Ordinary Form Latin How To
Ordinary Form Latin How To
Ordinary Form Latin How To
2. When incense is used, the celebrant walks around the altar, incensing it with
single swings, but if the altar is attached to a wall, he incenses it walking first
to the right side and then to the left side, cf. GIRM 277.
3. The celebrant leads the Introductory Rites including a Penitential Act from
the presiding chair. If the chair faces across the sanctuary, he turns towards the
faithful for the greeting and other words addressed to them, cf. GIRM 124.
4. The Trinitarian formula for the sign of the cross, the greeting, the invitation to
make the Penitential Act, and “Misereatur nostri omnipotens Deus…” may be
sung, cf. OM 1-4. The Greek Kyrie is sung or said.
5. On Sundays and especially during the Easter Season, the Penitential Act may
be replaced by the Rite for the Blessing and Sprinkling of Water, Cf. MR
Appendix II. The traditional Asperges me is the first option for the
accompanying antiphon.
7. The readings set out in the Lectionary are proclaimed in the vernacular at the
ambo. Verbum Domini and its response may be sung or recited in Latin, as in
the Vatican basilica.
8. The Responsorial Psalm and the Alleluia verse may be replaced by the
appropriate chant provided in the Graduale Romanum or in the Graduale
Simplex, cf. GIRM 61.
10. On Sundays and on Days of Obligation and, if desired, on other days, the
celebrant preaches the homily at the ambo or standing at the chair. A deacon
preaches at the ambo, Cf. GIRM 66. A bishop may preach seated on the chair.
11. When required, the Nicene Creed or the Apostles’ Creed, when appropriate, is
sung or said in Latin at the chair. It may be sung antiphonally by a cantor and
the faithful or by two choirs, cf. GIRM 68.
12. The opening words Credo in unum Deum are intoned according to the
traditional chant, cf. OM 18, with more options provided in MR Appendix 1,
Cantus Variae in Ordine Missae Occurentes.
13. On Sundays, solemnities and major celebrations, the General Intercessions are
led by the celebrant at the chair, with a deacon, lector or cantor announcing the
intentions in the vernacular, at the ambo or preferably at a lectern. The
invitation to pray and its response may be sung in Latin, led by the cantor or
lector, as in the Vatican basilica, cf. MR, Cantus Variae, Ad Orationem
14. At the altar, the Liturgy of the Eucharist may be celebrated ad orientem, a
primary option provided for in the GIRM 146, 154, 157, 165, 268, 277 b), or it
may be celebrated versus populum, cf. GIRM 299.
15. During the procession bringing the gifts or, when there is no procession, an
Offertory Chant is sung, Cf. GIRM 74. Noting that the post-conciliar MR
provides no proper Offertory texts, it may be taken from the chants provided
in the Graduale Romanum or in the Graduale Simplex, cf. GIRM 48.
16. The Offertory may also be a chant or hymn approved by the Episcopal
Conference. The chant or hymn may continue throughout the Preparation of
the Gifts. As in the Vatican basilica, a Latin motet may be sung here.
17. The offertory prayers for the Preparation of the Gifts may be said quietly in
Latin, in accord with the first option in GIRM 141.
18. When incense is used, the celebrant incenses the offerings with three swings
or in the traditional way with the sign of the cross, before he incenses the cross
and the altar, cf. GIRM 277.
19. The celebrant turns to the faithful for Orate fratres…Deum Patrem
omnipotentem and he remains in that position during the response. The Orate
fratres and its response may be sung, cf. OM 29 and MR, Cantus Variae. He
then faces the altar to sing or say the Prayer Over the Offerings and all that
20. The singing of the Sanctus and Benedictus ceases before the celebrant begins
the Eucharistic Prayer.
21. In accord with options indicated by the Episcopal Conference, the faithful
kneel during the Eucharistic Prayer.
22. Bells are rung during the Eucharistic Prayer “according to local custom”, cf.
GIRM 150. When incense is used, the Host and Chalice are incensed at the
elevations, cf. GIRM 276. The acclamation after the consecration is sung or
said in Latin.
24. All stand to sing or say the Pater noster. The traditional modes for singing the
Lord’s Prayer are provided in MR, Cantus Variae. The celebrant turns to the
faithful for Pax Domini and for the invitation to make the Sign of Peace.
25. The singing of Agnus Dei ceases before the celebrant shows the broken Host
to the faithful.
26. He turns to them for Ecce Agnus Dei and its response, Domine, non sum
dignus…. and he may hold the broken Host over the Chalice, cf. GIRM 157.
Ecce Agnus Dei and its response may be sung, cf. OM 132.
27. Among the options indicated by the Episcopal Conference, the faithful are free
to choose to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling.
28. The Communion Antiphon may be the sung Latin text in the MR or what is in
the Graduale Romanum or the Graduale Simplex, cf. GIRM 87. This may also
be a liturgical chant or hymn approved by the Episcopal Conference. As in
the Vatican basilica, a Latin motet may be sung here.
29. At a said Mass, the Communion Antiphon is recited by the faithful, or by the
celebrant, just before he begins to distribute Holy Communion.
30. The celebrant may use wine as well as water for the ablutions, cf, GIRM 279.
31. The Prayer after Communion, Blessing and Dismissal take place either at the
altar or at the chair, cf. GIRM 139. The celebrant turns towards the people,
hands extended, with a server holding the missal, for the Solemn Blessings
and, in Lent, the Prayer Over the People. The chant is provided in MR,
Cantus Variae.