RNRQ Sales

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& OUTDOOR AIR HANDLing units Features:
• Air-cooled or water-cooled condenser
rooftop unit, with capacities from 2-140
• Available as a chilled water or non-
compressorized DX air handling unit,
from 800-55,500 cfm
RQ Series
• Air-source, water-source, and
geothermal heat pump options
• R-410A scroll compressors - one, two,
or four stage cooling
• Variable capacity and variable speed
R-410A scroll compressors for load
matching cooling and improved part
load efficiency
• Electric, gas, steam, or hot water
• Direct drive backward curved plenum
supply fans
• Power exhaust and power return
• Factory installed AAONAIRE® total and
sensible energy recovery wheels
• Double wall rigid polyurethane foam
panel construction with a minimum
R-value of 13
• Service access doors with full length
stainless steel piano hinges and
lockable handles
• Sloped stainless steel drain pans

RN Series

Application Flexibility
Minimizes Installation Time and Reduces Cost
Makeup Air Applications Dehumidification and Large Tonnage Rooftops Factory Installed or Customer
Up to 100% Outside Air Filtration Capabilities with Small Footprints Specific Controls Options

Rooftop/Air Handler Superior Features
• Cabinet construction consists of rigid polyurethane foam panels with G90
galvanized steel on both sides and a closed cell polyurethane foam interior
core. The inner wall protects the insulation from moisture damage, prevents
AAON RN and RQ Series rooftop units con- microbial growth, and is easy to clean.
tinue to lead the packaged rooftop equip- • Two inch rigid polyurethane foam insulated panels have a thermal resistance
ment industry in performance and service- R-value of 13 or greater, which exceeds the R-value of a cabinet with four
ability. Double wall rigid polyurethane foam inch thick fiberglass construction. They also make the cabinet more rigid and
insulated cabinet construction and direct resistant to damage and provide increased sound dampening.
drive backward curved plenum fans allow • Access doors with full length stainless steel piano hinges and quarter turn,
RN and RQ Series units to have quiet, energy lockable handles provide improved reliability over single point hinges and
efficient air flow with high static pressure make the unit easily serviceable.
capabilities. RN and RQ Series units also • Corrosion resistant polyurethane paint exceeds a 2,500 hour salt spray test.
feature lockable hinged doors which provide • Compressors and unit controls are contained within a compartment isolated
service access to all sections of the unit. from the air stream for ease of service and increased sound dampening.
• Direct drive backward curved plenum fans with rubber isolation mounts
provide improved energy efficiency and reduced maintenance versus belt
driven fans.
• Double sloped stainless steel drain pans eliminate stand-
ing water which can support microbial growth and stain-
less steel construction prevents corrosion that could lead
to water leaks and contaminants in the air stream.
• Run test report, wiring diagram, and Installation, Opera-
tion, and Maintenance manual with startup form provided
in control access compartment of every unit.
• 5 year non-prorated compressor warranty, 15 year
non-prorated aluminized steel gas heat exchanger war-
ranty and 25 year non-prorated stainless steel gas heat
exchanger warranty.

 6-30 ton RN Series Water-Cooled Condenser Packaged

Rooftop Unit or Chilled Water Rooftop Air Handling Unit

 55-140 ton RN Series Microchannel

Air-Cooled Condenser Packaged
Rooftop Unit
Air-Cooled or Water-Cooled Condensers
Premier Options R-13 Double Wall Rigid
• Variable capacity and variable speed R-410A scroll compressors for load Polyurethane Foam Panel
matching cooling and improved part load efficiency. Construction
• Refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger for improved unit efficiency. AAON is setting a new standard for performance with
• Air-source, water-source, and geothermal heat pump options for energy double wall construction using closed cell polyurethane
efficient heating. foam insulation. Not only does it have more than twice
• Factory installed total or sensible AAONAIRE energy recovery wheels. the insulating R-value, it creates a far more rigid and
• Humidity control options including: High Capacity Coils, Modulating Humidity stronger assembly with less air leakage than fiberglass
Control, Return Air Bypass, and Mixed Air Bypass. insulated panels.
• Chilled water cooling coils allow unit to tie into existing chilled water system.
• Hot water or steam heating coils allow unit to tie into existing boiler system. Dehumidification
• Polymer e-coated coils, copper finned coils, and stainless steel coil casings AAON offers many humidity control options. High
capacity cooling coils are available which allow for more
are available to extend the life of the coils and protect them in corrosive
dehumidification versus standard cooling coils. Return
environments. air bypass and mixed air bypass are available on RN
• Power exhaust and power return fans with economizer for application Series units for single coil humidity control. Modulating
flexibility. humidity control is available to provide energy efficient
• VFD controlled supply, exhaust, and return fans for precise airflow control, dehumidification, even with low sensible heat loads,
building pressure control, and reduced power consumption. without the temperature swings common with on/off
• Modulating gas heat with stainless steel heat exchanger provides greater fuel reheat systems.
efficiency, longer heater life, and improved occupancy comfort.
• SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) electric heat control for reduced power AAONAIRE Energy Recovery
consumption, longer heater life, and improved occupant comfort. AAONAIRE energy recovery wheels, total or sensible
• Multiple high efficiency air filtration options. only, provide energy savings by recycling energy instead
• Unit controls options including factory installed control-by-others. of losing energy through exhaust air streams. AAONAIRE
systems also enhance indoor air quality by allowing
larger amounts of outside air to be provided to the
space and through improved humidity control.

€ Cutaway of panel showing

thermal break and foam core.


 Factory installed AAONAIRE energy recovery

wheel saves heating and cooling energy.

Rooftop / Air Handler

Ease of Serviceability Invisible footprint All double wall
condenser design construction
AAON equipment is designed from concept to completion
with minimum service time as a primary factor. Readily
accessible compressors and control components allow Power exhaust or return
timely evaluation of service issues without delay. Color-
coded wiring diagrams allow fast connection identification
and analysis and thus a reduction in down time and cost.
Individual components and wires are also labeled for
quick circuit evaluation. The result of this AAON standard
procedure is low service cost and greater unit run time.

Air Handling Unit Option

AAON RN and RQ Series outdoor air handling units provide
a hydronic cooling and heating option. Gas, electric, steam,
and hot water heating are available on an RN and RQ
Series air handling units. Cabinet construction is similar
to the packaged rooftop units with easily accessible coil

Slide out
Gear driven economizer
filter access

Electric, Natural Gas, Liquid Propane,

Hot Water, or Steam Heat

2-6 ton RQ Series

Slide out filter access
Color-coded wiring diagram

Continuous bulb seal

All components labeled

R-410A scroll compressor
Ease of Serviceability
Makeup Air Capability
AAON RN and RQ Series units have makeup air
Color-coded wiring diagram capability and can be specified with up to 100%
outside air. AAONAIRE energy recovery wheels are
available on makeup air units to increase the unit’s
All components labeled energy efficiency. High capacity cooling coils are
available to handle the higher latent load of outside air.
Modulating gas heat and SCR electric heat are available
to provide energy efficient supply air temperature
heating. Modulating humidity control is available to
provide dehumidification without over cooling when
the outside air humidity is above setpoint. Variable
capacity scroll compressors are available to provide
energy efficient supply air temperature.

R-410A scroll compressors

26-70 ton RN Series | VFD controlled variable speed scroll

compressors provide load matching
cooling and improve part load efficiency.

} Variable capacity scroll compressors

provide load matching cooling and
improve part load efficiency.

 Gear driven economizer eliminates the excess play and

binding that occurs with linkage type economizers.
RN Water-Cooled
Cabinet Air-Cooled EER Nominal cfm Width* Height* Length*
Model EER
RN-006 2,200
RN-007 2,500
A Up to 14.0 NA 79 44 82
RN-008 2,800
RN-010 3,400
RN-009 4,000
RN-011 4,600
B Up to 13.9 NA 96 50 88
RN-013 5,200
RN-015 5,800
RN-016 4,800
RN-018 NA 5,400
RN-020 C Up to 12.7 6,000 101 59 110
RN-025 7,500
Up to 16
RN-030 9,000
RN-026 8,600
RN-031 10,100
RN-040 12,800
D Up to 12.2 Up to 16.5 100 97 155
RN-050 15,000
RN-060 18,000
RN-070 21,000
RN-055 21,000
RN-065 24,000
RN-075 27,000
RN-090 22,000
E Up to 12.1 Up to 15.2 142 102 294
RN-105 26,500
RN-120 31,000
RN-130 34,000
RN-140 37,000
*Dimensions vary depending on options selected.
All dimensions are in inches.
Design cfm may be 30-50% greater or less than nominal cfm. € 6-30 ton RN Series Air-Cooled
Condenser Packaged Rooftop Unit

 Dimpled heat exchanger provides energy efficient

heat transfer and has no internal turbulator, which L
can corrode over time.
Air-Source Heat Pump Option
Energy efficient cooling and heating can be achieved by reversing the
flow of the unit’s refrigeration circuits. This allows the indoor coil to € Direct Drive Backward Curved
be used as either a cooling coil or heating coil. This is a more efficient Plenum Fans are more energy
method of heating than electric resistance heating because a heat efficient, quieter, and require less
maintenance than belt driven
pump can reject more heat to the space per the amount of energy fans. VFD controlled and
used. Thus, the operating costs of heat pump heating are always less ECM driven supply, exhaust,
than the operating costs of electric resistance heating. Heat pump and return fans are available
for precise air flow control,
heating is also a more efficient method of heating than gas heating building pressure control, and
and, depending on the cost of electricity and natural gas or propane, reduced power consumption.
heat pump heating can have less operating costs than gas heating.

Water-Source/Geothermal Heat Pump

The constant temperature of the earth used as the exchange medium
instead of the outside air temperature. A few feet below the earth’s
surface the ground remains at a relatively constant temperature.
Depending on latitude, ground temperatures range from 45°f to 75°f.
This ground temperature is warmer than the air above it during the
winter and cooler than the air in the summer. The geothermal heat
pump takes advantage of this constant temperature by exchanging
heat with the earth through a ground heat exchanger.

| Microchannel condenser coils are

more efficient, lighter, and use
less refrigerant than traditional
fin and tube condenser coils. L

 2-6 ton RQ Series Water-Source/Geo-

thermal Heat Pump Rootftop Units
RQ Air-Cooled Water-Cooled
Nominal cfm Width Height* Length*
RQ-002 800
RQ-003 1,200
RQ-004 Up to 19.2 NA 1,600 44 43 82
RQ-005 2,000
RQ-006 2,400
*Dimensions vary depending on options selected.
All dimensions are in inches.
Design cfm may be 30-50% greater or less than nominal cfm.
AAON Environmentally Friendly HVAC Product Family

Custom & Cataloged

Air Handling Units

Heating and Cooling for...

(800-200,000+ cfm)

Condensers & Condensing Units Auditoriums

(2-230 tons) Convenience Stores
Health Clubs
Chillers (Air-Cooled, Evaporative- Healthcare Facilities
Cooled, Heat Pumps) Homes
(5-540 tons) Lodgings
Rooftop Units Museums & Libraries
(2-240 tons) Natatoriums
Office Buildings
Outdoor Equipment Rooms
(Chillers, Boilers & Pumps) Retail Stores
Self Contained Units
(3-70 tons)

Residential Systems
(2-5 tons)

Geothermal & WSHP Units

(2-230 tons)
Defining Quality. Building Comfort.

Air-Source Heat Pumps 2425 S. Yukon Ave.

(2-230 tons) Tulsa, OK 74107-2728

It is the intent of AAON to provide accurate and current product information. However, in the interest of product improvement, AAON reserves the right to change
pricing, specifications, and/or design of its product without notice, obligation, or liability. Copyright © AAON, all rights reserved throughout the world. AAON® and
AAONAIRE® are registered trademarks of AAON, Inc., Tulsa, OK.

RN/RQ • R69530 • 130531

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