The Nature and Properties of Soils (9-10)
The Nature and Properties of Soils (9-10)
The Nature and Properties of Soils (9-10)
.. , ~
[Preceding page] Soil-borne bacteria in the root nodule of this soybean plant illustrate
a symbiosis which is responsible for the biological fixation of enormous quantities of
nitrogen. {Courtesy Ray R. Weil, University of Maryland. College Park. MD.]
I For this and subsequent sections on nitrogen. the reader is referred 10 the monograph ediled
by Stevenson (1982).
Gaseous losses
N fixation
~ ~ Losses
N2 .,;r E
N20 NH3 <
(rain) (fertilizer)
and wastes
FIGURE 9.1 Main portions of the nitrogen cycle. Chemical fertilizers from industrial
nitrogen fixation are an increasingly important source of this element.
. .
his command. This interlocking succession of largely biochemical reactioris
constitutes what is known as the njtrogen cyCle (Figure 9.1). It has attracted
scientific study for years. and its practical significance is beyond question.
The nitrogen income of arable soils is derived from such materials as
commercial fertilizers. crop residues; green and farm manures. and ammonium
artanfuate salts brought down by preclPitatiOii':"In addition. trum~ is flle fixati~
of atmospheric nitrogen accomplished by certain microorganisms. The deple-
tion is due to crop removal, drainage. erosion; and to loss in a gaseous form.
. . Much of the nitrogen added to the soil undergoes many transformations
before it is removed. The nitrogen in organic combination is subjected to espe-
pool ....n~'
nitrogen pool
(NH 4 + + N0 3 -)
cially complex changes. Proteins are converted into various decom
products, and finally some of the nitrogen appear s in the nitrate form.
rest since it is either approp riated by microo rganism s
then it is allowed no
so the
and higher plants, removed in drainage, or lost by volatilization. And
on and on. The mobili ty of nitroge n is remark able, rivaling
cyclic transfe r goes
carbon in its ease of movement.
bulk of
Major Divisions of the Nitrogen Cycle. At anyon e time, the great
combin ations protec ted from loss but largely
the nitrogen in a soil is in organic
this reason much scienti fic effort has been
unavailable to higher plants. For
en-how it is stabiliz ed and how it may
devoted to the study of organic nitrog
plants. The p'roces s of tying-y p nitroge n in
be release d to forms usable by
n; its slow release -specif ically, organic
organic forms is called immobilizatio
to inorganic conversion-~alleJiglinera lization (Figure 9.2).
enzymati c
R-NH2 + HOH hydrolysis
I R-OH + NH3 + energy
combinat ion
nism by which the fixation occur is not known, although reactions with phenols
and quinones as well as with carbohydrates are suspected (Nommik and Vah-
tras, 1981). The reaction takes place most readily in the presence of oxygen
and at high pH values.
The practical significance of organic fixation depends upon the circum-
stances. In organic soils with a high fixing capacity it could be serious and
would dictate the use of fertilizers other than those which supply free ammonia.
In normal practice on mineral soils, however, organic fixation should not be
too disadvantageous. In the first place, the fertilizers is often banded, thereby
contacting a relatively small portion of the entire soil mass and minimizing
opportunities for fixation. Furthermore, the fixed ammonia is subject to subse-
quent slow release by mineralization.
9.7 Nitrification
Nitrification is a process of enzymatic oxidation of ammonia to nitrates brought
about by certain microorganisms in the soil. It takes place in two coordinated
steps. The first step is the production of nitrite ions by one group of organisms
apparently followed immediately by their oxidation to the nitrate form by
another. The enzymatic oxidation is represented very simply as follows.
Ammonium Hydroxylamine
--2H (0)
Y.z HONNOH ------ N0 2 -
Hyponitrite Nitrite
+ H+ + energy
N0 3 - + energy
Ammonia Level. Nitrication can take place only if there is a source of ammo-
nia to be oxidized. Factors such as a high C/N ratio of residues, which prevents
the release of ammonia, also prevent nitrification. However, if the ammonia
is present at too high a level, it constrains nitrification. Heavy localized applica-
tions to alkaline soils of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer or urea, which by hydro-
lysis forms ammonia. appear to be toxic to Nitrobacter, resulting in the accumu-
lation of toxic levels of nitrite. Obviously, the level of ammonia is an important
regulator of nitrification.
Exchangeable Bases and pH. Nitrification proceeds most rapidly where there
is an abundance of exchangeable bases. This accounts in part for the weak
nitrification in acid mineral soils and the seeming sensitiveness of the organisms
to a low pH. However. within reasonable limits. acidity itself seems to have
little influence on nitrification when adequate bases are present. This is espe-
cially true of peat soils. Even at pH values below 5 these soils may show
remarkable accumulations of nitrates (see Section 14.8).
Fertilizers. Small amounts of many kinds of salts. even those of the trace
elements. stimulate nitrification. A reasonable balance of nitrogen. phosphorus.
and potassium has been found to be helpful. Apparently. the stimulation of
the organisms is much the same as is that of higher plants.
Applications of large quantities of ammonium nitrogen to strongly alkaline
soils have been found to depress the second step in the nitrification reaction.
Apparently the ammonia is toxic to the Nitrobacter under these conditions
but does not affect adversely the Nitrosomonas. Consequently. nitrite accumu-
lation may occur in soils very high in pH. Similarly. on such soils adverse
effects may result from a compound such as urea. which supplies ammonium
ions in the soil by hydrolysis.
Use by Soil Organisms and Plants. Both plants and soil microorganisms read-
ily assimilate nitrate nitrogen. However, if microbes have a ready food supply
(for example, carbonaceous organic residues) they utilize the nitrates more
rapidly than do higher plants. Thus, the higher plants have only what is left
by the microorganisms and must await for the subsequent release of the nitro-
gen when microbial activity slows down (see Section 8.15). This is one of
the reasons crops often are able during a growing season to recover only
about half the fertilizer nitrogen added. Fortunately, some of the immobilized
nitrogen is released during the following growing seasons.
Leaching and Gaseous Loss. Negatively charged nitrates are not absorbed
by the negatively charged colloids that dominate most soils. Consequently,
nitrates are subject to ready leaching from the soil, moving downward freely
with the water. The amount of nitrate nitrogen lost in drainage water depends
upon the climate and cultural conditions; it is low in unirrigated arid and
semiarid regions and high in humid areas and where irrigation is practiced.
Heavy nitrogen fertilization, especially for vegetables and other cash crops
grown on coarse-textured soils, accentuates loss by thiS'means. In recent years,
widespread use of high levels of nitrogen fertilizers applied broadcast before
the crop is planted has increased nitrate leaching losses. Coupled with concen-
9.10 Denitrification
Nitrates are subject to reduction in soils, especially in those that are poorly
drained and low in aeration. The process is known as denitrification. Among
the reduction products are nitrogen gases, which can be lost into the atmo-
sphere. The nitrate reduction is due primarily to microbial action, although
some chemical reduction occurs.
&6 N0 3 -
0 =0
0 =N
- Nitrite - Nitric oxide -
Nitrous oxide - Nitrogen gas
FIGURE 9.3 Illustration of the reductive nature of the denitrification process loses
leave the nitrite ion. which in tum
ms take an oxygen from nitrate and
(1980); used with
an oxygen and produc es nitric oxide. and so on. [Modified from Hughes
permiss ion of Deere & Compa ny. Moline. IL.]
obselVation is of some scientific interest. it is not thought to be of much
Chemical Reduction. There are nonmicrobial processes by which
For instanc e. nitrites in a slightly
may be reduce d in soils to gaseous forms.
when brough t in contac t with certain
acid solution will evolve gaseous nitrogen
unds such as urea, and even with
ammonium salts, with simple amino compo
followi ng reactio n sugges ts what may
lignins, phenols, and carbohydrates. The
happen to urea.
This type of gaseous loss is strictly chemical and does not require
e soil conditi ons. Its practic al impor-
the presen ce of microorganisms or advers
tance, however, is not too great.
n is
Quantity of Nitrogen Lost Through Denitrification. Since gaseous nitroge
in this form is serious . As might be
unavai lable to higher plants, any loss
losses will depend upon the cultura l
expected, the exact magnitude of the
region soils that are not too heavily
and soil conditions. In well-drained humid-
g. Where
fertilized, the gaseous losses are probab ly less than those from leachin
large applica tions of ammon ia and urea ferti-
drainage is restricted, and where
E 50
0lI Nitrous oxide (N 2 0)
'" 30
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (days)
FIGURE 9.4 Denitrification 108S of three nitrogen gases fron an anaerobic acid Norfolk
sandy loam at 12.5% moisture. A closed system was used. Apparently N2 was wrmed
from the reduction of N20. Under field conditions much of the N20 would probably
have gone off as a gas and would not have remained to produce elemental N2. [From
Cady and Bartholomew (1960).]
lizer are made. substantial losses might be expected. 20-40% of nitrogen added
not being too uncommon.
In flooded soils such as those used for rice culture. losses by denitrification
may be very high. Often 60-70% of the applied fertilizer nitrogen is volatilized
as oxides of nitrogen or elemental nitrogen. The reason for this high loss is
simple. Ammonium-containing fertilizers added to or near the soil surface are
oxidized to nitrates in the thin oxidized layer just below the soil-water inter-
face. The nitrates then move down the profile into the reduced soil zone below.
which is very low in oxygen (Figure 9.5). Denitrification then occurs and losses
as N2 and N2 0 take place. Luckily this loss can be cut back by incorporating
2-10 em
Aerobic layer
<2 em
-NH, TO'"
+ - - Nitrification-
.- "T. .
-: . ·
-=--=-- -
Diffusion Oif·fusion
0.216 cm 2 /day 1.33 cm~ /day
n 1.
Nitrate nitrogen N2
the fertilizer into the reduced zone, thereby largely preventing the formation
of nitrates by nitrification. In some cases fertilizer use efficiency has been
doubled by deep placement of the fertilizer.
Atmospheric pollution. The loss of nitrous oxide (NzO) from the soil into
the atmosphere is thought to have some deleterious effects on the environment.
As the NzO moves up into the stratosphere, it may participate in reactions
that result in the destruction of ozone (0 3 ), a gas that helps shield the earth
from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. If this ozone shield were to
be removed, the earth's surface would be warmed and serious ecological conse-
quences then would result. While the validity of this hypothesis is still being
evaluated, it suggests that NzO loss from soils may have implications far beyond
Tune of application
Spring Spring
Soil texture Fall preplant sidedreaa
For centuries farmers have recognized that the yields of cereal crops such as
wheat and com (maize) are higher when these crops are grown after certain
legumes such as clovers, and alfalfa (lucerne). We now know this beneficial
effect is due not to the legume crop itself but to associated microorganisms
that are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen into combined forms usable by the
plants. This ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen is known to be shared by a
number of organisms including several species of bacteria (not all of which
are associated with legumes), a few actinomycetes and blue-green algae (cyano-
bacteria). The quantity of nitrogen fixed globally each year is enormous, having
been estimated at about 175 million Mg (metric tons) (Table 9.4), which exceeds
the amount applied in chemical fertilizers.
N2 + 6 H+ + 6 e- , 2 NHa
Arable (cropped)
Legumes 250 140 35
Nonlegumes 1,150 8 9
Permanent meadows and grassland 3,000 15 45
Forest and woodland 4,100 10 40
Unused 4,900 2 10
Ice covered 1,500 0 0
Total land 14,900 1 139
Sea 36,100 1 36
Grand total 51,000 175
Although the legume symbiotic systems have received most attention his-
torically. recent findings suggest that the other systems are also very important
world-wide and may even rival the legume-associated systems as suppliers
of biological nitrogen to the soil. Each major system will be discussed briefly.
Legumes Bacteria Legumes Root nodules
Nonlegumes Actinomycetes Nonlegumes Root nodules
(angiosperms) (Frankia) (angiosperms)
Morphological Blue-green algae. Various higher Leaf and root nodules.
involvement bacteria plants and lichens
Nonmorphological Blue-green algae, Various higher Rhizosphere
involvement bacteria plants and (root environment)
microorganisms Phyllosphere
(leaf environment)
Nonsymbiotic Blue-green algae. Not involved Soil. water
bacteria with plants independent of
Bacteria of the genus Rhizobium in association with legumes provide the major
biological source of fixed nitrogen in agricultural soils. These organisms invade
the root hairs and the cortical cells, ultimately inducing the formation of nodules
that serve as a home for the organisms (Figure 9.6). The host plant supplies
the bacteria with carbohydrates for energy, and the bacteria reciprocate by
supplying the plant with fixed nitrogen compounds. This living together or
symbiosis is mutually beneficial.
Group species Legume
Inoculum Yield of
Inoculant population soybeans
strain (107 MPN/g)b (kg/ha)
Total nitrogen
~ 80
o Nitrogen fixed by rhizobia
Nitrogen from
FIGURE 9.7 Influence of added inorganic nitrogen on the total nitrogen in clover
plants, the proportion supplied by the fertilizer and that fixed by the rhizobium organisms
associated with the clover roots. Increasing the rate of nitrogen application decreased
the amount of nitrogen fixed by the organisms in this greenhouse experiment. [From
Walker et al. (1956).]
Typical levels of
nitrogen fixation
Crop or plant Associated organism (kg/ha N per yr)
Legumes (nodulated) Bacteria (Rhizobium)
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 150-250
Clover (Trifolium protense L.) 1~150
Soybean (Glycine max L.) 50-150
Cowpea (Vigna unquiculata) 50-100
Lupine (Lupinus) 50-100
Vetch (Vicia vilbosa) 50-125
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 30- 50
Nonlegumes (nodulated)
Alders (Alnus) Actinomycetes (Fronkia) 50-150
Species of Gunnero Blue-green algae (Nostoc) 10- 20
Nonlegumes (nonnodulated)
Pangola grass (Degetaria decumbens) Bacteria (AzospirilJum) 5- 30
Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) Bacteria (Azotobacter) 5-30
Azolla Blue-green algae (Anabaena) 150-300
Nonsymbiotic Bacteria (Azotobacter. 5- 20
Blue-green algae (various) 10- 50
9.8). Third, when a legume sod is turned under or when the legume is killed
by a herbicide in a no-till cropping system, the entire root system is subject
to breakdown. Some of the nitrogen is converted to ammonia and nitrate.
and is assimilated by succeeding crops grown in the rotation.
The fourth pathway for the fixed nitrogen is to be incorporated into the
bodies of the general-purpose decay organisms and finally into the soil organic
matter. This process of immobilization was discussed in Section 9.4.
~ 2.6
n alone
R yegrass groW
FIGURE 9.8 Nitrogen content of five field cuttings of ryegrass grown alone or with
Ladino clover. For the first two harvests, nitrogen fixed by the clover was not available
to the ryegrass and the nitrogen content of the ryegrass forage was low. In subsequent
harvests. the fixed nitrogen apparently was available and was taken up by the ryegrass.
This was probably due to the mineralization of dead Ladino clover root tissue. [From
Broadbent et al. (1982).]
In general. however. the net draft of legumes on the soil nitrogen is less
than that of nonlegumes. and in some situations soil nitrogen is actually in-
creased through legume cropping. Consequently the use of legumes is encour-
aged in a rotation where the maintenance of nitrogen is important. Legumes
are usually so economical in their use of soil nitrogen that a high-protein crop
can be harvested with little or no draft on the soil nitrogen. Thus. they are
nitrogen savers. This is an important fertility axiom.
Speciesb Geographic
Genus Famlly nodulated distribution
which are present in some forested areas and wet lands, are inoculated by
soil actinomycetes of the genus Frankia. The actinomycetes invade the root
hairs and distinctive nodules form. The rates of nitrogen fixation per hectare
compare very favorably with those of the legume/rhizobia complexes (Table
9.8). On a worldwide basis the total nitrogen so fixed may even exceed that
due to legumes (Table 9.4). While the rates of cycling of the fixed nitrogen
may not be quite as high as those associated with agricultural crops, the total
quantity fixed places the actinomycete-induced fixation on a par with rhizobia
Certain blue-green algae are known to develop nitrogen fixing symbiotic
relations with green plants. One involves nodule formation of the stems of
Gunnera. an angiosperm common in marshy areas of the southern hemisphere.
Algae of the genus Nostoc are involved and the rate of fixation is typically
10-20 Kg/ha of nitrogen per year (Table 9.8).
There exist in soils and water certain free-living microorganisms that are able
to fix nitrogen. Since these organisms are not directly associated with higher
plants the transformation is referred to as nonsymbiotic or free-living.
England 28 28.8 2.98 2.64 1.49 1.33
Garford. England 3 26.9 7.20 6.43 2.16 1.93
Flahult. Sweden 1 32.5 3.72 3.32 1.46 1.30
Holland 27.6 5.08 4.54 1.64 1.46
and Durban.
South Africa 2 4.50 4.02 1.58 1.39
Ottawa. Canada 10 23.4 4.95 4.42 2.42 2.16
Ithaca. N.Y. 11 29.5 4.09 3.65 0.77 0.69
Meeting the Deficit. In practice. nitrogen deficits are met from four
sourc es-
crop residues. farm manure. legumes. and commercial fertilizers. On dairy
and beef ranches. much of the deficit will be met by the first three
fertilizers being used as a supplementary source. On most other types
of farms.
however. fertilizers will play a major role. Where vegetables and other
FIGURE 9.9 Major gains and losses Nitrogen fixation Commer cial fertilizer
_____ _ _____ _
of availab le soil nitrogen. The widths ~
Turnover Regulations. By all odds, the more difficult of the two general prob-
lems of nitrogen control is the regulation of this element after it enters the
soil. Availability at the proper time and in suitable amounts, with a minimum
of loss, is the ideal. Even where commercial fertilizers are used to supply
much of the nitrogen, maintaining an adequate but not excessive quantity of
available nitrogen is not an easy task.
Soils under any given climate tend to assume what may be called a normal
or equilibrium content of nitrogen. Thus, under ordinary methods of cropping
and manuring, any attempt to raise the nitrogen content to a point materially
higher than this normal will be attended by unnecessary waste due to drainage
and other losses. At the same time, the nitrogen should be kept suitably active
by the use of legumes and other organic materials with a low C/N ratio and
by the applications of lime and commercial fertilizers.
This is essentially the recommendation already made for soil organic mat-
ter (Section 8.18), and it is known to be both economical and effective. In
short, the practical problem is to supply adequate nitrogen to the soil, to keep
it mobile, and to protect it from excessive losses caused by leaching, volatiliza-
tion, and erosion.
Sulfur has long been recognized as essential for plant and animal growth.
Although much is yet to be learned about the functions of this element, it is
already known to be indispensable for many reactions in every livin cell.
Sulfur is a constituent 0 the amino aCI s methionine, cysteme, an cystine,
deficiencies of which result in serious human malnutrition. The vitamins biotin,
thiamine, and Bl contain sulfur, and the structure of proteins is determined
to a considerable extent by sulfur groups. The properties of certain protein
enzymes, such as those concerned with photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation,
are thought to be attributable to the type of sulfur linkages present. As with
the other essential elements, sulfur plays a unique role in plant and animal
Plants that are sulfur deficient are characteristicall small and spindly.
The youn ill' eaves are light reen to e OWlS , and in the case 0 e umes
110 u ation of the roots is reduG.-ed. Protein quality, especially methionine con-
tent, suffers in sulfur-deficient plants. The maturity of fruits and seeds is delayed
in the absence of adequate sulfur.
SolI Minerals. There are several soil minerals in which sulfur is combined
and from which it may be released for growing plants. For example, sulfides
of iron, nickel, and copper are found in many soils, especially those with re-
stricted drainage. They are quite abundant in soils of tidal marsh areas. Upon
oxidation, the sulfides are changed to sulfates, which are quickly available
for plant use.
In regions of low rainfall, sulfate minerals are common in soils. Accumula-
tions of gypsum in the lower horizons of Mollisols and Aridisols (see Figure
13.10) are examples. Accumulations of soluble salts, including sulfates in the
surface layers, are characteristic of saline soils (see Figure 6.14) of arid and
semiarid regions. When the soils are dry, the salt accumulations are visible.
The accumulation of sulfates in subsoils is not limited to areas of low
rainfall. For example, in the southeast, higher sulfate contents are often found
in the subsoils than in the topsoils. Apparently, the sulfates are absorbed by
the acid iron and aluminum oxide and kaolinitic clays that are usually present
in larger quantities in the subsoil.
Czechoslovak ia Netherlands
Denmark Norway
England Poland
Finland Spain
France Sweden
Germany U.S.s.R .
Iceland Yugoslavia
Cameroon Mozambique
Central African Nigeria
Republic Senegal
Chad South Africa
Congo Tanzania Australasia
Ghana Togo Burma
Guinea Uganda i Australia
Ivory Coast Upper Volta Indonesia ... Fij i
Kenya Zaire New Guinea
Lebanon New Zealand
Mali Zambia Malaysia
Malawi Zimbabwe ~olomon Islands
Sri Lanka
Taiwan 17
Thailand (f
FIGURE 9.10 Locations throughout the world where sulfur deficiencies have been
reported. Other sulfur-deficient areas undoubtedly exist. but have yet not been identified.
[Courtesy The Sulphur Institute.]
centers (Figure 9.11). Except near seashores, where salt spray adds sulfur in
significant quantities, and near marshes, which are sources of hydrogen sulfide,
the combustion of coal is the most significant source of atmospheric sulfur.
Atmospheric sulfur becomes part of the soil-plant system in three ways.
Some of it is absorbed directly from the atmosphere by growing plants. A
considerable quantity is absorbed directly by the soil from the atmosphere,
and a similar amount is added with precipitation.
The quantity of sulfur absorbed directly by plants from the atmosphere
will vary with atmospheric and soil conditions. Experiments have shown that
even plants supplied with adequate soil sulfate can absorb 25-35% of their
sulfur from the atmosphere. If the soil sulfur is low and the atmospheric sulfur
high, about half of the plant sulfur can come from the atmosphere.
Data presented graphically in Figure 9.11 show a comparison of direct
soil absorption of sulfur and the addition of this element in precipitation. At
least in this instance, the quantity directly absorbed from the soil was some-
what greater than that from the precipitation.
"~I Sulfur added with precipitation during 6 yr period
~~~~~~;'-~~'~",,~:,:::.~~:,,~,:::~'0~~~':::::::::::,- ~'-::':::-.::-.."""'~",-:: 0:'~,,:-,
1 2 4 6 8
Distance from plant (km)
Organic Bound Sulfur. In most humid region surface soils. about half the
sulfur is in the organic form. although the proportion would be much lower
in the subsoil. Just as is the case with nitrogen. however. all too little is known
of the specific organic sulfur compounds present. The sulfur added in plant
residues is mostly in the form of proteins. which are normally subject to rather
ready microbial attack. In some manner. the sulfur (along with the nitrogen)
is stabilized during humus formation. In this stable form or forms. it is protected
from rapid release and thus cannot be lost or taken up by higher plants. The
similarity between the general behavior of organic nitrogen and sulfur fractions
is unique.
Although the specific sulfur compounds associated with soil organic matter
are not known. the presence of some forms is strongly suspected. For example.
sulfur-containing amino acids-cystine. cysteine. and methionine-and other
compounds with direct C-S linkages are thought to be present. as are organic
Forms of Sulfur. This discussion has identified three major forms of sulfur
in soils and fertilizers: sulfides, sul~ and organic forms; To these must
be added the fourth important form. elemental SUlfur, the starting point of
most of the manmade chemical sulfur compounds. The following sections will
show relationships among these forms.
Soil Sulfides
minerals ;""'--7" (S2-)
FIGURE 9.12 The sulfur cycle, showing some of the transformations that occur as
this element changes form in soils, plants, and animals. It is well to keep in mind
that, except for certain soils in arid areas, the great bulk of the sulfur is in the form
of organic compounds.
Location and number of sons C/N/S ratio
The oxidation of some sulfur compounds. such as sulfites (S03 2-) and
sulfides (S2-). can occur by strict chemical reactions. However. most of the
sulfur oxidation occurring in soils is thought to be biochemical in nature. It
is accomplished by a number of autotrophic bacteria including those of the
genus Thiobacillus. five species of which have been characterized. Since the
environmental requirement and tolerances of these five species vary consider-
ably. the process of sulfur oxidation occurs over a wide range of soil conditions.
For example. it occurs at pH values ranging from less than 2 to h' her than
9. This is in contrast to ilie compara6le nitrogen 0 'llation process. nitrification:
where a rather narrow pH range near neutral is required.
Like nitrates. sulfates tend to be unstable in anaerobic environments. They
are reduced to sulfides by a number of bacteria of two genera. Desulfovibro
(five species) and Desulfotomaculum (three species). The organisms use the
combined oxygen in sulfate to oxidize organic materials. A representative reac-
tion is
2 R-CH 20H + SO,2- -+ 2 R-COOH + 2 H20 + S2-
Organic alcohol Sulfate Organic acid Sulfide
In poorly drained soils. the sulfide ion would likely react immediately
with iron. which in anaerobic conditions would be present in the ferrous form.
This reaction might be expressed as follows.
Fe 2+ + S2- -+ FeS
Sulfur reduction takes place with compounds other than sulfates. For example.
sulfites (S032-). thiosulfates (S2032-). and elemental sulfur (S) are rather easily
reduced to the sulfide form by bacteria and other organisms.
Africa. They also occur in tideland areas along the coasts of several other areas,
~ing the southeastern part and the West Coast of the United States. So long
as these soils are kept submerged, the soil reaction does not drop prohibitively.
Consequently, production of paddy rice is sometimes possible under these
Another potentially harmful effect of acid production by sulfur is the devel-
opment of acidity in fog or rain containing oxides of sulfur (Likens et al..
[1979]). The sulfuric acid resulting from reactions of these oxides with water
can lower the pH of the precipitation to 4 or below. creating problems for
plants as well as people (Section 20.13). Fortunately. steps are being taken
to reduce excess sulfur in the atmosphere.
"-O~ "-s6.
This reaction takes place in acid soils. If the soil pH were increased and
hydroxyl ions were added. the reaction would be driven to the left and sulfate
would be released. Thus this is an ion exchange reaction. the hydroxyl being
exchanged for an KSO. - anion.
Most soils will retain some sulfate. although the quantity held is generally
small and its strength of retention is low compared to that of phosphate. Sulfate
retention is generally higher in the subsoil than the topsoil. since iron and
aluminum oxides are more prominent in subsoils. Soils of the southeast part
of the United States tend to be higher in sulfate' adsorption than elsewhere
in the country because of their higher content of iron and aluminum oxides
and 1: 1-type silicate clays. especially in the subsoils.
Sulfur adsorption and exchange by soils is important since they can provide
a ready supply of available sulfur for plants. Sulfur retention is also of some
significance. since it helps the soil hold an otherwise mobile element that
could easily be lost by leaching.
which considerable variation occurs minerals
in the field.
ASA. 1980. Nitrification Inhibitors-Potentials and Limitations, ASA Special
Publication No. 38 (Madison, WI: Amer. Soc. of Agron., Soil Sci. Soc.
Bezdicek, D. F., D. W. Evans, A. Abede, and R. E. Witters. 1978. "Evaluation
of peat and granular inoculum for soybean yield and N fixation under
irrigation," Agron. J., 70:865-868.
Bloomfield, C., and J. K. Coulter. 1973. "Genesis and management of acid sulfate
soils," Adv. in Agron., 25:265-326.
Bond, G. 1977. "Some reflections on Alnus-type root nodules," in W. Newton,
J. R. Postgate, and C. Rodriguez-Barrueco (Eds.), Recent Developments
in Nitrogen Fixation (New York: Academic Press).
Broadbent, F. E., T. Nakashima, and G. Y. Chang. 1982. "Estimation of nitrogen
fixation by isotope dilution in field and greenhouse experiments," Agron.
J., 74:625-828.
324 9 Nitrogen and Sulfur Economy of Soils
Burns, R. C., and R. W. F. Hardy. 1975. Nitrogen Fixation in Bacteria and
Higher Plants (Berlin: Springer-Verlag).
Cady, F. B., and W. V. Bartholomew. 1960. "Sequential products of anaerobic
deni trification in Norfolk soil rna terial," Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc., 24:477-82.
Coleman, R. 1966. "The importance of sulfur as a plant nutrient in world crop
production," Soil Sci., 101:230-39.
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References 325
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Crop residues
Animal manures
- ~~~~~
FIGURE 10.1 The phosphorus cycle in and above the soil surface. Crop residues.
human wastes. animal manures. and chemical fertilizers are the primary sources of
phosphorus. Two major pools of phosphorus are present in the soil: (a) an organic
pool found in humus and plant and microbial.residues and (b) an inorganic pool of
insoluble Ca. Fe. and A compounds. In a representative mineral soil 40-00% of the
phosphorus would be found in each of the organic and inorganic pools with about 1-
2% in the microbial form and perhaps 0.01% in the available form.
Estimated P
-_ /
c: .,.-- ,.. _, 7 £_ _. 1
';; ' .5
.,. .,.----~
'E P removed by crops
,g ' .0
0. 5
generally constitutes 20-80% of the total. Despite the variation that occurs, it
is evident that consideration of soil phosphorus would not be complete without
some attention to both forms (Figure 10.3).
~ 60
Residual Soluble in
100 dilute acid
o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Soil phosphorus (%)
only in very acid soils. Hydroxy phosphates are most stable in acid soils and
are quite insoluble.
Many investigators have shown that phosphates react with certain iron
or aluminum silicate minerals such as kaolinite. There is some uncertainty,
however, as to the exact form in which this phosphorus is held in the soil.
Most evidence indicates that it, too, is probably fixed as iron or aluminum
phosphates, such as those described in the preceding paragraph.
Organic Phosphorus Compounds. There has been relatively less work done
on the organic phosphorus compounds in soils, even though this fraction often
comprises more than half of the total soil phosphorus. As a consequence, the
nature of most of the organic-bound phosphorus in soils is not known. However,
three main groups of organic phosphorus compounds found in plants are also
Compound Fonnula
H 2PO.- ~ H 20 + HPO.2- ~ H 20 + PO.3-
(very acid H+ H+ (very alkaline
solutions) solution_)
,- - -
I \
I \
I \
I \
*- I \
.g I
S \
E so
I \
U I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
/. "-
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
pH of solution
100 .-------------------------------------------------------~
Fixation by
c: hydrous oxides of
.g 50 Fe, AI,and Mg Fixation m_ostly as
calcium phosphates
fixation by
O~ __ Fe,
AI. and Mn _ L_ _
__________ ~~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~~~_ _ _ _~
A13+ + H 2PO,- +
2 H 20 ;:::= 2 H+ + AI(OHhH2PO,
In most strongly acid soils the concentration of the iron and aluminum ions
greatly exceeds that of the H 2PO.- ions. Consequently. the above reaction
moves to the right. forming the insoluble phosphate. This leaves only minute
quantities of the H2PO. - ion immediately available for plants under these condi-
An interesting series of reactions occur when fertilizers containing
Ca(H2PO.h are added to soils. even those of relatively high pH (Lindsay and
Stephenson. 1959) (Figure 10.6). The Ca(H2PO.h in the fertilizer granules attracts
water from the soil and the following reaction occurs.
• CaHP0 4 '2H 2 0
o H3 P04
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIGURE 10.6 Reaction of Ca(H2PO,k H20 granules with moist soil. (a) The granule
has just been added to the soil and is beginning to absorb water from it. (b) In the
moistened granule H3PO, and CaHPO,' 2H2 0 are being formed, and H3PO, begins to
move out into the soil as more soil water is being absorbed. (c) The H,POdaden
solution moves into the soil. dissolving and displacing Fe. AI. and Mn and leaving
insoluble CaHPO,' 2H20 in the granule. (d) The Fe, AI, and Mn ions have reacted
with the phosphate to form insoluble compounds. which. along with the residue of
CaHPO,· 2H 20, are the primary reaction products. [Photos courtesy G. L. Terman and
National Plant Food Institute, Washington, DC}
/ /
AI- OH + H2PO. - .,: AI- OH + OH-
"'- OH "'- H PO.
(soluble) (insoluble)
By means of this and similar reactions the formation of several basic phosphate
minerals containing either iron or aluminum or both is thought to occur. Since
several such compounds are possible. fixation of phosphorus by this mechanism
probably takes place over a relatively wide pH range. Also the large quantities
of hydrous iron and aluminum oxides present in most soils make possible
the fixation of extremely large amounts of phosphorus by this means.
Thus. as both of the equations above show. the acid condition that would
make possible the presence of the readily available H2 PO. - ion in mineral
soils at the same time results in conditions conducive to the vigorous fixation
or precipitation of the phosphorus by iron. aluminum. and manganese com-
pounds (Figure 10.6).
Thus. even though phosphates react with different ions and compounds
in acid soils. apparently similar insoluble iron and aluminum compounds are
formed in each case. Major differences from soil to soil are probably due to
differences in rate of phosphate precipitation and in the surface area of the
phosphates once the reaction has occurred. This will be discussed again later.
Anion Exchange. The reactions described so far involved either the formation
of insoluble chemical precipitates or the replacement of OH groups on the
surface of either silicate clays or hydrous oxides. Phosphate can also participate
in simple anion exchange. As was pointed out in Chapter 5. certain positively
Note that the reaction is reversible; that is. the OH- ion can replace the H 2 PO.-
ion and remove it from the colloidal surface to the soil solution. This reaction
shows how anion exchange takes place and illustrates the importance of liming
acid soils in helping to maintain a higher level of available phosphorus.
Effects of Aging. With time, changes take place in the reaction products of
soluble phosphates and soils. These changes generally result in a reduction
in surface area of the phosphates and a similar reduction in their availability.
An increase in the crystal size of precipitated phosphates occurs in time. This
decreases tJteir surface area. Also, there is a penetration of the phosphorus
held by calcium carbonate and iron or aluminum oxide particles into the particle
itself (Figure 10.7). This leaves less of the phosphorus near the surface where
it can be made available to growing plants. By these processes of aging, phos-
phate availability is reduced. Thus, the supply of available phosphorus to plants
is determined not only by the kinds of compounds that form but also by their
surface areas (Figure 10.8).
-c 55
~ 50
10 20 30 40 50 60
Soil clay (%)
fixing power (P)
15 40
~ 30
o 11 22 44
Manure added (tons/ha)
Approximate P in
IOU lolution
Crop SoU (ppm)
~ Qs
Intensi ty.I (P in sol ution) Intensity, I (P in solution)
(a) (b)
FIGURE 10.11 Relationship between the intensity factor (P in solution) and the
quantity factor (P in solid labile forms that are in equilibrium with P in solution) on
two soils. Soil A may be a sandy soil low in phosphorus-binding compounds. while
soil B is a heavier-textured soil high in Fe. AI. Mn. or Ca that holds the phosphorus
in relatively unavailable forms. (a) To provide a given level of P in the soil sorution
(intensity) a much higher quantity must be present in soil B than in soil A. (b) However,
when a given quantity (~Q) of phosphorus is removed from the soil by a crop. the
decrease in intensity is much greater for soil A (~h) than for soil B (Ma). Soil B is
more highly buffered than soil A.
Liming and Placement of Fertilizers. The small amount of control that can
be exerted over phosphate availability seems to be associated with liming,
fertilizer placement, and organic matter maintenance. By holding the pH of
soils between 6.0 and 7.0, the phosphate fixation can be kept at a minimum
(Figure 10.5). To prevent rapid reaction of phosphate fertilizers with the soil,
these materials are commonly placed in localized bands. In addition, phosphatic
fertilizers are quite often granulated to retard still more their contact with
the soil. The effective utilization of phosphorus in combination with animal
FIGURE 10.12 How the available Crop resid ues Commercial Phosphorus-bearing
phosphorus level in a soil is depleted Manures fertilizers soil minerals "
and replenished. Note that the two
main features are the addition of \
phosphate fertilizers and the fixation \
of this element in insoluble forms. \
It should be remembered that the Soil organic--.....~ Available soil I
matter phosphorus I
amount of available phosphorus in
the soil at anyone time is relatively /
small, especially when compared to /
those of calcium. magnesium. and /
potassium. /
Crop Leaching Erosion Fixation --./
removal losses losses
5 For further information on this topic see Mengel and Kirby (1980) and Sekhon (1978).
~(","Od"Y mio,rnl,)
No",,,h,o.,,bI, K
ExchangeableK ~ ~~
fiGURE 10.13 The major components of the potassium cycle. Primarily soil minerals
such as the micas and feldspars are the original sources of potassium. They weather
to fine micas (illite) and other silicate clays in which some of the potassium is held
in a nonexchangeable. but slowly available form. The nonexchangeable potassium is
slowly released to the exchangeable form and later to the soil solution, from which it
is absorbed by plant roots, and is eventually recycled through plant residues and wastes
to the soil. At anyone time, most of the potassium is in primary minerals or in the
nonexchangeable or fixed form. Chemical fertilizers are increasingly important sources
of potassium.
slice) are not at all uncommon (see Table 1.3). Yet the uantit~ of potassium
held in an easily exchangeable condition at anyone ime often is very smarr.
Most of this element is held rigidly as part of the primary minerals or is fixed
in forms that are at best only moderately available to plants. Also competition
by microorganisms for this element contributes at least temporarily to its una-
c of plants ~
...oc Luxury
--- --------:]~---
~ Potassium required for
optimum growth
_____ ___
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Potassium available in soil
of plants and
FIGUR E 10.14 General relationship betwee n the potassium content
rs are applied to a
the available soil potassium. If excess quantities of potash fertilize
of that require d for optimum yields.
soil. the plants will absorb potassium in excess
be wastefu l, especia lly if the crops are comple tely
This luxury consumption may
removed from the soil.
of its available forms. potassium is subject to wasteful leaching losses;
high. especia lly when luxury
(c) the removal of potassium by crop plants is
quantities of this element are supplied. With these ideas as a backgr
availab ilities will now be
the various forms of potassium in soils and their
Readily available potas ium
(nonexch angeable = fixed)
(exchang eable and in soil solution )
1-10% of total potassium
1- 2% of total potassium
Nonexch angeable K
Nonexchangeable K -=
slow rapid..
Exchangeable K ;= SOlI soluhon K
L =-= :::..::;:-:=
Wisconsin soils o
Carrington silt loam 133 119 75
Spencer silt loam 66 59 80
Plainfield sand 99 88 25
Mississippi soils b
Robinsonville fine silty loam 121 108 33
Houston clay 64 57 47
Ruston sandy loam 47 42 24
o Average of six consecutive cuttings of Ladino clover, from Evans and Attoe
" Average of eight consecutive crops of millet, from Gholston and Hoover
;.;:; 18
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FIGURE 10.17 The effect of pH on the fixation of potassium in Indian soils. [From
Grewal and Kanwar (1976); used with permission of Indian Council of Agricultural
Research ·1
the soil solution (Figure 10.18). Furthermore, high calcium levels in the soil
solution may reduce potassium uptake by the plant. Finally, potassium defi-
ciency has been noted in soils with excess calcium carbonate. Potassium fixa-
tion as well as cation ratios may be responsible for these adverse effects.
14 14
Oii ~.
-"" 12
-. 12
E Cation exchange capacity .,
~ '0
10 10 c
OJ '0
8 .~
.s:: 8
)( .S
c" E
.2 ' 0;;
:0 6 6 <II
u 0"'
2 2
0 0
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
FIGURE 10.18 The influence of increased pH resulting from lime additions on the
pH-dependent cation exchange capacity of a soil and the level of potassium in the
soil solution. As the cation exchange capacity increases. some of the soil solution
potassium is attracted to the adsorbing colloids. [Data from Magdoff and Bartlett (1980).]
This ratio is high for well-buffered soils and is low for those that
are poorly
l:iu eren and are poor suppliers of potass ium during a growth cycle.
textured soils are well buffered. wherea s that those are sandy are
apt to be
poorly buffered.
nitrogen. Annual losses from plant removal as great as 100 kg/ha of potassium
are not uncommon, particularly if the crop is a legume and is cut several
times for hay. As might be expected, therefore, the return of crop residues
and manures is very important in maintaining soil potash. For example, 10
Mg of average animal manure supplies about 40 kg of potassium, fully equal
to the amount of nitrogen thus supplied.
The annual losses of available potassium by leaching and erosion greatly
exceed those of nitrogen and phosphorus. They are generally not as great,
however, as the corresponding losses of available calcium and magnesium.
The available potassium depletion by erosion assumes great importance consid-
ering that total potassium removal in this manner generally exceeds that of
any other major nutrient element. The loss of potential sources of available
potassium (soil minerals) cannot but eventually be serious.
Acquaye, D. K. 1963. "Some significance of soil organic phosphorus mineraliza-
tion in the phosphorus nutrition of cocoa in Ghana," Plant and Soil, 19:65-
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