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10-26 11:15:12.870 10504 10504 E wps.

moffice_en: Not starting debugger since

process cannot load the jdwp agent.
10-26 11:15:13.032 479 2122 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
foreground:cn.wps.moffice_eng, pid:10504, uid:10153
10-26 11:15:16.534 10504 10624 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
10-26 11:15:20.646 10504 10504 E sc : call back
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : Failed to retrieve lite SDK info.
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't
find class "com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.client.LiteSdkInfo" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/data/vivo-apps/cn.wps.moffice_eng/WPS_Office.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib,
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
lui.fZ(:com.google.android.gms@234014037@23.40.14 (150400-572056781):8)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
d.gms@234014037@23.40.14 (150400-572056781):18)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
e.android.gms@234014037@23.40.14 (150400-572056781):42)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
23.40.14 (150400-572056781):69)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
luj.onTransact(:com.google.android.gms@234014037@23.40.14 (150400-572056781):122)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.internal.ads.zzej.a(Unknown Source:7)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.internal.ads.zzkr.a(Unknown Source:20)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.internal.ads.zzjg.a(Unknown Source:11)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.internal.ads.zzjv.gBg(Unknown Source:12)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.internal.ads.zzjr$a.gBi(Unknown Source:0)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.internal.ads.zzjr.a(Unknown Source:75)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.google.android.gms.ads.AdLoader$Builder.<init>(Unknown Source:23)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.mopub.nativeads.AdMobEventNative.a(Unknown Source:175)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at aagc.loadNativeAd(Unknown
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.mopub.nativeads.MoPubNative.b(Unknown Source:16)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.mopub.nativeads.MoPubNative.makeRequest(Unknown Source:209)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
com.mopub.nativeads.MoPubNative.makeRequest(Unknown Source:1)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at hye.loadAd(Unknown Source:139)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at hye.a(Unknown Source:21)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
cn.wps.moffice.nativemobile.ad.MoPubNativeMobileAd.b(Unknown Source:205)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
cn.wps.moffice.nativemobile.ad.MoPubNativeMobileAd.a(Unknown Source:99)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at fhj$7.run(Unknown Source:39)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.221 10504 10504 E Ads : at
10-26 11:15:21.468 10504 10796 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
10-26 11:15:26.238 10504 11048 E chromium: [ERROR:simple_file_enumerator.cc(21)]
opendir /data/user/0/cn.wps.moffice_eng/cache/WebView/Default/HTTP Cache/Code
Cache/wasm: No such file or directory (2)
10-26 11:15:26.238 10504 11048 E chromium: [ERROR:simple_index_file.cc(614)] Could
not reconstruct index from disk
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: Activity
cn.wps.moffice.documentmanager.PreStartActivity has leaked ServiceConnection
cxz$b@90a4e51 that was originally bound here
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread:
android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Activity
cn.wps.moffice.documentmanager.PreStartActivity has leaked ServiceConnection
cxz$b@90a4e51 that was originally bound here
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at cxz.aN(Unknown Source:47)
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
cn.wps.moffice.main.PreProcessActivity$19$2.run(Unknown Source:4)
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at fdw$a.run(Unknown
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at fdw.run(Unknown Source:21)
10-26 11:15:27.885 10504 10504 E ActivityThread: at
10-26 11:15:29.112 10504 10504 E sc : first remove call back + isNeedCall true
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun :
com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService$Stub is not available, please add
com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService$Stub to the project.
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't
find class "com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService$Stub" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/data/vivo-apps/cn.wps.moffice_eng/WPS_Office.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib,
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at wun.cq(Unknown Source:15)
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at wun.a(Unknown Source:1)
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at wun.b(Unknown Source:11)
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at wum$1.onServiceConnected(Unknown
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:31.560 10504 10504 E wun : at
10-26 11:15:32.223 10504 10504 E sc : call back
10-26 11:15:32.326 10504 10504 E sc : call back
10-26 11:15:53.365 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:15:54.993 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:15:54.993 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Upload base data failed, wait for 10s
10-26 11:16:11.661 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:16:12.053 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:16:30.697 10504 10638 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:16:31.327 10504 10638 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:16:50.659 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:16:51.035 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:16:51.035 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Upload base data failed, wait for 10s
10-26 11:17:09.438 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:17:09.748 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:17:29.616 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:17:29.924 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:17:29.925 10504 10637 E KSO_STAT: Upload base data failed, wait for 10s
10-26 11:17:46.181 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:17:46.493 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:18:03.366 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:18:03.678 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:18:20.538 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:18:22.264 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:18:45.026 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:18:45.331 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:18:59.993 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:19:00.353 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:19:14.711 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:19:15.176 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:19:30.091 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:19:30.483 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:19:44.387 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:19:44.780 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:20:00.345 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:20:00.725 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:20:14.848 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:20:15.223 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:20:34.692 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:20:35.025 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:20:47.828 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:20:49.411 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:21:04.845 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:21:05.173 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:21:19.002 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:21:19.310 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:21:33.703 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:21:34.049 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:21:51.480 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:21:51.933 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:22:18.046 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:22:18.383 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:23:25.494 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:23:29.305 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:25:02.139 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:25:02.714 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:25:25.577 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:25:27.284 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:26:14.205 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:26:14.589 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:27:31.636 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:27:32.022 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:27:47.669 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:27:48.048 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:28:02.510 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:28:02.875 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:28:17.476 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:28:17.866 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:28:33.044 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:28:33.423 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:28:48.738 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:28:49.132 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:29:04.036 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:29:04.336 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:29:18.476 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:29:18.791 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:29:34.659 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:29:35.285 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:29:51.249 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:29:51.547 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:30:06.911 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:30:07.235 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:30:22.761 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:30:23.226 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:30:38.186 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:30:38.504 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:30:52.928 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:30:53.236 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:31:07.704 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:31:08.084 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:31:24.389 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:31:24.734 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:31:42.468 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:31:42.819 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:31:58.184 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:31:58.740 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:32:20.504 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:32:20.834 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:32:54.992 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:33:03.470 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:33:21.040 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:33:21.553 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:33:36.127 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:33:36.641 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:33:51.308 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:33:51.666 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:34:06.013 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:34:06.359 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:34:20.097 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:34:20.613 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:34:34.547 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:34:34.858 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:34:49.607 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:34:49.909 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:35:04.326 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:35:04.723 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:35:18.997 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:35:19.286 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:35:34.915 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:35:35.238 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:35:49.243 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:35:49.575 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:36:04.826 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:36:05.184 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:36:20.374 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:36:20.684 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:36:34.798 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:36:35.301 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:36:48.952 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:36:49.301 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:37:05.541 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:37:05.858 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:37:19.472 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:37:19.793 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:37:33.160 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:37:33.458 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:37:47.666 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:37:47.962 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:38:02.336 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:38:02.984 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:38:19.250 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:38:19.569 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:38:33.306 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:38:33.610 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:38:47.522 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:38:47.826 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:39:02.261 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:39:02.586 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:39:18.909 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:39:19.236 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:39:33.300 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:39:33.618 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:39:48.089 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:39:48.393 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:40:02.428 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:40:02.738 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:40:16.825 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:40:17.142 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:40:32.681 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:40:33.114 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:40:47.170 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:40:47.483 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:41:02.317 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:41:02.634 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:41:16.362 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:41:16.656 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:41:30.036 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:41:30.648 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:41:44.765 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:41:45.338 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:42:08.882 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:42:09.253 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:43:31.933 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:43:33.682 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:46:53.432 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:46:53.737 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:47:15.748 10504 10504 E sc : call back
10-26 11:47:40.142 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:47:40.931 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:47:54.462 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:47:54.793 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:48:09.298 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:48:09.602 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:48:23.466 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:48:23.859 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:48:37.767 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:48:38.392 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:48:51.944 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:48:52.546 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:49:06.333 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:49:06.647 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:49:20.642 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:49:20.950 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:49:35.716 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:49:36.016 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:53:18.836 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:53:19.742 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 11:57:11.938 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 11:57:12.343 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:00:49.864 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:00:51.055 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:01:05.255 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:01:05.552 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:01:19.581 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:01:19.954 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:01:34.378 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:01:34.796 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:01:48.019 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:01:48.323 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:02:03.699 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:02:04.005 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:02:16.997 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:02:17.299 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:02:31.015 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:02:31.298 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:02:44.786 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:02:45.117 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:02:57.765 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:02:58.352 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:03:11.330 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:03:11.750 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:03:33.871 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:03:37.106 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:03:51.072 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:03:51.506 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:04:05.068 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:04:05.385 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:04:18.814 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:04:19.567 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:04:33.543 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:04:33.956 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:04:48.244 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:04:48.560 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:05:02.760 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:05:03.782 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:05:17.797 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:05:18.227 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:05:32.318 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:05:32.821 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:05:47.312 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:05:47.942 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:06:02.244 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:06:02.567 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:06:16.660 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:06:16.974 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:06:31.158 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:06:31.491 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:06:46.378 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:06:46.695 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:07:01.398 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:07:01.984 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:07:16.101 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:07:16.821 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:07:30.451 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:07:30.949 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:07:45.676 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:07:45.992 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:08:00.325 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:08:01.281 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:08:15.352 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:08:15.793 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:08:30.291 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:08:30.895 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:18:44.979 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:18:45.326 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:18:58.839 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:18:59.510 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:19:13.728 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:19:14.088 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:54:43.544 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:54:44.174 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 12:58:09.701 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 12:58:10.041 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 13:00:24.938 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 13:00:27.259 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 13:23:27.089 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 13:23:27.430 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 13:23:41.957 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 13:23:42.296 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 13:41:59.454 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 13:41:59.841 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 13:47:00.749 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Get a send http post exception,
message:: Unable to resolve host "counter.kingsoft.com": No address associated with
10-26 13:47:01.520 10504 10618 E KSO_STAT: Error: Upload mail data failed
10-26 13:47:17.505 10504 2873 I KSO_STAT_SyncConfig: last sync time is: 0. current
time is: 1698302837505 Sync interval is:86400000
10-26 13:47:17.506 10504 2873 I KSO_STAT_SyncConfig: It is time to sync with
server for event collection frequency
10-26 13:47:17.508 10504 2873 I KSO_STAT_SyncConfig: Send to sync server parameter
is: {"cid":5,"sub_cid":"wps","channel":"mul00235","version":"11.5.1"}
10-26 13:47:17.526 10504 2873 W System.err: java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable
to resolve host "event.ksosoft.com": No address associated with hostname
10-26 13:47:17.532 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.532 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.532 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at zsj.f(Unknown Source:103)
10-26 13:47:17.533 10504 2873 W System.err: at zsj$1.run(Unknown Source:25)
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: Caused by:
android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address
associated with hostname)
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: at
libcore.io.Linux.android_getaddrinfo(Native Method)
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: at
10-26 13:47:17.534 10504 2873 W System.err: ... 11 more
10-26 13:47:17.535 10504 2873 I KSO_STAT_SyncConfig: Post sync request failed.
10-26 13:47:17.588 10504 10618 I KSO_STAT: Start to upload data...
10-26 13:47:17.588 1306 2138 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x10010000
atTipsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10153 ,pid 10504
10-26 13:47:18.375 10504 10504 E sc : call back
10-26 13:47:18.681 10504 10920 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
cn.wps.moffice_eng :443
10-26 13:47:18.910 10504 10600 I wps.moffice_en: Waiting for a blocking GC
10-26 13:47:18.969 10504 10562 I wps.moffice_en: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 97347(4382KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(18MB) LOS objects, 9% free, 18MB/20MB,
paused 247us total 744.703ms
10-26 13:47:18.970 10504 10600 I wps.moffice_en: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on HeapTrim for 60.163ms

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