ISBN: 9781260132274
Authors: Mackenzie L. Davis Ph.D. P.E. BCEE
10-1. Calculate the diameter of a discrete particle whose terminal settling velocity is 1.044 cm/s. The particle density is
2.65 g/cm3 and the water temperature is 12°C. Assume Stokes' law applies and that the density of water is 1,000 kg/m3 .
10-2. You have been asked to evaluate the ability of a horizontal flow gravity grit chamber to remove particles having a
diameter of 1.71 × 10−4 m. The depth of the grit chamber is 1.0 m. The detention time of the liquid in the grit chamber is 60
s. The particle density is 1.83 g/cm 3 . The water temperature is 12°C. Assume the density of water is 1,000 kg/m3 .
10-3. If the settling velocity of a particle is 0.70 cm/s and the overflow rate of a horizontal flow clarifier is 0.80 cm/s, what
percent of the particles are retained in the clarifier?
10-4. If the settling velocity of a particle is 2.80 mm/s and the overflow rate of an upflow clarifier is 0.560 cm/s, what
percent of the particles are retained in the clarifier?
10-5. If the settling velocity of a particle is 0.30 cm/s and the overflow rate of a horizontal flow clarifier is 0.25 cm/s, what
percent of the particles are retained in the clarifier?
10-6. If the flow rate of the original plant in Problem 10-3 is increased from 0.150 m3 /s to 0.200 m3 /s, what percent
removal of particles would be expected?
10-7. If the flow rate of the original plant in Problem 10-4 is doubled, what percent removal of particles would be
10-8. If the flow rate of the original plant in Problem 10-5 is doubled, what percent removal of particles would be
10-9. If a 1.0 m3 /s flow water treatment plant uses 10 sedimentation basins with an overflow rate of 15 m3 /d · m2 , what
should be the surface area (m2 ) of each tank?
10-10. Assuming a conservative value for an overflow rate, determine the surface area (in m2 ) of each of two
sedimentation tanks that together must handle a flow of 0.05162 m3 /s of lime softening floc.
10-12. Two sedimentation tanks operate in parallel. The combined flow to the two tanks is 0.1000 m3 /s. The depth of
each tank is 2.00 m and each has a detention time of 4.00 h. What is the surface area of each tank, and what is the overflow
rate of each tank in m3 /d · m2 ?
This video shows how to calculate the surface area and overflow rate based
on a given sedimentation basin flow rate.
10-13. Determine the detention time and overflow rate for a settling tank that will reduce the influent suspended solids
concentration from 33.0 mg/L to 15.0 mg/L. The following batch settling column data are available. The data given are
percent removals at the sample times and depths shown.
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10 50 32 20 18 15
20 75 45 35 30 25
40 85 65 48 43 40
55 90 75 60 50 46
85 95 87 75 65 60
95 95 88 80 70 63
10-14. The following test data were gathered to design a settling tank. The initial suspended solids concentration for the
test was 20.0 mg/L. Determine the detention time and overflow rate that will yield 60% removal of suspended solids. The
data given are suspended solids concentrations in mg/L.
Time, min
Depth,a m 10 20 35 50 70 85
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Solution Walkthrough
Water and Wastewater Engineering Problem 10.14: Design of a Type II Sedimentation Basin
In this walkthrough type II settling column data are used to design a sedimentation basin. The
detention time and overflow rate to remove 60% of the suspended solids are calculated.
10-15. The following test data were gathered to design a settling tank. The initial turbidity for the test was 33.0 NTU.
Determine the detention time and overflow rate that will yield 88% removal of suspended solids. The data given are
suspended solids concentrations in NTU.
Time, min
Depth,a m 30 60 90 120
10-16. Design a horizontal flow rectangular sedimentation basin for a maximum day design flow rate of 25,000 m3 /d.
Assume an overflow rate of 40 m3 /d · m2 and a water temperature of 12°C. Provide the following in your summary of the
Number of tanks
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Depth of sludge zone
Reynolds number
Number of launders
Launder length
Weir loading
10-17. Design a horizontal flow rectangular sedimentation basin for a maximum day design flow rate of 15,000 m3 /d.
Assume an overflow rate of 50 m3 /d · m2 and a water temperature of 15°C. Provide the following in your summary of the
Number of tanks
Reynolds number
Number of launders
Launder length
Weir loading
10-18. Design a horizontal flow rectangular sedimentation basin using high-rate settlers for a maximum day design flow
rate of 25,000 m 3 /d. Assume a water temperature of 12°C, that the angle of the settler tubes is 60°, and that they have a
hydraulic diameter of 0.05 m. Also assume the floc has excellent settling characteristics. Provide the following in your
summary of the design:
Number of tanks
Length of settler
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Depth of sludge zone
Reynolds number
Froude number
Number of launders
Launder length
Weir loading
10-19. Design a horizontal flow rectangular sedimentation basin using high-rate settlers for a maximum day design flow
rate of 15,000 m 3 /d. Assume a water temperature of 15°C, that the angle of the settler tubes is 60°, and that they have a
hydraulic diameter of 0.05 m. Also assume the floc has excellent settling characteristics. Provide the following in your
summary of the design:
Number of tanks
Length of settler
Reynolds number
Froude number
Number of launders
Launder length
Weir loading
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Solution Walkthrough
In this walkthrough a horizontal flow rectangular sedimentation basin is designed with high-rate
tube settlers.
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