Standard Specification For: 1. Scope
Standard Specification For: 1. Scope
Standard Specification For: 1. Scope
1.1. This specification covers materials for use in the construction of embankments and subgrades.
4.1. Materials shall be free from detrimental quantities of organic material, such as leaves, grass, roots,
and sewage.
4.2. Materials obtained from cuts or borrow areas shall conform to one of the following requirements:
Note 1 See M 145.
4.2.2. In Subgrades Materials classified in the A-1, A-2-4, A-2-5, or A-3, groups as shown in M 145
shall be used when available and shall be compacted to the depth specified to not less than 95
percent of the maximum density per T 99. Materials in the A-2-6, A-2-7, A-4, A-5, A-6, or A-7
groups may be used if compacted to the depth specified to not less than 95 percent of the
maximum density and within two percentage points of the optimum moisture content per T 99.
4.3. Local shale may be used in embankment or subgrade construction if the condition of existing
pavements and embankments indicate satisfactory results. Appropriate special specifications shall
be prepared for such material.
5.1. Density percentage requirements may be specified in terms of T 180, if the resultant density and
optimum moisture content are comparable with T 99 under the above conditions.
6.1. Methods of testing materials for embankments and subgrades shall be in accordance with the
standard methods of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
(See Table 1.)
Table 1 AASHTO Standard Methods
Soil preparation (dry method) T 87
Soil preparation (wet method) T 146
Material passing 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve T 11
Sieve Analysis T 27
Mechanical analysis of soils T 88
Liquid limit T 89
Plastic limit T 90
Moisture density relationship [4.54-kg (10-lb) hammer] T 180
Moisture density relationship [2.5-kg (5.5-lb) hammer] T 99
Density of soil in place T 191, T 233
Moisture in place by nuclear methods T 310
Coarse particle correction T 224
Note 2 Use either T 88 or T 11 and T 27 to determine the particle size distribution as a basis
for classification.