Queensland Health
45 minutes
Towards CPD Hours
Queensland Clinical Guideline: Preterm labour and birth is the primary reference for this package.
Recommended citation:
Queensland Clinical Guidelines. Preterm labour and birth clinical guideline education presentation E20.6-1-V4-R25. Queensland
Health. 2020.
This presentation is an implementation tool and should be used in conjunction with the published guideline. This information does
not supersede or replace the guideline. Consult the guideline for further information and references.
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2020
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Images are property of State of Queensland (Queensland Health) unless otherwise cited.
• Offer screening and treatment to women with symptoms of BV and/or history of PTB
• Consider for:
• Singleton pregnancy from 16–24 weeks with a
history of prior spontaneous PTB
• Asymptomatic women with incidentally diagnosed
short cervix in the second trimester
• Not recommended for use in multiple pregnancies
• Tocolytic of choice
• Calcium channel blocker that relaxes smooth muscle
• Effective tocolytic with fewer side effects than other