Achievements Registration Instructions v1.1 - 0
Achievements Registration Instructions v1.1 - 0
Achievements Registration Instructions v1.1 - 0
These instructions detail the information required for the registration of Achievements.
Network advisers should record achievements and save them locally using the Achievement template published in CONNECT / How We Work until the
The Hub 1 (formerly known as the main partner) initiates the creation of an achievement. An achievement form will consist of the following fields. All fields are
editable for the Hub 1 and Hub 2 (formerly known as the second partner) unless mentioned otherwise in the 'Notes' column.
General information
4 Description Yes Text field. Describe the nature of this achievement. Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 2000.
Partner/Client information
Text field.
If the answer to the question “Is the client 2 a client of a Network partner?” is YES
Select one of the active EEN organisations in the
11 Hub 2 Yes To be filled in by the Hub 1.
Network directory
Select one of the active AND public (Role: Advisor) Single selection.
12 Responsible Person Yes users of the Hub 2 organisation in the Network
directory To be filled in by the Hub 1.
Text field.
13 Description of contribution Yes Describe how Hub 2 contributed to this Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 1000
If the answer to the question “Is the client 2 a client of a Network partner?” is NO
28 Sector groups involved Yes Select SG name/s or ‘No SG involvement’. Selection limit: maximum 3.
30 Thematic groups involved Yes Select TG name/s or ‘No TG involvement’. Selection limit: maximum 3.
(Keywords’ list accessible in Getting Ready for the new Enterprise Europe Network workspace:
EEN Community - Partnering Database keywords - SDG - NACE - MARKET - TECH)
Level-3 selection. Level 2 selection if level-3 is not Maximum 5 keywords. The user shall select at least 1
32 Market keywords Yes
available. market or technology keyword.
Level-3 selection. Level 2 selection if level-3 is not Maximum 5 keywords. The user shall select at least 1
33 Technology keywords Yes
available. market or technology keyword.
• Resilience
• Digitalisation
• Internationalisation (outside EU)
• Exploitation of Free Trade Agreements
• Access to finance
• Access to EU funding: Horizon Europe EIC
• Access to EU funding: Horizon Europe
collaborative research
• Access to ESIF funding
34 Tags No No minimum maximum selection limit
• Access to EU funding: other
• Supply chain disruption
• Access to EU Single Market
• Sustainability
• Start-ups & Scale-ups
• Women Entrepreneurship
• Other
PA Source (Select at least one value. Multiple selection possible. This section does not apply when the type of achievement is Advisory)
39 Cooperation profile Select the profile concerned by this PA. Single selection
42 Other source Free text Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 1000
Related Call information (This section applies only for the Research PA)
44 Call title Yes Text field Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 256
45 Call identifier Yes Text field Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 256
47 Proposal ID Yes Text field Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 256
48 Project acronym Yes Text field Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 256
49 Project title Yes Text field Character limit: Minimum 10; maximum 256
Acknowledgement (For Hub 2 only. This section does not apply when the type of achievement is Advisory Achievement. Mandatory only if Hub 2 is