3-MeasuringOralHealth-HowCanThe ICF Help

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Measuring oral health – how can the International Classification of Functioning help?

Faulks D*, Scambler S, Daly B, Jamieson L, Hennequin M, Tsakos G.

* Corresponding author: Denise Faulks, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Service d’Odontologie, F-

63003 Clermont-Ferrand AND Université Clermont Auvergne, Centre de Recherche en
Odontologie Clinique (CROC) EA4847, UFR d’Odontologie, F-63010 Clermont-Ferrand

Sasha Scambler, King’s College London, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial
Sciences, Tower Wing, Guy’s Campus. Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, UK

Blánaid Daly, Trinity College Dublin, School of Dental Sciences AND Dublin Dental
University Hospital, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Lisa Jamieson, Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health, The University of
Adelaide, Australia 5005

Martine Hennequin, Université Clermont Auvergne, Centre de Recherche en Odontologie

Clinique (CROC), F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, AND CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Service
d’Odontologie, F-63003 Clermont-Ferrand, France

Georgios Tsakos, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL, 1-19 Torrington
Place, London WC1E 7HB, UK

All authors provided substantial contributions to conception and design of the manuscript;
drafting the article and revising it critically for important intellectual content; and gave final
approval of the version to be published.
Conflict of interest:
The authors confirm that they have no conflict of interest and that they received no specific
funding for this work.


Measuring oral health – how can the International Classification of Functioning help?


There is need for a theoretically-informed, contextualised approach to measuring oral

health from a multi-disciplinary perspective that goes beyond the commonly used clinical
indices and sociodental measures. This commentary aims to discuss the potential for the WHO’s
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to provide a model for
the development of indicators for oral health. It is suggested that the ICF might provide both a
theoretical model and an operational classification for indicators of oral health. The ICF model
states that human experience of physical, cognitive and social functioning is universal, and thus
can be described and qualified. Human function is given social and environmental context
within the model at both an individual and population level. The ICF can capture data regarding
oral health and function at the physiological level (e.g. chewing) but also at the social level (e.g.
sharing meals). It is able to capture aspects of preventive behaviour (e.g. caring for teeth) but
also aspects of social facilitation (e.g. economic self-sufficiency) or ability to fulfil a social role
(e.g. remunerative employment). It also includes aspects of social environment, such as health
care services or political, economic and legal systems. Case studies are given as examples of
the potential use of the ICF in the oral health domain. Examples are also given of the first steps
that have been made towards operationalisation of the ICF in data collection and oral health
research. The challenges of encompassing such a comprehensive model into a practical oral
health measure are discussed.


Oral health, Health status indicators, International Classification of Functioning, Disability

and Health


There is need for a theoretically-informed, contextualised approach to measuring oral

health from a multi-disciplinary perspective1-5. This need has been translated into the creation
of consensus groups that are revisiting existing tools and developing novel oral health
indicators. This activity is witnessed by initiatives such as the FDI/ICHOM Adult Oral Health
Standard Set* 3, the European Global Oral Health Indicators Development project (EGOHID)4,
the EU project ADVOCATE** 1 and a current project led by the WHO HQ Geneva Oral Health
Programme and supported by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Health Inequalities and
Public Health at UCL, London. The most widely used epidemiological tool in oral health has
traditionally been the WHO Oral Health Surveys but this has not been updated since 20136, and
remains a largely clinical set of measures of dental diseases. The epidemiological tradition of
recording caries prevalence as the main indicator of oral health in large national or regional
surveys is increasingly being questioned and gradually abandoned, as the limits and costs of
such an approach are recognised7. It is now widely recognised that the concept of oral health
cannot be reduced to the measurement of disease. The lack of appropriate tools for the
measurement of oral health is particularly obvious in the study of inequalities in oral health.
Marginalised populations that represent the extreme aspects of inequalities are, by definition,
hard to reach and often explicitly excluded from epidemiology and research8. Despite
agreement that epidemiology is essential in order to identify oral health differences between
different groups, with the overarching aim to act upon them9, there is unresolved debate over
what should be measured and how to capture the essential elements of whole population health.
In particular, the data collected needs to be easy to interpret and easy to integrate into health
policy decision making10.

* FDI / ICHOM Adult Oral Health Standard Set: Fédération Dentaire Internationale / International Consortium
for Health Outcomes Measurement.
** EU project ADVOCATE: Added Value for Oral Care, European Commission Horizon 2020

This commentary aims to discuss the potential for the International Classification of
Functioning (ICF)11 to provide a model for the development of indicators for oral health. As a
first step, we will discuss the limitations of the existing tools for measuring oral health and the
gaps in data collection with regards to the lived experience of health in a social context
(meaning the day to day experience of health as one element of social functioning).

Critique of existing measures

The majority of oral health data is currently reported in terms of clinical measures or/and
self-reported measures. There are issues with both approaches, even when used in
combination12, though clearly the limitations are more evident when either of these is used in
isolation. This is because both are essential and also distinct as parts of health measurement and
the use of one as a substitute for the other is neither conceptually appropriate nor empirically

In terms of clinical measures, traditional indicators were not designed around a

theoretical model but focus on reporting clinically identifiable dental disease. Only more recent
indicators, such as ICDAS (International caries assessment and detection system) 13, are based
on current understanding of aetiology and pathological processes. Clinical oral health measures
provide a cross-sectional assessment of both current and accumulated disease. However, in the
absence of standardised contextual data regarding the lived experience of the individual or
population, these findings shed limited light on aetiology, physiopathology, oral health risk or
potential paths of curative or preventive intervention. The data provided by such studies lack
the overall context both in terms of the individual and of their social and physical environment,
and are therefore difficult to interpret for the non-initiated and near impossible to translate into
health policy10,14. The vast majority of clinical measures report on the teeth or periodontal
structures in isolation, devoid of either functional purpose or the individual behind the mouth15-
. By their own remit, they do not attempt to take into account the life-course experience of
disease and treatment18-20, whilst nevertheless reporting the accumulated impact of both on the
oral structures10. In practical terms, such measures may serve primarily to attempt to deduce
normative treatment need which although pragmatic, is reductive. Progressively, clinical tools
have been developed that attempt to evaluate normative oral function rather than oral disease,
such as the Nordic Orofacial Test21, but these remain relatively rare and under-utilised.

Historically, and in recognition of these limitations, self-reported oral health measures

were developed. Initially termed sociodental indicators, then oral health related quality of life

measures, these indices were promoted as a means of introducing elements of individual context
into the oral health picture22. Seminal conceptual contributions on health outcomes
measurement, such as the work by Wilson and Cleary23, have guided relevant work and progress
in the field, particularly in terms of pathways towards oral health and quality of life21,22.
However, many of the common sociodental measures were either not explicitly based on theory
or were based on theories that have since been outmoded. For example, both the widely used
Oral Health Impact Profile26 and Oral Impacts on Daily Performances27 were based on the
theoretical framework provided by Locker’s adaptation of the ICIDH model for oral health
(International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Health, 1980)15,28. This adaptation
of the then predominant conceptual model also included pain and discomfort, thereby indirectly
attempting to expand beyond the functionalistic focus of the ICIDH. However, the ICIDH
framework was replaced by the ICF model in 200111, therefore presenting the challenge of
aligning these indicators with present-day concepts of health and functioning29. This challenge
is discussed in the work of MacEntee and Brondani, who explored the evolving biopsychosocial
models and their application in oral health30-32. They conclude that most oral health models
remain ‘linear’ and are frequently focused on dysfunction and disability32. Moreover, Locker
and Gibson33 note the “unresolved methodological and theoretical issues” within research
relating to positive oral health and the lack of appropriate measures of this construct. A further
methodological point is that the majority of measures were developed, validated and tested
using general population surveys34 or clinical patient samples, which traditionally exclude those
marginalised groups who experience the greatest burden of oral diseases. Current
methodological rigour with regards to the development of new oral health indicators would
impose an explicit theoretical basis, extensive stakeholder participation, multidisciplinary
collaboration and preliminary qualitative study to ensure content validity within the proposed
population context1,22,29,30. Very few of the existing sociodental measures meet these

The interpretation and utility of these sociodental measures for the development of
health policy is complex and incomplete3,35. There are also many misconceptions as to the
interpretation of the sociodental indicators. These measures are, by definition, subjective; that
is they reflect the views of an individual. Misinterpretation is therefore a risk when
extrapolating to describe population-level health2,36. A major concern is the tendency to analyse
for statistically significant difference between groups, without the necessary calculation of
minimally important difference, for example36,37. Statistical analysis based solely on statistical

significance potentially leads to the distortion or misrepresentation of experience38. In addition,
subjectivity requires that the results should be interpreted in relation to patient expectations and
perceptions thus making the need for an explicit theoretical framework even more important23.
The classic ‘disability paradox’ dilemma is an illustration of this point – people adapt their
perception of quality of life and their satisfaction in relation to their current social and functional
context. People with disability are as likely as members of the general population to express
satisfaction with their health39. In the same way, problems of oral health become normalised by
the individual, particularly if these problems are highly prevalent within their immediate social
and family/community circle2,29. Individual expectations are therefore highly related to
sociocultural, socioeconomic and socio-environmental factors and the use of self-reported
measures of oral health therefore carries the risk of perpetuating inequalities by masking the
impact of disease among the more deprived or marginalised groups in the society40,41. It is thus
probable that such tools underestimate the prevalence of poor oral health in populations with
low socio-cultural expectations and overestimate the prevalence in those with high
expectations. For example, this could partly explain reports of poorer OHIP ratings in young
adults compared to older persons2. On the other hand, there is no empirical support for the
notion that the use of self-reported measures can risk perpetuating socioeconomic inequalities
in oral health, as many studies have documented clear social gradients in both clinical and self-
reported indicators of oral health42-46. The use of self-reported measures to evaluate oral health
over time is also problematic. The relevance of oral health to a person can change rapidly in
relation to their relationships, evolving life priorities and expectations, healthcare encounters,
consumer behaviour, and other health priorities or events40. All the above factors suggest that
health and quality of life are different constructs22.

Another way in which the self-reported measures may be misinterpreted is when they
are presumed to objectively measure oral function12. Such measures confront the ontological
stance of objective truth and the constructionist notion of subjective truth. Most self-reported
indices include questions relating to the ability or satisfaction of the individual to perform
certain activities of daily life, such as eating. Interpretation of the results must take into account
the ability of many people to adapt to their functional limits29 and to cognitively reassemble
their situation as normal; that is a person can honestly declare that she has no problems eating
if her preferred diet has gradually evolved to exclude food that is difficult to chew and swallow.
These items should be recognised as being equally socially charged as questions such as ‘Are
you happy with the appearance of your teeth?’. Again, it is local social expectations that dictate

what an individual feels they are ‘supposed’ to be able to eat, what they feel they are ‘supposed’
to look like, and therefore their expressed degree of satisfaction with their functional capacity.
In addition, replies to functional questions are often interpreted in the literature as dysfunction
that requires treatment to correct. This underlying medical paradigm does not necessarily fit
with patient expectations – many people do not wish to be ‘fixed’ and this may apply equally
to matters of oral health29,40,47,48. Another key aspect that is often overlooked by the self-
reported measures, is the explicit investigation of the impact of oral health on the person’s
environment, such as their family, working life or need for support2. Oral health impacts on the
individual’s environment just as the environment impacts on oral health, yet this reciprocal
process is rarely unpicked. It is essential that the implicit ontological and epistemological
assumptions underlying the interpretation of self-reported measures are made explicit.

A small number of sociodental measures integrate certain aspects of the ‘Knowledge,

beliefs, behaviours’ model49. These items aid in the interpretation of self-reported oral health
indicators as they may shed light on patient expectations and some of the social and
psychological aspects of the impacts of oral conditions on the person. However, they do not
record or account for the characteristics of the social environment that play a key role in how
health and function is perceived and determined50,51.

Beyond the standard clinical or self-reported items, some tools attempt to evaluate
individual oral health risk52. The best of these individual risk assessments collate dental and
functional clinical data with self-reported health related behaviour53. These tools may be useful
in terms of identifying oral health inequalities but again only if sufficient data are linked to the
individual regarding social context and environment. In addition, these measures do not take
into account the common risk factor approach and focus only on oral health54-56. Indicators of
oral health need to be assimilated with those of the other non-communicable diseases (NCDs)57.
Other aspects of oral health that may be measured in the literature include access to dental
services, dental attendance and dental expenditure. Caution should be exercised in the
interpretation of these data, in that a direct relationship between dental treatment and oral health
is generally assumed. Use of and demand for dental services is also closely related to social
status, culture and expectations58,59.

In summary, the vast majority of oral health literature currently reports data regarding
either dental disease prevalence and/or self-reported impact of dental disease. Considerable
theoretical contributions to the conceptualisation of health outcomes15,23,60 have helped move
the agenda forward in terms of oral health outcomes measurement, though the extent to which
these are covered by existing measures remains questionable61. The extensive quantity of data
in the literature provides necessary information and sheds light on the experience of dental
disease. However, these approaches have proven insufficient to comprehensively capture the
contextualised reality of oral health and function, whether in terms of population level
inequalities or in terms of the future implementation of oral health interventions or services.
While conceptually relevant and practically helpful, it is not a given that all these constructs
should be captured by a single measure or set of measures and it may well be the case that
different measures (and related frameworks) tap into different underlying constructs and may
serve for different purposes. Both a systematic review and a qualitative synthesis of oral health
indicators are necessary to look at the conceptual underpinnings and practical applicability of
the relevant work in this field.

The theoretical model of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF)

The International Classification of Functioning (ICF)11 provides a theoretical model that

could be applied to oral health29,62,63. The central premise of the model is that human functioning
is universal. Human experience of physical, cognitive and social functioning is a constant,
shared experience64. Human experience can thus be described and the factors influencing, and
influenced by, human functioning listed. The comprehensive nature and the simplicity of this
concept are its strengths. The ICF is about all people – it classifies human ability, not human
disability. The model takes a neutral stance – its components are statements of fact. Human
function is given social and environmental context within the model. The ICF takes a multi-
disciplinary approach and aims to improve and encourage communication between medical,
paramedical, medico-social, policy and lay views. Its design is multi-cultural as befits the
premise of universality. It is an internationally recognised and well-established tool that
integrates with other health descriptors. Criticism of the ICF has largely been levelled at its
misuse as a classification of disability. Whilst acknowledged as a substantial step forward from
previous models of health, some feel that it is still too closely aligned to the medical model and
focuses insufficiently on identifying barriers faced by disabled people65,66.

The ICF model67 is illustrated in Figure 1 and an overview given in Table 1. The central
basis is that of human function. Human function is described within the ICF in terms of Body
functions (physiological processes, such as swallowing or voice production); Body structures
(anatomical structures, such as the tongue or the larynx); Activities (coordinated actions, such
as eating or speaking) and Participation (social interactions, such as sharing a meal or a having
a conversation). Human function is contextualised by Environmental factors (inherent in the
physical, material, social or political environment, such as the availability of food, the support
of friends, the existence of services) and by Personal factors (inherent to the individual, such as
cultural norms or gender). Human functioning also influences, and is influenced by, general
Health status (which may be intrinsic, such as age or fitness; or related to health conditions,
such as presence of a disease, syndrome or disorder). With regards to Figure 1, the WHO
conventionally places Health condition at the top of the figure, and Contextual factors below67,
but the authors feel this over-emphasises the medical aspects of functioning to the detriment of
the environment, and so prefer to inverse the figure as shown66,68.

The ICF classification and qualifiers

The ICF classification is a practical tool that provides an extensive description of all
elements of the ICF model with the exception of Personal factors and of Health conditions
(which are listed in the complementary ICD International Classification of Diseases)69. The
premise is thus that human functioning can be described, classified and qualified. The
classification can be explored online via the ICF Browser70. Traditionally, each item of the ICF
classification is scored using a 5 point ordinal scale that measures the degree of impairment or
restriction, ranging from ‘No impairment’ through mild, moderate, severe and complete (see
Box 1)71,72. These scores are termed qualifiers within the ICF model. Environmental factors can
be scored as facilitators (+1 to +4) or barriers (-1 to -4). Examples of the use of the ICF is given
in Case Studies 1 to 3, using fictive case studies as illustration. Unfortunately, this scoring
system as it stands reports impairment, restriction and disability rather than positive states of
health33,67,68,71,72 (Table 1). The authors feel that the qualifiers for all domains should be placed
on positive and negative scales, as is already the case for the environmental domain, thus
reporting positive aspects of integrity, participation and functioning (Table 1)67. An example of
this use is given in Case study 4. This conceptual strength might be a limitation in terms of
operationalisation of an ICF measure, particularly in terms of relevance for policy making, but
it captures lived experience more closely than a purely negative scale. Caution would need to
be taken to avoid aggregating positive and negative aspects into an overall rating, as in many
cases the positive aspects may help explain or moderate the rating of an item without
eliminating its impact. Thus positive and negative aspects should not be considered as two sides
of the same coin73,74. With this proviso, the use of positive and negative scales would bring the
evaluation of the ICF items in line with the ICF philosophy of universalism67, and also counter
the criticism that despite best intentions, the ICF reverts to the medical paradigm when used as
an outcome measure.

Towards an ICF Core Set in Oral Health

The comprehensive nature of the ICF is simultaneously an advantage and a hindrance

to its widespread implementation. The full classification consists of over 1400 items, which
means that it is often perceived as unwieldy and impractical in the field of epidemiology.
However, the development of discipline-specific ICF Core Sets somewhat mitigates this
problem. An ICF Core Set is a restricted list of ICF items that are relevant to a particular field
– the Comprehensive Core Set for a given discipline consists of around 100 items and the Brief
Core Set consists of a dozen items. Core Set development is regulated by WHO methodology
that imposes four preliminary studies (empirical, qualitative, professional opinion and literature
review), the results of which are collated at a subsequent consensus conference71,75,76. The ICF
Core Set for Oral Health is ongoing, three of the preliminary studies have been completed and
the fourth is underway77-80. While these developments will go some way into addressing the
comprehensive measurement of oral health through a practical set of measures, it is important
to make sure that the wider concepts are not lost, particularly from the ICF Brief Core Sets.

In terms of operationalisation, ICF Core Sets have now been published for 37 different
health conditions or states81, although not all of these have yet been fully validated in the field82.
Whilst ICF Core Sets are not measurement tools, they can be used to define the scope of aspects
that are relevant and necessary for assessment83. The ICF has thus been used to develop new
measures, to validate existing tools or to identify gaps in standard data collection84. Examples
of the use of the Core Sets are given in Table 2. As examples, they have been used to develop
self-reported outcome measures76-78, professionally assessed outcome measures79-81, health-
related quality of life measures82, minimum data sets for health outcomes83, graphical models
of factors associated with functioning when living with a given condition84,85, to identify
treatment and rehabilitation goals86-88 and to provide information regarding functional status for
administrative purposes89.

Examples of use of the ICF in oral health

Researchers have started to integrate the ICF into studies of oral health. The ‘ICF
Checklist for Oral Health’ is a tool consisting of 118 items covering all the ICF domains77,79.
This clinical measure is designed to be completed by the clinician, combining clinical
information with written records and interview. This format attempts to combine ‘normative’
assessment of function by the clinician and ‘subjective’ assessment of function by the
individual. For example, if the individual reports that s/he is able to chew hard foods but the

dentist is aware that s/he has no remaining molars, discussion is engaged to arrive at an
appropriate rating of the severity of impact. The Checklist tool is comprehensive and records
in-depth information regarding function and social context. As such, it provides insight into the
items that impact most frequently or most severely on oral health, or that are impacted by oral
health. Unfortunately, this tool is inappropriate for large-scale epidemiology because it is
professionally-administered and time-consuming. It is also unlikely to be used with population
groups that do not or cannot access a dental care provider.

The ICF has also been used to gauge professional opinion of the factors influencing, and
influenced by, oral health in a global oral health survey78,80. This study resulted in a list of ICF
items relevant to oral health from the professional perspective. A complementary qualitative
study is now underway to solicit lay opinions on the subject (Registered at ClinicalTrials.gov:
NCT04815434). The ICF has also been used as an 11-item oral health self-report measure,
although these results are unpublished, and are given as examples only (see Table 3). Petrovic
et al.85 used the ICF to identify patients requiring dental treatment under general anaesthesia
(GA), with items selected by the authors to relate to ability to tolerate dental treatment.
Environmental factors, such as transport services were shown to have a major influence on
referral to GA85. In 2015, Norderyd et al.86 used the ICF to look at the functioning profiles of
children requiring special care dentistry but did not find that functioning was related to oral
health status. In 2016, the same team linked functional level and need for multidisciplinary
treatment under GA87, and in 2018 reported that dental health service organisation had the
biggest impact on referral for treatment under GA in children with disabilities compared with
functioning or caries experience88.

An ICF Core Set for Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) has been developed89-94 and
validated95-97. It has been adapted as a self-report outcome measure (the BSQN- H&N
questionnaire)98, used to define the priorities of HNC patients99, and to develop a clinical
guideline and screening tool100. The ICF has also been used to describe the impact of dysphagia
following HNC101 and as an assessment tool in cleft lip and palate102.

A French online survey of 39,596 adults relating to nutrition used 11 of the ICF items
to give a brief picture of respondent oral health and function (Alimassens project, ANR-14-
CE20-0003). The items were re-phrased as questions for this self-report survey using the
format: “Over the last month, have you had difficulty chewing food (that is crushing and
grinding food with your back teeth)?” The items were chosen by the researchers in the absence
of an official Brief ICF Core Set and included items from the Body Functions and Activities
and Participation domains. The survey also included the GOHAI (General Oral Health
Assessment Index)90 and the Xerostomia Inventory91, and these measures were used to test the
content validity and reliability of the 11 ICF questions. In addition, the ICF questions have been
validated against physiological parameters (at rest and stimulated saliva flow; number of
posterior functional teeth; chewing performance evaluated using two coloured chewing gum92)
in a group of 50 older persons (mean age 71 years). In another project, test-retest data have also
been analysed at a two week interval for 60 adults with good or poor oral function (≥ or < 7
functional posterior teeth). In addition, proxy report of the 11 ICF questions were collected for
34 adults with severe disability and validated against GOHAI90, the Xerostomia Inventory91
and NOT-S (Nordic Orofacial Test- Screening Test)18, in addition to a clinical examination.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the ICF in oral health

The advantage of the ICF model is that it captures a relatively comprehensive picture of
oral function at the physiological level (e.g. chewing) but also at the social level (e.g. sharing
meals). It is able to capture aspects of preventive behaviour (e.g. caring for teeth) but also
aspects of social facilitation (e.g. economic self-sufficiency) or ability to fulfil a social role (e.g.
remunerative employment). As it is a universal health tool, it can also be used to report common
risk factors shared with concurrent chronic conditions. In addition, external facilitators and
barriers can be described, such as social security systems or attitudes of healthcare providers.
The environmental domain can be used to identify barriers to health within political, economic
and legal systems, services and policies, which could help to elucidate some of the corporate
influences that come to bear in oral health57. This means that the collected data can place oral
health and function firmly within a social and societal context. Preliminary studies demonstrate
that the ICF can be used as a self-report measure, making it potentially suitable for
epidemiological data collection on a large scale. Due to its comprehensive nature, the ICF could
also be potentially used for the evaluation of oral health promotion interventions in that it is
able to describe behaviours, attitudes and service/policy level change. The operational
framework of the ICF might thus help fill a gap in terms of measurement of the lived experience
of oral health103,104.

Subsequent studies must now determine the model’s relevance for both research
applications and for public health strategy. This will mean assessing the capacity of ICF-related
epidemiological data to provide outcome measures for both treatment and services but also to
provide clear guidance regarding the design and evaluation of interventions and policies.
Additional research will also be required to complete and validate the ICF Core Set in Oral
Health among various population groups, to integrate the use of positive qualifiers and to
validate a set of tools derived from this with varying levels of complexity. Multidisciplinary
work will be important to integrate the ICF and measures of oral health into the wider field of
NCDs. Oral health professionals must join the push to develop a health monitoring and
evaluation framework that includes not only outcome measures but also enables monitoring of
access to care and universal health coverage and tracing of the wider healthcare process105.

The ICF is a conceptually inclusive and potentially practically relevant framework of

functioning. However, as with all conceptual frameworks, it also contains implicit assumptions;
for example, one could argue that it is implied that changes in body functions or anatomy may
restrict activities and participation in the social context (or vice versa). Furthermore, there are
certain aspects of the experience of oral health that are not measured within the ICF model. For
example, although the ICF inherently integrates notions such as quality of life and social
participation, the ICF was not designed to be a self-reported measure. As such, it does not give
information regarding individual attitudes or values. This may not necessarily be seen as a
limitation as no single theoretical framework and resulting set of measures needs to be suitable
to cover all aspects and purposes in relation to oral health outcomes measurement. Another
important aspect is that the ICF does not explicitly measure many of the social determinants of
health. Some aspects are covered, such as economic self-sufficiency, but for epidemiological
purposes certain socio-demographic questions remain essential (age, gender, socioeconomic
position, ethnicity, disability status etc.), as does a theoretical framework for the interpretation
of socio-demographic data.


Over the last 30 years, oral health data have provided a picture of disease prevalence
and of the impact of oral conditions on quality of life. Questions have been raised regarding
clinical practice, oral health services and health policy, but a biopsychosocial approach that
integrates physiological, anatomical and social aspects of human functioning is still lacking.
The ICF provides both a theoretical model and an operational classification that can be used to
develop indicators of oral health that inform on social context within a multi-disciplinary
perspective. The ICF may be an encouraging way forward in the search for suitable tools to
measure oral health and to investigate inequalities in oral health at population level. Given the
exhaustive nature of the ICF classification, the main challenge in terms of operationalisation is
to develop practical tools without losing the wider social and environmental context that the
ICF provides. Further research is still necessary to complete the ICF Core Set for Oral Health,
to validate existing tools in the field and to assess the capacity of the model to inform health

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Table 1. An overview of the ICF (adapted from 67)

Human Functioning Contextual Factors

Body Functions Activities and Environmental

Components Personal Factors
and Structures Participation Factors

Body functions Life areas External influences Internal influences

Body structures (tasks, actions) on functioning on functioning

Change in body Executing tasks in
functions a standard Facilitating or
(physiological) environment hindering impact of Impact of the
Constructs features of the attributes of the
Change in body Performance physical, social and person
structures Executing tasks in attitudinal world
(anatomical) the current

Functional and Activities

structural integrity Participation
Positive aspect Facilitators Not applicable

Activity Limitation
Impairment Participation
restriction Barriers /
Negative aspect Not applicable

Box 1. ICF qualifiers

The ICF includes generic qualifiers which denote the magnitude or severity of the problem
in question71. These negative scales evaluate impairment of Body function; impairment of Body
structure; limitation of Activity (ability to execute a task without assistance); restriction of
Participation (ability to execute a task within usual environment); and barriers within the
Environment. Qualifiers are coded as one or more numbers after a decimal point.

xxx.0 NO problem (none, absent, negligible, ...) 0-4%

xxx.1 MILD problem (slight, low, ...) 5-24%
xxx.2 MODERATE problem (medium, fair, ...) 25-49%
xxx.3 SEVERE problem (high, extreme, ...) 50-95%
xxx.4 COMPLETE problem (total, ...) 96-100%
xxx.8 not specified
xxx.9 not applicable

For example, moderate limitation of the activity of eating would be coded d550.2 (d550: Eating -
Carrying out the coordinated tasks and actions of eating food that has been served, bringing it to the
mouth and consuming it in culturally acceptable ways, cutting or breaking food into pieces, opening
bottles and cans, using eating implements, having meals, feasting or dining).

The generic ICF Checklist proposes a more detailed description of the ICF Qualifiers72.
These negative scales again evaluate impairment, limitation and restriction but allow a positive
impact on Environment:

0 No impairment means the person has no problem

1 Mild impairment means a problem that is present less than 25% of the time, with an intensity which is
tolerable and which happens rarely over the last 30 days
2 Moderate impairment means that a problem is present less than 50% of the time, with an intensity which
interferes in day to day life and which happens occasionally over the last 30 days
3 Severe impairment means that a problem is present more than 50% of the time, with an intensity which
partially disrupts day to day life and which happens frequently over the last 30 days
4 Complete impairment means that a problem is present over 95% of the time, with an intensity that totally
disrupts day to day life and happens every day over the last 30 days.
8 Not specified means there is insufficient information to specify the severity of the impairment
9 Not applicable means it is inappropriate (e.g. menstruation functions for males)

The ICF Environmental factors are qualified as barriers of facilitators:

Environmental factors
0 No barrier 0 No facilitator
1 Mild barrier +1 Mild facilitator
2 Moderate barrier +2 Moderate facilitator
3 Severe barrier +3 Substantial facilitator
4 Complete barrier +4 Complete facilitator

Case study 1. Mrs A, a 62 year-old woman, wakes in the night in acute throbbing pain from a lower right
molar. She cannot sleep, starts to cry and wakes her husband who reassures her and goes to find the
painkillers. She is swollen and finds it difficult to swallow a tablet. In the morning, her husband makes her
breakfast but she is unable to eat and only drinks a little tea. She phones her workplace to say that she
cannot come in. Her boss is sympathetic and asks her to get a medical certificate to justify the sick leave.
She phones her dentist who gives her an emergency appointment for later in the day. She is very worried
about her tooth because she is diabetic and has high blood pressure. She asks her neighbour to drive her to
the dental appointment, as she feels unable to take the bus.

Pain: b280.3 / Molar: s3200.3 / Sleep: b134.2 / Cry – Emotional function: b152.2 / Attitudes of immediate family: e410.+3 /
Painkillers – Drugs: e1101.+2 / Swallowing: b5105.2 / Support of immediate family: e310.+2 / Eating: d550.3 / Drinking: d560.0 /
Remunerative employment: d850.4 / Attitudes of people in authority: e430.+3 / Employment services, systems and policies:
e590.+3 / Social security services systems and policies: e570.+3 / Support of healthcare professionals: e355.+3 /
Health services: e5800.+3 / Handling stress and other demands: d240.2 / Diabetes: E11 (ICD) / Arterial hypertension: I15 (ICD) /
Support of acquaintances and community members: e325.+3 / Using public motorised transport: d4702.-2

Case study 2. Mr B is 17 years old. He has severe spastic cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He uses an electric
wheelchair but cannot transfer himself to and from his chair. His verbal communication is poor but his
comprehension is good. He attends a day centre where he spends a lot of time on the computer writing a
blog via an adapted device. He lives with his parents who accompany him to the dental appointment.He
arrives with a dedicated transport service because his wheelchair doesn’t fit in the family car. Mr B’s
parents are worried that his ability to chew and to swallow is getting worse as there have been several
incidents of intense coughing at meals over the last few months. His food is always cut very small for him,
but his tongue thrust makes it difficult for him to manage his food and eating is a messy business.

Spastic cerebral palsy: G80.2 (ICD) / Epilepsy: G40 (ICD) : Wheelchair: Assistive products for mobility: e1201.+4 /
Transferring oneself: d420.2 / Speaking: d330.3 / Articulation function: b320.3 / Receiving spoken messages: d310.0 /
Mental function of language: b167.0 / Social support services: e5750.+3 / Assistive products for communication: e125.+4 /
Support of immediate family: e310.+3 / Health services: e5800.+1 / Transport services: e540.+3 /
Attitudes of immediate family: e410.+2 / Chewing: b1502.3 / Swallowing: b5105.2 /
Additional respiratory functions, coughing b450.0 / Food: e1100.+2 / Tongue: s3203.3 / Tone of isolated muscle groups: b7350.3 /
Involuntary contraction of muscles: b7650.3 / Manipulation of food in mouth: b5103.3 / Eating in socially acceptable ways: d550.3

Case study 3. Mr C is 48 years old. He has no fixed address and sometimes sleeps at friends, sometimes in
the street or in shelters. He got sacked from his last job on a construction site and has been out of work for
the last 4 years. He is alcohol dependent. His oral hygiene is erratic and he has not seen a dentist for many
years. He has recently lost two of his lower incisors that were getting increasingly loose. His upper incisors
are broken and he has several cavities in his back teeth. One of his upper left molars is regularly painful.
Last time it was bad he queued at the hospital emergency service where he was given antibiotics. His diet is
poor but is made worse by the fact that he can’t bite into food or chew anything hard. He is ashamed of his
teeth and feels that people judge him because of his broken smile.

Housing services systems and policies: e525.+1 / Social support services, systems and policies: e575.+1 /
Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job: d845.4 / Remunerative employment: d840.4 / Alcohol dependency: F10.2 (ICD) /
Caring for teeth: d5201.3 / Health services: e5800.+1 / Teeth: s3200.3 / Dental caries: K02 (ICD) / Pain: b280.2 / Drugs: e1101.+1 /
Managing diet and fitness: d5701.3 / Biting/incising: b5101.3 / Food: e1100 .-2 / Chewing: b5102.3 / Societal norms: e465.-3 /
Emotional function: b152.2 / Experience of self and time, including body image: b180.-2 / Individual attitudes of strangers: e455.-2

Case study 4 scored using positive and negative qualifiers (+4 to 0; 0 to -4), a method suggested by the
Miss D is 31 years old. She is an administrative officer at a university but finds her job repetitive. She is
engaged to be married. Miss D suffered a lot from her teeth as a child and she remembers episodes of severe
pain. She reports having been ‘held down’ at the dentists for an extraction. She worked up the courage to
seek dental care again last year as she was ashamed of her teeth and wanted to have a ‘proper smile’ for her
wedding day. She underwent a course of cognitive behavioural therapy before being gradually able to
accept dental treatment in the chair under local anaesthesia. She now declares that she is pain free for the
first time in years and that her self-confidence has been boosted to the extent that she has applied for a job
promotion. She is delighted that she no longer has to avoid certain foods and has set a date for the wedding.

Remunerative employment: d840.+2 / Repetitive job: d840, -2 / Intimate relationships: d770.+4 / Teeth: s3200.-3 /
Pain: b280.-3 / Support of health professional: e355.-4 / Individual attitudes of health professionals: e450.-4 /
Courage: Handling stress and other psychological demands d240.+2 / Seek dental care: Looking after one’s health d570.+2 /
Health services, systems and policies e580.+2 / Ashamed of teeth: Body image b1801.-3 /
Smile: producing body language d3350.-2/ CBT: Health services, systems and policies e580.+4 /
Higher level cognitive function b164. +2 / Local anaesthesia: drugs e1101.+3 / Pain: b280.+4 /
Self-confidence: Body image b1801.+3 / Self-confidence: personal factor /
Job promotion: Acquiring, keeping terminating a job d845.+3 / Food: e1100.+3

Table 2. Examples of published uses of the ICF Core Sets
Examples of uses of ICF Core Sets References
Identification of gaps in standard data collection 84

Development of self-reported outcome measures 98,106,107

Development of professionally assessed outcome measures 102,108,109

Development of health-related quality of life measures 110

Provision of minimum data sets for health outcomes 111

Development of graphical models of factors associated with functioning when 112,113

living with a given condition

Identification of treatment and rehabilitation goals 114,115

Provision of information regarding functional status for administrative purposes 116

Table 3. Use of the ICF as a self-reported oral health measure - examples of unpublished studies.
Eleven items in the Body Function or Activities and Participation domains were included in a
self-reported tool. An example of the format of the questions is “Over the last month, have you
had difficulty chewing food (that is crushing and grinding food with your back teeth)?”.

Study type
Online survey of 39,596 adults Used to give a brief picture of
ICF responses compared to
(Alimassens project, ANR-14- respondent oral health and
GOHAIa and XIb responses
CE20-0003) function
ICF responses compared to
physiological parameters (at rest
and stimulated saliva flow;
Clinical study of 50 older adults ICF responses compared to
number of posterior functional
(mean age 71 years) GOHAIa and XIb responses
teeth; chewing performance
evaluated using two coloured
chewing gum117)
Test-retest data with two week
interval for 60 adults with good or Responses used to test reliability
poor oral function (≥ or < 7 of self-reported variables
functional posterior teeth)
Proxy report for 34 adults with ICF proxy responses compared ICF responses compared to
severe disability and clinical to clinician assessment on proxy GOHAIa and XIb
examination examination responses and to NOT-Sc

: GOHAI General Oral Health Assessment118
: XI Xerostomia Inventory119
: NOT-S Nordic Orofacial Test - Screening Test21

Figure Legends

Figure 1. The ICF Model (adapted from 67). The ICF classification lists Body structures, Body
Functions, Activities and Participation, and Environmental factors.


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