Activity B Class 12th Physics

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b: 11 rfc,tiuitJt ,a0
. d IC, a resistor and a cap acitor from mixed collection
To identify a junction diode, LED, transistor an
such items.
A multimeter, a mixed collection of diode, LED, transistor, capacitor, IC and res i r,

· f d · · · Transistor is a three terminal de ·
A function diode, LED, resistor and capacitor are all two tenrnna ev,ces.
and IC is a multitenninal device as shown in Fig. 48.


Carbon resistor Junction diode

(a) (b)
(c ) LED (d)

16151 4131 2 111 0 9

~ B C
(e) Transistor
1 2345678
(f) IC

Fig. 48

1.Pick up a two tenninal device. It may be a resistor, a junction diode, LED or a capacitor.
2. Set the selector switch of the multimeter on the position R for checking the continuity.
3. Now touch the two terminals of multimeter probe with two sides of the device.
4. If the multimeter needle shows deflection on direct or reverse direction, the device is a resistor Fig. 48 (a).
5 . If the multimeter needle shows deflection in one direction and no deflection in reverse direction, tbe devili
is a junction diode Fig. 48 (b).
6 _ If the device shows light in one direction and no light in reverse direction, the device is LED Fig. 48 (c).
7 . If the multimeter ne~dle s~ows full scale deflectron initially and then decays to zero with passage of ti#
the device is a capacitor Fig. 48 (d).


X. If the device has th re t . . . .
e ermmals, 1t 1s a transistor Fig. 48 (e).
9. .
If the device has four or mo re termma . . IC .
1s, 1t 1s an

L .gc,,tj.yilJ? G
Use of multimeter to :
( i) Identify the base of a transistor
( ii ) o·1s1,11guish between n-p-n and p-n-p type transistor
(iii) S I
ee I ,e unidirectional flow of current in case of a diode and in case of an LED.
( ii ') Check whether a given electron ic component (e.g. diode, transistor or IC) is in workini order.

A m utlimetr transistor 11-p-11 and p-n-p, IC, a diode and LED .


A transistor is a three tem1inal device. It is of two types npn and pnp. If one term inal is kept constant and it shows
deflection from both the re maining two terminals, then this common terminal is the base. If this common terminal is
connected to positive and the transistor shows deflection, then it is pnp transistor and if the common tem1 inal is connected
to positive and the transistor deflection, then it is npn transistor.

A diode and LED are two terminal devices and IC is multi lerminal device.

, i I To identif~ the base of a transistor

1. Set multimeter selector switch on diode test feature .
2. Mark the position of terminals as 1, 2 and 3 (Fig. 49).
3. Make a table as shown in Table I i.e. 1-2, 1-3, 2-3, 3-2, 2-1, 3- 1.
4. Touch black (-ve) probe to I and red (+ve) probe to 2 i. e. 1-2 position. 2 3
5. Record six reading as shown in Table I.
Fig. 49
Table I

S. No. Measuring point Result

I. 1-2 No deflection

2. 1-3 0.720 V[dc]

3. 2-3 0.716 V[dc]

4. 3-2 No deflection

5. 2- 1 No deflection

6. 3-1 No deflection

6. Ins . No. 2 and 3, we find that the terminal number 3 is same, so terminal 3 is base.
<ii ) To identify the type of a transistor (npn or pop) .
to the base. If base is connected to black probe, then Jt
7 _ In serial number 2 or 3. see what probe is connected
is p -n-p transistor and if base is connected to red probe, then it is n-p-n transistor.

ACTIVITIES - -----~-----------------------

(iii) Uni directional flow of cur

rent in a diode and in LE D
(a) For Dio de . · 1ts tow ards X .MQ or X kQ and adJU st th
s et mu l t11n
· e regi on so that it pou wh e
· eter sele ctor swi tch in the reis tanc arksof the resi stan ce scal e
' en the lwo I
· • es to zero m ·
of mul time ter com
zero o hm swt 1ch, till the poin ter
pro bes (lea ds) are sho rt curc uited. note whe ther the resistance OftJi
the two lead s of the mul time ter with the two end s of the diod e and
9 . Tou ch the resistance Ofth:
inte rcha nge the two lead s of the mul tim eter and note whe ther
dio de is high or low . Now
dio de is hjg h low . th e second case and vice.
resi stan ce of the diod e is low in first case , it will be high in
1O. We find that if the
vers a. It g ives the unid irec tion al
now of cwTent in a diod e.
(b ) For LE D
ve exp erim ent.
. Now rep lace the diod e with LED and repe at the step 9 of the abo
11 The LED will emit
is low in fi rst case ii will be high in seco nd case and vice -ver sa.
12 - If the resi stan ce of LED n t in LED .
give s the unid irec tion a l flow of c urre
lig ht, whe n its resistan ce is low. It
(iv) Che cki ng whe the r the given
component is in working order
met er in the resistance region For
checking diode.
13. Rep ea t step 8 to set the m ulti

14. R e pea t step 9. condition

nd case the diod e is in wor king
If the resi stan ce of the diod e is low in one case and high in seco
s, the diod e is dam age d .
and if resi stan ce is low in both case bas e and collector. if
sisr o,; find the resi stan ce of the tran sist or betw een base and betw een
16. For ·che king tran dire ctio n and high in othe r direction
resi stan ces betw een base -col lect or or base -em itter r are low in one age d.
the case s, the tran sist or is dam
nditio n and if resistan ce is low in both
then the tran sist or is in wor ki ng co

To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquiely on a glass slab.
Apparatu s
A glass slab, drawing sheet, drawing board, drawing pins, paper pins, L
a scale.
When a pencil beam of light passes more or less obliquely from one
transparent medium to another, say from air to glass and then from glass
to air it undergo deflection from its straight path as shown in Fig. 52. Here I
say PQ bends towards the normal at Q and again it bends away from the I
nom1al at R. This change in direction of a ray of light is called "Reji·action i c ~ - - -- -~---;c-c=---_JD
of light" .
When a ray of light is incident obliquely on a parallel sided glass
slab (PQ) the emergent ray (RS) shifts laterally. The perpendicular distance \
, P'
(a) between the direction of the incident ray and emergent ray is called
'lateral shift'.
Fig. 52
Proc edure
I. Fix a white sheet with the help of drawing pins on a drawing board .

2. Place a glass slab in the middle of the sheet and mark its position ABCD by a fine penci l line.
3. F ix t_w? ~ins L and M on one side of the glass slab at a distance of about J_O c~ from each 0th er. So that tlie
line Jommg them may represent the direction of incident ray PQ as shown m Fig. ·
4. Look for the images of L and M through face CD and fix two more pins N and O at I O cm from each oth
in such a w ay that these two pins cover the images of Land M i.e. all the four appear along the same straig:
S. Remove the glass slab and pins. Put small circles around the positions of the pins L , M , N and 0. Join lhe
position of pins and in line QR.
6. Draw normals at points Q and R.
7. Measure a n g le of in cidence a nd angle of emergence e. a nd la te ra l displacment
d = EF.
Rt..' sult
Here Li = Le
and lateral displaceme nt d = ...... cm.
To observe diffraction of light due to thin slit.

Two razor blades, a monochromatic source (i.e. a sodium lamp)

The o ry
Diffraction is the bending of light round corners and spreading it into the regions of geometrical shadows as it
passes through on aperture or across an obstacle in their path.
For diffraction to take place, the size of the aperture or opening (or obstacle) should be comparable to the wavelength
of incident light.
P ro cedu re
J. Hold the two razor blades side by side with their sharp edges close and parallel to each other so that they
produce a fine slit as shown in Fig. 55.

ACTIVITIES - - - - - ---;-,--:;-- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
Now place the monochromatic slit i.e. sodium
lamp in front o
f the fromed slit and r
observe the light coming from it.
3. You will observe dark and bright fringes . . will become wider.
d briaht fn nges
4. If the width of the slit is decreased, the dark an °
Res ult Fig, 5s
When light is made to fall on very fine slit, it shows diffraction.

t,,,{fom.Jifr ,@
A im
d l7 convex tens on a screen for different dist
To study nature and size of the images of a candle forme Ya ance1
candle from lens.
A ppar atus
. di d board screen match box.
A convex lens, an optical bench, three upnghts, a can e, a car '
T heory
The image formed by a convex lens at different distances from the source of light is as follows :

S.No. Lens Position of Position of Nature and size of image

object Image

1. Convex At oo AtF Real, inverted and diminished

2. Beyond 2F Between F and 2F Real, inverted and diminished
3. At 2F At 2F Real , inverted and of same size
4. Between F and 2F Beyond 2F R eal, inverted and large in size
5. At 2F Atoo Real, inverted and highly magnified
6. Between F and 0 on the same side Virtual, erect and highly magnified
of ojbect

Proced ure
I. Find the rough focal length of a convex lens by foc ussin bo
the image of a distanl object on a screen and measure the
distance between the lens and the screen.
2. Pl ace the upri gh1s on !he op1ical bench with the lens
upright al the centre of the optical bench in Fig. 56.
3. Mount the card board on one side and candle on the other
side of convex lens and burn the candle.
4 . Adjust the heig~t and the position of the screen to form a
sharp image on 11 .
5 . Move the candle towards the lens between 2F F C
. . ' or etc.
and no te the size of the image formed on the screen.

Fig. 56

With the change of positions of the object, there is ch·inge . . .. . i]ll

' 1s position · . ed ,n
' size and nature of imaoe as discuss
thwry. b

72 ---------------- MODERN S abc OF PRACTICAL PHYSIC ~/

- -- -..--- -··--

of the · . .
To study nature and size
. · image of a candlefiarmed by cancave mirror on a screen Cfo r differant distance of
candle from the cancave mirror.
Apparat u s
hr .
A concave mirror, an optical bench ' 1 ee upnghts a candle, card board screen, match box etc.

r • . as follows ·
The image fon ned by a concave mir or at different distance from the source of light is
- S.No. Lens Position of Position of Nature and size of image
object Image

concance At oo AtF Real, inverted and diminished

Beyond 2F Belween F and 2F Real, inverted and diminished
At 2F At 2F Rea l, inverted and of same size
Beyond 2F Real, inverted and large in size
4. Between F and 2F
At oe Real, inverted and highly magnified
5. At F
Behind the mirror Virtual, ejec t and high ly magnified
6. Betwee n F and P

Pro ced ure distance object on a screen

gh foca l leng th of the can cave mirror by focussin g the image of a
1. Find the rou
a screen and the screen.
and measure the distance object on tre of the opti cal bench Fig. 57.
Place the upr igh ts on the opti cal bench with candle upri ghl at lhe cen

. · d
Fig. 57

cave mirror on other side and light the

3 d 011 one side an con to fonn sharp image on it.
. Mount the card boar 't' 11 of the screen
pos i 73
4. Adjust the heig ht and JO
5. Move the candle at different positions between 2F, F, beyond 2F and note tbe size of the image fonned on
the screen.
With the change of positions of the object (i. e.candle), there is change is position, size and nature of image
discussed in the theory. ai

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