Business Studies Part II
Business Studies Part II
Business Studies Part II
Part II
Business Finance and Marketing
Textbook for Class XII
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Foreword iii
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Chapter 4 Planning 91
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Financial Management
Learning Objectives When Tata Steel Acquired Corus
Tata Steel, the biggest steel producer in
After studying this chapter, you
the Indian private sector has acquired
should be able to: Corus, (formerly known as British
Steel) in a deal worth $8.6 billion in
¾¾ explain the meaning of 2007. This makes Tata Steel the fifth
business finance; largest steel producer in the world. A
financial decision of this magnitude
has significant implicitness for both
¾¾ d e s c r i b e f i n a n c i a l
Tata Steel and Corus as well as their
management; employees and shareholders. To mention
some of them:
¾¾ explain the role of financial � Tata Steel raised a debt of over $8
management in our billion to finance the transaction.
enterprise; The deal will be paid for by Tata Steel
UK, a special purpose vehicle (SPV)
¾¾ d i s c u s s o b j e c t i v e s o f set up for the purpose. This SPV
financial management and received funds from Tata Steel routed
how they could be achieved; through a Singapore subsidiary.
Another company of the Tata group,
Tata Sons Ltd., invested $ 1 billion
¾¾ explain the meaning and dollars for preference shares along
importance of financial with Tata Steel which will invest an
planning; equal amount.
� Tata Steel, the acquirer company,
¾¾ state the meaning of capital arranged about 36,500 crores of
structure; rupees to finance the take-over.
� Tata Steel raised this amount through
¾¾ analyse the factors affecting debt or equity or a combination
the choice of an appropriate of both. Some amount came from
capital structure; internal accruals also. This financing
decision affected the capital structure
¾¾ state meaning of fixed capital of Tata Steel.
and working capital; and � Needless to emphasise, decisions
like this affect the future of the
organisation. These decisions are
¾¾ analyse the factors affecting
almost irrevocable after they have been
the requirement of fixed and formalised.
working capital.
Source: The Economic Times
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is linked to the three basic financial some value addition should take place.
decisions which you will study a little All those avenues of investment, modes
later. This is because a company funds of financing, ways of handling various
belong to the shareholders and the components of working capital must
manner in which they are invested and be identified which will ultimately lead
the return earned by them determines to an increase in the price of equity
their market value and price. It means share. It can happen through efficient
maximisation of the market value of decision-making. Decision-making is
equity shares. The market price of efficient if, out of the various available
equity share increases, if the benefit alternatives, the best is selected.
from a decision exceeds the cost
involved. All financial decisions aim at Financial Decisions
ensuring that each decision is efficient
Financial management is concerned
and adds some value. Such value
with the solution of three major issues
additions tend to increase the market
relating to the financial operations
price of shares. Therefore, those
of a firm corresponding to the three
financial decisions are taken which
questions of investment, financing
will ultimately prove gainful from
and divident decision. In a financial
the point of view of the shareholders.
context, it means the selection of
The shareholders gain if the value of
best financing alternative or best
shares in the market increases. Those
investment alternative. The finance
decisions which result in decline in
function, therefore, is concerned
the share price are poor financial
with three broad decisions which are
decisions. Thus, we can say, the
explained below:
objective of financial management is
to maximise the current price of equity
Investment Decision
shares of the company or to maximise
the wealth of owners of the company, A firm’s resources are scarce in
that is, the shareholders. comparison to the uses to which
Therefore, when a decision is taken they can be put. A firm, therefore,
about investment in a new machine, has to choose where to invest these
the aim of financial management resources, so that they are able to earn
is to ensure that benefits from the the highest possible return for their
investment exceed the cost so that investors. The investment decision,
some value addition takes place. therefore, relates to how the firm’s
Similarly, when finance is procured, funds are invested in different assets.
the aim is to reduce the cost so that Investment decision can be long-
the value addition is even higher. term or short-term. A long-term
In fact, in all financial decisions, investment decision is also called a
major or minor, the ultimate objective Capital Budgeting decision. It involves
that guides the decision-maker is that committing the finance on a long-
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term basis. For example, making decisions) are concerned with the
investment in a new machine to decisions about the levels of cash,
replace an existing one or acquiring inventory and receivables. These
a new fixed asset or opening a new decisions affect the day-to-day
branch, etc. These decisions are very working of a business. These affect
crucial for any business since they the liquidity as well as profitability of a
affect its earning capacity in the long business. Efficient cash management,
run. The size of assets, profitability inventory management and receivables
and competitiveness are all affected by management are essential ingredients
capital budgeting decisions. Moreover, of sound working capital management.
these decisions normally involve
huge amounts of investment and are Factors affecting Capital
irreversible except at a huge cost. Budgeting Decision
Therefore, once made, it is often almost
A number of projects are often available
impossible for a business to wriggle out
to a business to invest in. But each
of such decisions. Therefore, they need
project has to be evaluated carefully
to be taken with utmost care. These
and, depending upon the returns, a
particular project is either selected or
rejected. If there is only one project, its
viability in terms of the rate of return,
viz., investment and its comparability
with the industry’s average is seen.
There are certain factors which affect
capital budgeting decisions.
(a) Cash flows of the project: When
a company takes an investment
decision involving huge amount
it expects to generate some cash
flows over a period. These cash
flows are in the form of a series
Wealth Maximisation Concept
of cash receipts and payments
over the life of an investment.
The amount of these cash flows
decisions must be taken by those who should be carefully analysed before
understand them comprehensively. considering a capital budgeting
A bad capital budgeting decision decision.
normally has the capacity to severely (b) The rate of retur n: The most
damage the financial fortune of a important criterion is the rate
business. Short-ter m investment of return of the project. These
decisions (also called working capital calculations are based on the
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Financial Decisions
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(d) Cash Flow Position of the Company: the choice of source of fund. During
A stronger cash flow position may the period when stock market is
make debt financing more viable rising, more people invest in equity.
than funding through equity. However, depressed capital market
(e) Fixed Operating Costs: If a business may make issue of equity shares
has high fixed operating costs (e.g., difficult for any company.
building rent, Insurance premium,
Salaries, etc.), It must reduce fixed Dividend Decision
financing costs. Hence, lower debt
financing is better. Similarly, if The third important decision that
every financial manager has to
fixed operating cost is less, more
take relates to the distribution of
of debt financing may be preferred.
dividend. Dividend is that portion
(f) Control Considerations: Issues of of profit which is distributed to
more equity may lead to dilution shareholders. The decision involved
of management’s control over here is how much of the profit earned
the business. Debt financing has by company (after paying tax) is to be
no such implication. Companies distributed to the shareholders and
afraid of a takeover bid would how much of it should be retained
prefer debt to equity. in the business. While the dividend
(g) State of Capital Market: Health of constitutes the current income
the capital market may also affect re-investment as retained earning
Corporate India has opened its purse strings to shareholders with interim
dividends and bonus shares. At least 60 companies have declared interim dividend
or announced plans to do so in the first three weeks of January. In addition, around
12 companies have announced bonus share issues this month, about three times
more than January 2006.
There are range of things that a company can do for maximising shareholder
value and dividend is the most direct and simple form of it. Ideally companies
need to balance it up between paying cash and building value of the stock for total
shareholder returns.
This trend of dividends and bonuses is in synchronisation with the good profits
being posted by companies. It’s a way of rewarding shareholders.
A number of companies have also announced plans of bonus shares for their
shareholders. Most of the companies who have already declared bonus issues or
announced that they would be taking it up in their next board meeting are small or
mid-sized companies.
Source: The Economic Times
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Example I
Company X Ltd.
Total Funds used Rs. 30 Lakh
Interest rate 10% p.a.
Tax rate 30%
EBIT Rs. 4 Lakh
Situation I Nil
Situation II Rs. 10 Lakh
Situation III Rs. 20 Lakh
EBIT-EPS Analysis
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Example II
Company Y Ltd.
Situation I Situation II Situation III
EBIT 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000
Interest NIL 1,00,000 2,00,000
EBT 2,00,000 1,00,000 NIL
Tax 60,000 30,000 NIL
EAT 1,40,000 70,000 NIL
No. of shares of Rs.10 3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000
EPS 0.47 0.35 NIL
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In this example, the EPS of the borrowing. Cash flows must not only
company is falling with increased use cover fixed cash payment obligations
of debt. It is because the Company’s but there must be sufficient buffer
rate of return on investment (RoI) is also. It must be kept in mind that a
less than the cost of debt. The RoI company has cash payment obligations
2Lakh for (i) normal business operations;
for company Y is × 100 , i.e.,
30Lakh (ii) for investment in fixed assets;
6.67%, whereas the interest rate on and (iii) for meeting the debt service
debt is 10%. In such cases, the use commitments i.e., payment of interest
of debt reduces the EPS. This is a and repayment of principal.
situation of unfavourable financial 2. Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR):
leverage. Trading on Equity is clearly The interest coverage ratio refers to
unadvisable in such a situation. the number of times earnings before
Even in case of Company X, interest and taxes of a company covers
reckless use of Trading on Equity is the interest obligation. This may be
not recommended. An increase in debt calculated as follows:
may enhance the EPS but as pointed
out earlier, it also raises the financial ICR =
risk. Ideally, a company must choose
that risk-return combination which The higher the ratio, lower shall
maximises shareholders’ wealth. The be the risk of company failing to
debt-equity mix that achieves it, is the meet its interest payment obligations.
optimum capital structure. However, this ratio is not an adequate
measure. A firm may have a high EBIT
Factors affecting the Choice of
but low cash balance. Apart from
Capital Structure
interest, repayment obligations are
Deciding about the capital structure also relevant.
of a firm involves determining the 3. Debt Service Coverage Ratio
relative proportion of various types (DSCR): Debt Service Coverage Ratio
of funds. This depends on various
takes care of the deficiencies referred
factors. For example, debt requires
to in the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR).
regular servicing. Interest payment
The cash profits generated by the
and repayment of principal are
obligatory on a business. In addition operations are compared with the total
a company planning to raise debt cash required for the service of the
must have sufficient cash to meet the debt and the preference share capital.
increased outflows because of higher It is calculated as follows:
debt. Similarly, important factors Profit after tax + Depreciation + Interest + Non Cash exp.
which determine the choice of capital Pref. Div + Interest + Repayment obligation
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potential to increase debt component reason that a company can not use
in its capital structure. debt beyond a point. If debt is used
4. Return on Investment (RoI): If beyond that point, cost of equity may
the RoI of the company is higher, it go up sharply and share price may
can choose to use trading on equity decrease inspite of increased EPS.
to increase its EPS, i.e., its ability to Consequently, for maximisation of
use debt is greater. We have already shareholders’ wealth, debt can be used
observed in Example I that a firm only upto a level.
can use more debt to increase its 8. Floatation Costs: Process of
EPS. However, in Example II, use of raising resources also involves some
higher debt is reducing the EPS. It is cost. Public issue of shares and
because the firm is earning an RoI of debentures requires considerable
only 6.67% which lower than its cost expenditure. Getting a loan from a
of debt. In example I the RoI is 13.33%, financial institution may not cost so
and trading on equity is profitable. much. These considerations may also
It shows that, RoI is an important affect the choice between debt and
determinant of the company’s ability equity and hence the capital structure.
to use Trading on equity and thus the 9. Risk Consideration: As discussed
capital structure. earlier, use of debt increases the
5. Cost of debt: A firm’s ability to financial risk of a business. Financial
borrow at a lower rate increases its risk refers to a position when a
capacity to employ higher debt. Thus, company is unable to meet its fixed
more debt can be used if debt can be financial charges namely interest
raised at a lower rate. payment, preference dividend and
6. Tax Rate: Since interest is a repayment obligations. Apart from
deductible expense, cost of debt is the financial risk, every business
affected by the tax rate. The firms in has some operating risk (also called
our examples are borrowing @ 10%. business risk). Business risk depends
Since the tax rate is 30%, the after upon fixed operating costs. Higher
tax cost of debt is only 7%. A higher fixed operating costs result in higher
tax rate, thus, makes debt relatively business risk and vice-versa. The total
cheaper and increases its attraction risk depends upon both the business
vis-à-vis equity. risk and the financial risk. If a firm’s
7. Cost of Equity: Stock owners business risk is lower, its capacity to
expect a rate of return from the equity use debt is higher and vice-versa.
which is commensurate with the risk 10. Flexibility: If a firm uses its
they are assuming. When a company debt potential to the full, it loses
increases debt, the financial risk flexibility to issue further debt. To
faced by the equity holders, increases. maintain flexibility, it must maintain
Consequently, their desired rate of some borrowing power to take care of
return may increase. It is for this unforeseen circumstances.
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11. Control: Debt normally does business risk of a firm is higher, it can
not cause a dilution of control. A not afford the same financial risk. It
public issue of equity may reduce the should go in for low debt. Thus, the
managements’ holding in the company management must know what the
and make it vulnerable to takeover. industry norms are, whether they are
This factor also influences the choice following them or deviating from them
between debt and equity especially in and adequate justification must be
companies in which the current holding there in both cases.
of management is on a lower side.
12. Regulatory Framework: Every Fixed and Working Capital
company operates within a regulatory Meaning
framework provided by the law e.g.,
Every company needs funds to finance
public issue of shares and debentures
its assets and activities. Investment
have to be made under SEBI
is required to be made in fixed assets
guidelines. Raising funds from banks
and current assets. Fixed assets are
and other financial institutions require
fulfillment of other norms. The relative those which remains in the business
ease with which these norms can, be for more than one year, usually
met or the procedures completed may for much longer, e.g., plant and
also have a bearing upon the choice of machinery, furniture and fixture, land
the source of finance. and building, vehicles, etc.
Decision to invest in fixed assets
13. Stock Market Conditions: If the
must be taken very carefully as the
stock markets are bullish, equity
investment is usually quite large. Such
shares are more easily sold even at
decisions once taken are irrevocable
a higher price. Use of equity is often
except at a huge loss. Such decisions
preferred by companies in such a
are called capital budgeting decisions.
situation. However, during a bearish
Current assets are those assets
phase, a company, may find raising
which, in the normal routine of the
of equity capital more difficult and it
business, get converted into cash or
may opt for debt. Thus, stock market
cash equivalents within one year, e.g.,
conditions often affect the choice
inventories, debtors, bills receivables,
between the two.
14. Capital Structure of other
Companies: A useful guideline in the Management of Fixed Capital
capital structure planning is the debt- Fixed capital refers to investment in
equity ratios of other companies in long-term assets. Management of fixed
the same industry. There are usually capital involves allocation of firm’s
some industry norms which may help. capital to different projects or assets with
Care however must be taken that the long-term implications for the business.
company does not follow the industry These decisions are called investment
norms blindly. For example, if the decisions or capital budgeting decisions
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and affect the growth, profitability and is undertaken. This may involve
risk of the business in the long run. decisions like where to procure
These long-term assets last for more funds from and at what rate of
than one year. interest.
It must be financed through (iii) Risk involved: Fixed capital involves
long-term sources of capital such investment of huge amounts. It
as equity or preference shares, affects the returns of the firm as a
debentures, long-term loans and whole in the long-term. Therefore,
retained earnings of the business. investment decisions involving
Fixed Assets should never be financed fixed capital influence the overall
through short-term sources. business risk complexion of the
Investment in these assets firm.
would also include expenditure on
acquisition, expansion, modernisation (iv) Irreversible decisions: These
and their replacement. These decisions decisions once taken, are not
include purchase of land, building, reversible without incurring heavy
plant and machinery, launching losses. Abandoning a project after
a new product line or investing in heavy investment is made is quite
advanced techniques of production. costly in terms of waste of funds.
Major expenditures such as those Therefore, these decisions should
on advertising campaign or research be taken only after carefully
and development programme having evaluating each detail or else the
long term implications for the firm adverse financial consequences
are also examples of capital budgeting may be very heavy.
decisions. The management of fixed
Factors affecting the Requirement
capital or investment or capital
of Fixed Capital
budgeting decisions are important for
the following reasons: 1. Nature of Business: The type
(i) Long-term growth: These decisions of business has a bearing upon
have bearing on the long-term the fixed capital requirements. For
growth. The funds invested in example, a trading concern needs
long-term assets are likely to yield lower investment in fixed assets
returns in the future. These will compared with a manufacturing
affect the future prospects of the organisation; since it does not require
business. to purchase plant and machinery, etc.
(ii) Large amount of funds involved: 2. Scale of Operations: A larger
These decisions result in a organisation operating at a higher
substantial portion of capital funds scale needs bigger plant, more space
being blocked in long-term projects. etc. and therefore, requires higher
Therefore, these investments are investment in fixed assets when
planned after a detailed analysis compared with the small organisation.
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in higher amount of debtors, increasing the lead time, larger the quantity of
the requirement of working capital. material to be stored and larger shall
7. Credit Availed: Just as a firm be the amount of working capital
allows credit to its customers it also required.
may get credit from its suppliers. 10. Growth Prospects: If the growth
To the extent it avails the credit potential of a concern is perceived to
on purchases, the working capital be higher, it will require larger amount
requirement is reduced. of working capital so that it is able
8. Operating Efficiency: Firms to meet higher production and sales
manage their operations with varied target whenever required.
degrees of efficiency. For example, 11. Level of Competition: Higher level
a firm managing its raw materials of competitiveness may necessitate
efficiently may be able to manage with larger stocks of finished goods to
a smaller balance. This is reflected
meet urgent orders from customers.
in a higher inventory turnover ratio.
This increases the working capital
Similarly, a better debtors turnover
requirement. Competition may also
ratio may be achieved reducing the
force the firm to extend liberal credit
amount tied up in receivables. Better
terms discussed earlier.
sales effort may reduce the average
time for which finished goods inventory 12. Inflation: With rising prices,
is held. Such efficiencies may reduce larger amounts are required even
the level of raw materials, finished to maintain a constant volume of
goods and debtors resulting in lower production and sales. The working
requirement of working capital. capital requirement of a business
9. Availability of Raw Material: If thus, become higher with higher rate
the raw materials and other required of inflation. It must, however, be noted
materials are available freely and that an inflation rate of 5%, does not
continuously, lower stock levels may mean that every component of working
suffice. If, however, raw materials do capital will change by the same
not have a record of un-interrupted percentage. The actual requirement
availability, higher stock levels may shall depend upon the rates of price
be required. In addition, the time lag change of different components (e.g.,
between the placement of order and raw material, finished goods, labour
the actual receipt of the materials (also cost,) Finished goods as well as their
called lead time) is also relevant. Larger proportion in the total requirement.
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Key Terms
Financial Management Wealth Maximisation Investment Decision
Financing Decision Dividend Decision Capital Budgeting
Working Capital Financial Planning Capital Structure
Trading on Equity
Business finance: The money required for carrying out business activities is
called business finance. Almost all business activities require some finance.
Finance is needed to establish a business, to run it, to modernise it, to expand,
and diversify it.
Financial Management: Financial Management is concerned with optimal
procurement as well as usage of finance. For optimal procurement, different
available sources of finance are identified and compared in terms of their costs
and associated risks.
Objectives and Financial Decisions The primary aim of financial management
is to maximise shareholders’ wealth which is referred to as the wealth
maximisation concept. The market price of a company’s shares are linked to
the three basic financial decisions
Financial decision-making is concerned with three broad decisions which are
Investment Decision, Financing Decision, Dividend Decision
Capital Structure and Factors One of the important decisions under financial
management relates to the financing pattern or the proportion of the use
of different sources in raising funds. On the basis of ownership, the sources
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of business finance can be broadly classified into two categories viz., ‘owners
funds’ and ‘borrowed funds’. Capital structure refers to the mix between owners
and borrowed funds.
Deciding about the capital structure of a firm involves determining the
relative proportion of various types of funds. This depends on various factors
which are: Cash Flow Position, Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), Debt Service
Coverage Ratio (DSCR), Return on Investment (RoI), Cost of debt, Tax Rate,
Cost of Equity, Floatation Costs, Risk Consideration, Flexibility, Control,
Regulatory Framework, Stock Market Conditions, and Capital Structure of
other Companies.
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Learning Objectives Where Do Companies Do Their Business?
In the Markets or in the Society?
After studying this chapter,
It is an undisputed fact that a company’s survival
you should be able to: does not depend upon its consumers alone, but a
diverse set of stakeholders like the government,
¾¾ explain the meaning of religious leaders, social activists, NGOs, media,
‘marketing’; etc. Hence, earning the satisfaction of these
segments is also as imperative as they add to the
¾¾ distinguish between power of the brand by word of mouth.
‘marketing’ and The social concern adds to the strength of the
‘selling’; brand. Corporates that embraced the deepest
social values, have been successful in building
¾¾ l i s t o u t i m p o r t a n t powerful brand, and, eventually, robust customer
functions of marketing; relationship. The area of corporate social justice
fall under two broad categories. The issues such
¾¾ examine the role of as the nutrition of children, child care, old-age
marketing in the homes, amelioration of hunger, offering aid to
development of an those affected by natural calamities, etc. needing
economy in a firm, instant attention with humanitarian perspective,
to the society and to comes under the first category.
consumers; The issues that contribute to making society a
pleasant place to live in the long run, may be grouped
¾¾ explain the elements of under the second category. The issues which come
marketing-mix; under this category are health awareness and aid,
education, environmental protection, women’s
¾¾ classify products into employment and empowerment, preventing unjust
different categories; discriminations (on the basis of caste, community,
religion, ethnicity, race, and sex), eradication
¾¾ analyse the factors of poverty through employment, preservation
affecting price of a of culture, values, and ethics, contribution to
product; research, etc.
Procter and Gamble’s (P&G) philosophy is that it
¾¾ l i s t o u t t h e t y p e s should lead the industry in implementing a global
of channels of environmental programme. P&G is one of the
distribution; and first companies in the world to actively study the
influence of consumer products on the environment
¾¾ e x p l a i n t h e m a j o r and introduce concentrated products, recycled
tools of promotion, viz. plastic bottles, and refill packages to the industry.
P&G contributes to sustainable development
advertising, personal
and addresses environmental and social issues
selling, sales promotion connected with its products and services.
and publicity.
Source: Adapted from ‘Effective Executive’
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The term marketing has been described pricing are required. All these activities
by different people in different ways. are referred to as marketing activities.
Some people believe that marketing is Thus, ‘merchandising’, ‘selling’ and
same as ‘shopping’. Whenever they go distribution are all parts of a large
out for shopping of certain products or number of activities undertaken by
services, they describe it as marketing. a firm, which are collectively called
There are some other people who marketing.
confuse marketing with ‘selling’ and It may be noted here that marketing
feel that marketing activity starts is not merely a post- production
after a product or service has been activity. It includes many activities
produced. Some people describe it to that are performed even before goods
mean ‘merchandising’ or designing a are actually produced, and continue
product. All these descriptions may be even after the goods have been
partly correct but marketing is a much sold. For example, activities such
broader concept, which is discussed as identification of customer needs,
as follows: collection of information for developing
Traditionally, marketing has been the product, designing suitable product
described in terms of its functions or package and giving it a brand name are
activities. In this respect, marketing performed before commencement of
has been referred to as performance of the actual production. Similarly, many
business activities that direct the flow follow up activities are required for
of goods and services from producers maintaining good customer relations
to consumers. for procuring repeat sale.
As we know, most of the In modern times, emphasis is placed
manufacturing firms do not produce on describing marketing as a social
goods for their own consumption process. It is a process whereby people
but for the consumption or use exchange goods and services for money
by others. Therefore, to move or for something of value to them. Taking
the goods and services from the the social perspective, Phillip Kolter has
producer to consumers, a number of defined marketing as, “a social process
activities, such as product designing by which individual groups obtain what
or merchandising, packaging, they need and want through creating
warehousing, transportation, offerings and freely exchanging products
branding, selling, advertising and and services of value with others”.
“Business is not financial science, it’s about trading, buying and selling. It’s about
creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it.”
— Anta Roddick
“Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately it takes time to master.”
— Philip Kotler
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Understanding Market
In the traditional sense, the term ‘market’ refers to the place where buyers and sellers
gather to enter into transactions involving the exchange of goods and services. It is
in this sense that this term is being used in day to day language, even today. The
other ways in which this term is being used is in the context of a product market
(cotton market, gold or share market), geographic market (national and international
market), type of buyers (consumer market and industrial market) and the quantity
of goods transacted (retail market and wholesale market).
But in modern marketing sense, the term market has a broader meaning. It refers
to a set of actual and potential buyers of a product or service. For example, when a
fashion designer designs a new dress and offers it for exchange, all the people who
are willing to buy and offer some value for it can be stated to be the market for that
dress. Similarly, market for fans or bicycles or electric bulbs or shampoos refers to
all the actual and potential buyers for these products.
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on the basis of certain features such offering the same by giving something
as size of memory, television viewing, in return. For example, a person
internet, camera, etc., for a given price, feeling hungry may get food by offering
say between ` 5,000 and ` 20,000 to give money or some other product
(depending on the model selected), or service in return to someone who
available for sale at say firm’s exclusive is willing to accept the same for food.
shops in and around all metropolitan In the modern world, goods are
cities in the country. A good ‘market produced at different places and are
offer’ is the one which is developed after distributed over a wide geographical
analysing the needs and preferences of area through various middlemen,
the potential buyers. involving exchanges at different levels
3. Customer Value: The process of distribution. Exchange is, therefore,
of marketing facilitates exchange of referred to as the essence of marketing.
products and services between the For any exchange to take place, it is
buyers and the sellers. The buyers, important that the following conditions
however, make buying decisions on are satisfied:
their perceptions of the value of the (i) Involvement of at least two parties
product or service in satisfying their viz., the buyer and the seller.
need, in relation to its cost. A product (ii) Each party should be capable
will be purchased only if it is perceived of offering something of value to
to be giving greatest benefit or value the other. For example, the seller
for the money. The job of a marketer, offers a product and the buyer,
therefore, is to add to the value of the money.
product so that the customers prefer it
(iii) Each party should have the ability
in relation to the competing products
to communicate and deliver the
and decide to purchase it.
product or service. No exchange
4. Exchange Mechanism: The process can take place if the buyers and
of marketing works through the sellers are not able to communicate
exchange mechanism. The individuals with each other or if they can not
(buyers and sellers) obtain what they deliver something of value to
need and want through the process of
the other.
exchange. In other words, the process
of marketing involves exchange of (iv) Each party should have freedom to
products and services for money or accept or reject other party’s offer.
something considered valuable by (v) The parties should be willing to
the people. enter into transaction with each
Exchange refers to the process other. Thus, the acceptance or
through which two or more parties rejection of the offer takes place on
come together to obtain the desired voluntary basis rather than on the
product or service from someone, bases of any compulsion.
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The points listed above are the standards of people and providing
necessary conditions for an exchange medication to the sick.
to take place. Whether the exchange
actually takes place or not depends on Marketing Management
the suitability of the act of exchange to Marketing management means
both the parties, whether it makes the management of the marketing function.
parties better off or at least not worse off. In other words, marketing management
Another important point to be refers to planning, organising, directing
noted is that Marketing is not merely a and control of the activities which
business phenomena or confined only facilitate exchange of goods and services
to business organisations. Marketing between producers and consumers or
activities are equally relevant to non- users of products and services. Thus
profit organisations such as hospitals, the focus of marketing management
schools, sports clubs and social and is on achieving desired exchange
religious organisations. It helps these outcomes with the target markets.
organisations in achieving their goals Taking a management perspective, the
such as spreading the message of term marketing has been defined as
family planning, improving the literacy “the process of planning and executing
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low price of the product could not advertising, personal selling and sales
ensure increased sale and as such the promotion were considered essential
survival and growth of the firm. Thus, for selling of products. Thus, the focus
with the increase in the supply of the of business firms shifted to pushing
products, customers started looking the sale of products through aggressive
for products which were superior in selling techniques with a view to
quality, performance and features. persuade, lure or coax the buyers
Therefore, the emphasis of the firms to buy the products. Making sale
shifted from quantity of production through any means became important.
to quality of products. The focus of It was assumed that buyers can be
business activity changed to bringing manipulated but what was forgotten
continuous improvement in the quality, was that in the long run what matters
incorporating new features, etc. Thus, most is the customer satisfaction,
product improvement became the key rather than anything else.
to profit maximisation of a firm, under
the concept of product orientation. The Marketing Concept
Marketing orientation implies that
The Selling Concept focus on satisfaction of customer’s
With the passage of time, the marketing needs is the key to the success of
any organisation in the market.
environment underwent further
It assumes that in the long run
change. The increase in the scale of
an organisation can achieve its
business further improved the position
objective of maximisation of profit by
with respect to supply of goods,
identifying the needs of its present
resulting in increased competition
and prospective buyers and satisfying
among sellers. The product quality
them in an effective way. All the
and availability did not ensure the decisions in a firm are taken from
survival and growth of firms because the point of view of the customers. In
of the large number of sellers selling other words, customer’s satisfaction
quality products. This led to greater become the focal point of all decision
importance to attracting and persuading making in the organisation. For
customers to buy the product. The example, what product will be
business philosophy changed. It was produced, with what features and at
assumed that the customers would what price shall it be sold, or where
not buy, or not buy enough, unless shall it be made available for sale will
they are adequately convinced and depend on what do the customers
motivated to do so. Therefore, firms want. If the customers want features
must undertake aggressive selling like double door in a refrigerator or a
and promotional efforts to make separate provision for water cooler in
customers buy their products. The it, the organisation would produce a
use of promotional techniques such as refrigerator with these features, would
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Toothpaste, etc., packaging has played Customer support services are very
an important role. effective in bringing repeat sales from
6. Branding: A very important decision the customers and developing brand
area for marketing of most consumer loyality for a product.
products is whether to sell the product 8. Pricing of Product: Price of
in its generic name (name of the product refers to the amount of money
category of the product, say Fan, Pen, customers have to pay to obtain a
etc.) or to sell them in a brand name product. Price is an important factor
(such as Pollar Fan or Rottomac Pen). affecting the success or failure of a
Brand name helps in creating product product in the market. The demand
differentiation, i.e., providing basis for for a product or service is related to
distinguishing the product of a firm its price. Generally lower the price,
with that of the competitor, which in higher would be the demand for the
turn, helps in building customer’s product and vice-versa. The marketers
loyality and in promoting its sale. have to properly analyse the factors
The important decision areas in determining the price of a product and
respect of branding include deciding take several crucial decisions in this
the branding strategy, say whether respect, including setting the pricing
each product will be given a separate objectives, determining the pricing
brand name or the same brand name strategies, determining the price and
will be extended to all products of the changing the prices.
company, say Phillips bulbs, tubes 9. Promotion: Promotion of products
and television or Videocon washing and services involves informing the
machine, television, and refrigerator. customers about the firm’s product,
Selection of the brand name plays its features, etc., and persuading
an important role in the success of a them to purchase these products.
product. The four important methods of
7. Customer Support Services: promotion include advertising,
A very important function of the Personal Selling, Publicity and
marketing management relates Sales Promotion. A marketer has
to developing customer support to take several crucial, decisions in
services such as after sales services, respect of promotion of the products
handling customer complaints and services such as deciding the
and adjustments, procuring credit promotion budget, the promotion
services, maintenance services, mix, i.e., the combination of the
technical services and consumer promotional tools that will be use,
information. All these services aim the promotion budget, etc.
at providing maximum satisfaction 10. Physical Distribution: Managing
to the customers, which is the key to physical distribution is another
marketing success in modern days. very important function in the
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Vegetable Oil); Tata offers Tata Steel, etc. These aspects are very important,
Trucks, Salt and a large number of particularly in the marketing of
other products; LG electronics offers consumer durable products (like
televisions, refrigerators, colour Automobiles, refrigerators, etc.). The
monitors for computers, etc; Amul important product decisions include
offers a number of food products deciding about the features, quality,
(Amul milk, ghee, butter, cheese, packaging, labelling and branding of
chocolates, etc.). the products.
The concept of product relates 2. Price: Price is the amount of money
to not only the physical product as customers have to pay to obtain
mentioned in the above examples but the product. In case of most of the
also the benefits offered by it from products, level of price affects the level
customer’s view point (for example of their demand. The marketers have
toothpaste is bought for whitening not only to decide about the objectives
teeth, strengthening gums, etc.). of price setting but to analyse the
The concept of product also include factors determining the price and fix a
the extended product or what is price for the firm’s products. Decisions
offered to the customers by way have also to be taken in respect of
of after sales services, handling discounts to customers, traders and
complaints, availability of spare parts credit terms, etc., so that customers
Product Price
Product Mix Price Level
Product Quality Margins
New Product Pricing Policy
Design and Development Pricing Strategies
Packaging Price Change
Place Promotion
Channel Strategy Promotion Mix
Channel Selection Advertising
Channel Conflict Personal Selling
Channel Cooperation Sales Promotion
Physical Distribution Publicity
Public Relations
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perceive the price to be in line with the newspaper, magazines, the objections
value of the product. of customers, etc.).
3. Place: Place or Physical Distribution The success of a market offer will
include activities that make firm’s depend on how well these ingredients
products available to the target are mixed to create superior value for
customers. Important decision areas the customers and simultaneously
in this respect include selection of achieve their sale and profit objectives.
dealers or intermediaries to reach the Let us say a firm would like to achieve
customers, providing support to the necessary volume of sale at a cost that
intermediaries (by way of discounts, will permit a desired level of profit.
But so many alternative mixes can
promotional campaigns, etc.). The
be adopted by a firm to achieve this
intermediaries in turn keep inventory
objectives. The issue before a firm then
of the firm’s products, demonstrate
is to decide what would be the most
them to potential buyers, negotiate
effective combination of elements to
price with buyers, close sales and
achieve the given objectives.
also service the products after the
sale. The other decision areas relate
to managing inventory, storage and
warehousing and transportation of From the customer’s point of view, a
goods from the place it is produced to product is a bundle of utilities, which
the place it is required by the buyers. is purchased because of its capability
4. Promotion: Promotion of products to provide satisfaction of certain need.
and services include activities that A buyer buys a product or service
communicate availability, features, for what it does for her or the benefit
it provides to her. There can be three
merits, etc., of the products to the
types of benefits a customer may
target customers and persuade them to
seek to satisfy from the purchase of a
buy it. Most marketing organisations,
product, viz.,
undertake various promotional
(i) functional benefits,
activities and spend substantial
amount of money on the promotion (ii) psychological benefits, and
of their goods through using number (iii) social benefits.
of tools such as advertising, personal For example, the purchase of a
selling and sales promotion techniques motorcycle provides functional utility
(like price discounts, free samples, of transportation, but at the same
etc.). A large number of decisions time satisfies the need for prestige and
are to be taken in each of the area esteem and provides social benefit by
specified above. For example, in the the way of acceptance from a group,
respect of advertising it is important to by riding a motorbike. Thus, all these
decide about the message, the media aspects should be considered while
to be used (example, print-media– planning for a product.
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Classification of Products
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Convenience Products
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Shopping Products
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Speciality Products
raw materials, engines, lubricants, petroleum, iron ore), fish and lumber;
machines, tools, etc. In other words, and (b) manufactured material and
industrial products are meant for parts. These are again of two types –
non-personal and business use for component materials like glass, iron,
producing other products. plastic and component parts such as
The market for industrial products tyre, electric bulb, steering, and battery.
consists of manufacturers, transport (ii) Capital Items: These are such
agencies, banks and insurance goods that are used in the production
companies, mining companies and of finished goods. These include: (a)
public utilities. installations like elevators, mainframe
Computers, and (b) equipments like
Classification Hand Tools, Personal Computer, Fax
The industrial goods are classified Machines, etc.
into the following major categories: (iii) Supplies and Business Services:
(i) Materials and Parts: These include These are short lasting goods and
goods that enter the manufacture’s services that facilitate developing or
products completely. Such goods managing the finished product. These
are of two types: (a) raw material: include: (a) maintenance and repair
including farm products like cotton, items like Paint, Nails, etc., and (b)
sugar cane, oil seed and natural operating supplies like Lubricant,
products such as minerals (say crude Computer Stationary, Writing Paper, etc.
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Industrial Goods
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2. Brand Name: That part of a its use. In that case, no other firm can
brand, which can be spoken, is use such name or mark in the country.
called a brand name. In other words, Though branding adds to the cost
brand name is the verbal component e.g., to the cost of packaging, labelling,
of a brand. legal protection, and promotion, it
3. Brand Mark: That part of a provides several advantages to the
brand which can be recognised sellers as well as the consumers.
but which is not utterable is called
brand mark. It appears in the form Characteristics of Good Brand Name
of a symbol, design, distinct colour Choosing the right brand name is
scheme or lettering. not an easy decision. What makes
4. Trade Mark: A brand or part of a this decision important is the fact
brand that is given legal protection that once a brand name is chosen
is called trademark. The protection is and the product is launched in
given against its use by other firms. the market, changing the brand
Thus the firm, which got its brand name is very difficult. So, getting it
registered, gets the exclusive right for right the first time is very essential.
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Following are some of the considerations, plays a very important role in the
which should be kept in mind while marketing success or failure of many
choosing a brand name. products, particularly the consumer
(i) The brand name should be short, non-durable products. In fact if one
easy to pronounce, spell, recognise makes an analysis of the reasons for
and remember e.g., Ponds, VIP, the success of some of the successful
Rin, Vim, etc. products in the recent past, it can be
(ii) A brand should suggest the noted that packaging has played its
product’s benefits and qualities. due role. For example, it was one of
It should be appropriate to the the important factors in the success of
product’s function. products like Maggie’s Noodles, Uncle
Chips or Crax wafers.
(iii) A brand name should be distinctive.
(iv) The brand name sho u ld b e Levels of Packaging
adaptable to packing or labelling
requirements, to different There can be three different levels of
advertising media and to different packaging. These are as below:
languages. 1. Primary Package: It refers to the
(v) T h e b r a n d n a m e s h o u l d product’s immediate container. In
be sufficiently versatile to some cases, the primary package is
accommodate new products, which kept till the consumer is ready to use
are added to the product line. the product (e.g., plastic packet for
socks); whereas in other cases, it is
(vi) It should be capable of being
kept throughout the entire life of the
registered and protected legally.
product (e.g., a toothpaste tube, a
(vii) Chosen name should have staying match box, etc.).
power i.e., it should not get out
2. Secondary Packaging: It refers to
of date.
additional layers of protection that are
kept till the product is ready for use,
Packaging e.g., a tube of shaving cream usually
One of the most important developments comes in a card board box. When
affecting the business world in consumers start using the shaving
recent years has been in the area of cream, they will dispose off the box
packaging. Many products, which we but retain the primary tube.
thought could never lend themselves 3. Transportation Packaging: It refers
to packing because of their nature, to further packaging components
have been successfully packed e.g., necessary for storage, identification
Pulses, Ghee, Milk, Salt, Cold Drinks, or transportation. For example, a
etc. Packaging refers to the act of toothpaste manufacturer may send the
designing and producing the container goods to retailers in corrugated boxes
or wrapper of a product. Packaging containing 10, 20, or 100 units.
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Levels of Packaging
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cooking these products; the Package by some brands under Yellow, red and
of a toothpaste brand lists the ‘Ten Green Label categories.
Teeth and Gum Problems’, which 4. Helps in Promotion of Products:
the product claims to fight with its An important function of label is to
‘Complete Germicheck Formula’; aid in promotion of the products.
the Package of a brand of Coconut A carefully designed label can
Oil describes the product as pure attract attention and give reason
coconut oil with Heena, Amla, Lemon to purchase. We see many product
and specifies how these are good for labels providing promotional
Hair. Thus, one of the most important messages for example, the pack
functions of labels is to describe the of a popular Amla Hair Oil states,
product, its usage, cautions in use, ‘Baalon mein Dum, Life mein Fun’.
etc. and specify its contents. The label on the package of a brand
2. Identification of the Product of Detergent Powder says, ‘keep cloth
o r b r a n d : The other important look good and your machine in top
function performed by labels is condition’. Labels play important
to help in identifying the product role in sales promotional schemes
or brand. For example, the brand launched by companies. For example
name of any product, say Biscuits the label on the package of a Shaving
or Potato Chips imprinted on its Cream mentions, ‘40% Extra Free’ or
package helps us to identify, from package of a toothpaste mentioning,
number of packages, which one is ‘Free Toothbrush Inside’, or ‘Save
our favourite brand. Other common ` 15’.
identification information provided 5. Providing Information Required
by the labels include name and by Law: Another important function
address of the manufacturer, net of labeling is to provide information
weight when packed, manufacturing required by law. For example,
date, maximum retail price and packaged food articles must have list
Batch number. of ingredients declaration regarding
3. Grading of Products: Another vegetarian or non-vegetarian food
important function performed by additives and date of manufacturing
labels is to help grading the products or packing on the label. Such
into different categories. Sometimes information is required on processed
marketers assign different grades to foods, drugs and tobacco products.
indicate different features or quality of In case of hazardous or poisonous
the product. For example, a popular material, appropriate safety-warning
brand of Hair Conditioners comes in need to be put on the label.
different categories for different hair, Thus, labels perform number
say for ‘normal hair’ and for other of important functions relating to
categories. Different type of tea is sold communicating with the potential
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goods produced. Let us say, if the cost the upper limit where would the price
of wood for manufacturing one chair settle down? This is affected by the
comes to ` 100 the cost of wood for 10 nature and the degree of competition.
chairs would be ` 1000. Obviously, The price will tend to reach the upper
there will be no cost of wood if no chair limit in case there is lesser degree of
is produced. competition while under conditions of
Semi variable costs are those costs free competition, the price will tend to
which vary with the level of activity be set at the lowest level
but not in direct proportion with it. Competitors’ prices and their
For example, compensation of a sales anticipated reactions must be
person may include a fixed salary of considered before fixing the price
say ` 10,000 plus a commission of 5 of a product. Not only the price but
per cent on sales. With an increase the quality and the features of the
in the volume of sales, the total competitive products must be examined
compensation will increase but not in carefully, before fixing the price.
direct proportion with the change in 4. Government and Legal
the volume of sale. Regulations: In order to protect
Total Costs are the sum total of the the interest of public against unfair
fixed, variable and semi-variable costs practices in the field of price fixing,
for the specific level of activity, say Government can intervene and
volume of sales or quantity produced. regulate the price of commodities.
2. The Utility and Demand: While Government can declare a product
the product costs set the lower limits as essential product and regulate
of the price, the utility provided by the its price. For example, the cost of a
product and the intensity of demand of drug manufactured by a company
the buyer sets the upper limit of price, having monopoly in the production
which a buyer would be prepared of the same come to ` 20 per strip
to pay. In fact the price must reflect of ten and the buyer is prepared to
the interest of both the parties to the pay any amount for it, say ` 200.
transaction—the buyer and the seller. In the absence of any competitor,
The buyer may be ready to pay up to the seller may be tempted to extort
the point where the utility from the the maximum amount of ` 200 for
product is at least equal to the sacrifice the drug and intervene to regulate
made in terms of the price paid. The the price. Usually in such a case,
seller would, however, try to at least the Government does not allow the
cover the costs. According to the law of firms to charge such a high price
demand, consumers usually purchase and intervene to regulate the price
more units at a low price than at a of the drug. This can be done by the
high price. Government by declaring the drug as
3. Extent of Competition in the essential commodity and regulating
Market: Between the lower limit and its price.
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R R Promotion Mix
Marketing Communications
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Personal Selling
‘Most people think ‘selling’ is the same as ‘talking’. But the most effective
salespeople know that listening is the most important part of their job.’
—Roy Bartell
‘You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-
term, successful enterprise.’
—Patricia Fripp
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Companies use sales promotion tools (ii) Spoils Product Image: Use of sales
specifically designed to promote to promotion tools may affect the
customers (e.g., free samples, discounts, image of a product. The buyers
and contests), tradesmen or middlemen may start feeling that the product
(e.g., cooperative advertising, dealer
is not of good quality or is not
discounts and dealer incentives and
appropriately priced.
contests) and to sales person (e.g.,
bonus, salesmen contests, special
offers). Sales promotions include only Commonly used sales Promotion
those activities that are used to provide activities
short term incentives to boost the sales 1. Rebate: Offering products at special
of a firm. prices, to clear off excess inventory.
Example, a car manufacturer’s offer
Merits of Sales Promotion to sell a particular brand of car at
(i) Attention Value: Sales promotion a discount of ` 10,000, for a limited
activities attract attention of period.
the people because of the use of 2. Discount: Offering products at
incentives. less than list price. Example, a shoe
(ii) Useful in New Product Launch: company’s offer of ‘Discount Up to
Sales promotion tools can be 50%’ or a shirt marketer’s offer of
very effective at the time of ‘50+40% Discount’.
introduction of a new product 3. Refunds: refunding a part of price
in the market. It induces people paid by customer on some proof of
to break away from their regular purchase, say on return of empty foils or
buying behaviour and try the new wrapper. This is commonly used by food
product. product companies, to boost their sales.
(iii) Synergy in Total Promotional 4. Product combinations: Offering
Efforts: Sales promotion activities another product as gift along with the
are designed to supplement the purchase of a product, say offer of a
personal selling and advertising pack of ½ kg of rice with the purchase
efforts used by a firm and add to
of a bag of Aatta (wheat flour), or
the over all effectiveness of the
‘Get 128 KB Memory Card Free with
promotional efforts of a firm.
a Digicam’ or Buy a TV of 25+ and
Get a Vacuum Cleaner Free’ or ‘100
Limitation of Sales Promotion Gm Bottle of Sauce Free With 1 kg
(i) Reflects Crisis: If a firm frequently Detergent.’
rely on sales promotion, it may 5. Quantity gift: Offering extra
give the impression that it is quantity of the product commonly
unable to manage its sales or that used by marketer of toiletry products.
there are no takers of its product. For example, a shaving cream’s offer of
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‘40% extra’ or A Hotel’s offer of “Take ‘Burst a Cracker’ and instantly win a
a 2 Night 3 Days Package At the Hotel refrigerator, Car, T-shirt, Computer,
and Get an extra Night Stay At Just with the purchase of a TV.
` 500” or ‘Buy 2 Get 1 Free’ offer of a 7. Lucky Draw: For example, the offer
marketer of shirts. of a bathing soap to win a gold coin
6. Instant Draws and Assigned on lucky draw coupon for free petrol
Gift: For example, ‘Scratch a Card’ or on purchase of certain quantity of
Sales Promotion
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petrol from given petrol pump or lucky its products, there are other members
draw coupon on purchase of easy of the general public whose voice
undergarment and win a car offer. or opinion is equally important.
8.Usable Benefit: Purchase goods This public may be interested in the
worth ` 3000 and get a holiday company and its product and have
package worth ` 3000 free’ or ‘Get an impact on the business ability to
a Discount Voucher for Accessories achieve its objectives. Thus, it becomes
imperative to manage public opinion
on Apparel Purchase of ` 1000 and
and the company’s relation with the
public on a regular basis. Therefore,
9. Full finance @ 0%: Many marketers public relations involve a variety of
o f c o ns u m er d u rab les su ch a s programmes designed to promote or
Electronic goods, automobiles etc protect a company’s image and its
offer easy financing schemes such as individual products in the eyes of the
‘24 easy instalments, Eight Up Front public.
and 16 To Be Paid as Post Dated The business relates with a
Cheques’. However, one should be number of groups including suppliers,
careful about the file charges, which shareholders, intermediaries, activist
sometimes is nothing but interest groups, and the government. For
recovered in advance. example, active support of middlemen
10. Sampling: Offer of free sample of is needed if the firm wants to survive
a product, say a detergent powder or in a competitive selling environment.
tooth paste to potential customers at Similarly, consumer activist groups
the time of launch of a new brand. need to be satisfied because they can
11.Contests: Competitive events impose restriction on the sales of the
involving application of skills or firm’s products directly by urging
luck, say salving a quiz or answering customers to refrain from buying them
some questions. or through the imposition of laws. Most
organisations, business or otherwise
nowadays, have a separate department
Public Relations to manage public relations. They may
Managing public opinion of an also utilize the services of any outside
organisation is an important task which public relations agency.
can be performed by the marketing Their main task is to disseminate
department. The business needs to information and build goodwill about
communicate effectively to customers, the business. Concrete steps are to be
suppliers, and dealers, since they are taken to monitor the attitude of the
instrumental in increasing the sales general public and generate positive
and profit. Besides those who come into publicity. They are especially useful
direct contact with the organisation or when there is negative publicity about
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The major differences between advertising and personal selling are as follows:
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Key Terms
Marketing Brand Mark Market Packaging
Marketing Management Labelling Marketing Mix
Channels of Distribution Marketing Offering Physical Distribution
Consumer Product Promotion Industrial Product
Promotion Mix Convenience Product Advertising
Shopping Product Personal Selling Speciality Product
Publicity Generic Name Sales Promotion
Brand Brand Name Trade Mark
In the traditional sense, the term ‘market’ refers to the place where buyers
and sellers gather to enter into transactions involving the exchange of goods
and services. But in modern marketing sense, it refers to a set of actual and
potential buyers of a product or service.
Marketing Mix is a set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives in a target market. The variables or elements of marketing
mix have been classified in to four categories, popularly known as four Ps
of marketing viz., Product, Price, Place and Promotion. These elements are
combined to create an offer.
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Product: In common parlance, the word ‘product’, is used to refer only to the
physical or tangible attributes of a product. In marketing, product is a mixture
of tangible and intangible attributes, which are capable of being exchanged
for a value, with ability to satisfy customer needs. It is anything that can be
offered to a market to satisfy a want or need. Products may broadly be classified
into two categories—industrial products and consumers’ products. Products,
which are purchased, by the ultimate consumers or users for satisfying their
personal needs and desires are referred to as consumer products. On the
basis of shopping efforts involved, the products are classified as Convenience
Product, Shopping Products and Speciality Products. On the basis of their
durability, consumer products have been classified into categories—Durable,
Non-durable, and Services.
Those activities, benefits or satisfactions, which are offered for sale, e.g., dry
cleaning, watch repairs, hair cutting, are called services.
Industrial products are those products, which are used as inputs in producing
other products. These are broadly classified in to (i) Materials and Parts, (ii)
Capital Items, and (iii) Supplies and Business Services.
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Physical Distribution: There are two important decisions relating to this aspect-
one regarding physical movement of goods and two, regarding the channels.
Physical Distribution covers all the activities required to physically move
goods from manufacturers to the customers. The main component of physical
distribution are (i) Order Processing; (ii) Transportation; (iii) Warehousing; and
(iv). Inventory Control: Just-in-Time-Inventory.
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Project Work
Identify a product or service for a new launch for attracting potential
consumers for your product. Prepare a project file to—
(a) Advertise the product or service selected.
(b) Write a Press Release for the launch of new product or service.
(c) Publicity of your product as a PR tool.
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Consumer Protection
Banks Responsible for Failed
Transactions and No Cash in ATMs
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5. Restrictive trade practice: A trade practice which manipulates price or affect the
flow of supplies in the market relating to goods and services in such a manner
that an unjustified cost is imposed on the consumer.
6. Defect: Any fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in quality, nature
and manner of performance in relation to goods or a product.
7. Deficiency: Any fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in quality,
nature and manner of performance in relation to in relation to any service and
includes act of negligence or omission or commission or withholding relevant
information which causes loss or injury to the consumer.
8. Injury: Any harm illegally caused to any person in body, mind or property.
9. Product: Any article or goods or substance or raw material or any extended cycle
of such product either in gaseous , liquid or solid state possessing intrinsic
value capable of delivery either as assembled or a component produced or
manufactured to trade. It does not include human tissues, blood, blood products
and organs.
10. Product Seller: Any person in the course of business imports, sells, distributes,
leases, installs, prepares, labels, markets, repairs, maintains or otherwise
involved in placing the product for commercial use or a service provider.
11. Product Liability: Responsibility of a product manufacturer or seller of any
product or service to compensate for any harm caused to a consumer by defective
product manufactured or sold or by deficiency in services.
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Consumer Awareness
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Key Terms
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Right to choose, (iv) Right to be heard, (v) Right to seek redressal,(vi) Right to
consumer education.
Consumer Responsibilities: In addition to exercising his rights, a consumer
should also keep in mind his responsibilities while purchasing, using and
consuming goods and services.
Ways and Means of Consumer Protection: There are various ways in which
the objective of consumer protection can be achieved. These Include (i) Self
regulation by business, (ii) Business associations, (iii) Consumer awareness,
(iv)Consumer organisations, (v) Government.
Redressal Agencies under the Consumer Protection Act: The Consumer
Protection Act provides for setting up of a three-tier enforcement machinery at
the District, State, and the National levels. They are referred to as the ‘District
Forum’, ‘State Commission’, and the ‘National Commission’. There are various
reliefs available to a consumer under the Act. The appropriate consumer court
may pass an order for removal of defect in goods, replace a defective product,
refund the price of the product, pay compensation for the loss suffered, etc.
Consumer Organisations and NGOs: In India, several consumer organisations
and non-governmental organisations (nGOs) are playing an active role in
protection and promotion of consumers’ interests.
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4. FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) has made a proposal
for hotels and other food outlets to declare the kind of oil/fat used in cooking
each of the food items on their menus. Name and explain the Consumer
Right being reinforced by this proposal.
5. Who is a consumer as per CPA?
Project work
1. Visit a consumer organisation in your town. List down the various functions
performed by it.
2. Collect some newspaper cuttings of some consumer cases and the rulings
given therein.
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