Civ Edu JSS2 Notes

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WEEK 2&3

Integrity is the ability to stick to sound moral principles at all time.
Every society needs people of integrity because they provide moral
strength for the development of the society. A Person of integrity will
always stand by what is right and will never change its position.

1. Honesty: A person of integrity is an honest person who is free from
deceit. Honesty is the quality
2. Probity: Probity means absolute moral soundness. A man or
woman of integrity has sound moral character that cannot be
faulted. Probity is a state of being honest and morally correct.
3. Contentment: This is the feeling of being satisfied with one’s
present possession. Integrity makes a person to be contented. A
man of integrity is ever satisfied with what he can honestly acquire.
4. Truthfulness: This is the act of telling the truth always. A man of
integrity tells the truth and stands by it and always ready to suffer
for the truth.
5. Fair-Play: This is the habit of putting oneself in other people’s
shoes when dealing or relating with them. A person of integrity
likes fair-play and follows the golden rule of “do unto others, as
you want others do unto you”
6. Non-Compromise of Principle: Men of integrity hardly
compromise the attributes of integrity such as honesty, contentment
and so on. That is, they always stick to those qualities.


i. Religious leaders: these includes imam, bishops, reverends,
pastors, etc.
ii. Traditional leaders: these includes Obas, Emirs, Ezes, Obis, etc.
iii. Teachers: These include teachers and lecturers
iv. Medical personnel: These include medical doctors, nurses,
midwives, etc.
v. Armed forces and para military personnel: These include
soldiers, navy, air-force, policemen etc.
vi. Judges: These include judges, magistrates, lawyers, etc.
vii. Political leaders: These include President, Governors, senators,
viii. Students: these include pupils in primary schools, and students
in secondary schools and tertiary institutions.
Every society is in dare need of people of integrity for the following
1. Community development: Unless there are men of integrity,
money meant for community development will be embezzled
thereby retarding the growth of the community.
2. Peaceful co-existence: peaceful co-existence is the vital pillar of
development in any society. Men and women of integrity will
always make efforts to ensure peace in the society. We therefore
need people of integrity to help ensure peace and harmony in the
3. Models for young ones: if our young ones are to be people of
integrity, they must have people to look up to in order to imbibe
integrity. Thus, those in position of authority such as teachers,
principals, parents and politician must display integrity.
.4. To Boost our international Image: men and women of integrity
are valuable human assets. When a country has men and women
of sound character and proven integrity, her citizens would be
highly respected in other countries.
5. Responsible Youths: if the society has many men and women of
integrity our youth will naturally produce boys and girls of
6. To reduce Evil Practice: If atrocities like bribery and corruption
must stop, then we need youth, men and women of integrity.
WEEK 4&5
Contentment can be defined as a state of being happy and satisfied with
whatever one has. A contented person does not necessarily have to be
rich but he or she is always satisfied with what he or she has.
1. Satisfaction
2. Lack of envy
3. Humility
4. Hatred for Greed
5. Abhorrence or hatred for corruption

1. Satisfaction: A person that is contented is always satisfied with

what he can honestly acquire and so tries to live within his means.
2. Lack of Envy: A person that is contented envies nobody. Instead
he works diligently to improve himself.
3. Humility: A person that is contented is always humble, he does
not look down on others but treats them with dignity and respect
4. Hatred for Greed: A contented person hates greed. That is, he
hates grab-it-all attitude in whatever he does.
5. Abhorrence or Hatred for Corruption: A contented person hates
everything that is immoral and does not abuse his office for
personal gains.

Effects of Lack of Contentment

Lack of contentment is the foundation of many problems in our society
today. Among such problems are:
a. corruption
b. greed
c. envy
d. stealing
e. prostitution
f. robbery
g. cheating

i. Corruption: When people in a society lack contentment,

corruption will be the order of the day.
ii. Greed: lack of contentment leads to greed. That is the attitude of
accumulating wealth for future generations at the expense of
iii. Envy: Lack of contentment breeds envy. It in turn, leads to other
anti-social behaviours such as assassination, etc.
iv. Stealing: A person that is not contented with what he can honestly
acquire will definitely steal sooner or later.
v. Prostitution: Ladies and women who ‘sell’ their bodies for
money, do so because of lack of contentment with what they have.
vi. Robbery: Some youths that are engaged in armed robbery today
are suffering the consequences of lack of contentment. They hate
to live simple life.
vii. Cheating: Cheating arises from lack of contentment and inability
to work hard.

Meaning of Discipline
Discipline is the ability to train people to control their behaviour
according to laid down principles, rules and regulations. It can also be
defined as act of training body and mind to produce self control. This
extends to obeying traffic rules and regulations, the constitution, our
superior authorities, etc.
In other words, discipline is the ability to have self-control and be in
control of your own behaviour or actions.

Features or Characteristics of Discipline

These are:
1. Dedication
2. Moderation
3. Modesty
4. Perseverance
5. Respect for legitimate authority.

1. Dedication: This is the habit of sticking to a set goal or plan. It

also means no break of focus no matter how difficult the situation
may be. The ability to stay dedicated to a given plan helps us to
achieve greatness in life.
2. Moderation: This means avoiding excesses. Anybody of
discipline is always a moderate person. He does not over do
anything. That is, he knows where and when to stop in all
3. Perseverance: Is the ability to continue to do a thing or pursue a
goal despite difficulties, pains and discouragement until the desired
results is achieved. A disciplined person always perseveres
without minding pains or difficulties.
4. Respect for legitimate (rightful) authority. A disciplined person
is always a respecter of the laws of the land. He respects and
obeys the constitution of his country and respects all the people
occupying position of authority.
5. Modesty: This attribute of discipline enables a disciplined person
to be humble. He does not boast of his achievement, status or
position in life.

Importance of Discipline in a Society

1. Encouragement of Peace: When rules and regulations are obeyed
in the society peace will reign
2. It fosters or encourages unity: It makes people to work together
in unity
3. Fosters economic and political development. With discipline
everyone in the society tries to engage in one activity or the other
in order to earn a living in a rightful way i.e. all employable
persons try to contribute to national income and economic growth.
4. It fosters political stability: this is done in the area if free and fair
election, obedience to legitimate government and political stability
of the country.
5. It fosters good health for individual and the society. If we are
in our regular physical exercise our health will improve to the
benefits of the society.
6. It saves time: In our highways, the time the nation wastes due to
traffic congestions could be avoided if every driver exercises
patience and discipline.

What are rules and regulations?
Rules and regulations are guidelines that members of the society follow
which enables peace and harmony in the society. They also serve as a
conduct which guide our daily affairs to live peacefully in the society. It
also means an authoritative statement of what to do and not to do in a
specific situation issued by an appropriate person or organization.


Rules are important in our daily activities. However, it seems that
people don’t like rules as they represent a kind of restrictions. People
will always need rules to be able to live and deal together. Everything in
our lives should be restricted with rules or it becomes a mess and
unfair. If there are no rules, everyone is free to do whatever they want.
We need rules to help us get along together and show respect to each

In an academic setting, rules may encompass behavior on campus,

policies on tardiness and personal appearance. The following are few
importances of rules in schools:
1. It is for personal safety.
2. It is for peer consideration.
3. It is for discipline.
4. Respect for authority.
5. Peaceful co-existence.
6. To uphold justice
7. To promote transparency
8. To prevent crime
9. To prevent human rights abuses.
10. To eliminate corruption.


1. Expulsion from school for examination malpractices.
2. Students caught fighting shall be punished appropriately.
3. Seizure of goods like mobile phones.
4. Students caught in sexual immorality will be punished.


1. There will be chaos and anarchy.
2. There will be underdevelopment.
3. There will be frequent arrest of people over non-compliance.
4. The government of the day will be distracted from carrying out
her duties.
5. Break down of law and order will be prevalent.
6. Members of the public will not feel safe anywhere they are.

Meaning or Definition of Courage
Courage can be defined as the ability to be brave and do difficult or
dangerous tasks without fear. It is also the willingness to face
challenges, danger, uncertainty or pain without being afraid.

Types of Courage
There are three main types of courage:
1. Physical courage
2. Moral courage and
3. Spiritual courage

Physical Courage: This is the ability to physically face a dangerous

situation. It is a show of raw energy and strength. An example is a girl
who got up prepared to kill a snake.

Moral Courage: This is this displayed when one feels that it will be
morally wrong not to face the danger or pains associated with a crime.
An example is a child who decided to confess he stole his mother’s pen.

Spiritual Courage: This arises when someone is ready to face danger on

account of religious matter. For example. A Prophet is sent by God to
warn a king of the consequences of his bad policies. He needs spiritual
courage to be able to carry out the assignment.

Attributes of Courage
These are:
1. Boldness: is the ability to speak out in the face of evil or injustice.
2. Bravery: is the preparedness to face danger for a purpose. For
example, a soldier that goes to war to save his country.
3. Commitment: This is a feeling of responsibility in a given
situation. For example, a parent’s duty to his children at school.
4. Endurance: Is the ability to go through or bear pains and
5. Determination: is the readiness to face a given task or assignment
not minding the difficulties and pains involved.
6. Diligence: this is the desire or habit of hard work.

Characteristics of Courageous People: These are

1. Boldness: Every courageous person is always bold.
2. Bravery: A courageous person displays bravery in an unusual
3. Commitment: Every courageous person feels a sense of
commitment to a goal or given course despite all odds.
4. Endurance: By character, every courageous person has an
enduring spirit.
5. Determination: This quality of not giving up despite pains and
problems, helps a courageous person to accomplish his goal
6. Diligence: Every person that is courageous is diligent, that is
he/she is hard working.

Federation refers to a group of States, regions or provinces which come
together under one central government (also called Federal
government), but are still independent to conduct their internal affairs.
Federation is a system of government in which there is a constitutional
division of powers between the central government and other
component units forming the union or federation that is division of
powers between the federal government and the states within the
country. It is also called a federal system of government or a
federation. Examples of Countries Practicing Federal System of
They include: Australia, Nigeria, United States of America, Switzerland,
Canada etc.

Nigeria became a country in 1914 when the northern and southern

parts were amalgamated by Lord Lugard. The amalgamation in 1914,
brought the north and south together, which is the Nigeria we have
Nigeria became an independent nation on the 1st October, 1960 with Dr
Nnamdi Azikiwe as the Governor General and Sir Tafawa Balewa as the
prime minister. Nigeria became a Federal Republic in 1963 with Dr
Nnamdi Azikiwe as the President of Nigeria.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria presently has 36 states with the Central
power being the Federal Capital Territory in Abuja.
The Federal Republic of Nigeria also has a total of 774 Local
Government Areas. The country is divided into 6 geopolitical zones,
 Southeast
 South-South
 Southwest
 Northeast
 Northwest
 North central
In power sharing in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, there are three tiers
or levels of government, namely;
 Federal government
 State government
 Local government

In the three tiers of government, power is also shared between three

arms of government as follows:
 The Executive arm
 The Legislative arm
 The Judicial arm

The Constitution clearly states what the Federal, State and Local
government we do. We have the;
Exclusive List: This is a list of items or topics or activities on which only
the federal government has powers to make laws on. On anything on
the exclusive list, no state or local government has any say.
The items include:
1. the Army
2. Immigration
3. Emigration
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Currency Matters
6. Internal Affairs
7. Defense

Residual List: This is a list of all activities or topics or items which only
the state government has powers to make laws on. They include
1. Chieftaincy matters 2. Markets etc

Concurrent List: This is a list of items or topics or activities, areas in

which both the state and federal government can participate. Items on
this list include:
i. Health ii. Education iii. Agriculture iv. Road

Need for Federation

There are reasons Nigeria has need for a federation or federal system
of government. These are
1. National Integration: A federal government supervising the
federating units (i.e States) will help us in national integration,
that is, national unity.
2. Even Development: The federal system of government will enable
the states and local governments to develop evenly, that is side by
side with others.
3. Geographical Sizes: Given the geographically large Nigeria, it is
the federal system of government that will make the
administration of the federal, states and local government easy.
4. Economic Factor or Reason: The need to pool our resources
together to form a stronger financial body or a richer country.
5. Minorities Interest: It is the federal system that ensures that the
minority tribes or ethnic groups are not over-looked or ignored in
the development of the nation.

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