Gog and Magog Yakjuj Wa Makjuj Stories I
Gog and Magog Yakjuj Wa Makjuj Stories I
Gog and Magog Yakjuj Wa Makjuj Stories I
Tajudin Nur2
(Universitas Padjadjaran/tajudin.nur@unpad.ac.id)
I. Syarief Hidayat3
(Universitas Padjadjaran/syahid.hd47@gmail.com)
Undang A. Darsa4
(Universitas Padjadjaran/undang.a.darsa@unpad.ac.id)
Gog and Magog will appear in the end of the world as a sign of doom. Their
mysterious figure, making the story Gog and Magog interesting as well as a
debate among experts. This study aims to reveal the reception of the Sundanese
to the story of Gog and Magog which is represented by three Sundanese texts:
Saifu Ad-Dharīb (SaD), Lajaj Dajal (LD), and Nawādirul 'Ulūm (NU). This
study used a descriptive qualitative method with the reception theory approach.
Of the three manuscripts, there are a diversity reception informing the
advantages and disadvantages of each manuscript. The reception of who is
Magog, LD's text calls them communist descendants. Regarding its existence, the
SaD manuscripts say they are on Mount Qaf. Related to their numbers, the
three manuscripts mention the numbers very much; SaD mentioned they have
400,000 troops, and each of them gave birth to 1000 offspring. NU's
manuscripts reveal all objects will be destroyed and humans will become their
prey. SaD's manuscripts mention their deaths due to massive winds; LD
manuscripts say they died from being attacked by thousands of mosquitoes, while
NU manuscripts say they died of disease.
Gog and magog; signs of doomsday; philology; sundanese manuscripts
DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v13i1.2233
A. Introduction kafir, in the morning of the infidel, in the
Believers in the end times will face afternoon of believers.1 In addition,
various slander or test, whether physical another slander of life filled with
slander or inner slander. Not a little at injustice, tyranny, oppression and killing
that time people who in the morning of
―Hadis Muslim No. 169,‖ accessed April 25,
believers, in the afternoon have moved
2018, http://www.carihadis.com.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
of believers takes place in various places. descent of Prophet Isa. Al-Adnani5
In such circumstances, not a few explains that after the Prophet Isa came
believers who hope and pray that God down in the East Tower, in Damascus
will send someone who will return the City, the Muslims joined in search of the
condition to be safe, peaceful, just, Dajal who was on his way to Baitul
peaceful and prosperous. Such Maqdis. Prophet Isa then met the Dajal in
conditions in the teachings of religions the area of 'Aqabah Afiq. When he saw
are called messianism, which is the the Prophet Isa, the Dajal ran away which
ultimate salvation of human race's was then pursued by Prophet Isa close to
ultimate salvation concept with the the Bab Ludd (Ludd Gate) Dajal then
emergence of someone who returns it to killed by Prophet Isa with his spear.
a time of peace. Islam recognizes it by Under the leadership of Prophet Isa
the name of al-Mahdi. and al-Mahdi, Muslims live in the shade of
The appearance of al-Mahdi is a Islam. They again felt the peace, justice
sign of doomsday is near. In the time of and prosperity after the killing of Dajal.
al-Mahdi the lives of Muslims become This is as in Abu Hurairah's Hadith "Thūbā
peaceful, justice, safe, prosperous. The li'aisyin ba'da al-Masīh" is indeed a happy
welfare of the day is described as an age life after the killing of al-Masih al-Dajal.6
of wealth, until there are people with tithe However, not for some time, slander came
of gold but no one wants to receive it, back to them. This time slander arises
because everyone is rich and from a host of physical features and its
prosperous. existence became controversial among
Seeing much of the territory the scholars, namely Gog and Magog.
conquered by al-Mahdi, the Dajal Beings who cannot be defeated by
appears angrily. Muslim who are in a anyone, including Prophet Isa.
state of peace and prosperous, are The study of Gog and Magog is as
disturbed by the presence of Dajal. Al- interesting as the Dajal story. It can be
Mahdi who at that time leads the people argued that this study ranks second after
try to calm them with the news of the discussion of Dajal. In fact, the studies
were conducted by Westerners and
published in international journals. For
Abu Fatiah Al-Adnani, Petaka Akhir Zaman:
Detik-Detik Menuju Hari Kehancuran Alam
example, studies related to Gog and
Semesta (Surakarta: Granada Media Tama, Magog have been done by Nicholas M.
2016). 222.
Muhammad bin Abdirrahman Al-‘Uraifi, Al-‟ālam
Al-Akhīr: Ahdāṡ Al-Qiyāmah as-Ṣugrā Wa Al- Al-Adnani, Petaka Akhir Zaman: Detik-Detik
Kubrā Wa Mā Ba‟dahā Bi as-Ṣuwar Wa Al- Menuju Hari Kehancuran Alam Semesta, 2016.
Tauḍīhāt Min Al-Qur‟ān Wa as-Sunnah as- 369.
Ṣahīhah (Riyadh: Dar at-Tadmuriyyah, 2012). Mustafa Abu an-Nasr As-Sa‘labi, Sahih Asyratu
Abi al-Husain bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim, Sahih As-Sā‟at Wa Wasfu Liyaumi Al-Ba‟si Wa Ahwāli
Muslim (Riyadh: Dar al-Salam Li al-Nashr wa al- Yaumi Al-Qiyāmah, 2nd ed. (Jeddah: Maktabah
Tauzi‘, 2000). No. 5217. al-Sawāadi li al-Tauzi‘, 1994). 265-266.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
Railton entitled Gog and Magog: the because he controls Persia and Rome.
History of Syimbol. Sandra Sáenz-López Another opinion states that it is called
Pérez conducted a study entitled La Zulkarnaen because his head resembles
Representación De Gog Y Magog Y La two horns.12
Imagen Del Anticristo En Las Cartas Gog and Magog according to the
Náuticas Bajomedievales. Jasson majority of scholars seen from the origin
Dittmer conducts a scientific publication of the word, both are the words' ‗ajam
entitled Of Gog and Magog: The (non arab) which is part of the isim gairu
Geopolitical Visions of Jack Chick and munsarif. Another opinion says that both
Premillennial Dispensationalism. Lyda are Arabic, but there is a summary of the
Lee published his scholarly work on Gog origin of the word. Another opinion says
and Magog under the title The enemies that it comes from the word ajīj al-nār,
within: Gog of Magog in Ezekiel 38-39. the flaming fire. Another argument
The story of Gog and Magog is not comes from the word al-āj, quickly
only contained in the Qur'an, but also in hostile, another argument from the word
the Torah, the Bible. The Qur'an al-ujāj, the very boiling water.13
mentions the story while telling the story Ibn Hajar in the book of Fathu al-
of King Zulkarnaen, a pious king who Bāri 14
narrated from al-Fakihi that
enjoys adventure around the world. Zulkarnaen lived during the time of
Zulkarnaen's odyssey has gone all the Prophet Ibrahim. Both had met at the
way to the eastern hemisphere and time of both hajj. Meanwhile, according
western hemisphere, so on this basis to 'Atha from ibn' Abbas, that Zulkarnaen
according to Al-Wabil he is named after entered the Grand Mosque then shook
Zulkarnaen, the king who explores the hands with Prophet Ibrahim. From this
two western and eastern hemispheres. In information, it is found that Zulkarnaen
another opinion it is called Zulkarnaen was a pious Muslim who was given
power by God to conquer the eastern
Nicholas M . Railton, ―Gog and Magog : The and western regions. He is not the
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
addition, the distance of both also lies To disclose it, the discussion is returned
approximately two thousand years. to the story of King Zulkarnaen's, when
Gog and Magog are classified by he reached between two mountains,
the scholars as a close marker of the acquired a group of people who barely
great apocalypse (as-Sa'ah al-Kubra), understood the language. They ask for
according to the majority of scholars his help because often terrorized by the
(jumhūr 'ulamā) are children of Adam's people next to him, namely Gog and
descendants, precisely from the Magog. The people asked King
descendants of Noah, and more Zulkarnaen to make a strong dividing
precisely from the path of Yafits. It is wall that cannot be broken down by Gog
based on a Hadith (although according and Magog. This incident was recorded
to some scholars it is dha'if) from Abi in the Qur'an of Surah al-Kahfi: 92-95:
Hurairah r.a. said that. Messenger of
(92) Until when he had come
Allah said, ―Noah had a son; Sam, Ham,
between two mountains, he found
and Yafits, from Sam were born Arabs, in the presence of the two hills a
Persians, and Romans. From Ham was people hardly understood by his
born Qibthi, Barbarian, and Sudan. speech (93) They said: "O
Meanwhile, from Yafits was born the Zulkarnaen, verily Gog and Magog
are the ones who make mischief in
Gog and Magog, Turkey, and
the land, can we give you a
Shaqalibah". From this Hadith, it can be
payment to make a wall between
mentioned that the Yakjuj is a people or us and them?" (94) Zulkarnaen
tribe, and Makjuj is a people or a tribe as said: "What has been authorized
well. Both of them are very large by my Lord to me against it is
nations,16 because of every Gog and better, then help me with power
(man and tools), so that I make a
Magog gave birth to a thousand
wall between you and them (95).
descendants, as hadith conveyed by Ibn
Mas'ud r.a. which is contained in the The above verse is part of the
history of Sahih Ibn Hibban. "Indeed Gog emergence of different receptions and
and Magog when one of them gave interpretations regarding the existence of
birth, then came out of his bones a Gog and Magog. Mahmud Rajab
thousand breeds."17 Hamadi al-Walid 18
mentions that Gog
The scholars differ on who Gog and Magog are a great nation of
and Magog are and where they are now. humanity that is now confined in a place
flanked by mountains in the eastern
Al-‘Uraifi, Al-‟ālam Al-Akhīr: Ahdāṡ Al-Qiyāmah
as-Ṣugrā Wa Al-Kubrā Wa Mā Ba‟dahā Bi as- Mahmud Rajab Hamadi Al-Walid, Kasyfu Al-
Ṣuwar Wa Al-Tauḍīhāt Min Al-Qur‟ān Wa as- Minan Fī ‟Alāmāti as-Sā‟ati Wa Al-Malāhim Wa Al-
Sunnah as-Ṣahīhah. 31. Fitan: Ru‟yat Limustaqbal Al-‟ālam Al-Islāmi Fī
As-Sufi, Asyrāt Al-Sā‟ati Al-‟Alāmāt Al-Kubrā. Dhau‟i Al-Kitāb Wa as-Sunnah (Beirut: Dar ibnu
126-127. Hazim La aThiba‘ah wa an-Nasyr wa at-Tauzii‘,
As-Sufi. 130. 2002). 273.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
region. They will come out if it is desired shield.22 Meanwhile, Musa Turoichan al-
by Allah. That's when they will make Qudsi23 mentions three kinds of Gog and
damage in every place he passes. Al- Magog properties: (1) their form is like a
Walid tends to agree that the Gog and bee (wasp) that is 120 cubits high, (2)
Magog referred to are the Chinese and they have rectangular and very wide
their neighbors, because they are a ears, if one ear sleep is used as a
religionless nation (atheist) and blanket and another used as a base, (3)
unallected. Muslims try to avoid it and among them there is a height of
keep their cattle from the cruelty of Gog approximately one inch. Nevertheless,
and Magog. In fact, if Gog and Magog these narrations are widely regarded by
get rivers or lakes, then in an instant the scholars as an unfounded narrative.24
lake is exhausted and dried by their However, Muhammad bin Ghaits bin
drinking. Ghaits25 concludes from several Hadiths
The historians differed on the concerning Gog and Magog as follows,
existence of a wall Zulkarnaen made to
confine Gog and Magog. A German Gog and Magog are the two great
breeds of the descendants of
researcher at the beginning of the 15th
Prophet Adam. They came out
century Sidabarger states that the wall
after the killing of Dajal by Prophet
was near the town of Tarfud known as Isa. They came out as a great
the iron gate. This opinion was plague like humans and as a sign
reinforced by the Spanish historian of the great apocalypse which was
Kalapego in 1403 AD who declared the followed by the blowing of the
trumpet and doomsday. They are
wall of the iron city on the road between
still confined to the wall of
Samarkand and India, and that was the
Zulkarnaen until now and will
wall built by Zulkarnaen. There is no come out at the appointed time.
doubt that it is the Chinese, because God guarded the wall even though
their inhabitants now account for one- they tried every morning until
third of the earth's population or one evening hollowed it. They are a
nation that obeys its leaders. No
billion more.21
one was able to kill them even
Gog and Magog are creatures
whose traits have been described by the 22
Abu Fatiah Al-Adnani, Petaka Akhir Zaman:
Messenger (Muhammad) of the Hadith Detik-Detik Menuju Hari Kehancuran Alam
narrated by Ibn Harmalah from his aunt Semesta (Surakarta: Granada Media Tama,
2016). 405.
who stated that ―...They are a nation with 23
Musa Turoichan Al-Qudsy, Munculnya Dajjal
wide-faced features, slanted-eyed, Dan Imam Mahdi Di Akhir Zaman (Terjemah
blond-haired, faced-like a layered Fafirru Ila Allah), Pertama (Surabaya: Ampel
Mulia Surabaya, 2004). 55.
Muhammad Ghaits bin Ghaits, ―Ahādis Asyrāth
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
though at that time the Prophet Isa until now. However, the wall will not be
was alive. Allah kills Gog and
broken until the specified time arrives.
Magog because of their arrogance
With all his pride and arrogance
and evil against the inhabitants of
the heavens and the earth by that no one can match, the Prophet Isa
sending worms to their necks so and the Muslims who fled at Mount
that they are like the death of Khamar prayed for Allah to bring them
grasshoppers. After that birds down. Not long afterwards, Gog and
were sent to carry their carcasses.
Magog finally destroyed by Allah.
Then a great downpour swept over
Regarding the destruction of this
the remains of the carcass until
the earth was like a clean mirror. creature there is a variety of opinions.
The destruction of Gog and Magog One suggestion mentions God lowering
took place in Jabal Khumur, the the gnawing worms, so they die all
mountain in the Baitul Maqdis without exception. Another opinion says
area. After the destruction of Gog
that they were inflicted with the
and Magog, the earth became a
devastation of a devastating cyclone as
blessing, life became peaceful,
and Islam became dispersed. it was inflicted on the 'Ad people, so that
in about one hour they died and
Muhammad bin Abdurrahman al- perished.28 Meanwhile, Sheikh Mahmud
'Uraifi declares the walls of Gog and Athiya Muhammad Ali29 mentioned that
Magog in the area of Munqathi', Turkey, they were drowned or buried in the
ie between Armenia and Azerbeijan. bowels of the earth and some were killed
This opinion is reinforced by Al-Qudsy27 by small and abject animals. However,
that Gog and Magog were besieged the majority of the opinions state that
between two mountains; Amlas and they were destroyed by the attacks of
Munqathi'. Mount Amlas is a very 'naghaf' animals, a type of worm that bit
slippery mountain that can not be their necks to death, as reported by
passed by humans. While Mount Imam Ahmad's Hadith from Abu
Munqathi' ie the mountain behind it there Hurairah. 30
is only the ocean. Between the two From the opinion of the scholars
mountains that Zulkarnaen make the above, it appears that there are various
walls of iron with copper coated liquid. greetings and interpretations of them
Gog and Magog every morning until against Gog and Magog. It is evident
sunset continues to gnaw and pierce
Al-Qudsy. 55.
Mahmud Athiyah Muhammad Ali, Tanda
Berakhirnya Dunia: Menyingkap Tabir Datangnya
Al-‘Uraifi, Al-‟ālam Al-Akhīr: Ahdāṡ Al-Qiyāmah Kiamat Berdasarkan Al-Qur‟an (Solo: Tinta
as-Ṣugrā Wa Al-Kubrā Wa Mā Ba‟dahā Bi as- Medina, 2014). 199.
Muhammad Ahmad ‘Abdu Al-‘Aziz, An-Nihāyah
Ṣuwar Wa Al-Tauḍīhāt Min Al-Qur‟ān Wa as-
Sunnah as-Ṣahīhah. 312. Fitan Wa Ahwāl Ākhir Al-Zamān: Mukhtashar
Al-Qudsy, Munculnya Dajjal Dan Imam Mahdi Nihāyat Al-Bidāyah Li Ibnu Katsir (Al-Qahirah:
Di Akhir Zaman (Terjemah Fafirru Ila Allah). 55. Maktabah al-Turāts al-Islamy, 1988). 84.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
that the story in the Qur'an becomes the general public, transliteration and
inspiration for the birth of a new literary translation needs to be done. From the
reception, such as the story of Gog and translation result, the text can be
Magog. It happened also to the people interpreted and contextualized, which by
of Sunda, West Java, Indonesia. They Robson this philological process is
received the story of Gog and Magog called "presenting and interpreting" the
from mouth to mouth which they wrote in text.32 Transliteration and translation are
a script. Among the texts discussing the vital because it is a bridge for literacy
signs of doom, including the stories of and language transfer from the original
Gog and Magog, are the texts of the to global characters and languages.33
Saifu Ad-Dharīb (SaD), the Dajal Layang The object of this research study
(LD), and the Nawādirul 'Ulūm (NU). consists of three Sundanese texts
Manuscripts as a legacy of ideas of written in Pegon characters; Saifu ad-
the people of his day, need to be Dharib (SaD), Layang Dajjal (LD), and
reviewed to reveal the extent to which the Nawadirul Ulum (NU). The SaD text was
development of their understanding, copied in the 1920s, the LD text was not
especially on the story of Gog and known for the year of copying, while the
Magog. This study aims to reveal how the NU manuscript was copied around the
welcome and interpretation of the end of the 60s. The SaD text was
Sundanese, West Java, which is transliterated and translated by Faiz
represented in the three Sundanese texts Karim Fatkhullah,34 LD text by Winda
above, on the story of Gog and Magog. Fitriyani,35 and NU text by Imam Cici
This is very interesting to examine, Mutaqin.36 The SaD and NU texts are
because the story of Gog and Magog has written in prose, while the LD text is
spread to the layers of the world written in the form of song or wawacan.
community, including the Sundanese The SaD manuscript was examined by
people, whose implications will be found Faiz Karim Fatkhullah in the journal
a variety of greetings or receptions.
S.O. Robson, Prinsip-Prinsip Filologi Indonesia
B. Method (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan
This study uses a qualitative Bahasa dan Universitas Leiden, 1994). 12.
Baroroh Baried, Pengantar Teori Filologi
descriptive method with a reception (Jakarta: BPFF UGM, 1994). 65.
Faiz Karim Fatkhullah, ―Saifu Aḍ - Ḍharīb : Text
theory approach. The steps of this study
Edition and Study of Signs of Doomsday‖
begin with the collection of the
(Universitas Padjadjaran, 2019).
manuscript, description or analysis of the 35
Winda Fitriyani, ―Naskah Layang Dajjal
text, and interpretation of the contents of ‗Kebangkitan Makhluk Laknatullah‘ Suntingan
Teks Dan Terjemahan‖ (Universitas Padjadjaran,
the text. A text that can be read by the 2017).
Imam Cici Mutaqin, ―Naskah Nawadirul Ulum
Ach. Ghazali Salim, ―Peran Kitab Suci Al- ‗Tanda-Tanda Hari Kiamat‘: Edisi Teks Dan
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
Humanus, but he discussed the signs of fall of Prophet Isa, the Prophet Khidir,
another apocalypse, namely Dajal, The and the exit of Gog and Magog.40
Reception of the Dajjal Story in The Of the three texts above, the
Saifu ad-Dharib. researcher took one object of study
SaD manuscript is written by KH. contained in three texts above, namely
Tubagus Ahmad Bakri in which 12 signs the story of Gog and Magog. To
of the Kubra doomsday and 36 signs of examine this story, the author uses the
the sugra doomsday were discussed theory of reception. Reception is a
there, including 8 predictions made by theory in literature that considers the
Sunan Gunung Jati. The apocalypse of reader as the greeter of a literary work.
the Kubra in the SaD text, namely; the Literature since its birth, according to
arrival of Imam Mahdi, the departure of Jauss, continues to be appreciated by
the Dajjal, the descent of the Prophet readers, so that literary works are built
'Isa, the coming of Ya'juj wa Ma'juj, the dynamically with a variety of responses
appearance of smoke, the emergence of from one generation to the next.41
wind from the south of Yemen, the rising Furthermore, Jauss said that the
of the sun from the west, the removal of interaction and communication of the
the Ka'ba, the issuance of three reader with literary works will occur
eclipses, he appointed the Qur'an, and dynamically because the reader has
the appearance of fire from Aden. their own expectation horizon which is
The NU script contains the signs of very different from the author of the
the revelation of the grave, such as: the literary work.42 A copyist of the
exit of Imam Mahdi, the fall of Prophet manuscript as well as a reader, often
Isa, the exit of the Dajjal, the ruined gives responses and remarks on the
Ka'bah. In addition, other discussions copy he copied and then adjusts to the
include, the age of the world, the culture at that time.43
creation of the Prophet Adam and his
surrounding story, and the state of the C. Results
earth before Adam descended from From this research, the results
heaven. Meanwhile, the LD script obtained that the story of Gog and
generally contains the story of the Magog received a reception from the
Antichrist, the exit of Imam Mahdi, the Sundanese community is relatively
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
diverse. Of the three manuscripts above, Ari Ya‟juj wa Ma‟juj dawuhan
Hasan Baṣri/ asalna turunan Yāfiṡ
the uniqueness is very visible when the
bin Nuh „alaihi as-salām wa Yāfiṡ
story was drawn to the local culture of
Abu/ at-Turk. Wa Ya‟juj wa Ma‟juj
Sunda. The text of SaD tends to min at-Turk 44... kitu keneh sifatna
interpret the story of Gog and Magog as aya tilu rupa. Aya jangkung
in the texts of Hadith. Meanwhile, LD sampai seratus/ duwa puluh hasta.
texts tend to interpret more Aya nu saruwa jangkung jeung
rubakna awak/ ceulina nilep
contemporary, and NU texts tend to
sabeulah dijieun amparan ku
interpret more according to the local
manehna. Aya anu/ sajengkal aya
culture of Sunda. anu duwa jengkal 45
Judging from the title, there are
According to Hasan Basri that Gog
various receptions. The text of SaD
and Magog are descendants of
which means "sabetan pedang", does
Yafits bin Nuh 'alaihi al-salam.
not reflect that this text of its contents Yafits himself is the father of the
tells of the signs of doom, especially Turkish nation 46... there are three
Gog and Magog. Meanwhile, the LD text forms of their character: there is a
which specifically means "Dajal story", height of 120 cubits, there is a
height equal to the width of his
contains not only the Dajal's story, but
ears so that if his ears folded can
also other doomsday signs, including
be used for his own base, and
Gog and Magog. The NU manuscript, there is a height one or two span47
seen from its meaning means "ilmu-ilmu
langka", precisely in it tells the signs of Meanwhile, in the text of LD it is
doom, not containing scarce or mentioned that Gog and Magog are
unfamiliar sciences. This is the form of communist descendants. In addition,
response and interpretation of the reader according to this text the form of Gog
of the story of the signs of doom, and Magog consists of three kinds.
including the story of Gog and Magog. However, it is not explained in detail in
When talking about Gog and the form. In this manuscript mentioned
Magog, the text of SaD explains that that the form of Gog and Magog high
they are descendants of Yafits bin Nuh and large, there is a high 10 inch, and
bin Abi Turk. According to this text, Gog some are square-shaped body.48
and Magog have three physical
characters; there is a height of 120
cubits, there is a tall and big body the 44
Tubagus Ahmad Bakri, Saifu Ad-Dharīb
same, there is a long ear and can be (Purwakarta, 1922).
used as bedding, and there is a Bakri.
magnitude between one and two span. 47
Fitriyani, ―Naskah Layang Dajjal ‗Kebangkitan
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
tilu rupa jangkung sareng gedè is now called Russia (formerly Soviet).51
jangkungna sapuluh depa, This opinion is shared by Muhammad
sarta awakna pasagi. Ahmad Al-Mubayyadh52 which mentions
Yajuja jeung Wamajjuja, Gog and Magog inhabiting the region of
bangsa seuweu anak putu[na]
kamènis, Central Asia (to the north). The same is
nu gede Yajuja estu stated by John Nelson Darby, he
interprets that it is not wrong if that is
three forms of Gog and
Magog are large and tall meant in the book of Ezekial: 38 'Rosh'
ten cubits high ie Russian state.53 However, in Ezekial,
and the square shaped- Gog and Magog are believed to be the
Gog and Magog state of Russia will soon destroy the
the nation of a thousand state of Israel. This is as expressed by
descendants of the Ronald Reagan to James Mills.54
really Magog is very big49 Furthermore, if Gog and Magog
were referring to the Chinese, it was in
As in the text of NU, Gog and accordance with the opinions of the
Magog are not mentioned at all about commentators and historians, among
their physical form or whose offspring them Ahmad Mustofa Al-Maraghi, Sayid
they are. Qutub, Abu al-A'la al-Mawdudi, Shaykh
From the data above, it appears Thanthawi, etc. which mentions that Gog
that the text of SaD is a text that and Magog are Tartars and Mongols.
interprets the figure of Gog and Magog They occupy an area that stretches
closer to the original text, ie Hadith. between Tibet, China to the North Sea
Meanwhile, the LD text interprets Gog Ice, and the West stretching from
and Magog with a communist nation. If Turkistan to Central Asia, and so on.55
the text of the LD interprets Gog and In connection with the existence of
Magog as communist, it can conceal that Gog and Magog, the text of SaD states
choice in certain communist-minded that Gog and Magog are on Mount Qaf,
countries and has a very large the place where King Zulkarnaen built the
population. 50
The choice is on Russia barrier ―... ayeuna eta Ya‟juj wa/ Ma‟juj
and China. In the Torah, that Gog and 51
Hisyam Kamal Abdu Al-Hamid, Ya‟jūj Wa Ma‟jūj
Magog or more commonly known as Qādimun, 1st ed. (Al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Kitāb al-
Gog and Magog, is a nation that ‘Arabi, 2006). 138.
Muhammad Ahmad Al-Mubayyadh, Al-
occupies the region of North Asia, which Mausū‟ah Fī Al-Fitan Wa Al-Malāhim Wa Asyarāti
as-Sā‟ati (Al-Qahirah: Muassasah Al-Mukhtār Li
An-Nasyr wa At-Tauzī‘, 2006).
Dittmer, ―Of Gog and Magog : The Geopolitical
49 53
Al-Walid, Kasyfu Al-Minan Fī ‟Alāmāti Al-Sā‟ati Visions of Jack Chick and Premillennial
Wa Al-Malāhim Wa Al-Fitan: Ru‟yat Limustaqbal Dispensationalism.‖ 290.
Al-‟Alam Al-Islāmi Fī Dhau‟i Al-Kitāb Wa Al- Dittmer. 294-295.
Sunnah. 273. Al-Hamid, Ya‟jūj Wa Ma‟jūj Qādimun. 77-78.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
ayana di luhureun Jabal Qaf dibentengku or descendants. The LD text does not
Raja Żu/ lkarnaen‖ now Gog and Magog specify the number of Gog and Magog
are on top of Mount Qaf. They are locked numbers. LD mentions the number of
up by King Zulkarnaen. Gog and Magog very much and only
As for the LD text does not Allah knows, “Sakureun sèwu anakna,
mention the location of Gog and Magog. ku lobana teu kawilis. Ngan Allah anu
The LD text only mentions that the uninga” about a thousand descendants,
fortress capable of blocking Gog and countless numbers, only Allah knows.60
Magog was built by Zulkarnaen. At the Furthermore, NU's manuscript
appointed time, the castle will be does not mention the number of Gog
destroyed by itself. “Damelna Dulkarnèn and Magog, it only mentions when they
raja, kuta bentang burak-barik” the die, the carcass is very much. Due to the
fortress was made by King Zulkarnaen, number of carcasses, so the Prophet Isa
the fortress will be destroyed someday. cannot meet the road when going down
Meanwhile, in NU's manuscript from Mount Tursina. ―Aranjeun
there is no mention of the existence of ngararaos gangguan anu langkung-
the Gog and Magog places. In addition, langkung ku seueurna bangké Ya‟juj
the subject of the barrier of Gog and jeung Ma‟juj, henteu aya tempat anu
Magog barriers was not mentioned in it. kosong istu heurin nincak kupoharana
The text of SaD mentions the bangké nyayeud‖ you feel disturbed
number of troops of Gog and Magog is because so many carcasses of Gog and
400,000, ―Ya‟juj wa Ma‟juj boga balad Magog, there is no empty place except
400.000 Ma‟juj‖ Gog and Magog had filled with carcasses.61
400,000 troops.58 In this manuscript it is From the data above, the three
mentioned that Yakjuj will not die before manuscripts mention the number of Gog
leaving the next generation of 1000, “... and Magog a lot. The manuscripts of
Jeung henteu waka paeh hingga boga/ SaD and LD, both mentioned that every
anak sarebu dini hiji Makjuj loba Gog and Magog gave birth to 1000
pohara.” They will not die before the descendants. Both opinions are in line
birth of a thousand descendants of each with the narration in the Hadith of the
Majuj, very much. Prophet narrated by Al-Nawas ibn
Meanwhile, the text of the LD Sam'an.
mentions the same thing as the SaD The manuscript of the SaD tells
text, when every Gog has 1000 children the world of the great destruction it
Bakri, Saifu Ad-Dharīb.
Fitriyani, ―Naskah Layang Dajjal ‗Kebangkitan Fitriyani, ―Naskah Layang Dajjal ‗Kebangkitan
57 60
Makhluk Laknatullah‘ Suntingan Teks Dan Makhluk Laknatullah‘ Suntingan Teks Dan
Terjemahan.‖ Terjemahan.‖
Mutaqin, ―Naskah Nawadirul Ulum ‗Tanda-
58 61
Bakri, Saifu Ad-Dharīb.
Tanda Hari Kiamat‘: Edisi Teks Dan Terjemahan.‖
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
caused when Gog and Magog came out. From the data above, the three
The manuscripts of SaD depict all kinds manuscripts mention the number of Gog
of trees, rocks, animals, sea water, river and Magog a lot. The manuscripts of SaD
water will all be eaten and drunk by Gog and LD, both mentioned that every Gog
and Magog. “Nu matak/ kaluar pohara and Magog gave birth to 1000 offspring.
ngaruksakna sagala kayu batu sato Both opinions are in line with the
hewan/cai laut cai wahangan diarinum narration in the Hadith of the Prophet
diharakan ku eta/sakabeh Ma‟juj”, very narrated by Al-Nawas ibn Sam'an.
devastating damage caused when Gog Meanwhile, NU's manuscript in
and Magog. Wood, stone, animals, sea discussing the damage caused by the
water, lake water, all eaten and drunk by discharge of Gog and Magog by
them. mentioning that human life and his
Furthermore, in the LD script property become their threat. That is,
depicted the power and greatness of humans can also be killed, even eaten by
Gog and Magog, no figure can stand them and their property deprived, “Ya‟juj
against it. Prophet Isa, Imam Mahdi and jeung Ma‟juj pohara ngaruksakna kana
the believers also hide in Mount Tursina. jiwa manusa jeung harta-harta manusa”
In fact, all the objects they encounter will Gog and Magog greatly endanger the
be destroyed; stones and wood are human lives and human treasure.64
eaten, graves will be ravaged, including From the data above, the three
humans into their food. The ferocity is texts have interpreted with the same
not up to that, they aim their arrows view, that when Gog and Magog came
towards the sky in hopes of killing the out all the objects they encountered
angels there. would be destroyed. The rivers and lakes
will dry up because all water is drunk by
kabèh nu disorang lebur, Gog and Magog, including the water of
kai batu [di] hakanan,
cadas catang hanteu aya nu the Euphrates River and Tigris water
kalarung, (beside Lake Thabaria).65
sumawonna manusa mah, The text of the SaD mentions that
kubur gè di burak barik
there are three places that can not be
all that are attacked will be colonized by Gog and Magog; Mecca,
destroyed Medina, and Baitul Maqdis. “Ieu dunya
wood and stone will be eaten
none of the objects will be missed dijajah ku Ya‟juj wa Ma‟juj/ iwal Makkah
so do humans Madinah jeung Bait al-Muqaddas” the
the grave was also destroyed.63 world is colonized by Gog and Magog
Makhluk Laknatullah‘ Suntingan Teks Dan Muhammad Asad in Railton, ―Gog and Magog :
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
except Mecca, Medina, and Baitul text says there are four places, but it only
Maqdis. mentions one place's name in the text.
Meanwhile, the LD text mentions Meanwhile, the NU script only mentions
that there are four places that can not be one place, namely Mount Tursina.
reached by Gog and Magog. However, In the text of SaD, Gog and Magog
the LD text does not mention the four were destroyed and died by the wind
places. He mentioned only one place that God used to destroy the 'Ad. Within
where Prophet Isa and the Believers took an hour, Gog and Magog die all and
refuge from the ferocity of Gog and their carcasses fill the earth, ―Ya‟juj wa
Magog. That place is Mount Tursina. Ma‟juj di dunya tujuh tahun dipaehana
―Ngan anu opat nagara, ku Yajuja ku Allah/ diturunan angin anu tilas
Wamajuja [teu] kapanggih‖ only four ngancurkeun kaum „Ad baheula para/
countries can not be entered by Gog and ehna dina waktu sajam sampai geuleuh
Magog. ieu dunya pinuh ku// bangkai‖ Gog and
The NU script only mentions one Magog live for seven years. They are
place that can not be reached by Gog destroyed by God with the wind used to
and Magog. That place is then used as a destroy the 'Ad. They died within an
refuge base by Prophet Isa and the hour, so the world was full of scent.69
believers, namely Mount Tursina. ―Sa(li)la Meanwhile, the LD script mentions
lungsurna Kangjeng Nabi Isa Alaihisalam that Gog and Magog were destroyed
sareng saréncang-réncangana ti Gunung and killed by the attack of thousands of
Tursina, aranjeun ngararaos gangguan mosquitoes that entered their ears. They
anu langkung-langkung ku seueurna screamed and then died, so their
bangké Ya‟juj jeung Ma‟juj‖ as long as carcasses piled up and filled the earth.
Prophet Isa and his companions ka malaikat geura turunkeun èta
descended from Mount Tursina, they reungit,
reungit piran-pirang2 rèbu,
were troubled by the many carcasses of sarua jeung anak hayam,
Gog and Magog.68 panyèrèdan kawas jarum yaza
From the data above, it can be
arasup kana ceulina,
seen that the three texts respond that Yajuja pating calerit70
there is a place that can be used as a angels immediately lower
means of shelter from Gog and Magog. mosquitoes
thousands of mosquitoes
However, the receptions given by the just like chicks
SaD script are more complete. The LD they are like needles that pierce
into the ear
Gog on screaming
Bakri, Saifu Ad-Dharīb.
Fitriyani, ―Naskah Layang Dajjal ‗Kebangkitan
Mutaqin, ―Naskah Nawadirul Ulum ‗Tanda- Makhluk Laknatullah‘ Suntingan Teks Dan
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
From the data above, the three the ocean. The manuscript of SaD does
manuscripts mention the number of Gog not tell the subsequent cleansing
and Magog a lot. The manuscripts of process after the carcass was gone. Nor
SaD and LD, both mentioned that every does he describe the shape of the
Gog and Magog gave birth to 1000 vulture bird. “Ieu dunya pinuh
descendants. Both opinions are in line ku//bangkai dileungitkeunana eta
with the narration in the Hadith of the bangkai Allah ngutus manuk dipa/ cokan
Prophet narrated by Al-Nawas ibn dibuang ka laut” the world is full of
Sam'an. carrion. The carcasses were cleansed
As in the text of NU mentioned that by God by sending a number of birds
Allah sent torture to Gog and Magog in carrying the carcass to the sea.72
the form of disease commonly infecting The manuscript LD tells that after
animals that then destroy them. ―Ya‟juj the carcass lies, Allah sends down the
jeung Ma‟juj diturunan siksa ku nu Maha great rain that sweeps the carcass into
Kawasa ti langit, diturunan panyakit sato the ocean. The LD text instead mentions
hama nu ngaruksak ka maranéhna” Gog only the final event of the purge, not
and Magog were sent down by Allah telling the previous incident, "Gusti Allah
from the sky in the form of an animal Nu Agung, ngersakeun datang (na)
disease that destroyed them. 71
hujan, cai caah bangkè digusur ka laut”
From the description above, it Almighty God wants to bring rain. Water
appears that all three have their drops and carries the carcasses into the
respective interpretations. This indicates sea.73
that the story of Gog and Magog is Meanwhile, NU's manuscripts are
welcomed and received very varied. The more complete. At that time, God sent
text of SaD interprets that the huge birds to dispose of the carcasses
punishment inflicted on Gog and Magog to God's place. Furthermore, after the
in the form of wind, the LD text interprets carcass was absent, Allah sent down a
it with the mosquito, and the NU text great rain that made the earth clean like
interprets it with illness. All three, if a clean dirty plate.
returned to the Hadith (narrated by Al-
Nawwas bin Sam'an) as the source of Nu Maha Kawasa ngawurkeun
manuk-manuk anu kacida
the emergence of the commentary, only rongkahna Galudra atawa nu
mention al-naghaf, a type of worm. The sanésna pohara galedéna
text of SaD mentions the carcass of Gog sagedé-gedé éta bukti. Manuk-
manuk mariceunan bangké-
and Magog very much and filled the bangké sakersana Alloh
earth. To clean up the pile of carrion
God sent birds to bring the carcass to 72
Bakri, Saifu Ad-Dharīb.
Fitriyani, ―Naskah Layang Dajjal ‗Kebangkitan
Mutaqin, ―Naskah Nawadirul Ulum ‗Tanda- Makhluk Laknatullah‘ Suntingan Teks Dan
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2019
Subhanahuwataa‟la. Saterasna D. Conclusion
Alloh ngucurkeun hujan anu
kacida saéna jeung ageungna The three Sundanese manuscripts
ngaberesihan kana jagat nepika above, various responses and their
beresih. Sanggem dina Hadis interpretations of Gog and Magog stories
{kajulpat} saperti piring lodor anu
diséka tina padaberesihna.74 appear. Seen from this reception theory,
that the text of SaD is the most complete
Almighty God sends very valiant manuscript of its speech in telling Gog
and great birds. The birds throw and Magog, followed by LD text, and
away the carcasses that Allah
requires Subhanahu wa ta'ala. then NU script. Judging from the
Then Allah sends down a great receptions of who is Gog and Magog,
rain so that it can cleanse all the the text of SaD interprets Gog and
carcasses, as contained in the
Hadith, that its cleanness is like a Magog in accordance with the Prophet's
clean plate of its filth. Hadith. Meanwhile, the LD text interprets
Gog and Magog inclined to interpretation
From the description above, the as contemporary scholars. Seen from
NU script is the most complete the whereabouts of Gog and Magog, the
manuscript in telling the process of manuscripts of SaD are the only
cleansing the carcass of Gog and manuscripts that give reception by
Magog. In addition, NU texts tend to mentioning that they are on Mount Qaf.
bring the story into local contexts. He However, the manuscripts of SaD and
analogized and interpreted the carcass the LD script both responded that Gog
of Gog and Magog carcasses with and Magog were locked up by
Eagle. Whereas in the text of Hadith only Zulkarnaen. Judging from the number of
mentioned with a necked bird like a Gog and Magog, the three texts
camel's neck. However, since the local responded that their numbers were
community is not all able to imagine numerous. However, the manuscripts of
birds whose neck is as big as an ostrich, SaD and LD have a common perception
the NU script comes with a local that each Gog and Magog gave birth to
interpretation of the Eagle. In Hindu a thousand descendants. Seen from the
mythology, the Eagle is the king of birds awesomeness of Gog and Magog, the
that is the mortal enemy of the snake. three texts give the same reception of
their awesomeness when they emerge
from the wall made by Zulkarnaen. Seen
from a safe place from Gog and Magog,
SaD's manuscripts mention there are
Mutaqin, ―Naskah Nawadirul Ulum ‗Tanda-
three places, LD manuscripts mention
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