Reinforcement Learning Based EV Charging Management Systems-A Review
Reinforcement Learning Based EV Charging Management Systems-A Review
Reinforcement Learning Based EV Charging Management Systems-A Review
65 1,985
3 authors:
L. Ben-Brahim
Qatar University
All content following this page was uploaded by Heba Abdullah on 20 March 2021.
ABSTRACT To mitigate global warming and energy shortage, integration of renewable energy generation
sources, energy storage systems, and plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) have been introduced in recent years.
The application of electric vehicles (EV) in the smart grid has shown a significant option to reduce carbon
emission. However, due to the limited battery capacity, managing the charging and discharging process of
EV as a distributed power supply is a challenging task. Moreover, the unpredictable nature of renewable
energy generation, uncertainties of plug-in electric vehicles associated parameters, energy prices, and the
time-varying load create new challenges for the researchers and industries to maintain a stable operation
of the power system. The EV battery charging management system plays a main role in coordinating the
charging and discharging mechanism to efficiently realize a secure, efficient, and reliable power system.
More recently, there has been an increasing interest in data-driven approaches in EV charging modeling.
Consequently, researchers are looking to deploy model-free approaches for solving the EV charging man-
agement with uncertainties. Among many existing model-free approaches, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has
been widely used for EV charging management. Unlike other machine learning approaches, the RL technique
is based on maximizing the cumulative reward. This article reviews the existing literature related to the
RL-based framework, objectives, and architecture for the charging coordination strategies of electric vehicles
in the power systems. In addition, the review paper presents a detailed comparative analysis of the techniques
used for achieving different charging coordination objectives while satisfying multiple constraints. This
article also focuses on the application of RL in EV coordination for research and development of the cutting-
edge optimized energy management system (EMS), which are applicable for EV charging.
INDEX TERMS Artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, machine learning, management, smart grids.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
41506 VOLUME 9, 2021
H. M. Abdullah et al.: RL Based EV Charging Management Systems–A Review
highlighted the benefit of using vehicle-to-grid (V2G) tech- is unable to define individual EV driver’s status or needs,
nology, which is discharging some of the energy stored in the such as energy requirement or arrival and departure times.
batteries of PEVs into the grid, to reduce the peak demand Also, centralized coordination faces difficulties in responding
in the microgrid [6]. The literature review presented in [1] to intermittent power sources such as solar or wind because
summarizes the impact of EV charging and presents the pros of the frequent changes in the grid voltages. This creates a
and cons of charging with V2G mode. The impact of V2G significant disadvantage in the centralized approach of EV
on electric power systems is also reviewed in [7]. Recent energy management. A large number of EVs in the system
studies focus on analyzing V2G service impact on increasing need great computational power and large data-transfer rates.
the degradation process of the PEV battery [8]. The authors of [19] concluded that the correct understand-
The integration of PEVs poses several challenges to the ing of future data can significantly improve the performance
operation and control of electric power systems. New PEV of online algorithms. A day-ahead (DA) charging scheduling
battery management systems need to be developed to over- method is proposed in [20]. While [21] suggests solving EV
come these challenges, to operate and control the charging scheduling within the smart environment to minimize the
mechanisms and energy flow in the grids with increasing and generation and charging cost. A centralized approach by [22]
high penetration of PEVs. The coordinated charging problem minimizes power losses. However, none of these works
is a relevant research topic that has been extensively studied in addressed the uncertainty of driving demand or electricity
the literature, and various solutions have been [9], [10], [11]. prices, which are the smart grid’s challenges [23]. Decentral-
For instance, survey papers [12] and [13] show that for the ized coordination can meet the driver’s requirements while
distribution networks to accommodate the increasing demand considering the grid and power quality. Decentralized control
for PEV charging in the future, smart charging strategies algorithms are deemed as a promising alternative for several
must be put into operation. The studies related to PEV charg- reasons suggested in [24]. The previous studies based on
ing coordination are usually classified by their optimization the optimization approaches cannot perform well in case of
objectives and charging approaches. high uncertainties and flexibility for modeling the behavior
Researches in [14] emphasized the smart grid development of EV.
to set forward PEV movement in a positive direction. The Some researchers have also utilized the concept of
smart grid enhances EV coordination strategies by allowing Machine Learning (ML) to address the issue of EV energy
communication and control. The smart grid is an electric management systems. In this case, real-time charging control
power grid that uses two-way data exchange through commu- is necessary, but because these parameters are highly variable,
nication technology with several objectives such as: to save huge data sets, and uncertain prediction, the adaptation of ML
energy, reduce cost, increase reliability and transparency, and for EV charging control has become crucial [25]. ML models
enable new applications such as renewable distribution gen- can use both historical data as well as daily variables, such
eration, electric-vesicles etc. [15]. Several surveys conducted as weather and traffic data, to accurately capture the trends in
on EV transportation with smart grid systems are analyzed charging behavior. The transportation sector acquires a large
and summarized in [16]. amount of data collected from multiple sources such as the
EVs interact with elements in an environment with high Global Positioning System (GPS), closed-circuit television
uncertainties such as; the status of the power grid, the demand (CCTV), road sensors, event reports, etc. Handling such an
of other EVs, EV arrival and departure times, battery state of amount of data for control and management is rather chal-
charge, availability of chargers, price of electricity, charging lenging if it is done through conventional methods. Therefore,
preferences, etc. Furthermore, the integration of renewable recently ML approaches are becoming recommended in both
energy sources causes high uncertainty because of their inter- the research field and industrial applications [26], [27].
mittency. More recently, there has been an increasing interest in data-
It was noticed that the literature pays less attention to driven approaches in EV charging infrastructure modeling
the handling of uncertainties in the systems, which involve and control. Consequently, researchers are looking to deploy
human behavior as in connecting/disconnecting loads and predictive analysis methods for solving EV charging manage-
PEVs, or as unpredicted data such as the intermittency of ment problems with uncertainties. A comprehensive review
renewable sources, etc. Since a smart grid is a largescale sys- in [25] presents the use of supervised and unsupervised ML
tem, it is exposed to frequent changes such as grid voltages, as well as Deep Neural Networks (DNN) in the literature for
EV arrival/departure times, frequency fluctuation, distribu- charging behavior analysis and prediction. A challenge with
tion system loading etc. In this case, large data requirement ML predictive models is that they are trained with specific
and lack of scalability makes centralized algorithms unfeasi- data sets, which can only be used for a particular, well-defined
ble to obtain global information and is relatively expensive to case. For instance, a predictive driving behavior model for
implement. For instance, [17] and [18] proposed a centralized a specific city is obtained by training a particular data set
strategy in real-time that runs a load flow to update data every obtained for that location. Therefore, the same model cannot
5 minutes. The network data is required for the control of be reused for other geographical locations. On the other
commands sent to the chargers to avoid voltage violations hand, algorithms that are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and electrical equipment overloading. However, this method are powerful approaches with outstanding advantages in
complicated decision-making problems [26] and can be • Provide context and guidance to researchers seeking to
applied to systems with ongoing changes. apply RL-based approaches to solve problems of the
According to [25], many studies showed the superiority charging schedules of the EVs.
of AI models over the probabilistic models in performance. • Discuss the limitations of the existing studies and iden-
Authors in [28] review the deep learning methods applied to tify future research directions.
the transportation sector, such as traffic incident processing,
travel demand prediction, traffic signal control, and traf- II. BACKGROUND
fic flow prediction without covering the EV coordination A. EV CHARGING CONTROL STRATEGIES
problem. However, several existing ML-based techniques are This section presents the charging strategies classifications
highly dependent on the nature of the datasets and cannot found in the literature. Coordination strategies are divided
perform well if introduced in dynamically changing envi- into two categories: centralized and decentralized, which
ronments. However, some new unsupervised ML techniques, depend on the kind of information available and communi-
using Deep Learning (DL) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) cated between the EV and power network [9]. In the cen-
are more suited to such environments. RL utilizes trial- tralized strategy, a central unit collects information about the
and-error in order to learn the best action for maximizing grid, load, and power generation to decide on the charging or
the reward. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) integrates discharging of the EV fleet. The decentralized strategy is a
reinforcement learning with deep learning, providing mod- distributed charging strategy where each EV driver decides
els that interact with the environment while maximizing the on when to charge the battery, assuming there is no central
long-term reward. Therefore, the deep reinforcement learning controller.
agent interacts with the real-time variations in the electricity Three state-of-the-art controlled charging schemes were
prices and EV charging schedules, while providing online introduced in [10]. Indirectly controlled charging, smart
solutions. It also has different execution methods includ- charging, and bidirectional charging. Controlled charging
ing the simplex and hybrid algorithms, in their applications means that the EV charging process is coordinated according
in EVs. to the controlling parameters.
The knowledge production within the research field of EV As the name suggests, indirectly controlled charging does
battery charging infrastructure management is accelerating not affect the charging parameters, like charging duration, in a
at a tremendous speed while at the same time remaining direct way. However, it may control other parameters that can
fragmented and interdisciplinary. This makes it difficult to affect the charging parameters. For instance, the energy cost
keep up with state-of-the-art technologies and to be at the can be managed as part of the charging mechanism that will
cutting edge of research, as well as to assess the collective influence users to charge at required times throughout the day.
studies related to the PEV charging management area of The charging rates are defined based on the power system to
research. Therefore, an updated literature review on this topic avoid congestion, voltage violations, and overloading of elec-
is more relevant than ever. trical network equipment. In return, the charging parameters
Although there exist several review papers with regards are controlled indirectly.
to EV charging, they do not focus on charging coordination Smart charging coordinates the charging operation through
from a data-driven approach, specifically with the applica- managing sets of parameters to reach certain goals like min-
tion of learning-based coordination. For instance, the review imizing power loss, reducing charging costs, reducing the
in [29] classifies the literature in EV charging to infras- burden on the grid, maximizing the operator’s profit, etc.
tructure planning, charging operations, public policy, and Bidirectional charging is a mechanism that permits EVs to
business models. Various technologies and standards for EV act as storage systems by allowing EVs to inject energy into
charging is reviewed in [30] as a case study from Germany. the smart grid through a discharging process. This coordina-
The authors of [31] reviewed the models and algorithms tion scheme is deployed with an objective to stabilize the grid
related to the location problem of charging stations. The that has intermittent renewable energy sources.
studies related to EV charging scheduling, forecasting, and In [11], the authors classify EV charging control schemes
clustering are summarized in [11]. In contrast, the survey into three types of strategies. They are scheduling, clus-
work presented in this article is solely focusing on the tering, and forecasting strategies. The paper explains the
RL concepts for EV charging coordination. This extensive benefits and risks of each strategy and focuses on the EV
review addresses the solutions, opportunities, prospects, and scheduling strategy, which uses optimization objectives such
algorithms used in solving the EV charging management as economic saving, peak reduction, network utilization, and
problem. market participation. The authors concluded that centralized
The key contributions of the paper are as follows: charging faces a challenge due to high computation require-
• Classify different types of EV charging strategies and ments and lack of scalability. Most of the researchers focus on
discuss the limitation within the environment of high decentralized strategies and hybrid centralized-decentralized
uncertainties. management to reduce system costs. The clustering studies
• Address the application of the RL-based approach in EV have shown adverse outcomes and led to difficulties with the
coordination and identify algorithms and objectives. assessment process and suggested using statistical measures
to overcome this problem. The forecasting of EV demand optimally. This, in turn, leads to optimized integration of
is unpredictable, which is challenging in large-scale EV renewable energy resources and flattening the peaks resulting
demand. The probabilistic methods for EV scheduling are from simultaneous charging.
compared with supervised/unsupervised AI methods. Finally, The heart of the EV economy is the control of the EV
the review in [11] compares the strategies with summary, data charging and discharging mechanism or what is called the
used, region and software used. control strategies, which are categorized into rule-based and
Other studies focus only on centralized and decentralized approximation-based approaches [2]. Rule-based strategies
control [31], [32]. Centralized coordination is impractical due are set without the requirement of prior knowledge of the
to poor scalability and its requirement to know user behavior, system and solve the charging problem in real-time but do not
while decentralized strategies are scalable but suffer from necessarily reach the optimum solution. The other category of
uncertainty issues [32]. On the other side, decentralized con- EV charging management strategies follows an optimization
trol requires accurate prediction and forecasting of consumer algorithm that solves an objective cost function with solu-
reaction, which is not possible in the case of a dynamic EV tions such as off-line and prediction-based approaches, which
environment. require prior knowledge of the system and has a high compu-
Combining EVs and intermittent renewable generation tation cost. However, learning-based strategies can balance
requires more flexibility because of the high fluctuation in between having an online scheme and reaching an optimum
renewable generation based on the weather conditions. A ded- solution. Machine learning approaches can be supervised,
icated chapter in [33] discusses three main control methods unsupervised, RL, Deep learning, and deep RL, see Fig. 1.
which investigate the role of EVs in the modern electric-
ity network project Intelligent Zero Emission Urban System
(IZEUS) in Germany. There are three main control methods
for integrating EVs with renewable energy generation: direct,
indirect, and distributed autonomous control methods. For
direct control, the scheduling operation is done by a third
party, such as the system service provider or utility. For
perfect control, information about the battery and consumer
preferences are required. The high implementation of renew-
able sources in the power network caused an increase in the
share of distributed generation. In return combining flexible
loads with high penetration of distributed generation causes a
high degree of uncertainty compared with the conventional
situation. The direct control method used in this situation
is the disconnecting of EVs from the grid zones that face
breakdowns. FIGURE 1. Energy management methods for electric vehicle charging
Indirect control is realized by applying incentives such as coordination.
dynamic electric tariffs or time-of-use (TOU), which reflect
on the power system status. In this case, the consumer has The most recent papers consider EV coordination with the
two choices: Reacting with the incentives or disallowing the EMS within a smart grid. The smart grid concept allows
operating schedule from controlling the EV locally. How- for energy exchange among PEVs, renewable sources, and
ever, predicting the PEV’s reaction to the applied incentives energy storage systems. In this case, the EV coordination
proposes a challenge in the indirect control method. This scheme becomes part of the EMS. A review of the concept
causes an increase in forecast errors and thus, points to the of EMS and the different objectives and control architectures
superiority of the direct control method over the indirect is presented in [34].
method in terms of reliability. Therefore, the advantage of
direct control over indirect is better reliability, but at the same B. MACHINE LEARNING
time, it requires more information and communication. Machine learning (ML) is the program’s ability to learn from
In autonomous control, there are no external control sig- experience through a training algorithm. The classification of
nals, and EVs only use internal sensors. The deviation in ML approaches is in Fig. 2. ML methods used for obtain-
voltage and frequency can act as an indicator that shows if ing the behavior of EV charging are reviewed in [25]. The
an increase in the generated power is required in the case paper explains in detail the ML approaches for predicting
of negative measurement and vice versa. Hence, the volt- the charging behavior and does not discuss the coordination
age and frequency measurements are related to the state problem. Initially, ML programming starts with the learning
of the system, making them suitable control signals. Some process, which involves finding the trend and patterns in
researchers proposed controlling PEVs using frequency [33]. the training dataset and ends with the model that can make
Voltage measurements can also be used by EVs to observe accurate predictions. These ML algorithms are categorized
the local situation in order to control the charging behavior as supervised unsupervised. Another approach to teaching
The learning agent in RL techniques observes the input state
FIGURE 2. Machine learning approaches and definitions. parameters obtained from the environment and chooses cer-
tain actions in order to maximize the reward. The learning
agent in the EV charging problem is the charging manage-
a machine by rewards when it achieves the expected job ment controller, which uses trial and error to decide on the
regardless of having a model is called RL. best actions to execute in order to achieve the largest cumula-
There are two types of machine learning approaches super- tive reward. Actions can affect the current and future rewards,
vised learning (SL) and unsupervised learning (UL) [35]. so the cumulative reward is considered in RL algorithms.
A continuous response variable is called a regression prob- Therefore, the RL algorithm aims to achieve a certain goal
lem, while a categorical response variable is called a classi- which is reflected in the reward, that the learning agent tries
fication problem. Energy is therefore taken as the continuous to maximize through choosing the best actions depending on
variable, while night/day charging is a categorical variable. the observed states [36].
The learning process of SL or backpropagation approaches is This article presents a comprehensive survey of the recent
defined in the literature as forward neural networks (FNNs) studies in the learning-based approaches in EV charging
and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The system param- management. The application of RL algorithms in energy
eters need to be known to supervise the training of these management can be generally classified into two categories:
types of neural networks (NNs). In SL, the training data sets Simplex and hybrid algorithms. Simplex algorithms are algo-
contain input variables and corresponding response variables rithms in which the policy of energy management is derived
called target variables. The SL is grouped by different learn- using only one algorithm, such as Q-learning, Sarsa and
ing styles such as linear regression, decision trees, random Dyna algorithms [37]. On the other hand, hybrid algorithms
forest, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbor. Unlike integrate other types of algorithms with RL algorithms to
SL, UL are statistical models that use training data sets of derive the policy. These algorithms may include predic-
input variables only without target variables. This type of tive algorithms, deep learning and model predictive control
learning is deployed for clustering EV consumer behavior (MPC) [38]. The integration of additional algorithms leads
patterns. The types of UL are k-means clustering, Gaussian to a more realistic and efficient approach to control EVs in
mixture model and Kernel density estimator. real-time.
A generalized type of ML is the RL, an approach where an
agent learns from the environment from previous actions and 1) MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION
does not need a model of the environment. After periodically Reinforcement learning learns by trial and error to reach an
making action decisions, the algorithm learns and observes optimal policy [37]. The application of RL is effective for
the returned rewards, which is trial and error. The process is non-stationary environments that change over time. This is
repeated by adjusting the policy of selecting certain actions applied to the RL algorithm as a constant weight α to make
to find the optimal strategy, yielding to the highest sum of the recent reward heavier than past ones. RL can be applied
rewards. to a sequential decision task such as the discounted episodic
Another type of learning is called deep learning, and it Markov Decision Process (MDP).
is the composition of a large number of learned functions. The reinforcement learning cycle is illustrated in Fig.3,
It specifically uses hierarchy concepts that are defined by which shows the basic elements of an RL system. In an MDP
simpler and abstract representations. Multilayer Perceptron problem (S, A, γ , P, r), where S is a set of all possible states,
(MLP), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Recurrent Neural A is the set of all possible actions at statest , and the reward R is
Networks (RNN) are examples of DL. discounted and cumulative reward using a discounted factor
In the concept of energy management and control, the SL γ ∈ (0, 1]. In the RL learning process, for every episode,
approach assumes that events are independent of previous the next state st+1 is based on the transition probability
events, while this cannot apply in real-world problems that P(st+1 |st , at ) and the reward. Policy is the function that maps
have dependable events. For instance, the optimal strategy the new state to the selected possible action at . Policy πt (a|s)
for coordination of electric vehicles’ charging is a sequential is the probability that at = a and st = s.
FIGURE 5. Geographical distribution of the affiliating countries for the contributing papers.
FIGURE 6. Summary of the parameters involved in the EVs charging coordination problems solved using RL approaches.
dynamic charging, model predictive control (MPC), and convex optimization. The arrival times of EV are consid-
driving control solution as simulated in [42]. Deploying ered through statistical modeling. Dynamic programing with
MPC-based feedback control is used to convert the problem finite-horizon is used to model the problem of providing
from optimization to solving for least-squares. An MPC tech- an online schedule. The model has continuous state-space
nique optimizes the plant’s future behavior by calculating and action-space. The future demand is unknown, but rather,
future adjustments as a sequence of controlled variables, and the estimation of its statistic information is used where the
this process is iterated through the following time intervals; charging cost is a function of the load demand. The charg-
surveyed in [43]. The studies in [44] and [45] theoretically ing coordination objective is to minimize charging cost and
conclude that MPC is useful for handling uncertainties asso- impact on the grid.
ciated with distributed analysis. Dynamic programming approaches by [47] utilize itera-
Most common approaches have widely adopted MPC over tive methods and can obtain optimal results. However, this
dynamic charging and cost-driving schemes. [46] assumes method cannot predict under uncertainties. On the other hand,
the demand for the load is periodic in time and presents the day-ahead scheduling approach in [48] and real-time
a plug-and-play approach based on MPC, aiming to bring scheduling approach in [49] minimize uncertainties by robust
the fluctuations in voltage to a minimum. Two studies [45] optimization [50], [50] or stochastic optimization [51]. Real-
and [44] minimize load variation by predictive deferrable load time scheduling in [49], [49] is a model-based approach that
control. highly depends on modeling the environment and the system
Not considering the load demand distribution, an online parameters. However, deep learning (DL) in neural networks,
MPC approach is proposed in [19] instead of using generic reviewed by [35], uses an automated learning procedure that
does not include human interference and is of hierarchical are concerned with meeting the EVs’ charging demands used
nature. the battery SOC and the EVs’ demands as state parameters
The existing techniques for handling the charging coor- such as [55] and [57]. Likewise, studies that are concerned
dination with uncertainties cannot perform well with the about the energy cost or charging prices, took the operation
flexible and uncertain characteristics of the EV model. Thus, cost, charging and discharging costs, TOU, energy prices as
a research gap exists in order to accurately model the charging state parameters such as [56], [61], and [104].
coordination with uncertainties. Hence, the next section intro- Research targetting the balancing of the load profile and
duces the concept of RL to address the EV charging problem flattening the peaks deploy V2G as a state parameter to
with different RL techniques in the literature. monitor EVs’ availability that can discharge into the sys-
tem and act as energy sources. Some other studies focus
C. THE EV CHARGING MANAGEMENT PROBLEM WITH on using renewable energy sources and their inflexibility
REINFORCEMENT LEARNING APPROACH in producing energy, monitored their energy production to
This section explains the recent techniques of the RL used achieve better managing of the distributed energy systems.
in the EV charging management problem. The novelty of Other studies maintained the battery SOC of the EVs above
the survey is to explain the RL approach in EV charging a certain threshold by monitoring the battery SOC to be able
management problems with respect to explaining the states, to produce the appropriate actions [60], [74], [91], [92], [98],
rewards, constraints, and algorithms used in the recent work. [99], [100], [102]. Other parameters were used less frequently
The EMS’s primary function for EV charging is to bal- in studies as state parameters, as they were not related to the
ance the power distribution of different power producers or frequently desired objectives [65] and [76]. The pattern in all
consumers with an optimization goal. The EV coordination these approaches is that you observe the parameters that you
problem is part of the EMS used to control the charging need to monitor to achieve your goal, and the agent learns how
parameters and achieve specific objectives such as operation to optimize its actions through the action-reward system.
objectives or financial satisfaction. The authors in papers [56]–[65], [67], [69], [71], [72], [74],
Operational performance objectives mentioned in the lit- [75], [77], [79]–[84], [86], [88], [90]–[92], [94], [95],
erature are, for example, load curve flattening, fairness in and [97]–[99], used the charging or discharging cost as a state
charging, minimizing voltage variation, avoiding transformer parameter. However, other operational costs, like waiting
overloading, etc. The financial objectives are also considered cost and traveling, were used mainly in two of the surveyed
as user satisfaction which is a type of objective that aims to papers [66] and [92]. This may lead to concluding that they
minimize operating costs. Examples of financial objectives were not that crucial in deducing the best actions to achieve
are charging cost minimization, power loss minimization, the objectives of the methods presented in these papers to
operator profit maximization, electrical network utilization control the energy distribution system costs. TOU, on the
maximization, etc. A summary of the inputs or states, objec- other hand, appeared in several published research work
tives constraints, and RL algorithms found in the reviewed ([59], [68], [70], [73], [81], [86], [87], [91], [93], and [104])
literature is illustrated in Fig. 9. as a state parameter, but not as frequent as the charging or
Solving the problem of managing the charging EVs is discharging cost
mostly an optimal control problem [52]. To operate the Methods proposed in [86] and [87] used both charging
emerging grid optimally and efficiently, different methods or discharging, cost and TOU as state parameters, which
were used in energy management systems or EMS. The may imply that TOU is a good parameter for observ-
strategy of solving energy management problems begins with ing costs. TOU was used with V2G as state parameters
gathering inputs and using them in an optimization frame- in [59], [68], [86], and [104]. Only [104] had the objec-
work to achieve economic and technical objectives under tive of balancing the power usage or flattening the peaks,
some constraints using some RL algorithms [53]. the other three papers aimed for either controlling energy
cost, or, like [59], maximizing the distribution system’s
1) INPUTS profit. V2G, as a state parameter, was used in [59], [60],
To develop an RL solution, some parameters define the state [63], [64], [67]–[69], [75], [83], [86], [97], [100], Like TOU,
of the environment, which the agent read as inputs to take V2G was used by methods that aimed to control the energy
actions to change the state of the environment toward the cost or maximize the profit of the distribution system.
desired goal. After surveying several papers (see Table 3), Another parameter that was used as a state parameter by
many parameters in the environment have been used depend- many of the proposed methods in [54], [57], [58], [63], [67],
ing on the desired objectives of those papers. [68], [71], [72], [74], [75], [77], [78], [80]–[82], [85],
Some parameters have been used by many researchers as [86], [88]–[90], [93], [94], [96], [97], [99], and [100]–[102],
state features of the environment. Their recurrent usage may is the EVs charging demand satisfaction. These proposed
imply that these parameters significantly represent the state methods aimed at controlling the energy cost, reducing the
of the environment. Another implication is that they are the prices for the customers, or even increasing the charger’s
parameters most needed by the agent to achieve the desired profit. The relation between the demand and the prices
objective set by the specific study. For instance, studies that is existent in any business, so, eventually, it exists in the
TABLE 3. Summary of the RL parameters in the EV coordination problems found in the studied literature.
TABLE 3. (Continued.) Summary of the RL parameters in the EV coordination problems found in the studied literature.
TABLE 3. (Continued.) Summary of the RL parameters in the EV coordination problems found in the studied literature.
energy distribution systems. Some other proposed methods [69], [72], [76], [86], [87], [88], [91], [96], and [100]–[102].
([58], [63], [72], [82], [85], [94], [96], [99], and [100]) Emission was used only once by paper [90]. Also, other
aimed to better control the load profile and used the charg- parameters were rarely used as state parameters, like distance,
ing demand as a state parameter, as the load of the system location, times of arrival and departure, and the direction of
increases when EVs demand electricity. EVs.
Methods presented in [55], [56], [59]–[68], [70], [73], [74], In conclusion, Battery SOC, EV charging demand, and
[77], [79], [82]–[84], [86], [87], [90]–[94], [95], [98], [100], charging or discharging costs were the most prevalent param-
and [100] used the battery SOC as a state parameter. The eters as state parameters, as they are physically and logically
objectives of these methods range from cost and profit man- crucial for action selection toward achieving the objectives
agement to load profile and transformer load management. of the surveyed methods in managing the distributed energy
Battery SOC is a crucial parameter as it indicates at which systems. Their recurrence may be the result of the inclination
process is the EV. The EV could be charging, discharg- of the authors to control the cost, manage the load profile, and
ing, traveling, or still. Battery SOC is needed almost in all satisfy the charging demand. Other parameters that were less
papers as a significant ecological parameter that helps in crucial and contributed to less frequent objectives appeared
many decisions. Maximum charging rates of EV charging less as state parameters or inputs.
stations (EVCS), maximum and minimum charging power,
ESS, EV consumption at road, and remaining time to charge
are all parameters that were used less frequently than the 2) OBJECTIVES
battery SOC. Maximum and minimum appeared several times Although all the methods surveyed were concerned about
but were not as frequent as the battery SOC. managing distributed energy systems with EV penetration
Renewable energy sources are monitored in distributed using an RL approach, the objectives of the solutions pre-
energy systems as some papers were trying to solve the sented in the surveyed papers vary. The learning agent takes
inflexibility challenge of using renewable sources by using the necessary actions to accomplish its goal. In other words,
reinforcement learning to find a solution to that prob- the RL agent learns the optimum actions to achieve these
lem while satisfying the demands of the energy systems. goals through assigning rewards for the actions that achieve
The papers that used it as a state parameter are [61], the goals and penalties for actions that do not achieve the goal.
Most of the studies surveyed in this paper were con- satisfaction. Another objective that appeared in the literature
cerned about the energy cost and the EV charging prices is achieving a better load profile through balancing the power
(see Table.3) EV charging prices is a business objective, mismatches and aiming to flatten the power consumption
which makes it a crucial topic to be tackled widely in peaks.
research. In [57], [62], [77], [79], [81], [86], [87], [93], [54], The studies [72], [99], and [100] attempted to manage the
[56], [98], [102], [89], and [101], the authors presented load on the transformers at the EVCS in order to maintain
several single-agent RL-based solutions with the objective and ensure that no failures happen in the charging system.
of reducing all the energy-related costs in the distributed The papers [101], [103], and [104] proposed single-agent RL
EV charging systems. The authors of [57], [62], and [79] solutions targeting balancing the power between the genera-
attempted to develop solutions that reduce energy costs by tion side and the consumption side.
managing the charging schedules of the EVs and forecast- Actually, some papers used more than one objective in their
ing energy prices to achieve the most cost-effective daily RL models. Other less significant objectives were also con-
charging schedules for the EVs. Authors in [87] studied the sidered in some studies like using renewable energy resources
effect of integrating renewable energy generators in the EV in the energy distribution network such as in [72] and maxi-
charging system with the aim of reducing the energy charging mizing power-saving such as in [99] and [104].
prices. Although all the studies that were surveyed discussed man-
Also, [101] presented an RL solution to reduce aging distributed energy systems with the introduction of
energy-related costs in EV charging systems by trying to EVs and the challenging uncertainty that appeared with them,
reduce regulation costs caused by the imbalance between the the objectives of these studies differed according to what
generation and consumption sides. aspect of the problem the authors tried to solve.
The studies in [54], [56], [98], [102], and [89] provide
solutions that target only lowering the end-consumer energy 3) CONSTRAINTS
charging price and increasing consumer welfare. Ensuring that the learning agent is following realistic and
Different studies have different aims, but they all have practical environmental scenarios, some constraints must
the same objective of reducing energy-related costs in EV be considered to control the learning process of the agent
charging systems. On the other hand, some studies aimed (see Table 3). Also, constraints are needed to achieve the
to increase the profit of EV charging. Chargers included desired objectives without ignoring other important factors
the EVCS or the energy distribution systems. Authors [61] related to the distributed energy system. The nature of the
and [97] presented solutions that maximize the charging sta- constraints is dependent on the nature of the goals of the
tions’ revenue in distributed EV charging systems. Likewise, algorithms. Since different studies had different objectives
the studies in [58], [60], [63], [64], [65], [66], [67], [68], for using RL, different constraints appeared in the surveyed
[70], [71], [80], [84], [88], [91], [94] and [96] presented papers. As some objectives appeared more frequently than
a likely solution that minimizes the energy costs and others in these studies, some constraints also appeared more
increase EV charging profit but with the use of multi-agent frequently than others.
RL (MARL) techniques instead of the single-agent tech- Most of the proposed methods have used energy net-
niques. The advantage of using multi-agent or single-agent work constraints so that the RL agent is guaranteed not
RL techniques are explained in a later section. to target the ultimately optimum states, but the optimum
Energy cost seemed to be a reasonable objective as charg- states that can be realistically achieved by the existing EV
ing services providers care more about profit. charging network. The methods proposed in [54], [57], [58],
Many studies also aimed to use RL methods to satisfy [60], [63], [67], [70]–[72], [76]–[78], [82], [88], [90], [91]
the EV charging demands while maintaining the energy and [94] have all restricted the RL agent with some con-
system needs. In fact, the main goal of using RL is to straints related to the EV charging network that represents
deal with the uncertainties that emerged from the energy the environment in which it learns. These constraints are
systems’ interaction with the numerous EVs. The studies needed for the learning agent to avoid unrealistic scenar-
in [73], [74], [78], [82], [83], [85], [90] and [100] presented ios. For instance, the authors in [63], [70], and [71] forced
some RL based solutions with the objective of satisfying some constraints on the transformers’ loading to prevent the
the charging needs of the EVs’ charging distributed systems. learning agent from going to network states that include
Some studies, such as those in [73], [74], and [83], tried to transformers’ over-loading conditions. Going through these
accomplish meeting the EVs’ demands by ensuring that the network states can optimize the desired objectives such
battery SOC does not drop below a certain threshold for the as satisfying the demand or reducing charging prices, but
whole traveling time. The authors of [85] tried to accomplish these states will harm the charging network and cause many
the same goal by lowering the waiting time of the EVs at faults in it. Therefore, by using this constraint, the learn-
the EVCS. Most of these studies relied their solutions on ing agent can be directed towards an effective behavior.
multi-agent RL techniques, while [90] and [100] used single- In [82] and [94], the utilization of the EV charging sta-
agent reinforcement-learning-based solutions. Meeting the tions have been considered in the constraints that are con-
EVs charging demand is crucial to achieving consumer trolling the learning agent behavior. The EVCS utilization
tion of the possible actions, which force the agent to select an DNN, but the parameters in the target function are updated
action from the pre-defined actions set; consequently, it limits in a slower manner, and the values do not change except at
the model from achieving the optimum actions. the update time. Experience replay replaces the immediate
In [58], the authors considered an enhanced version of the state transitions by storing them in a buffer and sampling them
SARSA algorithm which is the Hyperopia SARSA (HAS). uniformly to update the network. Furthermore, the introduc-
The HAS learning algorithm is the same as SARSA but with tion of the deterministic policy gradient DPG to the DQN
the exception of representing the Q values of the state-action method extends it to continuous control. Therefore, the deep
pairs as a linearly approximated function instead of a table deterministic policy gradient DDPG is used along with the
of values. This enhancement enabled the study to use con- DQN approach.
tinuous spaces for the states and actions, which removed the In [67], the DQN and DDPG approaches were modified,
disadvantage of the restricted environment representation as and a control deep deterministic policy gradient (CDDPG)
a result of discretizing the state space. This enhancement can was presented by the authors. They used a type of RNN called
also help the agent to take better actions through the use of LSTM, long short-term memory, to extract state features from
continuous action space. However, the algorithm still suffered the environment and DQN to select and execute the actions.
from the remaining conventional SARSA drawbacks. They stated that the behavior of their algorithms included
Most of the studies in the literature, though, used the three stages interaction, training, and testing. This approach
Q-leaning as the learning algorithm for their RL-based solu- relies on experience replay and target network features of
tions. All of the studies [54], [60], [61], [66], [68], [74], [73], deep reinforcement learning. Another paper that improves
[77], [80], [81], [83], [86], [87], [92], [94], [98], [100], [101] the DQN and DDPG approach is [97]. The authors presented
and [104] have used the Q-leaning algorithm. The Q-leaning prioritized experience replay (PER), which gave higher pri-
algorithm is an advanced version of the SARSA algorithm. ority to experiences that dealt with higher absolute TD error,
It defines a set of state values (V), a set of actions (A), deriving better policies and learning faster.
and a set of state-action pairs (Q). Moreover, it follows A batch RL method that was used in several papers is fitted
the epsilon greedy algorithm for picking the actions and Q-iteration, where the state transition dynamics are learned
accordingly updates the state values and the state-action from a batch of sampled transitions. On-policy methods like
pairs’ values. However, the Q-learning algorithm considers SARSA, update the policy used in the action selection agent.
the whole future trace and guarantees reaching the absolute However, fitted Q-iteration, like Q-learning, is an off-policy
optimum policy. value iteration method, learns the optimum policy through
Moreover, the Q-learning algorithm still has issues with iterations till the best action is selected. The agent’s behavior
high-dimensionality and the discretization of the state-space is independent of the updated policy. Hence, it does not
and action-space. The curse of dimensionality is the inability follow a greedy policy to select the actions. The optimum
of using many input features in the RL model. The problem policy for action selection is based on experiences gained
of the discretization of the state and action spaces can be by deploying a random policy then observing the transition
solved by the integrating function approximation with the dynamics. The papers that use fitted Q-iteration and batch RL
Q-learning. The resulting algorithm from integrating function are [56], [57], [76], [79], [85], [93], and [103].
approximation with the Q-learning algorithm is called the All the RL models that have been discussed so far are
W-learning algorithm, which has been used in some papers explained in the context of an RL class called the single-agent
like [70], [71], [72], [75], [78], and [82]. However, this can reinforcement learning. However, some studies have used
affect the algorithm badly to the extent that it can make the these RL algorithms in another context which is another class
algorithm diverges and not converges to any policy at all. of RL called multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL),
That is why most of the studies always prefer not to integrate which has been used as well in the literature of RL-based
function approximation with the Q-learning algorithm even solutions for EV charging systems. The advantage of the
at the cost of discretizing the input features. This makes MARL over the single-agent RL is that it can allow for much
the Q-learning algorithm suffer from both discretization and more complex environments that have high feature dimen-
dimensionality problems. sions, high action dimensions, and continuous space for both
A deep version of RL was introduced in some papers states and actions. That is because the MARL algorithms
to deal with the high dimensionality of the state space and involve multiple agents interacting together in the environ-
the action space. The DRL approach represents an extended ment. So, MARL algorithms can overcome the problems that
version of Q-learning, where the learning agent uses deep have been encountered in the single-agent RL models which
neural networks (DNN) as the function approximator. The are the dimensionality problem and the discretization prob-
type of DNN used is deep Q-Network (DQN), which returns lem. However, MARL is not used so widely in the literature
a set of action values for each state. The papers that used deep since its over-complexity and the non-stationarity of the algo-
RL and DQN are [53], [61], [63], [67], [82], [86], [88], [89], rithms. The over-complexity of the MARL is a consequence
[93], and [94]. Two important features of the deep RL and of the use of a usually high dimensional complex environment
the DQN algorithm are the target network and experience and the need to train several learning agents simultaneously,
replay. The target network is of a similar structure as the used which leads to the complexity of the theory of the algorithm
and the expensive computational cost of its implementation. TABLE 4. Pros and cons of main RL algorithms.
The non-stationarity of the environment is also another prob-
lem that arises in the MARL because of the use of several
agents learning independently in the same environment. So,
every learning agent has its own perceived version of the
same environment. The problem arises because this agent’s
version of the environment can never be fixed, as many other
agents regularly alter the state of the environment. In other
words, the state of the environment changes based on the joint
actions taken by all the agents, not the actions of a single
agent. Hence, the non-stationarity of the environment is a
crucial challenge that has to be addressed when using MARL
models. The authors of [99] and [100] have used MARL
algorithms in their RL models. In [99], the authors used
ES-MARL algorithm, while in [100], the authors used AHC-
RLS algorithm. Actually, both of these MARL algorithms
are based on the concept of deploying multiple agents in
the environment. Each agent has its own reward function,
and it learns independently from the other agents. However,
there are some non-avoidable interactions among the learning
agents. In these studies, the agents’ interactions have been
dealt with through sharing the complete information of the
learning agents with some tweaks to lower the computation-
ally cost of this information sharing. By doing so, the algo-
rithms have been guaranteed to converge, and with the right
representation of the environment, the algorithms have been
guaranteed to converge to an optimum policy for the problem.
As presented above, Q-learning, and in some cases
SARSA, was used to solve the RL problem of managing
distributed energy systems. However, concerned by the high
dimensionality of the action and state spaces, other tech-
niques were proposed. The most used one was DQN along
with DDPG, followed by W-learning. DQN integrated with
DDPG represented a good solution to the high dimensionality
problem while extending the learning model to continuous FIGURE 8. Types of RL application systems for EV charging management.
over a daily horizon. The learning mechanism learns the EVs’ operational costs, and electricity cost to a minimum.
household consumption trend through iteration over the states They use decentralized learning combined with centralized
which represent consumption levels. The states are the con- decision-making for finding a solution to the MDP-modeled
sumption which are levels of 1 watt, i.e., discrete values. The EVs fleet problem. In the training process, individual EV
agent chooses the policy that results in the highest utility from experiences from interacting with the changing environment
each state corresponding to the highest reward. Rewards are are used to train the common state-value function approxi-
related to the utility function where the higher the utility, the mator and its parameters. Then, in the centralized decision-
closer the state is to the actual household consumption. Then, making process, the coordination of the EV fleet is solved as
after learning the consumption of each individual, the agent a linear assignment problem by using the estimated parame-
adjusts the EV charging to maximize the total individual ters state-value function in the learning stage. Therefore, the
welfare, which is obtained from household consumption and scalability of the algorithm is improved, and the results show
EV charging. better performance compared with benchmark algorithms
The study in [71] presents a residential EV charging coor- concerning the operating costs of the EVs, as well as the
dination based on three different policies to avoid overloading customers’ time of waiting.
the transformer, ensure minimum desired charging achieved, Another day-ahead scheduling plan to charge a fleet of
and charge during off-peak loading. Five scenarios are con- EVs is presented in [57], and it considers addressing flexi-
sidered, baseline with no control where EVs start charging bility by a heuristic charging control scheme. The study aims
once they arrive home. In the second scenario, agents have to produce a day-ahead plan for the charging consumption
information about the load to allow charging during off-peak of the EV fleet. Batch RL is used to predict a day-ahead
with high reward and is panelized otherwise. The third sce- plan for a cost-effective charging consumption. The resulting
nario investigates periods for charging during medium and behavior from various factors is used by the learning agent
high peaks when the off-peak period is insufficient to charge to produce the plan. Furthermore, controlling the actions of
the EV demand. In order to enable the agent to learn this the whole fleet of EVs instead of every single EV reduces
scenario, information about the predicted load for the next the size of the state and action spaces. The objective of the
24 hours is provided in the state space. The fourth scenario charging strategy is to allow for the aggregator to manage
considers that all EVs need a complete charge for a con- an EV fleet demand schedule by purchasing the energy in
siderable mileage. In this case, the agents learn to spread the day-ahead market. In day hours, the aggregator receives
out their charging periods while considering the transformer charging requests from the EVs and decides on the power for
limitation. The fifth scenario enables the agent to charge each EV (control power) based on the objective to balance
based on the current load and predicted loads. the difference between the requested demand and purchased
energy. A dispatch algorithm obtains the state information
2) CENTRALIZED DAY-AHEAD PLANNING and schedules purchased power, then calculates the control
The authors in [56] solve the EV scheduling problem based power values. The states considered are minimum charg-
on day-ahead and following predicted electricity prices. Their ing power, maximum charging power, requested energy, and
goal was to reduce the individual PEV charging cost in the departure time. The benchmark used to test the algorithm was
long-term. The RL algorithm utilizes a set consisting of a multistage stochastic-programing solution. Then a heuristic
historical samples of transition to learn the optimal policy division strategy based on historical data is used to retrieve
leading to lowering the charging cost. The authors mod- the individual control actions back from the collective control
eled the problem of calculating the energy used in charging ones.
as a decision-making problem on a day-to-day basis, with To overcome the problem of continuous spaces, and to
unknown transition probabilities. To predict energy prices, provide a generalization of different observed values, fitted
the authors used a Bayesian neural network, while using Q iteration in [106] is used instead of temporal difference
historical data to train the RL program. Consumption pat- learning [107]. The solution is evaluated for a small company
terns and plug-in and plug-out states in optimization linear with an EV fleet of 15 EVs where there are 4 EVs in the
programming are used to select the best action in every morning shift, which starts from 6:00 till 14:00. 8 EVs work
scenario. The MDP is modeled using continuous state-space in the day shift, which starts from 9:00 till 17:00. Therefore,
and daily timesteps. Therefore, the aggregator can calculate 3 EVs work in the afternoon shift, which starts from 12:00 till
the energy needed for buying from the energy market for the 20:00 [108]. The scenarios were formed by the assumption
next. The aggregator controls the charging power of the EVs of time of departure, time of arrival, and wanted amount of
to minimize imbalance costs between day-ahead purchased charging energy. The amount of energy requested by the EV
power and the actual load. Therefore, the aggregator has to is obtained according to an artificial probability distribution
custom itself to its corresponding fleet of EVs flexibility to to provide the variability needed for the benchmarking of
minimize the cost difference. the presented solution. The study did not consider compar-
An electric vehicle fleet dispatch solution for the prob- ing different pricing mechanisms [109] used for the charg-
lem of ride-hailing services is presented in [66] using RL ing flexibility of EVs by motivating the consumers using
with the aim to bring the waiting time of the customers, incentives.
3) DISTRIBUTED HIERARCHICAL EV COORDINATION An online strategy to obtain optimal energy prices and
A distributed, multi-agent EV charging coordination system charging schedules, which takes into consideration the ran-
considers the network impact is presented in [110]. The dom behavior of EVs in arrival and departure, proposed
agents considered are based on the Microgrid concept [111]. in [58] is based on the RL algorithm solved with Hyperopia
Electric Vehicle Supplier/Aggregator (EVS/A), Regional SARSA-based approach (HAS). It is a model-free based
Aggregation and Microgrid Aggregation Units, (RAU) and decision model that is based on stochastic models of assumed
(MGAU), and Vehicle Controller (VC). The control method uncertainties in future events. The control mechanism tackles
is based on Nash Certainty Equivalence Principle to consider the problem of real-time variation in the state-space and
network impacts. The controlling strategy of EVS/A aims action-space that results from the randomness of the EVs’
to maximize the charging profit by valley-filling. The RAU arrival and departure times. The state-action function is pre-
agent optimizes network operation, while the VC agent tries sented by linear approximation. The algorithm learns only
to satisfy the charging demands. MGAU agents treat the from the observations of past events, such as the arrival time
network and grid violations using RAU pricing policy [111]. and the departure time of the EVs, and the prices of electricity
Game-theoretic methods are used to solve the pricing poli- to charge the batteries. The time in the system model is
cies [112] The proposed charging management system is divided into slots. During every time-period, the charging
tested for its efficiency using an urban network realistic simu- station determines the charging rate based on previous obser-
lation for different cases. The study considers dumb charging, vation including departure time and charging demand, and the
dual tariff, uncouples EVs, and weekly coupled EVS, and for decision then is affected by the remaining charging demand
both cases summer and winter. The results are of the same at the station left for future EVs. Therefore, the problem is an
range of quality as the centralized approach, but requiring MDP problem that aims to satisfy the charging demands of
less communication and less computation power. The better EVs before their departure by optimizing the overall rates of
hierarchy improves the scalability of this approach. The pro- charging. The proposed algorithm is experimented with using
posed MAS system is written using a Java developing agent different EV load profiles, namely emergent, normal, and res-
(JADE) [113]. idential from a historical database. Results are compared with
Robust Simulation-based Policy Improvement (RSPI) [114].
The presented Hyperopia SARSA-based algorithm (HAS) is
4) REAL-TIME CHARGING also compared with sample average approximation (SSA) and
The random nature of the EVs in the times of arrival and greedy policy.
departure, rendered the traditional day-ahead learning algo- Authors of [60] presented a real-time algorithm based on
rithms applicable, due to their indifference to the real-time V2G control services for EVs to decide whether the EV
behavior of EVs. should charge, discharge, or regulate the frequency. It is a
In [55], the authors presented a solution to calcu- novel V2G control algorithm that considers the uncertainty of
late the optimal policy of charging schedules using deep electricity prices as in the demand response algorithm [115].
reinforcement-learning, or DRL. The objective of the pre- The algorithm can learn from past experiences and automat-
sented solution is to minimize the EVs’ overhead, such as ically adapt to the unknown pricing and makes hourly opti-
charging fees and time. The deep learning approach uses mal control decisions for V2G control. MDP is formulated
the TOU tariff for the algorithm while using the charging after one EV’s point of view. They maximized the owner
availability and parking places as constraints. The constant of EV’s profit in the time of parking. To achieve this, they
speed movement of each EV is independent of the others on used Q-learning to control the operation after modeling the
two-way roads, while the EVs ask for fast charging services. electricity price with a two-state Markov chain, while not
The online collected information at a certain moment are knowing the probabilities of transitions. The electricity price
battery-state-of-charge, location, speed, and direction of each is calculated in an hourly manner. The EV arrival time is
individual EV. The highest priority for charging is based on assumed to be 6:00 p.m. every day with a SOC of 40%,
first-come-first-served (FCFS). In the FCSs, the rate of charg- while the departure time is assumed to be 8:00 a.m. with
ing is assumed to be fixed for each plug-in charger. The TOU a SOC of 70%. With the absence of coupling constraints,
mechanism is applied where the electricity price varies on the the state-space and action-space are if small size, as MDPs
same day, having its own flat, peak, and valleys. The charging are formulated for the individual EV. The control actions are
price is calculated momentarily when the EV charging starts, coordinated for creating a collective day-ahead schedule.
it is assumed that the users would not stop the charging Authors of [61] proposed an online RL-based charging
for another time with a lower price of electricity. Deep RL application station automated electricity distribution sys-
is an extension of Q-learning to solve the dilemma of the tem (SAEDS) to increase the profits of a single EV charg-
high dimensions of the action and state spaces. The learning ing station connected to a renewable energy source (RES).
agent uses DQN, which is a DNN, in the role of function The learning agent uses Q-learning to determine the EVs’
approximator. Considering more environmental factors like dynamic charging amount of energy, based on the prices
the EVs changes in the real-time velocity is recommended by of electricity and hourly generated renewable energy. The
the study. algorithm presents a reward as the station’s profit calculated
by the sum the station earns at the current hour of the day. (−4 kW, −2 k kW, 0 kW, 2 kW, 4 kW). The authors assumed
The station has k slots, a max number of vehicles charging users required full-charged batteries. The remnant energy in
or waiting, time to leave (TTL), state-of-charge (SOC) the the battery at the start of the charging was estimated based
energy from the RES, and the extra price of energy bought on the end-time charging and the efficiency of the charger.
from the grid. The non-homogenous Poisson model was used The results of the proposed method, random variable-RL
for the arrival time of the vehicles, while historical data was method, and fixed-RL method are compared with the cost
used to estimate the number of EVs arriving at certain times. of the unscheduled charging (for specific site A) which are
A normal distribution with different parameters for the differ- 69.7%, 74.6%, and 75.7% respectively.
ent day hours is used to obtain TTLs of arriving vehicles. The There is no guarantee that an EV has a fully-charged
authors introduced a sigmoid function to present user type battery at its time of departure set in a specific charging
based on the willingness to pay depending on the difference schedule because of the random behavior of the EVs in arrival
in price between their initial SOC and the SOC they want and departure times. The authors in [64] address this issue
to reach. The algorithm outperforms the solution of using by considering the EV problem as a constrained Markov
uniform distribution over each possible decision, on every Decision Process (CMDP) and solves the problem with con-
step, the increase in the station’s revenue is in the range strained policy optimization (CPO) [116]. They propose a
of 40–80%. real-time strategy for charging and discharging the EVs that
The previous studies in the literature proposed energy tackles the random behavior of EVs in arrival and departure,
scheduling on short time periods such as hourly-based prices of electricity, and battery remnant energy. A con-
scheduling, whereas battery charging is scheduled on a daily strained optimal charging/discharging schedule is obtained
basis. Additionally, energy prices are given by the utility using SRL which is a model-free approach and uses a deep
over the entire scheduling horizon ahead of schedule in some neural network (DNN) without the need of setting of penalty
cases, and in other cases, they are unknown [60]. In [62], coefficients manually as in DRL. The states at each time
the authors considered the price uncertainty by combining the step are the battery energy and the past 24 hrs. electricity
day-ahead energy prices, which is known, with the second price. Furthermore, the action is set to be the charging and
day-ahead energy price, which is predicted, to develop EVs discharging quantity and it is a continuous variable. The
charging schedules. The objective of their algorithm is to reward during charging action is presented by the electricity
minimize charging costs while ensuring the full charging of cost but as a negative quantity. On the other hand, the revenue
the EVs. The authors used state–action–reward–state–action from selling electricity is the reward while discharging. The
(SARSA) to learn the changing patterns of the price of elec- buying cost and the selling cost of electricity are assumed
tricity, solving the problem of charging. Also, they assumed to be the same. The optimal policy is assumed to have the
that driver’s daily patterns are known. They also modeled maximum discounted return. The state parameters of the
the charging/discharging schedules as a constrained Markov system are the network inputs. The extraction of features
decision process (CMDP) and used safe deep reinforcement from the information in the system states is the role of the
learning (SDRL) to solve the problem. One year of historical policy network. The output of the policy network is a nor-
data was used for the prices of electricity, while a truncated mal distribution, including its mean values and logarithmic
normal distribution was used to estimate the battery energy, standard deviations. Then, the action of the EV charging or
the times of arrival and departure, and the behavior of driving. discharging is generated by the policy after sampling the nor-
The aforementioned studies provide EV schedules using mal distribution. State values are produced by a value network
RL approaches based on the driver’s patterns like arrival after the extraction of state information. The value and policy
and departure times, and also the SOC of the battery at the networks are of similar architecture. The proposed method is
arrival of EVs. The values of these parameters were fixed compared with baseline approaches Deep Q-Network (DQN)
or estimated using normal distribution or real driving pat- and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) with a
terns or even modeled using Poisson stochastic processes. penalty term in the objective. Also, the approach is compared
Unfortunately, these models fail to provide sufficient infor- with the deterministic optimization problem solved using
mation to predict the behavior of the several users at a SCIP [117]. The algorithm code is written in Python3.6,
single charger, rendering it impractical for real-life appli- especially using TensorFlow1.12, as it has a deep learning
cations. The authors of [63] generate the arrival time and package.
charging duration using kernel density estimation (KDE) A control system proposed in [59] addresses the voltage
and then solve the scheduling problem using model-free RL security by maximizing the operator of the distribution sys-
algorithm DQN. Furthermore, the proposed EV management tem’s profit while considering the power system’s physi-
deep RL algorithm aimed to reduce the charging cost of cal constraints. Their approach analyzes how uncertainties
EVs, while at the same time increase the reliability of the affect the charging strategy by deploying the DDPG-based
grid. The approach considers charging and discharging at one RL technique.
public charger which can be used by several users instead In [64], the EV user’s perspective is considered and the
of only one charger per person. The action space presents effect on the user’s decisions on electricity prices is not
the charger’s charging/discharging levels as a discrete space considered. It is worth investigating the effect of adjusting
the electricity prices when new peaks are developed on the simulated considering only one trip per day for each vehicle.
EV’s learning. At first, the agent determines the energy required for the
Different from the previous studies, the authors in[65] pro- trip and the market bidding price of electricity. A penalty
poses a charging navigation application aimed to minimize is assigned when the algorithm determines an insufficient
the EVCS charging cost and the EV traveling time without amount of energy for the trip at departure. Then, EV owners
requiring the uncertainty data of a prior system. An MDP should determine the benefit of selling electricity to the mar-
is used to model the problem with the transition probabil- ket. Subsequently, the RL algorithm determines the policy
ities unknown, while the state features were extracted by a based on the highest reward calculated by subtracting the
deterministic shortest charging route model (DSCRM) from revenue from energy sold from the buying cost of energy.
stochastic data. The system states are constructed according The effecting factors of time-independent environments are
to the road velocity, the charging price of the EVCS, the time electricity prices, driving patterns, and random energy con-
of waiting of the EV, the location of the EV, and battery SOC sumption for each trip. The system considers 500 agents to
at every timestep. The reward is realized by the waiting time simulate the three scenarios, fixed-rate strategy, TOU, and
and charging cost at the EVCS, the charging cost is assumed dynamic tariff, and the average cost results are 5.5 e/day,
constant for all charging groups in this study. The action by 5.3 e/day, and 4.8 e/day, respectively.
the EV driver determined the EVCS and the corresponding An energy management system for EVCSs with solar PV
rout. and an energy storage system (ESS) is proposed in [69]. The
The charging strategy in the previous studies did not novelty of this study is that the scheduling solution is com-
consider the power system limits. While the study by [70] puted in a distributed manner while handling time-varying
propose simultaneously minimizing the energy cost and data related to the charging of EVs, such as the amount of
transformer loading. It proposes a MultiAgent Selfish COl- energy charged in the ESS, the charging price, and the total
laborative architecture (MASCO) which is a multiagent demand of the EVCSs. The proposed scheme is based on
multi-objective RL architecture used to develop a heuristic a multi-agent RL framework with solar PV and an energy
controls strategy to schedules the EV charging at appropriate storage system (ESS) at each EVCS. For policy choosing,
times. The RL framework aims to optimize for high bat- the rewards are related to the EVCS operation cost of charg-
tery level, minimum price paid, and minimize transformer ing, discharging, and loss caused by overcharging during the
overload. The proposed policy is compared with the always charging process.
charging policy (ACP), ransom policy (RP), and DWL-DWL, Authors of [72] applied a multi-agent RL control for maxi-
and the experiment was implemented in BURLAP. mizing renewable energy use with EV charging management
by considering that each load is a separate device in charge
E. NOVEL RL ALGORITHMS of its own schedule. The state information is the generated
A study by [67] uses RL to learn the optimal strategy to power from a renewable source (wind power), load power,
satisfy the EV’s battery energy requirement and to minimize and the charge energy. Three policies are proposed in this
the charging expenses at the same time. The method proposed study, the renewable energy policy which can enable EVs
is to control deep deterministic policy gradient (CDDPG), to learn charging only during the periods where there is
which can solve continuous problems in real-time [26]. This sufficient load that enable EVs charging, and it is the differ-
approach is superior to the deep QL-based approach, which ence between transformer load and the maximum specified
is limited to discrete estimates only, and also the DDPG load. The second policy is the battery charge policy which
approach. gives a positive reward to agents every time a battery charge
The uncertain nature of the parameters, such as energy is charged to 60% and every time the charge is increased.
prices, can be addressed as an MDP [118]. The (MDP)- The baseload policy provides agents with the predicted load
based algorithm assumes known and stochastic future events of 24-hrs which is related to the energy price directly. The
distributions. results show that the algorithm enables the EV load to follow
A novel multi-agent charging strategy in [68] considers the wind generation patterns up to 35% of the overall energy.
EV users participating in the electricity market by deploying State-of-the-art algorithms usually concentrate on single
V2G technology for selling or buying electricity to the grid EVs or central aggregate controllers to control an EV fleet
without any aggregator or central agent. The method uses through multiple steps which are aggregate load decisions and
a Q-learning algorithm where agents buy energy and sell it sending translated decisions to individual EVs. The authors
aiming to minimize costs while always satisfying the trip in [85] propose a coordination approach that does not need
energy needs. The algorithm also considers the behavior of a heuristic algorithm but instead provides coordination for
owners of the EVs and the uncertainties involved. The authors a set of charging stations that decides which cars to charge
assume each EV as an agent and model the variable times of to meet the schedule of a target load (i.e., load flattening)
arrival and departure and energy required during the trip as in the RL framework. They formulate a scalable MDP that
probability density functions (pdf) of Gaussian distribution. can work on a group of EVCSs that do not share the same
The study considers three scenarios, fixed-rate strategy, TOU characteristics. The optimal chagrining policy is learned by
and dynamic tariff strategy. Stochastic driving behavior was batch RL and fitted Q-iteration. The problem is formulated by
setting a maximum number of charging stations for different to be superior to their predecessor methods. In the algo-
EV groups and charging levels, the arrival and departure of rithms section, we surveyed how several papers used different
EVs are considered dynamically over discrete timeslots. The RL methods to solve the distributed energy management
variables considered are the arrival time, the time remain- problem.
ing for departure, energy requested and the charging rate of Starting from the primitive SARSA, passing by Q-learning,
the EV. reaching DQN with DDPG, all these methods proved to be
RL approaches determine the charging schedule quality by superior to the previously surveyed literature in their cor-
using action-value functions. Estimating the best action-value responding papers. However, an interesting pattern appears
function differs from one approach to the other. A Q-table after further analyzing the nature of the algorithms used.
of discrete estimates the action-values of the charging sched- SARSA was used in [58] and [62]. Q-learning seemed to pro-
ule in [80]. However, discretization cannot represent a large vide better policy selection and was adopted by the majority
number of action-sets required for real-world application. of the papers. However, the curse of dimensionality problem
In [58], the authors use a linear approximator to estimate was introduced and needed a solution.
the action-value function. However, it shows a limitation Thus, W-learning and deep RL were proposed by several
in handling real-world scenarios which are of nonlinear papers. W-learning was observed to have a high probability
action-value function. Non-linear approximators are used to diverge, even though, it can extend to continuous mod-
to estimate the action-value function, as in [56]. They use els. Therefore, the majority of papers tended toward deep
kernel-averaging regression, which requires manual selection reinforcement learning. DQN was the method used to solve
of the kernel function with carefully designed parameters. the high dimensionality problem using DNNs. It proved to
In [84], the authors used deep reinforcement learning, be performing better than Q-learning in the surveyed papers.
as they proposed a function approximator for the actin-values DQN was integrated with DDPG to enable the use of contin-
to control the EV real-time charging, LSTM network predicts uous models. Therefore, DQN integrated with DDPG solves
electricity prices. The proposed approach has an architecture most of the problems that arose with the introduction of
of two networks. A Q-network estimates the action-value RL to distributed energy system management. Thus, we can
function, while a representation network represents the prices conclude that deep reinforcement methods like DQN can lead
of electricity. The information presented by the states are to better results.
EV availability at home or not, the remnant battery energy, To test the performance of proposed RL methods,
and the price of electricity for the past 24 hrs. The actions the majority of the surveyed papers used historical data and
presented in the problem are charging or discharging power statistics, while other papers relied on sophisticated simu-
and the problem is constrained by the maximum and min- lations. Of course, both of the testing schemes are not as
imum power allowed for charging and discharging for the promising as using the models in real life. However, many
discrete action space. As for rewarding an action, a reward is papers assigned constraints to ensure the practicality of their
defined as a positive value of the charging cost and a negative methods. Others also induced parameters to imitate real-
value of the same cost if discharging action. The authors life systems. These testing methods avoid applying the RL
present the term ‘‘range anxiety’’ to the uncharged energy methods in real life to obtain results and serve as a safe area
which introduces insufficient energy to reach a required des- for experimentation. Using new methods to solve real-life
tination by the user. As a result, a penalty proportional to problems might introduce risks of underperformance, fail-
the amount of uncharged battery energy is presented in the ures, and custom dissatisfaction. Therefore, predicting the
RL problem. To develop a schedule, a deep neural network behavior of the RL methods on historical data and sophisti-
is used. The random variables of EV arrival, departure, and cated simulation test cases might give the researchers an idea
state of charge are modeled as truncated normal distributions. of how the algorithms might work in real distributed energy
YALMIP solves the problem of the charging and discharging systems, and thus, the decision of using the novel algorithms
schedules. The amount of energy saving depends on the in real systems, if available, may be based on more solid
driver’s preference presented by the anxiety coefficient in information.
this study. For instance, a large anxiety coefficient can be Nevertheless, that brings us to the point where we discuss
interpreted as a small anxiety range, which results in a large the application of RL methods in real distributed energy sys-
charging cost. tems. Although RL methods are proving to be superior to the
traditional ways of managing the distributed energy systems
with EVs, this is all a theoretical approach to solve the prob-
V. LESSONS LEARNT lem. The RL approach, and the machine learning approaches,
A. RL LIMITATIONS in general, are less computationally heavy than using opti-
In all the papers surveyed, RL methods had proven to be mization and centralized control of distributed energy sys-
outperforming the traditional distributed energy management tems and they converge faster to an accepted suboptimal
methods and continuously improving themselves. Whether solution. Still, they need serious computational power, which
the RL methods were tested against a benchmark, histor- would cost the distributed energy systems to place machines
ical data, or sophisticated simulation models, are proven in every EVCS. Even if a multi-agent approach is used,
a hardware design problem would present itself, as choosing The future steps in deploying reinforcement learning for
the hardware to be battery-efficient with the desired perfor- EV charging management starts with applying the successful
mance cannot happen arbitrarily. In conclusion, RL methods RL algorithms in real energy management systems. Then,
are promising but still need improvement to be integrated into the integration of the smart grid with the EV management
real-life distributed energy systems. systems is the next step. Therefore, the optimized control
of energy management systems will cover a wide range of
applications and grow more complicated. Furthermore, multi-
agent deep RL approaches will be developed to allow the
The smart grid’s complexity is gaining attention worldwide,
collaborative interaction between the charging stations and
and because it requires communication and extensive data
the numerous EVs.
collection, RL techniques can enable smart grid development
As it has been shown in the last few sections, RL has a
and future technologies. RL is a smart tool that enables
great potential in contributing considerably to enhancing the
applications such as energy management, EV charging coor-
distributed EV charging system applications. The literature
dination, vehicle to grid (V2G), Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V),
in this field is greatly rich and promising. However, the inte-
Vehicle-to-Building (V2B), and Vehicle-to-House (V2H).
gration between RL and EV charging system applications
These technologies are the most recent adopted applications
is still emerging and facing some deployment challenges as
deploying the smart grid [111] and [6].
discussed in the previous section.
There are utility advantages of V2G where injecting elec-
Some researchers, as in [75] and [82], have used
tricity back to the grid can reduce peak loads and electricity
single-agent reinforcement-learning approaches in their EV
generation cost. V2H can reduce the house’s energy bills or
charging related applications through the deployment of the
enable the vehicle to become an emergency power source
developed RL applications in the EVCS, but most of them
from an individual perspective. The same concept is applied
have suffered from the limited representation of the environ-
to V2B, where a firm or company can benefit from this
ment with complex relationships that the single learning agent
technology. Other than buildings, V2V enables vehicles to
can process poorly. Other researchers as in [99] and [100]
charge each other. Consequently, it will reduce range anxiety,
have used multi-agent reinforcement-learning approaches in
which is an effecting factor on EV adoption [6].
their EV charging related applications through the deploy-
Adopting smart charging is challenging with the
ment of the developed RL applications in the numerous
uncertainty and complexity of power networks [1]. The
mobile EVs and having them cooperatively take the opti-
drawback of smart EV charging or discharging is the battery
mum actions, but most of them have suffered from the EVs
degradation, uncertainty of EV arrival or departure, user
complexity and the poor computational structure of the EV
behavior dependency, and lack of data about the environment
charging system in general.
or system. RL utilization enables smart charging, load pre-
In recent years, a new technology has been proven to be so
diction, demand response, renewable generation prediction,
promising in many of the real-life distributed system applica-
Microgrid, and dynamic pricing of electricity, which all fall
tions, which is fog computing. Fog computing is a computing
under smart grid deployment [1]. In summary, model-free RL
architecture that positively enhances the computational power
with smart grids enables EVs, renewable energy sources, and
of any distributed system. The idea behind fog computing
storage systems to share an infrastructure that enhances both
lies in the concept of vertical sub-layering the system. Due
economy, power grid, and user satisfaction but present-related
to its proven efficiency, many distributed systems that deploy
research is still at their initial stage. Indeed, RL will have
machine learning solutions in general and RL solutions have
great utilization potential for smart grids in the future, but at
started to integrate fog computing in the systems’ structure.
present, the relevant studies are still at their initial stages.
So, it can be very promising to integrate fog computing
with RL applications deployment in EV charging distributed
C. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RL APPLICATIONS systems. The EVs will act as the edge devices, which is the
In this section, future prospects for EV energy management very lower layer in the hierarchy. Furthermore, the chargers
based on RL are discussed. The current EV management (EVCS) will act as the middle layer and it can be divided
approaches share the need to adapt to some issues. First, into sub-layers depending on the needed architecture. And
they need to tackle the problem of heterogeneous agents and at the top, there will be the centralized EV charging service
how agents react with each other. Also, the models devel- operator centers that are usually connected to the cloud. All
oped for the distribution infrastructure and their interaction of these identities will be considered learning agents in the
with EVs are either impractical or suggest changing the environment. MARL solutions which are promising solutions
existing infrastructure. Furthermore, the currently proposed will now have a well-structured system for information shar-
approaches mostly consider one type of energy tariff and ing between the multiple learning agents in the environment,
cannot be applied for other tariffs. Moreover, there is an which is going to lead a very high probability of converging
unrealistic assumption among the existing approaches that the to an optimal policy.
users know the precise amount of energy they consume each A few papers actually have shed light upon the tremendous
day. gain that can be achieved with the enhanced computational
structure of the EV charging-based systems. The very recent research is needed to apply RL techniques in real-life dis-
study [119] has shown some results of considerably reducing tributed energy systems, as most of the results of the algo-
the EV charging waiting time and effectively managing the rithms were obtained through testing against historical data
EV charging scheduling using the fog computational struc- or sophisticated simulations. Nevertheless, the integration of
ture. Also, another recent study [120] has shown that using the RL techniques and other advanced technologies such as the
fog hierarchy in the EV to Grid systems can have very bene- fog computational architecture shows promise in providing
ficial applications in the future. So, this integration between more reliable, and realistic models.
the fog computing and the RL may have the opportunity to
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[117] SCIP. Accessed: Oct. 23, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www. power electronics, renewable energy, electric vehicles, electric drives, and sensor and instrumentation. He is a member of IEE Japan. He is an Associate
[118] H. Song, C.-C. Liu, J. Lawarree, and R. W. Dahlgren, ‘‘Optimal electricity Editor of the Journal of Electrical Engineering (Springer) and an Editor of
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vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 618–624, May 2000, doi: 10.1109/59.867150.