Lect 2 - Electronics and Instrumentation

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Force/Pressure Sensor

 Stress measurement using strain

 Strain is change in length (dl) per unit length (l)
 Strain gauge is primary sensing element used in pressure, force
and position sensors

l dl
Strain Gauge

 Based on the variation of resistance of a conductor

or semiconductor when subjected to a mechanical
 The electric resistance of a wire having length l,
cross section A, and resistivity ρ is:
 When the wire is stressed longitudinally, R
undergoes a change.
 Passing small amount of current through such wire
will, thus, help measure voltage change.
 The sensing element of the strain gage is made of
copper-nickel alloy foil. The alloy foil has a rate of
resistance change proportional to strain with a
certain constant.
Strain Gauge
Strain Gauge Type

 Semiconductor Strain Gauge

 Thin Film Strain Gauge

 Diffused Semiconductor Strain

 Bonded Resistance Gauge

Selection Criterion
 Operating Temperature, Nature
of Strain, Stability Requirement
Strain Gauge

 To measure the strain requires accurate measurement of very

small changes in resistance.

 For example, suppose a test specimen undergoes a strain of

500 x10-6.

 A strain gauge with a gauge factor of 2 will exhibit a change

in electrical resistance of only 2x(500 x 10-6).

 For a 120 Ω gauge, this is a change of only 0.12 Ω.

Strain Gauge Circuit

 The Wheatstone bridge is an electric circuit for detection of minute resistance

changes. It is therefore used to measure resistance changes of a strain gauge.

 Strain gauge is connected in place of R4 in the circuit. When the gauge bears
strain and initiates a resistance change, ΔR, the bridge outputs a corresponding
• With no force applied to the test specimen, both strain gauges have
equal resistance and the bridge circuit is balanced.

• However, when a downward force is applied to the free end of the

specimen, it will bend downward, stretching gauge #1 and
compressing gauge #2
Strain Gauge Circuit

Voutput 1
Quarter Bridge :   GF  
Vinput 4
Voutput 1
Half Bridge :   GF  
Vinput 2
Full Bridge :  GF  
In above eqns :
R l
GF  
 l
Effect of Temperature on Output of Gauge

 Ideally, we would like the resistance of the strain gauge to

change only in response to applied strain.

 However, strain gauge material, as well as the specimen

material to which the gauge is applied, will also respond to
changes in temperature.

 Strain gauge manufacturers attempt to minimize sensitivity to

temperature by processing the gauge material to compensate for
the thermal expansion of the specimen material; compensated
gauges reduce the thermal sensitivity, they do not totally
remove it.
Temperature compensation
• By using two gauges

• One gauge is active, and a second gauge

is placed transverse to the applied strain.

• The strain has little effect on the second

gauge, called the dummy gauge.

• Because the temperature changes are

identical in the two gauges, the ratio of
their resistance does not change, the
voltage does not change, and the effects
of the temperature change are
Analog Signal Processing Using
Operational Amplifiers
Assignment (1)
C.W. ( ) 5.1a 5.2a 5.4 a 5.5 5.7 5.11 5.14 5.15
H.W ( Due ) 5.1b 5.2b 5.3 5.6 5.8 5.13 5.12 5.16
Why Signal Processing ?
 Signals usually are not suitable for the next stage.
 Signals my :
 Be too small
 Be too noisy
 Have DC offset
 Have not the suitable type (Analog or digital).
 Signal conditioning circuits are to make the signal
suitable for the next stage.
 Operational amplifiers are integrated circuits used as a
building block in many of these circuits.
Simple Model of Op amp

The gain is given by:

Input Impedance is given by: ; designed High (> 100KΩ) Why?

Iin = Vin / Zin
Output Impedance is given by : designed small (<few ohms )?
; ∆Vout = Iout * Zout
Op Amp as a Basic Building Block :

 The op amp is the basic building block for:

 Amplifiers
 Integrators
 Summers
 Differentiators
 Comparators
 A/D and D/A converters
 Active filters
 Sample and hold amplifiers
Op amp Ideal Model.

Open loop Closed loop

Ideal Model Assumptions

Op Amp Internal Design
Inverting Amplifier
Inverting Amplifier Equiv. circuit for Inverting Amplifier

Assignment: Derive the above formula

EX: 5.1 a
Non inverting Amplifier

R F = 0 & R = infinity

Derive the above Formula

EX: 5.3 & 5.5
Buffer or Follower Circuit
 This circuit is known as a buffer
or follower because Vout = Vin .
 It has a high input impedance
and low output impedance.
 This circuit is useful in
applications where you need to
Vout = Vin
couple to a voltage signal
without loading the source of
the voltage.
 The high input impedance of the
op amp effectively isolates the
source from the rest of the
DC Motor Power –op-amp speed Controller.
Power amp motor driver.
the D/A converter’s output current is
not enough to drive a motor. A power
op amp circuit, configured as a
noninverting amplifier, is used for
higher currents needed. The power
amp will serve as a buffer between
the D/A converter and the motor.
With an input resistor of 10 kΩ and a
feedback resistor of 1 kΩ,, the power
amp circuit has a gain of 1.1.
Therefore, the voltage from the D/A
converter is not amplified very
much, but the circuit is able to
source high current to the motor.
(power op amps).
The OP547 is one such op amp.
Summer & Difference Circuits

Summer Circuit:

Vout = -RF ( V1 /R1 + V2/R2)

Difference Circuit:

Derive the formula.

Difference Amplifier Derivation

Inverted Amp. V 3= V 2*(RF /(R2+RF )
Non- Inverted Amp.

V1 Shortened.
V2 Shortened.

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