone
extending gradually upward. The drying of the uppermost seed may be delayed
unduly if the seed layer is too thick or the airflow is inadequate. The seed layer should
not exceed a depth of 3m and for high moisture forage seed, it should be reduced to
1m or less. If the seed is dried in a storage bin, a layer of undried seed can be added
on top of the dried batch and drying continued, but only if the seed is already fairly
dry and air is not too hot. Seed loss also can be avoided by drying in
two stages. After the first batch has partially dried, the emerging air is passed through
a second batch held in another chamber, repeating the process with secondbatch and
so on.
The air blown through a batch must not be too hot, because the seed at the
bottom may be overheated by direct exposure to the entering hot air. It is often not
necessary to heat the air at all, and heating to less than 10o C above the ambient
temperature can be very effective, but on a hot humid day in the tropics even a few
degrees above ambient temperature can harm the seeds. Dehumidifiers may need to
be used under these circumstances.
An appropriate drying rate is very important. Too rapid drying may harm the
seed because of the high drying temperature or a quick loss of water from the
seed. Slow drying may mean maintaining a high moisture seed at a higher
temperature for a prolonged time, resulting in deterioration of seed.
In this type of drier, the seed moves horizontally or vertically through a stream
of hot air and then into a cooling chamber. These driers are howeverdifficult
to clean when there is a change of cultivar. These driers can use air temperature
higher than those of batch dries, because the seed is heated for a much shorter time.
This is a continuous column heated air drier largely used for paddy. The paddy
seeds are fed from the top with the help of gravity force in zig zag manner and heated
air is blown from the bottom usually at right angles to the direction of seed motion.
The falling seeds get dried up by the heated air and this process is repeated till to
get a reduction of moisture content to the expected level.
These dryers consist of a tall vertical column through which paddy flows by
gravity. No provision is made for agitating the paddy as it flows and hence there is
no attempt to drive the paddy from a straight path. Paddy descends gradually
between two parallel screens and heated air is forced through the screens.
Advantages over bin dryers
3. It reduces the chances of losses due to over ripening and shattering of seed
6. Permits long time storage by preventing sun checks and other damages.
2. Fuel is expensive
Building requirements for a seed drying system depend upon the size of
operation, the number of different seeds to be dried, the level of mechanization
desired and future expansion. Different types and forms of storage structures can
be built for handling seeds to be dried with forced air. These may be made of steel,
wood, plywood or concrete and they may be cylindrical or rectangular in shape.
Regardless of the type of structure, all storage bins used for forced air drying in
storage of seeds must have the following features.
1. Small grain seeds in bulk exert large pressures against the sidewalls. The
side pressures are converted to a vertical load on the foundation, which
should be strong enough to hold the seed lots.
2. The roof and walls of bins must be airtight for drying to proceed
3. The openings for filling and removal of seed should be large and convenient
to use. A full size entrance door is desirable.
5. The structure should be able to dry and store more than one kind of seed.
7. Theflow of air leaving the seed should proceed rapidly so that back
pressures do not hinder the flow of drying into the seed.
Air-Distribution Systems
Agrawal described three types of air-distribution systems used for seed drying.
a) The main and lateral duct system b) a single central perforated duct and c) the
perforated false floor system.
Multiple bin storage structures for drying can be built so that they are arranged
to enable the drying of several seed lots simultaneously using the same drying fans.
Alternatively, different seed lots can be dried successively with sliding air gates
controlling the flow of air to the respective bins. A multiple bin arrangement is
particularly useful to dry more than one kind of seedsimultaneously.
Heated air driers consist of (a) a heater unit where fuel is burned and (b) a
fan to force the heated air through a canvas connecting duct into the air distribution
system of the drying bin. Safety features such as automatic thermostatic high limit
temperature control, which cuts off the burner flame if the air temperature exceeds
a certain safe maximum and flame failure control, which automatically cuts off fuel
flow to the burner if the flame goes out are provided. A thermostat can also
automatically maintain the air temperature at a desired setting. In many driers, such
thermostats are provided as a standard feature.
Two main types of driers are available, which differ in the manner heat is
supplied to the air. Direct fired and indirect fired. In a direct fired drier, the fuel is
burned and the hot combustion gases are thrown directly into the air distribution
system. Although the heat is used very efficiently, there is possibility of blowing soot,
unburned fuel and objectionable fumes into the seed. The burner, therefore, needs
to be adjusted properly to burn the fuel completely. With certain fuels, there is also
a danger of blowing small sparks into the seed.
In indirect fired driers, the hot combustion gases pass into a chamber. The
drying air circulates around this chamber and picks up heat as in a hot air furnace.
The drying air thus does not include combustion gases, sparks, soot or fumes. These
driers are less efficient in the use of heat, but are safer than direct fired types.
The driers are designed to burn various types of fuels (eg. liquid propane or
butane, natural gas, fuel oil and coal. Both liquid propane and natural gas burn readily
with minimum soot and are the best fuels for direct driers and kerosene oilis better
for indirect fired driers.
Two important aspects that must be considered while calculating the
requirements of a suitable to crop drier are the required air flow volume and the heat
capacity (BTU/hr) for drying seeds at the specified desired rate. The fan requirements
can be computed by knowing the total air flow at the static pressureof the seed at
a given drying depth and heater requirement are estimated by calculating the amount
of water to be removed from the seed per hour. Based on these calculations, a
suitable crop drier can be selected to provide a minimum required airflow volume(bin
capacity x air flow rate) and heat capacity in BTU/hr.
Agrawal categorized types of heated driers as layer-in -bin, batch-in-bin, batch and
continuous driers and described their functions.
Stirring devices keep the seed in a loose fill condition, allowing easy airflow
through the bottom layers. Such mechanisms alleviate the problems of uneven drying
(or over drying) by breaking up pockets of fires and trash and blending the seed by
constant mixing.
Large differences in the degree of drying between the top and bottom layers
of seed have been noticed during drying by heated air. It is therefore, advisable to
dry seed at shallow depths to minimize these differences and avoid overheating of
the bottom layer. Agrawal recommended maximum seed depths and temperatures
for batch drying of seeds of different crop species in bins.
Heated air drying requires higher rates of airflow, because water is evaporated
faster and more air is needed to carry it away. The higher air flow rate also ensures
more uniform drying of the top and bottom layers of the seed, completing the drying
much faster at the recommended temperatures.
The general procedure for bin drying of seeds with heated air consists of
charging seed into the bin to the recommended depth. The drier is operated at the
recommended temperature of the seed using either manual or thermostatic controls
to set the desired temperature. After drying is completed, blowing of the air
through the seed is continued for sometime without heat to bring the seed to an
ambient temperature.
Some variations of batch drying with heated air include wagon drying, bag
drying and box drying. In wagon drying, the seed is loaded directly onto a wagon
especially constructed for drying. The wagon is then drawn to the drier unit and
connected with a canvas distribution duct. Forcing the air up through the perforations
in the wagon floor dries the seed. After drying, the wagon is disconnected from the
canvas duct and the seed is cooled with a fan towed to the storage bins. Wagon
drying provides continuous drying, vwrsatality, easy cleaning and low initial cost.
Bag drying is another suitable variation to handle several varieties of smaller
quantities of seed simultaneously. Seed received in jute bags is exposed to airflow
with minimum static pressure, because the drying bed is only one sack deep.
Typical design criteria provide 25 - 40m3 of air/min/m3 seed at a static pressure of
3cm less. The construction is simple and inexpensive.
A box drier is modified bag drier well adopted to dry smaller quantities of basic
or foundation seed. With box driers, it is possible to maintain the identity of small
seed lots despite handling. The boxes can be constructed of locally available
materials, which are fitted with perforated metal or woven wire bottoms.
Seed is usually dried in stages with heated air each stage consisting of a pass
through the drier. Between passes the seed is stored in bins for an equilibrium period
known as tempering period. This period of tempering shortens the total drying time.
During drying, surface moisture is removed and internal moisture moves towards the
surface are slower than evaporation, and a moisture gradient develops in the kernel.
The outside becomes drier than the inside and evaporation rate decreased. During
tempering moisture concentration equalizes in the kernel and then evaporation of
surface moisture is nearly as rapid as at the start of drying.
Paddy: Seeds can be soaked in 1 % KCl solution for 12 hours to improve the
germination and vigour potential.
Sorghum: Seeds could be soaked in NaCl2 (1 %) or KH2PO4 (1%) for 12 hours
for improving the germination and vigour potential.
Pulses : Seeds can be soaked in ZnSO4, MgSO4 and MnSO4 100 ppm solution
for 4 hours to improve the germination and vigour potential.
2. Slurry : This type of fungicide is applied to the seed along with soap like
water suspension which can be mixed with seed by using special slurry
3. Liquids : The use of liquid solution is known as the "quick wet ' method.
Here a volatile fungicide is applied to the seed and it throughly mixed with
There is a general tendency to use chemicals that are safe for user and
environment. Very toxic substances, such a organic mercurials (Ceresan and
others) and very persistant fungicides, such as Hexachlorobenzene ((HCB), are
being replaced by new chemicals, In the past, these chemicals have caused
severe cases of poisoning, some resulting in death. Most if not all occurred
because treated seed was used for human consumption or livestock feeding
instead of for planting. Even with the new, less toxic chemicals, the following
safety precautions must be taken.
❖ Method of drying.
Here the nutrients are coated on the seeds. This technique is very much
adopted in forest tree seeds.
❖ By pelleting we can increase the size of sees and we can make it free
flowing one.
v) Seed infusion
Osmotic priming is nothing but making the seeds to imbibe water very
slowly. Osmotic solutions used are (PEG) (poly ethylene glyster). Maintol is
highly toxic. PEG is inert and will increase very slowly the water in to seeds.
By preconditioning through osmotic priming, the seeds are invigouratedwhich
results in uniform, early and higher field emergence and higher seedling
It is the process of soaking the low and medium vigour seeds in water
with or without added chemicals usually for short durations to raise the seed
moisture content to 25 – 30% and drying back the seeds to safe limits for
dry storage.
7. Would not make a seed germinable, which has already lost viability.
Spraying – Drying
Here, the seeds are placed in thin layers on trays kept on a raised
platform in a closed moisture saturated chamber lined internally with moist
blotters giving nearly 100% RH at room temperature. After 24-48 hours,
depending on the material and ambient temperature, the seed is dried back
in the usual way. For soaking injury prone seeds this treatment, which gives
a slow and progressive rise in moisture content, is very effective. ME-D,
however, difficult to practice on a large scale and is not advocated for low
vigour non leguminous seeds because of possible aging effect of the treatment
especially when given for prolonged periods.
During this run, the measuring cup provided with the feeder should be
used to catch the powder as it comes off the vibrator. After the given amount
of seed has run through, the powder should be weighed in order to determine
how much is being applied to that amount of seed. The vibrator speed can then
be adjusted accordingly. Then a second or more tests should be run until
proper setting of the vibrator speed is determined for correct coverage.
Approximate Setting
25 1/2
60 2
25 3/4
60 5
25 3/4
70 6
25 3/4
80 7
25 1
60 10
Number 4 on counterweight arm gives five pounds per dump.
2. To obtain a given dump weight, slurry treaters are equipped with a seed
gate that controls seed flow to the dump pan. With the proper seed gate
setting, a constant dump weight for a given can be obtained.
Slurry tanks have 15 to 35 gallon capacities, depending upon the size of the
treater. They are equipped with agitators that mix the slurry in the tank and
keep it suspended during operation. It is important that the powder be
thoroughly suspended in water before treating. If the treater has been idle
for any period of time, sediment in the bottom of the slurry cups must be
cleaned out.
The proper size slurry cup must be used. Most machines now have
cups with ports and rubber plugs for 15 cc, 23 cc, and 46 cc quantities. Some
users prefer to mix the slurry in an auxiliary tank and then transfer to the
slurry chamber as needed.
Direct treaters are the most recent development and include the
Panogen and Mist-O-Matic treaters. These two were initially designed to
apply undiluted liquid treatment. Instead of applying 23 cc of material per 10
pounds of wheat, as in slurry treaters, they apply 14 to 21 cc (1/2 to 3/4
ounces) per bushel of "wheat. This small quantity of material is suitable only
with liquid materials which are somewhat volatile and do not require complete,
uniform coverage for effective action.
Later modifications for direct treaters include dual tanks that permit
simultaneous addition of a fungicide and an insecticide, and adaptations for
the application of slurries. The metering device used in both types of direct
treater is similar to that of the slurry treater, since it is attained through
synchronization of a treatment cup and seed dump. Otherwise, the two direct
treaters differ decidedly from the slurry treater and from each other. Both of
these direct treaters have an adjustable dump pan counter weight to adjust
the weight of the seed dump. This is not practical with slurry treaters.
Seed suppliers are not always able to market all the seed they produce
during the following planting season. In many cases, the unsold seed are
“carried over” in storage for marketing during the second planting season
after harvest. Problems arise in connection with carryover storage of seed
because some kinds, varieties and lots of seed do not carryover very well.
In the broadest sense the storage period for seed begins with
attainment of physiological maturity and ends with resumption of active growth
of the embryonic axis, i.e., germination.
The second segment of the storage period extends from harvest to the
beginning of conditioning. Seed in the combine, grain wagon, and bulk storage
or drying bins are in storage and their quality is affected by the samefactors
that affect the quality of seed during the packaged seed segment of the storage
period. The third segment of the storage period beginswith the onset of
conditioning and ends with packaging. The fourth segment of the storage
period is the packaged seed phase which has already been mentioned. The
packaged seed segment is followed by storage during distribution and
marketing, and finally by storage on the farm before and during planting.
Types of storage
b) Carryover seeds
About 20-25 per cent of stored seed may have to be carried over
through one season to the second planting time. The storage period may range
1-1½ year. Storage of seeds in metal bins with tight fitting lids or in amoisture
proof bag will solve the problems of moisture penetration, provided the seeds
are already dry enough for sealed storage.
Germplasm seeds are required to be kept for many years, perhaps very
long periods. Basic requirements for such long term storage are the coldest
temperature economically possible and seed moisture is inequilibrium with
20-25 per cent RH. Germplasm storage built up so far have rooms which can
be maintained at 5oC to 10oC and 30 per cent RH. In addition, the stored
samples are dried to perfect moisture level.
d. Before placing seeds into storage they should be dried to safe moisture
e. Storing of high quality seed only i.e., well cleaned treated as well as high
germination and vigour.
3. Moisture content
5. Provenance
Seed lots having plumpy, vigorous undamaged seeds store longer than
that of deteriorated. Even seed lots having good germination at the beginning
of storage period, may deteriorate at a faster rate depending uponthe severity
of weathering damage, mechanical injury or otherwise in the field. The low
quality seeds should invariably be rejected. Even at best storage conditions,
the initial quality of the seed cannot be improved (except for the dormant seed)
but can only be maintained.
3. Moisture content
11-13 ½ year
10-12 1 year
9-11 2 years
8-10 4 years
Use of desiccants
The general prescription for seed storage is a dry and cool environment.
At this point, the question naturally arises: How dry and how cool? It is difficult
to answer this question unless three factors are known:
(1) kind(s) of seed to be stored; (2) desired period of storage and (3)
physiological quality of the seed.
Seed of most grain crops, e.g., corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, rye, oats,
rice, will maintain germination for the 8-9 months period from harvest to
planting at moisture content of 12-13% and normal warehouse temperature
except possibly in Southern coastal areas. For maintenance of vigour as well
as germination, moisture content should not exceed 12% (relative humidity
below 60%) and temperature in the warehouse should not exceed 650 F. In
the case of carry-over seed, which means a storage period of 20-21 months,
the moisture content of seed of grain crops should be less than 11% and
temperature should not exceed 650 F. Since the period of carry-over storage
encompasses atleast one summer period, temperatures and humidity control
during the period is most important.
Cotton seed stores about as well as seed of grain crops, and the
conditions mentioned above are applicable.
Soybeans and peanut seed are poor storers. For one year’s storage
(actually 8-9 months), moisture content should be 11 to 12% and the
warehouse temperature should not exceed 650F. Shelled peanuts may have
to be stored in a cold room. Carry-over storage should not be attempted unless
conditioned storage facilities are available: 650F and 50% relative humidity or
Seed of most forage grass and legume crops will store well for one
year at moisture content of 10-11% at normal warehouse temperatures. When
“carried-over”, moisture content should be about 10% and temperature
should not exceed 65%.
5. Provenance
The bacteria, fungi, mites, insects, rodents and birds may do harm to
seeds in storage. The general limits of temperature and relative humidity for
the multiplication of the various biological agencies infesting stored seeds
Range for Optimum humidity
multiplication range
Sanitation in storage
There are several other recognized procedures for good seed storage
that most seeds men already know. Seeds should be stored in a seed
warehouse, not a fertilizer, chemicals, herbicide, or feed warehouse. Good
sanitation should be a continuous practice. It will minimize storage insect
infestations. If storage insects are a problem, the judicious use of insecticides
and fumigants, combined with sanitation, will alleviate the problem. The best
procedure is not to place insect infested lots in storage with other lots unless
all the insects have been killed by fumigation or insecticide treatment.
Storage Conditions
Depending upon the cost availability and the period of storage, the
packaging materials are to be selected. Normally cereal seeds are being packed
in cotton, jute and paper bags. Moisture vapour penetrates in these containers
and they offer no protection against high relative humidity. In high humidity
locations with inadequate seed storage facilities, consideration should be given
to methods of packaging which can protect the seed from moisture vapour.
Such moisture vapour proof containers include paperaluminium foil pouches,
polyethylene bags of over 700 gauge thickness, sealed tins and gasketted rigid
plastic containers. The costs of these are high, for the package of cereal seeds.
Polyethylene bags have been regardedas the most attractive, because of their
relatively low cost, compared toother kinds of sealed containers. Rigid plastic
containers and sealed tins offer some possibility for hybrid seeds of cotton and
vegetables, if thequantity needed is not great.
These containers allow entry of water in the from of vapour and liquid.
These are suited for short term storage. The seeds in these containers will
attain seed equilibrium moisture with the surrounding atmosphere (eg) cloth
bags, gunny bags, paper bags etc.
2. Moisture impervious but vapour pervious containers
These allow entry of water in the form of vapour and not in liquid. The
seeds in the containers can’t be carried over for long period in hot humid
conditions (.g.) polythene bags of <300 gauge thickness and urea bags.
3. Moisture and vapour proof containers
These containers will not allow entry of moisture in the form of liquid
or vapour. These are used for long term storage even in hot humid conditions
if the seeds are sealed at optimum m.c. eg. Polythylene bags of >700 gauge
thickness, aluminium foil pouches, rigid plastics etc.
Certified seeds of cereals, pulses and oil seeds are normally packed
either in gunny bags or cloth bags. However, paper bag, aluminium foil
pouches and polyethylene bags are used for packing flower and vegetable
Inherent differences in seed longevity are facts, the seeds man must
accept and contend with as best he can. Among the vegetables, onion seed
are notoriously short-lived, radish seed are intermediate in longevity, and
watermelon seed are relatively long-lived. Soybean and peanut seed do not
store well as compared to seed of wheat, corn, cotton, sorghum and rice. In
some cases, seed kinds which have very similar chemical and physical
properties differ substantially in longevity. Tall fescue and annual ryegrass
seed are similar in structure, chemical composition, and yet, ryegrass seed
store better than tall fescue seed.
Possible Sequence of changes in seed during deterioration
3. The height of the stack should not be more than 6-8 bags.
9. Based on seed testing result, seeds can be dried under sun for the
removal of moisture. It reduces insect and pathogen infestation.
10.New seed lots should be kept away from old seed lots to avoid
secondary infestation of insects.
16.Each lot should be labeled accurately and registers for stocks should
be maintained.
17.Per acre or per hectare packing (small) is preferable for easy handling
and effective supervision.
The fumigant has to be chosen and the requirement worked out on the
following guidelines :
Aluminium phosphide: Three tablets of 3 g each per ton of seed for cover
fumigation (only selected blocks of bags)
Twenty one tablets of 3g each for 28 cubic metres, for shed fumigation
(entire godown). Period of fumigation - 5 days. The major advantages of
Phostoxin are that it lacks residues and does not affect flavor or germination
and is easy to handle.
Methyl bromide: Above 5.6oC, methyl bromide is in the gas phase and is
available in cylinders similar to those used for cooking gas. Since, it is odorless,
other gases such as chloropicrin are sometimes added to facilitate detection of
leaks. Because methyl bromide is 3.5 times heavier than air, care has to be
taken that it is properly distributed within the goods to be fumigated (fan can
be used). The recommended dosage is 20 g/m3 for 24- 48 hrs.
Powdered jaggery 15 g
Replace the consumed bait daily. If needed the single dose or acute
poison bait may be prepared as follows :
Food material 97 g
Edible oil 1g
Zinc phosphide 2g
Before providing the poisoned zinc phosphide bait, the plain or non-
poisoned bait are to be provided for two or three days to make the rats accept
the bait.
Seed marketing should aim to satisfy the farmer's demand for reliable supply
of a range of improved seed varieties of assured quality at an acceptable price.
➢ To the retailer in the agricultural sector, for example, it is selling seed along
with other inputs to the farmer.
➢ To the farmer it is simply selling what he produces on his farm. However,
whatever the circumstances, a well-defined sequence of events has to take
place to promote the product and to put it in the right place, at the right time
and at the right price for a sale to be made.
➢ Too many people think of marketing solely in terms of the advertising and
selling of goods, whereas in reality marketing starts long before the goods
exist and continues long after they are sold. Therefore, for the marketing
process to be successful: the farmer consumer's needs must be satisfied; the
seed company's objectives must be realized.
Seed distribution can be carried out by government, public sector agencies, co-
operatives and the private sector or, as is often the case, by a combination of all of
these. Channels for seed marketing may be described as:
The seed producing organization supplies the farmer directly. Some features
of direct channel distribution are:
Single level
➢ the seed supplier relies on the retailer for contact with the consumer
➢ retail networks require strong service and support from the supplier
➢ good administrative control must be provided by the sales management
➢ the supplier's distribution system must be well organized and responsive
➢ product quality at the retail level must be monitored for deterioration and
adulteration and a return system should be considered
➢ although the products may be well promoted, the supplier relies on the
retailer to make the final sale.
If neither infrastructure nor the economy are well developed, national distributors
may simply not be available and the seed producer will have to supply seed to
regional wholesalers or distributors.
For farmers there are a number of sources available for the purchase of seed.
These are:
Direct sales
The seed producer supplies the farmer directly from central seed stores and
a network of his/her own supply points
Farmer producers
Farmers with seed production contracts are licensed to supply other farmers
within their zone of influence
Cooperatives act as 'farmer producers' and/or as suppliers of inputs to
Farmer dealers
Farmers act as dealers, supplying their neighbours; this can evolve into a
highly developed system
Commission agents
Traders involved in the seed and grain business who are also licensed seed
Crop buyers
Collectors and crop or commodity traders who provide a point of contact with
farmers and can be used to market seed
Town and village dealers who retail a range of agricultural inputs, with the
larger operators possibly having sub-dealers
Industrial processors
Potato cold store operators trade potato seed since they deal directly with
the growers and have the appropriate storage
Consumer outlets
Garages, shops and supermarkets (are best suited to display small packets of
Mail order
Suitable for low volume, high value products such as vegetables and flowers.
Although government extension outlets are not strictly retail outlets, seed is
sometimes supplied to the farmer through government sponsored agencies and
departments which administer crop or regional development and credit programmes.
1. Product management
Involves managing the inventory for each class of seed, crop and
variety, to ensure maintenance of germination and vigour
Entails moving the seeds from the point of production to the point of
The process of making the actual sale and receiving payment for it, i.e.
the end result of the marketing activity
7. Management information
8. Customer care
➢ Advertisements
Messages sent via the media to inform and influence the farmer
➢ Sales promotions
➢ Personal selling
➢ They have low purchasing power coupled with a low rate of return
from farming.
➢ They are generally conservative and therefore are slow to adopt new
➢ They may not be well informed.
➢ They often lack mobility and the means to transport goods.
It should also be recognized that educational and literacy standards will not
always be high in rural communities. The use of visual material will help toovercome
some communication problems. In all forms of communication, companies should
always try to make the subject of seeds interesting and relevant to the consumer.
➢ good coverage can be obtained and, by using the local press and specialist
papers, accurate targeting can also be achieved
➢ it is relatively cheap and immediate
➢ complex messages can be given in print; these can be read again and again
➢ reply and cut-out coupons with an exchange value can be used to encourage
farmers to request further information and buy the product.
Some disadvantages of the printed media are:
➢ the text, and therefore the message, may not be well understood due to
language and literacy problems
➢ only limited space may be available
➢ printed text has limited impact and colour does not always reproduce well in
➢ a daily paper has a limited life and the advertisements will have to compete
for attention with stories and other information.
➢ the impact will be greater as both sound, colour and movement can be used
to convey the message
➢ good coverage is achieved; this is not confined to the home as people listen
to the radio everywhere, including when they are working on the farm
➢ it is relatively cheap to broadcast on radio compared to television and
advertisements are easier to prepare
➢ the incidence of local broadcasting, in local languages, is greater than with
➢ related interest programmes and farming information spots are usually more
Packaging design
To determine the genetic purity status of a given seed lot of the notified cultivar
/ hybrid and the extent to which the sample in question conforms to the prescribed
Field of applicability
Grow-out Test is the official measure for controlling the genetic purity of the
seed lot. It serves as a pre-control as well as a ‘post-control’ test for avoiding genetic
contaminations. According to the official regulations in India, it is pre- requisite for
seed certification of hybrids of certain species such as cotton, castor, musk melon
and brinjal.
The test is required to be conducted for checking the sellers label with
respect to genetic purity status of the seed lot under the provisions of the seeds
Act 1966. In addition grow-out test can also be used as a measure to judge the
efficacy of the certification agency or the inspector.
The samples for ‘Grow-out test shall be drawn simultaneously with thesamples
for other seed quality tests in accordance with the prescribed sampling procedures.
Size of submitted sample
The size of submitted samples shall vary according to the species as exemplified in
this Table.
Recommended size of submitted sample for Grow-out Test
The working sample for grow out test shall be obtained through subsequent
mixing and dividing of the submitted sample in accordance with the prescribed
procedure for seed sampling.
The minimum population required for taking the observations shall be 400
plants; however, it will also depend on the maximum permissible off-type plants
prescribed for the species under consideration in the Indian Minimum seed
Certification standards
The number of seeds required for raising the crop to obtain the required
number of plants shall depend on the germination percentage of the seed sample and
hence seed rate should be adjusted accordingly.
Number of plants required per sample for grow out test
To achieve the accuracy and reproducibility of the grow out test results, the
procedures provided hereunder must be followed:
The grow out test shall be conducted in specified areas recommended for the
cultivar / hybrid or in off-season nurseries.
Standard sample
Grow-out test plots must be examined throughout the growing season with
emphasis on the period from the flowering to ripening. All plants must be examined
keeping in view the distinguishing characters described for the cultivars both in the
test crop as well as the control. While taking the observation, theplants showing
deviations in characters against the control should be tagged and examined carefully
at a later stage to confirm whether they are off-types or not.The number of the
total plants and the off-type plants found should be recorded.
* indicates that the sample size is too small for a valid test.
Reporting of results
2. Electrophoresis
2. differences in charge. The molecules with the higher charge migrate faster than
those with a lower charge.
Since proteins carry a net charge at any pH other than their isoelectric point,
they migrate in an electric field, the rate of which depends on the charge density
(that is, the rate of charge to mass of the molecule). Proteins with higher charge
density will migrate faster, thus resulting in differential rates of movement of proteins
when a mixture of different proteins is subjected to an electric field. By altering the
gel pore size (using polymers at different concentrations) and the charge on the
protein molecule (by changing the pH of the system) a high degreeof resolution can
be achieved for separation of protein molecules in a mixture.
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lOMoARcPSD|301 350 98
➢ Lecture 15
➢ Detection methods for GMOs/LMOs
➢ Definition
Any living organism that possesses a novel combination of genetic material obtained
through the use of modern biotechnology
❖ Transgenic plants
• Characterized by the insertion of a new gene or sets of genes into their genome
• The new genes translate and new protein expressed
• This gives the plant new characteristic
➢ Transgenic plants – Examples
➢ Bt cotton
Cotton plants resistant to lepidopteran insects
➢ Round-up ready soybean
Soybean resistant to glyphosate
➢ Golden rice
Rice grains with beta-carotene & Vitamin -A
➢ Detection Methods
➢ General Procedure:
➢ Detection: to determine whether a product is GM or not. For this
purpose, a general screening method can be used. The result is
a positive/negative statement.
➢ Identification: to find out which GM crop or product are present and
whether they are authorized or not in the country.
➢ Quantification: If a crop or its product has been shown to contain GM
varieties, then it become necessary to assess compliance with the
threshold Regulation by the determination of the amount of each
of the GM variety present.
lOMoARcPSD|301 350 98
Detection methods
methods methods
• No system for the field production of seed can guarantee absolute genetic
purity of seed samples. Very rarely long distance pollination or seed transfer
is possible, so any criteria for organic crop production will need to recognise
• There has always been the possibility of hybridization and seed mixing
between organic crops and non-organic crops.
• Organic farming systems acknowledge the possibility of spray or fertilizer drift
from non-organic farming systems, and procedures are established to minimize
• In practice, detecting the presence of certain types of GM material in organic
crops, especially quantification, is likely to be difficult.
• Some seed used by organic farmers are currently obtained from abroad.
• Organic farmers and/or GM crop producers will need to ensure that their crops
are isolated from one another by an appropriate distance or barrier to reduce
pollen transfer if the crop flowers. To reduce seed mixing, shared equipment
will need to be cleaned and an appropriate period of time allowed before
organic crops are grown on land previously used for GM crops. Responsibility
for isolation will need to be decided before appropriate measures can be
implemented. The report highlights the need for acceptable levels of the
presence of GM material in organic crops and measures identified to achieve
Seeds Act and Rules
The seed is an important agricultural input and it plays vital role in increasing
production and productivity. There is a need to safeguard the farmers with the supply
of genetically pure and quality seeds. Any new variety produced by the Scientist has
to be multiplied many times to meet the needs of the farmers. Inorder to ensure
the availability of quality seeds, Government of India have enacted Seeds act, 1966
and Seed rules, 1968. The seed (Control) order, 1983 was promulgated under
essential commodities act, 1955 in order to ensure the production, marketing and
equal distribution of the seeds.
The object of Seed Act is to regulate the quality of certain notified kind /
varieties of seeds for sale and for matters connected therewith. The seed act passed
by the Indian Parliament in 1966 was designed to create a 'Climate' inwhich the
seeds man could operate effectively and to make good quality seed available to
cultivators. Seeds rule under the act were notified in September 1968 and the act
was implemented entirely in October, 1969. This act extent to thewhole of India
and it has 25 sections.
1. Sanctioning legislation
2. Regulatory legislation
Regulatory Legislation controls the quality of seeds sold in the market including
suitable agencies for regulating the seed quality. On quality control basis, the Seeds
Act could conveniently be divided into the following:
I. Minimum limit and labeling of the notified kind / varieties of seed
b. Labeling provisions
c. Seed testing
d. Seed analyst
e. Seed inspectors
f. Penalty
g. General provisions
New varieties evolved by the State Agricultural Universities and ICAR institutes
are notified and released /notified respectively under section 5 of the seeds act in
consultation with the central seed committee and its sub committees constitute under
section 3 and 3(5) of the Seeds Act. As on date more than 2500 varieties and 130
varieties were notified and denotified under this section. List of varieties notified and
denotified from 1969 to 2005 are compiled and made available in the form of a book
called catalogue of varieties notified and denotified under section 5 of the Seeds Act.
Functions of the Central Seed Committee and itssub-committee are defined in Clauses
3 and 4 of part II of seed rule.
Minimum limits for germination, physical purity and genetic purity of varieties
/ hybrids for crops have been prescribed and notified for labeling seeds of notified
kind / varieties under section 6(a) of the Seeds Act. Size of the label, colour of the
label and content of the label were also notified under sub clause (b) of Section 6 of
Seeds Act. Colour of the label is opel green and size of the label is 10 cm x 15 cm
or proportionate thereof. Responsibility for making labeling content of mark or label,
manner of marking, false / misleading statement on label etc., are defined under
clause 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 of part V of seeds rule.
Section 7 of the act regulates the sale of notified kind or varieties. Accordingly no
person shall keep for sale, offer to sell, barter or otherwise supply any seed of any
notified kind or variety, after the dates recorded on the container mark or label as
the date unto which the seed may expected to retain the germination not less than
prescribed under clause (a) of section 6 of the Act.
State Government could appoint the Seed Analysts through notification in the
Official Gazette under Section 12 of the Seed Act defining his area and his jurisdiction.
Seed Analyst should posses certain minimum qualification as prescribedunder clause
20 part IX of Seed Rule.
Classes of seed
The State Government, under section 13 of the Act may appoint such a person
as it thinks fit, having prescribed qualification (Clause 22 part IX of Seed Rule)
through notification, as a Seed Inspector and define the areas within which heshall
exercise jurisdiction for enforcing the seed law. He will be treated as a public servant
within a meaning of section 21 of the I.P.C. (45 of 1860). He has power to examine
records, register document of the seed dealer. He will also exercise such
other powers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act or rule
made there under. Duties of Seed inspectors are defined in clause 23 of part IX of
Seed rule. He can issue, stop sale order in case the seed in question contravenes the
provision of relevant Act and rules for which he can use form No.III. When he seizes
any record, register documents or any other material , he should inform a magistrate
and take his order for which he can use form No.IV.
(f) Penalty
If any person, contravenes any provision of the Act or Rule, or prevents a seed
inspector from taking sample under this Act or prevents a Seed Inspector from
exercising any other power conferred on him could be punished under section 19 of
the act with a fine of five hundred rupees for the first offence. In the event of such
person having been previously convicted of an offence under this section with
imprisonment for a term, may extend to six months or with fine, which may extent
to one thousand rupees or with both.
The object of the Seed Certification is to maintain and make available to the
public through certification high quality propagating material of notified kind /
varieties so grown and distributed as to ensure genetic identity and genetic purity.
The certified standards in force are Indian Minimum seed certification standards and
seed certification procedures form together for the seed certification regulations.
Seeds of only those varieties which are notified under section under Section 5 of
the seeds act shall be eligible for certification.
Breeder seed
Foundation seed
Certified Seed
Breeder seed
Breeder seed should be packed and supplied with breeder's golden yellow stag
as per the guideline given in Indian Minimum Seed Certificationstandards. It
is also the fact that no standard for breeder seed have been prescribed.
Foundation seed
Certified seed
Seed act section 9 provides any person desires of producing certified seed
shall register his name with concerned seed certification agency duly
remitting the prescribed fee in form No.1 for grant of certificate. Certificate
could be granted in form No.11 after meeting the requirement of certification
agency prescribed under Part VII clause 15,16 and 17 of Seed rule.
Certification tags issued once for certified seed not eligible for further seed
increase under certification
For paddy and wheat, certified seed produced from certified seed is eligible
for certification by NSC up to two generations from foundation seed
Its container bears in the prescribed manner the mark or label with the
correct particular thereof specified for that seed under clause (b) of
section 6.
The Ministry of civil supplies through an order dated 24.4.1983 had declared
the seed for sowing or planting materials of food crops, fruits, vegetables, cattle
fodder and jute to be essential commodities in exercise of power conferred by Section
2(a) (viii) of Essential Commodities Act, 1955. It was followed by the issue of Seed
(control) order dated 30th December, 1983 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Dept. of
Agriculture and Co-operation in exercise of powers contained in section 3 of Essential
Commodities Act, which deals with Central Governments power to control, and
regulate production, supply and distribution of essential commodities.
The Seed (control) order, 1983 had been notified as per Gazette notification, G.S.R
832(E) dated 30. 12.1983. The notification under reference holds good and remains
operative. Joint Secretary (Seeds), Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture,
Department of Agriculture and Cooperation has been appointed as Seed Controller
for implementation of seed (control) order.
All persons carrying on the business of selling, exporting and importing seeds
will be required to carry on the business in accordance with terms and conditions of
license granted to him for which dealer has to make an application in duplicate in
Form 'A' together with a fee of Rs.50/- for license to licensing authority unless the
State Government by notification exempts such class of dealers in such areas and
subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notification.
Based on such enquiry as it thinks fit for licensing authority may grant in
form 'B' or refuse in provisions of the Order. The refusal to grant license shall be
accompanied by clear recording of reasons for such refusal.
Renewal of License
A holder of license shall be eligible for renewal upon and applicable being made
in the prescribed form 'C' (in duplicate) together with a fee of rupees twenty before
the expiry of license or at the most within a month of date of expiry oflicense
for which additional fee of Rs.25/- is required to be paid.
Time limit for analysis of samples by seed testing lab and suspension /
cancellation of license may be done by Licensing authority after giving an opportunity
of being heard to the holder of license, suspend or cancel the license on
grounds of mis-representation of a material in particular or contravention in
provision of the order.
The Licensing authority may after giving an opportunity of being held to the
holder of license, suspend or cancel the license on grounds of mis-representation of
material in particular or contravention in provision of the Order.
The state government may specify authority for hearing the appeals against
suspension / cancellation under this order and the decision of such authority shall
be final. Any person aggrieved by an order of refusal to grant or amend or renew the
license for sale, export / import of seed may within 60 days from the date of Order
appeal to the designated authority in the manner prescribed in the Order.
An Act to provide for regulating the quality of certain seeds for sale, and for
matters connected therewith.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be appointed
for different provisions of this Act, and for different States or for different areas
I. seeds of food crops including edible oil seeds and seeds of fruits
and vegetables;
II. cotton seeds;
III. seeds of cattle fodder;
3. (1) The Central Government shall, as soon as may be after the commencement of
this Act, constitute a Committee called the Central Seed Committee to advise the
Central Government and the State Governments on matters arising out of the
administration of this Act and to carry out the other functions assigned to it by or
under this Act.
(4) The Committee may, subject to the previous approval of the Central
Government, make bye-laws fixing the quorum and regulating its own procedure and
the conduct of all business to be transacted by it.
(5) The Committee may appoint one or more sub-committees, consisting wholly of
members of the Committee or wholly of other persons or partly of members of the
Committee and partly of other persons, as it thinks fit, for the purpose of discharging
such of its functions as may be delegated to such sub-committee or sub-committees
by the Committee.
(6) The functions of the Committee or any sub-committee thereof may be exercised
notwithstanding any vacancy therein.
(7) The Central Government shall appoint a person to be the secretary of the
Committee and shall provide the Committee with such clerical and other staff as the
Central Government considers necessary.
"8A. ,(1) The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette,
a Central Seed Certification Board (hereinafter referred to as the Board) to advise
the Central
Government and the State Governments on all matters relating to certification and
to co-ordinate
the functioning of the agencies established under section 8.
(3) A member of the Board shall, unless his s~at becomes vacant earlier by
resignation or otherwise - be entitled to hold officefor two years from the date of
his nomination:
Provided that a person nominated under clause (if) or clause (iii) of sub-section (2)
shall hold office only for so long as he holds the appointment by virtue of which his
nomination was made.
4. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish
a Central Seed Laboratory or declare any seed laboratory as the Central Seed
Laboratory to carry out the functions entrusted to the Central Seed Laboratory by
or under this Act.
(2) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish one
or more State Seed Laboratories or declare any seed laboratory as a State Seed
Laboratory where analysis of seeds of any notified kind or variety shall be carried out
by Seed Analysts under this Act in the prescribed manner.
Power to notify kinds or varieties of seeds
6. The Central Government may, after consultation with the Committee and by
notification in the Official Gazette, specify-
a. the minimum limits of germination and purity with respect to any seed
of any notified kind or variety;
b. the mark or label to indicate that such seed conforms to the minimum
limits of germination and purity specified under clause (a) and the
particulars which such mark or label may contain.
7. No person shall, himself or by any other person on his behalf, carry on the
business of selling, keeping for sale, offering to sell, bartering or otherwise supplying
any seed of any notified kind or variety, unless-
8. The State Government or the Central Government in consultation with the State
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish a certification
agency for the State to carry out the functions entrusted to the certification agency
by or under this Act.
9. (1) Any person selling, keeping for sale, offering to sell, bartering or otherwise
supplying any seed of any notified kind or variety may, if he desires to have such
seed certified by the certification agency, apply to the certification agency for the
grant of a certificate for the purpose.
(2) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be made in such form, shall contain
such particulars and shall be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.
(3) On receipt of any such application for the grant of a certificate, the certification
agency may, after such enquiry as it thinks fit and after satisfying itself that the seed
to which the application relates conforms to the minimum limits of germination and
purity specified for that seed under clause (a) of section 6, grant acertificate in such
form and on such conditions as may be prescribed.
Revocation of certificate
11. (1) Any person aggrieved by a decision of a certification agency under section 9
or section 10, may, within thirty days from the date on which the decision is
communicated to him and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed, prefer an
appeal to such authority as may be specified by the State Government in this behalf:
Provided that the appellate authority may entertain an appeal after the expiry of
the said period of thirty days if it is satisfied that the appellate was prevented by
sufficient cause from filing the appeal in time.
(2) On receipt of an appeal under sub-section (1), the appellate authority shall, after
giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard, dispose of the appeal as
expeditiously as possible.
(3) Every order of the appellate authority under this section shall be final.
Seed Analysts
12. The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint such
persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed qualifications, to be Seed Analysts
and define the areas within which they shall exercise jurisdiction.
Seed Inspectors
13. (1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint
such persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed qualifications, to be Seed
Inspectors and define the areas within which they shall exercise jurisdiction.
(2) Every Seed Inspector shall be deemed to be a public servant within themeaning
of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) and shall be officially subordinate
to such authority as the State Government may specify in this behalf.
b. send such sample for analysis to the Seed Analyst for the area within
which such sample has been taken;
c. enter and search at all reasonable times, with such assistance, if any,
as he considers necessary, any place in which he has reason to believe
that an offence under this Act has been or is being committed and order
in writing the person in possession of any seed in respect of which the
offence has been or is being committed, not to dispose of any stock of
such seed for a specific period not exceeding thirty days or, unless the
alleged offence is such that the defect may be removed by the possessor
of the seed, seize the stock of such seed;
d. examine any record, register, document or any other material object
found in any place mentioned in clause (c) and seize the same if he
has reason to believe that it may furnish evidence of the commission of
an offence punishable under this Act; and
e. exercise such other powers as may be necessary for carrying out the
purposes of this Act or any rule made thereunder.
(2) Where any sample of any seed of any notified kind or variety is taken under
clause (a) of sub-section (1), its cost, calculated at the rate at which such seed is
usually sold to the public, shall be paid on demand to the person from whom it is
(3) The power conferred by this section includes power to break-open any container
in which any seed of any notified kind or variety may be contained or to break-open
the door of any premises where any such seed may be kept for sale:
Provided that the power to break-open the door shall be exercised only after the
owner or any other person in occupation of the premises, if he is present therein,
refuses to open the door on being called upon to do so.
(4) Where the Seed Inspector takes any action under clause (a) of sub-section (1),
he shall, as far as possible, call not less than two persons to be present at the time
when such action is taken and take their signatures on a memorandum to be prepared
in the prescribed form and manner.
(5) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898), shall, so far
as may be, apply to any search or seizure under this section as they apply to any
search or seizure made under the authority of a warrant issued under section 98 of
the said Code.
15. (1) Whenever a Seed Inspector intends to take sample of any seed of any
notified kind or variety for analysis, he shall-
a. give notice in writing, then and there, of such intention to the person
from whom he intends to take sample;
b. except in special cases provided by rules made under this Act, take three
representative samples in the prescribed manner and mark and seal or
fasten up each sample in such manner as its nature permits.
(2) When samples of any seed of any notified kind or variety are taken under sub-
section (1), the Seed Inspector shall-
a. deliver one sample to the person from whom it has been taken;
b. send in the prescribed manner another sample for analysis to the Seed
Analyst for the area within which such sample has been taken; and
c. retain the remaining sample in the prescribed manner for production in
case any legal proceedings are taken or for analysis by the Central Seed
Laboratory under sub-section (2) of section 16, as the case may be.
(3) If the person from whom the samples have been taken refuses to accept one of
the samples, the Seed Inspector shall send intimation to the Seed Analyst of such
refusal and thereupon the Seed Analyst receiving the sample for analysis shall
divide it into two parts and shall seal or fasten up one of those parts and shall cause
it, either upon receipt of the sample or when he delivers his report, to be delivered
to the Seed Inspector who shall retain it for production in case legal proceedings are
(4) Where a Seed Inspector takes any action under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of
section 14:
16.(1) The Seed Analyst shall, as soon as may be after the receipt of the sample
under sub-section (2) of section 15, analyse the sample at the State Seed Laboratory
and deliver, in such form as may be prescribed, one copy of the reportof the result
of the analysis to the Seed Inspector and another copy thereof to the person from
whom the sample has been taken.
(2) After the institution of a prosecution under this Act, the accused vendor or the
complainant may, on payment of the prescribed fee, make an application to the court
for sending any of the samples mentioned in clause (a) or clause (c) of sub- section
(2) of section 15 to the Central Seed Laboratory for its report and on receipt of the
application, the court shall first ascertain that the mark and the seal or fastening as
provided in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 15 are intact and may then
despatch the sample under its own seal to the Central Seed Laboratory which shall
thereupon send its report to the court in the prescribed form within one month from
the date of receipt of the sample, specifying the result of the analysis.
(3) The report sent by the Central Seed Laboratory under sub-section (2) shall
supersede the report given by the Seed Analyst under sub-section (1).
(4) Where the report sent by the Central Seed Laboratory under sub-section (2) is
produced in any proceedings under Section 19, it shall not be necessary in such
proceedings to produce any sample or part thereof taken for analysis.
17. No person shall, for the purpose of sowing or planting by any person (including
himself), export or import or cause to be exported or imported any seed of any
notified kind or variety, unless-
a. it conforms to the minimum limits of germination and purity specified for that
seed under clause (a) of section 6; and
b. its container bears, in the prescribed manner, the mark or label with the correct
particulars thereof specified for that seed under clause (b) of section 6.
18. The Central Govt. may, on the recommendation of the Committee and by
notification in the Official Gazette, recognise any seed certification agency established
in any foreign country, for the purposes of this Act.
i. for the first offence with fine which may extend to five hundredrupees,
ii. in the event of such person having been previously convicted of an
offence under this section, with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand
rupees, or with both.
Forfeiture of property
20. When any person has been convicted under this Act for the contravention of any
of the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder, the seed in respect
of which the contravention has been committed may be forfeited to the Government.
Offences by companies
21. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company, every
person who at the time the offence was committed was in charge of, and was
responsible to the company for the conduct of the business of the company, as well
as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such person liable
to any punishment under this Act if he proves that the offence was committedwithout
his knowledge and that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of
such offence.
22. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Government
or any officer of the Government for anything which is in good faith done or intended
to be done under this Act.
Power to give directions
23. The Central Government may give such directions to any State Government as
may appear to the Central Government to be necessary for carrying into execution
in the State any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule made there under.
24. Nothing in this Act shall apply to any seed of any notified kind or variety grown
by a person and sold or delivered by him on his own premises direct to another person
for being used by that person for the purpose of sowing or planting.
25. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make
rules to carry out the purpose of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the fore-going power,
such rules may provide, for-
a. the functions of the Committee and the travelling and daily allowances
payable to members of the Committee and members of any sub-
committee appointed under sub-section (5) of section 3;
b. the functions of the Central Seed Laboratory;
c. the functions of a certification agency;
d. the manner of marking or labeling the container of seed of any notified
kind or variety under clause (c) of Section 7 and under clause (b) of
section 17;
e. the requirements which may be complied with by a person carrying on
the business referred to in section 7;
f. the form of application for the grant of a certificate under section 9,
the particulars it may contain, the fees which should accompany it, the
form of the certificate and the conditions subject to which the certificate
may be granted;
g. the form and manner in which and the fee on payment of which an
appeal may be preferred under section 11 and the procedure to be
followed by the appellate authority in disposing of the appeal;
h. the qualifications and duties of Seed Analysts and Seed Inspectors;
i. the manner in which samples may be taken by the Seed Inspector, the
procedure for sending such samples to the Seed Analyst or the Central
Seed Laboratory and the manner of analyzing such samples;
j. the form of report of the result of the analysis under sub-section (1) or
sub-section (2) of section 16 and the fees payable in respect of such
report under the said sub-section (2);
k. the records to be maintained by a person carrying on the business
referred to in section 7 and the particulars which such records shall
contain; and
l. any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
(3) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made,
before each House of Parliament while it is in session for a total period of thirty
days which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions, and if,
before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately
following, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses
agree that the rule should not be made, that rule shall, thereafter have effect only
in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any
such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under that rule.
New seed policy {1988}
1. Bulk import of seeds of coarse cereals, pulses and oil seeds may replace (or)
displace the local productions.
2. Transfer of technology may not be actual one, because due to bulk import of
seeds or import of technology, instead we can import the germplasm of
superior variety if any and could be developed locally to meet the demand
(i.e.,) incorporate the advantages of exotic variety to the local types(or) even
direct multiplication's after adaptive trials.
Since, 1st October 1988 only bulk import of seeds was under taken without
any progress either in the strengthening of quarantine facilities.
Introduction of new pest and disease would pose a new problem due to bulk
import due to lack of post entry quarantine. To avoid this threat, the imported seeds
should be subjected to testing and it should be done by one person from ICAR. Entry
of exotic variety without proper field testing may change the disease pattern if that
particular strain is becoming susceptible to existing pathogens.
(e.g.) Kernal burnt - which was not noticed in the previous years is now a major
disease on wheat after the introduction of Kalyansona.
Genetic erosion
The multination would prevent the III world countries in enjoying the full
benefit of biotechnology. The bulk import of seed indicates accepting the monopoly
rights and the limitation of potential bio-technology in agriculture.
Advantages of biotechnology in agriculture
For over 60 years, different forms of protection of new plant varieties through
the system of Plant Breeders' Right (PBR’s) have been in existence in industralised
countries which essentially means that the holder of the PBR can prevent others from
producing propagating material of the protected variety and / or marketing the same.
In order to coordinate inter country implementation of PBR a " Union Internationale
Pour La Protection Des Obtention Vegetables" (UPOV) was established by
International Convention for Protection of New Varieties of plants (the UPOV
convention), which was signed in Paris in 1961. The convention entered into force in
1968. It was revised in 1972, 1978 and 1991. The 1978 Act entered into force in
1981. The 1991 act has not yet entered into force.
The purpose of UPOV convention is to ensure that the member States of the
Union acknowledge the achievements of breeder of new plant varieties by making
available to them exclusive property rights, on the basis of a set of uniform and
clearly defined principles. To be eligible for protection, varieties have to be (I) distinct
from existing known varieties (ii) sufficiently homogenous (uniform) (iii)
stable and (iv) new in the sense that they must not have commercialised prior to
certain dates established by reference to the date of the application for protection.
Both the 1978 and 1991 conventions set out a minimum scope of protection
offer to member states for the possibility of taking national circumstances into
account in their legislation. Under 1978 Act, the minimum scope of the Plant
Breeders' right requires that the holders' authorization for the production for
purposes of commercial marketing, the offering for sale and marketing of propagating
material of protected variety.
The 1991 Act contains more detailed provision defining the acts concerning
propagating material in relation to which holders' authorization is required.
Exceptionally, but only where the holder has no reasonable opportunity to exercise
his right in relation to the propagating material, his authorization may be required
in relation to any specified acts done with harvested material of the variety.
Like all intellectual property rights, plant breeder’s rights are granted for a
limited period of time (15-20 years) at the end of which varieties protected by them
pass into public domain. The rights are also subject to controls, in the public interest,
against any possible abuse.
4. Exemptions
From the inception of UPOV in 1961, farmers have been allowed to use their
own harvested material of protected varieties for the next production cycle on their
own farms. On farm saving is still a practice in UPOV countries. The 1991 UPOV
convention contains an "Optional exception" which provides that it is unto the national
government to decide whether to permit farmers to use the seed of a PBR protected
variety for propagation purposes on their own holdings or not.
5. Sovereign rights on biological resources
Another major development, which has taken place along with India signing
the World Trade Agreement, is global Biodiversity Convention. India is a signatory
to this convention, which became operational on December 29, 1993. Among other
things it reaffirms that "the states have sovereign rights over their own biological
resources" and that states are responsible for conserving their biological diversity
and for using their biological resources in a sustainable manner".
The proposal of 1991 UPOV convention which extents plant breeders rights to
the harvested material, is not appropriate for our country. The frame work for plant
variety protection has to be evolved in a manner that prevents situations where
repeated imports of improved varieties are not required so as to avoid dependence
on foreign sources of supply.
In the post PVP period, we anticipate fairly high investment in seed research
from private sector and healthy competition with public sector in crop breeding and
seed production and distribution. However, public sector institutions will continue to
play major role in developing varieties of wheat rice, chick pea, pigeon pea,
mungbeans, urdbeans, groundnut, sugarcane, jute, potato and millets. The continued
improvement of these crops is most vital for our food security system. The public
sector will have to continue to develop varieties for rainfed, salt affected, hilly and low
lying flood prone regions. In export potential of food grains and other agricultural
commodities, breeding for quality of produce will have to be given priority. We may
also tailor varieties suited to the needs of the importing countries. Since there is
growing concern about the use of chemical pesticides in crop production, the present
research programme of breeding for resistance against the pests and diseases will
have to be strengthened further. Strategic research on
breeding for research against pests and diseases will be priority areas of
research of a public institution. We anticipate that the material generated from
these research programmes will be made available to the private sector.
Seed industry both in public and private sector is likely to develop at a fast
rate after the legislation on plant variety protection is enacted. The recent experience
shows that contribution of both public and private sector in Seed industry
development is complimentary. While private sector seed companies are
concentrating on hybrids of millets, oil seeds, cotton and vegetables, the public sector
seed corporations are engaged in seed production and distribution of self- pollinated
crops. It has also been observed that due to competition among the seedcompanies,
the farmers have been benefited not only in respect of stability in prices of hybrid
seeds but also better quality of seeds. It is expected that with programmatic policy
planning, faster growth of both public and private sector in seed research and
development will be ensured so that they can play important rolein improving the
incomes and standards of living of our farmers.
Objective Question Bank
10. The colour of the tag of the seed of Wheat variety WH 147 purchased by the farmer to produce
Certified seed II will be
11. The number of tiers involved in seed multiplication in India is a
One b Two
c Three d Four
12. The population formed by sowing of hybrid seed will be
a Homogeneous population b Homogeneous population of
of homozygous plants heterozygous plants
c Heterogeneous population d Heterogeneous population of
of homozygous plants heterozygous plants
13. A farmer is producing the Certified seed of Wheat variety WH 147. During
verification of the source of seed the colour of the tag should be
a A Synthetic b A Composite
c A hybrid d A variety
21. Obtaining optimum population of healthy plants of the selected variety adopting normal
recommended seed rate is termed as
23. A plant grouping except micro-organism with in a single botanical taxon of the lowest
known rank, is known as
a Variety b Strain
c Species d Land race
24. The seed soled, based on the result of the laboratory established by the producer but not from a
recognized lab is considered as
a Privately Certified seed b Truthfully labeled seed c
Certified seed d Denotified seed
25. The class that does not represent seed multiplication chain in India A Nucleus
seed B Breeder seed
C Foundation seed D Certified seed
26. In United States mainly for autogamous crops the generation between Foundation and Certified
seed is considered as
A Foundation seed II B Registered seed
C Certified seed I D. Truthfully labeled seed
27. Foundation and Certified seed production and procurement of Breeder, Foundation and Certified
seed is the role of
A. Seed Certification Agency B. Seed Corporation
C. Agricultural University D. ICAR
28. Number of autonomous bodies involved in seed multiplication chain are
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Five
29. Number of time seed may be multiplied from Breeder to Certified seed that is provided to farmer
for production of food
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Any
30. Seed produced by registered seed growers under the supervision of Seed Certification Agency,
which is certified by a blue colour (Shade ISI No. 104, azure blue) certificate is
A. Registered seed B. Breeder seed
C. Foundation seed D. Certified seed
31. As per seed act the seed crop should be raised from the seed
A. Genetic pure seed without any approved B. Genetic pure seed produced by the seed
source grower
C. Genetic pure seed purchased from D. Of approved source
the open market
32. The validity period of the seed certificate is
A. Nine months from the date of harvest B. Nine months from the date of
C. Nine months from the date of test D. 12 month from the date of sowing
of the seed crop
33. The rice disease known as ‘foolish seedling’-disease with extremely fast growth of spindly and pale
seedling, that break off easily is caused by the substance
secreted by a parasitic fungi (Fusarium moniliforme). A.
Gibberellin B. Auxin
C. Abscisic acid D. Cytokinnins
34. In botanical nomenclature a variety is a
A. Sub group of a species B. Sub group of genera
C. Sub group of a class D. Sub group ofkingdom
Seed Porcessing
35. Top most screen with larger holes than the desirable seed size to remove the inert matter of
larger size is known as
a Grader b Scalper
c Aspirator d Huller
36. In public sector seed processing plants belongs to.
a Seed Corporation b Seed certification agency c
Private agency d Farmer
37. A specified quantity of processed seed of a variety and class produced by a grower is known as
39. Pre conditioning, basic cleaning and grading are the major steps of
a Grading b Seed processing
c Seed treatment d Quality control
40. Th e
operation that prepares a seed lot for basic cleaning.
a Pre cleaning b Grading
c Pre conditioning d Pre taming
41. Equipments used for removal of corn seeds from its cob a
Debearder b Sheller
c Huller d Scarifier
42. The equipment removes tightly fixed husk from seeds of grasses to facilitate in the process of
sowing and germination
a Debearder b Sheller
c Huller d Scarifier
43. The equipment scratches the hard seed coat to improve the process of germination by increasing
exchange of water and oxygen in crops like lucerne, fababean, rice bean etc.
a Scarifier b Stratifier
c Scalper d Sheller
44. The thumb rules for seed storage have been developed by
45. Huller, Sheller, Debearder, decoaticator are the equipment of seed processing involved in
a Nut b Kernel
c Dehulled seed d Seed
48. The step of seed processing that removes the larger, smaller, lighter and thicker adulterants as
compared to the crop seed, from the seed lot is known as .
a Pre conditioning b Basic cleaning
c Grading d Separation
49. Top most screen of a seed cleaner/ grader with larger hole than the desirable seed size to
remove the inert matter of larger size than the seed is known as
a Grader b Scalper
c Aspirator d Debearder
50. The separator that separates the inert matter, other crop seeds, weed seeds and shrivelled seeds
from healthy leguminous seeds using the ability of a seed to roll due to its shape is known as
a Indent b Gravity
c Spiral d Disc
51. The revolving separator that provides each seed a chance to fit into the indent by turning out the
seed mass is known as
a Indent cylindrical b Gravity separator
d Disc separator
c Spiral separator
52. A separator consists of a stratifying deck surface mounted at a slight angle that reciprocates and
tosses heavy seed in uphill direction, whereas, light material remains at down hill place is known
a Indent cylindrical separator Gravity separator c
Spiral separator Disc separator
53. Lighter inert matter and adulterant than the crop seed is removed from the seed lot by the
process of .
a Preconditioning b Hulling
c Dehulling d Aspiration
54. Moisture content of the seed by the hot air oven method is given by
a ( Intial wt-final wt) / Final b (Final wt-initial wt) / Initial wt X 100
wt X 100
57. The total of relative humidity in percent and temperature in Fahrenheit should not exceed
for safe storage of seed.
a 50 b 70
c 100 d 120
58. Separation based on seed weight is done with the help of
60. Separation based on seed surface texture is done with the help of a
Aspirator b Gravity separator
c Spiral separator d Disc separator
61. Separation based on seed surface texture is done with the help of
a Indent cylindrical b Gravity separator
d Disc separator
c Spiral separator
62. In general, separation based on seed colour is done with the help of
a Indent cylindrical b Gravity separator
63. Exposure of imbibed seeds to higher/lower temperatures for a prescribed period of time to
overcome mechanical or morphological dormancy is known as
a Scarification b Stratification
c Scalping d Priming
a Fortification b Hardening
c infusion d Dressing
67. Controlled hydration of seeds through a carrier or a high molecular solute to a level that starts
pre-germinative metabolic activity followed by dehydration to check emergence of the radicle is
known as seed
a Fortification b Hardening
c infusion d Priming
a Osmo-priming b Bio-priming
c Halo-priming d Solid matrix priming
69. Seed coating with biological agents like Rhizobium
a Osmo-priming b Bio-priming
c Halo-priming d Solid matrix priming
70. Enclosing or encapsulation of the small seed with a small quantity of inert (foreign) material to
produce a globular unit of standard size is known as
71. Coating of seed with all the possible useful active ingredients (insecticide + fungicide +
micronutrients + colouring agents + etc) with an adhesive is known as
72. To check mesomechochory in sesame the seed is dressed with
a Fungicide b Bacteriacide
c Nematacide d Insecticide
73. Seed feeder that obtains water metabolically from seeds and releases it into their immediate
environment along with waste heat are
Seed storage
75. Seeds that may withstand dehydration without damage are considered as. a Dormant
seed b Recalcitrant seed
c orthodox seed d Hard seed
76. The two greatest enemies of storage life of seeds are
a high moisture and high b High light intensity and high
temperature temperature
c Low light intensity and high d Low oxygen and high moisture
c airtight, High humidity, and low d airtight, low humidity, and high
temperature temperature
80. An improvement in seed performance by any post harvest physio-chemical treatment resulting in
better storability, improved germination and field performance over a wide range of edapho-
climatic conditions than the corresponding untreated seed is considered as
a Seed pelleting b Seed pelleting
c seed invigoration d Seed ageing
81. Elements of Group XVII of periodic table are known as a
Hydrogen b Nitrogen
c Helium d Halogen
82. Replacement of one atom with halogen is known as
a Carbon b Nitrogen
c Oxygen d Hydrogen
83. The halogen is absorbed by of the seed and reduces the physiological deterioration
a Protein b Carbohydrate
c Unsaturated fatty acid d Saturated fatty acid
84. The Halogen protect seed during storage due to property a
Antimicrobial b Fumigation
c Repellent d Attractant
85. All the stored insect pests belong to the order
a Coleopetra, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera b Lepidoptera , Diptera and Odonata c
Coleopetra, Diptera, Odonata d Hymenoptera, Diptera, Odonata
86. Important store grain pests are from the class
A Chordeta b Reptilia
c Insecta and Acarira d Only Acarira
87. Cigarette beetle, confused flour beetle, Indian meal, red flour beetle and saw toothed beetle are
a External feeder b Internal feeder
c External and internal feeder d These are not store grainpest
88. Live on the seeds already damaged by other insects in store. a Mites
b Snail
c Nematodes d Rat
89. Exposure of seeds to gaseous form of harmful chemicals to control seed borne fungi and insects
to control deterioration of seed during storage is known as
a Halogenation b Fumigation
c Invigoration d Pelleting
90. Seed sample of -with more than the 1% insect infestation are rejected a Oil
seed b Legume and maize
c Vegetable d Cereals
91. In Oil seed crops maximum permitted insect infestation during storage is a 0.1%
b 0.5%
c 1% d Nil
92. Objectionable insect pest of sweet potato
Seed health
95. A variety used by farmer was resistant to YMV of soybean but in the current year the symptoms of
disease appeared on the plants. It shows deterioration of
a Seed b Variety
c Crop d Soil
96. Diaphanoscope is used to test the
a Physical purity b Genetic purity
c Moisture content d Seed viability
97. At seed level disease is objectionable both in sorghum and pearl millet.
98. Seed of pearl millet from fields having ergot infection even within the prescribed limits should be
subjected to floatation treatment in to become eligible for
a Water b Brine solution
c Brawn solution d Brown solution
99. The seed certification standard of Karnal bunt for foundation class is 0.05%. It means one has to
observe minimum seeds
a 100 b 1000
c 10000 d 100000
100. In India Orobanche cumna is a designated objectionable parasitic weed of
a Safflower b Sugarcane
c Soybean d Sunflower
102.Seed sample of maize and pulses with insect infestation more than are
rejected during certification
O.1% 0.5%
1.0% 10%
103. Seed sample other than maize and pulses with insect infestation more than
are rejected during certification.
A. O.1% B. 0.5%
C. 1.0% D. 10%
104.To avoid transmission of loose smut in barley, wheat, oat and triticale m
isolation distance should be maintained in Certified seed production programme.
A. 50m B. 100m
C. 150m D. 200m
105.Top borer, Internode borer, Stalk borer, Plassey borer, Gurdaspur borer, Scale insect, Mealy
bug are the objectionable insect pest of
A. Maize B. Sorghum
C. Pearl millet D. Sugarcane
106. The field infected by brown rot, wart or nematode should not be selected for seed production of
A. Potato tubers B. Sugarcane
C. Onion D. Soybean
107. Halo blight is the objectionable seed borne disease of
A. Mung bean B. Rajmash
C. Soybean D. Urid ban
108. Cercospora leaf spot is the objectionable seed borne disease of
A. Niger B. Sesame
C. Linseed D. Groundnut
109. The disease objectionable both for sunflower and pearl millet at field level is Halo blight
Head smut
Cercospora leaf spot Downy mildew
110. objectionable disease of pearl millet both at seed and field level is
A. Ergot B. Downymildew
C. Head smut D. Grainsmut
111. Common objectionable disease of wheat, triticale, oat and barley at field level is
A. False smut B. Yellow Rust
C. Loose smut D. Blackrust
112. The objectionable pest in seed production of chickpea in India is
A. Fusarium wilt B. Rhizoctonia root rot
C. Helicoverpa D. None
113. Seed fields that can be reinspected
A. Sorghum infected by grain and B. Sorghum infected by ergot
head smut
D. Wheat infected with Loose smut
C. Pearl millet infected by
downy mildew
114. Downy mildew of pearl millet is an objectionable seed borne disease
A. At seed level B. At field level
C. At both the levels D. It is not an objectionabledisease
115. The objectionable weed in seed production of soybean at field level in India is
A. Wild soybean B. Glycinesoja
C. Cardiospermum halicacabum D. None
116. The objectionable weed of rice at seed level in India
A. O. sativa var. fatua B. O. rufipogon
C. O. nivara D. Zizaniapalustris
117. The objectionable weed of rape seed and mustard at seed level in India is A. Argimone
mexicana B. Carthamus tinctorious
C. Cichorium intybus D. Orobanche
118. Carthamus oxyacantha is the objectionable weed of
A. Linseed B. Safflower
C. Sunflower D. Soybean
119. The objectionable weed of Egyptian clover at seed level in India.
A. Cichorium intybus B. Chicoriumintybus
C. Cikorium intybus D. Cikoriumintybus
120. Phalaris minor is an objectionable weed of wheat
A. at both seed and field level B. Only at seedlevel
C. Only at field level D. It is not an objectionable
121.Infestation of granary weevil, rice weevil, lesser and larger grain borer, angumois grain moth,
seed beetles etc are
A. Not visible form the out side B. Visible from the out side
C. No infestation in store D. Only on thesurface
122.Granary weevil, rice weevil, lesser and larger grain borer, angumois grain moth, seed beetles etc.
lay their eggs in seeds
A. when seeds are attached to the plant B. At the time of harvesting
and are at milk stage
124. Downey mildew is an objectionable seed borne disease of
A. Sunflower B. Pearlmillet
C. Both Aand B D. Fieldpea
125. The soil may become sick with the continuous use of seed infected with
disease for sowing purpose
A. Loose smut of wheat and
Cercospora leaf spot of sesame
C. Rice bunt and head smut of
B. arnal bunt of wheat and downy mildew
of sunflower
D. Downey mildew of pearl millet and
Halo blight of mung
Seed production
126.----------------- is maintained by avoiding Out crossing and mixture of seeds of other varietiesin
the produced seed lot.
A. Physical B. Genetic
C. Health D. Germinability
127. The purity of the seed that is improved by rouging is
A. Physical purity B. Geneticpurity
C. Ethic purity D. Expressedpurity
128. Genetic impurity in pigeonpea due to out crossing can be sorted out by
A. ODV test B. GOT test
C. Both ODVand GOT D. DUS test
129. Seed plot is grown at a particular distance from the sources of genetic contamination to avoid
A. Self pollination B. Outcrossing
C. Goitenogamy D. Crosspollination
130.Sorghum, pigeonpea, cotton, linseed, sesame require more isolation distance during seed
production as these crops have type of pollination.
Self pollinated Cross pollinated
Often self pollinated Often cross pollinated
131.Exposure of male and female part of flower due to pressure of insect during nectar or pollen
collection is known as
A. Bursting B. Anthesis
C. Tripping D. Hammering
132. The pollen grains are tested for viability by using solution. A. 2% aceto-
carmine B. Iodine solution
C. Agar agar D. Commusiveblue
133.The act of removing the plants of the same species, which is deviating from the normal
expression of the variety in a seed production plot is designated as
A. Weeding B. Rouging
C. Offtype removal D. Cropping
134.Selective removal of undesirable plants of the seed crop on the basis of visual inspection in the
field to improve quality of seed is known as .
A. Weeding B. Rouging
C. Offtype removal D. Cropping
135. An isolation distance of three meter is recommended in many self pollinated crops to check
140.In a seed production plot, plant similar for distinguishing character(s) but deviates in the
agronomical trait(s) like, days to flowering, plant height, disease reaction and days to maturity is
designated as .
A. Rogue B. Offtype
C. Volunteer plant D. ODV
141.A plant in the seed crop, which deviates from the norm for the cultivar, but does not obviously
belong to another cultivar
A. Rogue B. Offtype
C. Volunteer plant D. ODV
143.Knowledge of of the variety in seed production is the pre-requisite for the persons
engaged in rouging.
A. Diagnostic and phenological traits B. Qualitative and quantitative traits
C. Expression against biotic stresses D. Polygenic and oligogenictraits
144. Theoretically rouging should be performed
A. Before flowering B. After flowering
C. At the time of flowering D. At the time ofmaturity
145. Testing of genetic purity at seed level is known as test A.
Seed law enforcement
151. Prof visited India in the year 1961, emphasized on controlling the quality of
seeds by certifying them and enacting seed law.
A. A.S. Carter
B. K. Dorph Peterson
C. L.O. Copeland
D. O.L. Justice
152. Minimum Seed certification were determined in the year
A. 1966
B. 1971
C. 1975
D. 1989
153. advises the Central Government and the State Governments on matter
arising out of the administration of the Seed Act.
a) Central Seed committee
b) State seed Committee
c) University
154. The method to be adopted for seed testing is finalized by
a) Central Seed Testing Lab
b) Directorate of Seed Research
c) International Seed Testing Association
d) National Seed Testing Association
155. The seed rules were passed in the year
A. 1963
B. 1966
C. 1968
D. 1971
156. The procedure to be followed by Seed inspector for inspection of seed is described in
the book entitled
A hand book of seed inspector Seed
Testing manual
Seed Technology
Seed Certification manual
157. The takes sample of the notified variety being sent for testing in Seed
Testing laboratory
A. Seed inspector of seed certification agency
B. Officer of seed corporation
C. Engineer of processing plant
D. Representative of the University
158. By the Seed (control) order, the seed was included in commodities.
a) Essential
b) Non essential
c) Food
d) Volatile
159. In public sector quality of seed is the responsibility of
A. Seed Corporation
B. Seed Certification Agency
C. Seed seller
D. Farmer
160. National Seed Policy was framed in the year
A. 1966
B. 1983
C. 2002
D. 2006
161. One or more related species or sub-species of crop plants each individually or
collectively known by one common name is termed as
in seed act 1966.
A. Kind
B. Brand
C. Variety
D. Type
162. The seed testing laboratory to which the sample has been submitted for analysis
shall submit the report of analysis to the Seed Inspector with in
days of receipt of the sample.
A. 30 days
B. 45 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 days
163. As per Seed Act 1966 the person who contravenes the functioning of Seed Inspector
from exercising powers may fine upto rupees for the
first offense.
a. Rs 500
b. Rs 1000
c. Rs. 5000
d. Rs. 10000
164. For production of foundation seed, the sowing will be of class seed.
a. Nucleus seed b.
Breeder seed
c. Foundation seed
d. Certified seed
165. Production of the Breeder seed is the responsibility of A State
B. National Seed Corporation
C. Central Seed Testing Board
D. Division of Seed, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
166. Availability of Foundation seed for production of Certified seed is the responsibility
A. State Government
C. Central Seed Testing Board
D. Division of Seed, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
167. Number of generation allowed after Breeder seed in seed multiplication chain is
168. Production of Foundation and Certified seed is the responsibility of
A. Seed Certification Agency
B. Seed Testing Laboratory
C. Seed Corporation
169. On the tag of the Breeder Seed Signature is of
a. Seed certification inspector
b. Seed Analyst
c. Seed Certification Officer
d. Consult Plant Breeder
170. A farmer interested in Certified seed production has to get registered with
A. Seed Corporation
B. Seed Certification Agency
C. University
D. State Department of Agriculture
171. In March 2002 the first transgenic hybrid of was allowed for
commercial cultivation in farmer’s field in India .
a. Maize
b. Pearl millet
c. Cotton
d. Tomato
172. India became member of ISTA in the year
1. 1961
2. 1963
3. 1966
4. 1971
173. The Essential Commodities Act, was enacted in the year
A. 1950
B. 1955
C. 1960
D. 1968
174. Seeds Control Order under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 was enacted in the
A. 1981
B. 1983
C. 1987
D. 1988
175. Consumer Protection Act was enacted in the year A. 1984
B. 1986
C. 1988
D. 2000
176. Environment Protection Act, with its 1989 Rules pertaining to Genetically
Modified Organisms was enacted in the year
A. 1986
B. 1989
C. 2002
D. 2006
177. New Policy on Seed Development was enacted in the year A. 1985
B. 1988
C. 1998
D. 2008
178. The Biological Diversity Act, was enacted in the year A.
B. 1998
C. 2000
D. 2002
179. The Plants, Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of Import into India) Order, was enacted in
the year
A. 1987
B. 1989
C. 1999
D. 2005
180. Industrial Policy was enacted in the year A.
B. 1991
C. 1971
D. 1981
181. Geographical Indication of Goods Act, was enacted in the year A. 1979
B. 1989
C. 1999
D. 2009
182. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, was enacted in the year
1. 1999
2. 2000
3. 2001
4. 2005
183. National Seed Policy was enacted in the year
A. 1966
B. 1968
C. 1998
D. 2002
184. The Government of India enacted the in 1966 to regulate the seed
a) Seed bill b)
Seed act
c) Seed regulation
d) Seed law
185. The act provided a system for seed quality control through independent State
a) Seed production b)
Seed certification
c) Seed corporation
d) Department of Agriculture
186. In 1991 under Industrial Policy seed production was identified as a
a) High priority industry
b) Low priority industry
c) Not as an industry
d) Cottage industry
187. Minimum gap required for seed production programme of different varieties of the same
crop in the selected field is
a) One to two years.
b) Two-three years
c) One season
d) Five years
188. The act providing protection to a variety in India is
a) Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers’ Right Act
B) Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Right Act
C) Plant Variety Patent Act
D) IPR on Plant Variety Act
189. Seed act (1966, sub section 16 of section 2) defined a sub division of a kind identified by
its growth, yield, plant, fruit, seed or other characters as
A. Cultivar
B. Land race
C. Farmer variety
D. Variety
190. A notified under section 5 of Seed Act 1966; and Farmers’ variety as defined in PPV act;
and a variety about which there is common knowledge or any other variety, which is in
public domain is known as under
PPVFR act.
a. Extant variety
b. Extent variety
c. Extinct variety
d. Extend variety
191. A variety is designated as in respect to the initial variety
when it is predominantly derived from such initial variety
a. Essentially derived variety
b. Extant variety
c. Extent variety
d. Old variety
192. The variety is notified under section 5 for years.
a. 05
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
193. A variety, which has been traditionally cultivated and evolved by the farmers’ in their
fields. It may be a wild relative or land race of a variety about which farmer possess the
common knowledge is known as
a. Wild variety
b. Extant variety
c. Land race
d. Farmers’ variety
194. A variety is notified by the office of
a. Ministry of Agriculture State Government b.
Ministry of Agriculture Government of India
c. University
195. Seed of only varieties are produced by seed multiplication chain.
A. Notified
B. Identified
C. Released
D. Denotified
200. As per PPV and FR Act the right for researchers is A. free
access to registered varieties for research
B. No free access to registered varieties for research
C. free access to registered varieties for market
D. free access to registered varieties for export
201. In the Indian Act, for making EDVs
A. The breeders’ authorization is needed
B. The breeders’ authorization is not needed
C. Only original breeder can develop the EDV
D. Authorization of PPV and FR Authority is needed
202. Indian act granted on plant variety
A. Patent
B. Copyright
C. Protection
D. Exclusive right
203. As per Indian Act methods and processes of agriculture and horticulture A. Cannot
be patented
B. Can be patented
C. Can be granted copyright
D. Can be granted exclusive right
204. The Indian Patent Amendment Act, call, cell lines, cell organelles like mitochondria and
A. Cannot be patented
B. Can be patented
C. Can be granted copyright
D. Can be granted exclusive right .
205. Is there any Act for protecting a new plant variety in India
A. The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act 2001
B. The Protection of Plant Varieties Act 2001
C. The Plant variety Protection Act 2001
206. Under the TRIPS agreement it is obligatory on part of a Member to provide protection to
new plant variety therefore India opted for
A. sui generis system
B. Patent
C. Copy right
D. Exclusive right
207. The PPV and FR act 2001 of India provides safeguards
A. Only to farmers
B. Only to breeders
C. Only to researchers’
D. All the three
208. What kind of varieties is registerable under the PPV&FR Act
A. Only extant varieties without confirmation of DUS testing
B. Only new varieties with confirmation of DUS testing
C. Only Public sector varieties after confirmation of DUS testing
D. Extant and new varieties with confirmation of DUS testing
209. The original variety from which the Essentially Derived Variety” is developed
A. Should be protected
B. Should not be protected
C. May or may not beprotected
D. Should be patented
210. Plant variety is considered if at the date of filing of the application for
protection, the propagating material of such variety has not been sold with the consent of
breeder or his successor for the purpose of exploitation of such variety earlier than one year
in India before the date of filing such application
A. Novel
B. Distinctive
C. Stable
D. Uniform
211. The stability of the new variety is tested/considered by
A. Eberhart and Russell Model
B. Uniform and stable expression of the essential traits over the year and locations
C. Freeman and Perkins model
D. Perkins and Jinks model
212. The variety submitted for protection is considered as
A. Candidate variety
B. Extant variety
C. Farmers variety
D. Reference variety
213. Deliberate plan of action to guide decisions and achieve rational outcome of seed is termed
as seed
A. Legislation
B. Policy
C. Act
D. Rule
214. Law which has been enacted by government body to regulate, to authorize, to provide
(funds), to sanction, to grant, to declare or to restrict is known as seed
A. Legislation
B. Policy
C. Act
D. Rule
215. The principal changes include regulation and registration in new seed bill is
A. Seed can be sold only after certification from public sector, and no place for transgenic
B. Even transgenic seed can be sold after certification from public sector
C. For certification only private seed certification laboratory will be accredited
D. All seeds to be sold, provisions for self-certification and accreditation of private seed
testing laboratories, and regulation of transgenic seeds.
216. In New Seed Bill 2004
A. Only varieties notified by the government need to be registered.
B. All seeds for sale must be registered.
C. All varieties for sale must be registered
D. Registration is compulsory only for private seed agencies
217. In New Seed Bill 2004
A. No provision for transgenic varieties of seeds.
B. Special provisions for registration of transgenic varieties of seeds.
C. Transgenic varieties of seed will be register with non-transgenic without any
D. Transgenic varieties of seed of Indian origin will be register with non-
transgenic without any discrimination
218. In the event of under performance of seeds New Seed Bill 2004 has
A. No specific provision for compensation.
B. Provision of seed replacement
C. Provision for compensation to farmers under the Consumer Protection Act,
D. Provision of cost of seed
219. As per New Seed Bill 2004 any person who contravenes any provisions of the Act or
imports, sells or stocks seeds deemed to be misbranded or not registered can be punishable
by a fine of
A. Rs. 500-5000
B. Rs 1000- 10,000
C. Rs 5,000 to 25,000
D. Rs. 10000/-
Seed Certification
220. Minimum gap required for seed production programme of different varieties
of the same crop in the selected field is
A. 1-2 year
B. 2-3 years
C. 3-4
D. 4-5 year
221. The field will not be selected for seed production programme if in the Last year /
A. Same variety of the same crop was cultivated B.
Different variety of the same crop was cultivated
C. Different crop was cultivated
D. No crop was cultivated
222. Seed production plot should be under
A. Sole cropping
B. Inter cropping
C. Mixed cropping
D. None of the above
223. Plants formed by the seed of the crop grown last year in the same field is known as
A. Off type
B. Rogue
C. Volunteer plant
D. Objectionable weed
224. Off-type and rogues should be removed from seed production plot
A. Before sowing B.
Before flowering
C. After flowering
D. At the time of maturity
225. Seed used for sowing purpose, isolation distance, volunteer plants, presence of
offtypes and rogue may deteriorate
A. Physical purity
B. Genetic purity
C. Genetical purity
D. None of the above
226. Removal of lentil plant from the seed production plot of Lens culinaris
is known as
A. Weeding
B. Rouging
C. Cleaning
D. Nicking
227. Modification in distance to keep the seed crop in isolation is permitted only in
hybrid seed production of
A. Maize
B. Pearl millet
C. Pigeonpea
D. Sunflower
228. The entire area planted under seed production programme by an individual
constitutes a unit of certification provided the entire seed production programme is
to produce seed of one category and one variety and the area should not exceed ha.
A. 5ha
B. 10ha
C. 25 ha
D. 50ha
229. The tolerance limits for offtypes to establish the uniformity Under DUS test for
Self-pollinated crops (except cereals) is
a) 0.1%
b) 1%
c) 5%
d) 10%
230. The plant of cotton with presence of red flower on the same plant with white
flower is considered as
a) Offtype
b) Rogue
c) Out crossed
d) Genetic pure
231. Loss in genetic purity is an indicator of deterioration
A) Seed deterioration
B) Variety deterioration
C) Soil deterioration
D) Crop deterioration
232. Deterioration of varieties due to mutation such as 'fatuoids' in oats or 'rabbit ear' in
peas can be controlled by
a. Production of seed in isolation
b. Roguing
c. Seed treatment
d. Change in the seed production field
233. Presence of objectionable weed in the seed of rice produced by a farmer shows
deterioration of
A) Seed B ) Variety
C) Soil D) Crop
234. Rouging and cultivation of crop in isolation are the effective instruments to check
(a) Physical
(b) Genetic
(c) Crop
(d) Plant
235. Designated inseparable crop plants during seed production of wheat is a. Chickpea
b. Mung bean
c. Oat
d. Lentil
236. Method applied by a breeder for development of a variety may influence
deterioration of
A) Seed B)
C) Crop
D) Seed health
237. The plant of the same crop present in the field due to previous year/season crop is
known as
A) Shattered plant B)
Volunteer plant
C) Weed
238. Plant of same variety with different expression mainly for phenological traits is
removed form the seed production plot to reduce
A) Genetic shift B)
Genetic drift
C) Genetic erosion
D) Genetic identity
239. An isolation distance is maintained between two
A) Genera
B) Crops
C) Cross incompatible species of the same genera
D) Varieties of the same crop
240. Certification of seed is done at
A) One level B)
Two levels
C) Three levels
D) Four levels
241. The most appropriate stage of inspections of loose-smut-susceptible wheat's and
cross-pollinated crops is
a) Pre flowering b)
c) Post flowering
d) Maturity
242. The validity period of seed certification could be further extended provided on re-
testing seed conforms to the prescribed standards for
a. Three months b.
six months
c. Nine months
d. 12 months
243. The validity period of seed certification could be further extended provided on re-
testing seed conforms to the prescribed standards in respect of
a) Physical purity, germination and insect damage
b) Moisture content, germination and seed health
c) Genetic purity, physical purity and germination
d) Validity period can not be extended
244. Seed of the varieties eligible for certification shall be
a. Protected under PPV and FR Act 2001.
b. Notified under section 5 of the seeds Act, 1966
c. Released by CVRC
d. Identified by the respective workshop of the crop
245. In general, the smallest number of plants of one cross-pollinated variety
that should be grown to ensure genetic integrity
a. 100 plants b.
200 plants
c. 500 plants
d. 1000plants
246. At head formation stage a cross shape cut is made for seed stalk emergence in
A. Egyptian clover
B. Potato
C. Cabbage
D. Castor
247. To induce seed stalk formation horizontal cut is made on the A. Curd
B. Sugarcane sett
C. Potato tuber
D. Sweet potato
248. Seed rate of true potato seed for one hectare is
A. 2.5t/ha
B. 1kg/ha
C. 100kg/ha
D. 100g/ha
249. A variety of wheat is maintained by
A. Single plant selection from single plant progeny of nucleus seed production
B. Single ear selection from ear to row progeny of nucleus seed production plot
C. Single plant selection from Breeder seed production plot
D. Single ear selection from Breeder seed production plot
250. The indent of breeder’s seed production is allocated to different institutions,
through proforma
251. In maintenance breeding programme gentic purity is maintained by
A. Rouging of offtype plant
B. Removal of the line in which offtype plant appears
C. Rejection of the line in the event all the plants of the line are offtype
D. Rouging is never required in maintenance breeding
252. The report of the monitoring team is submitted to ICAR and Seed Division Ministry
of Agriculture, GOI in rpoforma
253. Foundation seed producer transfers the seed to
A. Seed Corporation
B. Seed Processing Plant
C. Seed Certification Agency
D. The University
254. The Certified seed is processed under the supervision of the officer from
A. Seed Corporation
B. Seed Certification Agency
C. Engineer of Seed Processing Plant
D. University/CAR institute
255. scattered fields constituting one unit of seed certification should not be separated by
A. More than 40m
B. More than 50 m
C. More than 100m
D. More than 500m
256. Percent field that should be covered during field inspection is
A. About 25-40%
B. About 50%
C. About 60-80 %
D. >90%
257. Number of plants/ earheads of seed crop which should be observed during field
inspection as one unit is known as
A. Field reckon
B. field count
C. Field step
D. Field assessment
258. Number of field counts required on the basis of field size ranges from A. 2-7
B. 5-9
C. 7-10
D. 10-20
259. Number of field inspection for seed certification rages from A. 1-2
B. 1-5
C. 2-4
D. 5-10
262. Seed of black soybean present in yellow seeded variety of soybean in physical
purity analysis by number will be considered as
A. Inert matter
D. Pure seed
263. Which one of the following is not observed during physical purity analysis by
A. Other crop seed
B. Weed seed
C. Objectionable weed seed
D. Other variety seed
264. In physical purity analysis by weight immature, shrivelled, diseased germinated or
under sized seed of the crop under test is considered as
A. Inert matter
B. Pure
D. Unhealthy seed
265. The sum total of the part present in the seed sample other than the seed of the crop
under test is termed as
A. Inert matter
B. Other part
C. Dockage
D. Stone
266. Insect preset in the seed sample is considered as
A. Inert matter
B. Bio matter
C. Pure seed
D. Not a part of seed sample
267. The husk less seed of the following crops are counted separately in physical purity
A. Sorghum and pearl millet
B. Oat and barley
C. Sunflower and rice
D. Niger and sesame
268. Among the following crops the lowest physical purity percentage for seed
certification is required for
A. Groundnut
B. Wheat
C. Soybean
D. Pearl millet
269. Among the following crops the highest physical purity percentage for seed
certification is required for
A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Cabbage
D. Okra
270. What is common among rice, maize, pearl millet, sunflower, safflower, castor,
pigeonpea and cotton
A. Exalbuminous seed
B. Allogamy
C. Commercial hybrid
D. Photo insensitivity
271. In the event of unavailability of male sterility in self pollinated field crops with small
flower hybrid seeds may be produced commercially by
A. Doak method
B. Rope pulling
C. Gametocide
D. Tripping
272. The male sterility system with nearly 50% male fertile plants in female line during
hybrid seed production programme is
D. Self incapability
273. The crop of hybrid is
A Homogeneous population of Homozygous plants B
Homogeneous population of Heterozygous plants
C. Heterogeneous population of Homozygous plants
D. Heterogeneous population of Heterozygous plants
274. When days to flowering in A and R line are same then
has not to be adopted for hybrid seed production of rice
A. Staggered sowing
B. Rope pulling
C. Spray of GA3
D. Seed treatment
275. IN CGMS system hybrid seed is harvested from
A. A line
B. B line
C. R line
D. H line
276. Cytoplasmic male sterility may not be used for in safflower because of
A. Low vigour in F1 plant
B. No heterosis in F1 plant C.
Male Sterility in F1 plant
D. High cost of seed production
277. Presence of male fertile plant in ‘A’ line with otherwise similar expression of all the
distinguishing traits during hybrid seed production is considered as
A. B line plant
B. R line plant
C. Pollen shedder
D. Pollen load
278. In three line breeding, seed of restorer line is produced by
a. AXR
b. BXR
c. AXB
d. RXR
279. Hybrid seed production involving three line breeding requires
A. More seed of R than A line
B. More seed of A than R line
C. More seed of A than B line
D. More seed of B than A line
280. Seed of maintainer line in three line seed production programme is maintained by
a. A XA
b. BXB
c. RXR
d. AXB
281. Chemical used for induction of male sterility is known as
a. CHA
b. ABA
c. GHA
d. HCA
282. In hybrid seed production of sunflower, multiple heads are generally found in
a. A line
b. B line
c. Rline
d. Hybrid plant
283. Among the 123 hybrid seed producer of cotton, I2 have submitted seed of female as
hybrid. It may be verified with the help of test at
field level.
a. ODV
b. GOT
c. DUS
d. VCU
284. Foundation seed for production of certified seed of hybrid category with the use of
three line breeding will be
a. Seed of hybrid
b. Seed of A and B line
c. Seed of B and R line
d. Seed of A and R line
285. Certified seed of provided to farmer for cultivation forms
homogeneous population of heterozygous plants.
a. OPV
b. Composite
c. Synthetic
d. Hybrid
286. Chemical Hybridizing Agents are applied on parent during hybrid
seed production programme
a. Male
b. Female
c. Both
d. Any one
287. In three line breeding programme male sterile pollens are produced in a. A line
b. B line plant
c. R line pant
d. Hybrid plant
288. R line is know as Restorer because
a. It restores hybrid vigour
b. It restores male sterility c.
It restores male fertility
d. Its use is restricted
289. The term for same period of anthesis in ‘R’ line and stigma receptivity of ‘A’ line in
hybrid seed production is termed as
a. Synchronous maturity b.
c. Staggering
d. Confounding
290. In seed multiplication chain, seed of ‘A’ and ‘R’ lines are considered as
for production of hybrid seed
a. Breeder seed
b. Foundation seed
c. Certified seed
d. Parental seed
291. GA3 is sprayed in hybrid seed production programme of rice for
a. Inducing mal sterility
b. Achieving nicking
c. enchaining exertion of inflorescence
d. Enhancing time of stigma receptivity
292. Chemical required for hybrid seed production of rice is
a. GA3
b. GA 6
c. Urea
d. IAA
293. Row ratio in hybrid seed production of pearl millet is
A. Equal number of male and female lines
B. >number of female and < number of male lines
C. <number of female and > number of male lines
D. No ratio between male and female line is required
294. Commercial hybrid seed production programme of cotton by hand emasculation and
pollination involving male fertile female line is known as
a. Doak method
b. Self incompatibility method
c. Two line breeding method
d. Three line breeding method
295. Cytoplasmic male sterility may be exploited for hybrid seed production of
a. Soybean
b. Cotton
c. Potato
d. Okra
296. In terms of genetics A and B lines are a.
Isogonic lines
b. Male sterile lines
c. Male fertile lines
d. Parent for hybrid seed production
297. The line that should not be made available to others for total control on the
commerce of the CGMS based hybrid is
a. A line
b. B line
c. R line
d. I line
298. Physical enhancement of pollination during hybrid seed production programme is
known as
a. Secondary pollination
b. Complementary pollination c.
d. Auxiliary pollination
299. The cytoplasm of a hybrid produced by CGMS system will always be a. Of A
b. Of B line
c. Of R line
d. Hybrid
300. In the cytoplasm of R Line gene is present
A. Male sterile
B. Male fertile
C. Male sterile/fertile
D. No gene of sterility or fertility
301. In a crop with availability of all the three types of male sterility system the cost of
hybrid seed production will be the highest for
a. CMS system b.
GMS system
c. CGMS system
d. It will be same
302. Hybrid seed produced in three line system express male fertility due to A.
Heterozygous condition for Fertility with sterile cytoplasm
B. Heterozygous condition for Fertility with fertile cytoplasm
C. Homozygous recessive condition for sterility with fertile cytoplasm
D. Homozygous dominant condition for fertility with sterile cytoplasm
303. In a hybrid seed production programme involving CGMS system very high fruit
setting in any one plant pf A line indicates the possibility of
a. Male sterility
b. Hybridity
c. Male fertility
d. Heterosis
305. Sterility is expressed in CGMS system when
A. Gene for sterility is present in nucleus
B. Gene for sterility is present in cytoplasm
C. Gene for sterility is present both in cytoplasm and nucleus
D. Gene for sterility is present in nucleus or in cytoplasm
306. The difference between maintainer and male sterile line in cytoplsmic and
cytoplasmic genetic male sterility system is of
A. Cytoplasm
B. Nuclear gene
C. Both cytoplasm and nuclear gene
D. No difference
307. The restorer parent in hybrid seed production programme based on CGMS system
may have
A. homozygous recessive sterility gene on chromosome with fertility gene in
B. homozygous recessive sterility gene on chromosome with sterility gene in
C. homozygous dominant fertility gene on chromosome with sterility gene in
D. Heterozygous fertility gene on chromosome with fertility gene in
308. In GMS system maintainer is
A. Heterozygous for the gene of sterility
B. Homozygous for the gene of sterility
C. Homozygous for the gene of fertility
D. Cytoplasm is responsible for sterility
309. In GMS system sterility and fertility may be judged based on expressions of
A. Seed
B. Stigma
C. Plant growth
D. Pollen
311. In hybrid seed production programme of rice the staggering is provided at
A. at the time of transplanting B. At
the time of nursery raising
C. At the time of flowering
D. At the time of harvesting
312. GA 3 is applied in hybrid seed production of
A. Rice
B. Maize
C. Pearl millet
D. All the three
313. What is the similarity between rice, pearl millet, maize and pigeonpea
A. All are dicot
B. All are cereal
C. All have commercial hybrid
D. All are often cross pollinated
314. The hybrid seed production programme based on CGMS should be kept in isolation
to avoid
A. Self pollination
B. Cross pollination
C. Outcrossing
D. Goitenogamy
315. A farmer has to change the hybrid seed after every year due to
deterioration in
A. Physical purity
B. Genetic purity
C. Germinability
D. Vigour
316. Supplementary pollination is a prerequisite in commercial hybrid seed production of
a. Pigeonpea
b. Pearl millet
c. Rice
d. Sorghum
318. For hybrid seed production programme deatsseling is required in A
B Pearl millet
C Rice
D Sorghum
319. Space isolation can be altered In hybrid seed production programme of
A. Sorghum
B. Pearl millet
C. Sunflower
D. Maize
320. Traps put in the store to catch the insects like Tribolium and Sitophilus are
A Pheromone B
C. Karomone
D. Hormone
321. Among the following locations the poor seed storage place is
A. Cuttack
B. New Delhi
C. Hyderabad
D. Shimla
322. A specified quantity of processed seed of a variety and class produced by a grower is
known as
A. Seed lot
B. Seed batch
C. Seed bunch
D. Seed cluster
323. Prescribed maximum limit of a soybean seed lot is A.
10,000 kg
B. 20,000 kg
C. 40,000 kg
D. Any quantity
324. Among the field crops the maximum size based on weight of true seed in a seed lot is
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Soybean
D. Maize
325. Primary sample of rice stored in bags is drawn with the help of
A. Seed Divider B.
C. Hand
D. Cup
326. The composite sample is reduced to the required quality with the help of
A. Hand
B. Trier
C. Grader
D. Divider
327. Dollowing divider is generally used to reduce the sample size
A. Gamet divider
B. Centrifugal divider
C. Multiple slot divider
D. Boerner type divider
328. Composite sample should be times more than the submitted sample
A. 5 times
B. 10 times
C. 25times
D. Any quantity
329. Working sample is prepared at
A. Farmers Field
B. In Seed Processing Plant before processing of seed
C. In Seed Processing Plant after processing of seed
D. Seed Testing Lab
330. Composite sample is prepared at
A. Farmers Field
B. In Seed Processing Plant before processing of seed C. In
Seed Processing Plant after processing of seed
D. Seed Testing Lab
331. Haulm cutting is required in seed production of
A. Egyptian clover
B. Potato
C. Cauliflower
D. Castor
332. Nucleus seed of carrot is produced by
A) Seed to seed method B) Seed to root method C)
Root to seed method D) Any method
333. Dormancy of can be broken by treating the seed with 1% thiourea + 1
ppm GA3 for one hour followed by 3% ethylene chlorophydrin solution and storage
for 72 hr
A Faba bean B
C Jatropha D
334. Minimum number of seeds tested for germination is A. 100
B. 200
C. 400
D. 500
335. The seed tested for germination is
A. Any seed from pure seed fraction of physical purity test
B. Healthy seed from pure seed fraction of physical purity test
C. Any seed from working sample
D. Healthy seed from working sample
336. In sand method of germination the seed is covered with
A. Paper towel
B. Wet sand
C. Dry sand
D. Wax paper
337. Seeds of Kharif crops are normally exposed to C for testing the germination
A. 20C B.
C. 30C
D. 40C
338. Seedlings with well developed, complete, proportionate and healthy essential
structures are known as
A. Intact seedlings
B. Seedling with slight defect
C. Perfect seedling
D. Normal seedling
339. The seedlings exhibiting slight defects in one of their essential structure with an
otherwise satisfactory and balanced seedling are counted as
A. Germinated seedling
B. Abnormal seedling
C. Ungerminated seed
D. In any category
340. The seedlings with secondary infection with an otherwise satisfactory and balanced
seedling are counted as
A. Germinated seedling
B. Abnormal seedling
C. Ungerminated seed
D. In any category
341. Hard seed of the crop form family are considered as germinated
A. Cruciferae and Compositeae B.
Leguminoseae and Malvaceae
C. Gramineae and Fabaceae
D. None of the family
342. Fresh ungerminated seeds are considered as
A. Germinated
B. Abnormal seedling
C. Normal seedling
D. Seedling with slight defect
343. In germination test the seed that has absorbed water without any sign of decaying is
known as
A. Hard seed
B. Fresh Ungerminated seed
C. Dead seed
D. Stone
344. One farmer took certified seed production programme of three varieties of chickpea
in 8 ha, 7 ha and 3 ha respectively and two varieties of wheat in 8 ha and 12 ha
respectively. The number of units for seed certification will be
A) 6 B) 8
C) 4 D) 9
345. The designated inseparable crop plants during seed production of wheat. Is
A. Chickpea
B. Mungbean
C. Lentil
D. Linseed
346. Seed production programme of cowpea, French bean, cluster bean and Indian bean
should pass the seed certification standard for infection of only in hilly areas areas.
A. Ascochyta leaf blight
B. Rhizoctonoa root rot
C. Fusarium wilt
D. Yellow mosaic virus
347. The objectionable fungal disease of wheat both at field and seed level is
A. Karnal bunt
B. Loose smut
C. Rust
D. Blight
348. The objectionable weed of wheat both at field and seed level
A. Convolvulus arvensis
B. Phalaris minor
C. Melilotus alba
D. Cyprus rotandus
349. Minimum number of seed that should be present in a working sample is A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 2500
D. 5000
350. During Physical Purity analysis by number seed of any other crop present
with the certified seed is considered as
A. Weed seed
B. Inert matter
C. Other Crop Seed
351. must be free from micro-organisms, toxic substances, insects
and foreign seeds to test the germinability.
A. Seed
B. Substrata
C. Germinator
D. Water
352. The test indicating the capacity of seed to form normal healthy seedlings under
optimum conditions is known as
A. Seed vigour test
B. Viability test
C. Germination test
353. All the matter present in the sample not defined as seed is known as
during physical purity analysis by weight.
A. Abitic matter
B. Inert matter
C. Lifeless matter
D. Immobile matter
354. The pH of the substratum for germination test should be A. 5.0-
B. 6.0-7.5
C. 7.0-8.0
D. 7.5-8.5
355. Germination of matured seed of mung bean on pod present on pod due to favourable
environment is an example of
A. Vivipary
B. Pre harvest sprouting
C. Dormancy
D. Quiescence
356. The germination in which epicotyl expands to raise the first true leaf out of the soil
and the hypocotyl remains short and compact is known as
A. Epigeal germination
B. Hypogeal germination
C. Vivipary
D. Sprouting
357. Chamber with facilities to manipulate temperature and photoperiod as per need
with 100% humidity is known as
A. Incubator
B. Germinator
C. BOD incubator
D. Humidifier
358. Roots from embryonic tip instead of radicle are known as
A. Primary root
B. Seminal root
C. Aerial root
D. Adventitious root
359. Avoiding out crossing by keeping the crop in isolation is a very effective tool to
maintain genetic purity of
A. Self pollinated crops
B. Cross pollinated crops
C. Vegtatively propagated crops
D. Cereals
360. Rouging is a very effective tool to maintain genetic purity of
A. Self pollinated crops
B. Cross pollinated crops
C. Often cross pollinated crops
D. Vegtatively propagated crops
361. Rouging for genetic impurity is not possible in
A. Inbred lines
B. Hybrids variety
C. Composite variety
D. Pure line
362. Selection involved in maintenance breeding is
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Neutral
D. Recurrent
363. Formation of haploid archisporium cells by normal reductional division without
pollination and formation of embryosac without fertilization is
A. Apospory
B. Diplospory
C. Parthenogenesis
D. Pseudogamy
364. During seed production programme disease escape accomplished by the
avoidance of insect vector is known as
A. Tripping
B. Klenducity
C. Avoidance
D. Vector carnage
365. Presence of male and female part on the same plant in the same flower is known as
A. Monoecious
B. Hermaphrodite
C. Dioecious
D. Male sterile
366. A means of assessing whether or not the variation within the test results or between
the tests is sufficiently wide to raise doubt about the accuracy of results is provided by
A. Acceptance
B. Homogeneity
C. Significance
D. Tolerance
367. Substitution of sexual reproduction by an asexual multiplication process without
nucleus and cell fusion for seed production is known as
A. Amphimixis
B. Apomixis
C. Vegetative reproduction
D. Autogamy
368. The seed lot from which the sample is drawn should be relatively
A. Homogeneous
B. Heterogeneous
C. Uniform
D. Variable
369. The sample is placed at a temperature of 130 ± 2°C for hr as per
requirement of the crop to determine moisture content
A. ±1
B. 3±1
C. 4±1
D. 17 ± 1
370. The application of an appropriate statistical method to test the results of seed testing
enables the analyst to determine the validity of results within a calculated range of
limits, the amount of this range in called the
A. Acceptance
B. Homogeneity
C. Significance
D. Tolerance
371. During genetic purity test at field level the ODV is reported in
A. Percentage by weight
B. Percentage/number
C. Number/number
D. Number/weight
372. The indicator in viability test is
A. 2,3,5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
B. 2, 4,5,6 tetraphenyl tetrazolium bromide
C. Carbolic acid
D. Ninhydrin
373. The sample is placed at a temperature of for 17 ±1hrs to
determine moisture content
A. 103 ±2°C
B. 130 ±2°C
C. 98±2°C
D. 198±2°C
374. To test the Foundation seed of wheat for Karnal bunt infection one has to observe
minimum seed
A. 100
B. 1000
C. 10000
D. 100000
375. Which of the following part of a viable seed will not show red colour during
viability test
A. Embryo
B. Cotyledon
C. Endosperm
D. Scultellum
376. After preconditioning the coat of seed is removed without any
damage to cotyledon and embryo to treat the seed with indicator for viability test.
A. Dicot
B. Monocot
C. Exalbuminous
D. Albuminous
377. type seed is bisected longitudinally or pierced with a needle at a
non-essential part of the seed to facilitate entry of indicator for viability test
A. Dicot
B. Monocot
C. Exalbuminous
D. Albuminous
378. In germination test seedlings which are passed as intact or with slight defect but are
infected by micro-organisms from a source other than seed are considered as
A. Normal seedling
B. Abnormal seedling
C. Non germinated seed
D. Diseased seed
379. A colourless solution of 2,3,5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (indicator) reacts
with hydrogen in living cell due to action of enzyme
A. Poeroxidase
B. Dehydrogenase
C. Nitrogenase
D. Pectianse
381. seed certification standard for germination of soybean is 70%
A. Minimum
B. Maximum
C. Optimum
D. Average
382. Minimum seed certification standard for germinability of wheat, barley, triticale,
oat, chickpea, rape seed and mustard is
A. 65%
B. 75%
C. 85%
D. 90%
383. Seeds, which are neither hard nor germinated but remain clean, firm and apparently
viable at the end of the test period of germination, are known as
A. Fresh Ungerminated seed
B. Dead seed
C. Viable seed
D. Hard seed
384. Tetrazoluim test was evolved by
A. G. Lakon
B. M. Mchargue
C. G. Gadd
D. A. Eidmann
385. The first seed testing laboratory was established in
A. Saxony Germany 1869
B. Connecticut, America 1876
C. Zurich, Switzerland 1900
D. Rome, Italy 1921
386. The father of seed technology is
A. M. Mchargue
B. Gadd
C. C. Eidmann
D. Friedrich Nobbe
387. International Seed Testing Laboratory was established in the year A. 1911
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1941
388. The Food and Agriculture Organization was established in the year A. 1934
B. 1940
C. 1947
D. 1948
389. A method for separating and mapping protein bands from homogenized plant
preparation is known as
A. Electrophoresis
B. DNA finger printing
C. Isozyme analysis
D. Protein analysis
390. Male Sterile Hybrid is formed in
391. Seed of female parent in GMS system is maintained by making cross between
A. msms X MsMs
B. msms X msms C.
msms X Msms
D. Msms X Msms
392. During testing of soybean seed the term stone is used in
A. Physical purity
B. Genetic purity
C. Germination
D. Viability
393. During hybrid seed production programme CHA is applied on
A. A line
B. Feamle parent
C. Male parent
D. Hybrid
394. Germination in which development of shoot is not visible because a round shaped
green portion is emerged out so that the new plant is
already established when the real shoot emerges is known as
A. Hypogeal germination
B. Epigeal germination
C. Cleistogeal Germination
D. Herko germination
395. Normal surrounding temperature, humidity and light without the use of artificial
A. Ambient conditions
B. Natural condition
C. BOD condition
D. Innate condition
396. The crop in which plume emerge first under anaerobic and radical in aerobic
A. Wheat
B. Sugarcane C.
D. Soybean
401. Death of seeds, germinating or young seedlings in the nursery resulting from attack by
certain soil-living fungi due to rot of the stem near the surface of the soil is known as
A. Damping-off
B. Rotting
C. Seedling death syndrome
D. Seed decaying
402. Method for cleaning seeds from particles with higher or lower specific density by
submerging in water or other liquid
A. Flotation
B. Sinking
C. Dipping
D. Rising
403. Vigour test method in which the ability of seed is tested under physical stress i.e.,
a layer of crushed brick stone grave
A. GADA Test