Inductor S
Inductor S
Inductor S
Introduction to Inductors
One Passive component that always remains obscure is the inductors. These are the coil like structures
that you find in most power electronic circuits and it is because of its properties your transformers work.
The reason why many people do not understand Inductors is that they not only alter electric field but also
the magnetic field around it. In this tutorial let us understand the basics of an Inductor and demystify it so
that we will know how and when to use one in our applications.
What is an Inductor?
The inductor is perhaps the simplest of all electronic components, constructed much like a resistor – a
simple length of wire that is coiled up. However, here, resistance is not the property we’re looking for. It is
something that happens because of the shape of the wire – a coil – it creates a magnetic field when a
current is passed through it. This induced magnetic field gives this bit of wire some interesting electrical
properties, especially inductance – which gives these parts their name.
Difference Between an Inductor and Capacitor
We have already learnt about the capacitor in the previous article. And now that you have known the
basics of inductor you might get a question, “What is the difference between an Inductor and
First things first both store energy when a voltage potential is applied across it, but a Capacitor stores
energy in form of an Electric Field and an Inductor stores energy in form of a Magnetic felid. Okay, but
how does it affect its performance.
We need a dig a lot deep in to understand that, but for now you can just remember that a Capacitor tries to
level the voltage in a circuit, that is it does not like the change in potential across each component and
hence it will charge or discharge to level up the voltage. An Inductor on the other hand does not like the
change in current within a circuit so it the current changes it will charge or discharge to equalize the
current through the circuit.
Also remember that an Inductor changes it polarity while discharging so the potential during charging will
be opposite to the potential during dis-charge.
The lines near the symbol represent the core material – something we will discuss later.
Working of an Inductor
An inductor, as already mentioned, is just a coil of wire.
Before we go into anything else, let’s ask the question, why a coil?
As we already know, any current carrying conductor generates a magnetic field in the following fashion:
However, if you plug in the value of the current into the formulas, then you’ll realize that the magnetic
field produced is tiny – almost negligible, unless the currents are impossibly high, in the order of mega-
So in order to increase the magnetic field created by a specific length of wire, we wrap it into the form of a
coil. This increases the magnetic field, like so:
Measuring an Inductor
The working behavior of an inductor poses an interesting question – how do we quantitatively measure
the behavior of an inductor in terms that is easily measurable?
We could try measuring inductors by the magnetic field that they create. As soon as we do that, we run
into problems. The magnetic field created by an inductor depends on the current that passes through it, so
even a small inductor can create a large magnetic field.
Instead, we could use the same approach we used for capacitors, and we can define inductance of a circuit
as the voltage change induced when the current changes at a certain rate.
V = L(dI/dt)
Where V is the voltage, L is the inductance, I is the current and t is the time period.
Inductance, ‘L’, is measured in Henrys, named after Joseph Henry, the American scientist who discovered
electromagnetic induction.
The formula for calculating the inductance of a coil of wire is given by this formula:
L =(µn2a)/l
Where L is the inductance in Henrys, µ is the permeability constant, i.e. a coefficient of how easily the
magnetic field can be created in a given medium, n is the number of turns, a is the area of the coil and l is
the length of the coil.
Again, the Henry is a very large unit, so practically inductors are measured in microHenrys, uH, which is a
millionth of a Henry, or milliHenrys, mH, which is a thousandth of a Henry. Occasionally you might even
find very small inductances measured in nanoHenrys, which are a thousandth of a uH.
Iron is perhaps the most recognizable magnetic material, which makes it an ideal choice for inductors.
These take the form of iron-core inductors. They are usually used for low frequency line filtering, since
they can be rather beefy and have large inductances. They are also used in audio equipment.
L = L1 + L2 + … + Ln
Where L is the total inductance and L1, L2…Ln are the individual inductances.
Suppose you have two inductors, one measuring 10uH and the other 15uH, then by putting them in series
you obtain a total inductance of 25uH.
Inductors in parallel behave the same way as resistors in parallel, the inductance is given by:
1/L = 1/L1 + 1/L2 + … + 1/Ln
Where L is the total inductance and L1, L2…Ln are the individual inductances.
In this way if you connect two 10uH inductors in parallel, you’ll end up with an inductance of 5uH.
Inductors have impedance that is related to the frequency by the formula:
XL = 2π * f * L
Where XL is the inductive impedance, f is the frequency in Hertz and L is the inductance in Henrys.
In the first case, the inductor allows all DC current to flow through it to ground, preventing all the low
frequencies from reaching the output. At higher frequencies, the impedance of the inductor increases
steadily, so the signal can pass through to the output, hence it is called a high pass filter.
In the second case, the inductor allows DC and low frequencies to pass through but blocks all high
frequencies from the output and so it is called a low pass filter.
Where f is the frequency in Hertz, L is the inductance in Henrys and C is the capacitance in Farads.