1.meaning List-Nature and Scope of Economics

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CHAPTER 1- Nature and scope of Economics

1. What is Economics
The term ‘Economics’ owes its origin to the Greek word ‘Oikonomia’ meaning ‘household’
Management. Economics is a science that studies those activities, which are, concerned with the
efficient consumption, production, exchange, and distribution of scarce means which have alternative
uses. The purpose of economics is to achieve maximum satisfaction of wants and increasing of
welfare as well as economic growth.
2. What is Business Economics / Applied Economics
Business Economics is also referred to as Managerial Economics. It is application of economic theory
and methodology. It provides a scientific base to the professional management of a business activity.
It provides tools like budgeting, market analysis, cost benefit analysis, etc. which can be scientifically
applied to take sound business decision. Thus, Business Economics is a sub- branch of Economic
which aims at the scientific application of economic knowledge, logic, theories and tools to take
rational business decision. Thus, it is an APPLIED ECONOMICS.
Business Economics is closely connected with both viz., Micro and Macro- Economic Theory. It is
also useful to the manager of ‘not-for-profit’ organizations.

3. What is Decision making

Every business involves decision – making as survival and success depends on sound decisions.
Decision making means the process of –
1.evaluating various course of action,
2.making rational judgment on the basis of available information, and
3.selecting i.e., making choice of a suitable alternative by decision maker.
Decision making is not simple and straight forward. It has become very complex due to ever changing
business environment, growth competition, large scale production, big size of business houses,
complex laws, cost awareness, etc. in other words the economic environment in which the firm
operates is very complex and dynamic.

4. What is Micro Economics

Microeconomics is the study of particular firm, particular household. Individual price, wages, income,
industry and particular commodity. Thus, it is a study of a particular unit rather than all the units
combined. Microeconomics theory deals with the problem of allocation of resources.

5. What will be studied under Micro Economics

In microeconomics, we study
a) Theory of product pricing/price theory
b) Theory of consumer behavior
c) Theory of factor pricing
d) Study of a firm

6. What is Macro Economics

Macroeconomics theory is that part of economics which studies the overall average and aggregates
of the system, such as total production, total consumption, total saving and total investment. Thus,
macroeconomics is the study of overall phenomena says a whole rather than its individual parts.
Macroeconomics deals with growth and development of resources.
7. What will be studied under Macro Economics
In macroeconomics, we study
a) Theory of national income, employment and money
b) Theory of general price level
c) Theory of economic growth and development
d) Theory of international trade
8. What is Positive Science
• A positive or pure science deal with the things as they are and their CAUSE and EFFECTS
• It states ‘what is’?
• It is DESCRIPTIVE in nature.
• It does not pass any moral or value judgments.

9. What is Normative Science

• A normative science deal with ‘what ought to be’ or ‘what should be’.
• It passes value judgments and states what is right and what is wrong
• It isPRESCRIPTIVE in nature as it offers suggestions to solve problems.
• Normative science is more practical, realistic and useful science.

10. Scope of Micro Economics

Micro- economics applied to operational or internal issues.
Issues like choice of business size of business, plant layout, technology, productdecision, pricing,
sales promotion, etc. are dealt by Micro- economic theories. It covers –
o Demand analysis and forecasting
o Production and Cost Analysis
o Inventory Management
o Market structure and Pricing Analysis
o Resource Allocation
o Theory of Capital and Investment Decisions
o Profitability Analysis
o Risk and Uncertainty Analysis

11. Scope of Macro Economics

Macro – economics applied to environment or external issues.The major economic factors relate to
o the type of economic system
o stage of business cycles
o the general trends in national income, employment, price, saving and investment Government’s
economic policies
o Working of financial sector and capital market
o Socio-economic organizations
o Social and political environment.
These external issues have to be considered by a firm in business decision and frame its policies
accordingly to minimize their adverse effects.

12. What is the Central Economic problem

Central Economic Problem (scarcity)-
1. What to produce (capital goods, consumer goods)
2. How to produce (capital use capital, labour use labourer)
3. For whom to produce (poor or rich, in India it gives to poor forupliftment)
4. What provision should be made for economic growth.
Note- When are goods produced & how much to produce is not aneconomic problem
13. Characteristics of C/S/M - Comparison Table
Capitalist Economy Socialist Economy Mixed Economy
1. Means of production are 1. It is known as command 1. Combination of both
privately owned economy, controlled capitalism & socialism
2. Freedom of enterprise & economy, centrally 2. Freedom to join any
freedom of price choice plannedeconomy occupation trade or
3. Allocation of resources is 2. Collective ownership of business
as per consumer preference means of production 3. People are free to
4. Entrepreneur are guided by 3. Promote welfare of people consume goods of their
profit motive 4. Lack of competition choice
5. Competition exist among
6. Capitalist economy use
price mechanism as a
principle motive

14. Merits of C/S/M - Comparison Table

Capitalist Economy Socialist Economy Mixed Economy
1. Greater efficiency & 1. Balance economic 1. Freedom of occupation
incentive to work hard development 2. Encourages enterprise &
2. Faster economic growth 2. No class conflict Risk taking
possible 3. Economic Fluctuation & 3. Development of
3. Consumer are benefitted unemployment are technology through R & D
because of good quality minimized 4. Economic & social
product 4. Right to minimum work equality possible
4. Higher standard of living 5. No exploitation of
5. Innovation & technological consumer & worker

15. Demerits of C/S/M - Comparison Table

Capitalist Economy Socialist Economy Mixed Economy
1. Uneven distribution of 1. Corruption, Red tapism, 1. Poor implementation of
Income & wealth results into inefficiency plans
2. Income inequality & 2. No freedom of choice 2. High level of taxes
social injustice 3. Price are administered by 3. Good level of corruption
3. Exploitation of consumer state. 4. Wastage of Resources
and labourer 5. In mixed economy
4. Economic instability capitalism act like an
which may lead to oxygen tent
5. Creation of monopoly

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