The document outlines the syllabus for the half yearly examination for Class 9. Key subjects included are Literature in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, History/Civics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Applications, Commercial Applications, Dance, Music, Art and Economic Applications. For each subject, the syllabus lists the chapters and topics to be covered in the examination.
The document outlines the syllabus for the half yearly examination for Class 9. Key subjects included are Literature in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, History/Civics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Applications, Commercial Applications, Dance, Music, Art and Economic Applications. For each subject, the syllabus lists the chapters and topics to be covered in the examination.
The document outlines the syllabus for the half yearly examination for Class 9. Key subjects included are Literature in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, History/Civics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Applications, Commercial Applications, Dance, Music, Art and Economic Applications. For each subject, the syllabus lists the chapters and topics to be covered in the examination.
The document outlines the syllabus for the half yearly examination for Class 9. Key subjects included are Literature in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, History/Civics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Applications, Commercial Applications, Dance, Music, Art and Economic Applications. For each subject, the syllabus lists the chapters and topics to be covered in the examination.
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Syllabus Class 9
Half Yearly Examination
Literature in English English Language
1. Drama 1) Composition Writing · Act 1 Scenes 1&2 2) Formal Letter & Informal Letter 2. Prose 3) Notice Writing and Email · Oliver Asks for More 4) Comprehension and Precis Writing · The Home-coming 5) Grammar (Tenses, Prepositions, Synthesis and . The Boy who Broke the Bank Transformation of 3. Poetry 6) Sentences. . A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945 · I Remember, I Remember Hindi Sanskrit भाषा-* प्रार्थना निबंध, पत्र (औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक), अपठित महाकवि: कालिदास: गद्यां ,व्याकरण (पर्यायवाची ,विलोम, अनेक अस्माकं देश: शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द ,मुहावरे, वाक्य, वाच्य आचार्य देवो भव ,निर्दे नुसार नु सारशावाक्य परिवर्तित कीजिए, अद्धि द् धिशु दैवनुग्रहम धन आदि) अमृतधारा *साहित्य-* अक्षरप्रकारणम् *संक्षिप्त कहानियांँ-* व्याकरणम् बात अठन्नी की शब्द - प्रकरणम् काकी सन्धि: महायज्ञ का पुरस्कार *पद्य भाग-* साखी स्वर्ग बना सकते हैं वह जन्मभूमि मेरी Mathematics History/Civics 1.Expansions HISTORY 2. Factorisation 1. The Harappan Civilisation 3. Quadratic Equation 2. The Vedic Period 4. Simultaneous Linear Equations 3. Jainism and Buddhism 5. Problems on Simultaneous Linear Equations 4. The Mauryan Empire 6. Rational and Irrational Numbers 7. Compound Interest CIVICS 8. Indices 5. Our Constitution 9. Logarithms 6. Salient Features of the Constitution - I 10. Triangles 7. Salient Features of the Constitution - II 8. Elections 9. Local Self Government - Rural 10. Local Self-Government - Urban Geography Physics 1. Earth as a planet 1.Measurement & experimentation 2. Geographic Grid- latitudes and longitudes 2.Motion in one dimension 3. Rotation and Revolution 3.Laws of motion 4.Natural regions- Equatorial and Tropical 4.Pressure in fluids & Atmospheric Pressure. Grasslands. 5.Upthrust in fluids: Archimedes Principle; Floatation. 5. Earth’s Structure 6.Heat Energy 6. Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere 7. Insolation 8. Hydrosphere. 9. World Map on Rivers, Water bodies and Natural regions Chemistry Biology 1. The language of chemistry 1. Cell: The Unit of Life 2.Chemical changes and reactions 2. Tissue: Plant and Animal Tissues 3.Periodic table 3. The Flower 4.Hydrogen 4. Pollination and Fertilisation 5.Gas laws 5. Seeds - Structure and Germination 6.Practical chemistry (Effect of heat on compounds 6. Respiration in Plants and identification of all the gases) 7. Five Kingdom Classification 8. Economic Importance of Bacteria and Fungi Computer Applications Economic Applications 1. Introduction to java 1.Basic concepts of economics 2. Class as basis of all computation 2.Meaning and definitions of economics 3. Wrapper class methods 3.Basic problems of an economy 4. Control statement in java 4.Economy and economic entities 5. for loop 5.The nature and classification of an economy 6.The Nature of Indian economy 7.Consumer awareness 8.Globalization Commercial Applications Art 1. Introduction to commercial organisation Art paper 1: Still life 2. Sole proprietorship and joint Hindu family Object Drawing Partnership Surahi, steel Glass & fruits in a basket (as per availability) 3. Joint stock company 4. Cooperative society Art paper 2: Nature Study 5. Public sector enterprises Periwinkle,Money Plant & Hibiscus. 6. Functioning of a commercial organisation. 7. Communication in a commercial organisation 8. Ways of communication Dance Music Prominent exponents of the various different classical Raag,Janak Raag, AshrayaRaag, VadiSamvadi, Anuvadi, dance style listed above. Vivadi, Chal and An understanding of the dance repertoire and musical AchalSwar. accompaniment (for the chosen dance style only). VarjyaSwara,Taali, Ekgun and dugun. Jati,Geet Identification of different classical dance styles in Description of Raag. India. The aesthetic appeal to each, highlighting the Raag–AlhiyaBilawal ,Kafi, Khamaj distinctiveness of the individual styles, namely Taal -Keharva Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odishi, Kuchipudi, Manipuri Description of mentioned Raag and Kathakali. Technique of producing bolstirkit and ta and na, ta and dha. Also included term 1 Syllabus