KHG - Employee Handbook - External 2022
KHG - Employee Handbook - External 2022
KHG - Employee Handbook - External 2022
‘The Kingsbridge Way’
Employee Handbook
The Kingsbridge Healthcare Group, Northern Ireland’s
leading provider of private medical treatment, providing
excellence and choice in the diagnosis, education and
treatment of all your health and well-being needs.
Dr Suresh Tharma
Our Story
The Kingsbridge Healthcare Group was founded in 2004
by Medical Directors, Dr Suresh Tharma and Mr Ashok
Songra. Their vision was to create world class healthcare
by putting patients at the forefront of everything they did,
this was to become the company’s mission.
From the original premises at 352 Lisburn Road (where the
name 3fivetwo Healthcare was taken), the Company has
expanded and has since undergone a rebrand. The 3fivetwo
Group is now known as the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group Mr Ashok Songra
and consists of the following:
Our Mission
Our mission is to become a world-class provider of healthcare solutions by putting
our patients at the forefront of everything we do. Our aim is to make the Kingsbridge
Healthcare Group the preferred choice for both patients and healthcare professionals.
Honesty - A committed and open approach to your work. Display respect
and integrity in every communication and transaction between customers
and colleagues, to ensure an atmosphere of trust and confidence.
Excellence - A commitment to being the best you can be in your job.
Always striving for improvements and developments in service provision,
through high quality delivering.
Accountability - Taking ownership of your role and its impact on the results of
your department and the company. Show initiative by stepping up and doing
what is best for the business. Take responsibility for results and outcomes.
Teamwork - The ability to work co-operatively with others, to be part of a team,
and to work together to support risk taking and change. Work together for the best
outcome for our customers. Recognise that leadership is the responsibility of all.
Helpfulness - A willingness to provide useful assistance in an empathetic and
friendly manner by contributing to departmental goals and going the extra mile
to ensure excellent customer service delivery.
8 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
Service &
The Kingsbridge Healthcare Group strive to create an
environment where extraordinary service to our patients,
their families, and any other of our guests and visitors,
happens on a daily basis.
Patient feedback is continually measured and reported
on across the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group, with
improvement strategies put in place to ensure standards
remain high. To build service excellence, we focus on six
categories of service standards that define expectations
for individuals and groups and help us achieve our
service mission.
• Customer Relations
• Self-Management
• Teamwork
• Communications
• Ownership/Accountability
• Continuous Performance Improvement
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook 9
Getting Set Up
ID Pass
All employees will be issued with an ID pass to enable you
access to the buildings. These are issued by the
HR Department and should be given to an employee on
their first day. All employees should wear their pass as a
security measure to identify you as a member of staff.
Some positions are required to wear a uniform and
employees will be made aware of this before commencing
the role. Uniform ordering is managed by line managers
who will discuss requirements with the employee on their
first day.
Annual Leave
How to book annual leave will depend on which sub
company an employee is employed by. Further information
can be obtained by speaking to your Line Manager or the
HR Department.
A Safe
In particular, we will:
arry out an assessment of risks to all
employees whilst at work
and Healthy •P
rovide and maintain safe working
conditions and equipment
rovide instruction, information, training
and supervision
rovide suitable personal protective
equipment (PPE) where necessary
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group is • Provide adequate resources
committed to ensuring the health, safety
and welfare of its staff, patients, visitors, • Provide adequate welfare facilities
and any other persons affected by our •W
here possible, avoid manual handling by
working practices. employing mechanical means
We will strive for continual improvement •R
eview and revise the health and safety
of health and safety standards and the policy as necessary in line with company
development and enhancing of a positive restructuring and/or the introduction of
safety culture that promotes personal new or changes to existing legislation
safety and responsibility, respect for
others, and respect for the workplace. •S
trive towards achieving continuous
Consultation with staff and management improvement of health and safety standards.
will take place through committees and the
monitoring and review of arrangements will
be conducted to identify best practice and
highlight areas of weakness. The co-operation of all employees is vital for
the promotion of health and safety within the
The Group regards the successful organisation. Each employee has a duty to
management of health and safety as co-operate by:
equal to all its other business activities
and will provide and maintain safe • Adhering to Group processes and procedures
working conditions in accordance with •U
sing the personal protective equipment
all legal statutory requirements and provided
Codes of Practice.
eporting incidents or hazards which could
lead to injury or damage
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook 11
Risk Complaints
We try to ensure we have first contact resolution
Management of any patient complaints however if a formal
complaint is raised it is logged on our online
event form and an investigation is undertaken.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) The investigation will provide learning to the
Group if there is learning. Patients should receive
Display screen equipment refers to equipment a full response within 20 working days.
used in the workplace such as laptops, tablets,
mobile phones and PCs. The use of DSE plays Maternity
a significant part in several roles within the
company. Kingsbridge Healthcare Group During pregnancy, the company will ensure
recognise the need to safeguard the health and employees have a safe working environment.
safety of all employees who use this type of Line Managers and pregnant employees will
equipment. conduct a maternity risk assessment together
and if at any time there are concerns these
Employees are entitled to free eye tests at should be raised and addressed with our Health
regular intervals. These are provided through and Safety department. Reasonable requests
Kingsbridge Opticians. to make working as easy as possible whilst
aiming to meet the needs of the business will be
Accident and Incident reporting acknowledged.
Your Induction
& Orientation
When you join us, your employment journey will begin
with a period of induction and orientation. Within the
first 2 days of your journey, you will be provided with
the opportunity to complete mandatory training and
become familiar with key policies and procedures
which will support the orientation to your new role and
build the foundations for your ongoing development.
You will gain access to our electronic platforms which
hold our training and development materials, and our
suite of policies and procedures.
The next 2 weeks will provide a settling period where
you will meet your manager and immediate colleagues,
then the wider team. You will be provided with your
staff pass and will complete an orientation to your role
and environment including any equipment needed to
fulfil your role.
The first 6 months of employment is known as
the probationary period and during this time,
your manager will support and encourage your
development in partnership with you, whilst monitoring
progress and suggesting pathways for improvement,
as identified. You will meet regularly with your
manager during this period, who will be open and
transparent about your progress and empower you
to take ownership of your continued development.
& Progression
In Kingsbridge we fully support and encourage career
progression. Individuals have differing views on what
career progression means to them, we will therefore
support you to be the best you can be in the role
you were employed to do or onwards to further
development and progression to senior roles. We are
committed to your continued development and will
work with you to identify training opportunities and
pathways to support progression.
This is managed through our Staff Training and
Development Programme which provides a broad
range of learning materials, in-house training and
external courses which you will have access to
throughout your employment journey. After probation,
our annual appraisal programme is an excellent formal
tool for supporting your development and providing
you with a platform to reflect and consider your role
and progression opportunities.
14 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
Probationary Guidance
All offers of employment are subject
to a six month probationary period.
The guidelines are set out to ensure
that new employees have the
opportunity to be familiar with the
main duties and tasks of their role
and to demonstrate the standard
The HR Department have a number of policies and of performance, attendance and
procedures in place to ensure that clear guidance behaviour expected of them.
is easily available on a range of issues.
Policies and procedures are reviewed and amended Equal Opportunity
in line with legislation. Employees can access all This policy is in place to ensure all
policies by visiting our policy database: companies within the Kingsbridge
DocTract: Healthcare Group are following the same minimum standards for
equal opportunity. The Kingsbridge
Healthcare Group is committed
Employees will be required to have an awareness to developing and maintaining a
of the policies and procedures which are directly workplace environment that reflects
related to their role. Core HR policies and awareness and sensitivity to individual
procedures which employees should have an abilities and appreciation of cultural
understanding of are set out here. You will have differences.
an opportunity to read these in full once you have
been given access to DocTract. System Usage
Mobile phones should not be used
on the operational floor at any time.
Employees must not use the Internet
or e-mail system for any purpose
other than work related means during
their scheduled working day.
Clinical Employees
Permanent clinical employees based at Kingsbridge
Private Hospital need to be registered on the facial
Health Shield and Benenden
Non-clinical employees are entitled to
Health Shield Cash Plan and Benenden
Private Hospital
Where luxury care meets medical excellence
Kingsbridge Private Hospital offers patients five star
treatment for all their medical and surgical needs.
Located on the Lisburn Road,
Kingsbridge Private Hospital Belfast consists of:
• 7 consultations rooms
• 22 ensuite bedrooms
• 5 day PODS
• 6 bay recovery ward
• 3 modern operating theatres
• Cardiac unit and 2 bed ICU
• Enhanced Private GP service
• In-house Pharmacy
• Sports Physiotherapy Clinic based at Queen’s PEC
• MRI, CT and Outpatients department
• Digital X-Ray and Ultrasound suite
• In-house Kingsbridge Kitchen
• Patient car parking (located beside the King’s Hall)
Located at No.6 and No.12 Lisburn Road are more
outpatient facilities for Private and WLI patients.
Our Hospital is currently being extended to include an
extra Theatre, 12 patient bedrooms, 7 patient pods and
new Reception with Café all due on line in May 2023.
Kingsbridge MRI, CT
and Outpatient
801 - 805 Lisburn Road
Belfast BT9 7GX
T: 028 9066 7878
Kingsbridge Diagnostics
Kingsbridge Diagnostics & Treatment Centre located & Treatment Centre
within the King’s Hall Health & Wellbeing Hub provides Kings Hall Dataworks Building
a one-stop Jag accredited endoscopy service covering Kings Hall Health & Wellbeing Park
a comprehensive range of gastrointestinal diagnostics Belfast, BT9 6GW
and treatments including: T: 028 9066 7878
• Endoscopy
• OGD Kingsbridge Physiotherapy
and Sports Injury Clinic
• Flexible Sigmoidoscopy’s Queens PEC
• Colonoscopies Stranmillis Gardens, Belfast
T: 028 9066 7878
Additionally by Spring 2023 the building will house a
CT service and a Day Procedure Theatre and Recovery.
20 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
Private Hospital
North West
Kingsbridge North West is located in the tranquil
and peaceful setting in Ballykelly and features:
• 8 consultation rooms
• 35 ensuite bedrooms
• 13 bed day ward
• 6 bay recovery ward
• 3 modern operating theatres
• Endoscopy suite
• Enhanced Private GP Service
• In-house Pharmacy
• Physiotherapy Department
Belfast • Dedicated Paediatric Unit
• Diagnostics including MRI, CT and X-Ray
• In-house Kingsbridge Kitchen
• Central Sterile Services Department
• Patient car parking on-site
Kingsbridge North West offers an extensive range
of treatments and surgeries across a variety of
specialties alongside 5 star paediatric care and advanced
scanning facilitates for high quality diagnostics.
An extra Theatre and a new Day Procedure Suite will be
added in early 2023.
22 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
Private Hospital
From outstanding medical treatment to sophisticated
diagnostic and therapeutic care, Kingsbridge Private
Hospital Sligo provides a centre of excellence for a
range of treatments and procedures including Urology,
Gynaecology, Endoscopy, Pain Management and Plastic
Surgery while working with some of the top consultants in
the North West. Kingsbridge Sligo is a Joint Commission
International Accredited Hospital.
• 18 consultation rooms
• 10 private bedrooms
• 6 recovery beds
• Operating theatre
• Outpatients department
• Endoscopy suite
• Paediatrics
• MRI facility (in partnership with Alliance Medical)
24 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
3fivetwo Healthcare, part of the Kingsbridge Healthcare
Group, has over 10 years’ experience in clinical service
delivery for both public and private patients across
medical, surgical and diagnostic disciplines.
Clinical Services
Over the last 10 years 3fivetwo Healthcare have worked
across the UK and Ireland to deliver clinical services
on behalf of the NHS and HSE. These services have
been delivered within public hospitals and Kingsbridge
group facilities. To date we have delivered over
1,000,000 patient episodes across more than
50 facilities.
1,000,000 300 50
Patient Episodes Consultants Facilities
Administration Services
3fivetwo Healthcare provides a range of clinical
administration services to both private and public
sector clients. Types of services provided include:
• Patient Administration
• Data Analytics
• Dictation and Typing Services
3fivetwo Healthcare
21 Old Channel Road, Channel Wharf,
Belfast, BT3 9DE
T: 028 9073 5226
26 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
Better training. Better health.
28 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
Opticians and
Hearing Care
First class eye and hearing care
Eye care:
Kingsbridge Opticians offers access to a
comprehensive range of eye tests, including Ireland’s
first 4D Eye Scanner - giving patients the opportunity
for the early diagnosis of eye diseases including
Diabetes, Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration that
standard opticians’ equipment cannot currently detect.
Our range of glasses offers the best designs and styles
chosen for their quality and distinctiveness.
801 Lisburn Road, BT9 7GS
T: 028 9066 7030
12 High Street, BT21 0AA
T: 028 9188 4188
9 Abbots Cross, BT37 9QU
T: 028 9085 9900
30 Kingsbridge Healthcare Group | Employee Handbook
at Kingsbridge
Cosmetech, based in Holywood, is one of the leading
clinics for surgical and non-surgical solutions,
wellbeing and holistic treatments.
Services Include:
• Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
• Anti-Wrinkle Injections
• Dermal Fillers
• Thread-Lifts
• Aqualyx (Fat Dissolving Injections)
• Skin Tag And Mole Removal
• Viveve (Incontinence Treatment)
• Semi-Permanent Make-Up
• Cyst Removal
• Lipoma Removal Surgery
• Pinnaplasty
• Spilt Earlobe Repair
• Leg Vein Removal
• Botox for Migraines And Headaches
• Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
• Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)
Cosmetech @ Kingsbridge
Private Hospital Belfast
811 – 815 Lisburn Road
Belfast BT9 7GX
T: 028 9066 7878
Cosmetech @ Kingsbridge
Private Hospital North West
Church Hill House, Main Street,
Ballykelly, BT49 9HS
T: 028 7776 3090
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group,
21 Old Channel Road,
Titanic Quarter,