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2KTT/ARDR/ET – 12698

B. E. Sixth Semester (CE/ME/EL/EE/ET)/BECT_18-19_Rev_SOE_CT-

201 Examination

Course Code : CT 2385 Course Name : OE-IV: Current Trends

and Technologies

Time : 2 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 40

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) Attempt any Four questions out of Six.
(2) All questions carry Ten marks.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(4) If question number written on answer book is incorrect, it will get zero marks.
(5) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
(6) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.

1. (A) (A1) Consider the following social networking graph and find which
node has highest degree centrality.

(A2) Explain Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) in detail.


(B) (B1) Discuss the different types of auction formats for frequency allocation.

2KTT/ARDR/ET – 12698 Contd.

(B2) List advantages of social networking sites and discuss any one
in detail. 3(CO4)

2. (A) (A1) Differentiate between different cellular network generations.

(A2) Why browser needs helper application ? 3(CO2)


(B) (B1) Write short notes on :

(i) Domain names.
(ii) Web page marker. 7(CO2)
(B2) Explain Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) in detail. 3(CO1)

3. (A) (A1) Discuss DSL along with its types. 7(CO2)

(A2) Discuss applications of e-commerce in Home or Online Banking.


(B) (B1) Compare credit card and debit card system. Also write advantages
and disadvantages of credit card system. 7(CO2)
(B2) Explain URL in detail. 3(CO2)

4. (A) (A1) Explain different types of e-commerce system. 7(CO2)

(A2) Compare Synchronous learning and asynchronous learning.


(B) (B1) Describe administrative tool Learning management system (LMS)


2KTT/ARDR/ET – 12698 2 Contd.

(B2) Write in brief about e-cash concept. 3(CO2)

5. (A) (A1) Discuss the advantages of E-Learning. 7(CO2)

(A2) Write problems caused by chemical element mercury and in which
components it is used ? 3(CO3)


(B) (B1) Discuss PC power management approach for green computing.

(B2) Compare e-learning and e-training. 3(CO2)

6. (A) (A1) Explain in detail different types of social networkers. 7(CO4)

(A2) Write advantages of LCD monitors. 3(CO3)


(B) (B1) Explain industrial implementations of green computing : Blackle

and Zonbu computer. 7(CO3)
(B2) Discuss the disadvantages of online social media: Cyberbullying
and crime against Children. 3(CO4)

2KTT/ARDR/ET – 12698 3

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