Institutional Development and Good Governance in The Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in The Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in The Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Arnab Bandyopadhyay
Natalya Stankevich
©2010 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The
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CONTENTS ............................................................................................. I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... IV
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 15
1.1 BACKGROUND...................................................................................................15
1.2 THE STUDY OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................... 16
1.3 TARGET AUDIENCE ........................................................................................... 16
2 THE STATE CONTEXT ..................................................................... 17
6.3 DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPLY-SIDE CAPACITY THROUGH GSHP .................................. 45
6.5 CULTURE OF RESOLVING ISSUES BY INVOLVING THE PUBLIC .................................... 46
6.6 E-GOVERNANCE AT STATE LEVEL ....................................................................... 46
AT STATE LEVEL ............................................................................................... 47
CURRENT CONTEXT............................................................................. 49
Table 2: Length of Gujarat R&BD’s Road Network, before and after the Reform .................................... 21
Table 4: Annual provision of funds to R&BD in 1998-99 and 2008-09, Rs. ............................................... 42
Table 5: Unit construction cost comparison between appraisal and completion of GSHP ....................... 43
Table 8: Gujarat GSDP (Rs crore) ............................................................................................................ 78
Table 9: Annual provision of funds to R&BD, 1998-99 and 2008-09, Rs crore ......................................... 81
Table 10: Road lengths by cross section and surface type, 1998 and 2008 .............................................. 82
Figure 1: Sources of funding for the investment plan of the road sector – Vision-2010 ............................ 24
Figure 2: Annual road maintenance expenditure in Gujarat and comparator states during 2001-2005,
US$/km ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Box 2: Key Lessons in Visions and Values linking with Business Planning “network challenges” as safety
and reliability of travel time. ...........................................................................................................53
The task team would like to acknowledge the timely support, help and
guidance from Mr. Michel Audigé, the Sector Manager, Transport, South Asia
Region, Mr. Jean-Noel Guillossou, Lead Transport Specialist, and Mr. Ben L .J.
Eijbergen, Lead Transport Specialist, South Asia Region, providing useful
insight and direction on a large number of issues when needed. Special thank-
you goes to Mr. Cesar A. Queiroz, former World Bank Highways Adviser in
2005-06, for sharing the international experience and in particular experience
of the Brazil highways sector. Valuable and expert contributions have been
received from Messrs. Ke Fang, Ronald Allan, Ajit Pawar, Ernst Huning and
Krishnan Srinivasan as members of the extended task team. Mr. Rajesh B. S.
Dongol and Ms. Ritu Sharma provided excellent administrative, editorial and
logistic support during the preparation and finalization of this report.
Quality and peer reviews were done both at the concept stage and final report
stage by Messrs. Binyam Reja, Senior Transport Economist, Ben Gericke, Lead
Transport Specialist, and Clell Harral, former World Bank Roads Adviser. The
task team also wishes to acknowledge the authors of the various reports which
have been referred to in the study.
The work done by the consultants and the study recommendations were
shared with key stakeholders from various road agencies in India during a
workshop held on December 15, 2010. Comments and views expressed by the
stakeholders during the workshop and the Gujarat Government officials and
private sector representatives during data collection and interview phase is
gratefully acknowledged by the team.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
1.1 P R E A M B LE
The World Bank financed the Gujarat State Highway Project (GSHP) during 2001-
07. The Project Development Objective was to enhance the capacity of the
Government of Gujarat (GOG) for effective and efficient planning and
management of road infrastructure, while concurrently maximizing existing road
infrastructure asset productivity through priority investments and increased
maintenance funding. The Project not only achieved its objective and targets
successfully, but also was implemented with a significant cost reduction (about
23%). The GSHP resulted in a reduction in the backlog of major maintenance and
an improved network to meet rapidly growing transport demand in the state. The
project had the unique distinction of no contract disputes, a rarity among the
highway development projects in India. The project also set best practices in
developing and managing a very comprehensive asset management system, state
of the art quality assurance framework and a very comprehensive training and
capacity building program.
The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for GSHP identified several internal
factors, in particular, organizational reforms that took place during the preparation
and implementation of the subject project. As a result of these reforms and
institutional development, the Roads & Building Department significantly
transformed its functions from the traditional Public Works Department (PWD)
orientation of focusing on execution of civil works towards that of a modernized
road agency focusing on road network management, planning and policy. The
current plan road network size of 74,111 km is among the highest in terms of
network density per sq km in India’s states and is among the best managed
networks among all the Indian states. The annual road sector allocation has grown
from USD 30 million in 1995-1996 to an impressive USD 610 million in 2010-11,
currently the second largest among all the Indian states.
There is considerable interest among the road sector professionals in the India to
learn more about the Gujarat road sector reform story. This study attempts to
identify the key elements of the Gujarat road sector reforms and explores whether
and, if so, how such reforms can be replicated across other Indian states and
possibly even in other countries in the region.
1.2 T H E S T AT E C O NT E XT
Gujarat is an industrially advanced state in India and is considered to be both a high
growth state and a leader in pursuing economic reforms. The state’s GDP grew at
10.2 per cent per annum in the plan period 2002–2007 and the Planning
Commission set it a target of reaching 11.2 per cent in the current plan period.
Gujarat has been quite effective in pursuing economic reforms across many
sectors: power reforms, fiscal reforms, some limited but notable education
reforms, and private sector participation in infrastructural development particularly
ports and roads. Four sets of factors have been of particular importance to the
state’s economic success:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Strong collaboration of private and public leadership led Gujarat to take a proactive
approach to development of infrastructure in support of business development,
particularly since 1999 when the ‘Gujarat Infrastructure Agenda: Vision 2010’ was
announced. A highly successful decade of implementation followed, and in 2009
the ‘Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit’ was held to point to the subsequent
follow-up. To attract investment, the Chief Minister has steadily maintained his
commitment to undertake the public investments needed to support private
investment. The rapid upgrading of Gujarat’s network of state and national
highways is one evidence of this. Further evidence is the fact that Gujarat has the
highest geographical area (27,125 hectares) designated for Special Economic
Zones (SEZs) and claims to be the first state to formulate an SEZ policy, which
includes flexible labor laws and exit options for investors.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
1.3 G U J AR AT R O AD S E C T O R – P R E -R E F O R M D AY S
During the last 25 years, the State road network expanded in length from around
50,000 km to about 74,000 km and the paved part increased from about 66% to
91% of the total length. Due to the high growth in vehicle ownership in Gujarat),
motor vehicle density per 100 km of paved road has reached a level of about 40%
above the National average.
In the mid 1980s the structure of the R&BD was similar to that of other Public
Works Departments (PWD) in India. It was responsible for the operation and
maintenance of all state-owned roads and buildings. The departmental structure
consisted of seven major units: Roads and Buildings (State), National Highways,
Capital Projects & Arbitration, Expressways, Roads and Buildings (Rural), Quality
Control, and Engineering Staff Training College. It employed about 31,000 people,
of which about 11,000 were staff and about 20,000 were laborers. While some
works were let out on contracts to the private sector, a considerable proportion of
the civil works were executed using the force account.
Before the reforms, R&BD saw itself as the arm of government that directly
maintained and developed the state road network to the best of its ability using the
funds and human resources made available to it. Since funds were not enough to
provide quality roads over all the state, money was allocated to roads where the
need was most pressing or political pressure was high. In such circumstances
allocating funds based on scientific (systematic, rationally-based) planning seemed
superfluous. In such a setting, asset preservation, particularly timely maintenance
of pavements and drains, took a back seat to road network improvements that won
public support. Lack of spending on maintenance resulted in some road assets
being lost, necessitating expensive reconstruction of pavements.
1.4.1 Move from Provider to Manager of Road Infrastructure
During 1997 – 2007, the major reform which affected the way of doing business in
R&BD was the move from the role of “provider” to “manager” of road
infrastructure. It enabled R&BD to embrace a ‘whole-of-network’ approach to
planning and managing the road network development and maintenance, and to
take a more integrated approach in the budgeting and funding processes for
different road categories in the State, previously managed separately. As part of
this reform, the following actions were undertaken.
Creation of a Policy & Planning Unit. The GOG's ‘road asset management’ and
‘governance’ capacities were substantially improved through the Policy and
Planning initiative. The Policy & Planning Unit (PPU) set up in the R&BD was
assigned a responsibility to prepare annual budget plans for the department by
using a computer-based Gujarat Road Management System (GRMS).
Enhancement of Quality Control. Since 2006, the GOG has supported a better
resourced and more advanced quality control framework centered on Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Engineering Research Institute (GERI) and its field units, which has helped to
improve the overall quality assurance culture in the state and helped to further
raise public confidence in road construction quality in the state.
In parallel with the Bank-funded GSHP, the GOG took an early action to set up the
Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board (GIDB) to streamline clearance of
infrastructure projects implemented under PPP, as well as the Gujarat State Roads
Development Corporation (GSRDC) and various special-purpose toll road
development and management bodies separate from the previous R&BD-centred
approach to roads development.
GIDB itself does not develop infrastructure but acts as a catalyst for infrastructure
development and focuses on overall planning of infrastructure projects and
preparing the framework for execution through:
Special purpose toll road development and management bodies e.g. Gujarat Road
and Infrastructure Company Ltd (GRICL) were incorporated in 1999. GRICL was
subsequently absorbed in Gujarat Toll Road Investment Company Ltd, for
investment in two toll-road special purpose vehicles (SPVs), Vadodara-Halol Toll
Road Ltd and Ahmedabad-Mehsana Toll Road Ltd. These SPVs were launched by
GoG and Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL&FS) on 30-year
concessions and were a pioneering SPV-based PPP effort among all states.
One of these initiatives that will go a long way in reducing time and cost
overruns in the highway sector is the e-Dhara initiative which is aimed at
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Gujarat was one of the first states in India to develop a strategic or core road
network by applying the 80/20 rule i.e. 80% of the traffic was carried by 20% of the
road network and that part of the network should be prioritized for further
development and asset management. The concept was first formulated in 2001,
and further crystallized under the Bank funded Gujarat State Highway Project.
Gujarat’s flagship programs like Pragati Path, Vikash Path, Kisan Path and Pravasi
Path have actually centered around the strategic road network concept, which has
enabled the state to manage these investments more effectively.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
In a series of steps, with the support and resources of the GSHP, as well as in
response to the impetus of increasingly proactive GOG policies on public sector
administration and governance, the R&BD:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
There were three main drivers of reforms in the Gujarat Road Sector: vision,
necessity, and exposure to international best practices.
The Vision originated at the highest political level and it was embedded first in
Gujarat Road Development Plan, 1981-2001, and later in Gujarat Infrastructure
Agenda: Vision 2010.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Exposure to best practices was provided through the World Bank funded GSHP.
The WB-funded project was prepared in parallel with the 1999 launch of the
Gujarat Vision 2010 and provided a myriad of opportunities for the state to learn
about international road sector experience (e.g., international construction
methods and FIDIC contracts). The project design and strategy supported the
newly-embarked Vision through promoting state-level reforms in the road
infrastructure sector, improving strategic planning and maintenance effectiveness,
mobilizing increased outlays for investment and maintenance of road
infrastructure, and facilitating private sector involvement in engineering,
construction and maintenance. Its design addressed a number of critical sector
issues, such as: (i) strengthening the institutional capacity of the R&BD to better
manage the State road network, (ii) improving the capacity and structural quality
of key segments of the core state road network, and (iii) reducing the maintenance
1.6 G U J AR AT R O AD S E C T O R – P O S T R E F O R M
The reforms undertaken in the Gujarat road sector during the late 1990s-mid 2000s
had a major impact on a number of critical areas, in particular, administrative costs,
maintenance backlog, maintenance funding, and efficiency of service delivery.
Significant Increase in Plan Budget Allocation. The Annual Plan Budget for the
road sector (construction and maintenance) underwent a steady and significant
growth from Rs. 130 Crores in 1995-96 to Rs. 1292 Crores in 2007-08. The increase
has been sustained and even accelerated beyond 2007-08 and the plan allocation
for road sector in 2010-11 was Rs. 2747 Crores. In relation to SDP (state Domestic
Product) at constant prices, the road sector allocation increased from 0.3% of SDP
in 1995-96 to 0.54% in 2002-03 growing further to 0.6% in 2005-06. The
percentage allocation for roads in the overall annual plan in the state thus grew
from 4.9% in 1995-96 to 8% in 2007-08 and 9.3% in 2008-09. Such significant
increase in the financing share reflects the R & BD’s ability to create the requisite
credentials and trust with the Finance Department and corroborates the political
commitment for the road sector.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
despite the fact that a higher percentage of Gujarat’s roads were relatively new,
when maintenance demands are normally at their lowest level.
Two important factors playing a key role in the successful reform of Gujarat R&BD
were strong, leadership by a competent, committed technocrat at the top and
depth and continuity of leadership through to the middle levels of management.
First, R&BD was headed by a technical Principal Secretary, at least in part because
there was widespread support among stakeholders for a technocrat as Principal
Secretary of R&BD. A capable technocrat who has risen from the ranks “owns” his
department and knows it inside out. He knows the persons surrounding him well,
understands their strengths and weaknesses, and is in a good position to run the
department and to transform it. Second, R&BD had continuity of leadership
involving the same ‘age-group’ of officers for a considerable period of time in
contrast to many road authorities in India.
GSHP helped contractors to develop and grow and fostered adoption of good
international practices from elsewhere. The Contractors learned the merits of
FIDIC contract conditions and thrived in an environment where transparency and
integrity were valued and prompt contract payments were made. The three parties
(Employer, Contractor, Engineer) interacted in good spirit. Packaging of works in
variable sizes also helped developing industry capacity by providing opportunities
to all categories of contractors, including local contractors, and enabling
contractors to ‘graduate’ to larger contracts from satisfactory execution of smaller
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The works executed under GSHP demonstrated the contemporary best practices
and standards in the sector, resulting in raised public expectations. The public
demanded that other departmental road works were carried out to the same
standard. This promoted a positive and constructive work culture throughout
Gujarat has a long standing history of public participation in decision making. This
culture permeates through all public service delivery organisations in the state.
The scope of this Study included comparison of the Gujarat reform experiences
with relevant international examples of similar reform processes and their
outcomes. The objective of this Chapter is to determine where the Gujarat
highways sector stands in terms of institutional reform among other countries. In
addition, it is intended to identify other possible initiatives that Gujarat may want
to consider to become even more efficient.
The most relevant fields of road agency reform and modernization for these
comparisons are:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Gujarat’s unique business culture, its investment climate and strategic
geographical position are not replicable elsewhere. However, Gujarat’s approach to
a long-term-vision-based set of reforms, developing a business plan well grounded
in that long term vision, and creating an enabling framework to deliver the
business plan can be well replicated across boundaries to support more efficient
and effective governance in the transport sector in other states and countries.
The pre-requisite for reforms is setting a Long-Term Vision, to which the top
leadership of the state—in both government and the private sector-- is
committed and seriously determined to pursue. The Vision Statement sets out
the goals for the infrastructure and the service standards which a road agency
aspires to achieve by a target year. The Vision Statement for the agency should be
supportive of the broader strategic goals of the state or the country, consistent
with its resource potentials, and reflect the ambition and priority of its primary
clients. For Gujarat the seed for the Road Agency’s Vision Statement was sown in
people’s aspiration expressed through the Chief Minister’s vision that it should be
possible to travel by road between any two locations within the state in six to seven
hours. This was interpreted as a goal to provide a robust highway network in the
state where average travel speeds of at least 80km/h could be maintained.
A Business Plan needs to be developed to implement the Vision. The Business Plan
would depend on the specifics of individual cases and the aspirations of the state as
set out in the Vision Statement. At a minimum, the business plan should include (i)
the policy framework, including identification of existing legal authorities and any
necessary legal and regulatory developments, (ii) organisational changes, with a
clear delineation of the new structures, (iii) physical work plan, and (iv) associated
budget requirements. The Business Plan cannot be implemented by PWDs/R&BDs
in isolation. The “Team Gujarat” aspirations have typically been supported by an
MoU across the various governmental stakeholders (e.g. road department, revenue
department, forest department, utility agencies and finance department) for each
project which sets forth realistic work plan targets for each of the parties. Ideally,
the Business Plan should be agreed at the highest level of the Government and
involve all the key government stakeholders, e.g. Ministry / Department of
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Finance, Home Affairs (Police), Traffic, Revenue, Forests, Environment, and Social
Partnership with the Supply Side. A liaison with the contracting industry through
their authorised forums/associations to understand and address their concerns in
advance can be most beneficial. Regular interaction with the prospective bidders
from the stage when the technical parameters of the project are under finalisation
and thereafter when the draft tender documents are under preparation (without in
any way sharing the financial aspects of the project), can go a long way in
minimising anomalies in the technical provisions of the project and in the tender
documents. Moreover, the culture of true partnership among all the contractual
parties and across-the table-resolution of disputes, as amply demonstrated in
Gujarat, goes a long way in helping to ensure smooth and efficient project delivery.
Governance and Accountability, respecting the rule of law. It is well known that
good governance is a precursor for economic growth, which is amply
demonstrated in the case of Gujarat. Strong and transparent institutions, policies,
procedures and human resources are crucial ingredients for sustained growth.
With specific reference to the road sector, some of the key governance challenges
across the country and how the initiatives in Gujarat can help address these are
now considered.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Gujarat is an industrially advanced state in India and is considered to be both a high
growth state and a leader in pursuing economic reforms. The state’s GDP grew at
10.2 per cent per annum in the plan period 2002–2007 and the Planning
Commission set it a target of reaching 11.2 per cent in the current plan period.
Gujarat has been quite effective in pursuing economic reforms across many
sectors: power reforms, fiscal reforms, some limited but notable education
reforms, and private sector participation in infrastructural development particularly
ports and roads.
Over the past decade the state has made significant investments in road
infrastructure and developed a good road network providing fast and efficient
travel across most of the state, with connections to almost all villages mostly via
all-weather roads. The current plan road network size of 74,111 km is among the
highest in terms of network density per in India’s states and is among the
best managed network among all the Indian states. The annual road sector
allocation has grown from USD 30 million in 1995-1996 to an impressive USD 610
million in 2010-11, currently the second largest among all Indian states.
Stakeholders road users, commercial and industrial concerns, and road
construction industry express a high level of satisfaction with the road network
and the way in which it is managed by the Roads and Buildings Department
The World Bank financed the Gujarat State Highway Project (GSHP) which was
successfully completed in 2007. The Project Development Objective was to
enhance the capacity of the Government of Gujarat (GOG) for effective and
efficient planning and management of road infrastructure, while concurrently
maximizing existing road infrastructure asset utilization through priority
investments and increased maintenance funding. The Project not only achieved its
objective and targets, but also was implemented with a significant cost reduction
(about 23%). The GSHP resulted in a reduction in the backlog of major
maintenance and an improved network to meet rapidly growing transport demand.
The project had the unique distinction of no time and cost overrun for individual
contracts and virtually no contract disputes, a rarity among the highway
development projects in India. The project also set best practices in developing and
managing a very comprehensive asset management system, state of the art quality
assurance framework and a very comprehensive training and capacity building
The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for GSHP identified several internal
factors, in particular, organizational reforms that took place during the preparation
and implementation of the subject project. As a result of these reforms and
institutional development, the Roads & Building Department significantly
transformed its roads sector functions from the traditional Public Works
Department (PWD) orientation of focusing on execution of civil works towards that
of a modernized road agency focusing on road network management, planning
As determined by a comparison of per-km project cost at appraisal with that at completion.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
and policy. It was a major innovation in the PWD context in India, and has had
strong implications for good governance in the highway sector.
There is considerable interest among the road sector professionals in the India to
learn more about the Gujarat road sector reform story. This study attempts to
unravel the Gujarat road sector reform story and explores whether and how such
reforms can be replicated across other Indian states and even in other countries in
the region.
To assist such change, the World Bank has initiated this study to identify factors
underpinning the success of the institutional reforms undertaken by Gujarat R&BD
and how such conditions could be replicated across other Indian states and
countries in the region. The terms of reference are found in the Appendix 1 are
summarised as follows:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Third, the private sector pressure, both implicit and explicit, played crucial roles in
shaping up the reforms. The state development policies implemented in Gujarat,
since the mid-1990s, have been closely attuned to the requirements of capital and
the possible role of private sector in major road infrastructure development in a
way that may be unimaginable in most other Indian states. Gujarat is fortuitous in
benefiting from strong path dependence and historical experiences of reform, for
example, the joint sector idea that allows it to implement the current model of
private sector participation much more easily and without much conflict.
Economic reforms gave a renewed legitimacy to such interactions and imperatives.
Many policies—port and privatization especially—were shaped and energized by
private sector needs and initiatives.
Fourth, Gujarat has converted a crisis into an opportunity. The state faced an acute
fiscal crisis in the early 1990s and major economic difficulties in 2001, following the
Bhuj earthquake. However, Gujarat turned the crisis to its advantage by
streamlining and modernizing the state’s administration and strengthening state-
level governance mechanisms, which played a key role in eventually accelerating
the pace of growth in the state.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Network , Paved Paved Highway network
States Population km Roads, km Roads, % (NH+SH)
As of India Census of 2001. Source:
It includes NHs, SHs, major and other district roads, municipal roads, rural roads, forest roads
and other minor roads. Source:,
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Source: R&BD.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
In the 1990s the structure of the R&BD was similar to that of other Public Works
Departments (PWD) in India and it was responsible for the operation and
maintenance of all State-owned roads and buildings. It had an agency agreement
with the (then) Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) for the maintenance of NHs
in Gujarat. The departmental structure consisted of seven major units: Roads and
Buildings (State), National Highways, Capital Projects & Arbitration, Expressways,
Roads and Buildings (Rural), Quality Control and Engineering Staff Training
College. It employed about 31,000 people, of which about 11,000 were staff and
about 20,000 were laborers. While some works were contracted out to the private
sector, a considerable proportion of the civil works under R&BD charge were
executed using the force account.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
4.1.1 V IS IO N
Gujarat Road Development Plan, 1981-2001. GOG prepared a State-specific road
development master plan (Gujarat Road Development Plan, 1981-2001), part of
which was funded with the World Bank assistance. The first World Bank financed
State-specific road sector operation in Gujarat was the Gujarat Rural Roads
Project, which focused on the expansion and improvement of the village road
network. In 1996, to better define and update the objectives of the Road
Development Plan, GOG issued a cabinet-endorsed "State Road Policy" which
declared the following objectives: (a) provide connectivity to all villages by all
weather roads; (b) provide an adequate and efficient road system encompassing all
transportation needs to ensure smooth and uninterrupted flow for intra and inter-
State goods and passenger traffic; (c) upgrade technology by introducing superior
and quicker construction and maintenance methods; (d) induct more scientific
principles in resource allocation for maintenance and new construction programs;
and (e) set high standards of road safety and travel comfort. To help achieve the
above objectives, GOG also significantly increased the allocations for the road
sector during the ninth State Plan (1997-2001) compared to the eighth Plan.
Gujarat Infrastructure Agenda: Vision 2010. In 1999, the GOG took a more proactive
approach to state development and made infrastructure development as its main
thrust with the launch of its ‘Gujarat Infrastructure Agenda: Vision 2010’ document.
It laid out a prioritized list of projects to attract private participation for
infrastructure development in the state and identified the policy initiatives needed
by the state to facilitate the same. The entire plan encompassed 383 projects in
sectors as diverse as: power, ports, industrial parks, roads, railways, water supply &
sanitation, urban transport, airport, gas grid, information infrastructure etc. The
overall investment plan was estimated at about US$29 billion (Rs. 116993 Crore),
with 17 percent (US$4.6 billion) planned for the road sector. The plan not only
highlighted the funding requirements but also identified potential sources of
funding (see Error! Reference source not found. for the road sector). This clearly
rticulated Vision gave a strong impetus to R&BD to review the way it was doing its
business and initiate the necessary reforms to promote implementation of the
Vision in the road sector.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
4.1.2 N E C E S S IT Y
The national policy of economic reform in 1991 unleashed tectonic shifts in all
states, arising out of the larger national/global context, as well as local/regional
developments, and generating fascinating changes both in policies and in the
institutional structures underlying developmental strategies. In the early 1990s, as
path-breaking economic reforms were being initiated at the national level, the
GOG was faced with a state-level fiscal crisis, with significant fiscal deficits over
1996-2001 and growing revenue imbalance. Moreover, the dismantling of the
previous long-standing national policy framework for public finance and for
infrastructure development raised new challenges for the states, including Gujarat.
As the traditional national policies of licensing and financing were vanishing, the
state agencies’ relevance and role in mediating central rules and regulation faced a
challenge. Public finance and governance reforms had increasingly become an
imperative for the state, affecting all major sectors.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
the R&BD (as well as other key GOG agencies) again underscored the importance
of modernization towards more efficient organizational arrangements,
management and implementation, technical capacity, systems and processes, and
heightened R&BD and GOG interest in innovation in the planning, executing and
financing aspects of public infrastructure provision in future.
In effect, the stimulus of necessity (via fiscal constraints, humanitarian disaster and
economic crisis) triggered important and crucial innovations and interventions in
Gujarat, particularly in the roads sector.
4.1.3 E X P O S U R E T O I N T E R N A T IO NA L B E S T P R AC T IC E S
World Bank Gujarat State Highway Project (GSHP). The WB-funded project was
initiated on time with the launch of the Gujarat Vision 2010 and provided a myriad
of opportunities for the state to learn about international road sector experience
(e.g., international construction methods and FIDIC contracts). The preparation of
the project started in late 1990s and became effective in 2000. The World Bank
was in a unique position to respond to the opportunities and challenges faced by
Gujarat by providing the critical long-term capital needed to support infrastructure
development for accelerated economic growth, using its lending and advisory
capabilities to leverage the institutional and policy reform process, and ensuring
that social and environmental concerns would be fully reflected in project design
and implementation.
The project design and strategy supported the newly-embarked Vision through
promoting State-level reforms in the road infrastructure sector, improving
strategic planning and maintenance effectiveness, mobilizing increased outlays for
investment and maintenance of road infrastructure, and facilitating private sector
involvement in engineering, construction and maintenance. Its design addressed a
number of critical sector issues, such as: (i) strengthening the institutional capacity
of the R&BD to better manage the State road network, through, (ii) improving the
capacity and structural quality of key segments of the core state road network, and
(iii) reducing the maintenance backlog.
The World Bank-funded GSHP supported (i) the carrying out of an institutional
development study (IDS) of the state’s roads sector and of the R&BD in that
context, and (ii) the implementation of the resulting institutional strengthening
action plan. The objective of the IDS was to establish the basis for strategic
measures to sustainably improve the capacities available to GOG for effective
future management of road infrastructure in Gujarat and in that context, to
strengthen R&BD capabilities in the following fields and activities:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Based on the results of the IDS, GOG formulated the Institutional Strengthening
Action Plan (ISAP), which was a blueprint for the first major stage of modernizing
the R&BD and directing its attention towards road management, planning and
policy. The ISAP target areas included reduction of staff to objectively essential
levels, preparation of annual performance reports and business plans, and the
setting up of the Policy & Planning (P&P) Unit, the Highway Design Unit (HDU), as
well as the Environmental Management Unit for more effective compliance with
social and environmental safeguards. The project-supported ISAP also included
progressive computerization of the R&BD, appointment of a dedicated Law Officer
to the R&BD, enhancement of the Department’s human resource development/
training policy, program and facilities. Appendix 2 contains an overview of the
GSHP’s institutional work and its achievements.
Creation of a Policy & Planning Unit. The GOG's ‘road asset management’ and
‘governance’ capacities were substantially improved through the Policy and
Planning initiative. The Policy & Planning Unit (PPU) set up in the R&BD was
assigned a responsibility to prepare annual budget plans for the department by
using a computer-based Gujarat Road Management System (GRMS). That was
quite a noteworthy achievement for effective and efficient road planning and
management, compared to the past practice by which all the budget plans were
prepared manually, with lack of data support or thorough analysis. It is central to
the change of focus from execution of civil works to planning and managing the
network. The PPU brings a scientific approach to road management by means of
the GRMS: the process of budget allocation changed from a need-based (focused
on network improvement) to a more scientific planning (focused on asset
preservation) approach. It is also assigned some of the more intellectual tasks such
as producing the R&BD’s Annual Reports (since 2005) and articulating the
Department’s mission statements. The Chief Engineer (CE) position heading the
PPU also carries ‘lead’ responsibility for the Human Resources Development (HRD)
function in R&BD.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Provided there is adequate up-to-date road network data collection and entry, it
can provide a systematic and scientific determination of budget needs (for both
maintenance and road improvements). Maintaining assets does not have the
appeal and high profile of creating assets. Maintenance is often neglected and in
the case of road pavements the lack of timely maintenance can lead to costly
remedies being needed in very few years. Lack of timely maintenance not only
increases the road agency’s costs in the long run, it also increases road user’s costs,
principally due to the effect of road roughness on travel time and vehicle operation
cost. As R&BD was unable in the past to demonstrate the cost impact of
maintenance backlog in the longer run and quantify the costs borne by road users it
has previously been difficult to convince the Finance Department of the level of
funding needed for timely maintenance. Using GRMS, R&BD can demonstrate the
need for, and economic benefit of, its proposed program of maintenance in
relation to roads covered by the GRMS data.
GRMS comprises nine modules of which the core is the Pavement Management
System. This optimises periodic maintenance by minimising the sum of road
agency and road user costs using HDM-4. A Routine Maintenance Management
System and a Bridge Management System are used to complete the asset
management picture. Together these three modules feed into the Budgeting and
Programming System to produce a proposed programme of works for the coming
year. Supporting modules providing input data to the above are the Road
Information System, the Traffic Information System and the Accident Information
System. GRMS can also be effectively used for feasibility studies of road
improvement projects. (Appendix 3 provides more details on GRMS).
HDM-4 (Highway Development and Management Model, version 4) is a
computerized system using data on pavement structure and condition, road geometry, traffic
counts, heavy vehicle axle loads, vehicle operating costs, and road construction and
maintenance costs to optimize road expenditures for, typically, a period of 20 years.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
inspection. The divisional engineers routinely inspect at least 25 random works per
month and record their observations in an elaborate format. In addition to these
routine inspections, the QC wing also investigates cases referred to it by the
Gujarat Vigilance Commissioner (GVC) or by the committee of chief engineers. For
testing purposes, the unit can avail of empanelled laboratories including those of
Gujarat Engineering Research Institute (GERI) , local engineering schools and some
private organizations. Since 2006 the GOG has supported a better resourced and
more advanced quality control framework and mechanisms centered on GERI and
its field units, which has helped to improve the overall quality assurance culture in
the state and helped to further raise public confidence in road construction quality
in the state. In addition, GERI conducts all types of quality related training in
Gandhinagar in conjunction with the Staff Training College (STC) - jointly run by
R&DB and the Irrigation Department – both on GERI premises and at the STC site.
The GERI training programs include e-governance and e-management of works.
The training programs and the advanced nature of the equipment at GERI for
conducting all types of tests for road quality – including mobile testing units, IT
based test instruments and equipment and (most recently) IT-based centralized
analysis and compilation of field test data – have fostered a stronger quality
assurance culture and expectations in the state.
4.2.2 S E P AR A T I O N O F C E R T A I N F U NC T IO NS F R O M R&BD
In parallel with the Bank-funded GSHP, the GOG took an early action to set up the
Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board (GIDB) to streamline clearance of
infrastructure projects implemented under PPP, as well as the Gujarat State Roads
Development Corporation (GSRDC) and various special-purpose toll road
development and management bodies.
GIDB itself does not develop infrastructure but acts as a catalyst for infrastructure
development and focuses on:
An ISO 9001:2000 certified organization that has advanced equipment for
conducting all road quality tests.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
GIDB has adopted the Model Concession Agreement of the Planning Commission
of the Government of India for road sector projects. It has a dedicated corpus to
financially support the PPP projects. State government departments and agencies
look to this fund for financial support of up to 20% of project costs where the
private sector concessionaire is selected through competitive public bidding as
prescribed by the GID Act and a concession agreement has been entered into. User
charges at a defined tariff are a prerequisite. The executive Committee of GIDB
approves and releases the funds.
The GID Act provides a legal framework and is the main law governing PSP and
PPP. The preferred means of developer selection is competitive bidding but the
Swiss Challenge approach may also be used if no subsidy is needed. An
amendment to the Act in 2006 added an option of direct negotiation with
prospective concessionaires.
A Swiss challenge is a form of public procurement when an unsolicited proposal is
received. The bid is published and third parties are invited to better it. The entity that
submitted the unsolicited proposal is then invited to match the best bid from the Swiss
challenge process. If the entity does not match the best bid the GID Act requires that its costs
in preparing the proposal are reimbursed.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
In its early years GSRDC undertook many cost-benefit analyses without attracting
interest from the private sector. Interest was generated by coupling project
proposals with viability gap funding offered initially by the GIDB and from 2006,
also by the GoI. The confidence level of the PPP entrepreneurs has progressively
increased even as GSRDC has improved its project selection and packaging skills,
with steadily positive results. The Corporation’s success at attracting private sector
investment is evidenced in Appendix 7.
GSRDC provides PPP bidders at least one month to prequalify and at least six
months to bid. Bidders are given technical details such as the required cross-
section, current traffic counts, and details of existing bridges and culverts. A
minimum pavement thickness may be specified. Bidders must undertake all the
necessary surveys themselves. The concession period and toll rates (escalated by
the wholesale price index) are usually specified and the bid criterion is either a lump
sum subsidy or the share of revenue paid to the government. Sometimes only toll
rates are prescribed and the length of the concession period is the bid criterion.
For the PPP projects, GSRDC has been able to leverage the public financing in a
smart manner. Under the Bank financed GSHP, the narrow and intermediate lane
highway were upgraded to a full 2 lane highway and once the traffic further grew
and the roads became viable under the BOT toll scheme, BOT projects were taken
Special purpose toll road development and management bodies. Gujarat Road and
Infrastructure Company Ltd (GRICL) was incorporated in 1999 as Gujarat Toll Road
Investment Company Ltd, for investment in two toll-road special purpose vehicles
(SPVs), Vadodara-Halol Toll Road Ltd and Ahmedabad-Mehsana Toll Road Ltd.
These SPVs were promoted by GoG and Infrastructure Leasing and Financial
Services (IL&FS) on 30-year concessions and was a pioneering SPV based PPP
effort among all states.
Work on the Vadodara-Halol (State Highway 87) road started in April 1999 and its
widening of to a four-lane divided carriageway was completed in October 2000
(project length of 32 kms, cost of Rs. 168 Crores). Work on Ahmedabad-Mehsana
(State Highway 41) road started in April 2000 and was completed in February
2003(project length of 63 kms, cost of Rs. 308 Crores). Both these roads were
widened to a four-lane divided carriageway with service roads on either side for
most of their length.
However, initially traffic and toll revenues proved to be lower than expected and
the two companies were unable to service their debts. In 2004 the debts were
restructured and the companies were merged into GRICL. GoG took a 16% equity
stake in GRICL. Toll collections have since improved and are better than the
projections envisaged at the time of restructuring. Revenues increased 31%
between fiscal years 2007 and 2008 after GRICL auctioned toll collection. Service
roads were meant for local traffic and were not tolled. This led to a tendency where
through traffic also started bypassing toll plazas by using the service roads at plaza
locations. This loop hole has now been plugged by keeping a record of vehicles that
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
bypass two successive toll plazas. Such vehicles are required to pay the toll even
though they used the service roads. Enforcement is by manual recording of licence
plate numbers. This has helped to improve the toll revenues.
A policy framework is critical to address all toll-related issues such as whether there
should be an alternative route that is not tolled, assurances regarding development
of competing routes, toll plaza spacing, the basis for calculating tolls, relative toll
levels by vehicle class, exempt vehicles, treatment of local traffic etc. BOT projects
are usually based on the private investor collecting tolls and retaining all or part of
the revenue. The government needs the power to charge tolls on public roads and
also the power to delegate this power to private sector concessionaires, so that an
authorised private entity can charge and recover tolls from the road users.
The power to collect tolls in Gujarat originates from the Bombay Motor Vehicles
Tax Act 1958. In 2008 a new toll policy was released (see Box: Toll Policy) which
was vetted at the highest level of the government.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Government of Gujarat
Roads and Buildings Department
Resolution No. Toll Policy/G-19/10/2008/303796/Pvt
14/1, Sardar Bhavan, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
Date 25th August, 2008.
High growth trajectory of the state demands robust infrastructure support. Well laid out road network for last mile
and seamless connectivity to Ports, SEZs, SIRs, APMCs, Tourism spots, Industries etc. constitutes robust road
sector infrastructure. Provision of such a road network involves huge investment. Public private participation is
required for bringing both, the investment and the expertise. The state government, in cognizance of this need, has
decided to encourage PPP mode development in road sector. Enabling legislation is in place in the state. Gujarat
Infrastructure Development and Bombay Motor Vehicle Act, 1958 empowers GOG to levy user charges (toll) and
grant concession to private investors for collecting and retaining toll.
To facilitate clarity regarding toll rate, location of toll plaza, distance between two toll plaza, types of preferred
road sections on which toll can be collected etc. and thereby also encourage private investor, need is perceived to
lay down tolling principles through a policy document.
In considering of above, Government of Gujarat has formulated a Toll Policy as read below.
Facilities created/improved with public private participation and having following configuration may be considered
for tolling depending up to their techno-economic-socio feasibilities.
Roads having four and more than four lane with or without service road and of length not less than 10 continuous
Roads having two lanes with paved shoulders and of length not less than 25 continuous kilometres.
Bypasses having minimum configuration of two lanes with paved shoulders.
Major bridges/road over bridges.
Toll rates shall be fixed on a case to case basis. Toll rates of Government of India may be considered applicable for
the comparable facilities. For other facilities, toll rates may be decided on the basis of toll rate viability, uniformity
of rate in the region and restricting recovery to the tune of 50% of the perceived users benefits. Toll rates may be
revised periodically for increase in tariff. Government may give some relaxation to local traffic using portion of the
project facility.
Preferable distance between two plazas may be 25 to 30 km. Distance may be adjusted on the basis of trip length
characteristics of road users. The effort should be to keep the distance as much as possible between two to plazas.
For the facilities serving special designated area of industries / economic activities. And also Government of Gujarat
may decide for tolling on a case to case basis.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
4.2.3 S T R E N G T H E N I N G G O V E R NA NC E
Gujarat has been a pioneer in strengthening governmental policies, institutions and
procedures for better governance. It has been increasingly using information and
communication technologies to offer citizen based services to improve their
accessibility, make them more transparent and reduce response time. Gujarat also
ranks first in the country to have made E-Governance functional in all its
municipalities and municipal Corporations.
One of these initiatives that will go a long way in reducing time and cost overruns in
the highway sector is the e-Dhara initiative which is aimed at complete
computerization of land records across the state, eliminating the bureaucratic and
cumbersome process of manual record-keeping. This has ensured better
transparency, minimal errors, reduced chances of fraud and made sure that R&R
benefits and payments are received by the actual beneficiaries.
Further, Gujarat has the benefit of the GVC, patterned along the lines of the
Central Vigilance Commission that has jurisdiction on complaints of
fraud/corruption over all public servants in the state except for the Chief Minister
and his/her cabinet. The GVC conducts preventive vigilance on about 100 random
works (about 10% of all works) a year, with the help of GERI. On average, it
receives about 400 complaints a year, (about 70% of which are worthy of further
investigation), which mostly relate to sub-standard quality of works.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The state has also set up a State Data Centre (GSDC) to serve as a central data
repository of the State and provide secure data storage, online delivery of citizen
information/services, intranet & disaster recovery services, and enable remote
management etc. GSDC is intended to enable better operation & management
control and minimize overall cost of data, IT resource management and
deployment costs.
The online services of the R&B Department (via its portal,
aim to bring the department closer to the citizens and to make the work and
procedures of the Department speedy and transparent. It makes all the R&BD far
more approachable and accessible; provides in-depth information about each
office (over and beyond the RTIA requirements), and contact information of all
Gujarat was one of the first sates in India to develop a strategic or core road
network by applying the 80/20 rule i.e. 80% of the traffic was carried by 20% of the
road network and that part of the network should be prioritized for further
development and asset management. The concept was first formulated in 2001,
which was further crystallized under the Bank funded GSHP. Gujarat’s flagship
programs like Pragati Path, Vikash Path, Kisan Path and Pravasi Path have actually
centred around the strategic road network concept and the state has been able to
manage their investments better through the strategic road network approach.
Pragati Paths are roads connecting one corner of the state to another by adopting
corridor improvement approach. Vikas Paths are road stretches passing through
urban/semi-urban areas with divided carriageways, barriers in the median,
footpaths, street lightings and proper covered drainage system. On both sides of
roads, Kisan Paths are roads connecting villages to nearest agriculture produce
markets and Pravasi Paths are roads connecting places of tourists’ interest.
4.2.5 C R E A T IO N O F M O R E C O N D UC I V E E N V IR O N M E N T F O R C O NT R AC T O R S
In addition to creation of GIDB and GSRDC to facilitate public-private partnerships
in road infrastructure financing/development (see above), GOG made a substantial
effort to improve a dispute resolution system and inculcate a culture of
cooperation among the three contractual parties.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
(1) Monthly Meetings with the Contractor and the Engineer regularly.
(2) Timely payments to the Contractors.
(3) Timely redressal of grievances including active encouragement of
dispute avoidance and across-the-table settlement.
The need for an R&BD-dedicated Human Resource Development (HRD) strategy in
R&BD was seen as a counterweight to the Gujarat Rules of Business 1990. Finance
Department approval is needed to add new staff where there are financial
implications and consultation with the General Administration Department is
routinely required to transfer or promote Executive Engineers (Class I), or above.
The mid-1990s GOG policy of requiring officers to complete at least 3 years tenure
in a given position before being granted a transfer has at least been beneficial to
staffing stability and the consolidation of experience in the R&BD. However, R&BD
itself has no authority to set its own mandated HRD policies in spite of the fact that
most of its officers perform technical or specialist functions. As a result,
departmental officers were until recently serving in an environment of
administrative norms and standards rather than professional and managerial
performance criteria and incentives, with the former mostly framed for the
efficiency of a relatively generic ‘whole-of-government’, ‘at-level’ approach to civil
service HR management in GOG and similarly elsewhere in India.
The IDS had recommended that an HRD system centred on the R&BD be
established for:
In a series of steps, with the support and resources of the GSHP and as well as in
response to the impetus of increasingly proactive GOG policies on public sector
administration and governance, the R&BD:
The main focus of the HRD/staff training program enhancements and delivered
activities have been contract management/procurement, Monitoring & Evaluation,
environmental and social ‘safeguards’ functions and management, project
management, planning, finance, quality control/management, and, more recently,
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Pioneering reforms in social safeguards management were demonstrated in first
generation BOT toll projects in the state. National ‘Social Management’ policy
were the basis for state guidelines established for this ‘safeguards’ aspect for the
BOT toll projects while for Environmental Management, a compilation of good
practices from elsewhere has been done as the basis for an eventual state wide
Environmental Management (sector) policy for application, inter alia, to
investment projects applied by R &BD.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
these lands with the intention of converting them into residential properties. The
compensation amounts were equivalent to the return on investment on fixed
deposit schemes offered by nationalized banks.
4.3.1 R O A D F IN AN C IN G R E F O R M S /R O AD F UN D
A GSHP-funded study was undertaken with the assistance of external expertise to
define the financing requirements faced by the state for effective asset
management in future, to identify the scope for road maintenance financing
reforms, in particular a possible state-level Road Fund as a means of mobilising
appropriate funds to meet future requirements, and to provide advice on the
implementation of these reforms, particularly the possible road fund. While the
goal of establishing a Road Fund had been included in the institutional Action Plan
of the GSHP, this had not gained favour with central GOG areas, and accordingly
the Study recommendations for action towards a maintenance-oriented Road
Fund did not succeed by the end of the GSHP period. The availability of increasing
‘capital works’ funds from state, national and private sector sources in successive
years since then had slowed down even further the process towards a general
consensus among the relevant key departments of the GOG. However, due to the
continued strong demand for road infrastructure development and extension in the
state, and the increased sector-wide awareness of the associated rise in road asset
maintenance costs facing the state if the operability and performance of the major
road network is to remain satisfactory, the issue of formation of a Gujarat Road
Fund, however, has found its place in the new Vision 2020 document of the GoG.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
4.3.2 R O A D S AF E T Y M A N A G E M E NT
Some studies, funded by GSHP, were conducted on a pilot basis in 5 districts where
extensive surveys were undertaken and black spot analysis was done. Templates
were also prepared classifying the black spots into various categories depending on
the treatments to be given. Funds were also allotted. However nothing much
beyond this could be achieved.
In a nutshell, on the road safety strategy front, the reforms were unfortunately not
very encouraging largely due to lack of political and bureaucratic championship.
While the state boasts of one of the most modern accident and emergency
response system the upstream intervention measures of safety engineering,
enforcement and awareness were not given due attention. Gujarat has a long way
to develop a safe transport system comparable with the international best
The PPU need not necessarily employ conventional staff to meet all its specialist
needs. Maintaining the data bases for the GRMS is a very large job. Its demands are
lumpy. Running the system, based on HDM-4, is technically demanding and
requires experience. It is a problem when staff leave after being trained. Since its
development by consultants, GRMS has continued to be maintained and operated
by consultants, but for this to be a sustainable longer-term solution, adequate
funding must be provided, given the market rates for such services relative to
government pay scales and norms.
Eventually, when GRMS becomes a working tool for field offices, R&BD could
revisit the option of bringing the operation of GRMS fully into PPU using salaried
staff. Even then, it is likely that the data collection will remain outsourced. India
now has specialist firms undertaking automated pavement data collection using
expensive technical equipment that requires more than one customer state to
achieve economic utilisation.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
4.3.4 Q U A L IT Y C O N T R O L
The Quality Assurance concept could not take off the ground. The Quality Control
wing in the R & BD is true to its title it does quality control. But, by doing so, it is
duplicating or replacing what should be done by the supervision engineers in the
field. Moreover, what it does is very narrowly focussed on the input materials and
very little on processes and final output / delivery. It has not come anywhere closer
to what was envisaged in the Institutional Development Study (IDS) carried out as
part of the Bank-funded Gujarat State Highway Project.
The Quality Control wing diligently applies its resources to the checking of the
most important civil works. The IDS study proposed major changes, extending its
activities to cover everything from contract preparation to project financial
management. The solution proposed by the IDS was to follow the principles of
“quality assurance” (QA). QA examines the process used to create deliverables.
With QA there should be no need to check the outputs themselves although
from time-to-time outputs are checked to audit whether the QA system is working
as intended.
Hence the Chief Engineer undertakes Quality Audit and the contractor undertakes
Quality Assurance (which includes Quality Control).
The IDS report envisaged the role of a Legal Adviser working at a senior level giving
advice to senior managers on policy matters and correspondence, vetting tender
documents and contracts, and negotiating BOT agreements with well-briefed and
powerful private developers. The aim was to avoid legal problems rather than to
solve them. The IDS did not specify that an officer necessarily needed to be
recruited by the department. The sourcing options included:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
In R&BD, the role of the legal officer, attached to the office of the Principal
Secretary, R&BD, was sometimes more like that of a legal clerk: making sure that
nothing is overlooked and checking that obligations are met. A legal officer was
appointed but has moved out.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
5.1 R&BD
R&BD has changed from an organisation focused on execution of civil works to an
agency that manages the road network and outsources much of its work. The
construction industry has been transformed in its capacity and competence.
Successful implementation of GSHP helped R&BD to create an image as a
department that performs; the examples of construction of good roads in urban
areas (e.g.) of Siddhpur and Unjha towns on Mehasana Palanpur Road generated a
demand for similar urban stretches of roads in other towns and cities for through
roads passing through their towns/cities. In fact this was the genesis of the scheme
Vikas Path. Because of rational use of maintenance grants and the GSHP
component for improvement of existing roads, the condition of roads improved.
This created an impact on the general public and in turn on politicians and senior
GOG administrators/officials. Good contract management resulting in timely
payments and timely redressal of disputes also improved relations between the
contracting industry and the department.
Staffing outcome: During the reforms, no changes were made in terms of essential
professional and administrative staff of RB&D. Labour force was about 20,000
before the reforms (1986) which reduced to 9,493 in year 2010.
Chief Engineer 7 8
Superintending Engineer 23 24
Steady decline in staffing. The number of both professional workers and casual
labourers in R&BD have steadily declined over years in spite of the network size
and budget significantly growing. The casual labourers declined from 14203 in 1988
to 10621 in 2000 and further to 8338 in 2010. Similarly the professional workers
declined from 11075 in 2004 to 10250 in 2008 and further to 9381 in 2010.
World Bank. “Implementation Completion and Results Report on a Loan in the Amount of
US$280 million to India for the Gujarat State Highway Project.” June 18, 2008.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Significant Increase in Plan Budget Allocation. The Annual Plan Budge for the
road sector underwent a steady and significant growth from Rs. 130 Crores in 1995-
96 to Rs. 1292 Crores in 2007-08. Even in relation to SDP (state Domestic Product)
at constant prices (1995-96) the road sector allocation increased from 0.3% of SDP
in 1995-96 to 0.54% in 2002-03 growing further to 0.6% in 2005-06. The increase
has been sustained and even accelerated beyond 2007-08 and the plan allocation
for road sector in 2010-11 was Rs. 2747 Crores. More significantly the percentage of
allocation for roads in the overall annual plan in the state has grown from a 4.9% to
8% in 2007-08 and 9.3% in the current year. Such significant increase in the
financing share represents the R & BD’s ability to create the requisite credentials
and trust with the Finance Department and corroborates the political commitment
for the road sector.
Emergency 200
Source: R&BD.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Source: World Bank South Asia Poverty Reduction (SASPR) Database 2006
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Even post GSHP the story continues to remain very positive; the gains made
appear permanent. Tender transparency is good. Online tenders are accepted,
processing is swift and the Chief Minister is said to be “strict” which stifles any
possible corruption. Designs are much better than before. Standard designs are
used and adapted for site conditions. In one of the local contractor’s version
“Corruption is less, work is faster and there is no problem being paid.”
R&BD also benefited from the GSHP learning experience. R&BD engineers were
exposed to methods used elsewhere, learnt to work with consultants and learnt to
outsource work that the department could not undertake itself due to staff
constraints. Engineers from R&BD were also occasionally sent abroad for training,
which helped broaden their horizons.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The program has been designed after a comprehensive training need assessment
of all the departments and intensive focus group discussions. The training is
interactive and contextual, with several examples of success stories within the
government weaved in, for better applicability. The program also trains volunteer
trainers, who can then render training to other government employees. More than
4000 class 1, 2, 3 and 4 employees in the GOG state secretariat have already
undergone this training. Many middle and senior level employees from GOG
departments and districts have now also completed the training. The ultimate goal
of the program is to train all 500,000 employees of the state government. To
ensure that the training is effective and is contextual, regular feedback is also
obtained from the participants.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The objective of this Chapter is to determine where the Gujarat highways sector
stands in terms of institutional reform among other developed and developing
countries. In addition, it is intended to identify other possible initiatives that
Gujarat may want to consider to become even more efficient.
According to the both models the five-phase process is not necessarily sequential
and different parts of an organization can be in different phases. While some of the
road administrations may skip certain phases, the sequential five-phase process
seems more beneficial as the road administration continues its evolution through
learning and experience generated from each phase. These 5 phases include:
Phase 2: Separation of the client and producer functions. The road administration
adopts a de-concentrated organizational structure with execution of works being
separated from project management. Efficiency is emphasized in service delivery
and contracting. Several units are established with specific responsibilities, such as
planning, management, inspection/supervision, and works execution.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
7.3.1 I N S T I T U T IO N AL D E V E LO P M E N T IN B R AZ I L ’ S H IG H W AY S S E C T O R
Brazil, as India, is a federation consisting of twenty-six States, one federal district
(which contains the capital city, Brasilia) and municipalities. States have
autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes
collected by the Federal government. They have a governor and a unicameral
legislative body elected directly by their voters. Municipalities also have
autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes
collected by the Federal government and state governments.
The Brazil highways sector has undergone substantial institutional evolution. The
Ministry of Transport (MOT) concentrates on defining of the policy framework as
well as strategic planning, developing guidelines for implementation and
prioritization of investment programs for the highway sector, among other sectors.
The client and supplier functions are separated. The client function is performed by
the National Department for Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), which reports to the
MOT. DNIT is the legal successor of the former Brazilian National Highway
Department and is responsible for implementing the government’s transport
policy, including construction, maintenance, and operation of federal highways,
besides railways, waterways, and ports. Its main source of funds is the federal
budget. DNIT implements its work program directly or through contracts and
delegations to other public agencies or the private sector. The client function for
the Federal Highway Concession Program that remains under the MOT is
performed by a separate agency - National Agency for Land Transport (ANTT)
(which is also responsible for the railway concession). The source of income is the
federal budget.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The State of Sao Paulo, as the State of Gujarat in India, is the major industrial and
economic powerhouse in Brazil and is the richest state of the country. It alone is
responsible for one third of the country’s GDP. Similar to the State Government of
Gujarat, the State Government of Sao Paulo recognizes transportation as the
mainstay of its development and allocates a significant share of its budget to have
a well functioning transport infrastructure. About 26% of State of Sao Paulo’s
budget is spent on transport infrastructure and an additional 26% on urban
transport. The State has the largest number of two-, four- and six-lane highways
in Latin America. According to the National Confederation of Transports (CNT), the
State of Sao Paulo has the best highway grid in the country, with around 60%
classified as excellent, and nine of the 10 best Brazilian highways are in the State of
Sao Paulo.
The State of Sao Paulo highway sector has the client function separated from the
supplier function. Similar to the State of Gujarat, Sao Paulo State has two separate
agencies responsible for management of public road system, which are (a) the
State Roads Department (Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem, DER-SP),
responsible for non-concession roads; and (b) the Regulatory Agency for Delegated
Public Transport Services (Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos Delegados de
Transporte do Estado de São Paulo, ARTESP ) responsible for the roads under
concession. While the income source of the former is the state budget, the income
source of the latter, in addition to budgetary resources, includes revenues from
upfront payments and annual fees paid by the toll road concessionaires. Both of
the agencies report to the State Secretary of Transportation and hold
responsibilities for policy implementation in their respective sub-sectors: non-
concessional roads and concessional roads. All supply functions are procured from
the private sector through contracts. All toll roads in the State of Sao Paulo, as well
as in Brazil, are operated by private concessionaires.
The UK Highways Agency (HA), which is responsible for operating, maintaining and
improving the strategic road network in England, is in an advanced stage of its
institutional evolution. The functions of the client and supplier are clearly
separated. In delivering some of its functions, the HA relies on outsourcing external
organizations and commercial firms. For instance, routine maintenance is provided
by private companies under contracts let by competitive tender. The HA has also
packaged parts of the motorway network into commissions and then invites bids
from consultants to take on the responsibility for maintaining all roads and related
structures within the commission to a prescribed standard. The winning consultant
then organizes a competitive Term Contract between the owner (DOT) and the
contractor who then carries out all work on instruction from the consultant.
Source: “State of Sao Paulo Overview”. 2009. Presentation to the World Bank South Asia Study Tour by
Vital Luna, Secretary of Economy and Planning, State of Sao Paulo.
”The Highway Concessions Program of the State of São Paulo: a successful experiment”. 2009.
Presentation to the World Bank South Asia Study Tour by Carlos Eduardo Sampaio Doria, Director
General, ARTESP.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The HA sees its prime “network challenges” as safety and reliability of travel time
A corporate scorecard is used to align the UKHA’s business activities with its aims and objectives. The scorecard also provides
staff with a clear link between individual and team objectives and the Agency’s high-level performance targets.
The highway agencies aim to maintain the network in a safe and serviceable condition whilst minimizing lifetime costs.
Maintenance needs are identified by regular asset condition surveys and inspections.
Transport planning needs to be aligned with wider spatial planning. The HA is working with regional and local planning
bodies and developers to find sustainable transport solutions to support housing and development.
The HA works with staff to develop leadership, people management and delivery capability, including program and project
management skills, commercial and contractual competence.
Source: US FHWA. “Linking Transportation Performance and Accountability: Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, Sweden.”
International Technology Scanning Program. 2010.
HA is a semiautonomous arm of the Department for Transport (DOT) with its own
board and chief executive. The relationship between HA and the DOT is
formalized. The DOT approves and determines HA’s budget and agrees to its
business plan and targets, while HA is responsible for delivery. From the DOT
strategic goals flow the objectives for HA, which has an aim of “safe roads, reliable
journeys, informed travelers.” The HA’s Annual Business Plan is built around these
objectives (see Box 3Box 3).
Reduce delay and congestion on the strategic road network by delivering sustainable capacity improvements, making
journey time more reliable.
Influence customers’ travel behavior and decisions by making network information more readily available.
Improve road safety by maintaining the network in a safe and serviceable condition.
Enhance the environment by mitigating the potentially adverse impact of the strategic road network and supporting the
department’s environment and climate change objectives.
Provide an effective Traffic Officer Service.
Seek and respond to feedback from customers.
Deliver efficiency and value-for-money savings and improvements.
Source: US FHWA. “Linking Transportation Performance and Accountability: Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand,
Sweden.” International Technology Scanning Program. 2010.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
A set of targets under each of these areas (deliverables) have been agreed with the
Ministers and performance against targets is reported in annual reports.
7.3.4 I N S T I T U T IO N AL D E V E LO P M E N T IN N E W Z E A LA N D ’ S H IG H W AY S S E C T O R
New Zealand (NZ) is famous for its institutional reforms in the road sector and
experimenting with the split of responsibilities by function between several
institutions to manage the country’s road system. Its reforms date back to 1978
(see Annex 6). In the past decade NZ had two separate agencies, one to manage
highways, and the other to provide the funds. In 2008 the two agencies were
merged to form the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) “to provide an
integrated approach to transport planning, funding and delivery.” In announcing its
formation the Minister of Transport explained that the NZTA was charged with
making sustainable transport choices for moving people and freight using different
modes and in so doing will work closely with regional transport committees.”
National and regional plans now take precedence over benefit-cost analysis as the
method of choosing investment in road networks . Integrated transport plans
coordinate the development of transport networks and land use plans to avoid
unintended impacts and to make best use of funds.
NZTA’s road safety approach takes a holistic view of road safety, putting the
emphasis on the road system design: to make it more accommodating of human
error; to manage the forces that injure people in a crash to a level that the human
body can tolerate without serious injury; and to reduce unsafe road user behavior.
Its state highway safety plan aims to provide a consistent, safe and forgiving road
environment with no surprises for road users, and to provide a safe working
environment for maintenance and construction activities. The plan covers speed
management, reducing vehicle-train crashes, the needs of vulnerable road users,
keeping vehicles on the roadway and minimizing the consequences of leaving the
roadway, and reducing head-on and across-median crashes. This plan is being
updated in response to the government's Road Safety to 2020 Strategy.
When comparing the reform process in Gujarat highway/road sector with
international best practices, it is quite evident that Gujarat did well in formulating
the Vision and Values and linking it with the Business Planning. The infrastructure
vision was business driven and fully embedded in its political ambition, vision and
culture. The infrastructure / road sector vision enjoyed high degree of political
patronage, the business plan was well grounded in that long term vision and the
success of the business plan was achieved through the constant support from the
highest level of Government. In performance measurement and management,
Gujarat is leading among the India states. The R& BD’s flagship GRMS and home
grown initiative in developing an IT based Monitoring and Evaluation System are
testimonials to this performance measurement and management culture.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Road Asset Management. While a lot of civil works are outsourced to the
private sector, Gujarat has mainly been using traditional contracts. The
state, however, needs to do more in evolving a culture of performance /
output based contracting and fully integrating in its way of business.
Road Safety Reform. On the road safety strategy front, the reforms were
unfortunately subdued largely due to lack of political and bureaucratic
championship. While the state boasts of one of the most modern accident
and emergency response system the upstream intervention measures of
safety engineering, enforcement and awareness were not given due
attention. Gujarat has a long way to develop a safe transport system
comparable with the international best practices.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Moreover, the private sector pressure, both implicit and explicit, played crucial
roles in shaping up the reforms. The close historical interaction between private
capital and the state in Gujarat ensured that state officials have internalized the
requirements of capital in a way that may be impossible in most other states.
Gujarat is fortuitous in benefiting from strong path dependence and historical
experiences of reform, for example the joint sector idea that allows it to implement
the current model of private sector participation much more easily and without
much conflict. Economic reforms gave a renewed legitimacy to such interactions
and imperatives. Many policies were shaped and energized by private sector needs
and initiatives.
The pre-requisite for reforms is setting a Long term Vision, to which the top
leadership of the state—in both government and the private sector-- is
committed and seriously determined to pursue. The Vision Statement sets out
the goals for the infrastructure and the service standards which a road agency
aspires to achieve by a target year. The Vision Statement for the agency should be
supportive of the broader strategic goals of the state or the country, consistent
with its resource potentials, and reflect the ambition and priority of its primary
clients. For Gujarat the seed for the Road Agency’s Vision Statement was sown in
people’s aspiration expressed through the Chief Minster’s vision that it should be
possible to travel by road between any two locations within the state in six to seven
hours. This was interpreted as a goal to provide a robust highway network in the
state where average travel speeds of at least 80km/h could be maintained.
A Business Plan needs to be developed to implement the vision. The Business Plan
would depend on the specifics of individual cases and the aspirations of the state as
set out in the vision statement. At a minimum, the business plan should include (i)
the Policy Framework, including identification of existing legal authorities and any
necessary legal and regulatory developments,, (ii) organisational changes, with a
clear delineation of the new structures, (iii) physical work plan, and (iv) associated
budget requirements. The Business Plan cannot be implemented by PWDs/R&BDs
in isolation. At a minimum, support of the Finance Department is needed because
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
it provides the funds, approves changes in organisation structure and staffing; and
has an interest in the policy and legal frameworks. The “Team Gujarat” aspirations
have typically been supported by an MoU across the various governmental
stakeholders (e.g. road department, revenue department, forest department,
utility agencies and finance department) for each project which sets forth realistic
work plan targets for each of the parties. Ideally, the Business Plan should be
agreed at the highest level of the Government and involve all the key stakeholders
e.g. Ministry / Department of Finance, Home Affairs (Police), Traffic, Revenue,
Forests, Environment and Social Affairs.
Partnership with the supply side. A liaison with the contracting industry through
their authorized forums/associations to understand and address their concerns in
advance can be most beneficial. Regular interaction with the prospective bidders
from the stage when the technical parameters of the project are under finalization
and thereafter when the draft tender documents are under preparation (without in
any way sharing the financial aspects of the project), can go a long way in
minimizing anomalies in the technical provisions of the project and in the tender
documents. Moreover, the culture of true partnership among all the contractual
parties and across- the table- resolution of disputes, as amply demonstrated in
Gujarat, goes a long way to ensure smooth and efficient project delivery.
Governance and Accountability, respecting the rule of law. It is well known that
good governance is a precursor for economic growth, which is amply
demonstrated in the case of Gujarat. Strong and transparent institutions, policies,
procedures and human resources are crucial ingredients for sustained growth.
With specific reference to the road sector, some of the key governance challenges
across the country and how the initiatives in Gujarat can help address these are
now considered:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Adherence to this ‘can do’ culture has been strongly supported by the
introduction of key instruments of modern management that provide
the essential mechanisms for accountability and control. Well designed
e-governance systems for procurement, including the Integrated
Workflow and Document Management System, provide accessible,
transparent information on the state of progress, and enable quick
pinpointing of any sources of delay. Similarly, the e-Dhara initiative,
aimed at complete computerization of land records across the state, is
eliminating the bureaucratic and cumbersome process of manual record-
keeping, ensuring greater transparency, minimal errors, reduced chances
of fraud, and also helping to ensure that R&R benefits and payments are
received by the actually entitled beneficiaries. Inter-departmental peer
reviews, enhanced disclosure of information (as in the portal of GoG’s
Home Department) and facilitation of citizen inputs in the government’s
functioning as practiced in Gujarat can be replicated in other states to
support better monitoring, public scrutiny and participation. The
SWAGAT online initiative in handling complaints is also instructive to
other states (although most states have some variation of this already in
Balancing HRD and stability in HRM. While there is certain value of Vision-based
HRD and training strategies in the professional and technical development of roads
agency staff, this needs to be taken up in a context of policy-based staffing
stability. As evidenced by Gujarat, at all major staff levels, stability in staff tenure
in their respective positions is vital for improving the roads agency’s capabilities
over time. The GOG policy of generally limiting HR movements across
professional, technical and administrative positions to a three-year minimum cycle
is a positive HRM factor worthy of emulation in other Indian states.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The India Gujarat State Highways project completed in 2007 was rated Highly
Satisfactory by both Implementation Completion Report (ICR) prepared by SASDT
and World Bank Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). Governance framework and
institutional arrangements in the Gujarat road sector has been found exemplary.
The Project Development Objective was to enhance the capacity of the
Government of Gujarat (GOG) for effective and efficient planning and
management of road infrastructure, while concurrently maximizing existing road
infrastructure asset utilization through priority investments and increased
maintenance funding. The Project not only achieved its objective and targets, it
was also implemented with a significant cost reduction – at about 23%, which was
confirmed by comparing per-km project cost at appraisal with that at completion.
In addition to external factors affecting this cost reduction, both the IEG review and
the ICR identified several internal factors, in particular organizational reforms that
took place during the preparation and implementation of the subject project. As a
result of these reforms and institutional development, the traditional Public Works
Department (PWD) focusing on execution of civil works was being converted into a
modernized road agency focusing on road management, planning and policy. It
was a major innovation in the PWD context in India, and it has strong implications
to good governance in the highway sector.
Many Indian states have expressed interest in learning lessons from Gujarat to
improve the performance and management of their road sectors. Unfortunately,
the scope of ICR for the project was limited and was unable to go into in-depth
research and analysis to understand all factors and reforms leading to improved
governance and performance of the Gujarat highway sector. Thus, this study will
pursue seeking responses to the following questions:
The objective of this study is to determine key success factors for implementation
and sustainability of institutional reforms in the road/highway sector. It aims at
analyzing institutional reforms in the road/highway sector in the state of Gujarat,
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
India, and other countries, and drawing lessons of applicability and replication for
other countries on how to improve performance of their road sectors under on-
going or proposed Bank-funded projects. The study will concentrate on reviewing
and analyzing, in particular:
The ultimate goal of the study will be to promote the Gujarat good practice in the
road/highway sectors of other South Asia countries and other regions and promote
the findings and recommendations of this Gujarat study into design of new Bank-
funded road/highway projects.
The expected impact of the study is better understanding by PWDs and road
departments (from SAR countries) of the Gujarat highway sector institutional
reforms that have led to more efficient and effective performance and improved
governance of the sector.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The findings and recommendations of the study are expected to be discussed with
representatives of PWDs of Indian states during the proposed dissemination
workshop in Gujarat, and with representatives of road agencies of SAR and other
countries during the proposed GDL event. The discussions will enable better
understanding by PWDs/R&BDs of the Gujarat good governance practices and
institutional reforms undertaken. In addition, they will also lead to
experience/knowledge sharing among PWDs and promotion of similar reforms in
other Indian states and other countries.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Dissemination Plan
Publishing of the report on internet in May 2010: The final report will be posted
on the websites of the Gujarat Roads and Bridges Department and the World Bank
South Asia Transport.
The International Consultant will receive support from a local consultant, who will
help setting necessary meetings with the Gujarat PWD officials and other
stakeholders and research for necessary information for the study.
The Consultant will report to Arnab Bandyopadhyay, Sr. Transport Engineer, who
is TTL of the study and Natalya Stankevich, Governance/Operations Analyst, co-
TTL of this study and primary author of the ICR for that Gujarat State Highways
The draft report and final report will go through the World Bank and Gujarat PWD
peer reviewing processes. Only after the comments from the peer reviewers are
reflected in the final report and it is cleared and approved by the World Bank and
Gujarat PWD, the report will be recommended for dissemination through a
workshop, GDL event and World Bank website.
The consulting service of 20 working days would be required during September 19,
2009 through May 31, 2009.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Milestones Deadline
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The GSHP stretched over a decade, starting with the PCC in February 1997 and
finishing at the end of 2007 following the completion of the civil works.
The consultant carrying out the PCC fielded a separate team in the second half of
1997 to undertake an institutional strengthening study. Its report, GSHP
Institutional Development Strategy (IDS), was completed in February 1998 and was
a blueprint for modernising R&BD giving it an added focus on road management,
planning and policy.
The IDS study contemplated further consulting support, which was realised in the
form of a road safety study , a training needs assessment report, and institutional
strengthening consultancy services to help implementation of the Institutional
Strengthening Action Plan (ISAP). The ISAP consultant was deeply involved with
the establishment of a Policy and Planning Unit (PPU) in R&BD.
This appendix describes these institutional reforms. It also describes the very
important educational value of the civil works undertaken under GSHP.
The civil works were completed 23% under the budgeted cost and generally on
time. All the players concerned with GSHP did a good job. The following
summarises the salient lessons learned from that success.
Good project monitoring helped the project. Visits by the World Bank team were
frequent (about every four months) and long enough (10 days) to facilitate
interaction and application of minds to issues as they arose.
The relationship was not at all adversarial. World Bank officers were open-minded,
helpful and flexible. They took account of local conditions rather than try to impose
solutions that worked in other countries. The World Bank wanted large contract
packages to attract capable contractors. R&BD considered the packages too small
to attract international bidders and too large for local contractors. A compromise
was reached which retained only one large package. Only five contractors
prequalified for this large package. The lowest bid was 27% higher than the
engineer’s estimate and the spread from lowest to highest bid was a mere 2%. The
Bank concurred with R&BD that the contract be split and re-bid. These two smaller
Road Safety Assessment Study and Implementation Strategy, Road Safety Study, 2006.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
contracts were won by contractors who had not been able to prequalify for the
large contract and were completed for less than the engineer’s estimates.
GSHP was preceded by the Strategic Options Study in 1995 which evaluated
3000km of Gujarat state highways and selected 1500km for detailed evaluation.
R&BD collected data before the Strategic Options Study consultant mobilized. The
consultant devised a matrix of attributes to rank roads according to needs, but this
process produced some odd results. Jointly, R&BD and the consultant found that
the reason lay in misinterpretation of the some of the data.
The GSHP contract was negotiated in 1998 but signing was delayed by the
embargo that followed India’s nuclear weapons testing. The Bank’s flexibility
permitted the maintenance component to start before contract signing. The
standard $10 million ‘retroactive financing’ (that is, money that can be spent in
advance of signing) was increased to $20 million.
A cooperative spirit extended to the contractors also. The first three years of the
contract were the worst economically for Gujarat. Added to the effect of the
embargo there was a serious earthquake in 2001. Restoration after the earthquake
diverted funds from the state budget which was already depleted by loss of
revenues due to tax concessions introduced after the disaster. Consequently, in the
first phase, payments to contractors were late. After 42 days the contractors were
entitled to interest, but they did not insist.
Demand for good work was created by setting examples. An instance of this was
the road from Mehasana to Palanpur (both district headquarters) which passed
through two smaller towns Sidhhpur and Unjha. Sidhhpur and Unjha were provided
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
with service roads, well-designed traffic junctions and good roadside drainage. This
aroused public demand for roads with similar infrastructure in Mehsana and
Palanpur. It was argued that these are bigger towns and as district headquarters
must have such facilities also. It became easier to get approvals for such proposals
from Finance, Planning and other departments as these demands were backed by
support from the people’s representatives.
The works executed under GSHP raised public expectations. The public demanded
that other departmental road works were carried out to the same standard. This
promoted a positive and constructive work culture throughout R&BD.
Public involvement resolved issues. For example, the project involved building up
the crust of the carriageway by thick layers of granular sub-base which raised the
formation level and utilised the crust underneath the existing carriageway. There
was strong public opposition to this method as it was thought this would cause
inconvenience and the works would linger on. There was a call for the additional
crust to be made up of bituminous overlays, which was not an economically sound
proposal. A pilot road section of 10 km was built to demonstrate that the proposed
road construction method would not be as troublesome as feared and that the
quality would be as good as a road built using bituminous overlays.
Contractors were helped to develop and grow. Contractors are quick to praise
the GSHP supervision consultant, who was constructive and helpful to the
contractors. The contractors greatly appreciated the time spent by the consultant
explaining, helping and educating them. The contractors grew in their ability and
were able for perform to standards they had hitherto not been asked to achieve. At
the end of GSHP the contractors felt confident to bid for larger works and in other
GSHP was Gujarat R&BD’s second project funded by the World Bank. The first was
for rural roads. Heavy machinery for that project was acquired by R&BD to assist
the contractors working on those projects. This machinery was useful for executing
GSHP. Post 1991 the economic climate in the country became more liberal.
Imported spare parts for heavy machinery became more readily available,
enhancing the utility of these machines further.
A contractor who has seen his business nearly five-fold described the GSHP system
as “perfect”. He gained invaluable experience from contract supervision by an
international consultant applying FIDIC contract conditions. He had to hire good
technical staff and good equipment, which he purchased from Europe. Early
relocation of utilities (which save 5% or more of the cost, according to another
contractor) was achieved much of the time. Contractors as a whole said processes
were transparent and payments prompt. The three parties (Employer, Contractor,
Engineer) interacted in good spirit.
Post GSHP the story remains very positive; the gains made are permanent. Tender
transparency is good. Online tenders are accepted, processing is swift and the
Chief Minister is “strict” which stifles possible corruption. Designs are much
better than before. Standard designs are used and adapted for site conditions.
“Corruption is less, work is faster and there is no problem being paid.”
There is still room for improvement. For example, contracts remain heavily in
favour of Employer. FIDIC sets out the role of Engineer as an impartial adjudicator
of claims by Contractor. FIDIC could be adopted, not just in name, in spirit also.
FIDIC is generic whereas specific contracts require specific conditions. These are
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
spelt out in Conditions of Particular Application, known as COPA. COPA must not
be used to shift the powers of Engineer back to Employer.
R&BD benefited greatly. GSHP was a learning experience for R&BD engineers,
who were exposed to methods used elsewhere, learnt to work with consultants and
learnt to outsource work that the department could not undertake since additional
staff had not been approved. Engineers from R&BD were sent abroad for training.
This helped them broaden their horizons.
The IDS study pointed R&BD in the direction of managing the road network
seeing itself in a new light of planning and supervising rather than designing and
executing civil works. Whilst the transformation has been partial, rather than
complete, it has marked a large step forward in the evolution of the road sector in
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
1. Develop a Road Management System Functioning PMS, BMS and RMMS for state Put out Consultancy and follow up on
and establish units in R&BD to operate roads recommendations
the systems
2. Establish an Environmental Monitoring Functioning GSHP EMU Permanent EMU in Establish GSHP EMU and appoint staff.
Unit for GSHP which will evolve into a R&BD
permanent unit in R&BD Skills transfer and training at Division
3. Develop a Project Financial Management Functioning PFMS for GSHP and other Appoint Financial Manager
System for GSHP and R&BD R&BD projects
Development of PFMS for GSHP by PCC
5. Establish a Computer Systems Unit and Functioning computer systems in head Introduce computerization at Division and
install computer systems needed to office and Circle/Division field offices Sub-Division level
operate new management systems
Procurement and training
6. Establish a Highway Design Unit Transfer of GSHP design technology to a Decision by R&BD and establishment of
functioning Highway Design Unit Unit
7. Appoint a Legal Advisor in R&8D Permanent Legal Advisor post Decision by R&8D and appointment of
8. Establish a Policy and Planning Unit in Functioning unit, manuals, planning tools Decision by R&BD and appointment of
R&BD and traffic/accident databases staff to Unit
9. Establish a BOT Unit to manage BOT and Procedures for project evaluation, Activate privatization Cell (BOT) with
toll projects agreements and monitoring training, etc.
10.Appoint a Human Resource Functioning HRD system training program Decision by R&BD and appointment of
Development Manager and establish a in place and R&BD staff receiving training HRD Manager
HRD training program
11. Establish a Road Transport Council Permanent Road Transport Council actively Already in place. Activate
coordinating road sector issues
12. Establish a Road Safety Council Permanent Road Safety Council actively Already in place. Activate
coordinating road safety initiative
13. Reform road taxation and establish a Fuel tax surcharge to cover Plan and Non Review by R&BD
Road Fund Plan expenditures. Road Trust Fund in
place Decision by GoG
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
1. Develop a Road Management System and System working well but tasks outsourced because of difficulties recruiting and
establish units in R&BD to operate the retaining suitable staff
2. Establish an Environmental Monitoring Implemented in name only. For major projects, the necessary environmental
Unit for GSHP which will evolve into a and resettlement investigation is outsourced as part of the feasibility and design
permanent unit in R&BD work.
3. Develop a Project Financial Management A financial management system was developed by the Institutional
System for GSHP and R&BD Strengthening Consulting Services but has not been fully introduced.
4. Strengthen construction administration Unit is doing a diligent and useful job. “Quality Assurance” concepts are not
and QC systems being applied.
5. Establish a Computer Systems Unit and Computerization proceeded at pace. Staff receive training and must pass
install computer systems needed to computer skills tests to be eligible for promotion.
operate new management systems
6. Establish a Highway Design Unit The unit exists but is not clear as to its mandate. Training of engineers has
improved design skills but the Highway Design Unit is not used as the
department’s “centre of excellence” for design.
7. Appoint a Legal Adviser in R&8D Appointee resigned. Post vacant. R&BD outsources legal services so this post is
mainly administrative. The IDS envisaged a much different role for the Legal
8. Establish a Policy and Planning Unit in Established and functioning but too much of its functions rest on the Chief
R&BD Engineer because of problems recruiting and retaining staff. Much of the work
therefore outsourced, and this may be the best option.
9. Establish a BOT Unit to manage BOT and Established in the form of the GSRDC. Functioning well.
toll projects
10. Appoint a Human Resource Development Implemented in name only, but not without some success.
Manager and establish a HRD training
11. Establish a Road Transport Council Established. Its operation was not reviewed but there is a need for a less formal
interaction with civil contractors and other stake holders to air views and avoid
problems rather than solving them.
12. Establish a Road Safety Council Established. Its operation was not reviewed.
13. Reform road taxation and establish a RoadNot actioned, but R&BD does not consider it lacks funding. At least for now, a
Fund Road Fund would be of marginal benefit.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Appropriately, this role of Environment Officer has been assigned to the Policy and
Planning Unit, but recruitment and retention of suitable staff is problematic, as it is
with other professional posts that lie outside mainstream engineering.
Quality Control
The Quality Control wing diligently applies its resources to the checking of the
most important civil works. Quality control should not be confined to construction
work, however. The IDS study envisaged quality control extending from contract
preparation to project financial management. This is a broad scope of work, and
checking it all is impractical.
The Quality Control wing is true to its title it does quality control. But, by doing
so, it is duplicating or replacing what should be done by the supervision engineers
in the field. And what it does is very narrowly focussed. It does not achieve what
was intended by the IDS.
This is one of the most prominent examples of a deficiency that pervades all of
R&BD an absence of job specifications to tell people what they should be doing
and how they will (or should) be judged in annual performance reports. It should be
spelt out the Quality Control wing should be adopting a QA approach.
This has been achieved very successfully, from the springboard of GoG’s e-
governance drive (see Section 5.7.)
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
To illustrate, the following is the software hardware available in the R&BD Highway
Design Unit (circle) at head office.
The unit exists, is well equipped, and is producing a lot of work. It is, however,
without a clear mandate as to what design work it should do and what should be
done by the divisions.
Legal Adviser
The IDS report envisaged the Legal Adviser working at a senior level giving advice
to senior managers on policy matters and correspondence, vetting tender
documents and contracts, and negotiating BOT agreements with well-briefed and
powerful private developers. The aim is to avoid legal problems rather than solve
A legal officer was appointed but has moved to a more important posting in Delhi.
The role of the legal officer in R&BD is more like that of a clerk making sure that
nothing is overlooked and seeing that obligations are met. It is proving difficult to
recruit a qualified person, which is understandable if the job content is thin. The
IDS did not specify that an officer necessarily needed to be recruited. The options
Formation of a new unit to deal with “policy and planning” is arguably the most
important recommendation in the IDS report. The PPU is at the heart of the
transformation from a Public Works Department focused on executing civil works
to a modern road agency that concentrates on road management, planning and
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Some of the PPU’s eleven officers were trained but have since moved on.
Recruiting and retaining staff who are not in mainstream engineering is
problematic. This may be a transitory problem. On the other hand, it may reflect
inherent problems, such as finding a sufficient and steady workload or a perceived
lack of promotion opportunities.
The PPU need not necessarily employ staff to meet all its specialist needs. Indeed,
the operation of the Gujarat road management system (GRMS) has to date been
carried out by consultants. It may be best left that way. Consultants with more
than one person capable of undertaking tasks and are thus less vulnerable when a
staff member resigns. And consultants are paid only when there is work to be done,
not all year round like a member of staff.
BOT Unit
Establishment of a BOT unit has been met by creating Gujarat State Road
Development Corporation Ltd (GSRDC) in 1999 (see Section 5.5).
HRD Manager
An HRD post was created in PPU but is unfilled. HRD duties have been assumed by
the PPU’s Chief Engineer/Additional Secretary, assisted by the Staff Training
College. Although this is not in keeping with the intention of the IDS study, it has
not been without its benefits. A number of initiatives by the Staff Training College
have resulted from this collaboration.
The IDS saw the need for an HRD section against the backdrop of Gujarat Rules of
Business 1990, and Rule 11 in particular. Finance Department approval is needed to
promote or add new staff where there are financial implications. Consultation with
the General Administration Department is required to transfer or promote
Executive Engineers (Class I), or above. The IDS concluded that departmental
officers were administratively-oriented rather than professionally- and
management-oriented because R&BD has no authority to set its own HRD policies
in spite of the fact that most of its officers perform technical or specialist functions.
The contract for Institutional Strengthening Consulting Services was signed in mid-
2003 and (after an extension) the project finished at the end of 2006. The largest
task was establishing the Gujarat Road Management System (GRMS) and
attendant RMMS and BMS (see below). It also reported on quality management
and training needs.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Quality Management
Thus, material has been supplied that would enable the Quality wing adopt a QA
approach to its tasks. It should do so.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Road Information System (RIS): The RIS forms the skeleton of the GRMS.
It imposes the same, well-defined reference points for all modules. The
input data define the nodes and links of the network as well as the road
types, link lengths, etc.
Pavement Management System (MPS): The PMS is designed for strategic
and project-level analyses. It is capable of (a) strategic budgeting studies,
(b) project level technical analyses and (c) multi-year road works
programming and optimization under budget constraints.
Routine Maintenance Management System (RMMS): The RMMS is
designed to improve the quality of routine maintenance through
standardization of activities including specifications, performance
standards, quantity standards, and supervision.
Bridge Management System (BMS): The main purpose of the BMS
module is to plan, record and monitor bridge inspections, repairs and
improvements in a systematic way, enabling preventive maintenance and
early identification of deficiencies.
Traffic Information System (TIS): The TIS stores traffic volume data, as
well as data from axle load surveys and origin-destination surveys. The TIS
produces a range of analysis/results, including AADT estimates of and
traffic forecasts.
Accident Information System (AIS): The AIS records traffic accidents and
their attributes so they can be correlated with road data and ‘black spots’
Environment and Social Information System (EIS): The EIS helps the
department make much wider use of the environmental and social data to
reduce the impacts on the physical and human environment.
Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES): The MES measures/assesses
the performance of works/services to thereby manage outcomes and
outputs more effectively in relation to defined targets.
Budgeting and Programming System (BAP): The BAP system has two
use HDM-4 to prioritise expenditures and generate a multi-year works
programme constrained, if necessary, by the available funds,15 or
Annual average daily traffic.
Version 4 of the Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-4) is a computer
system which uses data on pavement structure and condition, road geometry, traffic counts, heavy
vehicle axle loads, vehicle operating costs, and road construction and maintenance costs to optimize
road expenditures for, typically, a period of 20 years.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Already, great value is being derived from the core modules of the system (which
are based on HDM-4) as they are fully operational and working well. These
modules are the RIS (Road Information System), PMS (Pavement Management
System) and BAP (Budgeting and Programming System). Although R&BD staff
have been trained in their use, the difficulty retaining staff in PPU has meant that
the consultant who set up the system is hired annually to operate it and produce
the prioritised programme of works, subject to budget constraints.
This process takes inputs from the TIS (Traffic Information System) which is also
fully functional and is being used as intended. A state-wide traffic counting
programme is undertaken twice yearly at a large number of locations across the
state. The data are entered in the system which makes seasonal and other
adjustments to produce forecasts of average annual traffic. Axle load data and
origin-destination data are collected intermittently, in the course of preparing
In 2010-11, the RIS will be extended to include 33,000km of MDRs and ODRs (major
district roads and other district roads). The plan is to eventually also include VRs
(village roads).
The BMS (Bridge Management System) is not so much a “system” for maintenance
management as a catalogue of bridge condition with photographs. As such it
enables specialist engineers to give advice to field officers without the time and
cost of travel to site. It is not known whether the BMS is being used this way in
The AIS (Accident Information System) is not operating. Cooperation of the Police,
who need to enter the required information on field data sheets, has not been
The EIS (Environment and Social Information System) has been populated.
Updating the EIS is meant to take place when there is a change in field conditions.
This begs the question of how a change in conditions is notified, and what happens
if there is no update after the change.
The MES (Monitoring and Evaluation System) is not working as intended. The field
officers are meant to enter details of work underway and completed. Most are not
doing so.
The current state of the MES underscores the importance of job specifications
telling people what they should be doing and how they will (or should) be judged in
annual performance reports.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The MES also underscores the importance of relevance. The system’s core modules
produce a works programme defining the major works to be done in the
forthcoming year but, to the field engineer, this is just a “black box”. He contributes
data for the system to use, but has no further contact with it until he is presented
with a list of tasks. There is no point inventing work just to make the field engineers
feel an affinity with the process, but there may be a way in which the field
engineers can use the system themselves. For example, field engineers may find
themselves having to redeploy funds that, for some reason, will not be spent on the
works to which they were allocated. Could they use the BAP module in decision
tree mode to optimise that redeployment?
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The population of Gujarat state has passed 50 million. The gross state domestic
product (GSDP) of Gujarat (see Error! Reference source not found.9) is growing in
eal terms at a compound rate of around 9% annually in real terms (i.e., taking out
the effect of inflation). GSDP per person is 25% above the average for India.
Year Current prices Constant prices Percent growth over previous year
The tertiary sector is the highest contributor to GSDP. A key driver of Gujarat's
economy is manufacturing, notably textiles, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and
agro-based products.
Gujarat has extensive forest cover and a large cropping area. It is a leading
producer of horticultural crops and Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
enjoys a significant market share in India's processed food sector. The agricultural
sector, including animal husbandry, contributes 15% of GSDP. Gujarat produces
60% of India’s cotton and two-thirds of its denim. It also produces one-third of
India’s man-made fibre.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The state is rich in minerals, especially limestone, lignite and bauxite. The state
also has India's largest hydro-electricity project, the Sardar Sarovar project.
The chemical industry in Gujarat accounts for half the state’s annual investment.
India's first specialized chemical handling port was developed at Dahej, in the
Bharuch district. A liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal has been recently
commissioned at Dahej to serve the power sector and other industries. Jamnagar is
the site of what is claimed to be the world's largest “greenfield” refinery. Over one-
third of India’s installed refining capacity is in Gujarat.
Of the states of India, Gujarat has the longest coastline. It has 42 functional ports
including the major port at Kandla which is the site of India's largest multi-product
Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Gujarat has actively sought private participation to
improve infrastructure facilities. Gujarat developed port facilities, estates and
roads in conjunction with the private sector.
Ports in Gujarat can serve many landlocked northern states, namely Punjab,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Rajasthan and western parts of
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Roads connecting Rajasthan, Punjab,
Haryana, Delhi and other states to Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, pass
through Gujarat. To exploit this geographical advantage, the importance of good
roads is recognized by a population known for its strong business and
entrepreneurial instinct. Accordingly there is political will to develop Gujarat’s
roads and keep them in good condition to attract investment.
Road works included in the state budget under the head ‘Pragati Path’ and ‘Vikas
Path’ are evidence of political will. These corridors are being developed by GoG
independently from its own resources to ensure good road connectivity of
adequate capacity from one corner of the state to the other (around 500 km) in six
to seven hours.
Gujarat has more than 2 million direct telephone exchange lines and more than 20
million cellular telephone subscribers.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Gujarat has the highest geographical area (27,125 hectares) designated for Special
Economic Zones (SEZs). As at the end of 2008 Gujarat had 55 approved of which 45
are sector-specific and 10 are multi-product. Gujarat‘s three operational SEZs are:
Kandla SEZ, Sur SEZ and Surat Apparel Park. It claims to be the first state to
formulate an SEZ policy, which includes flexible labour laws and exit options for
The Government of Gujarat (GoG) organized the 4th biennial Global Investors' Summit 2009 during 12-13 January 2009.
Based on the theme ‘Gujarat Going Global’ and aimed at bringing together business leaders, investors, corporations,
thought leaders, policy and opinion makers; the summit served as a perfect platform to understand and explore business
opportunities with the State of Gujarat.
‘Vibrant Gujarat’: Global Investors' Summit 2009 was likewise a success. During the course of two days MoUs worth US$
243 billion were signed. The summit witnessed participation of delegates from 45 countries, amounting to over 600 foreign
delegates, who were joined by a “who’s who” of Indian industry.
Japan was the Partner Country to this Summit. This being the first time any country has agreed to partner with a State of
another country. Japan External Trade Organisation was designated as the partner organization. Japan also reciprocated
Gujarat’s initiatives for mutual economic cooperation by sending two senior level delegations, led by the Ambassador of
Japan to India and a Former Minister of Economic & Fiscal Policy of Japan. The maximum number of delegates was from
Japan, totalling to over 70 members. Another major delegation was from USA. The 232 stalls catered for companies from
India and 16 foreign countries.
Earlier Summits held in 2003, 2005 and 2007 led to the signing of MoUs worth US$ 14 billion, US$ 20 billion and US$ 152
billion respectively.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
GSHP widened and strengthened 871 km of state highways between the end
of1999 to the end of 2007 and carried out maintenance of a further 969 km. The
original financial outlay was Rs 1524 crore by the World Bank and Rs 640 crore by
GoG. Due to cost savings the final figures were much less, namely Rs 1190 crore
and Rs 545 crore.
Statistics of the Gujarat road network before and after the GSHP are found in
Error! Reference source not found.below.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
State roads SH 855 9655 6736 817 18063 6 86 9 0 101 18164 103 153 256 18420
MDR 465 2913 267 30 3675 7 5 0 0 12 3687 4 32 36 3723
ODR 108 1760 22 0 1890 17 4 0 0 21 1911 2 0 2 1913
VR 73 2996 16 0 3085 0 9 0 0 9 3094 2 6 8 3102
Total 1501 17324 7041 847 26713 30 104 9 0 143 26856 111 191 302 27158
Panchayat SH 17 7 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 24 3 0 3 27
MDR 6327 9553 235 41 16156 197 145 0 0 342 16498 148 195 343 16841
ODR 3613 3781 21 0 7415 367 166 0 0 533 7948 195 296 491 8439
VR 8379 5606 57 8 14050 1836 1062 0 0 2898 16948 752 703 1455 18403
Total 18336 18947 313 49 37645 2400 1373 0 0 3773 41418 1098 1194 2292 43710
State roads SH 1515 10371 6727 174 18787 13 245 23 0 281 19068 164 200 364 19432
MDR 435 2706 159 0 3300 5 58 0 0 63 3363 13 33 46 3409
ODR 294 1522 11 1 1828 23 23 0 0 46 1874 32 0 32 1906
VR 317 2306 0 0 2623 8 30 0 0 38 2661 10 29 39 2700
Total 2561 16905 6897 175 26538 49 356 23 0 428 26966 219 262 481 27447
Panchayat SH 23 24 0 0 47 26 0 0 0 26 73 3 10 13 86
MDR 8881 6371 70 6 15328 872 612 0 0 1484 16812 463 255 718 17530
ODR 4017 1709 6 0 5732 1453 712 0 0 2165 7897 553 185 738 8635
VR 5880 1583 29 3 7495 5291 2108 0 0 7399 14894 1619 862 2481 17375
Total 18801 9687 105 9 28602 7642 3432 0 0 11074 39676 2638 1312 3950 43626
GRAND TOTAL 21362 26592 8602 461 57017 7691 3788 23 0 11502 68519 2857 1574 4431 72950
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
GoG has implemented a program called Pragatipath Yojana which widened and
strengthened 3710 km of roads at a cost of Rs 1750 crore in the corridors shown in
Error! Reference source not found.3. Average speeds of 80km/h are envisaged to
ake it possible to travel from one corner of the state to another in six to seven
Since 2005-06 another program known as Vikaspath has been upgrading roads
passing through urban areas as 2- or 4-lane carriageways with kerbs, footpaths,
lighting, drainage, and provision for parking. Separate pipelines or channels were
provided for utilities (water, gas, telephone etc.). Rs 2250 crore has been expended
thus far. When the work is completed, at a remaining cost of Rs 150 crore, 688 km
of roads will have been improved.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Performance measures can be a qualitative or quantitative. They measure outcomes, outputs, efficiency, or cost-
effectiveness of efforts to meet strategic goals, not merely short-term aims.
Performance management translates strategic goals into specific targets, determines actions to achieve them,
allocates resources to perform those actions, and undertakes performance measurement.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The following sections summarise the conclusions reached by the FHA team.
The team seldom found that one level of government mandates the
performance of another. Rather, they negotiate performance measures and
targets which are codified in one- to five-year service agreements.
Negotiations are fluid and continuous, and supported by extensive data
collection that show trends in system wide performance. All agencies were
highly focussed when it came to safety.
Most agencies did not have dedicated road user funds and budget levels were
not strongly influenced by performance. This was due to overall funding
constraints and competition from other sectors, such as education and health.
One agency stated that while its performance management did not garner
budget increases, elected officials viewed it as so effective that it maintained
its budget when others were cut. Half the agencies expressed discouragement
that they could not convince legislators to spend more on network
preservation despite sophisticated documentation.
Ambitious national visions and broad goals, more than specific performance
targets, generated new investments. When governments articulated new
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The following are examples of recent budget increases for expanding the
network or new economic stimulus programs:
Sometimes major projects are selected for political and policy reasons, not just
benefit-cost ratios. And some are re-evaluated after they are completed, to
check whether the expectations of the original benefit-cost analysis are
Accountability is Transparent
“Do it with people, not to them” was both a direct quote and a common
sentiment of transportation officials.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The preferred way to manage performance is: carrots versus sticks, incentives
versus penalties, dialogue versus dictates.
Lessons Learned
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
One of the agencies visited by the Federal Highway Administration team was
the UK Highways Agency, which is an executive agency of the Department of
Transport. The Highways Agency has a highly developed performance
management system. This section describes its fifty-page Business Plan 2009-
The Business Plan states the Agency’s aim, objectives and values as follows:
Our aim is “Safe roads, Reliable journeys, informed travellers” and all of our
work is framed around delivery against this aim.
Our prime objective is to deliver a high quality service to all our customers by:
There are six values setting out how we behave in fulfilling our objectives:
The Highways Agency sees its prime “network challenges” as safety and
reliability of travel time. The Agency has a Public Service Agreement (PSA)
with the government which says: “The Highways Agency will minimise
increases is journey time unreliability through the implementation of a
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
A corporate scorecard is used to align the Agency’s business activities with its
aims and objectives. The scorecard also provides staff with a clear link
between individual and team objectives and the Agency’s high-level
performance targets.
The Agency aims to maintain the network in a safe and serviceable condition
whilst minimising lifetime costs. Maintenance needs are identified by regular
asset condition surveys and inspections. Road condition information (rutting,
road texture and road profile) is captured by survey vehicles travelling at traffic
speed. The Agency is currently introducing the world’s first Traffic Speed
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
For the delivery of major schemes to improve the network, the Agency has
been building its commercial and project management capabilities. It is now
focussing on the following areas.
The Agency is producing its third Sustainable Action Plan in support of the
government’s sustainability strategy ‘Securing the Future’ published in 2005. It
is working on climate change, reduction of carbon emissions, and safety. The
Agency has adopted a Safety Risk Management culture to ensure the safety
needs of road users and road workers are considered when a road scheme is
being developed and delivered.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
our supply chain so that they fully understand our requirements for protecting
information they may be handling on our behalf.
Building Capability
Engaged employees are more connected to their work and organisation, which
results in better performance and customer satisfaction. ‘You Make It Happen’
Awards to staff members recognise outstanding examples of actions and
Customer Focus
We continue to look for ways to help our customers with their journeys. Our
Customer Promise consists of a series of enduring statements to focus and
drive the service we provide. It helps to provide shape and direction for our
entire workforce. And our customers should be able to see the benefits of our
actions in relation to each aspect of the Promise. It will also assist us in
delivering our own contribution to the Government’s Service Transformation
To drive the service it offers and guide its workforce the Highways Agency has
formulated a ‘Customer Promise’ as follows.
We will:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
New Zealand is prominent in road sector reform. Its reforms date from April
1978 when a sophisticated system of Road user charges was introduced. Road
user charges were motivated by the fact that pavement costs are principally
determined by heavy vehicles, mainly trucks. Whilst it is equitable that users
are charged for the road costs they incur, the main reason for road user
charges was to encourage trucks to spread their weight over the pavement by
fitting the right number of axles. Trucks bought licences in multiples of 1000
km at a price that depended on the nominated maximum weight and the axle
configuration. Light vehicles paid their road user charges through a per-litre
levy on fuel. All revenues were paid into a road fund for spending solely on
constructing and maintaining roads.
The road fund was administered by the National Roads Board, chaired by the
Minister of Works and Development and with members representing the
government, road users, and local authorities. The national Roads Board was
serviced by the Road Division of the Ministry of Works and Development which
was also responsible for planning, construction and maintenance of the
national network of ‘state highways’. Local roads were the responsibility of
local authorities. Prioritisation of road projects was mainly based on benefit-
cost analysis which was introduced in the early 1970s.
The road fund paid for all costs of state highways and half the costs of local
This was of major significance to the railways. The New Zealand Government Railways
had been commercialized and had transformed into the more lean New Zealand Railways
Corporation. It was later sold to private interests.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
The process of road reform started in 1986. It signalled the end of the National
Roads Board and the Ministry of Works and Development, which had a staff
and wage-worker force of nearly 10,000 persons. In April 1988, all the
Ministry’s commercial activities were grouped into one organisation known as
Works and Development Services Corporation (NZ) Ltd a wholly government-
owned company. Policy and regulatory functions concerning roads passed to
the Ministry of Transport.
In October 1989, the New Zealand government changed the way roads and
highways were managed. It established Transit New Zealand, a government
entity with an independent board responsible for funding and managing the
national state highway network and allocating funds to local roads.
The Transit New Zealand Act 1989 required competitive tendering of design,
supervision, maintenance and construction for works on all state highways and
most local roads from July 1991. Prior to 1991 the Ministry of Works and
Development had carried out most of the work on state highways, without
competition. Local authorities had carried out most of their own road works.
After 1991 nearly all road and highway works moved to the private sector.
Government-owned businesses were sold and most of local government's
construction units were also sold. Instead of building and maintaining roads
and highways using their own staff, central government and local
governments behaved as network owners managing their assets and
developing competitive pricing procedures for securing services and
contracting physical works.
Transit New Zealand set about developing innovative policies, procedures and
information systems that included:
end-result specifications;
QA (quality assurance) for all physical works;
a road asset maintenance management system;
traffic monitoring systems;
a safety management system;
planning and protection systems;
a national road project financial management system;
a ten-year forward planning software tool for maintenance planning;
a property management system;
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Transit New Zealand managed state highways on the basis that users should
expect a ‘no surprises’ road environment, with accountability being sheeted
home to Transit New Zealand if stated conditions were not met.
Safety Reform
The Land Transport Safety Authority was established in 1993 and charged with
promoting land transport safety at reasonable cost meaning that safety
regulations were required to be subject to benefit-cost analysis. The Land
Transport Safety Authority maintained a road accident database which helped
determine road safety funding allocations, targeting of road safety
programmes, and monitoring performance.
In July 1996, Transfund New Zealand was created to take over the funding role
of Transit New Zealand using road user charges revenues deposited in the
National Land Transport Fund. This separated Transit New Zealand’s ‘funder’
and ‘supplier’ roles, leaving Transit New Zealand to manage state highways.
The board of Transfund was accountable to the Minister of Transport under
the terms of its Performance Agreement with the government.
A state highway strategy was also developed, setting out Transit New
Zealand’s vision for the state highway network and translating this vision into
specific policies and targets with corresponding performance measures for
levels of service, pavement roughness, road geometry, safety, environmental
factors, etc.
In December 2004, the Land Transport Safety Authority and Transfund New
Zealand were replaced by Land Transport New Zealand, established with the
objective of \promoting safe and functional transport by land.
In August 2008, Land Transport New Zealand merged with Transit New
Zealand to become the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA). In announcing its
formation the minister of transport explained that the NZTA was charged with
making sustainable transport choices for moving people and freight using
Safety reforms were first introduced in aviation, then spread to the maritime sector and
to land transport (road and rail).
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
different modes and in so doing will work closely with regional transport
With this change, at least one element of reform has gone full circle. Trans
Fund was created to remove Transit New Zealand’s potential conflict of
interest as the arbiter of the road fund’s allocation of money to itself (Transit
New Zealand) for state highways and how much was allocated to local
authorities for local roads. Now these roles are back under one agency, but
with a difference: national and regional plans now take precedence over
benefit-cost analysis as the method of choosing investment in road
networks. Integrated transport plans coordinate the development of
transport networks and land use plans to avoid unintended impacts and to
make best use of funds.
18 The national and regional plans do not conflict with the principles of
benefit-cost analysis as their intent is to serve the national good.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
“Our role is to ensure that the government's objectives for land transport are
delivered through activities such as the provision of infrastructure and services.
We work with stakeholders to deliver safe and optimum transport solutions
that best meet the needs of communities both today and in the future.
Figure 5.
NZTA issued a Statement of Intent 2009–2012, setting out the approach and
course of action for the next three years that will contribute to achieving the
government’s vision for the transport sector and economy as a whole. It covers
the Agency’s strategy and priorities, financial forecasts, and service
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Regional, district and city councils are responsible for delivering land transport
infrastructure and services in their areas. NZTA helps to fund these
programmes. After public consultation, regional transport committees
develop regional land transport programmes which contain:
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
NZTA’s road safety approach takes a holistic view of road safety, putting the
focus on the road system design: to make it more accommodating of human
error; to manage the forces that injure people in a crash to a level that the
human body can tolerate without serious injury; and to reduce unsafe road
user behaviour.
NZTA’s state highway safety plan aims to provide a consistent, safe and
forgiving road environment with no surprises for road users, and to provide a
safe working environment for maintenance and construction activities. The
plan covers speed management, reducing vehicle-train crashes, the needs of
vulnerable road users, keeping vehicles on the roadway and minimising the
consequences of leaving the roadway, and reducing head-on and across-
median crashes. This plan is being updated in response to the government's
Road Safety to 2020 Strategy.
In 2009, NZTA opened New Zealand’s first new toll road. It uses electronic toll
collection allowing traffic to flow freely without changing lanes or stopping.
Tolls enabled the toll road to be built earlier than otherwise possible, delivering
safety, travel time and other benefits to road users.
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
FHWA. “Linking Transportation Performance and Accountability.” FHWA-PL-
10-011. April 2010. Washington, D.C.: US FHWA
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
AIS Accident Information System
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
IT Information Technology
Institutional Development and Good Governance in the Highway Sector - Learning From Gujarat
QA Quality Assurance
Rs Indian Rupees
SH State Highway
Transport Division
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433