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Submitted by: Princess Gayle M.

San Juan, Marie Thonie Ferrer, Mark Daniel Somo

Submitted to: Ms. Raymalyn Bautista

Author Title Genre Explanation of the References

This poem describes ARTMISC - Poem.docx - Youth
how, when someone By Maximo D. Ramos They
Have Known The Tingling
1. Maximo D. Ramos Youth Poem has the life that God
Freshness Of The Coming
has given them, they Forth From God The
are able to see the Sweetness Of Mother's
mystery and beauty of Breast The Ringing | Course
the wold. Hero
It tells the story of r&dq=grade+8+florante+at+laura
florante, a prince of +full+story+tagalog&hl=en&new
2. Franciso Balagtas Florante at laura Metrical romance Albania and Laura, a gb_mobile_search&ovdme=1&sa
prince of Greece, =X&ved=2ahUKEwjO8siryIOC
navigatinf love & BAgJEAU#v=onepage&q&f=fals
honor. e
This story is about https://
3. Rogelio R. Sicat Impeng negro Short story "Impen," who is filipinoliterature.blogspot.
bullied by numerous com/2020/07/impeng-
individuals due of his negro.html
physical differences
from his brothers.
This novel is about the Mga Ibong Mandaragit |
4.Amado Vera Hernandez socioeconomic status PDF (
Mga ibong Novel, fiction and manner of life of
Mandaradit Filipinos, and he wrote
it to improve the state
of society.
This is about the I Walked With Heroes | PDF
special events in his (
life, including his
boyhood, early life,
school days, career,
5.Carlos P. Romulo I walked with Authobiography memories of romulo
heroes about his parents, and
the first time he met
the Americans in the
person of a soldier
stationed in Camiling,
also written in this

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