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ESM Rika Laura

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ID : 220107510002

Will try to understand the presence of different type of layers that surround the bacterial
cell along with the presence of different type of structures present inside the bacterial cell so let's
try to understand each of these one by one so here firstly we are going to observe the presence of
an outermost layer okay which is shown here in purple color okay and this outermost layer which
surrounds the bacterial cell is called as cell wall and now we can observe the presence of an
innermost layer which is present inside the cell wall right and shown here in yellowish color this
layer we call as plasma membrane and thirdly you should note here that in between the cell wall
and plasma membrane there is a space okay the space that occupies between cell wall and plasma
membrane is called as periplasmic space right next you should note here that this plasma
membrane what I have shown here in yellowish color here what we can observe that this plasma
membrane has been enfolded right or we can say this is an extension of plasma membrane or we
can say imagination of plasma membrane and here it is going to form what kind of structure in
bacteria this is called as mesozone okay and now we should know that plasma membrane actually
surrounds a gel like Matrix what we call as cytoplasm okay inside the cytoplasm several other
components or we can say organelles or we can say structures are present inside bacterial cell now
let's have a look on those kind of structure so in the center of the cell what we can observe the
presence of this filamentous genetic material and here we call it as nucleoid okay next you should
note here that in addition to the genetic material which is present in the center of the cell an extra
chromosomal DNA molecule is also present in case of of bacterial cell and that we call as plasmid
okay now what we can observe we can observe here these orange in color these bodies are
representing us what the presence of ribosome okay and in addition to ribosomes what we can
observe that granular structures are present here like what are shown here in bluish and pinkish
color they are representing us what the presence of inclusion bodies okay and in addition to
inclusion body some micro compartments can also be observed to be present inside the bacterial
cell which have been shown here in white color and these are called as what gas specules okay
next you should note here that this filament which is shown here in yellowish color it is called as
flagella next you should know that in addition to this hair like a bandage or filamental structure
what we call as flagella small small thread like or we can say here like structures are also present
on the outermost side of the bacterial cell and these are called as what these are called as females
3 right in addition to fimbri we can also observe the presence of some larger in size or we can say
bigger in size type of filaments which are bigger than the fimbri and these are shown here in
blackish color these are called as what pillai right and next to pillai here I have shown by the means
of this dots the presence of polysaccharide material okay or we can say sometimes it can be
proteinaceous material which is present on the outside of the bacterial cell and this is generally
called as what capsule right and capsule or we can say slime layers these are present on the
outermost side of the sum of the bacterial cells but it is not present in case of all bacteria so this
was all about an introduction to structural component now in brief we are going to talk about
function of each of these structural component what we have labeled here so let's start with the
first one that is cell wall if we talk about cell wall then you should know cell wall in bacteria is
made up of a complex polysaccharide that we call as and cell wall plays a very important role
when it comes to giving shape and protection from osmotic stress to a bacterial cell okay and on
the basis of nature of cell wall we can also classify bacteria into two types what we call as gram
positive and gram negative bacteria right now let's talk about the second structural component or
we can say the layer what surrounds the bacterial cell and is the innermost layer that is plasma
membrane if we talk about plasma membrane then you should know plasma membrane of course
just like other cells animal cells plant cells where it is present it also here in case of bacteria act as
a selectively permeable barrier and it monitors nutrient and waste transport secondly you should
know here that plasma membrane in case of bacteria is also a site of important metabolic processes
like respiration and photosynthesis and it is also known to play important role in case of chemotaxis
what is chemotaxis whether a particular bacteria should be attracted toward a chemical or it should
move away from that particular chemical okay that will be decided as a result of chemotaxis
process and of course chemotaxis is regulated or controlled by plasma membrane this is all about
plasma membrane now we are going to talk about periplasmic space periplasmic space as already
told you it is the space which is present between cell wall and plasma membrane so the space is
known to contain hydrolytic enzymes binding proteins for nutrient processing and uptake right so
this is about periplasmic space significance now we are going to talk about the fourth point that is
mesozome mesozome as I already told you it is a kind of membrane imagination or enfolding right
mesozoans are known to play important role in case of replication and also in cell wall synthesis
of bacteria let's talk about the point number fifth here cytoplasm cytoplasm where most of the
structural component associated with bacterial cells are present plays a very important role or we
can say the site of metabolic processes okay like glycolysis crab cycle involved in energy
generation for a bacterial cell they get operatedmminside the cytoplasm only okay now let's talk
about the point number six what we call as nucleoid nucleoid is the term what we use to represent
localization of genetic material okay and what we can note here that DNA or we can say genetic
material present in bacterial cell is actually not enclosed in any membranous envelope that's why
bacteria are classified as prokaryotic type of cell not eukaryotic type of cell because of the lack of
a true nucleus presence in case of bacterial cell next we are going to talk about Point number seven
what we have labeled here as plasmid in addition to the genetic material an additional molecule of
DNA what we call as extra chromosomal DNA is also present in case of bacterial cell and that we
call as plasmid plasmid actually gives some kind of genetic advantages to the bacteria as plasmids
are of different type some plasmids are having what kind of genes antibiotic resistance genes which
help the bacteria to resist towards a particular antibiotic some plasmids are a kind of virulent
plasmid which help the bacteria to show virulence okay towards a particular host and some
plasmids are conjugative plasmids which help the bacteria to take part in conjugation okay so this
is about Point number seven that is plasmid now we are going to talk about Point number eight
that is ribosome if we talk about ribosome of course ribosomes are freely lying wherein the
cytoplasm and they take part in protein synthesis we all know that ribosome in bacterial cell are of
which type 70s type okay 70 years ribosome is further made up of two subunits 50s and 30s on the
other end when we talk about eukaryotic cells that is plant and animal cells their ATS type of
ribosomes are present okay now this was about ribosomes let's talk about the point number nine
now that is inclusion bodies if we talk about inclusion bodies then you should know inclusion
bodies actually represent a kind of aggregation of organic and inorganic materials and generally
inclusion bodies are also called as storage reserve for carbon phosphate and other substances like
if we talk about carbon Reserve then polyhydroxybutyride is generally found as a carbon Reservoir
inclusion body in bacteria and if we talk about phosphate Reserve then polyphosphate is a very
good example and always remember inclusion bodies are generally found in granular form or we
can say in Crystal form now inclusion bodies don't only cover this storage Reserve they also
include some of the other micro compartments as I have labeled here as gas vacuoles okay so gas
vacuoles which represent a kind of micro compartments they are also a part of what they also are
studied under the umbrella of inclusion bodies only gas vacuoles here are known to help the
bacteria for floating in aquatic environments next you should know here we have mentioned here
about 11 number point that is flagella if we talk about flagella always remember flagella is a kind
of filamental structure and it helps the bacteria in what movement or we can say it is a kind of
locomotory organ in bacteria where flagella is present to those bacteria we call as motile bacteria
and bacteria which lack flagella they are actually called as non-motile type of bacteria okay and if
we're talking about flagella known to contend three different parts filament hook and basal body
okay now let's talk about the point number 12 that we have labeled here as swimbury fimbri if we
talk about fimbri is also a kind of structure of bacterial cell which is present on the outer side of
the bacterial cell and of course it helps the bacteria in attachment always remember to a maximum
of 1000 fabric can be found to be present on a bacterial cell and now we are going to talk about
Point number 13 which is also going to represent a hair like or we can say thread like surface
appendage and of course it is bigger than or we can say large in size when we compare it with that
of fimbri and here we are going to call it as pillai if we talk about pillai pillai also helps the bacteria
in what bacterial mating right and always remember pillar of many types some palliative part in
bacterial mating right like conjugation where sex pillars is involved on the other hand some pillai
like Type 4 pillai are also known to provide bacteria movement okay now we are going to talk
about 14 number point that is capsule if we talk about capsule capsule is also a kind of outermost
layer which surrounds the bacterial cell but of course it is not present in case of all bacterial cell
and capsule is generally made up of polysaccharide material but in some bacteria it has also been
reported to be of amino acids okay now capsule helps the bacteria in adherence to surfaces and it
also add towards virulence property of bacteria by providing the bacteria resistant towards
phagocytosis okay so this was all about bacterial cell structural components along with their
functions in brief and if you found it helpful then don't forget to press like And subscribe to our
Channel thank you so much keep

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