C7-JAV-11V End Assessment Question Paper
C7-JAV-11V End Assessment Question Paper
C7-JAV-11V End Assessment Question Paper
Module Name Module Code C7-JAV-11
Submission Date
Assessment Type
(Applicable for
(Eg: Submission 08th Nov 2023
exams only)
Eff Date: 09-08-2023
8. Submission of your Report should be on Turnitin.
9. Submission of Artefacts should be on Blackboard.
10. Usage of AI tools in this assessment is not allowed.
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Project: Apartment Management System
In this scenario, you are a new graduate who has just completed his/her Honors degree in Computing, and has
been taking on some freelance software development projects. At this time there is a real-estate company in
your city, Greenview Estate that has been thriving in the recent past after building new apartment complexes.
However, the estate has been facing some challenges with the daily running operations of the entire company
across its different complexes, and they seek your services to build a software system that tackles some of their
Solution Needed:
The real estate company needs a desktop application to run their daily operations, this desktop application
Eff Date: 09-08-2023
should have a connection to a database, preferably MySQL Database. This database should house a whole host
of data regarding the all the property and tenants and their rent payments.
Functional Requirements:
A. Authentication
A tenant can create their own account but such accounts have to be verified by the landlord for
them to start working. All tenants should be older than 18 years.
All Users should be able to login using their email/username and password. The passwords should
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B. Profile Management
C. Property Management
The landlord should be able add, update and archive property and the property’s details like
address, building/block number, number of units etc.
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The landlord should be able to assign tenants to apartment blocks and rooms.
D. Complaints Management
The landlord should be able to assign a person of interest to a particular complaint so that they can
see to it that the complaint is taken care of.
E. Notification Center
The landlord and the Admin should be able to create a notification or announcement.
F. Payments Center
The Landlord should record the receipt of payments from tenants with details like date / date and
G. Reports Center
H. Event Logging
Project Guidelines:
1. Proper Naming Conventions should be followed.
8. The report should have proper structure with clear headings and sub-headings.
Marking Guidelines:
Item Marks
1) Database Connectivity : 3
2) Authentication :
a) Registration 4
b) Login 3 7
3) Profile Management:
Eff Date: 09-08-2023
a) All users should be able to edit and update their personal details 4
4) Property Management:
a) Add new property – Admin and Landlord 3
b) Update property details – Admin and Landlord 3
c) View the occupied apartments 3
d) Assign empty apartment to a tenant 3 12
5) Complaints Management:
a) Lodge a complaint - Tenant 3
b) View the status/progress of the complaint – Tenant, landlord and admin 3
c) Change status of the complaint. - Landlord 3 9
6) Notification/Announcement Center:
a) Post an announcement – Landlord and admin 3
b) View the announcement board – All users 3 6
7) Payments Center:
a) Record Receipt of payment in the system- Landlord 3
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Items Marks
1) Introduction to the project – Explain the problem and how you tackled the problem 3
2) Database Design –
Create an ERD to show the database design.
The database should be Normalized to the 3rd form – show how your database design is said to be in 6
3rd normal form
3) Design Diagrams:
a) Flowchart 3
b) UML Diagrams (Class diagram, Use Case Diagram) 6 9
4) Labeled Screenshots of the running of the program 4
Eff Date: 09-08-2023
5) Challenges faced, 2
solutions found & 2
Future possibilities 1 5
6) References 3
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