Vol 15 1 2018

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Vol 15 #1 2018


Serving Like Jesus

ECD Debbie Maloba
ESD Zhanna Kaminskaya
EUD Elsa Cozzi
IAD Dinorah Rivera
NAD Sherri Uhrig
NSD Lisa Clouzet
Nilde Lust - Associate
SAD Graciela N. H. de Hein
SID Caroline Chola
SPD Litiana Turner
SSD Orathai Chureson
SUD Milly Lakra
TED Clair Sanches
WAD Omobonike Sessou
GC Attached Fields:

Middle East North Africa Union: Amal Fawzy he Global Children’s Day has just must not involve children in service and mis-
Israel Field: Svetlana Shchelkunov
been celebrated throughout the sion apart from their families. Studies clearly
world on March 17. Children ev- show that “serving together as a family” is vi-
erywhere throughout the world church tally important in growing the faith of a child.
is published triannually by the General
Conference Department of Children’s Ministries
were enthusiastically involved in serv- Researchers have found that there are strong
for the purpose of communicating news and ing the needy, the homeless, those in connections between young people getting
information about Children’s Ministries. prison, and the elderly. It was indeed involved in service and modeling their parents’
General Conference a wonderful experience to engage the service involvement.
Children’s Ministries Department
12501 Old Columbia Pike children and the teens in serving the less
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 fortunate in the community! However, In a 1990 study by Peter Benson and Carolyn
(301) 680-6144
Fax (301) 680-6155
this once-a-year event needs to do more Eklin as reported in their book, Effective Chris-
MugandaT@gc.adventist.org than garner the energies of the young of tian Education: A National Study of Protestant
www.gcchildmin.org this generation to serve like Jesus. Congregation, shows clearly that family service
Linda Mei Lin Koh is one of three critical factors that help children
Director Service to others must become a lifestyle and youth grow deeper in faith. For example,
Saustin S. Mfune in the life of the follower of Jesus. Simi- 66 percent of young people who strongly agree
Associate Director
larly, we want our children and teens that their parents “spend a lot of time helping
Tanya Muganda
Administrative Assistant to be imbued with a heart for service other people” also say they do at least one
Erika Miike and mission all the time. However, we hour of volunteer work in an average week.
Art Director
(PSALM 34:11 KJV)

What makes service empowering for children and youth? American Division’s Vacation Bible School project. After
Researchers have found that it is essential that children each VBS program, all the children are invited to partici-
and young people: pate in the mission project related to the VBS. One year
• Do the actual work and don’t just observe it was donating shoes for the children in the Navajo res-
• Work with accepting adults who don’t criticize their ervation; another year was donating blankets for the poor
efforts families, etc. The impact is outstanding! Children’s hearts
• Have important responsibilities’ were moved to take action to help the less fortunate.
• Have a sense that they can make a contribution
• Have the freedom to explore their own interests and Don’t forget to involve the families of your children in
develop their own ideas reaching out to serve like Jesus. Parents and teachers to-
• Have opportunities to reflect about the meaning of gether with the children will make an army of missionary
the activity volunteers for Jesus! They can be the hands and feet of
Children’s leaders, be intentional about planning a ser-
vice project to involve children in every program or ac- Linda Mei Lin Koh
tivity whenever you can. One excellent example is North GC Children’s Ministries Director



Uganda Union – Children’s Day’s Outreach
Sunday, April 15 was an exhilarating day for about 300 chil- were allowed to live in another section close by. The children
dren who gathered at the Forest Park for a full day of fun sang songs and recited poems and Bible verses.
activities. They had games and learning activities that uterl- Then the special guests went to Forest Park to join the other
ized all their energies and curiosities. Out of this large group children where they were treated to colorful and excellent
of children, about thirty of them got involved in a commu- songs and cultural dances. The final messages were present-
nity outreach project. Together with Dr. Linda Koh, GC CHM ed by Dr. Koh and Mrs. Maloba for the the children, teachers,
Director and Debbie Maloba, ECD CHM Director, they vis- and parents. Two huge cakes were presented and were cut by
ited the women’s prison and provided food and supplies for Dr. Koh and Mrs. Maloba. It was a day to highlight the theme:
the women inmates who were there with their children who “Total Children Involvement!”

2 Children ministering to mothers in prison. Children’s Day Activities in Forest Park.

World News

Uganda Union – Children’s Ministries Leadership Training West Kenyan Union – Children’s Leadership Training &
Leadership training was provided for several hundred chil-
dren’s leaders and teachers in several places form April 16- The launching of the 2018 Vacation Bible eXperience (VBX)
19, 2018. The theme was “Total Children Involvement—Win held on the grounds of the new union office began on April
One, Loose None, Grow a Disciple Annually.” Dr. Linda Koh, 17-19, 2018, spearheaded by the dynamic WKU CHM Di-
GC CHM Director and Mrs. Debbie Maloba, ECD CHM Di- rector, Roselyn Ayayo. Facilitators from Nairobi came to assist
rector were the special guests who provided the training, first with the training and running of the VBX which was attended
in the town of Jinja and then at the Kampala Central Church. by about one hundred children. On Sabbath, the children
They presented topics greatedly needed by the leaders, espe- presented special musical numbers and many recited heart-
cially a large group of pastors and local church elders who warming poems. Dr. Linda Koh, GC CHM Director delivered
could make changes in their churches to prioritize children. a powerful sermon, at the end of which many children and
Topics like Intergenerational Worship, Preparing Children teens came forward to give their lives to Jesus when the ap-
for Baptism, Involving Children in Mission and Service, and peal was made. In the afternoon leadership training was pro-
Teaching Children to Witness generated much interest and vided by the GC director for children’s leaders and teachers.
much discussions. The highlight of the last day was the baptism of 18 children
We thank Esther Waiswa, CHM Director of Uganda Union and teens between the ages of 9-14. We praise God that
for an outstanding job in organizing this children’s ministries these young ones have surrendered their lives to Jesus and
event. have decided to make Jesus their Forever Friend!

Children’s leaders training in Jinja. VBX children having a wonderful time.

Children’s leadership training in Kampala. Baptism of children at the end of VBX. 3


INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION On the second day, the leaders were introduced to the work-
ings of the department as the IAD director shared many re-
French Guiana Union – CHM Leadership Training
sources with them. Many questions were raised when the
Many Children’s Ministries leaders gathered on March 31 at topic of Enditnow was emphasized.
a beautiful hotel for a full day of training conducted by Dr. In spite of the disasters caused by the earthquake and hur-
Linda Koh, GC CHM Director and Dinorah Rivera, CHM Di- ricanes in recent years, the union is going strong in nurtur-
rector of Inter-American Division. ing children in their walk with Jesus. Though not completely
The leaders were reminded again of the importance of chil- recovered from its economic strain due to the disasters, the
dren and the ministry to them. IAD CHM Director introduced church is moving along fine. It was wonderful to see how ac-
many new resources produced for the children in her terri- tive the children’s leaders were.
tory. The most recent program for IAD is the “Talking Back-
pack.” Children were given pins, resources, etc. to share the
gospel with their friends and classmates. It was well received!

Haiti Children’s Concert.

French Guiana CHM Training.

Haiti Union – CHM Leadership Training and Children’s

Hawaii Conference – CHM Leadership Training & Mini
Dr. Linda Koh, GC CHM Director and Dinorah Rivera, IAD
Week of Prayer
CHM Director were treated to a colorful and vibrant chil-
dren’s program on April 3. There were beautiful songs, Training sessions for children’s leaders on different islands
preaching, and poetry recitation presented by over one hun- were organized by Madonna Taueu, CHM director of the con-
dred children. What a lovely treat! ference for Dr. Linda Koh, GC CHM Director and Dr. Saustin

4 Haiti CHM Training. Kauai Leaders.

World News

Mfune, Associate CHM Director. It was the whale-watching Director who gave the devotionals and two seminars in the
season and all accommodations were fully booked. But God Level 4 Leadership Certification program. The leaders were
always provide! Dr. Koh was sent to Maui Island to conduct a so happy to receive many of the resources given by the GC
mini week of prayer at the Kahului Church, and then conduct director.
CHM training on Sabbath. She introduced interesting ideas to
teach children how to witness for Jesus.
Dr. Mfune did a week of prayer for students in our Adven-
tist school on Kauai Island and then a CHM training on the
weekend for children’s leaders and teachers. Dr Kay Kuzma,
a native of Kauai Island, and a reknown children’s educator,
author and for a long time a presenter on 3 ABN, wished the
seminars were more patronized. The participants loved the
Then the two GC directors flew over to Honolulu on February
18 to conduct a full day of training for CHM leaders on the
island of Oahu. It was a fruitful and wonderful experience to
be able to serve leaders on different islands who seldom had Washington Conference VBX (Vacation Bible eXperience).
the chance to attend training held in Honolulu. We thank
Madonna for her great insight in spreading out the training in
wider areas to meet the needs of many.
Global Children’s Day
Children at the Adventist school in KGF actively participated
in the Global Children’s and Youth Day celebration on March
17, 2018. Children and young people were involved in visit-
ing the Sunshine Orphanage where they led out in singing
and distributing food to them. Then they had a puppet show
for the children. The highlight was introducing the children
to arts and crafts. Everyone enjoyed this day of service. The
leaders hope that it would not be just one day of service, but
an ongoing lifestyle of reaching out to serve others in the

Hawaii Conference leadership training.

Washington Conference – VBX and CHM Training

Abigail Pozo organized an excellent VBX and CHM training
for her children’s leaders around the conference. One side of
the hall was transformed into the Sea of Galilee with boats,
fishing nets, bread, etc. It was like being in the time of Jesus
when He was there with his disciples. Yes, the new VBX is the
“Sea of Miracles.”
On the other side of the hall the leaders walked right into the
palace of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. Huge columns and the
hanging gardens provided a scene of grandeur. Yes, this was
the “Babylon” VBS. The training was in Spanish as well as
in English. Special guest includes Dr. Linda Koh, GC CHM KGF students marching to serve the community. 5

SOUTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION of Southeast Asia Union Mission, graced the occasion. Apart
from the excellent seminars presented which included, Sab-
North Philippine Union – Tri-Mission Leadership Certi-
bath School Classroom Methods and Ideas, Dealing with
Adolescents and many more, Dr. Mfune wrote two dramas
A tri-mission Level IV Leadership Certification training pro- entitled, “I Married a Stranger,” and “Fashion.” The dramas
gram was held at Mountain Provinces Mission Headquarters were sent well in advance and were acted by the youth, I
in Baguio City where many CHM leaders congregated. Dr Married a Stranger being acted in a shadow puppet drama
Saustin Mfune, GC Associate CHM Director and veteran Dr style as suggested by Mfune. The youth did a great job and
Miram Andres, retired SSD CHM Director, together with Nor- the audience loved it. We thank Christine for her dedication
lin Cadapan, CHM Director of NPUC travelled 8 hours by and hardworking spirit.
road to Baguio City to provide the training. Under the theme
Leadership for the Master, the leaders were inspired to em-
brace the philosophy that good is not good enough where
best is expected.

Fashion drama by youth.

Empowered Leaders in Baguio City.

Peninsular Malaysia Mission – Children’s Ministries

Christine Tan, a young lady who is holding the fort as Pen-
insular Malaysia Mission is scouting for a CHM Director,
coordinated an excellent program which was held at Petal-
ing Jaya English Church in Kuala Lumpur from March 9-11.
Dr Saustin Mfune, GC CHM Associate Director, Dr Orathai,
SSD CHM Director and Debbie Saul-Chan, CHM Director “I Married a Stranger” Shadow drama in action.

6 CHM Leaders who attended meetings at Petaling Jaya English Speaking Church.
World News

A Visit to Siamsin Myanmar Learning Center food. When Sister Goh Cheng Siew explain how she spends
her after-office work time in making phone calls and writ-
On the afternoon of Sunday, 11th March, Madam Goh Cheng
ing letters to raise money, Matthew 25:34-40 comes to one’s
Siew, who is a worker at Peninsular Malaysia Mission, took
mind. “. . . I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
Dr Saustin Mfune, GC Associate CHM Director and Debbie
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I needed
Saul-Chan, Southeast Asia Union Mission CHM Director to
clothes and you clothed me . . . Then the righteous will an-
Siamsin Myanmar Learning Center, a place which works with
swer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, . . . thirsty, . . .
children whose parents are refugees from Myanmar. Apart
needing clothes . . .’ Then the King will reply, “I tell you the
from her fulltime job at the Mission Office, Madam Siew
truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
has taken upon herself an additional responsibility of raising
of mine, you did for me.” Kids at this Center needs your sup-
money to meet the needs of the Center.
port. Can Jesus count on you?
As Siew, Mfune and Chun disembarked from the car, they
could hear children singing from the second floor. When they
walked into the room, they were moved to see beautiful faces
of children pouring out their hearts in song, accompanied by
their head master on bass guitar and one of the teachers on
rhythm guitar. One could detect in the children’s eyes that
they knew that Malaysia was not their country. Their home
was Myanmar. When Mfune talked to one of the kids through
a translator, the kid expressed a longing to one day go back
to their home country.
We thank the Lord for dedicated teachers who worked hard
to meet the needs of these children. And God bless Madam
Siew who struggles to raise money every month so that the
teachers can receive their stipend and children can have Siamsin Myanmar Learning Center.

Dr Saustin Mfune, GC Associate CHM Director talks to students training to be Bible workers

A Pastor in Kuala Lumpur, in addition to pastoring his lessons. Mfune was requested to speak to these students on
churches, has a passion to train students who have a burning the 12th and 13th of March for one hour each day. He found
desire to be Bible workers. During school holidays, a group the students amazingly dedicated and eager to learn more
of Secondary School and College age students meet at about Jesus. God bless these young people and the Pastor for
the Peninsular Malaysia Mission office every morning for his dedication.

Mfune together with Bible Students. 7

(PSALM 34:11 KJV)

Kuala Lumpur Pastors Meet with Dr Saustin Mfune

the Mission. Though Mfune briefly talked on the importance
Leadership of Peninsular Malaysia Mission requested Pas- of children, mentioning the fact that if we fail to minister to
tor Saustin Mfune to address Pastors who work in the City children today, we will have no church tomorrow, the main
of Kuala Lumpur on any topic which Mfune deemed would focus of his talk was on the prayer life of a Pastor. He pointed
help Pastors in their ministry. Mfune met Pastors for 2 hours. out that while education is important, what empowers a Pas-
There were nine of them including the Executive Secretary of tor to succeed in Ministry is a life of prayer.

Mfune and the Pastors in Kuala Lumpur

Sarawak Mission – Teen Camp and Global Children’s Day On Sunday, vehicles transported campers to a village not very
far from the campsite where the leadership had identified a
Dr Saustin Mfune, GC Associate CHM Director and Dr
dilapidated house belonging to an old couple which needed
Orathai, SSD CHM Director enjoyed a spirit-filled camp
where 109 teens and 57 leaders of Sarawak Mission territory
congregated for three days, 15th to 17th of March at Apar Bor-
neo Tribal Village in Bau, Malaysia. Yvonne Suhartini Jabeng,
CHM Director of Sarawak Mission, did a magnificent job in
putting the camp program together. And she received great
support from the local leadership. The camp was filled with
many activities. When Mfune made an appeal on Sabbath
for those who wanted to be baptized, 27 young people gave
their lives to Jesus.

8 Children who gave their lives to be baptized. Sarawak Mission Global Children’s Day 1.
World News

busy church and family life, the participants recharged their

energies, and were filled with power from the Holy Spirit to
continue with their multiple responsibilities. They were able
to enhance their skills and knowledge through several work-
shop and talks, such as interactive storytelling, class manage-
ment, and how to ask questions. They also learned new songs
and crafts, and shared ideas on how to prepare for the new
Sabbath School quarter.
Plans for the year were presented and teachers were chal-
lenged and assigned to be in charge of the monthly sharing of
ideas and suggestions throughout the year. They left the place
with their mission bags full of experiences, friendships, and
challenges. They were inspired to continue “Walking with
Sarawak Mission Global Children’s Day 2. Jesus” in their service for God, ministering to the youngest
disciples and missionaries of God’s family, the precious chil-
repair. The youth participated in the first Global Children’s dren of Taiwan—reported by Celeste Sha,, CHM Director of
and Youth Day in the Union. They put a new roof, repaired Taiwan Conference.
some cracks in the walls and painted the whole house. The
young people were excited to be involved in service for the
community. From this first initiative, we believe that many
will continue to be involved in the community.


Taiwan Conference -- Children’s Sabbath School Teacher
With enthusiasm and commitment, a group of children’s
Sabbath School teachers met March 2-4, 2018, at the Sanyu
Health Center, Taiwan, for a weekend of training, team work
Children’s Sabbath School Training.
and encouragement. During the Level Two training by Nil-
de Lust, NSD Associate CHM Director, a new opportunity
to support and affirm teachers was organized by the confer-
ence’s Children’s Ministries department. It provided for shar-
ing time together throughout the weekend. Away from their
Adriatic Union Conference – Refugee Children Outreach
The new year started out with 14 young people from AUC
spending 14 days in Greece serving in the refugee camp.
This had been very exciting and encouraging for our young
people as well as for the refugees.
Some worked with adults teaching the German and English
language. They played football with teenagers and young
adults as well as educating them in hygiene and how to use
the washing machine. Ministering to 100 children, with 40 of
them around 0-2 years, was most challenging and satisfying.
When it was a time for them to go home, both adults and

Children’s Sabbath School Training B

children were very grateful, but also very sad because they
realized that this group would not come again. In their bro- 9

ken English, they said: “Teacher, no go!“ They followed the Adriatic Union Conference holds CHM meetings in
young people around and held their hands. Albania Mission
Working with children was always rewarding because they On Thursday, 12th April, Dr Saustin Sampson Mfune, GC As-
learned fast and were enthusiastic in whatever they were sociate CHM Director arrived in Tirana, the capital of Alba-
given to do. This great experience for our young people mo- nia for a series of meetings. Bobo Marceta CHM Director of
tivated them to greater service to their neighbors in their en- Adriatic Union drove with his family from Croatia where the
vironment. —Reported by Bobo Marceta, CHM Director of Union Office is based. Clair Sanchez, TED CHM Director,
Adriatic Union. failed to travel due to a last-minute emergency.
On Friday, the day began with Mfune and Marceta meet-
ing the Children’s Ministries Director in Albanian Mission,
Clarisa Espana. Pastor Leo Espana, the President of the Mis-
sion was also in attendance. The discussions centered on the
challenges the Mission faced when it came to children’s ac-
tivities. Clarissa briefed Mfune and Marceta of the Sabbath
program which was dubbed Children’s Festival of Talents un-
der the theme I am God’s Gift. Children would lead all Sab-
bath morning activities showcasing their God-given talents.
After the discussion, Mfune and Marceta were taken to a con-
struction site where Albania Mission is putting final touches
to a building they remodeled and are starting a school in
September this year. They are planning to have 45 children.

Mfune and the children in church.

10 AUC Refugee Outreach. Leaders pose for a photo after the Sunday Meeting.
World News

On Sabbath, the meetings were held at Tirana SDA Central Plans were laid to hold more training in other countries
Church. Children gathered from all SDA churches in Albania. around the union territory as many caught the vision of the
The church was a beehive of activities with children doing all urgency of training families to disciple their children.
kinds of activities which included songs, plays, recitations,
and many more. Mfune gave a story encouraging children to
know that God knows what is best for them.
On Sunday, Children’s teachers met for five hours in the Al-
banian Mission Office where Mfune dealt with several topics
including Parenting and the Media Challenge and Commu-
nication that Raises Spiritual Giants. On Monday Pastors and
their wives and were reminded that Albania is fortunate to
have many children. Pastors should invest their time in these
children. Pastors were also reminded of the importance of
their personal relationship with God. We would like to thank
Clarisa and her team for a job well done.

Doing the Trust Walk in KID Training

Albania Pastoral Families.


KID Training in MENA
Union-wide Kids in Discipleship Training
Nancy Colegado, CHM Director of the Gulf Field orga-
nized the first ‘Kids in Discipleship’ training event in Ras WEST AFRICA DIVISION
al-Khaimah, January 18-20, 2018. The main trainer was Pas- Cote D’Ivore Conference holds Level 3 Certification
tor Don MacLafferty, president of the InDiscipleship Minis- training.
try, assisted by Dr.Linda Koh, GC CHM Director. Children’s
March 8-11, 2018 witnessed 45 CHM leaders going through
leaders, teachers and their families came from all over the
Level 3 leadership certification program which was held in
union, even as far as Iraq. They were eager to learn how to Divo town in Cote D’Ivoire Conference. On Sabbath, the train-
disciple their children and participated enthusiastically in all ing was open to all church members. “The Ten Commandments
the activities. The leaders not only gained knowledge, but for Parenting “ made a great impact on all present to the extent
also caught the vision and the energies to train other family
groups in their local churches.
that a local radio station requested the seminar to be presented
on the radio. The radio program being of a nature where people 11

call in ask questions and make comments, many people com- Eastern Nigeria Union Conference (ENUC)
mended the SDA church for such practical topics. We thank
ENUC children, not wanting to be spectators as the other children
God for the blessings the CHM leaders are getting through the
busied themselves in the world-wide global Youth and Children’s
certification courses. —Reported by Omobonike Sessou
Day activities, they raised money, bought assorted items and visit-
ed an orphanage home. The ENUC children were greatly touched
when they saw smiles on the faces of the children after each one
of them had received a gift. And they can’t wait for Global Youth
and Children’s day next year to go make more people smile.

Cote D’Ivoire Conference holds Level 3 Certification Training

West Sahel Union Mission holds a Bible Seminar in

Guinea Bissau
West Sahel Union Mission held a Bible Seminar for children ENCU Children visit an Orphanage.
in Guinea Bissau from March 4-17, 2018. Every evening more
than 100 children attended the training. At the end of the pro-
ESUM Children in Cote d’Ivoire
gram, 80 children received a certificate of participation. Enyde,
the CHM Director of West Sahel Union Mission and the brain Cote d’Ivoire children in Divo, San Pedro, Bouaké and Abidjan
child behind this Bible Seminar, was all smiles when at the end visited various facilities with gifts of love and prayed for the peo-
of the training, 3 children got baptized. To God be the glory. ple they met.
—Reported by Omobonike Sessou (Omobonike Sessou gives a
bird’s eye view of various Global Children’s Day activities in West
Africa Division).

Sanpedro Children.

300 Children Visit Yopougon Teaching Hospital in Abidjan

Enyde and some of the kids who received Bible Seminar Participation In Abidjan, about 300 Adventist children ministered to mothers
and babies at the Yopougon Teaching Hospital. They distributed
about 500 kits containing food, diapers, baby milk, feeding bot-
tles, detergents, etc.

12 Part of the children during the Bible Seminar in West Sahel Union Mission Part of the 300 Children who visited Yapougon Teaching Hospital.
World News

Gaoua City Children Tsevié Suburb Children in Lome, Togo

Thirteen children and their teachers in Gaoua, a city about 390 Fifty children from Tsevié suburb in Lome, Togo, contributed money
km from Ouagadougou, cleaned a public health center com- and bought assorted gifts for 37 children who live in an orphanage
pound in the area of the city known as Sector 2. known in French – Jésus le Bon Berger which means Jesus the Good
Shepherd. The children were accompanied by six adults, Togo and
ESUM CHM Directors. The orphaned children were very thankful
for what they had received.

Gaoua City Children in Sector 2. Tsevié Suburb Children in Lome.


Positive Discipline
Ten ways suggested by Bridget Bentz Sizer as to
how you can discipline positively.


Sizer, quoting Naomi Aldort, the author of the
book “Raising our Children, Raising Ourselves,”
says that children want to behave well. If they
fail to do so, usually there is a valid reason
for their missing the mark. It’s a parent’s duty
to find out what makes the child behave that
way. Aldort explains that many times, once
the cause is identified and removed, the child
behaves differently. For example, sometimes
the child will keep slapping his sibling in order
to get your attention because you may have
been busy with other things for a long time.
The tendency is to scream, “Stop hitting your
sister.” But Aldort says, if you “correct your own

behavior, that will satisfy the child’s need” and
the behavior will disappear.
(PSALM 34:11 KJV)

WHEN/THEN – ABUSE IT/LOSE IT PRINCIPLE it or else…” Parents should remember that screaming at the
Let’s say your child likes watching cartoons on TV than doing child will beget a screaming child. It is important to model
his/her home work. Experts advise not to say to your child, the behavior you want in your child. If you want your child
“Do your homework. Don’t just watch TV.” Discipline posi- to be patient, model patience. And be a consistent model.
tively, Kersey writes, and say something like this; “When you Inconsistency confuses a child.
have finished your homework, then you may watch TV.” She
observes that this approach has three advantages. It teaches GIVE ATTENTION TO THE BEHAVIOR YOU LIKE - NOT
children to be responsible, accountable and obedient. THE BEHAVIOR YOU DON’T
Again, making reference to Kersey, Sizer writes that
INCOMPATIBLE ALTERNATIVE PRINCIPLE – THE sometimes children misbehave because they want attention.
PRINCIPLE OF REDIRECTING Hence, it is advisable to sometimes give a cold shoulder to
A child is redirected to do something that he can’t do while those actions you don’t approve. This is what Kersey refers
misbehaving. For example, you are shopping in a grocery to as “Rain on the grass, not on the weeds” principle. If your
shop and your child keeps running all over. The thing many child likes to throw tantrums and whine, ignore the behavior.
parents do naturally is to shout something like this; “Stop. You could even walk away. Your child will soon learn that
You are going to hurt yourself.” But this principle suggests this style of communicating is not acceptable.
that you redirect the energy of your child by offering two
alternative positives that are not compatible with the inap- PRIVACY PRINCIPLE
propriate behavior. For example, say to your child, “On that When your child misbehaves in public, take her aside and
shelf there are cereals and over there are apples. Would you talk to her privately. Don’t embarrass her in public.
like to help mummy by choosing cereals or apples?” The
suggested behavior is not compatible to running around. TALK WITH THEM, NOT TO THEM PRINCIPLE
Don’t preach to children. Focus on two-way communication.
TALK ABOUT THEM POSITIVELY TO OTHERS Listen to your child as well as talk. Don’t confuse your child
Let’s say you had taken your child to a dentist, when you by saying, “Answer me when I talk. Don’t just stand there
return home report to the family how positively the child looking at me as if I am an alien from space.” Then when
behaved. “Mary has really grown up. I felt proud of her. She your child talks back you end up shouting, “Don’t answer
sat proud and tall on the dentist’s chair and she even had a me when I am talking.” This will totally confuse your child.
conversation with the dentist.”
DON’T BRIBE As you put your child to bed, tell her that she is special and
Some parents when a child is misbehaving, they bribe the very much loved. Remind her the good things she did during
child. The bribing may be like this; “If you stop running the day and that you are looking forward to another good
around, I will buy you ice cream.” This approach sends a day tomorrow. And with your face smiling, give her a ‘good-
wrong message to the child. The message you are sending to night-and-sleep-tight’ kiss.
the child is that if you are good, you get nothing, but if you
trouble mom a little, you are offered a reward. Saustin Sampson Mfune
GC Children’s Ministries Associate Director


CHILD International Conference
Dr Katherine C. Kersey, in her book “The 101s: A Guide on Children’s Spirituality
to Positive Discipline,” states that model the behavior you
want to see in your child. She explains that it is advisable
not to do anything in front of children that you don’t want
them to imitate. Children are copy cats. You will sometimes
notice when they are playing, one will say, “I will be daddy

14 and the other will say I will be mommy.” To your shock,

you will hear the child who is imitating you scream, “Stop
Register: chaire-spiritualities.ulaval.ca

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