Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Branch
Prepared by:
Slope Branch,
Public Works Department of Sabah,
Jalan Sembulan,
88582 Kota Kinabalu,
Tel : 088 244 333
Fax : 088 234 377
Over the years, numerous incidents of slope failure have occurred along the
roads within the purview of JKR Sabah, at both Federal Road and State Road. One of
the prevailing factors of the occurrence is found to be deficiency of maintenance
which is principally required to curb imminent landslide initiation.
In view of the increasing trend of landslide records, the Slope Branch has
been vigilant on the need to establish a good practice of slope maintenance
management in the department. Preparation of this manual is therefore intended to
serve as one the fundamental measures to attain that goal, in which a practical guide
on how to perform the maintenance exercise at both JKR Headquarters and JKR
Districts level is of the essence. This is envisaged to be a helpful platform to cultivate
a thriving slope maintenance exercise in the department, which is indeed gained
through learning and experience.
As this is the first published manual since the advent of Slope Branch, users
are encouraged to provide comments to the branch on the contents of this manual,
so that improvements can be made to future editions.
Thank you.
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1.1 Objective of Manual 1
1.2 Scope and Limitation of Manual 1
1.3 Policy of Slope Maintenance 2
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Appendix 1 Flow Chart of Slope Maintenance Management 24
in JKR Sabah
Appendix 2 Consequence-to-life Category of Slopes and 26
Retaining Structures
Appendix 3 Indicative Record Sheets for Routine 28
Maintenance Inspections and Works
Appendix 4 Indicative Record Sheets for Engineer 34
Inspections for Maintenance
Slope Maintenance Management Manual
As this manual is meant for the internal use of the department which shall be
applied by the headquarters and district level of JKR Sabah, this guide is
however subjected to few limitations as follows:
i) Maintenance programme shall only cover engineered slopes along
both sealed and unsealed road under the purview of JKR Sabah.
ii) As slope maintenance programme for Federal Road has been
established, this manual is only applicable to the State Road.
iii) Types of physical slope maintenance are pertaining to routine and
preventive maintenance.
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Slope Maintenance Management Manual
In line with the motto of “Safe Slope, Saves Lives”, exercise of slope
maintenance in the state shall be executed in accordance to the policy of
slope maintenance as depicted in Figure 1.
safety of new
Reducing risk
& cost on
slope failure
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In order to guide the district levels on the locations and numbers of slopes to
be assessed within the stipulated schedule so as to improve efficiency of the
maintenance inspection, a comprehensive inventory of mother slopes should
be developed prior to the inspection. The inventory should capture all
engineered slopes which can be defined as “slope that has been modified in
its in-situ condition to attain required factor of safety through proper design
and construction as per engineering practice”.
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Figure 2: Typical Man-made Items on Slope that Require Maintenance (Source: Geotechnical Engineering Office of Hong Kong, 2003)
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ii) To identify all visible changes and signs of distress, including landslides
that have taken place at or in the vicinity of the slope or retaining
structure, in particular changes since the previous Stability
Assessment if this has been carried out, and any discrepancies
between records and site conditions, which could have implications
for stability of the slope or retaining structure, and to judge whether
these might be significant.
iv) To check that Routine Maintenance Inspections have been carried out
and documented satisfactorily.
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The frequency of Engineer Inspection for Maintenance shall follow the guide
in Table 3 below.
Besides the evaluation of the various aspects of the existing slope condition,
the engineer undertaking the Engineer Inspection for Maintenance may need
to advise the requirement of Stability Assessment subjected to indication of
slope movement.
Indicative record sheets for Engineer Inspections for Maintenance are given
in Appendix 4.
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Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Surface erosion Totally bare soil surface Apply close turfing
Undesirable / concentrated Improve drainage system (e.g. add
water source intercepting drain to cut off undesirable /
Damaged cut-off / berm drain concentrated water flowing down the slope
Inadequate drainage surface and divert the water to an appropriate
outlet system
Repair cut-off / berm drain
Putting back soil cover
Apply close turfing
Steep slope Rebuild or regrade soil slope, if practically
Slope Soil
allowable and economically viable
Tension crack Unstable slope Close up crack
Identify cause of movement / instability &
propose suitable remedial measure (Engineer
shall be involved)
Overhanging / tilting tree Unstable slope Remove / trim dangerous trees
Check possibility of cut slope failure, identify
causation, and propose suitable remedial
measure (Engineer shall be involved)
Loose / overhanging Weathered rock Remove dangerous boulders and treat slope
upslope boulder surface with engineered solution
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Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Seepage Ponding at top of upslope, Fill up undesirable pondings and improve
change of natural water course drainage system to remove undesirable water
Broken roadside drain, blocked source
horizontal drain, broken / leaking Repair drainage structures
culvert and / or catchpit etc. Clear horizontal drain by probing with rods
Surface erosion Undesirable e.g. concentrated Upgrade / improve drainage system e.g. add
water source intercepting / cut-off drain to cut off
Broken / damaged cut-off drain undesirable / concentrated water flowing
Inadequate drainage e.g. absence down the slope surface and divert the water
of cut-off drain to an appropriate outlet system
Repair cut-off drain
Re-turf / Replant vegetation
Vegetated / Apply guniting concrete (only when necessary
Turfed as it is not enviromentally friendly)
Vegetation not properly Insufficeint sunlight Re-turf with more suitable species of grass
grown / dying Dry spell Apply bio-engineering solution
Acidic soil
Crack Unstable slope Close the cracks
Identify cause of movement / instability &
propose suitable remedial measure (Engineer
shall be involved)
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Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Cracked cover Sub-standard workmanship / Seal up cracks and look for causation and
Damaged cover improper design access overall stability (Engineer shall be
Non-functioning Blocked weep holes involved)
weep holes Unstable underlying slope Repair cover
Cover separated Lack of proper pointing Clear horizontal drain by probing with rods
Rigid cover
from underlying soils maintenance Replace detached cover
Missing or Ponding, change of natural water Identify source of water flowing out of weep
Rip-rap or
deteriorated joint course (for cut slope) holes and propose suitable remedial measure
fillers & sealant (Engineer shall be involved)
Unexpected flow of Monitor slope movement, scheduled for
etc.) water out from weep detailed SI as soon as possible, and propose
holes during dry spell suitable remedial measure (Engineer shall be
Undesirable involved )
vegetation / trees in Fill up undesirable pondings and improve
cracks and fissures drainage system to removeundesirable water
Redo pointing where necessary
Loose blocks Weathering Remove or stabilise loose blocks
Fissures / open joints Lack of proper maintenance Treat fissures & open joints with sealant and
Undesirable joint filler
vegetation in cracks Remove undesirable vegetation / trees in
and fissures cracks and fissures
Falling rocks Provide rock mesh netting, rock trap ditch, etc.
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Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Tension crack Failed embankment or cut slope Seal tension cracks
Landslide scar Base failure Check possibility of embankment / cut slope
Settlement failure, identify causation, and propose
Bulging / heaving suitable remedial measure (Engineer shall be
involved )
Earth /
Cave-in Dislocated / broken cross culvert Repair or reconstruct culvert (this is to be
Gravel /
Pavement carried out by road maintenance unless it is
Surface acompanied by the need of slope engineering
Debris flow crossing Blocked roadside drain or Identify causation and propose suitable
over pavement connecting sump remedial / maintenance measure (Engineer shall
Overflow from ponding be involved )
Flow from landslide
Illegal access
Cracks Sub-standard construction Provide adequate and proper surface /
Lateral movement Inadequate or wrong design subsurface drainage system
Engineering Retaining
Settlement Unstable ground Identify causation and propose suitable
Feature Wall
Tilting Absence / lack of drainage remedial measure (Engineer shall be
Buldging system involved )
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Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Erosion Velocity of flow too high, i.e.flow Concrete line the earth drain
too rapid
Earth Drain water Undersized drain Upgrade drain to a bigger one with adequate
roadside overflows Flow obstructed by landslide capacity, i.e. bigger size
drain (at cut Drain blockage materials Clear obstruction caused by landslide
slope toe) Debris from natural stream material as soon as possible
Check possibilty of potential debris flow and
construct upstream check dam
Cracks Sub-standard construction Repair dislocated / broken drain
Eroded and/or leaky Inadequate Design Repair eroded / leaky drain base by topping
drain base Unstable ground up with another layer of structural concrete
Dislocated/broken (preferably with fabric reinforcement )
drain Reconstruct drain to one with adequate
Reinforced structural design (Engineer shall be involved)
concrete Identify source of movement and come up
drain with remedial measures (Engineer shall be
(at toe of involved)
cut slope) Drain water Inadequate capacity design, i.e. Upgrade drain to a bigger one with adequate
overflows undersized drain capacity, i.e. bigger size
Drain blockage Flow obstructed by landslide Clear obstruction caused by landslide
materials material as soon as possible
Debris from natural stream Check possibilty of potential debris flow and
construct upstream check dam
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Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Cracks Sub-standard construction Repair cracked drain /sump
Dislocated / broken Unstable slope Reconstruct drain / sump
drain / sump Check possibility of instability and identify
causation of instability (Engineer shall be
Interceptor involved)
drain / Drain / sump Inadequate capacity design, i.e. Upgrade drain / sump to a bigger one with
Cascade overflowing undersized drain adequate capacity, i.e. bigger size
Drainage drain / Drain / sump filled up by Clear obstruction caused by debris as soon as
System Berm drain landslide material possible
/ Sump Breaking points, i.e. sumps too Add addition break point, i.e. sump and
far apart discharge culvert at suitable place & interval
Erosion on ground / Drain /sump edge higher than Backfill or reinstate the ground / soil
soil adjoining the the adjoining ground adjoining the drain / sump
drain / sump
Subsoil Clogged horizontal Accumulation of rubbish / loose Remove clogging material
drainage drain / weep hole soil material
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Slope Maintenance Management Manual
Slope Elements to be
Possible Anomaly Probable Source of Problem Suggested Action of Treatment
Absence of proper Poor / improper culvert design Construct proper inlet / outlet structures
inlet / outlet
structure, e.g. sump
or wing wall, head
wall, apron, etc.
Erosion / minor slope Damaged / broken associated Repair roadside drain
failure above head roadside drain Determine undesirable water source and
wall drain Undesirable flow of water from provide diversion measure
Erosion / minor slope Water from roadside drain Provide proper discharge structure
failure at side of inlet allowed to freely discharged to Determine undesirable water source and
Drainage wing walls the inlet side of culvert without provide diversion measure
(inlet /
proper discharge structure Channelisation
Damaged / broken roadside
drain discharge structure at side
of culvert
Undesirable flow of water from
Change of stream /water course
Erosion / minor slope Water from culvert allowed to Provide proper discharge structure to
failure at downslope freely discharged down the discharge water from culvert to a safe place
slope without proper discharge
structure, e.g. cascade drain, ,
energy breaker, etc.
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Figure 6: Examples of Method of Handling Surface Water at Critical Locations along a Road
(Source: Geotechnical Engineering Office of Hong Kong, 2000)
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In cases where routine maintenance works are not adequate to mitigate on-
going slope deterioration, preventive maintenance works should be taken
into account. Typical preventive maintenance works for soil cut and rock cut
slopes are illustrated in Figure 7 and Figure 8 respectively.
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GEO (2000). Highway Slope Manual. Hong Kong: Geotechnical Engineering Office.
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Routine Maintenance Inspection Category 1 & 2: Once / 1 year
Category 3: Once / 2 years
Record of Routine
JKR District
Upon request or based on need
Engineer Inspection for Category 1 & 2: Once / 5 years
Maintenance Category 3: Once / 10 years
Record of Engineer
Inspection for
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Life Category
Heavily Used Buildings
e.g. residential building, commercial office, store and shop,
hotel, factory, school, power station, ambulance depot,
market, hospital, polyclinic, clinic, welfare centre
Other Infrastructures
e.g. cottage, licensed and squatter area, bus shelter, railway
platform and other sheltered public waiting area, dangerous
good storage site (e.g. petrol stations), road with very heavy
vehicular or pedestrian traffic density
Lightly Used Buildings
e.g. indoor car park, building within barracks, abattoir,
incinerator, indoor games’ sport hall, sewage treatment
plant, refuse transfer station, church, temple, monastery,
civic centre, manned substation
Other Infrastructures
e.g. major infrastructure facility (e.g. railway, LRT, flyover,
subway, tunnel portal, service reservoir), construction site (if
future use not certain), road with heavy vehicular or
pedestrian traffic density 2
Heavily Used Open Space and Public Waiting Area
e.g. heavily used playground, open car park, heavily used
sitting out area, road with moderate vehicular or pedestrian
traffic density
Lightly Used Open-Air Recreation Area
e.g. district open space, lightly used open space, lightly used
playground, cemetery, columbarium, non-dangerous goods
storage site, road with low vehicular or pedestrian traffic
density 3
Remote Area
e.g. country park, undeveloped green belt, abandoned
quarry, road with very low vehicular or pedestrian traffic
Note: The consequence-to-life category refers to situation where the facilities are
located within the expected travel distance of landslide debris. Any indirect
consequences should also be taken into consideration, e.g. debris falling into a
watercourse can travel long distance and affect other facilities.
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Immediate arrangement for investigation and repair of buried water‐carrying services needed? Yes / No
Adakah penyiasatan dan pembaikan segera perlu dilakukan pada paip air atau pembentung yang tertimbus? Ya / Tidak
OTHER OBSERVATIONS (continue on separate sheets if necessary)
(e.g. conditions of trees for which specialist advice is needed)
PEMERHATIAN-PEMERHATIAN LAIN (sila gunakan kertas berasingan jika perlu)
(contoh. keadaan pokok di mana nasihat pakar diperlukan)
Inspected by:
Diperiksa oleh: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
JKR District:
JKR Daerah: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature: Date:
Tandatangan: ………………………………………………………………………………. Tarikh: ……………………………………………………………………….
Received by:
Diterima oleh: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Daripada: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature: Date:
Tandatangan: ………………………………………………………………………………. Tarikh: ……………………………………………………………………….
Note: Defects or anomalies, such as signs of leakage, widening of cracks, settling ground, bulging or distortion of a masonry
wall or settlement of the crest platform, should be reported to the Slope Branch, JKR Sabah.
Nota: Kecacatan atau keadaan luar biasa seperti tanda‐tanda kebocoran, penambahan saiz rekahan, enapan tanah,
perubahan bentuk pada struktur penahan atau enapan pada puncak cerun hendaklah dilaporkan kepada Cawangan Cerun,
JKR Sabah.
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Note: Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary. Record photographs should show in detail areas where
maintenance works are required and signs of distress observed (e.g. tension cracks, bulging of wall) and be annotated
with descriptions.
Nota: Sila gunakan helaian rekod tambahan jika perlu. Rekod fotograf‐fotograf hendaklah menunjukkan kawasan di mana
kerja penyenggaraan diperlukan, tanda‐tanda kegagalan yang dilihat (cth. retak tegangan, pembonjolan tembok), dan
hendaklah dicatatkan dengan perihalan.
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JKR District:
JKR Daerah: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature: Date:
Tandatangan: ………………………………………………………………………………. Tarikh: ……………………………………………………………………….
Daripada: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature: Date:
Tandatangan: ………………………………………………………………………………. Tarikh: ……………………………………………………………………….
RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS (with descriptions, date, and reference numbers as given on the site plan)
REKOD FOTOGRAF‐FOTOGRAF (disertakan dengan deskripsi, tarikh and no.rujukan seperti yang ditunjukkan di dalam pelan
1 Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary.
Sila gunakan helaian rekod tambahan untuk fotograf‐fotograf jika perlu.
2 For removal of loose rocks from rock face or clearing debris from defence measures, e.g. check dam, the estimated
volume of debris removed should be recorded.
Jikalau batuan longgar perlu dibersihkan daripada permukaan batu atau sampah perlu dibersihkan daripada struktur
penahan, isipada batuan atau sampah yang dibersihkan perlu direkodkan.
3 Record photographs should show in detail areas where maintenance works are required and signs of distress
Fotograf‐fotograf hendaklah menunjukkan kawasan di mana kerja penyenggaraan diperlukan dan tanda‐tanda
kegagalan diperhatikan.
4 Record photographs before and after the execution of maintenance works should be taken from the same vantage
Fotograf‐fotograf sebelum dan selepas kerja penyenggaraan dilakukan hendaklah diambil daripada sudut pandangan
yang sama.
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Is there adequate access to the slope or retaining structure for Maintenance Inspection? Yes/No
Adakah laluan ke cerun/tembok panahan sesuai untuk Pemeriksaan Penyenggaraan? Ya/Tidak
Has the full extent of the slope or retaining structure to be inspected and maintained been Yes/No
established? (i.e. check against lease document issued by the Lands Department?)
Adakah luas kawasan cerun/struktur penahan telah diperiksa dan disenggara sepenuhnya? Ya/Tidak
(iaitu, semak dokumen pajakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak Pejabat Tanah?)
Has the documentation for the inspection and maintenance of slopes and retaining structures Yes/No
been validated?
Adakah keseluruhan cerun atau struktur penahan yang akan diperiksa dan disenggara Ya/Tidak
telah dikenalpasti daripada segi kesahihan dokumennya?
Pemerhatian‐Pemerhatian Lain
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Will service adversely affect the slope or retaining structure in event of leakage? Yes/No
Adakah paip perkhidmatan yang lemah akan mengakibatkan kerosakan kepada cerun atau struktur Ya/Tidak
penahan jika berlaku kebocoran?
Has there been any change to service since last Engineer Inspection for Maintenance? Yes/No
Adakah penggantian dibuat pada peralatan sejak Pemeriksaan Penyenggaraan yang terakhir oleh Jurutera? Ya/Tidak
Are there signs of water leakage from services? Yes/No
Adakah tanda kebocoran air daripada paip perkhidmatan? Ya/Tidak
Do any services need immediate leakage testing? Yes/No
Adakah paip perkhidmatan memerlukan ujian pembocoran yang serta merta? Ya/Tidak
Is re‐routing of services necessary and practicable? Yes/No
Adakah perlu dan praktikal jika paip perkhidmatan diubah ke laluan lain? Ya/Tidak
Do any services require regular checks? (If yes, recommend frequency) Yes/No
Adakah sebarang paip perkhidmatan memerlukan permeriksaan yang lebih kerap? Sekiranya ya, cadangkan Ya/Tidak
If ‘Yes’ in any of the above items, give details of observations and/or recommendations
Jika ada di antara perkara‐perkara di atas adalah ’Ya’, berikan permerhatian yang terperinci dan cadangan‐
Lain-lain ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Komen-komen Umum
Lain-lain ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............................
* delete where appropriate
* potong mana‐mana yang tidak berkenaan
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(cth: mana‐mana yang berkait dengan kesihatan pokok‐pokok dan terdapat pokok‐pokok yang telah reput, nasihat daripada p
akar adalah diperlukan)
of (organization):
daripada (organisasi): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..
Signature Date
Tandatangan Tarikh
Received by:
Diterima oleh: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
JKR District:
JKR Daerah: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..
Signature Date
Tandatangan Tarikh
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Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary.
Sila gunakan helaian rekod tambahan untuk fotograf jika perlu.
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Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary.
Sila gunakan helaian rekod tambahan untuk fotograf jika perlu.
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Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary.
(Record photographs should be taken from the same vantage points as the last inspection)
Sila gunakan helaian rekod tambahan untuk fotograf jika perlu.
(Rekod fotograf perlu diambil pada sudut yang sama seperti pemeriksaan yang sebelumnya)
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