Substandard Products

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According to WHO, “Substandard also called "out of specification", are authorized medical
products that fail to meet either their quality standards or specifications, or both.”

Quality standards are set of guideline or requirements that products or service must meet to
ensure that they are safe, reliable and of high quality.

Specification is the detailed description of the design, material and performance requirement
for the products or services i.e. focus on quantifiable and measureable attributes such as
dimensions, tolerance, material etc.

Mainly result from not complying GMP (Good manufacturing practices) which is a set of
guideline and standards that governs the manufacturing, processing, packaging and testing of
pharmaceutical products.

Compliance to this GMP ensures consistence, safety and quality and prevent substandard products.

Substandard drugs may have inappropriate dissolution, hardness, osmolality, improper API,
impurities etc.

According to WHO,

• Worldwide spread with an estimated 1 in 10 medical products in low- and middle-income

countries is substandard or falsified
• Pharmaceutical products of all main therapeutic categories are affected but substandard
anti-malarial and antibiotics are amongst the most common reported
• Found on illegal street markets, via unregulated websites through to pharmacies, clinics
and hospitals.

Why are Substandard drugs are of concerned

• May cause harm to patients and fail to treat the diseases for which they were intended.
• They lead to loss of confidence in medicines, healthcare providers and health systems.
• Increases the burden of antimicrobial resistance and drug-resistant infections.

Common reasons for substandard pharmaceutical products

1. Intent to make genuine pharmaceutical products but because the manufacturer decides to
saves costs by not following GMP.
2. Restricted access to affordable, quality, safe and effective medicinal products
3. Low standards of management in medical institutes, like poor ethical and corruption
leading to failure to follow proper guidelines for procurement to genuine producers
encouraging substandard manufacturers
4. Lack of the adequate equipment and staffing with competence to ensure quality control
and distribution.
5. Loop holes in regulatory activities with low capacity to detect these cases encourages

Measures to curb substandard

✓ Strengthening the regulatory system and capacity of national medicines authorities

✓ Enhancing the quality control of medical products
✓ Improving the surveillance and reporting of substandard and falsified products
✓ Raising awareness and education among health workers and the public
✓ Promoting research and innovation to address the root causes and consequences of
substandard and falsified

Brief difference of substandard, counterfeit and falsified pharmaceutical products

Substandard Counterfeit Falsified

Authorized Deliberate and Deliberate
products that do fraudulently misrepresentation of
not meet quality mislabeled their identity,
standard and with respect to composition, or source
specification and identity,
in most cases composition or
intent to make source.
quinine product
Compiled by


BPH 2.2

Substandard and falsified medical products. 31 January, 2018. World Health Organization.

Reasons of Distribution of Counterfeit & Substandard Drugs. 2017. Pharmaceutical Track & Trace

Countering the Problem of Falsified and Substandard Drugs. 4Causes of Falsified and Substandard
Drugs. National Academies Press (US). 2013 May 20. National Library of Medicine.

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