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Bellator Promotional Agreement

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Bellator Promotional
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This Promotioru:U Agt,~enwut (''Ag~(;tment") hi made and ent~red inti) by and between

BELLATOR SPORT WO.RLJ)WIDE, LLC, a Delaware Lhlrited Liability Company with offices at
445 North Welrn Street, Suite 40}, Chicago, illinois 60654 ("PROMOTER") and



WHEREAS PROMO'rER is in the bU*iness, irtiiD; alia, {)f prcwotlug Mixed Martial Arts

("MMA") events and desires to enter into an agreement with FIGHTER to be the l:l~>.dusiv~ Promoter of
FIGHTER's future bouts on the re~ms set forth herein.
WHI!:UAS FJGHTii:R is a p;of~ssio.nal MMA fighter who desir~ to enttfr into this

AGRE,BME'NT with PROMOTER tor PROMOT$ to b~ F10.H'CBR's <.1/K.clu!Pn promot1.1r and ia 'm!lmg

to g:rant tlll.c ancillary right$ herein.

1'HEJ:tEFORE, in considemtion of tht: tbregoing, the agr~emtmiS and mutualj)I'OmlSI}S set forth

herein a<l.d other good and VHluabk:: ~;.1.msidemtion, the re~dpt Md suffici~ncy of which ar~ hereby

ad::nowledg~ the parties agree; as follows:


The recitals set forth above are incoiporated herein by this ref~rence,


Subject to tM terms and conditions set forth below, FIGHTER hcrehy grants to PROMOTER the

exclw.sivc unrestricted worldwide dghg to ~CCLU'e, promote, arrange, pres~nt, coordinate, create uud

produce ail MM...<\, tnil:rt'ial arts. and unarmed ccnnbatant comestl (illdivldually, a "Bout" aad cotli:lctiveiy,

tb~ ''Bouts") to~ engag~ in by FlGHYER during the wnn of this Agreement tmd any cxtenslcns tlt~reof

("Promotiooal Rightll:"),


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A "ToJ.trnament" shai.l be defmed as any MMA wmpetition in which multiple fighters compete in
a fonnal, struetu.t~d series of bouts labeled by PROMOTER as a tournament, to det~rmine a single

champkm, a top challenger anct/or i\ top rated tlghtet, A To\lmiDDeut may be str\.lctuted as a n:nmd-robin,

singl;;-elimlnation, double~1;1llmination or any other format chosen by PROMOTER, in PROMOTER's

sole and absoiute discretion, a11d lU<iy or may uot indud~ the seeding, placing or ranking of individual

il:j;;hkrll. Pmmot>W' shall h~tw the tmilW:.:<ral ti~t ~o inclu4~ or ootlududc f'TGHTER.ln $, 1\>~l'lnt. At

tb~ sigrue,g of the Agrecmcmt, i?ROMOTER has uot ~cided to lncludo FIGHTER in a; To~e.nt, but

may do so bused on HDH1''ER's perfom1~e in Bout:. provided to FIGHTER by PROMOTER and

referenct.-d in the Addendum to this Agreement For Bouts taking p!aoo within a Tournamr;mt the

following puxsc and bonus struntures will be in effect:

A) Opening Round ofToumame.nt,

(i) £W~fU.t:#ft: Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000} will be pairl to FIGHTER, win or
(li) .&~nus pav1ne~~*: An additional Seven Thousand Dolkm ($7,000) shall be paid

to FlGH'fBR if be is declare4 the winner of the Bout by lht Commission gpvcmlng his BouL ln such
case F'lGHTER wm receiv(t a total of Fourteen ThousM.d Dollars ($14,000) (Seven Thousand Dollats
($7,000) ill base purse plus Seven Thcrusaru:l Dollru·s ($7,000) in bonus).
(ill) ~dns: to next WIJtHJ: FIGHTER llhull <clv!%rtce to tho :>!:!ttli tlnAll•o;mq of tho

Tourn.amt:nt if he is cteclate4 the witu:ter ofth0 Bout by the Com.mllit~ion sovertdng his Bo~f. ls uninjured,

Is pennitted to do so by the C.:numission having jurisdiction of the l!etni t1na1 bouts of the Tournamen;

and is oth.en:vise in cmnpfumce with the thi~ contract.


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(i) H<i~ Pum: fifteen Thousand Dollars (815,000) will be paid w the FiGHTER~
win Ol"lo(W,

to FiGHTER lfhe is declared the winner of the Bout by the Cornrillsslon gov~ming his Bout. ln such a

case FiGHTER will .receive a total of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) (Fifteen. TI1ousand .Dollars

($15,000) in b!ill~ purse and Fifu:eu Thousand DoJifj!S {$15,000) in bonus).

,111 Advanc:!ng to the next Wll~ii: FiGHTER sl:wJl advance to the tirml round of the

Tournament !f he is declared the winner of the .Bout by the Commission governing his Bout, is uninjured, ,

1s permitted to do so by the Commission having jurisdiction of me final round of the Toumame:nt, and is

otherwis~ l.n compliance.with th:!s contract

(} l3'inal Roynrl nfToumwnent

($"20,000), win or lose,

such a case FIGHTER wHJ rcc~ive a total of fifty Six. Thousand .Dollars ($56,000) (Tw~nty Thousand

Dollan; ($20,000) in bas1:> pwtSe and Thirty Six TholJJ:tand Dollar;s ($36,000) in bonus},

(ili) Toum.ament WiMer: fiGHTER will be declared the Tournament wiMer in his

weight cla:~s if he is declared tl:m winner of the Bout by the Commission governing his Bout

It is anticipated, but not gu.anmtetd; that when an applicable To-urnament is being held

Tournament bouts wiH be cm).d~t.cd at two (2), three {3), four (4), five (5), or six {6) week intervals or

lltay extend over two (2) ~t!SOllli (up to fout (4) :months). f'ightert) who are ~:fe.wed in prior rounds 1nay


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be chosen as sttbstitutes for subi:>~~qn4lnt munds if a winning iighter cannot continue iu the Tournament.

Substitures 'hill be, chosen at the ~oJ.e discretion of PROMOTER tmd based on critt."ria whl:ch will bt: ~tt

PROMOTER's sole discretion, YJGHTE.R is to remain available and on weight so that he can be utilized

as a subslimte if necessary and if so chosen by PROMOTER. 11' fiGHTER is used as <t Toumament

Sllbstitutc his bat>e purse will remain at the base purse for the round in which he lost1 but his bonus in tbcr
~vent he wins will b~: commensurate with that specified above for the round of the Tournament ln which
h0 is competing,


FIGHTER's compe:usatkm in aH :non-Tournament Bout$, wilt be d~tennimld as follows:
A) ff F!GHTER h~s patticip11tcd in a TOlli'tt~nt w: hM> not parti9!f>4~d ill a l'o~m:nt,

his comperuation for all non-T.;Ut"n<wtcnt Bouts sh~U be detenuined as followo;:

a, lf FIGHTER is tJw 'fournament Winnet (i.e., h1t i:> declared the winner of wl

Tournament Bouts by tbe Commission and is declared Toumament Winner !)y

PROMOTER) FIGHTER shall be paid:

L A ba~;e purse of'fen Thousand Dollars {$10,000),

ii. FKH rrf!R will be paid m additional Ten Thousand Dollars ($l 0,000) if he is

decl~red the winner of the Bout by ~.e Commission governing his Bout.

HL ln such a oase FIGHTER w:i!lreceive a tntal of Twenty Thousand DoH\US

($20 ,000). Ten Thousand Dollars ($l 0,000} in base pw:;;;;; and Ten Thousand

Dollars ($1 0,000} in bonus).

iv. For ·~ach non-ToumemtMt Eottt that FlGHTEHllli declared the '.Vlnucr o:fby

the Commission goveming ~o-ucrh Bout bis compGn~tutiott for non~Toumaxn.ent

bouts shaJ.l raorease a~ tbll<1ws: the b~~e pur'OO shull i:!tcr~~ii¢ by Oue

Th01,iS<md Dollars ($1,000) and the <tntou.nt of his Vv'in boflus shhlllncr~~e by


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One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), Should FIGHTER lose a non-Tountament

Bout, his comp!;IDSation for the next non-Tournament Bout shall remain


h. !f FlGHTER losses in the final rotmt! of the Toutnament (i.w., declared thu loser of

the Tournam~<ilt final Bout by the Commi~io.n),

L FIGhTER shaH bu paid a base pU'.l8t: of Six TlJ.ousand Dollars ($&,000).
iL lliGH'l'ER will b¢ paid an additio.nai Six 'thousand Oolim'¥ ($6,000) if h~ b

declared the •vinntr of the Sout by the Corntn.lssion govemlns his Bout

iii. in such a C<llil: l' lG!-ITER will receive a total of Twelve Thous~d Dollars

($l2,000) (Six Thousand Dollars {$6,000) in base purse ~md Six Thousand

Dollus ($6,000) in bonus}.

Jv. For each non-Tournament Bout that ftGHTER is declar~d the wilmer of by

the Comntission governin.g such 8out, his co!Jlper.ilation for non~Tou.rnament

bout!i sh..'ill increase as follows: the basi:: purse shall incre.Me by On~

Tho~$l,!lld DolLars ($1,000) and the <~r.twunt of his will bonus ::thaU increase by

On~ Thousand DoUars ($1,(100), Should fiGHTER lose a non-Tuu.mm"lNnt

Bont, his cmnpens~tion for t.h~ ~t n<ln~Toumamem Bout anall remau1


e. !f FlGliTJ:!R losses in ttu~ semi~fu-uu (second) round of th¢ Toumam~nt (L"!., dt:ola:r!l>d

tlw loser of the Toumame.at setll.i~fiool Bout by the Commission) or cannot advance

dtwt\l injury in that'foumamemround,

i. fiGHTER shall be paid a base purse uf'fhr-ee Thousand Dollars ($3,000),

iL FJGHT£R will he paid an additional Three Thou.~mnd Dollats ($3,000) if he

i$ de.dared the winner of the Bout by the Comnli:ssion governing his Bout,


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iii fn such a case FIG}ITER wi11 receive a totW of Six Thow.sand Dollars

($6,0')0) (Thrc:!e Thousand Dollars ($3,000) m bw.~ pursu illld Tl1r¢&

Tho~ommd Dollars ($3,000) in bonm)x

iv. For ~adt not>'tournau:.cnt .Bout that FiGHTER is declared the winner of by

the Coll:111lission governing such Bout his omnpermation for non·Tournament

bouts shut! i.ucreas~ as follows: the base purse shall inctease by on~

Thousand Dollars ($1)000) a.ad the ru:nount tJfhis win bonus !>hall increase by
One Thousand Dollars ($1,000)- Should FIGHTER lose a non-Tournament
Bout his comp~:nsatinn for the next non-Tou.rnament Bout shall remain

d, lf FIGHTE::R los:->!;!$ in the fu:st round of the TmUM\ment (!,'"·· declared tlw t(!Set of the

Tou.mamtmt quartcr~fmal Bout by the Commission) or cannot advanc:~ du:e to injury

in that 'foum:tment round or lfP!GHTER does !lot t><:m:ki:patt: in the To1..ttru1m1.1nt,

1. FIGHTER shall be paid 11 base purso of Two Thousan.d Fiv<: !i-w..udt·ed Doli~:~n~


ii. FIGHTER will be paid mi additional Two Tnousll:!1d Five Hundred ($2,500)

if he is dechr~d. ilie wiJm~:r of the .Bout by the Commis~ion gover.uin¥ his


ilL ln sw.:h a case FlGHTBR will recclv¢ a total of Five Thoillland Doltars

($5,000) (Two Tho\Band Five Hundred Dollars ($2:,500) in base purse and
Two T'housand Prve Hnndrf.ld Dol!ars ($2)500) in bonus},

iv. For '~ach uon-To~.;mament Bout that FlGH1'BR is dec4u'ed the winnet of by

the Cornm.ission govemlng such Bout, his compensatioltl:br .non-Tournament

bo1.1ts shaH incteas~ a::; follows; the bruw p~J!¥e sh~ll im..<teasc by One


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1110Uliatld Dollars ($1 ,000) Md the araouitt nf his win bonus shall increase by

One 'thousand Dollars ($! ,000). Should FlGHl'ER !osc a non·Tounwnent

Bout, his compensation fot the rut4t n<.>n/fournarw:nt Bout shall remain


e, After completion of any Tournament FIGHTER may be offered the opportunity to

engage in another Tautnronent ("Future Tounw:mem''). P~es for any FuMe

'l'cn.trnamem: and subsequent non-Tournament bouts wili b;.; as offered tor, that Futm'e
Tounuun~.;nt ~md will uot necessarily be the purses "'et :forth herein.


S-ubject tofu~ remts. and oondition!i ~;.;:t forth bdow, F!OHTB.R hareby yn:~,nts to PROMQT!?Jt the

~elusive. un.r.;~>tdete:d worldwide dehts to the followill,gand!la:cy rights {''A.ucill~~zy Rights");

A) The right to stag'~ all Bout~, sell tickets of admission to all Bcuts, ro l:n'oadcast, telecast,

photograph, record or otherwise reproduce all Bouts, the events ilnmed1alely before and after all Bouts

and between the rounds and events attendant to Bouts and attendant to any Tournaments in any and an
media now known or hereafter d1wised in or by any manner, method or device (now known or hereafter

Jevist.td) including, but not limited to} the unlimited and umestricted rights to telecast all bouts by m:em1S

crf live or closed circuit television, paid, cable, subscription or i'Oll television. films and tap~:~ for

cxhlbitiou in any and ail media and in all gaugCt;;, whether the theatrical exhibition or for ~k:, lease or

lice.ose for home use, irtcludln~ audio ~md audiovisual cassettes a:nd discs, and the unlimited right to deal

with any or all of the foregoing, Hnd to obt~in oop)'light or similar protection where availabh: in the name

of tht: PROMOTER or ?ROMOTBB.'s nominee, all in st1ch Glal1ll"'r -a!> the PROMOTER in its sole

di®t~tion $!~au derormim::.

JJ) l'h0 right to eJSploH a:n!;i ust>, tv 4'te fullcwt t:~tertt possibk w:lY and an oontent d~Xm, and

information and any and all proporty t'ightg end intelkctual property tights prepared, conceived,


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developed, manifested in tangibh: or intangible fmm, or created by and through this Agreement with
FIGHTER as well as any and :tit other property :dghts asl:H.lbiated with PROMOTER, itt ::;vents or

affiliates, which shall include tbe unrm.i:cicted right ro fully exploit, use, profit, dissemim~,t.:, display,

reproduce, print, publlsh, edtt, and m11k.e any other uses of FIGHTER's nmn~~t• .images, likenesses,

~obriquetll, voices perso:t:J.a£, sig;natures, biogr<iphlC@J rnat~riali>, photographs and/or <IllY and all

iut'onna-rkm relating fucrjjto ("hkntity"), and shall include all pmsow.;. asooc~ated or affuiatei;l. with

fllGHTER, iucbdmg FLOHTER't! tralne.t"S and :;eCOll$.

C) PROMOTER ~Jl bo entitted to dcvdap, mam~factur~, distribute, market, and/or sell ;my

. aAd all lntf.lf'.t{}tive devices, eiectro.aic devices, home video and. computer gam~~. arcade vid~o g:;u:nes,

hand held versions of vi~h::o games, video slot mw:ilifues, CD-ROMS, PVD\ lut~mct appHcatkms,

wireless, video and audio cassett~:s and disks, photographs, books, SQU.veuirs, comics, games, and any and
all other similar type producw, now known or hereafter to become kno'Wl.t, whk,h contain fiGHTER's

identity, Such ru;;: »haH indude the s1eeves,jackets and packaging for such products,

0) ,1\s related to FIGHTER's purpose and relationship with PROMOTER including but not

limited to the promotion of FiGHTER's fights under the Agreement, PROMOTER, PROMOTER's

brand, Tomnaments, bouts, events, pl'e~bout events, and/or post-bout ~:;wnts, in addition w the l'i~hw

granted in Substox;tiun C above, PROMOTER may manufacture, distribute or sell items or goods which
,.onmrni! J.<'iCHTER's i;U.ntity, lnchuHni;~ but not be limited to, &uuv~nir progtruns. ~ponsorsWps,

cumrn~rdal and mW'olmudismg ti¢'-in.s, adverti!>~metns, banners, buttons, post.eril, o\othffig, appttr~l.

photographs, aJtd similar type item.s or goods.

E) The right to nssi;g,n, tease, license, sublease, transfer, use or otherwise dispose of any and

all of the rights gmnted herein and the rt~sults of the exercise thereot~ and to a1.1thorizt\ license and gr.mt

the right to exercise any or all of the foregoing rights tu any person, tirm or ~orpomtion.


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.F) The right to do fill thi.ugs n<~;cessnry tor t:h0 .fuH md complete use, <::xploimticn attd:

~;~x:.;rdse of th~; rights gtanted hcrtlin, including the right to promote and ¢)1::p!oit all rights gromwcl

h~;:cnomruieot• and th~ rt:~sults of the ¢~~~trci~~ th.::!'eof, ami tha right to negotiate, eni:~r int·o ancl perf.:mn any ·!Uld

ali agreemunts relating to t1w rights granted lwrcin for th~ proper production au4 prw:notkm of :r<idio and

television advertisements, pub!it:ity, broadcasts relating to PROMOTER, the Bouts, the pre~Bout events,

and/or the posl~Boutevent&.

G) The right to aU rights, title and interest in and to any and aU recordings, including but not
limited to) teli.wision, radio, lnternet, wirdess and motion picture filrm;j and the video and audio cassettes

of, or baood upon PROMOTERs brand, the Bouts, the pre-Bout !!v'ents Il!ld postw8out events, and the

right secure in PROMOTER's mune (or that of its .Q:Ominec;) oopytisJ:lt and ether ptoteucicnt to the fu!test

extent: ttvailable,

H) The non-exclusive right, provid~i Fi~hter pos~sscs S.HCh right or t:an reasonably obtain

such right, to use the recording, video or audio clip of M)' pJ'lor bout oontent of FIGHTER, including: a

bout fJ~ld by omothtlr promorer, for ih11> ftmpo!>~ Qf publicizing a Bour, whicl:! ¢lip ~llltll btl pr~:Jv~dod l:o

PROMOTER upon request.

ij The non-<~,..4>-clu..'{ive right to regh;tl.lr FiGHTER a_<; one or more dornairt !\rune::; for use on

the World Wide Web as related w PROMOTER's events and promotions and the right to utilize and own

SLtch domain niDU~S during the Term and without restriction, .in whatever way PROMOTER sel(;1Cl;$,

Notwithstanding the foregoing, PROMOTER is under no obligatirm. to register FIGHTER or to in any

·way usc such domffin lHmes. f'or illustrative purposes only, this could include


J) For the purposes of (1) promoting fighting events and athletic cotnpetitions; (2)

broadcasti.ug spom and tmt0ctahnn.ent ptOii\!'iltl'l£ hy means of tolcvif>ion, radiu, cable televJsion, sate!Hte

and other ""1re and wireless forms of ®nsmi$:>:ion; (3) producing and distributing sports ;md


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cnwrt&in:ment pro!>'f:ml$ by meaas of tr:l;jvlsion, cable televisiOn, satellite, via a glolntl lnfortnation

networls pay-per-view ~Jthibition, closed circuit exhibition, and in other Hv~ fom:ru.ts; and production of

electronic repmductions teaturing sports and entertai:mnenr programs; (4) merchandise tie-ins and

souvenir items; (5) exploitation o:: all other rights granted to PROMOTER herein, Promoter shall have the

right, for these express purposes ~llld no others to regbter as a trooem<~rk with the United States Patent and

Trad~:mark Office ('~USPTO") FHJHTER's name, stage name, Identity, or any other feature of FiGHTER

which may be trudemarked,

K) Th($ right to all event income, reveuue ot fees which shall include, bu:t are not limited to,

vcuue fees, live evm1t gat\'$ receipts, event feei>, event income, :advertising frms, and sponsorshlp: feet<, The
right w o:xploit rtH fort'rul of radio, ~levision. and ~lecuonic media,. which may b~ live-, in mal time, Ol'

c,iclayed \:rM$l'1:l.i$Sion and shown di~jpW.yed Viii m1~aodve meru:u;, in Mllle or th~tet,. pa.y.p<:T-v'iew,

satellitt:, dosed cil·cuit, cable, subcription, antmma, intornd, or any other m~aos oi t:l'i'lmlterring such

information {)f data, as well as vi-a telephon~:, wirele-ss tn@.nS, cellular phones, computer, CDs, CDROM,

DVD, any ancl aU internet a:pplic1tions, film, and tap(;; for exhibition in any and aU media fom1ats and the

right to all income, tees or revenne genf}ntLcd therefu:ml.

6. Pl,{Q\\_10'fiON OF BOUTS

A) Each Bout shall b~ a !VfMA contes.t bernreen PfCHTER and an opponent 4esigna.tect by

PROM01l~J:t FIGHTER shall <J,oide by all rules set forti< by PROMOTER wLth regm-4s to any MMA

Bout provided such rules are. 11ot inconsistent with the ru.le\1 and regulations of the athletic commission or

regulatory body havingjurii>diciion over the Bout ("Commission"). FIGHTER and PROMOTER. shaH

comply wtth and be bound by th<~ ntles and reklulatloru of the Commission.

b) PROMOTBR shlill prvrnote $1d FlOHTliR ~ht\11 nar~cipate: ixt the roirumill'rl. nlmlh~ of

Bouts set :forth elsewhere iu this Agreement. PROMOTER may soour(t, prurn.otc, a~e, pres~nt,



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coordinate, create aud produce Bouts in any manner PROMOTER chooses, including the vs~ of

C) PROMOTER slwll be dec:tned to haw complied with iw obligation& to promote any Bout

if P1WMOTER shaH have made an o:l:'ft:r to FlGI::!TER ro promote a Bout in accotdauce 'With the
provisions hereof and FIGHTER i;>hall have refused to partidpat<L lf a Bout 1s canceled or postponed for

.D) AU Buu.ts shall be em dates wd ar sites to be Qt:Signated by PROMOTER, in it!> sole: and

absol.ute discretion_ If any Bout is postponed for any Na::.'(Jrr the Bout agreement applicable to such bout

shaH determine the rights of the parties and in addition thereto, the Term shaH be ex~nded, at

.?ROMOTF..R's election, hy a number of days equal to the number of days between the date originally

s~:;hedulecl for the Bout and the date on which the Bout occu~.

il) During the Ten::u, PROMOTER shaH have the exclusive right to promote an of
FIGHTER'& bouts and Fichter stall not participw.:e in or render his gervices as a professional fightur or in

any other capacity to any MMA, boxing, martial art, proteilsional wrestling, or any other :fighter

compethio11 or exhibition, except as othen¥ise expressly pennitted by PROMOTER ln writing.

7. FU:;HTE'R>S C()0l>€M'I'J.Q~

FIGHTER sna.U ooopem~e ami assi~t in the adverth>ing, publlcity, and prcmotiou of (i) the Bouts

and/or Tournarnents, (ll) any ~md all rebroadcast of !:he Bouts and/or T&urooments in ::my media

whatsoever, (iii) other bouts of PROMOTER, (iv) other evenw and bmadcasts by PROMOTER,
. and (v).

the sab of merchandise; and (vi) any other exploitation by PROMOTHR resulting from the grant of

Promotional Rights and Ancilhuy Rights. FlGHTER's cooperation and as~istance shall include but not

be limited to making appear~.noes at such r~asonable number of press co.nierences, inrervtews,



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appearances, l.Uld other ~ponsotship and promotit:raal activities (My of which may be telecast, broadcm;t,
tecord~d and/or Hhned) a>< PRONlOTER may designate, wliliout additioucl compen:.ation theretbr~. In

additiop., FIGHTER shaH fully <;:oop~atto with any <1+1d aU t"l,p..H~sts m#® by ;;my of PROMOTER's

te!evi:;;ioe anli cablt: u~twurk p¥rinetS with l'~p~t to :my Ulmi>t®ct:, pres:; conf~eut=J, intervhwtr,

app~:anmces or other activities they m~y request in crder to prmnote FlGtrf.BR, a B<~ut, tht Bout's,

PROMOTER, PROMOTER's brand, or any other boLtt or series of bouts, For t>uch promotional
aorivities, PROMOTER will ru·range and p$-y for flOHTER.'!i reasonable travel ;mci note1

accommodations and ~asommle per diem for FiGHTER tbr expenses.


A) The duration of the Promotloilill Rights (''Term") sbaU comm~;nce on the "Eff.;ctive

Date" defmed as the datr: this contract is entere4 ir:rtu Md end on the l>tter of(i) 1\venty Fout (24) months

after the date of the first bout in which FIGHTER engagu~ under this contract, or (H) fhe date on which

FIGHTER h&s partlcip<~tcd in at least SL..: {6) Bou.m promoted by PROMOTER undet· thi~ Agreement

('"Tt:rmin!ltio.n Df.te''), unless tenninat~d soont:~r ot extend¢d furthe~' pu.rsw.:mt to tho provisions of thill


B) Jl~ at any ~im¢ d1lting the Term, F10H1'ER is J~:Wed by PROMOTER the Tmrmurnent

winner, or a Tournament nmm:r.up, the Tetm shall bt automatically extended for a period commcllcing

on the Termination Date und end iug on the later of (i) Twelve (12) months from the Termination Date, or

{ii) the date in which FIGHTER has participated in three (3) bouts pmmoted by PROMOTER following

the Tenn.ination Date ("Extension Term"), Any reference to the Term herein shall be deemed to include H
ref~ronce to the Extension Tenn, where applicable.

C) Addhionally, if at any time during the Tem-., HGHTBR is .:kdared by PROMOTER th~;~

champion o:f his wt:igltt class, the Term shall be autom~tieally e:<ten®d fer a period commencing on the

Term.inatio:n D11te and ending on the later of (i) twelv;;; (12) tm:mth::> fi:orn the Termir..atiou Date. o.r (ll) th.~


Case 2:15-cv-01045-RFB-BNW Document 879-61 Filed 10/24/23 Page 14 of 30

date i:u which FlOHT.ER has participated in three {3) bouts promoted by PROMOTER following the

Tzmdnation Date ("Extension T~'rm' 1). Any reference to tho Terrn herein shall be deemed to Include a

referertee. to the Exwnsion Tenn., where applicable,

D) The expiration of' the Tenn shall not af!'ect or t·ermioatt~ the grant of Ancillary Rights or

any of fu~ general or ~>lJ!!cinc pmvision~ of this Agrelilllcnt which shall survive by the terms any such

expiration or termination~

E) PROMOTER $hull not be de(;\med iu default of this Agreem.tmt to the extent that

perfomumcc of it:> ob.ligaticns ar:! delayod or prev~utd by reason of any act of God, flre, naturnl dis1£>t~r,

war, riom, sttlke or labor difficulties. wrrorism, poNer failure or otht;f acts constituting for(le majeure Ol'
,;my ~;ove:tT~Ittental or Col!Ullissirn:1 enae-1ment. detcmll>mt:io:o. ot action, regu.lation or ord~'.

f<j The tennmetion J)f this A~m¢nt €)> the expiration of thi!! T~::rm llhall Mt serve to affl::ot

or tennhmt~ the Ancillary Right!! granted under this Agr~~nt, as they shall :ourvive any such

termination, expiration or acwl~~Jtion and t.Ws Agreemunt s.haH remain in full torce. arul effect with

resp1%t fuerl;lto.

G) Subjtct to alJ other Terms and Conditions of the Agreement and provided fiGHTER is

ready and able to perfonn pumant to the AgreeJinmt FIGHTER will be offered at Jeast one 0) bout
during every six (6} month period, or he may wrm:inate this A!:,'Teement

9. j~.illRY, DlSJ).!fUUTY. POS'fPONE~EJSI OR 3&ii!R£JyJENT

A) Should any Bout bcpostporu;:d due to injury, disability~ illness, r~tl.rem(!lll:,. incarceratlon,

loss of travel, sw;-pension by a Commission, pnsitive drug test, unwillingness to compete, or any other
siruilm' n'l~son, of 0ithcr FIGHTER or .FIGHTER's opponent, the obligatiQn of PROMOTER rclat:ing to

th<ll mimml.W• ho~til, th:ni~ o:t'm;~ 'bout<$, 40-d th.: 'l'tmn offui.J> AS'r;;,~nt !liull1 •~ummtl.t'«l<~Hy bo ~x:~ended

by the ptbriod of time necessary in reschedule the postponoo Bout


Case 2:15-cv-01045-RFB-BNW Document 879-61 Filed 10/24/23 Page 15 of 30

B) The respective lengths of time to provide FiGHTER with the min.imtun number of Bouts

shall be extended, (i) that period of time that .FiGHTER is unable or unwilling to compete, or (ii) tbr a

period of six (6) months, whichever is longer, Such extension shall includ~ without lin1itation, my time

perlo® when FiGHTER is disabled, sick Qt ifijuroo for any reason, incn:rcetated, license suspended or
revokl?d by a Con".mlssiou, has his ablllty to tr<1vd restricted by a recognized g:ovemrnentat ageooy or is
otherwise W:lable, uuwilling: ot r~fuses to compete ot tmil1.i:bt a Bout fbt any reason wh~hloevet,

C') lf at auy tim.c d'Jring th~ Tt:rm., FLGBTER dcci<ks to retite, PROMOTER rnay, at its

di:lction, suspend the Tenn for th1j fail and entire period of such tetb~memt, regartlieillS of lts length,

D) 1f any Bout crumot be held as ~ch~uled oc conducted in the manner intended ior ;my

reason whatsoever, including ttle withdrawal of an opporu.."Ut, cancellation of th; :main event or
cancellation of a telecast (but not including reasons relating ro FiGHTER's inability or unwillingness to

compete), PROMOTER may, in its sole discretion, (i) snbstitute another opponent. (ii) cancel the Bout or

(iii) reschedule the Bout. 1n the event PROMOTER cancels or reschedules the l:3au.t, PROMOTER shaH

have no obligation or liability to FiGHTER whatsoever in co:mection tlwrewlth, including ;my obligation

to pay fight pursM, and the respective lengt.hs of tim~ to provide fiGHTER with ili~ :m.lnlmum number of

Houts &hall be e:x:rended by the pe:tiod of time tlece$~li!Y to reschedule the Bout,

E) J.n the c:veut that any Bout is postpQned or c.mn1ot bo hctd due to the actiom; of FIGHTER,

in -addhion to -any oth~r ,rights tltat PROMOTE-R m:l!-y havt:, PROMOTER may '"'ton_d tho Tm:m of thiR

Agreement and ~wy provi~ion tl:u:rreof by, {i) the period of any delay cau:>l:ld by FlGH'fER or (ii) for a

period of six (6} mouths, whighever is t,rreatt:c

F) 1n the event that FIGHTER brr:aches any term of tiJjs Agreem;;;Jnt, or provides any fahc

representation or W3.n"'d!lty, PROMOTER may extend the Term of this Agreement and any provision
theteof by, (i) the period of time necessary to correct or cure any breach or inaccuracy of any warranty or

(ii) for a p~riod of six (6) months, whichever is greater,



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In th<: event that F1GHTHR suffer!> fill)' injury or impmrm~¢nt of any natul'e which could pmvent

hlm from <:~ngOJ¥inS in a bout or which could i:alpaot n~gutiv~ly on his abi!ity to be licc~~;t::d he wili notify

PROMOTDR lm.mediat~1y in wr:.ting, FiGHTER agrees to remain itt competitive condition during the

Term of thfi> Agreement


For each Bout heteundet FIGHTER shalt w;:ecutc and comply with a standard form of

Commission bout agreement whenever and wherever required where no Commission form agreement
e~it-tts, FlGHTER will execute a standard form .Betlator bout contract. ln the event there is any

inoonsiat.ency b;:tween the term..:; and conditio:m; contained herein and s-uch bout agret.-n1ent, the prQvisions

contained herein $hall supersede and prevaU to the extent perrnltred by bt'N tmk:ss the pa:rti(;ll) so indicate
in Miting.


for m~.oh bout h\tWt.a:u:ll'!lt, PROMOTER shall provid{1, at PROMOTER'~ co-st, Two (2) round trip

~x.m.ch class air n-ansporlation ticlret.> from FIGHT£R'S home to the city m ·tlw U,S. wher11 the t1g:ht will

occur, as well as One (1) hotel room and m~;mk fot up to Two (2) pel'sons and tl'ainlng fadiities at such

sit;:!! for ut> to tbree·(3) clay!;> prh1r to each bou.t. lf FIGHTER i::> 4eclatcd the World Champion, then for

e!Wh bout heretrnder, PROMOTER shall provide, ut PROMOTER's cost:; Three (3) ro1.llld trip coach air

transportation tickets from .FI.GHTER'S home to the site of the bout as; well a~> Two {2) hotel rooms and

meals tbr up to Three (3) personk If at any time during the Term of the Agreement F1GHTER ~s declared
the World Champion antHh.en subsequently i$ d.edared the lo!:icr of a Wodd Chi!mpiot.~Ship bout, then .fm·

each subsequt:ut bout hereunder., FIGHTER wi.H again be provided "With Two (2) ro~;~.nd trip coi)j;h cla::;s

air transpmtation tickets and weit as. one ( l) hotel room, Once departute dare::., times and !oclitio.ns are set

with reasawible cor.umttation with FlGHTBR., atw deviation by FlGHTt1R will he at his experwc.



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FiGHTER <:t}.'!OOS tbut h~ will negotiate with PROMOTER in a good fait11, if nnd when

PROMOTER creates a licensed merchandise program (''Marchandise Program."} Such a program will be

separate from, and ill addition to, any of the merchandi1;e rights already granted to PROMOTER herein,

and will not include (Without linitation) any produc:hl csr:mted, used or sotd, (i) in cormect~ou with the

promotion of FlGHTER., PROMOTER, PROMOTER's brand, auy Tou.mi:!Ultnts, any Bouts, pr~~Bout

events, or po:.Nlout ~Wenb>, or (ii) under the Promotional Rights and/or Ancillary Rights, indudillg but

not lli:nited ro irems such as intm:uctivc devioes, electronic devices, home vid!Xl Md computer games,

meade vidt;;G gam($:>, hand held versions of vid!i:O games, video slot I!Htcbhws, CD-ROMS, lJYD's,
lntemet applicatioru., wkeless, video aad iludio cas~~tte& au{! disks, ph¢t¢!;,otap4 books, comic~;, gm:nt!O,

and any and ;~.H otb,¢r similar type products.

l<t !'lGHTM;J~/& RlCPRf:S~NTATlONS A..l\iD '-VAIDU.~

FIGHTER represents, W1ltrants &nd agrees that

A) FlGHTER shall conduct himself in aocord.anre with commonly accepted standards of

decency, social conventions and morals, and FlGHTRR will not com.tttit any act or become invoived in

illl)' situation or occurrence or nmlce any statement which will reflect negatively upon or bring disrepute,
contempt, scandal, rldictllc, Pr disdain to FiGHTER, PROMOTER, or any of PROMOTER's officers,

managers, members, employees, •Jr agent£,

fl) F!G.HT£R's conduct shall not be such a shock, insult or offend tile public or any

urgm:li:rud group therein, qr r~ileot urunvorably upon ;my cwrent or proposed sponsor or such sponsor's

advertising agency, or MY network or station ov~rr whioh a Bout is tub~ broad~t.

C) .F!GHTE.R anall not ttuthoriztt or bt> involv~d \'lith l!UY' adv~n4iu!,1 uwtwul or publ:idty

materials that contain ltm&>uage or material which is gl;meraUy considered ro be obscene, Ubelous,

slanderous or cl.l--famatory,



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D) FiGHTER shall tompct~ iu each Eout to the best of FlOH'tER 's al;lility.
£) f'iGHTBR ill iT!~t~ to en(;e:C :!.am this Asream¢nt and h<~s not hermo±ore elltert:d into and

will not dul'lng the umn h\:i!e(tl' eJlte"i li1to any contract, option, agi'00men.t or understandin~, whetiwr oru1

or written, which might inte1fem 'mth tt:u::: provi:.ious hereof or tbe gmttt of rights oontainf;lii herem or

which would or could interfere w-ith the fhll ;md complete pcrfonnance by FiGHTER of obligations

hereunder or the tree and unitnpaired exercise by PROMOTER of the rights herein granted to it

F) fiGHTER 1m oo outstanding promotional contracts or claims of promotional

G) Th~re are oo claims, arbitrations, mediations or litigations pending or tbrea:rened affecting

FIGHTER wh.ich. or might lnterfl)te with the full and compleb Metcise or enjoyment by PROM01'£R,of

any rights grantl:ld hereunder;

H) FIGHTER is in good physical and mental health ana will de tl.Othing to potentially impcir
bh heu.tth uwludiug the U$<1> of a:(ly m~g:cl, tmhibited. controlled or b!l11l:l.ed substances. F1GHT£Ut shall

be- d~~tid i."l Yio:l<ltio:l). p£ thi!; A~;Vtl<=ertt if FlOliTER tests po$Hiv~, ~ diliin~ by th<:J Con:uniellion

regulating any Bout, for any mega!, prohibited, contl.'olled or bWlllCd :lubstance as purt: of a pre~Bout or

post-Bout test For assistance regarding prohibited substances FlGHTER should feel free tQ consult

the WADA l.mnm:d llsted at

http:f/www.wada::flrD!M1m.!DooumenWNotld f\Dti·Doofng Eww·am/0JAQE.Proh!!i!i§S!·Ii:>liWADA Prghiblled Ust 2010 EN,!M4f

1) FIGHTER wiU not engage ·in any abnonnally dangerous activity and will not engage in

any illegal activity or activity which would rew.<Jonably be anticipated to bring either FiGHTER or
PROMOTER into Jlarepute,

J) FIGHTER will not engage in any combat sports '>vithQut the express writtmt approval of

PROMOTElt, includlug any ur,d aU martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, tvtestling, or MMA {except as

Jlecer>sary for tr~inins: activitles),



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K) fiGHTER shall be soldy re~-p<msibk: for obtaining al1 necessary docunwntation,

including any work vh;as, FlGHTeR shaH also comply with any a,ppl.icab!e Commission rule, re~ulation

or enootment and shall maintain, at hit> !>ok ~xperllic, any 1iet:mH::Oi r~qui~d to participate in any :Bout

L) FrGHTER i~ emerin.g into this Aw.-eement of hls own lret: will .md ls nut &ubject to durest>
of mw k.I.M, .wd is :net und~::r th0loiluenc¢ uf any substat:~ue ()f any k.illd,

M) FIGHTER h~s hurl th¢ opportuclty to con~>utt with an attorney aud FIGHTER appteciat%

the legal sigrwficance Md con:-scquences of slgnins; tl1ls Agreement.

l\f) FiGHTER iM a i.rltl.zen of the United States mtd is not otherwise subject to any backup or

withholding taxes or in those imlttmMs wher~ fiGHTER is not a citizen of the United States, FlG'HTER

shaH provide PROMOTER with all nwessary information to enable PROMOTER to oomply with any
applicable withholding or tax paymeot

0,! Prior to p<lrticipating in apy B~1ut under this Agreement, Flm-rra:R wiH be responsible
for obtaiuillg and will cbt:i!in all tights, approva!s and cltJarnnces necessary to use and/or ~play the

apptll'el, sportsw~ar, equipment and/or produue/service 4ispl.ayed by FIGHTER or tmy of FIGHTER's

trainers or seconds during such Bmtt, prf~-Bont events, or post-Bout event~- FIGHTER'~> obtaining said
rights, approvals Mdior de!V'anc'ts shall be in writing and provided to .f'ROMOTER, upon PROMOTER's

n:qu~st ptior ru tmy bouts u.nlJ~r \'J:ds Agreement

P) FIGHTER will not atilize any of PROMOTER's intellectual property tjghts, including,

b4r rwt limited tot the n~mes and nmrkt> of PROMOTER, t~:nd any logos, pictures or other repl'esentations

of PROMOTER's inteHt:lctual property. Wim~>ut limiiing the scope of this pxohibition, FIGHTER

t!xpre~>Sly agrees to not use any ~~lwnpionship belt of PROMOTER without the prior written consent of

PROMOIBK FIGHTER further agrees that any belt he obtains from B~Hator is on toan and will at all

titnes remain the property af PROMOTER Upon request, the belt must b~ returned to PROMOTER

within tbre~ (3) days,



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Q) F!OJdTE.R will ren1aiu in good physical shap~ i4l4 wlthin the designated w~ight clll!la

f'HJH.TER. competed m when FlGHTER first etd.'il"rtld lnto this A!,lrt:<mlt:nt, un.l~~;il o'Ul<:rwi~~ <tgr<:~d to in
writin,g by PROMOTER. FIGETER currently fights as a Heavyweight with a m..aximrmt weight of Two

Htmdred Sixty Five poU.11ds (265) and ~m a material term of this Ag:tt..'tlm~nt, FIGHTER $hull bt: Gxpcct!.:d

to participate as a Heavyweight :.f invited by Promoter to participate in a Tou.rrmment

15. Willii.[);:llil.F.J~~TION

FIGHTER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PROMOTER, ao.y site wllere a bout is

held, any televisiort or cable .netwotk, each staticn broadQasting the Bouts, each sponsor a.ud its

advertising agency, and. the sub:;idlltrk:s, affiliates, members, ~nagers, shareholder!>, dll'ectors, oftlcers,
employees, representatives, agents, con!mcwrs !!.lld w>sign~ of each ofthe foregoing, fl':om and against any

aru:i <til liability, loss, claims, >mits, charges, actions, procteding~, da.m.ages and expenses (inducting

reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from: {i) use of .any materials, information or service~ fwn:ished by
FiGHTER, (H) any uuts C>l' WOI'<iii ..pok~n by F!GHTER m cotw.<i>¢(~<:1~ wiili fui* produation, nthcw:;,al,

~rubirion, broadcast or oth~.r til!~ of the Bouts and the rights ,gtfu:Ued to PROMOTER hereunder, Oil) any

breach or aHegoo breach of any promise, representation, wmanty or agreemem mwie by FlGHTER in

this Ag;rel1ment, (iv} auy tort conu.nltted by tlw F1G.HTER.


A) FiGHTER agrees that no woriling, ,symbol, picture, ctes.ign, name or other advertising or

informational material ~haH app(1ar on Ws person, or upon tnml<S, robe1 shol!l:l, or other clothing wom by

F!GHTER, Ws trainers. seconds or assista.o.ts duri.og any Bout hereundet, '\.Vititout prior written approval


B) Without Umltatin~ of the above, fiGHTER shall not display any wotdi.ng, symbol,

pieture~ d.;;sign, name or other advertisinz ot l.n:formatkn:~.al material on fiJ.G.HTER 's pw:;;on, b.'rntks, robe,
shoea, or other clothing worn by FlGH."fER, bit> traim:m>, sooonds or !llit>il>tants during MY Roue h~t~und&



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or at any activity spo.11!iuted by PROMOTER which; (f) is ln cont1ict or competition with PROMOTER or

any of flROMOTER'Il &ponsors, (ii) is in conflict or competition with tile requirements .of any teh:caster,

(Hi) r~msents any beer, aleolwl, beverage, tobacco, casino, gaming or media company, (iv) may cause

injury to the reputation of PRO.MOTER or its sponsors, or (v) is oomidered by PROMOTER, in its sol~

discretion, to be in bad tru;te.

C) FIGHTER shaH provide on? (l) pal;: of dark cot&red trunks and one {1) pair of light

colored trunks for each Bot~t so !hat fighters may be ciea:.dy distinguishable from one another during

17, P.REACB. ''I'E!f.tMlNA'rJO'N AND OTHER REM!l!Qi~~

A) PAOMOTER shall have the right, upon notic~ to FIGHTER, to accden1te the Term ancl

theteby re~minate thls Agreement, lf:

{i) F1GHTHR faUs ot reftBes, for WlY reason otht.r than injury or physlcai disability,

to t;ngage ill .a Bout offeted by PROMOTER.

(li) FIGHTER breaches. violates or is ln default of at'ly provision in this Agt¢en1ent

or any ofu0r agreement entered tereafter between FfGHTBR and PROMOTER

(iii) FiGHTER'~ represematkm~> and/or warranties contain.xl her.:in are false_

(iv) FlGHTHR is declared th(; loser of any Bout {whether promoted by P.ROMOTER

or not) by the Commission having official jurisdktiou nver fue Bout.

(v) FIG:HTER's Hcen&e to p-articipate in th~ Bouts Is suspended ur revoked by any

B) The eftbctive da1"' <~fttm::nination shall b« ilie day such llotice i.:ii S<!nt m FiGHTER.

C) Upon tetmlnatic·n, all of PlWMOTER 's obligations ro FlGHTRR shall immediatc~y

cease:, except that PROMOTER shall owe amounts due for Bouts that have been completed prior to



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terminatkm. PROMOTER shall be allowed to terminate fiGHTER's participf!tion in arry scheduled .Bout

and .PROMOTER may withclr4w recognition 1rom FiGHTER of any cbrunpionshlp stattH>,

D) Accelemtiou and termination. of this Agree:nwnt shall not serve to affect or te.tmirtare any

offue: Aru;i)lary Rights gnmted herein or ri~ts zmnred in par.:~.gmph 18. and this Agreemem shalt su.rviv~
any knnlnatio.n <u:td mmain in f-"IH 1orw ll.nd ~:ff~ct with respect thereto.

E) ln the ~vent PflOMOTER fails to make to ffGHTER auy payment requil'oo under this

A£,'l'eement. FlGHTER shaH $l:rve written: notic-e upon PROMOTER ill1d PltOMOTER shall have a

period of fourteen (14} business days after its receipt of such written nohr:c to cure. !n the event that

PROMO"tBR cures within fourteen (14) business days, this Agreement shall remain in full force and
effect. 1f PROMOTER fails to cure within tburteen (14) busuwss days, FIGHTER shall have the: option

to terminate this Agreement by 110 notifying i>ROMOTER in writing at the conclusion of the fourteen (14)
busin~ da,y cute period.

.F) In the l;l'Wnt tha,t .FIGHTER believes in good faith that PROMOT!iR has breached thi.s

Agreement other thlltl ug t>et forth above, PR.OMO'fER shall have a period of tbrty-fiw (45) d!t:ys after

receipt of written nQtice of such breach from FIGJ:H'BR iu which to cw-:: i$Uch breach, 1n tht;; ~:vent that

PROMOTER curet; it:l breach \\litbin rhe forty-:f!ve (45) day period, 11-llil Agreement shall remain Jn full
.torcr::. rutd effect. if PROMOTHR fruls w ci.P't:: sJ.Jch p;o.wh within me f<u:ty-five {45) d.ay p<Xiori, then

f'iGHTER shall have the option to tmminate this Agn.:cment, by so notifying in >Vriii~g PROMOTER, at

thl.); conclusion of the tl:wty-:five (45) day cure period.

H) ltl tbe Event that FiGHTER breaches tl:tis ag;-ooment, PROMOTER res~rves all rights and aU




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A) !Jp~m ~xpimtio 11 {~f tbe T1.mn, r10HTER agrees to n<:gotwt'io: ¢1W1u~ivdy and in good 1'aitt!

with .P!lOMOTER regarding the; extension or reuewal of rtte Tr.:m1 for a petlod of m.nety (90) days

fQ1towing the expiration of the Ten:u,

B) In the event no such agreement is reached between FIGHTER and PROMOTER during
the aforementioned ninety (90) day period or if rhe contract has been terminated, FIGHTER may

.negotiate with other promotional entities, stilijctt to PROMOTER tl\ right to match tho te.n:us of WlY

<tt,rreement o:tYered fu FIGHTBR by such other promotional entity,

q FIGHTER shall provide PROMOTER with prompt written notice of any such offer,

containing full details in rega.rGs theroof, iacluding FIGHTER and/or PlCTHER'~ representative

providing PROMOTER with a copy of tile exact offe.r provided to .F1GTHE.FL Such notiee shaH

conatii'u:w an exclus.lv<::, ilrevochblu offel' to contract with PROMOTER on the same terms am! conditions,
PROMOTER shall h~n foutfu~<n (l4) bm:i.%:ww ®y~> :U>te<r r<m~::ipt o.:f mud notic~ ~o oither a.co~:pt or r"je>ct

said offer. lf PROMOTER rejects sairl offe-r, f!GdT.BR !.t'W.Y nccept &'tkl offer with the promotional entlty

on the same tenns and conditions unci without iillY modlficatio~ thereto, if th~ offer is modit1ed in ;my

material way, such modification shaH give rise to another option for PROMOTER to match the terms of
t1w offer as modifie<L

D) PROMOTER's tailt!te to accept any offer shall not constitute a waiver of last reft~sai with

respect to subsequent offers.


Upon s:lgning this tontmct and a~> required· b~foN any bout FlOHTER shal.1 complete a fuH

physiou1 medical. l;!,.amination and undt.rgo resting and receive aff.trmative dewance th.er~: fi'o.m upon

execution of this contract and pdor to e'*ch bout incltldl:ng, but r1ot limited 1o rhe following: C.BC,
Hepatitis B, Hepatitil; C, 1-HV, iUi and BlDod 'l'ype, .RPR, PT, .PIT, UrinulY~>i<> with ;;kug ::~cl'$d;uing, EK.G,


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CT Scan, lviR~ Dialated Ophthalmological exam, aud such other testing as l'.ROMOTE.R or the

applicable Conuuission may requl.te. Thtl medical exa:ntinaiioa sha11 be performed by a neutral modica!

service provider dudng the thirty (30) day period immediately pr~ceding the date of each bout. The

report of the medical exmninatJon.of FIGHTER containing the results of the ¢xamirmtion and tests shall

be delivered ro PROMOTER ne> less fuun Fourteen (14} day prior to any bout and must not contain 1.tr1y

restrictioili> on F!GHTER's !tbiHty to compete. All cosh wosoci!#?d with the medical rxruyiqarinn and

Wsts shall be p!:l.id hv FIGHI~fL PROMOTER is hereby lluthorizoo to obtain ni.edlcaJ documentation

from and co give medic-a{ dotmnentation to relevant At:Wetk Con::u.nis&ioru;.

26. Hl"JlOUE SltRYICJ!1§1,

FiGHTER llilknGwlectw::s :md agtees: that the;; services to be rendered or furnished by FIGHTER

an;l of special, ltnique, Ull:t.LSual and extruordinary in chatacter, givinu: them pecu.ll.ar vahu::: which cannot bl:'l

reaoonably or adequately comperuJated by damages in action at law and could cause PROMOTER

irreparable daooage and injury a:~d agrees that injunctive reli~fis appropriate 1n the ev~;~nt of a breach. and
fu.rUu;r, agrees ti'mt he wtHnot raise a c!aim that money damages would suffice as a defense to injunctive

reHef To the extent tlmt a bond is necessary to obtain an injunction, FiGHTER agrees that the bond shall

not exceed Five Hundred Doliam ($500).


PROMOTER may assign. ticensej or transfer an)• rights or an o:f the rights and/or oblig!ltions
contained in th~ Agrr:;mnent, induding but nor limited to tht.: tight to allow other p~tsons or en!:ilies to

promok th<:< Boutt>; ru:ovifil},d, bs::W~"!, ti1ll.t any ~uch &!>signmcut wlU n.;.t reH~v~:: PROMOTER from t:ht:

rospol.l.Sibility iilliamn;;-d by it 'i.mth~r mia Agreem~nt 'J:he rights an;;J ob!igadofls of l"lG.clTER arising from

this Agreem~nt an:: personal to FIGHTBR and may not be ass.igAed, licensed, pledged ur transferred for
any reason.



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Noth.iug ,herein shall prevent PROMOTER from ;;ngaging iu promotion w.:tivities for any oi:het

fiGHTER, inchuiin~ those tighters in !:he sanw weight class,


Nothing in this AWt~:!jment shaH be com>trucd to constitut~:: fiGHTER ~s an e:mployoo of

PR(lMOTER~r to 4ppoint ?kOMOTER ;w P!GH".f.ER'~> ~s.;mt. and f'ROMOTER s.-1w;ll huv~ no t'hlAA~nl

interest in th~ c:ompensalion payable lo the FIGHTER for eusagfug in any bout he:reund~r- It is inte.nd.;:d

th~-tt FIGHTER ihall rema:b an indepem,!~nt contractor, responsible fot his own !tCtit>n::> and expense:.,

hwluding trainer~, managers, attorneys and professional mernb~rship, <tt:ti:! sa.wrioning fees, if any.


The law offue State of New Jersey applicable to contracts eXl~Cmect and to be fully performed in

the State of New Jersey shall govern this Agreement, and F1GHTER '~; execution of this Agreament shall

constit~te hls con,s;,mt to the cxctusivcjurisctiction ofilii.! Courts of the State ofNew Jetsey and the United

Stater;; Collrts located ln New Je:rsey and to servt:~ all proeess pttt::;uant to the applicable section of the New

between th()c parties; provig~. however, that actual BOuN wiH be conducted under the rules of the


A) All Written notkos pe.rmitted or required tntdt:T this Agreement, election&, payments or

othei con:mwnioorions to ot;lsent to the parti~;~ hereto shull be addrf;1Ssed and sent by certified or regbt~

mfu.l return r~ceip~ requested, pomage prepaid, or by wnt'inned facs:i.mUe or by email as follows:
TO: PRQMOTER: With a Cony tQ.:
Bellator Sport Worldwidf;1) LLC Patrick C English, Esq,
372 West Ontario St. Dines and lli1gllsh, L.LC
Suit'e 3:02 6S5 Van Hou~nAvenu~:
Chicago, IL 60654 Clifton:, Nl:\v Jersey 07013
Telec11pi~r: GH2) 329-0104 Telecopier; (973) 778-7633


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.Email: bjom@bl;)lk\tor: com


email, or upon receipt by th~ reGeiving party of the mailing. It is the duty and responsibility of each party

to notify the other parties to this Agreement of any address changes for purposes of notice and service,

A) f'!Ol:ft'ER shaH execute any and all additional documents or i:rultrumcnt;.o necessary or

deairabie to offectuate !:hl:l provisioM of this At,.'feement. f?lG.HTER shall not take MJI action or tail to

take llll.y action which action tir failwe shall fulsttate tlw purposes of fui.~ Agreement and the bcncflts
contemptatea bemby,

iJ) FIGHTER h;;rf;;hy ackt!tn-vlt;:dge& that PROMOTER may enter into a 1>iuglo bout, mulh·

bout, and/or multi-year contrac1s with a Telecastcr or Tek;;asrers in reliance un this t.ontract, ~tees to

~m1e, and ugrees to execute any necessary contracts or ratitlcalions to facili!:iite same so kmg as those

contr.tcts or ratifications are not inconsistent with his Agreement

C) FIGHTER agrees to cooperate in any reasonable manner ro allow PROMOTER to

actwire, :for its mvn account, non-appearance or other insurance, in tlle sole discretion of PROMOTER,

Thh includes, but is not limited to, submitting to a medical axamillation at PROMOTER's CO$t


Jt !s expressly ®derstood that nothing ul ilii11 contm£i shall prohibit any public or private offering

by PROMOTER, any joint venture entcre4 into by PROMOTER, or any syndication spon&::m:.'d by
PROMOTER, any change of OWru.."!&h!p or controt of PROMOTER, (~r any other bw..iness £1rrangement
enterod into by PROMOTER unl~s expr~sly prcbibitt:d he-rein.



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28. O&SC!UfTJVE !i£AD!Nf'v..l5

Descriptive headings of several of the sectioru artd paragraphs ofthl$ Agw~m1~;m are uu-e:rted for

convenience only and do not CJ.>ustitute a part of this At,'l'eement.


This Agreeme.nt contabs the full and complete tmdert~tandlng among the parties her;;to and shall

supersede all prior reptesentations, agnlt:ment¥ and und¢tstandings whether wrliteu or oral, peitalulng

hereto, !n Qntming lnto this Agreement FlGWf'ER telied upon no oral or written represe:nMiom or

undersrandln~ of any n.atun: ex,;ept a~ set fnn:h in writing hemin. This agreement may be modi:fie4 only

by a writi:n); ~.>ignect try both pani~s.

3U. COrJ)'!lE'iti' A Rl'S

TJ:tis Ag.~ement ma.y l:m exeelJ.te(l in colmterparts, ooct of whiclJ shall be deemed an original and

all of which shall together constitute one and the sam.e instrument f~siinUe sig:aaturt;~s shall be as

effective as originals.


FIGHTER shilll not disclose any information with re~pect to the terms of this Agreement o.r atty

Bout agt:e{.mcnt and they shall r~~ma.in confid~ntial except, (.i) to the extent ne~.:essmy to comply with law,

(H) to obtain protessional advice from hi.;; agents (i.e., managers, atto~y:,;, · acconntat~.ts), or (Hi) to

enforce F10 HTER's ri~hts under this Agret:m~nt If di:>closure must be mwi~ to coufunn wlth my valid

govel'nmentu! requirement, or any ~ubpo~;:na, FiGHTER sh.~ll

. nmify t:he other party at letWt seven (7)
worting days before ilisclOSlJ.r<~ is to be made and m*'e g(lod taith efforts to c<~.l-1$¢ ~ party to whom !:he

infort=.tion ls dkclo.!;~ to b:l,~p thli' lotbm<4tion oontidentilctl; gfflvi9$Jd, howsn:::~r. that di.!luku;wcs

twcassary to comply with any Ccmmiss1on nx;uiremtmJs are pr~·ilpprovc<l. FiGHTER ad::now!~ges that

discl(Jiiure could place PROMOTER at a competitive dili:oovantage and :further acknowll.)dges that

disclosure will suhject hlnl to causes of action for injunctive relief and/or tbr damages.

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PlGHTER voluntarily and ki.mwingiy agrees to participate in the events ~OV\ml.OO by tb1s

A,~,~ment MMA is a dangcrmw activity, FIGHTER hi:reby aoknowledgo:s mat he may suftQriran.sitory

or permanent physical injurie~i from MMA, eith~ in a sing:le eveot or from pardcip<~ting iu multiple

WMts, FlG:BTf!l<.; on behalf of hinl~Jclf, his h~i~, ~~..nd any who suc<H~ed~ to hill inrerests, berl:lhy lU* a

condition of part-ldpation Nlea,iileli PROMOTER, sponsorll, CtmuniMi!J:rut, and ve~me;; vr IllY agents,

representatives or employ~¢1;lS t:hereot: ftom any and ail obims arising from :injuries, mental and physical,

which may be sustained by FiGHTER during participation in any of the events governed by this

Agreemeat PROMOTER witf acquire such medlcaJ irumrance for Bouts as is mquired by the

Commissions having jurisdictiotl over the Bouts, if any is required, and FIGHTER's sole recourse in the

event of injury sustai:ned in the 1;ou:se of a bout will be through such insurance,

33. YQl ,~1 ARI)tESS OF CONTRAC'l'

PIGHTER ackaowl!::qges !:±>.at he has been given the: opportunity to obtain md~pendent legal

advice, by ootmsel of hit: choosing, prior to the executing this Agreement, and that Ws entry into this
co:urraot b l1llfuely voluntary,

34, fiAY1Nt~S~~L,~lJS!1

!f any provision Qf th:is contract is tbund to b~ iliegal or vold, th¢n th'2> offending con~ct

provhion snail be deemed strickm and the remainder of this Agreement wW reluain ln eftect.

35. RIGHTS fffiT"VNEP,:

Ar.y rights not expressly granted to FIGHTER herein ru·e retained by PROMOTER.


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:Slgn$ture:~~ ~..---~-~-· '

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Title: C-- ~ ()



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Thi.s Addendum A to the Promotional Agreement ("Addendum A") is made and entered into by

and between PROMOTER and FlGHTER and shall be incorporated into the Promotional Agreement on

all of tbe terms and conditions set forth hercin. All t~;rms and deftnh:ioru used iu the Promotional

Agreement shaH be incorporated hereltt

r•ROMOTER may provide fiGHTER the opportunity to pa.rticipate in addltiortal bouts ("!he

Additional Boutt>") prior to FfGH'fER's potential inclu:;;ion in a Heavyweight Tourname.at. Whl!e the

of the Azreement with .flGJffEEL .f'lGHTER'S compensation for the Additional Bouts under the

FlGHTEJ('S Additional Bout parses shall he:

• FIGHTER shall be paid a bHse purse of Two Thousand Dollars {$2 ,000) for his First Additional Bout,

• FIGHTER \ViH be paid an additional Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) if he is declared the winner of

the First Additional Bout by the Commission uoverci:ug his !l<lut

l.f FIGHTER is declan;d tt.c winner of hlB tirst Additional Bol.lt and another Additional Sout is

offered to fltGHTliR, FIGHTJ~R 's base pmse shall increase One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) trod

FIGHTER's win bonillj shaH in~rease One Thous!md DoHan; ($1,000).

IN WITNESS WH!l:REOI'', the parties nave txccured this A<:kkndntn A as of the:: date a~t forth bdow.
iUi;LLA'fO.R Sl>OR'l' WO.¥lL.DW.lDE, LLC
Signa_:_ure: -~;;;?~.-:=:~~
Print: . S J ~7M N~)__:::::_~ r-.. r:·--j
Title; c'~O



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