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Art 00004
is also estimated that 1.5 million deaths were directly AFFILIATIONS
Settings: All hospitals managing drug-resistant tubercu- caused by DM in 2012.3 A recent study estimated that
1 National Tuberculosis
Control Programme,
losis (DR-TB) according to national guidelines in Pakistan. by 2030 Pakistan will have the fifth largest number of Pakistan, Islamabad,
Objectives: To assess the effect of diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 DM patients.4
2 Provincial Tuberculosis
and factors associated with unfavourable outcomes in DM patients with active TB have a greater bacillary Control Programme,
DR-TB. load at presentation, which results in longer time to Balochistan, Quetta,
Methods: A cross-sectional study based on a retrospec- culture conversion and prolongs treatment. DM can 3 Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali
tive record review of patients enrolled on DR-TB treat- also cause changes in oral absorption, decreased pro- Bhutto Medical University,
Islamabad, Pakistan
ment from 2010 to 2014 in Pakistan. DR-TB data re- tein binding of drugs, and renal insufficiency or fatty 4 Sukh Initiative, Aman
ported to Pakistan’s National TB Control Programme on a liver with impaired drug clearance.5 Management of Health Care Services,
Aman Foundation,
monthly basis were used for the study. DR-TB is very difficult. The second-line drugs (SLDs) Karachi, Pakistan
Result: Among 5811 patients enrolled on second-line used to treat DR-TB are less potent and more costly
drugs, 8.8% had DM. Overall, 68.9% had favourable than first-line drugs (FLDs). They are also associated Abdullah Latif
outcomes. No association was found between DM and with more adverse events and are less well tolerated. National Tuberculosis
DR-TB treatment outcomes (risk ratio 0.90, 95%CI 0.74– Control Programme
In addition, the duration of treatment is very long Ministry of National Health
1.05). Unfavourable outcomes were more frequent (20 months).6 It may be hypothesised that the pres- Services Regulations &
among DR-TB patients with human immunodeficiency ence of both diseases increases the risk of an unfavour-
Block-C Pak Sectt
virus (HIV) co-infection (OR 11.58, 95%CI 2.20–60.72), able outcome. Islamabad
extensively drug-resistant TB patients (OR 5.36, 95%CI Various studies conducted in different countries
e-mail: Abdullah.latif@gmail.
1.00–28.72), patients with exposure to both first-line and have suggested that there is a significantly higher risk com
second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs (OR 2.45, 95%CI of adverse outcomes among patients with DR-TB and KEY WORDS
1.21–4.97) and those with a previous history of treat- DM,7–10 although other studies reported finding no as- DR-TB; DM; outcomes;
ment in the private sector (OR 1.53, 95%CI 1.16–2.02). sociation between the two.11–14 Recent studies in Paki-
Conclusion: Although there were limitations to correctly stan have shown more unfavourable outcomes among
measuring DM and its management, DM appears not to DS-TB patients with DM;15,16 however, we could not
be a risk factor for unfavourable outcomes in DR-TB pa- find any relevant study examining the effect of DM
tients in our study. DR-TB and HIV co-infection, sec- on treatment outcomes among DR-TB patients in
ond-line drug resistance and history of treatment in the Pakistan.
private sector were nevertheless more frequently associ- The aim of the present study was to assess the ef-
ated with adverse outcomes. fect of DM and factors associated with unfavourable
treatment outcomes among DR-TB patients enrolled
on treatment in Pakistan from 2010 to 2014.
This research was conducted
through the Structured
Operational Research and
Training Initiative (SORT IT),
a global partnership led by
the Special Programme for
Research and Training in
Tropical Diseases at the
World Health Organization
(WHO/TDR). The training
model is based on a course
developed jointly by the
International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease (The Union, Paris,
France) and Médecins Sans
Frontières (MSF, Geneva,
FIGURE Study flow diagram of patients with DR-TB, Pakistan, 2010–2014. DR-TB = drug-resistant tuber- The specific programme that
culosis; DM = diabetes mellitus. resulted in this publication
was conducted in 2017 by
the National Tuberculosis
instability and refugee influx have all continued to ag- Data analysis Control Programme (NTP) of
gravate the problem of TB and DR-TB. Validated Excel data were imported to SPSS v 21 (Sta- Pakistan, through the
support of the Global Fund
With the support of the Global Fund, Pakistan’s tistical Package for the Social Sciences; IBM Corp, Ar- (Geneva, Switzerland).
NTP started piloting PMDT in hospital-based and am- monk, NY, USA). A descriptive analysis was performed The authors wish to thank
PMDT (Programmatic
bulatory models in three hospitals in 2010.17 The in- for patients with and those without DM. The treat- Management of DR-TB) staff
tervention was scaled up to 24 hospitals in urban dis- ment outcomes ‘cured’ and ‘treatment completed’ for record keeping and their
support in conducting the
tricts across the country by the end of 2014. Dedicated were classified as favourable, and the remainder of the study; and A Safdar, M Tariq
staff are posted at these PMDT sites for the manage- outcomes were categorised as unfavourable. Outcomes and Mr Waseemullah for
their valuable input as
ment of DR-TB patients in line with national guide- among DR-TB patients with and those without DM participants of SORT IT 2017.
lines. Diagnostic services, treatment with SLDs and so- were analysed using unadjusted relative risks (RRs) The publication fee was
covered by the NTP,
cio-psychological support are provided to all patients. with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Associations be- Pakistan, through the
Presumptive DR-TB patients are diagnosed using tween all clinical and sociodemographic characteristics support of the Global Fund.
Conflicts of interest: none
the Xpert® MTB/RIF assay (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, with adverse treatment outcomes were explored using
USA) and phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST). binary logistic multivariate models.
Patients diagnosed with DR-TB are then referred to the
Ethics approval
nearest PMDT site for enrolment on treatment. DR-TB
Permission to use the data and local ethics exemption
physicians and their teams at the PMDT site assess the
were obtained from the Pakistan NTP. As the study in-
patients and review the referral documents and labora-
volved a review of records with no patient interaction,
tory and radiological test results, a complete history
informed consent was not required.
and physical examination are performed, a treatment
regimen selected, the record is entered in the treat-
ment card and the patient is registered in the DR-TB RESULTS
register (Excel-based sheet with data from the DR-TB
Of the 5811 patients who started second-line anti-tu-
treatment card; MicroSoft, Redmond, WA, USA). All
berculosis treatment from June 2010 to December
patients undergo fasting blood glucose testing using a
2014, 5617 (96.6%) were adults (age 15 years)and
glucose meter. The patients are then screened for HIV
51.1% were male; the median age was 29 years (inter-
co-infection using a rapid test, and positive test results
quartile range [IQR] 22–42). Among those DR-TB pa-
are confirmed. All of these variables, including history
tients with a comorbidity, DM was the most frequent
of DM, are recorded in the Excel-based register.
(52.4%). The prevalence of DM in patients with DR-TB
Study population starting treatment with SLDs was 8.8% (Table 1). All
The DR-TB register data are reported to the NTP by the patients with DM had type 2 diabetes. DM was more
PMDT site on a monthly basis in a routine reporting prevalent in patients with DR-TB aged 35 years (me-
cycle. For our study, exposure variables such as TB clin- dian age 49 years, IQR 41–56); 37.4% of the patients
ical features were extracted from the DR-TB registers, were unemployed.
along with information on age, sex, history of care Overall, 4009 (68.9%) patients had a favourable
provider, previous anti-tuberculosis treatment, previ- treatment outcome. No significant association was ob-
ous treatment outcome, site of disease and type of re- served between DM status and poor treatment out-
sistance, comorbidity status and treatment outcomes. come (RR 0.90, 95%CI 0.74–1.05). Although the death
Sociodemographic characteristics (address and occupa- rate was higher in patients with DM than in patients
tion) were extracted from the patient files. The pri- without DM (20.8% vs. 16.6%), the difference was not
mary study exposure of interest was diagnosed DM statistically significant (Table 1).
(Figure). Treatment outcomes based on WHO-desig- In the multivariable binary logistic regression
nated definitions were also extracted from the DR-TB model, characteristics significantly associated with un-
registers. Data on patients enrolled in 2010–2014 were favourable outcomes were DR-TB and HIV co-infection
verified and validated on-site from April to June 2017 (OR 11.58, 95%CI 2.20–60.72), extensively drug-resis-
during routine monitoring visits. tant TB (XDR-TB) (OR 5.36, 95%CI 1.00–28.72), age
Public Health Action DM and DR-TB in Pakistan 16
TABLE 1 WHO-defined treatment outcomes of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients with DM in Pakistan, 2010–2014
Total Without DM With DM Risk ratio
Treatment outcomes n (%) n (%) n (%) (95%CI)
Total 5811 5302 (91.2) 509 (8.8) 0.9 (0.74–1.05)
Favourable outcome 4009 (68.9) 3671 (69.3) 338 (66.4)
Cure 3861 (66.4) 3530 (66.6) 331 (65.0)
Treatment completion 148 (2.5) 141 (2.7) 7 (1.4)
Unfavourable outcome 1802 (31.1) 1631 (30.7) 171 (33.6)
Failure 230 (4.0) 210 (4.0) 20 (3.9)
Loss to follow-up 427 (7.3) 394 (7.4) 33 (6.5)
Death 984 (16.9) 878 (16.6) 106 (20.8)
Not evaluated 150 (2.6) 139 (2.6) 11 (2.2)
Treatment prolongation* 11 (0.2) 10 (0.2) 1 (0.2)
* Patients who were still under treatment after 24 months.
WHO = World Health Organization; DM = diabetes mellitus; CI = confidence interval.
35 years (age 35–54 years, OR 2.24, 95%CI 1.25–4.02; age 55 were strongly associated with adverse outcomes.20,21 Age-specific
years, OR 4.50, 95%CI 2.44–8.29), other comorbidities in addition treatment strategies are needed to improve outcomes in older age
to DM (OR 3.67, 95%CI 1.02–13.20), exposure to both FLDs and patients. We also observed that patients with a history of anti-tu-
SLDs (OR 2.45, 95%CI 1.21–4.97) and history of previous treat- berculosis treatment in the private sector were more likely to have
ment in the private sector (OR 1.53, 95%CI 1.16–2.02) (Table 2). unfavourable treatment outcomes than those treated in the pub-
lic sector (OR 1.53, 95%CI 1.16–2.02).
DISCUSSION It is well known that a history of the use of SLDs outside pro-
grammatic conditions leads to the amplification of resistance.20,21
Treatment outcomes for DR-TB were similar in patients with and Such patients are very difficult to manage and are more at risk of
those without DM (success rate 66.4% vs. 69.3%). DM prevalence adverse outcomes. The NTP needs to control the irrational use of
in this cohort of DR-TB patients was 8.8%. Older age, DR-TB and SLDs and take firm steps to ban over-the-counter sales of both
HIV co-infection, XDR-TB, a history of treatment with SLDs and FLDs and SLDs.
previous anti-tuberculosis treatment in the private sector were Pakistan has a huge private sector. About 75% of the general
found to be associated with unfavourable outcomes. population use private facilities as their first point of contact.22 It
The lack of significant association observed between DM and is therefore very important for the NTP to engage the private sec-
DR-TB treatment outcome is consistent with findings from stud- tor in TB control.23 The costs of quality-assured SLDs and monthly
ies conducted in other countries, such as Georgia, Peru, Mexico culture are usually unaffordable for patients, resulting in treat-
and China.11–14 However, studies in South Korea, Taiwan and Bra- ment interruption and loss to follow-up. Regulating the private
zil have reported an association of DM with unfavourable out- sector will be challenging but vital for TB control in the country.24
comes.7–9 These studies also report that unfavourable outcomes Private practitioners should be engaged, trained in NTP guidelines
were significantly associated with poor glycaemic controls and and encouraged to refer DR-TB patients to PMDT sites for
other comorbidities caused by DM, such as chronic renal diseases, treatment.23
cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular diseases in patients The study had several strengths. It is the first study from Paki-
with DM.9 Our results show a higher death rate in patients with stan to examine treatment outcomes among DR-TB patients, and
DM than in those without DM (20.8% vs. 16.6%). As cause of as the study had a large sample size and used routinely collected
death is not recorded in the surveillance system, it is unknown data, the findings reflect programme realities. Finally, we followed
whether the high mortality is due to the increased severity of TB STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in
in patients with DM or the presence of other factors. Epidemiology) guidelines for reporting the study.25
According to the WHO, DM prevalence in the general popula- Limitations of the study include its retrospective nature and
tion in Pakistan in 2016 was 9.8%.18 Other studies have found a reliance on existing patient databases as a data source. Although
high prevalence of DM among TB patients, e.g., 26.7% in Malay- all patients diagnosed with DR-TB were tested for fasting blood
sia,6 while a meta-analysis of DM and multidrug-resistant TB in glucose, the DM measurement did not include a comprehensive
various countries showed a prevalence of 10–23%.19 Our study assessment of glucose control (e.g., haemoglobin A1c) to deter-
finding of 8.8% DM in our patient population is similar to the mine the effect of DM management on DR-TB treatment. Data re-
DM prevalence in the adult general population. Given that the corded at the PMDT site also did not mention whether or not pa-
NTP has a low case detection rate for DR-TB compared to the esti- tients with DM were insulin-dependent. We did not have any
mated burden, it is possible that DM prevalence will increase if information on variables such as smoking, alcoholism, drug use
more cases are detected and enrolled for treatment. The national and cavitation, etc., which might also have an association with
testing criteria for DR-TB should include patients with medical adverse outcomes in DR-TB patients. Pharmacovigilance data
conditions such as DM to find missing DR-TB cases. were not properly recorded to determine whether there were
The factors identified in our study as being associated with un- more adverse effects of SLD treatment in patients with DM. Fu-
favourable outcomes of DR-TB treatment are similar to findings ture studies should measure the impact of DM management on
from studies conducted in different countries such as the former the clinical management of DR-TB by reviewing glycaemic con-
Soviet Union, where older age and a previous history of SLD use trols during the course of treatment.
Public Health Action DM and DR-TB in Pakistan 17
TABLE 2 Sociodemographic characteristics of DR-TB patients with unfavourable outcomes, Pakistan, 2010–2014
Total Unfavourable outcomes
Characteristics n (%) n (%) OR (95%CI)
Total 5811 1802
Age, years
15 196 (3.4) 35 (17.9) Reference
15–34 3386 (58.3) 893 (26.4) 1.54 (0.87–2.71)
35–54 1648 (28.4) 576 (35.0) 2.24 (1.25–4.02)*
>54 581 (10.0) 298 (51.3) 4.50 (2.44–8.29)*
Male 2970 (51.1) 998 (33.6) 1.05 (0.86–1.30)
Female 2841 (48.9) 804 (28.3) Reference
Unemployed 2176 (37.4) 691 (31.8) 0.81 (0.63–1.04)
Employed 919 (15.8) 283 (30.8) 0.65 (0.48–0.87)
Labourer/worker 1089 (18.7) 388 (35.6) 0.77 (0.58–1.03)
Student 650 (11.2) 150 (23.1) 0.66 (0.46–0.93)
Not recorded 977 (16.8) 290 (29.7) Reference
Punjab 1813 (31.2) 626 (34.5) 3.97 (1.60–9.86)*
Sindh 2862 (49.3) 877 (30.6) 3.77 (1.53–9.29)*
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 729 (12.5) 172 (23.6) 2.46 (0.99–6.13)
Balochistan 210 (3.6) 85 (40.5) 3.45 (1.31–9.05)*
Gilgit-Baltistan 1 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0.00
Azad Kashmir 28 (0.5) 11 (39.3) 3.79 (1.00–14.25)
Islamabad 81 (1.4) 19 (23.5) 1.94 (0.62–6.07)
Tribal area 87 (1.5) 12 (13.8) Reference
Diabetes 509 (8.8) 171 (33.6) 1.37 (0.94–1.98)
Diabetes + other comorbidities 17 (0.3) 10 (58.8) 3.67 (1.02–13.20)*
HIV-positive 17 (0.3) 10 (58.8) 11.58 (2.20–60.72)*
Previous anti-tuberculosis treatment
No history 272 (4.7) 81 (29.8) 0.37 (0.15–0.90)
First-line drugs only 4731 (81.4) 1378 (29.1) 1.49 (0.73–3.04)
Second-line drugs only 51 (0.9) 20 (39.2) 2.45 (1.00–6.00)
First- and second-line drugs 597 (10.3) 255 (42.7) 2.45 (1.21–4.97)*
Unknown 160 (2.8) 68 (42.5) Reference
Type of previous TB care facility
Public 3069 (52.8) 878 (28.6) 1.17 (0.94–1.46)
Private 1407 (24.2) 496 (35.3) 1.53 (1.16–2.02)*
Unknown 1063 (18.3) 347 (32.6) Reference
No history 272 (4.7) 81 (29.8)
Previous TB treatment outcome
Successful 740 (12.7) 181 (24.5) 0.86 (0.70–1.05)
Unsuccessful 2949 (50.7) 880 (29.8) Reference
Not evaluated 1700 (29.3) 596 (35.1)
No history/unknown 422 (7.3) 145 (34.4)
Site of disease
Pulmonary 5690 (97.9) 1783 (31.3) 1.19 (0.31–4.47)
Extra-pulmonary 99 (1.7) 16 (16.2) 0.49 (0.10–2.44)
Both 22 (0.4) 3 (13.6) Reference
Type of DR-TB
Presumptive DR-TB 17 (0.3) 5 (29.4) Reference
RR-TB on Xpert 742 (12.8) 240 (32.3) 1.90 (0.36–9.92)
Monoresistant 70 (1.2) 23 (32.9) 1.46 (0.24–8.66)
Polyresistant 129 (2.2) 49 (38.0) 2.67 (0.49–14.59)
MDR-TB 2548 (43.8) 614 (24.1) 1.27 (0.24–6.57)
Pre-XDR-TB 2085 (35.9) 737 (35.3) 2.15 (0.41–11.15)
XDR-TB 220 (3.8) 134 (60.9) 5.36 (1.00–28.7)*
* Statistically significant.
DR-TB = drug-resistant tuberculosis; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; RR-TB = rifampicin-resistant TB; MDR-TB = multidrug-
resistant TB; XDR-TB = extensively drug-resistant TB.
Public Health Action DM and DR-TB in Pakistan 18
Contexte : Tous les hôpitaux prenant en charge la tuberculose TB-DR (ratio de risque 0,90 ; IC95% 0,74–1,05). Les facteurs associés
pharmacorésistante (TB-DR) selon les directives nationales du à des résultats défavorables sont la coinfection par TB-DR et le virus
Pakistan. de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) (OR 11,58 ; IC95% 2,20–
Objectif : Evaluer l’effet du diabète (DM) et les facteurs associés à un 60,72), la TB ultrarésistante (OR 5,36 ; IC95% 1,00–28,72),
résultat défavorable du traitement de la TB-DR. l’exposition à la fois aux médicaments de première ligne et de
Méthode : Etude transversale basée sur une revue rétrospective de deuxième ligne (OR 2,45 ; IC95% 1,21–4,97) et des antécédents de
dossiers de patients enrôlés dans un traitement de TB-DR de 2010 à traitement dans le secteur privé (OR 1,53 ; IC95% 1,16–2,02).
2014 au Pakistan. Les registres de TB-DR envoyés au programme Conclusion : Dans notre étude, avec ses limites en termes de mesures
national de lutte contre la TB chaque mois ont été utilisés pour l’étude. correctes du DM et de sa prise en charge, le DM ne semble pas être
Résultats : Parmi 5811 patients enrôlés dans un traitement par un facteur de risque de résultat défavorable pour les patients TB-DR.
médicaments de deuxième ligne, 8,8% avaient un DM. Dans Par contre, la coinfection TB-DR et VIH, la résistance aux médicaments
l’ensemble, 68,9% ont eu des résultats favorables. Il n’a pas été de deuxième ligne et les antécédents de traitement dans le secteur
trouvé d’association entre le DM et le résultat du traitement de la privé ont été associés à des résultats médiocres.
Public Health Action DM and DR-TB in Pakistan 19
Marco de referencia: Todos los hospitales que suministran tratamiento terapéutico de la TB-DR (riesgo relativo 0,90; IC95% 0,74–1,05). Los
contra la tuberculosis farmacorresistente (TB-DR) en el marco de las factores que se asociaron con desenlaces desfavorables fueron la
directrices nacionales de Pakistán. coinfección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y la
Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la diabetes (DM) sobre el desenlace de TB-DR (OR 11,58; IC95% 2,20–60,72), la TB ultrarresistente (OR
la TB-DR y los factores que se asocian con los desenlaces 5,36; IC95% 1,00–28,72), la exposición a los dos tipos de fármacos,
desfavorables. de primera y de segunda línea (OR 2,45; IC95% 1,21–4,97) y el
Método: Un estudio transversal realizado a partir del examen antecedente de tratamiento antituberculoso en el sector privado (OR
retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de los pacientes que iniciaron 1,53; IC95% 1,16–2,02).
tratamiento por TB-DR del 2010 al 2014 en el Pakistán. Conclusión: Según los resultados del presente estudio, pese a
Métodos: En el presente estudio se consultaron los registros de los algunas limitaciones en la evaluación correcta de la DM y su
casos de TB-DR que se notifican mensualmente al Programa Nacional tratamiento, no pareciera que la presencia de DM fuese un factor de
de control de la Tuberculosis. riesgo de resultados desfavorables del tratamiento de pacientes con
Resultados: De los 5811 pacientes que iniciaron tratamiento con TB-DR. Sin embargo, la coinfección por el VIH y la TB-DR, la
medicamentos de segunda línea, el 8,8% sufría DM. En general, el resistencia a fármacos de segunda línea y el antecedente de
68,9% de los casos alcanzó desenlaces favorables. No se observó tratamiento antituberculoso en el sector privado se asociaron con
ninguna asociación entre la presencia de DM y el desenlace desenlaces desfavorables.
Public Health Action (PHA) The voice for operational research. e-ISSN 2220-8372
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