Revision Guide Upto Grade 2 3
Revision Guide Upto Grade 2 3
Revision Guide Upto Grade 2 3
Maths Club on Wednesdays
2017 Exam Dates:
Thursday 25th May at 9am
Thursday 8th June at 9am
Tuesday 13th June at 9am
Courtesy of:
Types of number 3
Place value 6
Directed numbers 8
Coordinates 12
Patterns and sequences 15
Collecting like terms (simplifying) 19
Solving linear equations 22
Inequalities 25
Data Handling:
Averages 45
Tally charts and bar graphs 47
Pictograms 51
Probability 53
Types of Numbers
Things to remember:
A factor is a whole number that divides exactly into another number.
A multiple is a number that may be divided by another a certain number of times without a
A prime number only has 2 factors – 1 and itself.
A power tells us how many times the base number has been multiplied by itself
A root is the opposite of a power.
A square number is the result of multiplying an integer (whole number) by itself.
1. (a) Write down the square of 8
(b) Write down the value of 10³
(c) Estimate the value of √ 20
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
4. (a) Write down the value of 7²
(b) Write down the value of √ 25
(c) Write down the value of 2³
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
8. Here is a list of numbers.
1 2 4 5 7 11 13 14 15 17
From the list, write down three different prime numbers that add together to make 20
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
Place Value
Things to remember:
Label columns as below
Thousand Units 1 1 1
Hundreds Tens
s 10 100 1000
1. (a) Write the number seven thousand and twenty five in figures.
(b) Write the number 9450 in words.
(c) Write the number 28.75 to the nearest whole number.
(d) Write the number 7380 to the nearest thousand.
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
(Total for question = 1 mark)
(Total for question is 1 mark)
(b) Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
2.8 4.71 0.6 13.4
(c) Write ⁄10 as a decimal.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
5. (a) Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
3517 7135 5713 1357
(b) Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
0.354 0.4 0.35 0.345
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
(a) Write down the largest 4-digit even number that can be made using each card only
(b) Write down all the 2-digit numbers that can be made using these cards.
(Total for question is 4 marks)
7. (a) Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
3007 4435 399 4011 3333
(b) Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
3.7 5.62 0.7 14.3
(c) Write as a decimal.
(Total for question = 3 marks)
8. Write the following numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
0.61 0.1 0.16 0.106
(Total for question = 1 mark)
Directed Numbers
Things to remember:
Mixed means minus!
Use a number line – if you’re adding you need to move in a positive direction (right), if
you’re subtracting you need to move in a negative direction (left).
2. Here is a map of the British Isles.
The temperatures in some places, one night last winter are shown on the map.
(a) (i) Write down the names of the two places that had the biggest difference in
(ii) Work out the difference in temperature between these two places.
(b) Two pairs of places have a difference in temperature of 2 °C.
Write down the names of these places.
(i) …......................................... and ….............................................
(ii) …......................................... and ….............................................
(Total 5 marks)
2. Sally wrote down the temperature at different times on 1st January 2003.
Time Temperature
midnight – 6 °C
4 am –10 °C
8 am – 4 °C
noon 7 °C
3 pm 6 °C
7 pm –2 °C
(a) Write down
(i) the highest temperature,
(ii) the lowest temperature.
(b) Work out the difference in the temperature between
(i) 4 am and 8 am,
(ii) 3 pm and 7 pm.
At 11 pm that day the temperature had fallen by 5 °C from its value at 7 pm.
(c) Work out the temperature at 11 pm.
(Total 5 marks)
3. The table shows the temperature on the surface of each of five planets.
Planet Temperature
Venus 480 °C
Mars – 60 °C
Jupiter – 150 °C
Saturn – 180 °C
Uranus – 210 °C
(2) Work out the difference in temperature between Mars and Jupiter.
(b) Work out the difference in temperature between Venus and Mars.
(c) Which planet has a temperature 30 °C higher than the temperature on Saturn?
The temperature on Pluto is 20 °C lower than the temperature on Uranus.
(d) Work out the temperature on Pluto.
(Total 4 marks)
4. (a) Write down the temperature shown on the thermometer.
15 The temperature falls by 8°C.
(b) Work out the new temperature.
5 (1)
0 °C
(Total 2 marks)
5. The table shows the highest and lowest temperatures one day in London and Moscow.
Highest Lowest
London 8°C –6°C
Moscow –3°C –8°C
(2) Work out the difference between the lowest temperature in London and the lowest
temperature in Moscow.
(b) Work out the difference between the highest and lowest temperature in London.
(Total 2 marks)
(Total 3 marks)
7. Mr Snow stayed some time at the South Pole.
The highest temperature there was –30 °C.
The lowest temperature there was –57 °C.
(2) Work out the difference between the highest temperature and the lowest
temperature at the South Pole.
Mr Snow returned to his house in London.
The temperature outside his house was –2 °C.
The temperature inside his house was 12 °C higher.
(b) Work out the temperature inside his house.
(Total 2 marks)
(Total for question = 1 mark)
Things to remember: 4
Along the corridor, up the stairs (x,y)
Questions: P
1. (a) Write down the coordinates of the 2 ×
point P.
(…....... , ….......) 1
(b) (i) On the grid, plot the point –4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4 x
(0, 3). Label the point Q.
(ii) On the grid, plot the point –1
(–2, –3). Label the point R.
(2) –2
(Total 3 marks)
3. (a) (i) Write down the coordinates of the
point A.
(……………,………….) 7
(ii) Write down the coordinates of the A
point B. 6 ×
(……………,………….) 5
(2) B
(b) (i) On the grid, mark the point (6, 4) with 4×
the letter P. 3
(ii) On the grid, mark the point (3, 0) with
the letter Q. 2
(2) 1
(Total 4 marks)
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
4. (a) Write down the coordinates of
the point
(2) A, 4
(…......... , ….........)
A × 3 × B
(ii) C.
(…......... , ….........) 2
(b) (i) On the grid, mark the 1
(…......... , ….........)
(b) Write down the coordinates of the point B.
(…......... , ….........)
(c) On the grid, mark with a cross (×) the point
(−3, −1). Label this point C.
(Total for question = 3 marks)
7. (a) Write down the coordinates of
the point P.
(…......... , ….........)
(b) Write down the coordinates of
the point R.
(…......... , ….........)
P, Q and R are three vertices of a
(c) Write down the coordinates of
the fourth vertex of this
(…......... , ….........)
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(…......... , ….........)
(b) Find the coordinates of the
midpoint of AB.
(…......... , ….........)
(Total for question = 2 marks)
Patterns and Sequences
Things to remember:
If there is a pattern, look carefully at how many sticks/blocks are being added on each time.
Work out the rule (for example: add 4 or multiply by 2) to help you work out the next term.
1. Here are some patterns made from sticks.
(b) Complete the table.
(c) How many sticks make Pattern number 15?
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(b) Find the 10th term in this sequence.
(c) The number 102 is not a term in this sequence. Explain why.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
3. Here are the first four terms of a number sequence.
3 7 11 15
(a) Write down the next term of this sequence.
The 50th term of this number sequence is 199
(b) Write down the 51st term of this sequence.
The number 372 is not a term of this sequence.
(c) Explain why.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
4. Here are some patterns made from white centimetre squares and grey centimetre squares.
(b) Find the number of grey squares in Pattern 6
A Pattern has 20 grey squares.
(c) Work out how many white squares there are in this Pattern.
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
5. Here are some patterns made from sticks.
(b) How many sticks are needed for Pattern number 12?
Sunil says that he will need 70 sticks for Pattern number 20
(c) Is Sunil correct? You must give a reason for your answer.
(Total for Question is 5 marks)
(ii) Explain how you found your answer.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
7. Here is a sequence of patterns made with grey square tiles and white square tiles.
(b) Find the total number of tiles in pattern number 20
(Total for question is 3 marks)
8. Here is a sequence of patterns made from sticks.
(b) How many sticks are needed for pattern number 10?
(Total for question = 3 marks)
Collecting Like Terms (Simplifying)
Things to remember:
2a means a + a or 2 lots of a
a² means a x a
The sign (+ or -) belongs to the term following it. You may find it easier to identify like terms
using two different highlighters.
1. (a) Simplify a + a + a + a
(b) Simplify 3 × c × d
(c) Simplify 3ef + 5ef – ef
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(b) Simplify 8n – 3n
(c) Simplify 3×c×d
(d) Simplify 3x + 7y + 2x – y
(Total for Question is 5 marks)
3. Simplify 3x + 5y + x + 4y
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
4. (a) Simplify a×c×3
(b) Simplify p×p×p
(c) Simplify 5x – 4y + 3x – 3y
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
5. (a) Simplify 5a – 2a
(b) Simplify 3 × 4y
(c) Simplify 3e + 4f + 2e – f
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
6. (a) Simplify m+m+m
(b) Simplify 9e – 2e
(c) Simplify 5 × 3g
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(b) Simplify 3×e×f
(c) Simplify 2x + 3y + 3x – y
(Total for question = 4 marks)
(b) Simplify 2m × 3
(c) Simplify 3a + 2h + a + 3h
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
Solving Linear Equations
Things to remember:
“Solve” means to find the value of the variable (what number the letter represents).
The inverse of + is – and the inverse of x is ÷
Work one step at a time, keeping you = signs in line on each new row of working.
1. A two step function machine is shown.
(b) If the output is 25, what was the input?
(c) If the input is n, what is the output?
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
2. You can use this rule to work out the total cost of hiring a car.
Raj hires a car.
The total cost is £40
(b) Work out how many hours Raj hires the car for.
…........................................................ hours
(Total for Question is 5 marks)
3. (a) Solve 6g = 18
(b) Solve 5h + 7 = 17
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
4. (a) Solve x + 9 = 19
(b) Solve 2y = 17
(c) Solve ⁄4= 8
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
5. (a) Solve =2
(b) Solve 3g + 4 = 19
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
6. (a) Solve 4x = 20
(b) Solve y − 9 = 17
(Total for question = 2 marks)
7. Solve 3x + 7 = 1
(Total for question = 2 marks)
8. Solve 4x + 5 = x + 26
(Total for question = 2 marks)
Things to remember:
< means less than
> means greater than
≤ means less than or equal to
≥ means greater than or equal to
An integer is a whole number
On a number line, use a full circle to show a value can be equal, and an empty circle to
show it cannot.
1. –2 < n ≤ 3
n is an integer.
Write down all the possible values of n.
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
2. (a) n is an integer.
–1 ≤ n < 4
List the possible values of n.
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
(b) −3 ≤ n < 2
−2 < m < 4
n and m are integers.
Given that n = m, write down all the possible values of n.
(Total for question = 5 marks)
5. −5 < y ≤ 0
y is an integer.
Write down all the possible values of y.
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
6. (a) n is an integer.
–1 ≤ n < 4
List the possible values of n.
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
7. –4 < n ≤ 1
n is an integer.
(a) Write down all the possible values of n.
(b) Write down the inequalities represented on the number line.
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
8. –2 < n ≤ 3
(a) Represent this inequality on the number line.
Types of Shapes and their Properties
Things to remember:
Sides and vertices belong on 2D shapes.
Edges, faces and vertices belong on 3D shapes.
1. Here is a triangular prism.
2. Here is a cuboid.
(b) Here is a quadrilateral.
4. Draw a sketch of a pentagon.
7. Here are some shapes made from squares.
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
(a) From the list, write down the names of two quadrilaterals which must have all four
sides the same length.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
Reflection, Rotation and Symmetry
Things to remember:
A reflection is where the shape is flipped.
A rotation is where the shape is turned.
1. Here is a shaded shape on a grid of centimetre squares.
2. (a) On the grid, shade in one more square so that the completed shape has one line of
(b) On the grid below, shade in two more squares so that the completed shape has
rotational symmetry of order 2
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
3. (a) Shade one more square to make a pattern with 1 line of symmetry.
(b) Shade one more square to make a pattern with rotational symmetry of order 2
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
6. (a) Reflect the shaded shape in the mirror line.
(b) Reflect the shaded shape in the mirror line.
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
7. On the grid, rotate shape A 180° about the point (1, 1).
8. (a) (i) Shade 4 sectors on diagram A so that it has rotational symmetry of order 4
Area and Perimeter of Rectangles and Triangles
Things to remember:
Area of a rectangle = base x height
Area of a triangle = ½ x base x height
The perimeter is the distance around the outside of shape
1. On the centimetre grid, draw a rectangle with an area of 12 cm2.
3. Here is a rectangle. Work out the area of this rectangle.
…........................................................ cm2
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
5. The shaded shape is drawn on a grid of centimetre squares.
(a) Find the perimeter of the shaded shape.
…........................................................ cm
(b) On the grid below, draw a square with the same area as the shaded shape.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
6. Dilys buys a new house.
She wants to have a lawn in the back garden.
The lawn is going to be in the shape of a rectangle.
The lawn will have a length of 10 m. The lawn will have a width of 8 m.
Dilys wants to buy edging strip for her lawn.
The length of the edging strip needs to be equal to the perimeter of her lawn.
Edging strip costs £1.50 per metre. What is the total cost of the edging strip?
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
7. The diagram shows a garden with 4 flower beds.
The garden is a rectangle, 23 m by 17 m.
length =...........................................................m
width =...........................................................m
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
8. The diagram shows a rectangle and a square.
The perimeter of the rectangle is the same as the perimeter of the square.
Work out the length of one side of the square.
…........................................................ cm
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
Things to remember:
There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour.
Be careful when reading scales – continue to count on until you reach the next written value
to check.
1. Here is a clock in a school.
(a) (i) School starts 15 minutes earlier than the time shown on the clock.
What time does school start?
(ii) The first lesson ends 45 minutes after the time shown on the clock.
What time does the first lesson end?
(b) School finishes at 3.20 pm. Write 3.20 pm using the 24-hour clock.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
2. (a) How many minutes are there between 8.50 pm and 10.05 pm?
........................................................... minutes
(b) (i) Write 15 25 using the 12-hour clock.
(ii) Write 9.15 pm using the 24-hour clock.
Lucy and Saad went to a cafe on the same day.
Lucy was in the cafe from 10.15 am to 10.45 am.
Saad was in the cafe from 10.25 am to 11.05 am.
(c) Work out the number of minutes that Lucy and Saad were in the cafe at the same
........................................................... minutes
(Total for Question is 5 marks)
3. Complete this table. Write a sensible unit for each measurement.
4. (a) Complete this table. Write a sensible unit for each measurement.
Metric Imperial
Diameter of a football inches
Amount of fuel in a car ..........................................
fuel tank ..........................................
(b) (i) Change 4 kg to grams.
........................................................... grams
(ii) Change 3500 ml to litres.
........................................................... litres
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
6. The diagram shows a temperature gauge.
How many degrees does the temperature have to rise to get to the danger zone?
........................................................... °C
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
........................................................... kg
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
8. The diagram shows the temperature in an oven.
Lorna switches her oven on at 5.50 pm.
She sets the temperature at 180°C.
It takes 15 minutes for the oven to reach a temperature of 180°C.
(c) What time will the oven reach a temperature of 180°C?
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
Things to remember:
Mode is most – the number that occurs the most frequently.
Median is middle – put the numbers in order then identify the middle number.
Mean is mean to work out – add all the numbers together and divide by the quantity in the
Range is the difference from the biggest to the smallest.
1. Chloe made a list of her homework marks.
4 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 4 5
(a) Write down the mode of her homework marks.
(b) Work out her mean homework mark.
(Total 3 marks)
2. Peter rolled a 6-sided dice ten times.
Here are his scores.
3 2 4 6 3 3 4 2 5 4
(a) Work out the median of his scores.
(b) Work out the mean of his scores.
(c) Work out the range of his scores.
(Total 5 marks)
3. Mr Smith kept a record of the number of absences for each student in his class for one
Here are his results.
0 0 0 8 4 5 5 3 2 1
(a) Write down the mode.
(b) Work out the mean.
(Total 3 marks)
4. Here are ten numbers.
7 6 8 4 5 9 7 3 6 7
(a) Work out the range.
(b) Work out the mean.
(Total 4 marks)
(c) Work out the range of the girls’ marks.
(d) Work out the mean mark of all 10 students.
(Total 6 marks)
(c) Work out the mean age.
(Total 4 marks)
Tally Charts and Bar Graphs
Things to remember:
The fifth tally mark should make a gate – this makes it easier to count the tally as you can
count up in 5s.
Frequency means total.
If you are drawing a bar chart, the axes must be labelled.
1. Ray and Clare are pupils at different schools. They each did an investigation into their
teachers’ favourite colours. Here is Ray’s bar chart of his teachers’ favourite colours.
F req u en cy
R ed B lu e G reen
C o lo u rs
(a) Write down two things that are wrong with Ray’s bar chart.
Clare drew a bar chart of her teachers’ favourite colours. Part of her bar chart is shown
F req u en cy
R ed B lu e Yello w G reen
C o lo u rs
4 teachers said that Yellow was their favourite colour.
2 teachers said that Green was their favourite colour.
(b) Complete Clare’s bar chart.
(c) Which colour was the mode for the teachers that Clare asked?
(d) Work out the number of teachers Clare asked.
(e) Write down the fraction of the number of teachers that Clare asked who said Red
was their favourite colour.
(Total 7 marks)
2. A shop has a sale.The bar chart shows some information about the sale.
K ey
R ed u ctio n
50 in p rice
30 S ale
p rice
M icro w av e
M ix er
F ry er
Iro n
Vacu u m
C o o k set
clean er
3. Daniel carried out a survey of his friends’ favourite flavour of crisps.
Here are his results.
Plain Chicken Bovril Salt & Vinegar Plain
Salt & Vinegar Plain Chicken Plain Bovril
Plain Chicken Bovril Salt & Vinegar Bovril
Bovril Plain Plain Salt & Vinegar Plain
4. Here is a bar chart showing the number of hours of TV that Helen and Robin watched last
H o u rs o f T V w a tch ed la st w eek
N u m b er
o f h o u rs 5 H elen
4 R o b in
S u n d ay M o n d ay Tu esd ay W ed n esd ay T h u rsd ay F rid ay S atu rd ay
D ay
(a) Write down the number of hours of TV that Helen watched on Monday.
(b) On which day did Helen and Robin watch the same number of hours of TV?
(c) (i) Work out the total number of hours of TV that Robin watched on Friday and
(ii) Who watched the greater number of hours of TV on Friday and Saturday?
Show your working.
(Total 5 marks)
5. Heather carried out a survey about her friends’ pets. Here are her results.
Cat Cat Dog Hamster Cat
Dog Hamster Cat Cat Dog
Hamster Dog Hamster Dog Fish
Cat Dog Fish Cat Cat
Things to remember:
Use the key!
Once you have the number the whole pictures represents you can work out what the picture
would be to represent 1 or 2 etc.
1. The pictogram shows the numbers of loaves of bread made by Miss Smith, Mr Jones and
Mrs Gray.
Miss Smith
Mr Jones
Mrs Gray
Ms Shah
Mr Khan
represents 20 loaves of bread
2. The pictogram gives information about the number of goals scored in a local football
league in each of 3 weeks.
First week
Second week
Third week
Fourth week
Fifth week
8 goals were scored in the fourth week.
5 goals were scored in the fifth week.
(c) Complete the pictogram.
(Total 4 marks)
3. Sharif buys some fruit. The pictogram shows information about the number of apples and
the number of oranges he buys.
A p p les
O ran g es
P each es
Things to remember:
Probability can be expressed as a fraction, decimal or percentage. Do not write it as a ratio.
All probabilities of an event will add up to 1.
1. Draw a circle around the word, or words, which best describe the following possibilities.
(a) It will rain in Manchester next September.
0 1
(Total 3 marks)
The spinner can land on A or B or C. Marc spins the spinner.
Write down the probability that the spinner will land on A.
(Total 2 marks)
5. A bag contains some beads which are red or green or blue or yellow.
The table shows the number of beads of each colour.
(Total 2 marks)
(Total 1 mark)
Simplifying Ratios
Things to remember:
Divide both parts of the ratio by the same factor until in its simplest form.
1. Write the ratio 2 : 6 in its simplest form.
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
The cost of each white tile was £2
The cost of each blue tile was £4
(b) Work out the ratio of the total cost of the white tiles to the total cost of the blue tiles.
(Total for question = 4 marks)
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
(Total for question = 1 mark)
Simplifying Fractions and Fractions of Amounts
Divide both the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) of the fraction by the same factor
until in its simplest form.
To find a fraction of an amount, divide the amount by the denominator, then multiply by the
1. Sam has £480
He spends ¼ of the £480
Work out how much money Sam has left.
£ ...........................................................
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
3. Here is a shape. Shade 3⁄4 of this shape.
Here are some fractions.
*5. Here are two fractions.
2 7
⁄3 ⁄8
Which of these fractions has a value closer to 3⁄4?
You must show clearly how you get your answer.
6. Why does ?
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
(Total for question = 2 marks)
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Things to remember:
1. (a) Write 0.1 as a fraction.
(b) Write ¼ a decimal.
(Total for Question is 2 marks)
(b) Write 0.45 as a percentage.
(c) Write 30% as a fraction.
Give your fraction in its simplest form.
(Total for Question is 4 marks)
(Total for Question is 3 marks)
6. Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
(Total for question = 2 marks)
7. Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest number.
(Total for question = 2 marks)
8. Celina and Zoe both sing in a band.
One evening the band plays for 80 minutes.
Celina sings for 65% of the 80 minutes.
........................................................... minutes
(Total for question = 4 marks)
Useful websites:
(Video explanations and questions)
Username: student no @ king-ed
Password: 2 figure date of birth