Cultural Psychology 2nd Edition Heine Test Bank Download
Cultural Psychology 2nd Edition Heine Test Bank Download
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Cultural Psychology, Second Edition
By Steven J. Heine
Chapter 8
Cognition and Perception
Concept Map
A. Thinking style
a. Analytic thinking
b. Holistic thinking
B. Attention
a. Field dependence
b. Field independence
C. Attributing behaviors
a. Situational attributions
b. Dispositional attributions
c. Fundamental attribution error
D. Reasoning styles
E. Naïve dialecticism
F. Creative thinking
G. Thinking and talking
H. Explicit versus implicit communication
a. High context culture
b. Low context culture
I. Linguistic relativity
a. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
i. Categorical perception
ii. Encoding directions and time
iii. Numbers
J. Anthropocentrism
1. During a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony
Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and
throw him onto the ice. Based on what you know about analytic and holistic
thinking styles, which of the following do you think is most likely to happen?
a) East Asians and Westerners will equally blame Tony’s family problems.
b) East Asians will blame Tony’s family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony’s
nasty personality.
c) East Asians will blame Tony’s nasty personality, and Westerners will blame
Tony’s family problems.
d) East Asians and Westerners will equally blame Tony’s nasty personality.
e) East Asians will blame Tony’s family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony’s
DIF: Easy
REF: Analytic and Holistic Thinking; Understanding Other People’s Behaviors
TOP: A. Thinking style; C. Attributing behaviors
MSC: Applied
2. An American student, Ronald, and his Chinese friend, Rui, are looking up at the
clear blue sky, where just a few clouds are visible. Coincidentally, the clouds are all
grouped into one cluster just above Ronald and Rui. The two start naming shapes
that they see in the clouds. Which of the following is most likely to happen in this
a) Rui will give more responses that are diagnostic of psychological disorders than
b) Rui will give more visual descriptions than Ronald.
c) Rui will give answers that are based more on the cluster of clouds than Ronald,
who will base his answers more on a single cloud.
d) Rui will give more creative answers than Ronald.
e) Rui will give more descriptive and complex responses than Ronald.
DIF: Easy
REF: Attention
TOP: B. Attention
MSC: Applied
DIF: Medium
REF: Attention
TOP: B. Attention
MSC: Conceptual
4. A Chinese art critic, Weiwei, and his American counterpart, William, are both
looking at a painting of a group of people standing behind a vase in the middle
foreground. If you were to compare the eye gaze of Weiwei and William, what would
you find?
a) Their gazes initially start out in different places on the painting, but become more
similar over time attending to an object.
b) William shifts his attention around more than Weiwei.
c) Weiwei and William describe the painting differently, but they are actually
looking at objects quite similarly.
d) William spends more time gazing at the vase than does Weiwei.
e) The people standing in the background appear blurrier to William than they do to
DIF: Medium
REF: Attention
TOP: B. Attention
MSC: Applied
a) field dependence.
b) family resemblance reasoning.
c) dispositional attributions.
d) high horizons in drawings.
e) None of these answers is correct.
DIF: Easy
REF: Analytic and Holistic Thinking; Understanding Other People’s Behaviors
TOP: A.a. Analytic thinking; C.b. Dispositional attributions
MSC: Conceptual
DIF: Medium
REF: Reasoning Styles
TOP: D. Reasoning styles
MSC: Factual
7. Horatio and Gil are debating the legalization of marijuana. Horatio is for
legalization, while Gil is against it. It has been said that, separately, Horatio’s
argument is strong, while Gil’s argument is weak. Zhang, a Chinese student, is
watching the debate. Compared to how Zhang would perceive the arguments if he
were to encounter just one argument, how will he perceive the arguments if they are
both presented to him?
a) Zhang would be less confident that either argument is true.
b) Zhang would become more convinced that each argument is true.
c) Zhang would become less convinced that Horatio’s argument is true, but become
more convinced that Gil’s argument is true.
d) Zhang would become more committed to his initial position, whatever it may be.
e) Zhang would become more convinced that Horatio’s argument is true, but
become less convinced that Gil’s argument is true.
DIF: Medium
REF: Tolerance of Contradiction
TOP: E. Naïve dialecticism
MSC: Applied
DIF: Medium
REF: Tolerance of Contradiction
TOP: E. Naïve dialecticism
MSC: Applied
9. Jade, a European-Canadian real estate agent, and Jing, a Chinese real estate agent,
are trying to figure out what to tell their clients about the market’s outlook.
Compared to Jade, Jing will
DIF: Easy
REF: Tolerance of Contradiction
TOP: E. Naïve dialecticism
MSC: Applied
DIF: Medium
REF: Talking and Thinking
TOP: G. Thinking and talking
MSC: Applied
11. Which of the following examples most accurately portray research on cultural
differences in communication style?
a) Hamada and Matsumoto, who are both Japanese, communicate with each other
only by complimenting each other, and do not criticize each other.
b) Endo, who’s Japanese, can’t reach his friend, Tanaka, because Tanaka’s cell phone
is off, but Endo has great difficulty leaving messages on Tanaka’s voicemail.
c) Yamazaki, who’s Japanese, much prefers to communicate with his friends by
writing, moreso than his American friend, Claudia.
d) Eric, who’s American, is more likely to speak in an indirect, roundabout way with
his friends than is Itao, who’s Japanese.
e) Tsetsuya, who’s Japanese, prefers to write to his friends moreso than does his
American friend, Mike.
DIF: Hard
REF: Explicit Versus Implicit Communication
TOP: H. Explicit versus implicit communication
MSC: Applied
DIF: Hard
REF: Linguistic Relativity
TOP: I.a. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
MSC: Factual
13. People from cultures that do not have words for numbers beyond 2 or 3
a) can still detect changes in the number of objects in the same way as those who
have words for a complete number set.
b) are unable to discriminate between different quantities.
c) are able to discriminate between rough proportions, but not for precise numbers.
d) can still do basic counting, but not basic addition or subtraction.
e) have no conception of what amount is visually greater than or smaller than
DIF: Hard
REF: Linguistic Relativity
TOP: I.a.iii. Numbers
MSC: Factual
14. Anthropocentrism is
a) a cultural universal.
b) something typical of children everywhere, although adults in some cultures no
longer demonstrate it.
c) more common among children who grow up in close proximity to many kinds of
animals in the wild.
d) more common among holistic reasoners than among analytic reasoners.
e) None of these statements is true.
DIF: Medium
REF: How We Understand Humans’ Place in the World
TOP: J. Anthropocentrism
MSC: Factual
a) taxonomic categorization.
b) thematic categorization.
c) multiple-level categorization.
d) categorical analysis.
e) synthetically integrating theses and anti-theses.
DIF: Medium
REF: Analytic and Holistic Thinking
TOP: A. Thinking style
MSC: Factual
DIF: Hard
REF: Reasoning Styles
TOP: D. Reasoning styles
MSC: Factual
17. According to research by Atran, Medin, and colleagues, Yukatek Maya children
DIF: Medium
REF: How We Understand Humans’ Place in the World
TOP: J. Anthropocentrism
MSC: Factual
18. Contrasting the attributions made by Indians and Americans in research by Joan
Miller reveals all of the following EXCEPT
DIF: Easy
REF: The Fundamental Attribution Error
TOP: C.c. Fundamental attribution error
MSC: Factual
DIF: Medium
REF: Talking and Thinking
TOP: G. Thinking and talking
MSC: Factual
DIF: Easy
REF: Attention
TOP: B.a. Field dependence
MSC: Applied
DIF: Easy
REF: Analytic and Holistic Thinking
TOP: A. Thinking style
MSC: Applied
22. Two families are claiming to be the family of a lost mystery child. You are a judge
who uses holistic reasoning, and must determine which family is the correct one.
This is before the days of DNA analysis, so you must use family resemblance as your
guide. Based on research about reasoning styles, what do you do to establish a
familial relationship?
a) ask the child which group of people look the most familiar, to activate the child’s
implicit memory
b) focus on one feature that is shared between one family and the child
c) consider what is best for the child and choose the family that looks wealthier
d) look at which family has approximately the same constellation of features as the
e) decide that the case cannot be determined because the two conflicting claims
make them equally convincing
DIF: Medium
REF: Reasoning Styles
TOP: D. Reasoning styles
MSC: Applied
23. You are leading a group of researchers from Japan and the United States to come
up with a new invention based on current designs for the car, so that your company
can submit a patent. Based on culture and creative thinking, which of the following
is the most likely to happen?
a) Japanese researchers’ preference for the status quo will lead them to think that
current car designs are sufficient; American researchers will focus on making only
slight adjustments to make cars more functional.
b) Japanese and American researchers will both focus on making revolutionizing
changes to current car designs.
c) Japanese researchers will focus on making revolutionizing changes to current car
designs; American researchers will want the status quo and to keep current car
d) Japanese and American researchers will both focus on making minor adjustments
to current car designs to make cars more functional.
e) Japanese researchers will focus on making minor adjustments to cars to make
them more functional; American researchers will focus on making revolutionizing
changes to them.
DIF: Hard
REF: Creative Thinking
TOP: F. Creative thinking
MSC: Applied
24. Your roommate is from a high context culture. As a result, which of the following
is most likely to be an exchange between the two of you?
a) You ask your roommate if you can use her hairdryer, and she responds with an
uneasy expression and says, “I guess so.”
b) Your roommate asks you if she can use your yoga mat, and you reply, “I’ll think
about it.”
c) Your roommate is practicing dancing in the living room even though you want to
watch TV.
d) You ask your roommate why she seems upset with you, and she responds by
telling you exactly what she’s thinking, providing the whole context for you to
e) Your roommate doesn’t plan on coming home for dinner, but doesn’t call ahead of
DIF: Easy
REF: Explicit Versus Implicit Communication
TOP: H.a. High context culture
MSC: Applied
25. After conducting a survey of every culture around the world, you find that only
the Iberians say that snakes and tigers cannot be evil and mean-spirited and share
no qualities with humans. From these results, what can you conclude?
a) Excluding the Iberians, anthropocentrism would be an accessibility universal or
b) Americans engage in anthropocentrism.
c) The Iberians engage in much anthropocentrism.
d) Excluding the Iberians, anthropocentrism would be a functional universal or
e) Excluding the Iberians, anthropocentrism would be an existential universal or
DIF: Hard
REF: How We Understand Humans’ Place in the World
TOP: J. Anthropocentrism
MSC: Conceptual
26. You are walking with your friend when both of you see a person on the street
trip and fall. You think that the person is a clumsy person, but your friend thinks the
person was distracted by something across the street. In this situation, which of the
following more accurately captures what you are engaging in?
a) an argument
b) dispositional attribution
c) inferential judgment
d) conclusion making
e) field dependence
DIF: Easy
REF: Understanding Other People’s Behaviors
TOP: C.b. Dispositional attributions
MSC: Applied
DIF: Medium
REF: Linguistic Relativity
TOP: I.a.ii. Encoding directions and time
MSC: Applied
28. Jeremy and Jason took a test to see how high their individualism and collectivism
scores are. Jeremy’s individualism score is 9 out of 18, and his collectivism score is
11 out of 18. Jason’s individualism score is 12 out of 18, and his collectivism score is
8 out of 18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
DIF: Medium
REF: Creative Thinking
TOP: F. Creative thinking
MSC: Conceptual
DIF: Easy
REF: How We Understand Humans’ Place in the World
TOP: J. Anthropocentrism
MSC: Applied
30. Which of the following is a low context culture most closely associated with?
a) implicit communication
b) explicit communication
c) incremental theory of the world
d) entity theory of the self
e) incremental theory of self
DIF: Easy
REF: Explicit Versus Implicit Communication
TOP: H.b. Low context culture
MSC: Conceptual