Final Report of Geology
Final Report of Geology
Final Report of Geology
BIKRAM K.C. (063BCE018)
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………...........6-7
1. Introduction
2. Objectives of study
3. Location of study area
1. Geological structures
2. Types of geological structures
3. Types of geological structures observed in the Malekhu area
4. Unconformity
5. Fold
6. Fault
7. Thrusts
8. Sketch, photographs, description of location
9. Civil Engineering Significance of each geologic al structures
10.Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….59-60
Engineering Geology is an applied discipline of geology which is concerned
with the application of geological knowledge to engineering problems .The
selection of suitable sites for bridges, tunnels, dams, roads along hill slopes etc,
are only successful with the application of geological knowledge . e.g. to design
reservoir, determination of suitable location, slope stability, and determination of
earthquake, flood, and subsidence danger areas considered for roads, pipelines, or
other engineering works should be known for construction purposes.
It helps an engineer in planning, designing and construction, in safer, stable
and economic way. Therefore Geology is an important topic for civil engineers.
Civil Engineer is only responsible for studying the stability of the infrastructures
in different types of land geology including rock, their slope and many other
things. So only theoretical knowledge is not sufficient to enrich the civil engineers
about practical problems and their solutions. For producing satisfactory results of
any work practical knowledge is of foremost importance. Therefore a thorough
knowledge of actual field visit counts for its credit. Geology deals with rocks and
their origin, structure, orientation, strength, stability, hardness, weathering
property, etc. It also deals with minute study of rocks structure including faults,
folds, joints, beds, and other discontinuities. Engineers should have knowledge of
topographic map for proper location of site and other activities. It is therefore
very essential to make field visits. The three day Malekhu tour enables us to learn
the various geological conditions related to Engineering point of view. The scope
of field study outline before were fully made with the co-operation of faculty
member and Malekhu possess wonderful geological diversities and almost all type
of rock structures and geological factors like rivers, hills, slopes and
sedimentations, were available to study within small area. At last but not least we
are very grateful to our respected teachers and lectures that helped in completing
this three day visit in a very responsible manner and gave us much important
knowledge in a very short period of time
We are very much thankful to the Department of Civil Engineering for
conducting such a fruitful visit on the Malekhu area that has given us golden
opportunity to gain the knowledge on different aspect of geology which plays an
important role in completing any civil engineering projects. We especially express
our gratitude to our respected teachers Mr. Prakash Chandra Ghimere and Mr.
Ajay sir for their special guide line in recognizing local geological conditions and
their descriptions, well co-ordination, valuable suggestion.
We would also like to thank our friends and seniors who helped us directly and
indirectly in the successful completion of Malekhu field visit and preparation of
the report through any kind of means.
Since the Engineering works should be implied on the field, so it is a must
for an engineer to know about the field before he starts his activities. And the
knowledge of the geological condition for an engineer is provided by a branch of
geology known as Engineering Geology.
The only methodology implemented in this study is direct field visit
methodology. The true inspection with the detail field visits was done to know the
real nature of the geological structures .The field inspection method includes the
collection of samples, description of the collected samples via different criteria’s
,testing the vegetation of the area etc. The inaccessible places were also studied by
the inferred method i.e. following the study of area through maps predominantly.
Mass movement or mass wasting is movements of rock waste, bed rock, soil
or mud which usually occur along steep-sided hills and mountains under the
influence of gravity. This sudden flow of rock wastes is mainly due to their
position, gravitational forces as well as due to the water presence.
i. Slope failure
The down slope movement of rock wastes, weathered surface soil layer in a
small dimension and rapid movement influenced by surface and sub-surface
water is called Slope Failure. It often takes place in weathered surface and sandy
soils. Its velocity is about 10 mm per day which is very high. Crest, scarp, debris,
tension cracks etc. are the chief components of slope failure.
The preventive measures applied in these cases are like trimming of debris,
reinforcement of slope, decreases in rate of percolation (by increasing speed of
flowing water on surface) etc.
Slope failure depends mainly upon the following factors
a. Angle at which it is sustaining b .height
c. Material d. Strength. e. Water stress in the pores.
The slope failure loosen the rock mass and the open the stress relief joints
or fractures. The mass resulted due to the slope failure moves parallel the failure
plane. So far as the impact of the net load due to the mass is concerned, along the
slope component mgCosθ act, which in one way is the driving force of the debris,
resulted. The component of mgSinθ acts vertical to the plane of slope (where
θ=Angle of the slope with respect to the horizontal plane). The net impact, say E,
due to the failure is:
Clearing the debris is considered as the best solution in case of slope failure
along the road, but it could sometimes lead catastrophic landslides.
Fig: Slope failure
Preventive measures:
Water percolation safety and consequence reduction in pour-
water pressure.
iii. Landslide
A landslide is the movement of a mass of rock, debris or earth down a
sloppy slip surface under the influence of gravitational force. It occurs in gentle
slope in large dimension in slow and continuous manner.
Fig: - landslides
All landslides are the result of failure of the soil and rock materials that
make up the hill slope and they are driven by gravity. They can vary in size from a
single boulder in a rock fall or topple to tens of millions of cubic meters of
material in a debris avalanche. Landslides can be triggered by natural causes or by
human activity.
Wasting of mass caused by slope angle, role of gravity, pour water pressure and
consequence saturation of fine clay etc. is called landslide. They seem natural and
same material is flowing continuously. Multiple scarps can be seen in landslide.
Classification of landslide
Landslide may be classified on the basis of type of movements and
materials into the following types:
Predominantly Predominantly
coarse fine
Falls Rock fall Debris fall Earth fall
Slide Translational Many Rock block slide Debris block slide Earth block
units Rock slide Debris slide slide
Earth slide
Lateral spread Rock spread Debris spread Earth spread
Causes of landslides
The main cause of landslide is the force of gravity. It has been observed that
softer and unconsolidated rocks are more affected generally unable to withstand
the pull of gravity. Landslide may be caused due to:
a. Water content. b. Overloading c. Structural textures.
The Portion of landslide that has moved beyond the toe of surface of
rupture and over lies original ground surface.
h. Toe:-
The Lower, usually curved margin of displaced material of a landslide most
distant from main scarp.
Prevention of landslide
Though most of the reasons given above for the occurrence of landslide are
true, some may be stated otherwise. For eg. It is not always true that construction
of road results in landslide, Sometime nature itself may bring about devastating
In addition to above stated things one should also know certain important
features of landslide. When we look at the place of landslide, if we see too many
scraps, we can conclude that many landslides may have been gone at that place.
Age of landslide can be recognized by the degree of weathering of the rock at the
place of its occurrence.
Steep Slope
Heavy and concentrated precipitation (maximum rainfall).
Undercutting of banks by river and streams.
iii. Presence of Soft and Weak Rock.
2.5.1 Khatri Pauwa (Chainage 17km from Kathmandu)
In this place we found that there was certain landslide towards the
downward during the monsoon season. So as safety measures were taken by
building the composite retaining structures of cement masonry and gabion walls
around the region where the landslide has occurred. The landslide had occurred in
the side slope of a small valley.
It includes the mass wasting of hill slopes process in which predominance of P.E.
has been disturbed by shifting the position of mass, failure.
At this location mainly the downstream of the bridge and the right
bank of Trishuli River has been observed. The place was heavily affected by the
rainfall of 1994 .The bridged washed away and the condition we see is the period
of over nine years. The things found upon the observation listed below:
v.The clear line in the middle of the area passes horizontally along the river
direction having the vegetation to the particular area shows that the strata laid
vi.The material shows contrast color.There is risk of being falling so should be
alert all the time.
Fig: - 42 km along Prithvi highway
Fig:- Malekhu
3 Measurement of attitude of planner features
of rock
3.3. Attitude of planner features
Orientation of linear and planner surfaces in horizontal
direction with respect to north and in vertical plane with reference to horizontal is
known as attitude.
d) Ptyberger frager compass:
Combination of clinometers and prismatic compass with help of this
compass both the dip amount and dip directions components can be measured
simultaneously in a single measurement.
e) Digital compass:
When we keep it in the outcrop in the proper manner, it gives attitudes in
the digits, and hence highly efficient.
Digital compass attached to personal computers:
We don’t need to write data also. Data are recorded directly on the word-
pad or personal computers.
The geological compass used by our group is clinometers compass. Due to
its nature, there may be error in the measured outcrop data.
22 W 82 N 76 76/72 J
23 S 17 E 80 80/17 B
24 S 16 E 70 70/16 B
25 S 19 E 74 74/19 B
26 S 84 W 65 65/84 J
27 S 70 W 56 56/70 J
28 S 22 E 81 81/22 B
29 S 50 E 81 81/50 J
30 N 72 E 74 74/72 J
31 E5N 55 55/5 J
32 S 22 E 81 81/22 B
33 S 50 E 81 81/50 J
34 S 16 E 70 70/16 B
35 S 19 E 74 74/19 B
36 W 82 N 76 76/72 J
37 S 17 E 80 80/17 B
38 N 86 W 87 87/86 B
39 S9E 87 87/9 B
40 N 72 E 74 74/72 J
B= bed
J= joint
Note: The direction of strike is perpendicular to dip direction
4.Identification of Rocks in Field
4.1. Rock
Rock is defined as the naturally forming, hard and compact solid aggregates
or assemblage of minerals forming the crust of the earth. It is said to be
monomineralic rock if it is formed from assemblage or aggregates of only one
mineral and multimineralic if it is formed from more than one mineral.
On the basis of CIPW Norms the Igneous rock is classified on the basis of % of all
the minerals of that rock. This is based on chemical analysis and mathematical
calculations. This norm was developed by petrologists Cross, Iddings Prisson, and
Washington. So this is known as CIPW norm calculation.
rocks containing quartz, feldspathoid (foid mineral) or rich in light color mineral
are often called felsic and many igneous rocks containing abundant dark colored
minerals such as pyroxene, amphibole, olive or biotic are called mafic minerals
which are rich in Mg and Fe.
4.3. How to identify rocks in the field
Rocks can be identified in the field with the following tips and points:-
Igneous Rock:
1. No bedding planes.
2. Random orientation of minerals and self-interlocked.
3. Hard and massive.
4. Usually contain much feldspar
5. Entire absence of fossils.
6. have heat effect on the country rock
7. huge massive body cross-cut into another rock
Sedimentary Rock:
1. Random orientation of minerals and sediments.
2. Sediments and minerals are cemented by fine matrix.
3. Have thick bedding planes.
4. Generally, soft, stratified i.e. characteristically bedded.
5. Fossils common
6. Stratification, lamination, cross bedding. Ripple marks, mud-marks etc are
the usual structures.
7. No effect on the enclosing or the top and bottom rocks.
8. Quartz, clay minerals, calcite, dolomite, hematite are the common minerals.
E.g.: - calcite, limestone, magnetite, sandstone, shale, etc.
5. In this case fossils are rarely preserved in rocks of sedimentary origin
except slate.
Types of metamorphic rocks:-
It is the rock with dark and light streaks or bands in alternating specific gravity
are variable. Garnet (like mustard seed) can be seen in the rocks. The grain is
medium or coarse. The structural feature is called gneissosity.
It is the rock that has extremely variable color and specific gravity. The dominant
constituent is calcite. Others are mica, quartz and special minerals like muscovite
(white colored), biotite (black colored), and chlorite (green colored). The rock is
fusible and the property is called schistosity.
It is a black rock with low or medium specific gravity. Flaky minerals are quite
abundant and others are hard to distinguish. The rock is compact and can be
scratched by knife. It has foliation with slaty cleavage.
It is a greenish and soft type of rock. It is layered and foliation plane is quite
dominant with incompetent beds (the thickness less than 1cm is called foliation
other it is called bed). No distinct grains can be seen. It is an igneous rock that has
changed into metamorphic rock.
Fig :-phyllite
It is usually light colored with shades of gray, yellow. It has medium specific
gravity (i.e. S.G. =7). It has quartz, as major constituents while others are mica,
feldspar. It is medium grained and the texture is massive and granular.
Fig :- quartz
It is derived from the latin word ‘a shining stone’. It is also a paarametamorphic
rock. It is the rock of medium specific gravity, which is light colored. The major
component is calcite. Texture is massive and granular. A knife can scratch it.
Fig :- Marble
Gneiss: - They are the coarse grained foliated rock formed by the dynamic
metamorphism of the sandstones, conglomerates and granites. They are
characterized by the inspection of segregation of minerals into layers. Contrast in
color, texture and composition. They are massive. In Malekhu it was found at a
distance of four thousand six hundred fifty meter south from the highway. The
gneiss was found in the boulder as an eye structure and so called Augen Gneiss.
This was found on the Kulekhani formation (ku) of Bhimphedhi group.
contains sub-ordinate amount of micas, feldspars, garnet and some amphiboles
which result from the impurities of the original sandstone during the process of
metamorphism. The rock is generally very hard, strong, dense and uniformly
grained. It finds extensive use in building and road construction.
Different types of Sedimentary rocks found in the field of study are as follows:-
Limestone: - These are the most abundant sedimentary rock formed from the
non-elastic group and are composed of chiefly calcium carbonate. However the
presence of dolomite, quartz, feldspar and iron oxides is rather a common
mineral. Limestone is a primary source of materials for the manufacture of
Portland cement and for a wide variety of limes. Its other uses are in the
Metallurgical industries as a flux.
It was found along the Prithvi Highway towards Gajuri as the Robang Formation
(RF) as a Malekhu Limestone Formation (ML) in the Upper Nuwakot Group.
Granite: - Granite may be defined as the Plutonic light colored igneous rock.
These are among the most common igneous rock. Two most common and
essential mineral constitutes of granite are Quartz and Feldspar. The first is
always recognized by its vitreous luster, with MHN 7 and cleavage less wide
translucent appearance. Feldspar, forming Granite may be of two types: K-
Feldspar, commonly Orthoclase and the soda bearing Plagioclase Feldspar like
Albite and Oligoclase. Feldspar microcline may occur in some granite.Agra Granite
was found in the right bank of Malekhu Khola south west of "Chhapan Danda".
2. Texture Non-crystalline
3. Structure Foliation plane
4. Grain size Fine
5. Specific gravity Low to medium
6. Acid test No reaction
7. Mineral composition
8. Origin Metamorphic
9. Engineering properties
10. Identification Slate
11. Uses Roofing
For rock 3
5. Specific gravity High
6. Acid test No reaction
7. Mineral composition Horne blende
8. Origin Metamorphic
9. Engineering properties High strength
10. Identification Amphibolites
11. Uses Dimension
For rock 4
For rock 5
5. Specific gravity medium
6. Acid test No reaction
7. Mineral composition Quartz
8. Origin Metamorphic
9. Engineering properties Dimension
stone, foundation
10. Identification quartzite
11. Uses Roofing
For rock 6 Parameters condition
1. Color Silver white
2. Texture crystalline
3. Structure Foliation plane
4. Grain size coarse
5. Specific gravity Low to medium
6. Acid test No reaction
7. Mineral composition Granite, chlorite,
8. Origin Metamorphic
9. Engineering properties Low strength
10. Identification Schist
11. Uses
For rock 7
6. Acid test No reaction
7. Mineral composition Calcite
8. Origin Metamorphic
9. Engineering properties High strength
10. Identification Marble
11. Uses Roofing,
decoration and
manufacturing of
5.Geology of Study Area
Geologically, Malekhu contains many geological peculiarities like joints,
faults, different types of rocks, streams and amazing flow direction of the
Malekhu River.
Malekhu is a small village on Dhading district about 70km south – west of
Kathmandu and lies at latitude of 27degree 45 minute 50 second and longitude of
84 degree 49 minute 5 second to 84 degree 50 minute 50 second. It is situated at
the bank of Trishuli and Malekhu River. The Trishuli River is flowing from east to
west and Malekhu River from south to north that finally emerges into Trishuli
River. Malekhu River at a distance of about 3km from Malekhu bazaar. The
Trishuli River seems to be flowing linearly with some occasional meanders.
Malekhu lies in the region of lesser Himalayas, one of the morho-tectonic
zone of Nepal. Siwaliks and higher Himalayas are its neighboring morpho-tectonic
zones. Main boundary thrust (MBT) in south separates the Siwaliks and the Lesser
Himalaya and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in north separates the Higher
Himalaya and Lesser Himalaya. The MBT is itself an active fault that has brought
older rocks of lesser. Himalayas to Siwaliks.
The lesser Himalayas are mostly composed of unfossiliferous, sedimentary and
meta-sedimentary rock such as slate, phyllite, schist, quartzite etc. There are also
some intrusions of granite.
The lesser Himalayas of Nepal vary from east to west in stratigraphy, structure
and magmatism. The eastern Nepal is characterized by development of extensive
thrust sheet of crystalline rocks that have traveled southward. In central Nepal, a
large thrust sheet called Kathmandu Nape covers a wide area around the
Kathmandu region. Malekhu lies in the vicinity of Mahabharata thrust, which lies
between Indian and Tibetan plates and thus landslides are quite common here. In
few places the Mahabharata range is intercepted by major Rivers through which
all the water from Nepal originating from north drain to south. The Mahabharata
region is characterized by concentration of population along the ridge and gently
dipping northern slopes.
The climate of Malekhu has a typical sub-tropical. The vegetations consist of
deciduous trees like chilaune, sal etc grasses and bushes. Malekhu is a river valley
extending from east to west along the Trishuli River and most of the inhabitants
are concentrated on the southern part. This causes lack of direct sunshine and
foggy mornings.
5.1. Regional geological framework
Malekhu is a small village on Dhading district about 70km south-west of
Kathmandu and lies at latitude of 270 45’ 50’’ to 270 50’ 38’’ and longitude of 840
49’ 05’’ to 840 50’ 50’’. It is situated at the bank of Trishuli and Malekhu River. The
Trishuli River is flowing from east to west and Malekhu River from south to north
that finally emerges to Trishuli River. Malekhu River also has a tributary namely
Apakhola which meets Malekhu River at a distance of about 3km from Malekhu
bazaar. The Trishuli River seems to be flowing linearly with some occasional
meanders. Malekhu lies in the region of lesser Himalayas.
Malekhu lies in the vicinity of Mahabharat thrust, which lies between Indian and
Tibetan plates and thus landslides are quite common here. In few places the
Mahabharat range is intercepted by major rivers through which all the water from
Nepal originating from north drain to south. The Mahabharat region is
characterized by concentration of population along the ridge and gently dipping
Northern slopes.
Malekhu has a typical subtropical climate. The vegetations consist of
deciduous trees like chilaune, sal, etc. grasses and bushes. Malekhu is a river
valley extending from east to west along the Trishuli River and most of the
inhabitants are concentrated on the southern part. This causes lack of direct
sunshine and foggy mornings.
Strike: N 700 E –S 700 W
Dip direction: S 200 E
Dip amount: 750
About 200m from the previous location along Malekhu Khola towards
upstream, We observed a fault plane .Left side of the fault plane composed of
limestone of whitish yellow color and the right side of the fault plane composed
of grayish white phyllitic limestone .The fault plane composed of mylonite bressia
.Nearly 200m from the fault plane, there is a transitional contact between Malekhu
Limestone and Robbang Formation.
Attitude of bedding plane
Strike: N 700 E –S 700 W
Dip direction: S 200 E
Dip amount: 900
iv) Raduwa Formation
The name is derived from the village ’Raduwa’ in Dhading district .This
name was first used by Stocklin and Bhattarai at 1971
A highly fractured zone of Mahabharat Thrust exposed at right bank of
Malekhu Khola, every fine, grey to black mylonite is observed. This separates
Robbang formation of Nuwakot Complex and Raduwa Formation of Kathmandu
The main Rock type of this formation is mica-schist of coarse crystalline of
dark grey color due to predominant micaceous minerals. Near MBT garnetiferrous
schist is also observed which is perfectly foliated .This formation is about 1000m
Attitude of bedding plane
Strike: N 750 E-S 750W Dip direction: S 150 E
Dip amount: 75 0
v) Bhainsedovan Marble:
This formation is named after the village Bhainsedovan on the Tribhuvan
Highway. It is in contact with Raduwa formation. Well exposed marble is in front
of dharapani. It is metamorphic equivalent of limestone and so white in color,
crystalline in texture associated with pyrite mineral. It is about 800 m thick.
Attitude of bedding plane
Strike: N 700 E-S 700 W Dip direction: S 200 E
Dip amount: 70 0
6.Study of the Geological Structures in Field
We all know that the earth is a dynamic body. So different types of external
and internal forces act upon the earth due to various geological processes like
earthquakes, volcanisms etc. Due to such activities along with gradual shrinkage
of interior of earth, causes structural changes on the rocks lying on earth’s crust
to displace and distort. Such structures are called geological structures e.g. Folds,
faults, joints etc. There are two types of deformation structures:-
Continuous deformation structures: - These are the product of plastic
and viscoplastic deformations e.g.: Folds, Veins, Foliation, and Cleavage etc.
Deformation structures: - These are the product of brittle deformation
e.g. Joints, Faults etc.
6.1. Unconformity
Unconformity is the plane of discontinuity that separates two rock
sequences, which differ notably in age. When the rocks are formedcontinuously or
regularly one after the another with break or depositional gap between the two
conformable sequences, it is called unconformity. It occurs mainly due to erosion,
deposition and tectonic activities.
It develops in the three stages in which under the first stage older
rock forms whereas in the second stage upliftment and surfacial erosion of the
older rock occurs. In the last stage younger succession of beds forms after long
time interval above the surface of erosion.
There are three types of unconformity :-
Parallel unconformity
Angular unconformity
Non conformity
6.2. Folds
Any bend or flexure on rocks formed by plastic or viscoplastic
deformations, which changes dip amount and often changes dip direction of rocks
are called folds. They may be formed due to- tangential compression, intrusions,
differential compactions etc.
Folds can be classified on different basis. On the basis of attitude of fold,
they may be classified as:-
i. Plunging fold
ii. Non plunging fold
iii. Doubly plunging fold
On the of upward and downward bend it is classified as:-
i. Anticline fold
Fig:-syncline fold
6.3. Faults
Earthquakes result from movement along a fault. Faults and earthquakes
are cause and effect. The sense of motion on faults describes how the block
moves relative to each other. Faults may move along preexisting fracture or may
form a new one. There are 3 basic types of faults: normal, reverse, and strike-slip.
Normal and reverse faulting result in vertical slip, while strike-slip faulting results
in horizontal slip. In nature, motion is seldom absolutely along one direction.
There can be a combination of vertical and horizontal slip, which would make the
movement along the fault oblique.
Normal faults: Normal faults are associated with extension. A good
example of normal faulting is the Basin and Range topography of the western
United States. The western part of the North American plate has been pulled
apart into a series of "blocks". Most Basins and Range structures result from the
tilting of these blocks. A major Basin and Range fault zone is the Wasatch Fault
zone, which is 220 miles long (360 kilometers) and extends from Utah into Idaho.
Structures formed during faulting:
i. Slicking slides:-
They are the linear features developed in the fault plane, in which the
relative displacement takes place.
ii. Fault gauge:-
It is the finely pulverized, clay like powdered rock material formed
due to rubbing and shearing of block during faulting process.
iv. Mylonite:-
It is extremely fine –grained and very hard, coherent type of rock
formed due to faulting. It is also called micro-breccias.
6.4. Joints
These are the ruptures/fractures without any remarkable displacement or
even if negligible is there, it is perpendicular to the fracture plane. Joint intersect
the existing structures like foliation, beddings etc. Joints are relatively smooth
fracture; they are present in most consolidated rocks of igneous, metamorphic
and sedimentary origin.
Joint sets: - Series of parallel joints are called joint sets.
Joint system: - A group of intersecting joint sets is called joint
Conjugate joints:-
Two sets of joints, which are nearly perpendicular to each other and
produced by the same stress system, are called conjugate joints.
6.5. Vein
The filling of the minerals in between the fault planes produces a new
structure, which is called vein. Veins may have valuable minerals like gold, copper,
diamond, silver etc so it is important for the economy of the country.
6.6. Thrust
A kind of reversed fault in which hanging wall has actually moved up
relative to the footwall is called thrust e.g. Mahabharat thrust separates Nuwakot
complex and Kathmandu complex. These thrusts are formed due to actual
movement of hanging wall in upward direction.
remains active. So in such places no civil engineering foundation will be
safer and stable.
Generally, faults are accompanied by earthquakes which cause severe
shaking of ground.
Since faults bring different rocks together, there will be no homogeneity of
physical characters. Foundation across these areas is undesirable.
6.7.3. Joints
The sites where joints are found are weak physically.
Through these joints water is likely to percolate into the rock and saturate
it. This may cause the decay of rock. This may cause the site unsuitable for
bridge, dam construction.
7.Study of River Channel Morphology
mass due to the continuous impact of the moving water along the channel. The
water running along the river channel contains some amount of rock fragments,
the large boulders and pebbles roll along the valley floor. The rolling boulders and
pebbles naturally rub themselves against the valley floor during the travel while in
suspension impinges periodically upon the floor of the river valley. Such impacts
are responsible for the mechanical wear and tear of rocks forming base and
adjustment of river channel. The process of mechanical breaking down of
bedrocks due to the impacts is known as abrasion. The process of mechanical
breaking down of the transported rock-fragment due to impinging themselves is
attraction. A river along its seaward journey traverses through a vast country or
naturally comes across varieties of country rocks along its path of travel. Some
rocks are practically insoluble but other are soluble in running water containing
dilute acids, carbonate rocks like limestone are attacked by running water. In less
soluble rocks some of the soluble constituents are slowly remained in solution as
a result rock mass is rendered weak and subjected more conventionally further
erosion. Running water transports load due to kinetic energy associated with its
flow. The exact magnitude of energy depends upon the gradient of the valley floor
shape and size of channel and discharge of as soon as the velocity of the running
water decreases its transporting capacity is proportionally reduced and as a result
part of its load is dropped down.
Striking Bank
iii. Braided: - In this type of Flow the river follows multiple channel.
Deposition is predominant in this flow .The braided river tends to be very wide
and relatively shallow. The river follows this type of path in Terai region.
Fig:-Delta deposit
Likewise delta, fans are also the triangular landmass deposition at the
meeting point of rivers. These are high elevated as compared with deltas. If
gradient of both rivers are approximately same fans can be formed.
7.4 Civil Engineering Significance of River Channel
A civil engineer has to face different types of river channels for the
construction of different types of civil engineering projects as well as for the
survey of availability of construction materials. If a bridge is to be constructed on
a straight river, it is not applicable to make foundation in the river channel as
scouring is intense along the path. As side cutting is lower in such case, an arc
bridge may be good. For example, Meeteri Bridge constructed over the Bhotekoshi
River is an arc bridge which joins Nepal and China.
In the meandering river, if the bridge is constructed in a curve portion, then the
foundation on the striking bank may be affected. In such case the site for bridge
can be chosen in the straight portion of the river.
In case of braided river, a span of bridge is high with many pillars on the river
path. For hydropower site, in Straight River run off type hydropower is applicable.
In meandering type, both run off and reservoir type hydro powers are suitable
depending to site condition.
, the availability of construction materials also detects the type structures. For
example, due to the availability of granite boulders, a gravity dam is constructed
to make reservoir of Kulekhani Hydropower Project.
8.1. Engineering Geology
Engineering Geology is the branch of geology which deals with the
application of geological knowledge in the field of civil engineering for the
construction of infrastructures such as road, bridge, dam reservoir etc.
Engineering is defined in the statutes of the IAEG as the science devoted to the
investigation, study and solution of the engineering and environmental problems
which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works or
activities of man, as well as of the prediction of and development of measures for
the prevention or remediation of geological hazards.
8.4. Parameters of engineering geological data
Rock type: -
1. Sedimentary
2. Igneous
3. metamorphic
Rock strength: -
1. High
2. Medium
3. Low
Weathering grade: -
1. Fresh weather (w0)
2. Slightly weathered (w1)
3. Moderately weathered (w2)
4. Highly weathered (w3)
5. Completely weathered (w4)
6. Residual soil (w5)
Rock Quality Designation (R.Q.D): -
It is expressed in percentage. The expression for RQD has is:
Where Jv = Joint volume. I.e. number of joint per unit volume.
Spacing of discontinuity: -
It is expressed in cm and all the discontinuity is taken under
considered area.
Aperture or separation of discontinuity: -
1. Tight (<.1cm)
2. Open (expressed in cm, all the data are taken)
3. Wide (>30cm)
Infilling materials of Discontinuities
Roughness of discontinuity: -
1. Smooth
2. Rough
3. Very smooth
4. Undulated
Number of joint set
Orientation of joint set
Orientation of discontinuities is the attitude of the
discontunities.Depending upon the slope of discontunitiy rock has different
strength at the different direction.If the direction of the discontinuity is in
the same direction as the rock mass ,it is an unfavorable condition.But if the
discontinuity is in opposite direction to the rock mass,it is a favorable
Expressed including dip amount and dip direction, (i.e. dip amt/dip dir)
Ground water condition: -
1. Dry
2. Dripping
3. Seepage
4. Flowing
5. Damp/wet
3 Weathering W1
5 Spacing of 5.5,2.5,23.5,6.8,3.5,10 In cm
7 Infilling Calcareous
8 Persistence 90%
9 Roughness Rough
of continuity
10 No. of joint 3
11 Orientation 83/165,
of joint set 5/251,
12 Ground Dry
3 Weathering W2
4 R.Q.D. test 82
5 Spacing of 9,10,6,3.5,12.5,6 In cm
6 Aperture of Tight
7 Infilling Clay
8 Persistence 95%
9 Roughness of Smooth
11 Orientation of 80/162,24/72,56/77
joint set
S.N. Parameters Properties Remarks
3 Weathering W1
8 Persistence 90%
3 Weathering W1
4 R.Q.D. test 82
8 Persistence 50%
11 Orientation of joint set 36/265,84/305,70/269
3 Weathering W1
4 R.Q.D. test 83
8 Persistence 70%
9.1. Definition
The collective mass formed by the rock material (intact rock and discontinuities is
called rock mass. So the rock exposed on the outcrop is not rock, in fact it is the
rock mass. Rock materials (intact rock) are a part of rock mass. Since in actual
practice discontinuities are present, rock material alone doesn't exists in nature.
Rock mass is a mass of rock interrupted by discontinuities with each constituent
discrete block having intact rock properties. Rock masses are heterogeneous
because of different rock types, presence of discontinuities, and varying degree of
Rock Mass = Intact Rock + Discontinuities
The objectives of rock mass identification are to
Identify the most significant parameters influencing the behavior of a rock
Divide a particular rock mass formulation into groups of similar behavior –
rock mass classes of varying quality.
Provide a basis of understanding the characteristics of each rock mass class
Relate the experience of rock conditions at one site to the conditions and
experience encountered at others
Derive quantitative data and guidelines for engineering design
Provide common basis for communication between engineers and
particular for determining support requirements. While the classification schemes
are appropriate for their original application, especially if used within the bounds
of the case histories from which they were developed, considerable caution must
be exercised in applying rock mass classifications to other rock engineering
9.3. Q-System of rock mass classification
The Q-system of rock mass classification was developed in Norway in 1974 by
Nick Barton, Lien, R., and Lunde, J at NGI (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute). The
system was developed on the basis of an analysis of 212 tunnel case histories
from Scandinavia. It is a quantitative classification system and is an engineering
system facilitating the design of tunnel supports. Q-system use six different
parameters to assess the rock mass qualityIt is a quantitative classification system
and is an engineering system facilitating the design of tunnel supports. Q-system
use six different parameters to assess the rock mass quality. The parameters are:
Rock Quality Designation RQD
Joint set number Jn
Roughness of the most unfavorable joint or discontinuity Jr
Degree of alteration of filling along the weakest joint Ja
Water inflow Jw
Stress Reduction Factor SRF
Then Q-factor can then be calculated as: Q =
0 – 20 Very poor
21 - 40 Poor
41 - 60 Fair
61 - 80 Good
81 -
Very good
Our geological tour conducted on (11-13)th of jestha for group(A/B) was very
helpful in understanding and comparing the landslides, slope failure and debris
flow practically in the field. We were also able to understand different terms and
terminologies that we were not able to understand in the theory classes. From the
field visit we also knew about the strike, dip of the bedding plane, their
orientation and their origin.
The three day Malekhu tour enables us to learn the various geological conditions
related to Engineering point of view. The scope of field study outline before were
fully made with the co-operation of faculty member and Malekhu possess
wonderful geological diversities and almost all type of rock structures and
geological factors like rivers, hills, slopes and sedimentations, were available to
study within small area.
In the Malekhu site visit, our main objective was to understand the geology of the
entire country through the small area. The tour was also intended to give an
insight to the various trouble cause of geological failure during the civil
engineering construction. Many geological structures like Benighat Slat, Malekhu
Lime Stone, Robang Formation, Radhuwa Formation, etc. are studied in the field
along with their main Lithology boundary condition and exposure place. The area
was found full of metamorphic rocks like Phyllite, schist, gneiss, slate, quartzite,
etc. rocks were found.
Therefore from this tour, we were successful in obtaining the great knowledge
regarding to the different geological activities, their effect, causes and their
preventive measures related to the subjective matter.
At last we had concluded that Malekhu and its surrounding is the answer for
geological curiosity. Actually, the Malekhu is small in area but it has large amount
or numbers of the geological phenomenon and hence it can provide broad
knowledge for the learners.
Along the Malekhu River, we found sedimentary rock and gradually
metamorphosed from Phyllite to crystalline schist and along the way to Dhading,
it gradually metamorphosed to lime stone to Phyllite and then to slate.
Every major bed was dipped in north direction. This proved the tectonic
movement along the way from south to north.
Besides this, we have learnt different methods of geological data collection
measures and the way, how rock mapping is done.
Handling the compass and to measure the attitude of rock outcrop is now very
easy to us.
By the river channel morphology we knew that, how the river flows, what are the
factors affecting erosion and deposition and how it occurs
1. Old reports
2. Engineering Geology (By Prakash Chandra Ghimire and Mahesh Sing
3. Field Manual
Prepared by:
Mr. Amrit Aacharya
Mr. Bijay subedi
Mr. Bikram K.C.
Mr. Bir Bahadur Bohra