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Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

Definitely Slightly Slightly Definitely

Agree Agree Disagree Disagree

1. I prefer to do things with others, rather than on my own.

2. I prefer to do things the same way over and over again.

3. If I try to imagine something, I find it very easy to create a

picture in my mind.

4. I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I

lose sight of other things.

5. I often notice small sounds when others do not.

6. I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of


7. Other people frequently tell me that what I’ve said is

impolite, even though I think it is polite.

8. When I’m reading a story, I can easily imagine what the

characters might look like.

9. I am fascinated by dates.

10. In a social group, I can easily keep track of several

different people’s conversations.

11. I find social situations easy.

12. I tend to notice details that others do not.

13. I would rather go to a library than to a party.

14. I find making up stories easy.

15. I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to


16. I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset

about if I can’t pursue.

17. I enjoy social chitchat.

18. When I talk, it isn’t always easy for others to get a word
in edgewise.

19. I am fascinated by numbers.

20. When I’m reading a story, I find it difficult to work out the
characters’ intentions.

21. I don’t particularly enjoy reading fiction.

22. I find it hard to make new friends.

23. I notice patterns in things all the time.

24. I would rather go to the theatre than to a museum.

25. It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed.

26. I frequently find that I don’t know how to keep a

conversation going.

27. I find it easy to ‘read between the lines’ when someone is

talking to me.

28. I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather

than on the small details.

29. I am not very good at remembering phone numbers.

30. I don’t usually notice small changes in a situation or a

person’s appearance.

31. I don’t know how to tell if someone listening to me is

getting bored.

32. I find it easy to do more than one thing at once.

33. When I talk on the phone, I’m not sure when it’s my turn
to speak.

34. I enjoy doing things spontaneously.

35. I am often the last to understand the point of a joke.

36. I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or

feeling just by looking at their face.

37. If there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was

doing very quickly.

38. I am good at social chitchat.

39. People often tell me that I keep going on and on about

the same thing.

40. When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games

involving pretending with other children.

41. I like to collect information about categories of things

(e.g. types of cars, birds, trains, plants).

42. I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be

someone else.

43. I like to carefully plan any activities I participate in.

44. I enjoy social occasions.

45. I find it difficult to work out people’s intentions.

46. New situations make me anxious.

47. I enjoy meeting new people.

48. I am a good diplomat.

49. I am not very good at remembering people’s date of birth.

50. I find it very easy to play games with children that involve

Autism Spectrum Quotient (ASQ) Assessment - Professional Interpretation

Assessment Summary:

Alex Johnson August 11, 2023

Participant Name: Date of Assessment:

ASQ Score:

Overall ASQ Score


Alex's responses on the ASQ highlight distinctive patterns in their social interactions, communication, imagination, and
attention to detail. While these responses suggest potential autism-related traits, a comprehensive assessment is
essential for a comprehensive view.

Domain-specific Scores

Social Interaction

Alex's responses in this domain indicate a preference for solitary activities and a tendency to find social interactions
challenging. They might benefit from learning social skills and strategies to navigate various social situations.


In the communication domain, Alex's responses reveal variations in their communication patterns. They could have
strengths in certain areas like written communication but may find verbal communication more challenging. Speech
therapy and alternative communication methods may be explored.

Alex's imagination domain responses indicate a strong imaginative tendency, which might manifest in creative interests
and activities. However, they could experience challenges in understanding and relating to others' imaginative
Attention to Detail

Responses in this domain show that Alex excels in noticing small details. This could contribute to strengths in tasks that
require precision, but they might find it challenging to process larger contextual information.


Comprehensive Evaluation:

A comprehensive assessment by autism specialists, involving observations and standardized

assessments, is crucial to gain deeper insights into Alex's strengths and areas of need.

Support and Interventions

Based on the assessment results, tailored interventions should be designed. Alex could benefit from
social skills training, speech therapy, and sensory regulation techniques to enhance their overall

Educational Accommodations

In an educational setting, offering accommodations such as a quiet space for focus, clear
communication strategies, and visual aids could optimize Alex's learning experience.

Family Support and Resources

Alex's family is encouraged to connect with autism support networks, therapists, and educators to
gather information and strategies for fostering Alex's development in a supportive manner.


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