8th Bill

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NAME OF WORK :- Construction of Approaches for Railway over Bridge ( ROB ) on

Nampur Satana Kalwan Wani Pimpalgoan Niphad Sinner Road SH -

AUTHORITY :- P.W.Division Nashik
AGGREMENT NO :- B-2/CE/18 FOR 2018-19
BILL NO :- 8th R.A Bill Date :-
Item No. Work Descripction No L B H Qty Unit Rate Amount
Providing, cutting, bending, hooking, tying and laying in position Thermo
34 Mechanically Treated FE 500 steel bars for reinforcement for all Reinforced 6 15.588 M.T 61000.00 950868.00
Cement Concrete works as per detailed drawings etc. complete.

Providing and fixing in position to the exact profile and prestressing the high tensile
strands to specified ultimate strength, standard end anchorages, cable ducts, WT/M Total
35 grouting ducts after prestressing and bearing plates with wedges as per detailed
No Length Wt in kg
in Kg length
drawings including necessary plant and machinery for prestressing etc. complete.

Note-Girder length For 24.500 each

Cable 1 -63mm Dia 7 24.521 0.84 144.1835 121.11412
Cable 2 -98mm Dia 19 24.521 0.84 391.3552 328.73833
Cable 3 -98mm Dia 19 24.566 0.84 392.0734 329.34162
Total k.g = 779.19408
Total M.T = 0.7791941 M.T
Total for 24.500 rmt Girder is 6 nos 6 0.779 = 4.674 M.T 160000.00 747840
Anchore Cone And Head,Wedge 6 For Cable 1-63mmDia 1 8.72
Anchore Cone And Head,Wedge 6 For Cable 2-98mmDia 1 31.76
Anchore Cone And Head,Wedge 6 For Cable 3-98mmDia 1 31.76
Note-Girder length For 24.500 each 6 0.07224 M.T 0.43344 M.T 160000.00 69350.40
Providing and casting special grade in M35 controlled cement concrete for
prestressed concrete work for main girder including slab, cross girder etc.
including centering and scaffolding or launching including necessary plant and
26.00 machinery for the job shuttering, vibrating, curing, finishing etc. complete. (fully
automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled concrete batch mix
plant or pan mixer with Natural
Total for 24.500 rmt Girder is 6 nos 6.00 135.92 Cumt 17000.00 2310555.00
Providing, cutting, bending, hooking, tying and laying in position Thermo
34 Mechanically Treated FE 500 steel bars for reinforcement for all Reinforced
Cement Concrete works as per detailed drawings etc. complete.
p-21 to p-22 8.681

p-22 to p-23 8.681

p-23 to A-6 8.681

Total Qty 26.043 M.T 61000 1588623

Providing And laying In situ/Ready mix M-30 Controlled Cement Concrete of Trap
30 Granite/Quatzite/Gneiss metal For R.C.C Work In Solid/deck slab etc Complete

p-21 to p-22 1 20 8.3 0.3 49.8 Cumt

2 20 1.6 0.275 17.6 Cumt
p-22 to p-23 1 20 8.3 0.3 49.8 Cumt
2 20 1.6 0.275 17.6 Cumt
p-23 to A-6 1 20 8.3 0.3 49.8 Cumt
2 20 1.6 0.275 17.6 Cumt
Total qty 202.2 Cumt 7213.21 1458511.062


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