Sow S1 KPM
Sow S1 KPM
Sow S1 KPM
4.1 Organise content and 4.1.1 Write an essay or report that develops an https://www.cambridgeenglis
ideas argument systematically with appropriate
highlighting of significant points and relevant (Sample activities for the four
supporting detail skills)
2 Health 1.2 Listen for specific details 1.2.1 Recognise the speaker’s point of view
I. Pandemic and important information and distinguish this from fact and opinion practice-test-with-answers-b2/
II. Mental health
III. Sports 2.1 Exchange personal or 2.1.3 Give a clear, systematically developed
IV. Physical health factual information presentation, with highlighting of significant
V. Medicine points, and relevant supporting detail
VI. Healthcare
system 3.1 Understand main points 3.1.3 Read and identify the content and
and ideas relevance of news items, articles and reports content/uploads/2021/06/B2-
on a wide range of professional topics English-test-with-answers.pdf
4.1 Organise content and 4.1.1 Write an essay or report that develops an When writing an essay or
ideas argument systematically with appropriate report (4.1.1), students will
highlighting of significant points and relevant write a suitable introduction
supporting detail and conclusion to a
report/essay/article (4.1.5).
4.1.5 Write a suitable introduction and So, teachers can combine
conclusion to a longer report or article on a these two learning
complex academic or professional topic standards in carrying out the
provided that the topics is one's field of interest writing activity.
3 Environment 1.2 Listen for specific details 1.2.2 Understand the speaker’s point of view
I. Sustainability and important information on topics that are of current issues /B2/B2_listening.htm
II. Natural Disaster
III. Climate change 2.3 Manage and contribute to 2.3.2 Participate actively in formal and
IV. Pollution group discussion informal discussion in familiar contexts,
commenting and putting point of view
4 Education 1.2 Listen for specific details 1.2.4 Follow lectures, talks and reports and
I. Soft Skills and important information other forms of academic or
II. Academic professional presentations
3.2 Locate specific details 3.2.3 Read and scan through long and
and important information complex texts from several sources (news
items, articles, reports, websites, books etc.)
locating relevant details
4.3 Write for Interaction 4.3. 7 State and respond to opinions on topics
of interest in an online discussion
5 Science and 1.3 Understand and follow 1.3.1 Understand announcements and https://www.liveworksheets.c
Technology instructions messages on concrete and abstract topics om/worksheets/en/English_as
I. Technological _a_Second_Language_(ESL)/F
advancement c e/Fce
II. Artificial b2_listening_test_lq870753zo
III. Information and 2.2 Discuss reasons, 2.2.3 Explain a viewpoint on a topical
communication preferences and opinions issue giving the advantages and
technology disadvantages of various options
IV. GM/Organic
food 3.2 Locate specific details 3.2.4 Read and understand articles and reports Learning Standard 3.4.4
V. Green and and important information concerned with contemporary problems in complements LS 3.2.4.
smart technology which the writers adopt particular stances or
3.4 Identify cues and infer 3.4.4 Extrapolate the meaning of a section
of a text by taking into account the text as a
4.2 Explain, describe and 4.2.2 Write clear detailed descriptions of real or Learning Standard 4.3.4
narrate imaginary events and experiences on a variety complements LS 4.2.2.
of subjects
6 Economy 1.2 Listen for specific details 1.2.4 Follow lectures, talks and reports and
I. Consumerism and important information other forms of academic or
II. Financial professional presentations
III. Gig economy 2.2 Discuss reasons, 2.2.2 Give a clear, prepared Learning Standard 2.3.3
IV. Infrastructure preferences and opinions presentation, giving reasons in support of or complements LS 2.2.2.
IV. Employment against a particular point of view and giving
the advantages and
disadvantages of various options
3.1 Understand main points 3.1.3 Read and identify the content and Learning Standard 3.4.6
and ideas relevance of news items, articles and reports complements LS 3.1.3.
on a wide range of professional topics
3.4.6 Use a variety of strategies to achieve
comprehension, including reading for main
3.4 Identify cues and infer points; checking comprehension by using
contextual clues
4.3 Write for interaction 4.3.9 Write personal and professional Learning Standard 4.1.3
letters and emails using appropriate complements LS 4.3.9.
formality and conventions
7 Science and 1.4 Interact with others 1.4.2 Identify the main reasons for and Listening can be
Technology against an argument or idea in a discussion incorporated in a speaking
I. Technological conducted in clear standard speech skill in a lesson. When
advancement pupils listen to a recording,
II. Artificial 2.1.7 Take a series of follow up they can take a series of
intelligence questions with a degree of fluency and follow up questions posed by
2.1 Exchange personal or students or teachers.
III. Information and factual information spontaneity which poses no strain for either
communication oneself or the audience
IV. GM/Organic 2.2 Discuss reasons, 2.2.5 Outline an issue or a problem clearly,
food preferences and opinions speculating about causes or consequences, and
V. Green and weighing advantages and disadvantages of
smart technology different
3.2 Locate specific details 3.2.6 Read and understand implicit as well
and important information as explicit attitudes, emotions and opinions
in a text