Assignment 2 - LuongLeThuHang - D0K0PV
Assignment 2 - LuongLeThuHang - D0K0PV
Assignment 2 - LuongLeThuHang - D0K0PV
In early 2023, Vietnam had 77.93 million Internet users, accounting for
79.1% of the total population. In addition, the number of social network users
also reached 70 million, equivalent to 71% of the total population. The total
number of active mobile connections is 161.6 million, equivalent to 164.0% of
the total population.
It opens up development opportunities for FPT Telecom's
telecommunications products such as ADSL network, fiber optic cable, Wifi
network, Internet television, etc. However, the development of technology also
shortens the product life cycle. New products are constantly updated to replace
old products, such as the introduction of fiber optic networks to replace ADSL
networks, the emergence and rapid development of 3G, 4G, and Dcom 3G
technologies that will threaten the development of ADSL networks, fiber optic
network, and Wifi network, the main products of FPT Telecom. Requires FPT
Telecom to constantly update, innovate, ... keep up with the advancement of
The rapidly evolving and changing technological environment also puts great
competitive pressure. It is a race to update new technologies such as testing 4G
of Viettel, VinaPhone, and Mobiphone; The race to reduce costs thanks to
technology development with competitors such as Viettel, VNPT,...
Power of
Threats of Power of
substitutes customers
5 Forces
Source: Statista
The advantages of using the mobile phone are convenience; the speed of
information transmission is also fast and accurate compared to using mobile
phones in chat, mail...; Mobile users on computers can both work and look up
information and entertainment...; At the same time, with the growing technology,
the mobile phone is also increasingly designed to be compact and light. Even
phone manufacturers are supporting the development of the internet by setting up
wifi reception for phones. However, the internet is gradually becoming a concern
for society because of bad behavior. Violence and delinquency of young people
today are mostly learned from the internet. Social networks on the internet are
many and always contain reactionary, violent, and immoral content. Therefore,
controlling internet use in Vietnam is being paid great attention by the
Computers and mobile phones are being used in parallel, supporting each
other. The convenience of the computer of the internet is undeniable. However, it
is not a substitute for the mobile phone.
e. Internal industry rivalry
Currently, in Vietnam, as of 2023, the market share of telecom networks is
divided as follows: Viettel 38.61%, VNPT 39.33%, FPT Telecom 18.56%, SCTV
5.54%. Thus, the main competitors of FPT Telecom up to this point can be
considered as Viettel and VNPT.
& Services New
New Market
Market Product
Existing Penetration Development
Table 2: Price for installing combo fiber optic network and FPT Telecom
Combo FPT Fiber 5 + TV Fiber 4 + TV
Speed of FPT fiber optic 16Mbps 22Mbps
Channel packages 139 SD channels & 6 HD channels + Free Movies,
applications,… 100%
Price 305.000 325.000
Bonus equipments Fiber optic modem + HD receive
Construction time From 1 to 3 working days
Promotion time Continually in 24 months
Notice These networks above doesn’t include 10% VAT
d. Product development
In the past 5-10 years, the growth rate of the telecommunications industry is
gradually becoming saturated, and expanding the business scope to develop new
products to catch the "trend" of the market is a must. From macro issues like how
to meet the market's rapidly increasing demand for intelligent devices? Specific
questions for each product line, such as: How to support customers to manage the
information provided to children safely? How to turn the product into a smart
assistant in every Vietnamese household?… are the problem being put for FPT
Besides developing traditional telecommunications products, FPT Telecom
has quickly joined the team of enterprises researching and developing smart
product lines. This strategy has brought positive business results for FPT
Telecom when revenue in 2022 increased by 17.9%, profit increased by 24.1%
over the previous year.
FPT Telecom's customers are getting younger and younger, they expect all
service requests through just one touch on smartphones. This fact puts challenges
and opportunities for FPT Telecom to form a product ecosystem to improve the
quality of life for Vietnamese people.
From the strategic orientation of Amazing Experience - Great experience,
FPT Telecom, focusing on customer experience and improving service quality,
will no longer be a product supplier but an experience-providing enterprise
leading in the market. Applications such as App Hi FPT, FPT Camera, FPT Play
Box, and FPT iHome have appeared on application shopping platforms and have
millions of smartphone downloads. Each application created by FPT has its
meaning and its aimed at its own target customer group.
IV. SWOT analysis
Strenght Weakness
FPT is a blue-chip company in FPT Group's activities in many
information communications and fields disperse resources and
technology in Vietnam. reduce the Group's competitiveness
FPT accounts for about 50-60% in core business areas.
market share in distributing IT Business activities depend on
products in Vietnam, particularly in different customer segments. The
the telecom field, FPT TELECOM customer using products and
accounts for a 15% market share services of FPT Telecome include
over the country. This Group has banks (BIDV, Vietcombank,..), e-
over 900 branches in provinces and commerce online (Amazon,
cities in Vietnam and currently FPT Shopee,…), technology companies
TELECOM branches also appears in (Apple, HP, Dell, Panasonic,
over 29 countries worldwide. Hitachi,….), and Consumer Goods
FPT Telecom is one of Vietnam's companies (Unilever, P&G, ….)
biggest firms providing large fiber FPT Telecom appears in 29
optic networks. Till now, their countries worldwide, so the
market share is only smaller than problem with the exchange rate is
VNPT and Viettel (these companies concerned.
are 100% capital from Government). The average skills of the domestic
FPT Telecom’s strength is quality labor force are low, which requires
and customer service. the company to spend more time
FPT Group build its education training employees to meet their
system, including Aptech Training demands and more money hiring
Center and FPT University, to management professors.
ensure the maintenance development Prices are higher than others in the
of the Group. They provide qualified market, and actually, products of
human resources to the companies FPT still new and can’t completely
and the market every year. compete with Viettel’s and VNPT’s
FPT Telecom has a long-term products.
strategy for its company and FPT Telecom has various market
products, and the results were competitors, including big old
proven step by step through the high competitors and new potential
recognization in the market, and competitors.
their market share was covered Participating in import and export
worldwide too. activities and operating in foreign
Products of FPT Telecom has markets, FPT Group in general and
significant interest from the FPT Telecom in particular must
customer based on their innovation, bear the risk of exchange rate
modernity, and improvement. differences.
FPT Group co-operates with various
companies, organizations and big
groups in different fields in domestic
and abroad such as: Vinasa, Rmit,
Nokia, Microsoft, Unisys, Vinashin,
… to ensure their inputs and outputs
product will be maintained.
Opportunities Threats
Vietnam's economy is currently Vietnam's accession to
achieving a high growth rate and is organizations such as WTO, AFTA,
recognized by the world. In addition, TPP, and AEC also challenges
the Vietnamese Government is domestic enterprises and FPT
creating all favorable conditions for Telecom because of the appearance
the development of the domestic of many foreign companies'
information technology industry, competitors.
aiming to make Vietnam the third The import-export process in
largest software supplier in the Vietnam is also a big challenge for
world (after India and China). FPT Telecom. As a
Vietnam also participates in WTO, telecommunications technology
AFTA, TPP, and AEC organization, company, FPT has to import
which brings companies more electronic components to process
opportunities to expand their market its products. In addition, because
share and improve their technology FPT TELECOM Telecom has
and skills in producing and foreign markets, FPT TELECOM
operating. Vietnam's IT and Telecom also has to export its
telecommunications industry is still bandwidth system as well as its
in a period of rapid development products to foreign countries. The
with a lot of great potentials, the delayed processing of Vietnam's
average growth of the market in the customs makes logistics costs more
last three years is 26%. expensive than expected.
The general trend of businesses is to Inflation rates around the world are
modernize operations to increase increasing, and Vietnam is not
efficiency and save costs. Therefore, immune to the impact. High
the demand for software and inflation affects consumption,
services for ERP, system integration, causing consumption rates across
etc., constantly increases due to all sectors to decline, including
continuously developing technology. telecommunications. Although
Thus, FPT Telecom’s business currently, the input of the
activities will become more and telecommunications industry is
more necessary for this electricity, mainly the government
modernization. still supports electricity prices.
The political situation in Vietnam is However, in terms of salary, FPT
relatively stable. The government Telecom, like other firms in the
also creates favorable conditions for same industry, must compensate
domestic enterprises, especially employees for reducing the impact
information technology enterprises, of inflation on their lives.
with policies encouraging Another threat that FPT Telecom
investment, reducing taxes, etc. needs to face is competition in
Human resources are increasingly diverse industries and competition
improved, meeting the market's for market share not only
requirements and increasing domestically but also
competition in the same field. internationally. To compete with
Consumer demand in this ICT field enterprises with a long life and
is increasing day by day, quality capital from the government as
requirements are also at the top. It well as potential new entrants in
gives information technology firms the industry, FPT TELECOM
as well as FPT Telecom, the needs to make efforts in innovation
opportunity to prove their and constantly updating
capabilities. technology.
The Russia – Ukraine has
significant impacts on FPT
Telecom business activities and its
revenue and profit.
Usually, there are six stages of the product life cycle: Development Stage,
Introduction Stage, Growth Stage, Maturity Stage, Decline Stage, and Phase-Out
Stage. However, FPT Telecom's main product is TV service, or Cable TV so it
has a product life cycle that consists of five stages below:
Residual Market
Services/ Powerful
Cable TV Development
1. Market introduction Stage: The FPT Play Box service was introduced to
the market in 2017 with the aim of providing customers with a new way to
access streaming content on their televisions. The service was launched
with a range of features, including the ability to watch live TV, catch-up
TV, and video-on-demand.
2. Powerful market development Stage: During the powerful market
development stage, FPT Play Box gained popularity among customers in
Vietnam as the company continued to add new features and expand its
content library. The service also became available on various devices,
including smartphones and tablets.
3. Turbulent competition Stage: This stage is characterized by intense
competition, rapid changes in technology, and a high rate of innovation.
During this stage, companies must be agile and adaptable to survive and
4. Maturity Stage: The FPT Play Box service has now reached maturity, with
a large and loyal customer base. The company has continued to innovate
and add new features to the service, but growth has slowed down
compared to the earlier stages.
5. Decline Stage: Eventually, the TV services will reach a saturation point,
and sales will begin to decline. Marketing efforts are focused on extending
the product's life cycle through product modifications, promotions, or
price reductions.
6. Resiudual Demand: During this stage, sales growth slows down, and the
market becomes saturated with competing products. Customers may be
less interested in the product or may switch to newer or more innovative
It's important to note that the length of each stage can vary significantly
depending on various factors, such as the type of TV services, competition, and
technological advancements. Companies must adapt their marketing strategies
and product offerings accordingly to remain competitive.
As for FPT Play Box services, I can confirm that FPT Telecom's products are
in the maturity stage.
a) Market introduction Stage:
FPT Telecom pioneered and started providing IPTV services at the end of
2006 with the name iTV. At that time, everything was new, from solutions to
technology, expensive terminals, and infrastructure using copper cables, the
speed was about 2-3Mbps (equivalent to 1/10 of current fiber optic technology).
The pioneering was even stronger when in mid-2007, FPT Telecom launched a
3-in-1 combo package: Internet - Television - Landline. Five years later, in 2012,
when pay TV appeared, when all services began to converge, broadband
television and the Internet will be inseparable. And FPT has started introducing
cable TV to consumers
b) Powerful market development Stage:
During the growth stage, FPT Play service experienced a rapid sales increase
as it gained acceptance and popularity among consumers. The focus during this
stage would be on expanding distribution channels, building brand loyalty, and
introducing new services and features to differentiate from competitors.
FPT Telecom invested in marketing efforts to increase awareness and
generate interest in its TV service. They also expanded their content offerings,
adding new channels and on-demand services to cater to changing customer
needs. Additionally, FPT Telecom invested in technology to improve the quality
of its TV service and enhance the customer experience.
OTT is a product of FPT Telecom television service. In 2022, OTT FPT Play
held more than 60% market share. Tens of millions of users have registered and
used the service, including many millions of users accessing and re-accessing the
service on all devices. Currently, OTT FPT Play accounts for 20% of the market,
reaching approximately 3.6 million subscribers, with revenue of nearly 190
billion VND and growing strongly. In addition to program channels, OTT FPT
Play also provides up to 20,000 hours of TV content on demand (VOD), of which
movies of all kinds account for 60% of the time. In 2021, OTT FPT Play revenue
was expected to be nearly 6,000 billion VND, of which foreign OTT accounts for
about 5,200 billion VND, more than seven times higher than domestic OTT.
c) Turbulent competition Stage
It is likely that FPT Play Box service face increased competition from other
streaming services in Vietnam and internationally. VNPT and Viettel currently
account the biggest market share in the market. Following the statistic in 2022,
Viettel and VNPT account for more than 70% in the market, exclusive of new
potential entrants.
During this stage, the focus of the company is on maintaining market share,
improving profitability, and keeping customers satisfied. This is typically
achieved through cost control, operational efficiency, and product differentiation.
The company may also consider expanding into new markets or offering new
products and services to stay competitive.
d) Maturity Stage:
Based on the information provided, FPT Play Box service can be considered to
be in the maturity stage of its product life cycle. The service was introduced in
2017 and has since gained popularity among customers in Vietnam, with a large
and loyal customer base. The company has continued to innovate and add new
features to the service, but growth has slowed down compared to the earlier
The success of OTT FPT Play has made FPT Telecom realize that this is the
right time to deploy the consolidation. In September 2021, FPT Telecom decided
to merge the two brands of FPT Television and FPT Play (OTT FPT Play). FPT
Play quickly gained a strong position in the market by taking advantage of the
competitive advantages of both brands. The FPT Play platform also updates its
technology advantages, investing heavily in content to meet the needs of young
users, who like the convenience and personalization of entertainment content.
Besides, the FPT Play team also focuses on developing utilities to improve
customer experience.
After the consolidation, it is easy to see that FPT has a broader and more
diverse customer base. And the next goal of FPT Play is to maintain and expand
market coverage to become the leader. FPT Telecom builds a separate
communication plan to target the right audience. In addition to official
communication channels such as the FPT Play website and fanpage, FPT
Telecom builds more movie fan communities by country or communities
interested in individual sports for users to interact with each other and FPT Play.
This helps to strengthen the relationship between the customer and the brand.
In addition, FPT also offers promotional packages and bundles for customers
to increase their attractiveness and retain them for a longer time.
It is worth noting that while FPT Play Box is currently in the maturity stage, it
is possible that the service may enter the decline stage in the future as newer and
more advanced streaming services enter the market. At this stage, the number of
customers will gradually decrease, and interest in more attractive TV packages
will come from the position of more potential new competitors. To overcome this
phase, FPT Telecom must continuously update technology, expand market share,
and offer more promotions to attract new customers and retain loyal customers.
Along with two main competitors are Viettel and VNPT, FPT Telecom needs
to perfect its distribution channel strategy and build the company's brand and
service quality into a strong enough brand to compete in the market. The strategy
of building a good distribution channel system will help consumers easily use the
company while ensuring a competitive position in the market, increasing the
business's revenue.
This approach is a poor fit for niche products with limited appeal as Pay TV
services like FPT Play. However, some mentioned suggestion below can be
applied in FPT Telecom:
Be Partner with content creators: FPT Telecom can partner with content
creators, such as filmmakers, musicians, and influencers, to produce
exclusive content for their FPT Play Platform. This cooperation action
will attract more viewers and increase engagement.
Expand to new markets: FPT Telecom can expand its reach to new
markets by offering localized content and language options. They can also
partner with local distributors and broadcasters to gain more exposure in
the new markets.
Increase online presence: FPT Telecom can invest in its online presence
by improving its website and social media channels. They can also run
targeted online advertising campaigns to reach potential customers.
Offer promotions and discounts: FPT Telecom can offer promotions and
discounts to attract new customers to the FPT Play platform. They can
also offer special deals to existing customers to encourage them to refer
their friends and family.
Invest in user experience: Providing an excellent user experience is critical
to retaining customers and generating positive word-of-mouth. FPT
Telecom can invest in improving its interface, adding new features, and
optimizing its video streaming technology.
Collaborate with other telecom companies: FPT Telecom can collaborate
with other telecom companies to offer bundled services, such as internet
and mobile plans, that include FPT Play subscriptions. It will increase
their customer base and revenue.
Attend industry events: FPT Telecom can attend industry events and
conferences to network with other professionals and showcase their
services. It will also help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends and
technologies in the industry.
Overall, FPT Telecom should focus on providing high-quality and exclusive
content for the FPT Play platform along with investing in user experience and
expanding its reach to new markets. By building strong relationships with their
customers and offering value-added services, FPT Telecom can increase their
customer loyalty and retention.
b. Selective distribution for FPT Play
If FPT Telecom choose selective distrribution for FPT Play platform, they
will have to choose an intermediary product distribution channel to bring
products and experiences to consumers more conveniently. Customers in this
selective distribution must know that FPT makes sense when their brands and
products, notably FPT Play service, cannot be swapped out interchangeably.
Target audiences of FPT Telecom are highly discriminating and are willing to
travel to specific outlets where their preferred service are available. For FPT
Telecom, the in-store experience is part of their brand and they tightly regulate
retail displays and even how clerks describe or demo their products.
Focus on premium content: FPT Telecom can offer premium content on
the FPT Play platform not available on other platforms. By providing
exclusive and high-quality content, they can differentiate themselves from
competitors and attract a more niche audience.
Target specific customer segments: FPT Play can target specific customer
segments with customized marketing campaigns. For example, they could
target sports enthusiasts with live streaming of major sports events or film
buffs with access to independent and international films.
Set different programs for customer segments: FPT Play may set different
prices and age limits through customer surveys. They should also set
different prices for customers from distinct regions to provide the best
customer experience. FPT Play team can show some free family programs
for customers to experience and some free videos about the movie content
to raise their concerns.
Limit distribution channels: FPT Telecom can limit its distribution
channels to only those that align with its brand image and target audience.
For example, they could distribute their platform through premium cable
channels or online platforms catering to a more affluent audience.
Invest in customer support: Providing excellent customer support is key to
retaining customers and generating positive word-of-mouth. FPT Telecom
team can invest in training its customer service representatives and
offering multiple channels for customer support, such as phone, email, and
Build a loyal community: FPT Play team can build a loyal community of
fans and followers by offering exclusive perks, such as early access to
new content, special events, and discounts. This will create a sense of
exclusivity and loyalty among their customers.
Monitor performance and adjust strategy: FPT Telecom should
continuously monitor and adjust its performance accordingly. This
includes analyzing customer feedback, tracking engagement metrics, and
keeping an eye on competitors in the market.
Overall, FPT Telecom should focus on providing premium content and
creating a loyal community of customers while creating new content for
various consumer segments, investing in customer support, and
monitoring their performance to ensure their strategy aligns with their
c. Exclusive distribution for FPT Play
When FPT Telecom choose selective distribution, they know that their
strategies still use a variety of intermediaries and outlets to sell wares, but FPT
Telecom has an even more wise option to consider: exclusive distribution. Under
this business model, companies partner with FPT Telecom's wholesaler or
retailer in a particular market. The idea here is to restrict availability to protect
brand equity and project a more selective and exclusive brand image. Their
exclusive distribution partner agency can also be a huge asset when expanding
into new markets. Distributors already have a presence in these markets and
understand what motivates local customer bases. That means less risk for
businesses that want to reach international audiences but are concerned about the
logistics involved in such a move. However, exclusive distribution is reserved
only for luxury brands where product scarcity isn’t just acceptable – it’s
And here are some suggestions for this distribution:
The big plus point of FPT Play Box S lies in 100% Vietnamese voice
recognition. One of the reasons why AI virtual assistant technology is not
popular in our country is the language barrier and FPT Play Box S has removed
this barrier. This device supports the usual TV control operations like channel
switching and commanding the ecosystem of innovative products connected to
your family's FPT Play Box S.