IEEE Experential Learning
IEEE Experential Learning
IEEE Experential Learning
A Thesis of Mini Project/Experiential Learning
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
3.Litrature Review
5.System Development
6.Software Implementation
In this paper, the design and development of a portable classroom
attendance system based on fingerprint biometric is presented.
Among the salient aims of implementing a biometric feature into a
portable attendance system is security and portability. The circuit of
this device is strategically constructed to have an independent source
of energy to be operated, as well as its miniature design which made
it more efficient in term of its portable capability. Rather than
recording the attendance in writing or queuing in front of class
equipped with fixed fingerprint or smart card reader. This paper
introduces a portable fingerprint based biometric attendance system
which addresses the weaknesses of the existing paper-based
attendance method or long-time queuing. In addition, our biometric
fingerprint-based system is encrypted which preserves data integrity.
In every organization, one of the trusts that exist from the employers
towards their employees is their attendance. Attendance is a symbolic
representation that could be a benchmark to the higher authority to
assess their staff's commitment toward their job. This scenario is like
any organization such as the educational system. In this case, a
lecture will play a role as the higher authority whereas the students
will be his/her subordinates.
Most universities in Malaysia have attendance systems that can be
easily manipulated. As proof of this fact, imagine if in each class, a
lecturer must pass the attendance list which is printed on a paper to
the students to record their attendances. In this situation, the student
only needs to fill in the attendance with their signature. However,
some of the students might imitate their friends' signatures even
though they are absent. Most universities have barring procedures
which exclude the students from taking the examination if their
attendance record is less than 80%. One of the solutions is to call out
the students' name to mark their attendance. Nevertheless, this
approach is very time-consuming. Hence, a new system to record the
attendance should be implemented to replace the current method.
Thus, by introducing a portable classroom attendance system based
on fingerprint biometric, the problem would be solved.
The objective of this paper is to design and develop a portable student
attendance system used in educational institutions as well as to design
a user-friendly attendance mechanism especially for the lecturer
which incorporates security criteria for the stored data.
In higher learning institutions such as universities, attendance is made
compulsory for every student for them to understand the subject
matter taught in class. With the existence of the fingerprint scanner, it
has been made easy for educators such as lecturers to record student
attendance. Furthermore, Zhu. et. al. [1] stated in their study that
fingerprint scanners come with many advantages which include ease
of use, permanent, unique, good anti-fake mechanism and is
increasingly recognized by many people. The technology behind this
mechanism is biometric recognition.
Biometrics is used to analyze biological data which is related to
human characteristics and traits. Several biological characteristics are
now used in biometric systems, for instance, iris, voice, face and
fingerprints. It is more reliable to use biological characteristics to
identify people than the traditional method such as pin numbers or
passwords. As mentioned in [2] and [3], among all the biological
characteristics, fingerprint has been more widely used as personal
identification technique since a few decades ago.
In our research, enhancements have been made in terms of security,
cost, and performance. We discuss and compare the improvements
that have been made compared to the previous project.
Figure 1 describes the flow
chart of the proposed
fingerprint attendance
system. First, the device will
display the time and read the
SD card as shown in Figure
Figure 5 shows the sketch of the design work for the electronic
devices used in this project. The dimensions of the assembly project
are 140mm × 130mm × 45mm.
B. Software
To take the attendance, student ID should be saved in the fingerprint
scanner. The process of enrolling new IDs began by uploading the
program code in the Arduino compiler. Then, the ID number is keyed
in in the Serial Monitor.
C. Security Enhancement (Encryption)
The Portable Attendance System was added with a security
mechanism to protect the data from being tampered with by the
student. It uses a cryptographic technique based on Caeser Cipher
method [11]. It involves substituting each letter of the alphabet with
the letter which is several places further from that alphabet as shown
in Figure 6.
In this project the encryption takes place when the data is saved in the
SD card. Then to read the data, the lecturers must decrypt the data.
The lecturer may be deciphered using Bloodshed Dev C++ software.
The portable attendance can save each student's fingerprint, hence
making the system more robust. During enrolment the student's
fingerprints are assumed to be clean, not dry or damp, no scratches
and not swollen.
Students are
required to place
their fingerprints.
After the
enrolment stage,
the data will be
saved in the
scanner and the
system takes place
by comparing the
capture fingerprint
characteristic with the previously enrolled data. Table I shows the
types of issue that might occur when taking attendance system
acquiring fingerprint for attendance purposes. Later, we designed a
box for the product. In the design stage, we considered all these
factors for the product which are user-friendliness, convenience,
portability, and heat resistance.
In recent times, most organizations such as universities are using a
sheet of paper to record the students' attendance. Students need to
sign the attendance sheet as evidence for them to show that they
attended the classes. When the attendance sheet is passed around in
the class, each student needs to scan the name on the attendances
sheet. We estimate the time for each student to sign the attendance
sheet is about 1 to 2 minutes. If the total number of students in class
is 40 the required time to sign the attendance is about 40 to 80
An experiment has been conducted to determine the time taken in
recording students' attendance using our proposed Portable
Attendance System. We record the time taken altogether starting
from switching on the power until the verification of last student in
the class. The results prove that utilizing the proposed system is more
efficient and faster than using Attendance Sheet or Fixed Fingerprint
Reader. The time required is around 10.21 seconds on average, while
the time taken for each student to scan their finger is 4s. If a problem
occurs which requires the students to use another fingerprint, the time
taken is only 14 seconds. Therefore, the total time that was saved is
around 56 seconds for each student.
Some enhancement of the developed attendance system can be
implemented, such as battery level indicator and security and backup
system. A battery level indicator is a good way to display the
remaining power for the device. When the battery is low, it will
trigger a buzzer or light up an LED. Moreover, a wireless system that
transmits the data wirelessly to a server as a backup can be developed
to record the real time attendance system, just in case the SD card is
This paper has presented the design and development of portable
attendance system which is based on fingerprint identification. The
system helped to reduce many issues such as, denying the
possibilities of cheating in recording the attendance, helps to ease the
lecturers to keep track of students' attendance, the encryption
technique adds more security so there will be no anonymous
fingerprint which is able to tamper with the recorded data, and the
portability saves time in taking attendance instead of queuing in a
line. Future works will include battery life indicator and additional
security enhancement and backup system.
1. E. Zhu, J. Yin and G. Zhang, "Automatic Fingerprint Identification Technology" in ,
National Defense University Press, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1452-1472, 2006.
2. N. Galy, B. Charlot and B. Courtois, "A Full Fingerprint Verification System for a
Single-Line Sweep Sensor", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1054, 2007.
3. A.K. Jain, J. Feng and K. Nandakumar, "Fingerprint Matching", Computer, vol. 43,
no. 2, pp. 36-44, 2010.
4. M. Margolis, Arduino Cookbook, O'Reilly Media, 2011.
5. M. McRoberts, Beginning Arduino, A press, 2013.
6. SM630 Fingerprint Verification Module User Manual, [online] Available:
7. On fingerprint sensor (“Fingerprint Sensor 2005), [online] Available:
8. High Performance DSP Type Fingerprint Scanning Module, [online] Available:
9. H. Zhian, ZFM-20 Series Fingerprint Identification Module User Manual, 2008,
[online] Available:
10..Some Things To Keep In Mind When Using The SD Library", [online] Available:
11.W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, Prentice
Hall, 2003.