IT202 DCCY2103 Internetworking Security
IT202 DCCY2103 Internetworking Security
IT202 DCCY2103 Internetworking Security
Topic Description
Name(s) of
3. (Please leave this field blank)
Academic Staff
Semester and
5. 1 / 2 / 3 (Please leave this field blank)
Year offered
8. IT101 Networking Fundamentals
(if any)
1. Labs 10%
2. Assignments 30%
14. Methods and 3. Project 10%
Types 4. Mid Term 20%
5. Final Exam 30%
Mapping of the Refer to Appendix A.1.6, Appendix A.2.0 and Appendix A.2.1
15. Course to the
Programme Aims
Mapping of the Refer to Appendix A.1.6, Appendix A.2.0 and Appendix A.2.1
Course to the
16. Programme
No. Topic Description
Suggested Sessions:
Lab 1: LU 2
Lab 2: LU 3
Lab 3: LU 4
Lab 4: LU 5
Lab 5: LU 6
No. Topics
Introduction to Security
1 Challenges in Securing Network 4 1 0 0
Content outline of
Who are the attackers?
the course/module
19. Network Security
and the SLT per
topic Security through network devices
2 Security through network 4 1 2 3
Security through network
design elements
No. Topic Description
Administering a secure network
Common network protocols
3 Network Administration 4 1 2 3
Securing Network Applications
Wireless Network Security
Wireless Attacks
4 IEEE 802.11 Security 4 1 2 3
Wireless Security Solutions
Access Control Fundamentals
What is Access Control?
5 4 1 2 0
Implementing Access Control
Authentication Services
Authentication and Account Management
Authentication credentials
6 4 1 2 0
Single Sign-On
Account Management
Total 53