CLTC Narrative Report

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan


February 25-26, 2023

“Leaders are made... NOT born.”

Leadership is so vitally important in any sphere, but in none more than Scouting,
for much depends on how well or how badly the Crew Leader does his job. There is
no section of the Movement in which the right type of Leadership is more essential
than in Senior Scouting, for at this stage in their development, boys are so
discriminating — they will follow the good and cast aside the bad, or leave the
ranks of Scouting altogether. Senior Scout age, too, is one which presents so many
opportunities. Character has been formed and developed in the Crew, and has now
reached the stage where it needs to fulfill itself by setting example and in
Leadership. It is because of this that I feel that anything that can be done to
supplement or assist the Outfit Advisor in the training of his Crew Leaders should
be encouraged and this, by itself, is sufficient argument for the holding of Crew
Leader Courses.

Relative to this, Naujan South District Scouting Committee conducted two-day

Crew Leader Training Course (CLTC) last February 25-26, 2023 at Evangelista
National High School, Evangelista Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. This training aims to:

a. Demonstrate typical Senior Scout activities and the need for intelligent
coordination of effort through leadership,
b. Underline the necessity for discipline and good order,
c. Demonstrate the technique of “learning through doing” by the immediate
application of Scouting skills newly acquired,
d. Give as many Scouts as possible the experience of leadership,
e. Direct the Crew Leaders attention in a practical way towards the opportunities
for leadership in Scouting.

The participants arrived at the venue last February 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm to prepare
for their campsite. After the preparation the opening program started at 5:00 pm at
Evangelista Elementary School gymnasium where different words of welcome,
inspirational speeches and encouragement were delivered by the District Scouting
Coordinators and Committees along with the School Heads, District Supervisor,
and PTA Officers. After the opening program was a 30 minute break to prepare for
the plenary sessions.
The first plenary sessions started at 6:30 in the evening and ended at 9:00 pm.
This first sessions tackled the importance on adhering to the Scout Oath and Law
to become responsible citizen of the country.
February 25, 2023- Saturday

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
partcipants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leaders. The morning sessions ended at

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 5:00 pm.

The evening session started at 6:00 pm wherein the scouts are underwent to
a series of Board of Reviews to test their knowledge and ability in the different
skills. They underwent to a series of interviews and skills demonstrations.

After the Board of Reviews was a grandfire campfire which started at 7:30
pm. This is where the scouts showcased their talents and skills through dance
prsentations, role playing, cheers and yells and skits. The campfire ended at 9:00
in the evening.

February 26, 2023

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
participants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leader. The morning sessions ended at 12:00pm.

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 3:00 pm.

The closing program started at 3:00 pm and ended at exactly 4:00 pm with
usual program (words of encouragement, challenge and acceptance and the
awarding of certificates). The scouts are being reminded to display good character
and to be always good role model.

Prepared by:

Teacher III


Principal III

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan


February 25-26, 2023

To say that no one can do the Scouter’s job for him is to state the obvious
which nevertheless must be re-stated here. The training of his Crew Leaders has
always been and will continue to be the Scouter's most important responsibility,
the one responsibility indeed, which he cannot delegate, and certainly not one that
can be met on a brief Course of this nature.

Our aim must be to supplement and complement that training, to support

the Scouter in every way and, if possible, to strengthen his position in relation to
his own Crew Leaders Council. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the
personal relationship between the Scouter and the Crew Leader. Any Course must
strengthen this position. For this reason, the only safe working assumption is that
the boys who present themselves for the Course have received and are receiving
reasonably adequate training in their own Groups.

If we attempt to do the Scouter's job for him the danger is that we may cut
across his path and in trying to be helpful merely succeed in adding to his
difficulties. Absolute loyalty to the Scouter, therefore, should be implicit throughout
the Course. I believe we can help him enormously, but only on the basis of whole-
hearted respect and confidence.

In relation to this, Naujan South District Scouting Committee conducted

two-day Crew Leader Training Course (CLTC) last February 25-26, 2023 at
Evangelista National High School, Evangelista Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

The participants arrived at the venue last February 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm to
prepare for their campsite. After the preparation the opening program started at
5:00 pm at Evangelista Elementary School gymnasium where different words of
welcome, inspirational speeches and encouragement were delivered by the District
Scouting Coordinators and Committees along with the School Heads, District
Supervisor, and PTA Officers. After the opening program was a 30-minute break to
prepare for the plenary sessions.
The first plenary sessions started at 6:30 in the evening and ended at 9:00
pm. This first sessions tackled the importance on adhering to the Scout Oath and
Law to become responsible citizen of the country.
February 25, 2023- Saturday

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
partcipants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leaders. The morning sessions ended at

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 5:00 pm.

The evening session started at 6:00 pm wherein the scouts are underwent to
a series of Board of Reviews to test their knowledge and ability in the different
skills. They underwent to a series of interviews and skills demonstrations.

After the Board of Reviews was a grandfire campfire which started at 7:30
pm. This is where the scouts showcased their talents and skills through dance
prsentations, role playing, cheers and yells and skits. The campfire ended at 9:00
in the evening.

February 26, 2023

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
participants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leader. The morning sessions ended at 12:00pm.

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 3:00 pm.

After all the session was carried out the closing program started at exactly
3:00 pm with the usual flow of closing program. The BSP- Ormin Council Mam
Babylyn M. Pomarejos challenge the scouts to always aspire for advancement until
they become an eagle scouts. After that was the giving of certificates and different
awards to the particating schools and adult leaders. The program ended at exactly
4:00 pm.

Prepared by:

Teacher III


Principal III

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan


February 25-26, 2023

Crew Leader Training is a continuing activity and is one of the principal

responsibilities of the Outfit Advisor. This is usually carried out informally in the
Crew by forming the Crew Leaders into a Crew of CLs (Crew Leaders) with the OA
(Outfit Advisor) as the Crew Leader and the SCL (Senior Crew Leader) as the
Assistant Crew Leader. This Crew conducts meetings, hikes, camps, instructions
and other regular Patrol Activities. Whatever the CLs-in-training learn during these
activities are then echoed by the Crew Leaders to their respective regular Patrols.
Some Crew Leaders, however, find it convenient to pool their talents, skills and
resources together and conduct formal Crew Leaders Training Courses. To ensure
uniformity and continuity of the training of CLs, it is imperative that the same
pattern (Crew Leaders’ Patrol) used in informal training be used and that the Crew
Leaders concerned be involved in the conduct of the formal Patrol Leaders Training
Courses (CLTC). Subsequently, Patrol Leaders of _Troops whose CLs are in the staff
should be the participants in formal Crew Leaders Training Courses.

To realized this goal, Naujan South District Scouting Committee conducted

two-day Crew Leader Training Course (CLTC) last February 25-26, 2023 at
Evangelista National High School, Evangelista Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

The participants arrived at the venue last February 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm to
prepare for their campsite. After the preparation the opening program started at
5:00 pm at Evangelista Elementary School gymnasium where different words of
welcome, inspirational speeches and encouragement were delivered by the District
Scouting Coordinators and Committees along with the School Heads, District
Supervisor, and PTA Officers. After the opening program was a 30-minute break to
prepare for the plenary sessions.

The first plenary sessions started at 6:30 in the evening and ended at 9:00
pm. This first sessions tackled the importance on adhering to the Scout Oath and
Law to become responsible citizen of the country.
February 25, 2023- Saturday
The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
partcipants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leaders. The morning sessions ended at

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 5:00 pm.

The evening session started at 6:00 pm wherein the scouts are underwent to
a series of Board of Reviews to test their knowledge and ability in the different
skills. They underwent to a series of interviews and skills demonstrations.

After the Board of Reviews was a grandfire campfire which started at 7:30
pm. This is where the scouts showcased their talents and skills through dance
prsentations, role playing, cheers and yells and skits. The campfire ended at 9:00
in the evening.

February 26, 2023

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
participants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leader. The morning sessions ended at 12:00pm.

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 3:00 pm.

Before the closing program Sir Zaidy Argente, Council Advancement

Chairman discussed the 21 Characteristics of Indispensable Leaders. He reiterated
that we must be a leader of good quality, dedication, compassion and sympathy. He
also challenge the scouts to apply all the learning they gained from the training.
The training ended at exactly 4:00 pm.

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Principal III

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan


February 25-26, 2023

Patrol Leaders and Crew Leaders’ Training Course (CLTC) serves as a

training course for scouts that participated to know how a crew leader acts and
thinks to attain good leadership skills so they can serve and become agents of
change in their communities. Absolute loyalty to the Scouter, therefore, should be
implicit throughout the Course. I believe we can help him enormously, but only on
the basis of whole-hearted respect and confidence.

Skills of Leadership is aimed at Section Leaders in Scouting. It aims to

provide them with the knowledge and skills to define what leadership is, plan
systematically, lead effectively by demonstrating a range of leadership styles and
understand how different leadership styles impact on learning.

Scout skills are integral in the very purpose and principles of Scouting. The
learning of these skills will not only prepare the Scouts to live under varying
circumstances, more, it will make them better equip and prepared to render selfless
service at all times. Learning Scout Skills helps develop creativity, self reliance,
patience, and self-confidence… and being self confident, courage and self-respect
necessarily follows.

Relative to this, Naujan South District Scouting Committee conducted two-

day Crew Leader Training Course (CLTC) last February 25-26, 2023 at Evangelista
National High School, Evangelista Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. This training aims to:

The participants arrived at the venue last February 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm to
prepare for their campsite. After the preparation the opening program started at
5:00 pm at Evangelista Elementary School gymnasium where different words of
welcome, inspirational speeches and encouragement were delivered by the District
Scouting Coordinators and Committees along with the School Heads, District
Supervisor, and PTA Officers. After the opening program was a 30 minute break to
prepare for the plenary sessions.

The first plenary sessions started at 6:30 in the evening and ended at 9:00
pm. This first sessions tackled the importance on adhering to the Scout Oath and
Law to become responsible citizen of the country.
February 25, 2023- Saturday

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
partcipants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leaders. The morning sessions ended at

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 5:00 pm.

The evening session started at 6:00 pm wherein the scouts are underwent to
a series of Board of Reviews to test their knowledge and ability in the different
skills. They underwent to a series of interviews and skills demonstrations.

After the Board of Reviews was a grandfire campfire which started at 7:30
pm. This is where the scouts showcased their talents and skills through dance
prsentations, role playing, cheers and yells and skits. The campfire ended at 9:00
in the evening.

February 26, 2023

The program started at exactly 5:00 am for the morning routinary activities
such as physical fitness activities and games. After the morning activity was the
preparation for the different sessions. The opening program for the second day
session was started at 7:00 am with usual opening program ( flag ceremony and
short reminders). At exactly 7: 30 am the different session was started. The
participants underwent with the different activities and, lectures and sessions that
might help them to become a good leader. The morning sessions ended at 12:00pm.

The afternoon sessions started at 1:00 pm. As usual the participants

underwent to series of lectures, activities and discussions to equipped them
knowledge and skills towards good leadership and styles. The afternoon session
ended at 3:00 pm.

The last session was followed by the closing program. When everything was
ready the closing program started. The training commissioners of the training
course were delivered speeches and expressed their gratitude and appreciation to
all the participants. They challenged not only participants but also the Adult
Leaders to strengthens the scouting movement in the school to mold young leaders
of tomorrow. After all the speeches was the distribution of certificates and
awarding. The program ended at exactly 4:00 pm.
Prepared by: Noted :


Teacher III Principal III

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan

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